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Rules of Currencies' Copying in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

On the basis of the requirements of articles no. 4 and 5 of the penal law for money forgery and imitation, issued by...

Council of Ministers' Resolution Amending Article 2 of the Criminal Law on Forging & Imitating Banknotes

After reviewing the transaction No B/21834 dated 6/6/1426H, incoming from the Council Presidency Chamber, inclusive of...

Royal Decree Amending Article 2 of the Criminal Law on Forging & Imitating Banknotes

Based on article (seventy) of the Basic Law of Governance (the Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), issued by...

Royal Decree Amending Some Articles of the Criminal Law on Forging & Imitating Banknotes

Replace the text of Article (4) of Anti-forgery Law issued under the Royal Decree No. 114 dated 26/11/1380 H with the following text...

The Text of the Criminal Law on Forging & Imitating Banknotes

The word (money), as mentioned in this Law means metal money of different types of whatever metal used in their coinage and money legally in circulation...

Royal Decree No. 12 dated 20/7/1379H, regarding the penalty regulation for forgery and currency imitating.

Royal Decree No. 12 dated 20/7/1379H, regarding the penalty regulation for forgery and currency imitating.

Circular of the Eastern Chamber (3501000/198/1213) on 21/9/1440 H regarding the Ministry of Trade and Investment assures everyone not to use pictures and designs of currency in circulation in business

Circular of the Eastern Chamber (3501000/198/1213) on 21/9/1440 H regarding the Ministry of Trade and Investment assures everyone not to use pictures and designs of currency in circulation in business

Cabinet Resolution No. (550 dated 3/11/1382 H Approving the amendment of the two decrees No. (114) dated 26/11/380 H and No. (12) dated 20/7/379 H

The Cabinet Decides the approval of the amendment of the two decrees No. (114) dated 26/11/380 H and No. (12) dated 20/7/379 H.