Resolution No. (177) dated 08/03/1444 H Rules and Arrangements for Transferring the Employees and Workers of Umm Al-Qura Newspaper to Saudi Press Agency Transferring (108) employees and workers of Umm Al-Qura newspaper, according to the statement attached to the minutes accompanying Telegram |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (332) Date: 10/16/1433 e approving the organization of the General Authority for Audiovisual UNDER TRANSLATION |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (302) dated 11/09/1433, approving the organization Broadcasting Corporation UNDER TRANSLATION |
Minister of Culture and Information Resolution No. (57805) dated 04/06/1433 approving the rules of the relevant committees to consider violations of the provisions of the Press and Publications UNDER TRANSLATION |
The Regulation according to the last amendment - Minister of Information Resolution No. (M/O/5144) dated 06/12/1422 H Approving The Implementing Regulation of the Press Corporations Law The following expressions, wherever they appear in this regulation, shall carry the meaning shown in front of each hereunder, respectively... |
Resolution of the Council of Ministers, No 128 dated 25/9/1414 H On the Observed Ongoing Increase in the Spreading Use of Satellites 1. The Ministry of Information shall undertake the mission and responsibility to execute a project of receiving external T.V. transmission through the international satellite T.V. channels... |
Training Regulation of the Saudi Computers Society This regulation shall organize the training activities of the Saudi Computers Society, and shall be valid to all training activities in the branches of the Society and the concerned groups thereof... |
Royal Decree No. M/35 dated 28/12/1412H Approving The Rules Organizing Advertising and Publicity Boards In the implementation of the provisions of these rules, "signboards and advertisements" shall mean all the following advertising means... |
Royal decree No. 7/3/16/1007 in 17/6/1374(H) about the radio basic law 1. The Saudi Radio Directorate is an independent organization, named "The Public Radio Directorate"... |
Minister of Culture and Media Decision No. (M/O/854/6) dated 24/2/1425(H) Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Law of Press Corporations In accordance with Article (29) of the law of Press Corporations issued by The Royal decree No. (20) dated on... |
Regulation of Sighting the Documents and Archives and Handling them approved by the Council of Ministers' resolution No. M/595 dated 10/5/1421H Sighting means enabling the researchers and students to read the required documents and archives without taking copies of them... |
Decision Approving the Implementing regulations of Patents, Plan Designs for the Integrated Electronic Products, Botanic Species and Industrial Specimens Based on the provisions of Article (63) of the patents law, designs, and plan designs of integrated electronic products, botanic species and... |
Decision Approving the law of integrated electronic products, botanic species and industrial specimens After reviewing the formality sent by the Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers under No. 07/b/20334 dated on... |
Royal Decree Approving the law of integrated electronic products, botanic species and industrial specimens After reviewing the Article (70) of the Fundamental Principles of the Ruling, issued by the Royal Order No. (90) dated on... |
The Implementing regulations of Patents, Plan Designs for the Integrated Electronic Products, Botanic Species and Industrial Specimens The following words and phrases wherever mentioned in the regulation refer to the respective meanings unless the context states to... |
The text of the Law of Patents, Plan Designs for the Integrated Electronic Products, Botanic Species and Industrial Specimens This law aims at providing the complete protection, inside the Kingdom, for the inventions; plan designs of the integrated products... |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. 16 dated 17/1/1425H Specifying Materials After reviewing the transaction received from the Cabinet of Ministers Presidency Chamber No 15317/R on 16/8/1422H, inclusive... |
Minister of Culture and Information Decision Amending the Author's Right (Copyright) Protection Law Implementing Regulations Based on Article twenty-six of the Implementing Regulations of the Author's Right (Copyright) Protection Law issued by... |
The Regulation of Borders Procedures for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights on Trademarks and the Author's Rights (Copyrights) Bill The provision of this regulation shall be applied for the intellectual property rights protection concerning... |
Minister of Finance Resolution No. (1277) dated 15/5/1425 H approving the implementation of the Regulations of Border Procedures for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Trademarks and Copyrights Based on the competences vested on him as per the Cabinet of Ministers directive in its session dated 26/4/1425H to... |
Minister of Culture and Information Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Author Rights (Copyright) Protection Law Based on the Royal Decree No (41) dated 2/7/1424H, approving the author rights (copyright) protection law and... |
Council of Ministers' Resolution No. 236 on 16/9/1403H Amending the Darat Law After reviewing the transaction No 7/5/3601 on 17/2/1400H incoming from Council of Ministers Presidency... |
The Implementing Regulations Of Author's Rights Protection Law (Copyright Protection Law) The following words and phrases shall, wherever they appear in the articles of the regulation, indicate the meanings set opposite to... |
The Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law The administration means The Public Administration for Patent at KACST which is... |
The Text of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States Patents Office Basic Law Pursuant to the Gulf States Cooperation Council (GCC) Basic Law which was signed on 21 /7/ 1401H, (25/5/1981)... |
The text of the Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council Patents Law In execution of the goals of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) stipulated in article 4 of the statute of the Arab Gulf Cooperation... |
Invention Patents Application Conditions The application must include form No (1)... |
Invention Patents Application Conditions The application must include form No (1)... |
Royal Decree No. (M/41) dated 2/7/1424 H Approving the Copyright Law Royal Decree (M/41) dated 2/7/1424 H |
Regulation of the Advisory Service of the Saudi Computers Society In accordance with article (2) of the Saudi Computers Society Basic Regulation, which stipulates that the Society's objectives include, among other goals... |
The Text of Science, Arts and Literature Welfare Supreme Council Law There shall be established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a supreme council for the welfare of science, arts and literature, and shall be comprised of... |
Royal Decree Amending Article 3 of King Abdul Aziz Darat (Foundation) Law After reviewing Articles (19 and 20) of the Cabinet of Ministers Law, issued by the Royal Decree No 38 dated 22/10/1377H, and... |
Royal Decree Amending Some Provisions of King Abdul Aziz Darat (Foundation) Law After reviewing Articles (20) of the Cabinet of Ministers Law, issued by the Royal Decree No. 38 dated 22/10/1377H, and... |
The text of the Patent Law This Law shall be cited as (The Patent Law) and it aims at providing full protection to the inventions inside... |
The text of the King Abdul Aziz Foundation Law By the provision of this law, the foundation is established. It is to be called... |
The Regulation of the Saudi Geographical Society There shall be established a body, that may be cited as the Saudi Geographical Society, and shall have its headquarter at King Saud University... |
The Text of the Law of the Protection of the Written Heritage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The following terms wherever they appear shall carry the meaning shown in front of each as follows, respectively... |
The Text of the Copyright Protection Law The following terms wherever they appear, in this law, unless the context otherwise requires, shall carry the meanings shown in front of each one hereunder, respectively... |
General Framework of the Basic Regulation of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society There shall be established, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a society that shall be named;" the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society", with its headquarters at King Saud University... |
Financial Regulation of the Saudi Computers Society Revenues of the Society consist of the items determined by clause (13) from the basic regulation of the Society... |
The Text of King Fahad National Library Law King Fahad Library is to be transferred into a national Library for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the name of king Fahad National Library... |
Royal Decree No. M/55 dated 23/10/1409H Approving The National Center for Document and Archives Law The nomenclatures wherever they appear, in this law, shall respectively refer to what is shown in front of each in Article (1) of the Documents and Archives Law... |
Royal Decree No. M/26 dated 7/9/1412 H Approving the Logging for Publishing Law The following terms wherever they appear, In this law, unless the context otherwise requires, shall carry the meanings shown in front of each one hereunder, respectively... |
Royal Order Affiliating the Directorate General of Radio (Broadcasting), Press & Publication to the Prime Minister The referred to Royal Order No (4) dated 4/2/1381H shall be cancelled... |
The Basic Regulation of the Saudi Computers Society There shall be established a body in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and may be cited as the Saudi Computers Society, and shall have its head quarter at king Saudi University in Riyadh city and may establish branches if necessary... |
Royal Decree No (M/54), dated 23/10/1409H Approving the Documents and Archives Law The following nomenclatures wherever they appear shall refer to what is shown in front of each as follows, respectively... |
Council of Ministers' Resolution approving the Copyright Protection Law Approve of The Copyright Protection Law (The author's rights protection law) in its enclosure text... |
The Regulation of the Rewards and Incentives for the Publications Issued by the Governmental Organs The following terms wherever they appear shall carry the meaning shown in front of each hereunder, respectively... |
The Basic Regulation of the Branches of the Saudi Computers Society Subject to article (1) of the regulation of the Saudi computers Society, which stipulates that the Society may establish branches in other places if necessary... |
Minister of Information Resolution No. (M/O/2759/1/M) Dated 16/6/1422 H Approving The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Publication and publishing The following words and terms, wherever they appear, in this Regulation articles, shall carry the meaning shown in front of each as follows, respectively... |
The Legislative Regulations of the Higher Consultative Group of the Saudi Computers Society In accordance with article ( 17) from the basic resolution of the Saudi computer Society which permit the establishment of working groups at the level of the Society... |
Regulation of the Committees of Computer Hardware and Software Users (the Saudi Computer Society) In accordance with article (16) of the basic regulation of the Saudi Computers Society, approved by the Society second meeting on... |
Minister of Information Decision No. (M/O/5144) dated 06/12/1422 H Approving The Implementing Regulation of the Press Corporations Law The following expressions, wherever they appear in this regulation, shall carry the meaning shown in front of each hereunder, respectively... |
Royal Decree No. (M/32) dated 3/9/1421 H Approving the Law of Printed Materials and Publication First: Approving the Law of Printed Materials and Publication as per the attached form.
Second: HRH Deputy Prime Minister and the ministers, each within his jurisdiction, shall implement this Decree. |
Royal Decree No. M/20 dated 8/5/1422H Approving The Press Corporations Law The following terms wherever they appear, In this law, shall, unless the context otherwise requires, carry the meaning shown in front of each as follows, respectively... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 79 dated 21-3-1433H regarding increasing the number of the members of the Board of Directors of King Abdualaziz Foundation to ten instead of five. Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 79 dated 21-3-1433H regarding increasing the number of the members of the Board of Directors of King Abdualaziz Foundation to ten instead of five. |
The executive by-law for electronic of vacation activity. The executive by-law for electronic of vacation activity. |
Circular to Amanat, Agencies and general directorates regarding studying the phenomena of publication in newspapers for consoling and congratulations. Circular to Amanat, Agencies and general directorates regarding studying the phenomena of publication in newspapers for consoling and congratulations. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (97) dated 5/4/1433H regarding the approval of to amend articles from publication and print regulation. under translation |
Royal Order No. (M/20) dated 11/4/1433H, Regarding the Approval of to Amend Articles from Publication and Print Regulation Under translation |
A circular that the books and magazines issued by the official authorities shall include the kingdom official map with a suitable drawing scale Showing the kingdom boundaries according to the agreements concluded between the kingdom and the neighboring countries. A circular that the books and magazines issued by the official authorities shall include the kingdom official map with a suitable drawing scale Showing the kingdom boundaries according to the agreements concluded between the kingdom and the neighboring countries. |
The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 499/T dated 17/5/1430 regarding the study of the phenomenon of publication in newspapers and magazines in a remarkable manner the condolences in the death of some people and congratulations to the some of officials and welcoming of their the inspection visits to areas of the Kingdom. The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 499/T dated 17/5/1430 regarding the study of the phenomenon of publication in newspapers and magazines in a remarkable manner the condolences in the death of some people and congratulations to the some of officials and welcoming of their the inspection visits to areas of the Kingdom. |
The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 505/T dated 17/5/1430 regarding the necessity to emphasis to the government the To obtain the clearance from the (ministry culture and information) for any documentary publication. The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 505/T dated 17/5/1430 regarding the necessity to emphasis to the government the To obtain the clearance from the (ministry culture and information) for any documentary publication. |
The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 10477/30 dated 25/12/1430 regarding what the Department has noted from the fact that some of the individualsare providing the relevant government bodies with photocopies of the documents without bringing their origin to be verified. The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 10477/30 dated 25/12/1430 regarding what the Department has noted from the fact that some of the individualsare providing the relevant government bodies with photocopies of the documents without bringing their origin to be verified. |
Circular No. 372/M dated 27/8/1417H. Regarding formation of the standing committee for the documents in the government department and its tasks. Circular No. 372/M dated 27/8/1417H. Regarding formation of the standing committee for the documents in the government department and its tasks. |
Circular No. 671/7/M dated 7/3/1404H regarding compliance of all Government Departments to print its publications in the local presses Circular No. 671/7/M dated 7/3/1404H regarding compliance of all Government Departments to print its publications in the local presses |
Letter No R/8569/5 dated 21/7/1414H regarding the approval of the participation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the International Convention to protect authors rights – amended in Paris dated 24/7/1971 Letter No R/8569/5 dated 21/7/1414H regarding the approval of the participation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the International Convention to protect authors rights – amended in Paris dated 24/7/1971 |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (79) dated 14/7/1414 H Regarding the Approval of the Participation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the International Convention to Protect Authors Rights – Amended in Paris dated 24/7/1971 -- |
Licensing controls of non-governmental entities to collect and classify governmental regulations and sources from their sources, classification, reprinting and publishing Licensing controls of non-governmental entities to collect and classify governmental regulations and sources from their sources, classification, reprinting and publishing |
The Council of Ministers Decision No. 356 dated 7-6-1438H on approval of the organizational arrangements of the General Authority for Culture to be replaced by the organization of the General Authority for Culture, issued by a decision of the Council of Ministers No. 120 and dated 25-2-1439H The Council of Ministers Decision No. 356 dated 7-6-1438H on approval of the organizational arrangements of the General Authority for Culture to be replaced by the organization of the General Authority for Culture, issued by a decision of the Council of Ministers No. 120 and dated 25-2-1439H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (694) dated 22/11/1438 H Regarding the Amendment of the Regulations of the Radio and Television Authority, issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (302) dated 11/9/1433 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (120) dated 25/2/1439 about the Approval of the Regulation of the General Authority for Culture -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (170) dated 24/3/1439H regarding the approval of the Audiovisual Media System Council of Ministers Resolution No. (170) dated 24/3/1439H regarding the approval of the Audiovisual Media System |
Resolution No. (356) dated 7/6/1438 on the Approval of the Organisational Arrangements of the General Authority for Culture - to be Replaced by the Organisation of the General Authority for Culture, issued by the Council of Ministers Decree No. (120) dated 25/2/1439 -- |
The Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the National Program for Exhibitions and Conferences Decision No. (7716) dated 20/4/1439 H about the enactment of the rules and procedures concerning "holding lectures, training courses, social events and workshops" inside the Kingdom The Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the National Program for Exhibitions and Conferences Decision No. (7716) dated 20/4/1439 H about the enactment of the rules and procedures concerning "holding lectures, training courses, social events and workshops" inside the Kingdom |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (374) dated 28/6/1440 H provides for the replacement of the phrase “Minister of Information” in place of “Minister of Culture and Information” and replacing the phrase “Ministry of Information” in place of “Ministry of Culture and Information” First:
1- Transfer of tasks and activities related to culture, except for libraries, carried out by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the International Cultural Relations Agency of the Ministry of Information to the Ministry of Culture, consistent with the provisions of paragraph (1) of Supreme Order No. 58482 of 15 / 11 / 1439 AH, according to a time plan set by the two ministries. |
The Royal Court Circular No. (193/1) dated 29/2/1438 H on the notification concerning the "Consolidated Regulations for Administrative Documents and Archives." The Royal Court Circular No. (193/1) dated 29/2/1438 H on the notification concerning the "Consolidated Regulations for Administrative Documents and Archives." |
Royal Decree - cable No. 26555 dated 9/6/1438 H on the Council of Ministers Decree No. 356 dated 7/6/1438 H regarding the decision, in the content of the cable, was replaced by the organisation of the General Authority for Culture, issued by the Council of Ministers Decree No. 120 and date 25-2- 1439 Royal Decree - cable No. 26555 dated 9/6/1438 H on the Council of Ministers Decree No. 356 dated 7/6/1438 H regarding the decision, in the content of the cable, was replaced by the organisation of the General Authority for Culture, issued by the Council of Ministers Decree No. 120 and date 25-2- 1439 |
Ministry of Culture and Information Circular No. (5084) dated 5/4 /1438H on the Emphasis on not Naming the Title of "Sheikh" Except to Tribal Sheikhs, who have an Official Stamp thereof, or Sheikhs of Religion whether in the News, Reports or Even Advertisements -- |
National Center for Documentation and Archives No. (224/1) dated 8/3/1438 H about the Approval of the Implementing Regulations of the Penal Code Regarding the Publication and Disclosure of Confidential Documents and Information Under translation |
Ministry of Education Circular No. 38484624 dated 20/3/1438 about the approval of the Implementing regulations of the penal code regarding the publication and disclosure of confidential documents and information Ministry of Education Circular No. 38484624 dated 20/3/1438 about the approval of the Implementing regulations of the penal code regarding the publication and disclosure of confidential documents and information |
Ministry of Education Circular No. (371335543) dated 28/7/1437 H about the Circular Concerning the Professional Development of Teachers with International Partnerships -- |
High Court Telegram about the Approval to what was agreed upon by the Council of Ministers about the annual report of the King Abdulaziz Foundation High Court Telegram about the Approval to what was agreed upon by the Council of Ministers about the annual report of the King Abdulaziz Foundation |
Minister of Culture and Information Decree No. 72589 dated 10/8 / 1439H about the approval of the amendment to the Regulations of the electronic publishing practice Minister of Culture and Information Decree No. 72589 dated 10/8 / 1439H about the approval of the amendment to the Regulations of the electronic publishing practice |
Supreme Order No. (528/M) dated 4/5/1422 H on transferring the competence of "collection and printing of regulations" from the Panel of Experts to the National Center for Documentation and Archives Supreme Order No. (528/M) dated 4/5/1422 H on transferring the competence of "collection and printing of regulations" from the Panel of Experts to the National Center for Documentation and Archives |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (265) dated 27/5/1439 H about amending the regulation of the General Authority concerning Audiovisual Media under translation |
Telegraphic Circular Sovereign Ordinance to notify the National Center for Archives and Records with a copy of the brochure of the terms of the contract envisaged with any government agency wishing to seek the assistance of a private party Telegraphic Circular Sovereign Ordinance to notify the National Center for Archives and Records with a copy of the brochure of the terms of the contract envisaged with any government agency wishing to seek the assistance of a private party |
Resolution No. (58) dated 14/05/1439 H to Approve the Regulation of the Specialised Documents and Archives of the General Presidency of the Promotion of Virtue and the Preventions of Vices of the year 1439 H -- |
Supreme Order by Cablegram Circular No.(28192) dated 23/05/1440 H, about the emphasis that government agencies wishing to use a private sector body to organise their documents and archives, to provide the National Center for Documentation and Archives with a copy of a booklet concerning the terms of the contract to be signed with that body Supreme Order by Cablegram Circular No.(28192) dated 23/05/1440 H, about the emphasis that government agencies wishing to use a private sector body to organise their documents and archives, to provide the National Center for Documentation and Archives with a copy of a booklet concerning the terms of the contract to be signed with that body |
Royal Order By Cablegram No. (25051) dated 8/5/1440 H about the formation of a permanent joint committee to consider the historical articles of the Kingdom and determine the tasks thereof Royal Order By Cablegram No. (25051) dated 8/5/1440 H about the formation of a permanent joint committee to consider the historical articles of the Kingdom and determine the tasks thereof |
Supreme Order by Cablegram Circular No. (22642) dated 25/04/1440 H about the emphasis on not using the term "religious tourism" on any activity relating to Hajj and Umrah or the visit to the Prophet's (PBUH) Mosque under translation |
Supreme Order by Cablegram Circular No. (33478) dated 9/9/1434 H on what is published in the media of the criticism of government agencies, and the continuing abuses of some newspapers and writers in this regard Supreme Order by Cablegram Circular No. (33478) dated 9/9/1434 H on what is published in the media of the criticism of government agencies, and the continuing abuses of some newspapers and writers in this regard |
Ministry of Information Resolution No. (41117) dated 29/5/1440 H about the Rules of Discipline for Committees Concerned with the Hearing of Violations to the Provisions of the Press and Publication Regulation and the Provisions of the Audio and Visual Media Regulation -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (199) dated 22/4/1439 H about the Appointment of an Alternate Member of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Entertainment Under translation |
Printed Materials and Publication Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/17) dated 13/4/1402 H Printed Materials and Publication Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/17) dated 13/4/1402 H |
Resolution No. 57 dated 14/05/1439 H Article Four:
The archiving periods, specified in the achieving period lists, shall be for the assets of the temporary archival documents and archives, or their representations, such as images or copies when the original are not available. |
Royal Court Circular No. (1/224) dated 8/3/1438 Regarding the Approval of the Implementing Regulations of the System Concerning Penalties for the Publication of Confidential Documents and Information and the Disclosure thereof -- |
Al Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/389/1930 dated 25/3 / 1439H on the founding of the Saudi Center for Energy Efficiency Al Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/389/1930 dated 25/3 / 1439H on the founding of the Saudi Center for Energy Efficiency |
The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/33) dated 25/3/1439 H Approving the Audiovisual Media Law First: Approving the Audiovisual Media Law, as per the attached form.
Second: Any person who exercises the visual or audio media - at the time of entry into force of this Law - shall regularize their status, in accordance with its provisions within twelve months from the date of its entry into force. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (51) the 4 / 3 / 1432 H concerning add a member of the National Centre for documentation and archives to the membership of the Board of Directors of King Abdulaziz under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (88) dated 9/2 /1436 H concerning Organizing the reward of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Press Agency under translation |
Ministerial Circular Telegraphic Order No. 10245 / MB dated 17/8/1426 confirming the concerned authorities to respond to the fallacies published in the media in a timely manner to clarify the facts Ministerial Circular Telegraphic Order No. 10245 / MB dated 17/8/1426 confirming the concerned authorities to respond to the fallacies published in the media in a timely manner to clarify the facts |
Ministerial Telegraphic Order No. (14226) dated 13/3/1440 H on the rules of research and publication of the National Center for Documents and Archives Ministerial Telegraphic Order No. (14226) dated 13/3/1440 H on the rules of research and publication of the National Center for Documents and Archives |
Decision No. (373) dated 28 / 6 / 1440 H Amending the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (51) Amend clause (3) of the resolution, by adding a representative from the Presidency of State Security to the National Committee to codify the ethical content of information technology. |
Decision No. (544) dated 16 / 9 / 1440 H Amend Article (17) of the General Organization for Audiovisual Media Decision No. (544) dated 16 / 9 / 1440 H
Amend Article (17) of the General Organization for Audiovisual Media |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (577) dated 5/9/1441 H to amend the organization of the General Entertainment Authority issued by Resolution No. (230) dated 2/5/1440 H under translation |
Organizational arrangements for the Literature, Publishing and Translation Authority issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Organizational arrangements for the Museum Authority issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Organizational arrangements for the Heritage Commission issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Organizational arrangements for the Film Commission issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H issuing Organizational Arrangements for the Libraries Authority -- |
Organizational arrangements for the Arts and Architecture Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H issuing The Organizational Arrangements for the Music Commission -- |
Organizational arrangements for the Theater and Performing Arts Authority issued by council of ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H Issuing the Regulatory Arrangements of the Visual Arts Commission under translation |
Organizational arrangements for the Cooking Arts Authority issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Organizational arrangements for the Fashion Authority issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (558) dated 28/8/1441 H regarding the formation of a technical committee to transfer the internal media sector from the Ministry of Information to the General Authority for Audiovisual Information under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (590) dated 12/9/1441 H Canceling the Decision to ban Publicity and Advertising on Public Taxis and other Vehicles and Amending the Rules for Organizing Publicity and Advertisement boards on 1412 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (645) dated 13/11/1440 H on the transfer of the tasks related to the establishment and organization of the activities of the National Festival of Heritage and Culture (Janadriyah) from the Ministry of National Guard to the Ministry of Culture under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (544) dated 16/9/1440 H Amending Resolution No. (332) dated 16/10/1433 H Approving the Organization of the General Authority for Audiovisual Media -- |
The list of licenses for recreational activities issued according to the decision of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Recreation No. (26/2018) dated 6/9/1439 H corresponding to 21/5/2018 and amended by Resolution No. (36/2018) dated 25/3/1440 H corresponding to 12/3/2018 The list of licenses for recreational activities issued according to the decision of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Recreation No. (26/2018) dated 6/9/1439 H corresponding to 21/5/2018 and amended by Resolution No. (36/2018) dated 25/3/1440 H corresponding to 12/3/2018 |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (327) dated 12/5/1441 H to transfer the supervision of the National Museum of King Abdulaziz Historical Center to the Ministry of Culture under translation |
General Administration of Education in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah Region Circular No. (37/6/1/63/38) dated 26/1/1429 H regarding depicting legal rulings such as killing and whipping with a mobile camera leads to insulting to the country from tendentious parties under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (656) dated 24/10/1441 H to reconstitute the Board of Trustees of the King Fahd National Library under translation |
Council of Minsters Resolution No. (715) dated 9/11/1441 H on authorizing the Chairman of the General Authority of Entertainment to exercise all the powers of the Authority’s Board of Directors until its re-formation under translation |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (307) dated 5/5/1441 H to transfer national heritage activity from the General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage to the Ministry of Culture under translation |
National Center for Documents and Archives Resolution No. (50) dated 4/4/1441 H regarding the guide for the establishment of terms for the documentation contracts under translation |
Ministry of Information Resolution No. (50619) dated 14/11/1441 H to Amend the Rules of the Committees Concerned with Looking into Violations of the Provisions of the Publications and Publishing law and the Provisions of the Audiovisual Media law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (41117) dated 29/5/1440 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (760) dated 30/11/1441 H to Amend the Regulation of the King Abdulaziz Complex for Endowment Libraries issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (389) dated 15/9/1437 H -- |
Sami Barqi Circular No. (13965) dated 11/3/1442 H regarding instructions for supporting documents and archives centers in government agencies under translation |
King Abdul Aziz University President Resolution No. (124 / S) dated 4 / 1 / 1441 H regarding the establishment of a university center under the name of “The Documentation and Archives Center Branch in the University Branch in Brabigh” under translation |
King Abdul Aziz University President Resolution No. (123 / S) dated 4 / 1 / 1441 H regarding the establishment of a university center in the name of the Center for Records and Archives Branch in the Female Section under translation |
King Abdul Aziz University President Resolution No. (3863 / S) dated 19 / 03 / 1439 H regarding the establishment of a university center in the name of the Center for Records and Archives under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M / 45) dated 23 / 5 / 1442 H approving the Law of the Cultural Development Fund under traslation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (282) dated 21/5/1442 H Approving the Law of the Cultural Development Fund -- |
Council of Ministers Decision No. 622 of 29/10/1440 to instruct the King Abdulaziz House to complete the procedures for awarding the King Abdulaziz Award for the best book consistent with the Department’s purposes for the fourth session Council of Ministers Decision No. 622 of 29/10/1440 to instruct the King Abdulaziz House to complete the procedures for awarding the King Abdulaziz Award for the best book consistent with the Department’s purposes for the fourth session |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H Regarding the Draft Organizational Arrangements for Bodies (Literature, Publishing, Translation, Museums, Heritage, Films, Libraries, Architecture and Design, Music, Theater and Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Fashion) -- |
Royal Decree No. (M / 46) dated 23 / 5 / 1442 H to amend the press establishments law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 20) dated 8 / 5 / 1422 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (283) dated 21 / 5 / 1442 H to amend the press establishments law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 20) dated 8 / 5 / 1422 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (167) dated 3/10/1442 H Regarding the Abolition of the General Authority for Culture Established by Royal Order No. (A/133) dated 30/7/1437 H and its Regulation issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (120) dated 25/2/1439 H -- |
Organizational Arrangements for the Literature, Publishing and Translation Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10 / 6 / 1441 H under translation |
Organizational Arrangements for the Museums Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Organizational Arrangements for the Heritage Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10 / 6 / 1441 H under translation |
Organizational Arrangements for the Film Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10 / 6 / 1441 H under translation |
Organizational Arrangements for the Library Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10 / 6 / 1441 H under translation |
Organizational Arrangements for the Architecture and Design Arts Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10 / 6 / 1441 H under translation |
Organizational Arrangements for the Music Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H -- |
Organizational Arrangements for the Theater and Performing Arts Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10 / 6 / 1441 H under translation |
Organizational Arrangements for the Visual Arts Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10 / 6 / 1441 H under translation |
Organizational Arrangements for the Culinary Arts Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H -- |
Organizational Arrangements for the Fashion Authority issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H under translation |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (466) dated 17/8/1442 H approving the organizational arrangements for the Royal Institute of Traditional Arts under translation |
The decision of the Ministry of Information dated 7/9/1442 H to amend the Implementing regulations of the Press and Publication law issued by Resolution No. (M / F/1/2759/M) dated 16/6/1422 H The decision of the Ministry of Information dated 7/9/1442 H to amend the Implementing regulations of the Press and Publication law issued by Resolution No. (M / F/1/2759/M) dated 16/6/1422 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (622) Dated 29/10/1440 H assigning the King Abdulaziz Chamber to complete the procedures for granting the King Abdulaziz Prize for the best book consistent with the purposes of the circuit for the fourth session under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (31) dated 11 / 1 / 1444 H amending the rules for regulating advertising banner issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 35) dated 28 / 12 / 1412 H Council of Ministers Resolution No. (31) dated 11 / 1 / 1444 H amending the rules for regulating advertising banner issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 35) dated 28 / 12 / 1412 H |
Letter of the Ministry of Justice No. (4310123315) dated 16/09/1443 H Regarding Updating Title Deeds in in Estates Division Cases in which the Title Deeds of Real Estates have not been Updated and the Heirs did not Respond to Update it -- |
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/4300206131) dated 02/04/1443 H, Approving the Conditions for Wireless Communication Towers and Antennas -- |
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/430054467) dated 28/07/1443 H approving the conditions for advertisements and billboards under translation |
Royal Decree Circular No. (58913) dated 19/09/1443 H regarding Determining the Blessed Eid al-Fitr Holiday for the University Level and for General Education at the end of the Working Day on Thursday 20/09/1443 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (510) dated 4 / 9 / 1443 H approving the Creation of an Administrative Documentation Unit for Government Agencies under the name (Administrative Documentation Department) in the Directory of Documents and Archives , and amending Resolution No. (329) dated 11 / 8 / 1435 H regarding the Amendment of the Law of the Directory of Documents and Archives under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (391) dated 14 / 7 / 1443 H amending the Organization of the King Abdulaziz Complex for Endowment Libraries issued by Resolution No. (389) dated 15 / 9 / 1437 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (350) dated 22/6/1443 H to transfer Umm Al-Qura gazette from the Ministry of Information to the Saudi Press Agency and link it to the head of the agency under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (248) dated 25/4/1443 H Regarding Approving the Naming the Year (2022) as the Year of Saudi Coffee (2022) -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (467) dated 17/8/1442 H approving the organizational arrangements of the National Committee for Education, Culture and Science Council of Ministers Resolution No. (467) dated 17/8/1442 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (741) dated 24/12/1442 H Amending the Statute of the Radio and Television Authority issued by Resolution No. (302) dated 11/9/1433 H -- |
Updated List of licenses for recreational and support activities issued by the Board of Directors of the General Entertainment Authority Updated List of licenses for recreational and support activities |
Minister of Information Resolution No. (49813) dated 26/10/1442 H regarding the immediate release the publications mentioned in Paragraph (C) of Article 69 of the Implementing Regulations of the Press and Publication Law issued by Resolution No. (M/O/2759/1/M) dated 16/6/1422 H Minister of Information Resolution No. (49813) dated 26/10/1442 H regarding the immediate release the publications mentioned in Paragraph (C) of Article 69 of the Implementing Regulations of the Press and Publication Law issued by Resolution No. (M/O/2759/1/M) dated 16/6/1422 H |
Royal Decree No. (M/33) dated 25/3/1439 H Approving the Audiovisual Media Law The Law aims at regulating and developing the audiovisual media activity in the Kingdom and working to provide the suitable investment environment and to ensure that its content is consistent with the media policy of the Kingdom. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (236) dated 21/7/1433 H Establishing a General Authority called (the General Authority for Audiovisual Media) administratively linked to the Minister of Culture and Information Council of Ministers Resolution No. (236) dated 21/7/1433 H |
The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/32) dated 3/9/1421 H approving the printing and Publication Law Royal Decree No. (M/32) dated 3/9/1421 H |
The Statute According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (302) dated 11/9/1433 H Approving the Statute of the Radio and Television Corporation -- |
The Implementing Regulations of the Audiovisual Media Law Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/33) dated 25/3/1439 H The Implementing Regulations of the Audiovisual Media Law |
Ministry of Information Resolution No. (47555) dated 19/10/1441 H amending the Implementing Regulations of the Printing and Publication Law issued by Resolution No. (M/O/2759/1/M) dated 16/6/1422 H Ministry of Information Resolution No. (47555) dated 19/10/1441 H amending the Implementing Regulations of the Printing and Publication Law issued by Resolution No. (M/O/2759/1/M) dated 16/6/1422 H |
Resolution No. (883) dated 23/12/1444 H Approval of the Statute of the Royal Institute of Traditional Arts Resolution No. (883) dated 23/12/1444 H |
Royal Decree No. (M/23) dated 24/5/1422 H approving the Law of Protection of Heritage Manuscript in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Royal Decree No. (M/23) dated 24/5/1422 H approving the Law of Protection of Heritage Manuscript in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (398) dated 10/6/1441 H Regarding Regulatory Arrangements for Commissions (Literature, Publishing and Translation, Museums, Heritage, Film, Libraries, Architecture and Design, music, Theater and Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Culinary Arts, and Fashion) -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (230) dated 2/5/1440 H approving the Statute of the General Entertainment Authority Council of Ministers Resolution No. (230) dated 2/5/1440 H approving the Statute of the General Entertainment Authority |
Royal Decree No. (M/11) dated 19/05/1410 H Approving the Copyright Law Royal Decree No. (M/11) dated 19/05/1410 H |
Pay TV Service Licensing Regulations 1435 H - 2014 1435 H - 2014 |
National Center for Archives and Records Decision No. (116) dated 1/4/1441 H Approving the Conditions for Publication in the National Center for Archives and Records -- |
Conditions and Controls for Licensing Individuals to Provide Advertising Content through Social Media Platforms Objective
These controls aim to establish the legal framework and minimum standards and procedures which the individuals must comply with, when advertising on social media platforms. |
Printed Materials and Publications Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (17) dated 13/4/1402H Printed Materials and Publications Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (17) dated 13/4/1402H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (211) dated 01/09/1421 H Council of Ministers Resolution No. (211) dated 01/09/1421 H |
The Implementing Regulations of the Audiovisual Media Law Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/33) dated 25/3/1439 H The Implementing Regulations of the Audiovisual Media Law Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/33) dated 25/3/1439 H |
Appeals Committee Resolution No. (67/L/S/8) dated 26/4/1444 H Regarding the Principles Approved by the Appeals Committee to Consider Violations of the Law of Printed Materials and Publication and the Audiovisual Media Law -- |
Council of Ministers No. (174) dated 27/2/1445 H Approving the Statute of the General Authority for Media -- |
Conditions and Controls for Licensing Individuals to Provide Advertising Content Via Social Media Platforms Conditions and Controls for Licensing Individuals to Provide Advertising Content Via Social Media Platforms |
Ministerial Resolution No. (22645) dated 6/8/1432 H Controls for Licensing Non-Governmental Entities to Collect and Classify Government Laws and Regulations from Their Sources, Classify, Reprint and Publish them -- |
Royal Order No. (A/633) dated 4/12/1443 H Appointing His Excellency Dr. Bandar bin Obaid bin Hamoud Al-Rashed as Secretary to His Highness the Crown Prince with the Rank of Minister under translation |