Council of Ministers Resolution No. (535) dated 18/09/1443 H Approving the Governance of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Committees stipulated in Royal Order No. (10030) dated 15/02/1443 H Approving the Governance of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Committees stipulated in Royal Order No. (10030) dated 15/02/1443 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (163) dated 20/6/1424 Regarding the Approval of the Bylaws for gas supply and pricing After observing the transaction received from the Office of the Council of Ministers No.7-25172 |
Royal Decree No. M / 36 dated 25/6/1424H Approval of the gas supply system and pricing system with the attached format |
Resolution of Electricity and Water Minister Amending Article no. 24 of the Implementing Regulations for the Law of Preserving Water Sources On the basis of competences entitled to him, and after reviewing the two resolutions no. (84187) dated on... |
Council of Ministers' Resolution Approving the Animal Wealth Law After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 7/5390/R dated... |
The text of the Animal Wealth Law Unless the context otherwise indicate, the following words and phrases, wherever they appear in this Law, shall have... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Bill of Petroleum Studies and Researches Center After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 1787/b dated on 10/01/1428 H... |
The text of the Bill of Petroleum Studies and Researches Center By virtue of this law, a center not aiming at profit shall be formed named as (Petroleum Studies and Researches Center) having... |
The text of the Law of Gas Supplies and Pricing The following terms and expression have the following meanings indicated in front of each of them unless otherwise stated by... |
Conditions and Provisions of the License No (6) In The Organization and Operation of Dry Gas Transportation Pipeline El- Twirigi Construction Works Organization (The Organization) shall be committed to the following... |
The text of the Mining Investment Law The following terms and expressions wherever mentioned in this law shall have the meanings set beside them except where... |
Conditions and provisions for license of the establishment of a Local Distribution Net in the Second Industrial City in Dammam City El Sharq Gas Limited Company the Company shall be committed to provide the licensed service in accordance with... |
Council of Ministers' Resolution Approving the Mining Investment Law After reviewing the transaction coming from the Council Presidency Chamber No 7/B/28007 dated 1/6/1425H inclusive of... |
The Procedures of the Committee for Disputes Settlement in Gas Industry Without prejudice to the definitions and terms provided in the law of Gas supplies, its... |
The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Gas Supplies and Pricing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia These regulations aim to apply the Law of gas supplies, pricing and execution of gas and... |
The Implementing Regulations of Mining Investment Law In addition to the definitions in the Mining Investment Law, the following terms and... |
Decision Approving the Procedures of the Committee for Disputes Settlement in Gas Industry After reviewing the telegram of H. E. the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources No... |
The Text of the Animal Resource Law Implementing Regulations The following expressions, whenever mentioned in this regulation shall be intended to... |
Minister of Agriculture Resolution Approving The Animal Resources Law Implementing Regulations Subject to Article (20) of the Animal Resource Law issued by a decision from the... |
Decision Approving the Procedures of the Committee for Disputes Settlement in Gas Industry After reviewing the telegram of H. E. the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources No... |
Ministerial Decision on Modifying the Service Area Natural Gas Distribution Company and Modifying the Gas Distribution Service Tariff in the Industrial City After reviewing the letter of the Natural Gas Distribution Company limited No. 300 on 10/4/1423H concerning... |
The text of the Saudi Geological Surveying Organization By the provision of this law a geological survey is established and to be named (The Saudi geological survey corporation)... |
The text of the Saudi Geological Surveying Organization By the provision of this law a geological survey is established and to be named (The Saudi geological survey corporation)... |
Royal Order on Commissioning the Supreme Council of Petroleum & Minerals to Determine on the Gas and Carbohydrates Exploration Operations After reviewing the Constitution the basic Law of governance (kingdom Constitution issued by the Royal Order No... |
Royal Decree Granting the Saudi Ceramic Company the Concession of Mining Fled Spar Based on article seventy of the Constitution issued by the Royal Order No. (90) on... |
Royal Decree on the Supreme Council for Petroleum & Minerals Affairs Assuming the Competences of the supreme Council of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company After reviewing the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) Law issued by... |
The Organizational Regulation of Fishing, Investing in and Conserving Live Marine Resources For enforcement of this Regulation, the following terms shall denote the meanings opposite them... |
The Text of the Law of Hunting, Investments, and Protection of the Living water wealth’s in the Kingdom Regional Waters The Ministry of Agriculture and water shall assume supervision and organization of all activities related to hunting and diving... |
The Council of Ministers’ Resolution on the Approval of the Water Resources Preservation Law 1- Approval of law of the Water Resources Preservation in the attached to workers... |
The Text of the Law of Appropriation of the Resources of the Arab Gulf Bordering the Kingdom A Royal announcement about the Kingdom’s policy concerning resources under and on the seabed of the Persian Gulf regions bordering the coasts of the Kingdom... |
The Text of the Law of Appropriation of the Red Sea Resources All the carbohydrates and mineral substances existed in the layers of the public seabed shall be the property of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia... |
Ministerial Decision Amending Security & Safety Regulation for Practitioners of Fishing or Cruising and Diving in the Kingdom's Territorial Sea Waters After reviewing the Law of Boarder Security issued by the Royal Decree No... |
The Text of the Saudi Arab Mining Company Law (MAADIN) By virtue of this law, a Saudi Joint Stock Company shall be established and named “The Saudi Arab Mining Company... |
Royal Decree Amending Article (5) of the General Corporation for Petroleum & Minerals Law After reviewing article (20) of the council of Ministers law, issued by... |
Royal Decree Granting the Saudi Arabian Mining Company "Maadin" the Concession of mining concession for Exploitation of Gold and Silver in Al Higaz Area Based on article (70) seventy of the Constitution the basic Law of governance (kingdom Constitution) issued by... |
Ministerial Decision on Granting Mining Privileges to the General Corporation For Petroleum & Minerals After reviewing the attached hereby transaction coming from Cabinet of Ministers Presidency Bureau No... |
Royal Decree for Granting Petroleum and Minerals General Corporation Mining Concessions After reviewing article (19) of the Council of Ministers law, issued by the Royal Decree No... |
Royal Decree Granting The Saudi Arabian Mining Company Mining Concession for the Exploitation of Maganzite in Dargat Based on article (70) of the Constitution the basic Law of governance... |
Council of Ministers Decision Concerning the Approval of Granting of Mining Concession for the Exploitation of the Factories Mine Located in the South of the Kingdom After reviewing the coming transaction from the Cabinet of Ministers Presidency Chamber No... |
Royal Decree Approving the Water Resources Preservation Law Approve the law of the water Preservation in the attached working... |
The Text of the Mining Law All sorts of natural mineral sediments and raw materials from quarries whatever their forms and compositions, whether in the soil... |
The Text of the Water Resources Preservation Law Without prejudice to the legal rights, all water resources in the Kingdom are considered public property that shall be utilized according to the provisions... |
Full text of the Association of the Saudi Arab Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) By the virtue of this law, a Saudi Arabian company shall be established, owned by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and named... |
Royal Decree on Merging Oil Refineries After reviewing articles (19, 20, 28, 31) of the law of Council of Ministers, issued by... |
Royal Decree on the Supreme Council of Petroleum & Minerals Affairs Assuming the powers of the Supreme Council of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi-Aramco) After reviewing the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) Law issued by... |
Royal Decree Granting Mining Concession for the Exploitation of Factories Mine Located in the South of the Kingdom for Thirty Years After reviewing Article (15) of the Constitution issued by the Royal Order No... |
Royal Decree Granting the National Gas Industry Company the Concession of Distribution and Marketing of Gas and Derivatives After reviewing article (19) of the Council of Ministers Law issued by the Royal Decree No... |
The Text of the Public Petroleum and Minerals Corporation Law A Public Corporation cited as Public Corporation for Petroleum and Minerals shall be established and annexed to the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources... |
The Text of the Supreme Council for Petroleum and Mineral Affairs Law The Supreme Council for Petroleum and Minerals shall be formed under our chairmanship as follows... |
The ministerial Decision regarding the amendment of the service area for the natural gas distribution Company and to change the tariff of service for the distribution of gas in the industrial city. The ministerial Decision regarding the amendment of the service area for the natural gas distribution Company and to change the tariff of service for the distribution of gas in the industrial city. |
The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Decision No. 3391 dated 5/11/1432H. regarding the reduction of the tariff of the service of gas distribution in the industrial city in city of Riyadh. The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Decision No. 3391 dated 5/11/1432H. regarding the reduction of the tariff of the service of gas distribution in the industrial city in city of Riyadh. |
Ministerial Resolution No. (53/Q) dated 14/9/1432H. Containing the Approval to transfer the mining licenses granted to the Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) under translation |
Circular No 25601/SH/3 dated 4/12/99 regarding the course of Government Agencies of using Petromin oil Circular No 25601/SH/3 dated 4/12/99 regarding the course of Government Agencies of using Petromin oil |
Circular No. 29911/M/3 dated 16/12/97 regarding the approval of to initiate a Saudi petroleum haulage company Circular No. 29911/M/3 dated 16/12/97 regarding the approval of to initiate a Saudi petroleum haulage company |
Circular No. (25419/G/3) dated 8/10/97 regarding the approval of the necessary fund for construction of a dual petroleum products transport line from Ras-Tannura to Zaharan under translation |
Circular No. 23792 dated 21/9/83 regarding iron, steel and petroleum refining industry Circular No. 23792 dated 21/9/83 regarding iron, steel and petroleum refining industry |
Circular No. (9782) dated 7/4/1394 H Inclusive of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (509) dated 2/4/1394 H under translation |
Royal Decree NO. 63 dated 21/9/1383H regarding the approval of the recommendations of the Higher Council of Planning concerning the allocation of a sum for the first phase of iron and steel industry Royal Decree NO. 63 dated 21/9/1383H regarding the approval of the recommendations of the Higher Council of Planning concerning the allocation of a sum for the first phase of iron and steel industry |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1225) dated 23/9/1397 on the agreement to allocate the necessary fund for construction of a dual petroleum products transport line from Ras-Tannura to Zaharan under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (509) dated 2/4/1394 H on the agreement to initiate cement factories in buraida, Yanbu-Al-Bahr and the Southern District in addition to commending the existing factories to the necessary expansions to increase its productivity and exempt implements, machines and backing implements of custom duties under translation |
Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 659 dated 13/9/1383H regarding the approval of the recommendations of the Higher Council of Planning concerning the allocation of a sum for the first phase of iron and steel industry Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 659 dated 13/9/1383H regarding the approval of the recommendations of the Higher Council of Planning concerning the allocation of a sum for the first phase of iron and steel industry |
Circular No. 680/4 dated 19-9-95H regarding the formulation of an agency to execute the necessary basic infrastructure to furnish Algibail and Yanbu as industrial areas Circular No. 680/4 dated 19-9-95H regarding the formulation of an agency to execute the necessary basic infrastructure to furnish Algibail and Yanbu as industrial areas |
Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-2153-1439) dated 26/03/1439 H to expropriate part of the land located on Engineer Omar Qazi Street, east of Makkah under translation |
Royal Decree No. (36) dated 2-4-1439H regarding the abolishing of the system of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 8) dated 4-4-1409h Royal Decree No. (36) dated 2-4-1439H regarding the abolishing of the system of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 8) dated 4-4-1409h |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (180) dated 1/4/1439 H on Agreeing that the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) be a Joint-Stock Company Under its Article of Association -- |
Royal Decree No. (M/126) dated 1/12/1438 H about the Approval of the Distribution Regulation Concerning Dry Gas and Liquid Petroleum Gas for Residential and Commercial Purposes -- |
Royal Decree No. M / 37 dated 2-4-1439H about the approval of the regulation regarding the hydrocarbon substances Royal Decree No. M / 37 dated 2-4-1439H about the approval of the regulation regarding the hydrocarbon substances |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (392) dated 21/6/1438 H on Approval to Exclude the Location of "Aldgham" Mountains of the Silica sand Areas Reserved for Mining Activities -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (178) dated 1/4/1439 H Regarding the Approval of the Hydrocarbon Substances Law -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (334) dated 25/6/1439 H about the Approval Concerning the Regulation of The Nuclear and Radiological Control Authority -- |
The Council of Ministers Decision No. (334) dated 25/6/1439 H about the approval concerning the regulation of The Nuclear and Radiological Control Authority -- |
The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (260) dated 23/10/1422 H about the cancellation of tasking under the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (68) dated 29/5/1413 H The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (260) dated 23/10/1422 H about the cancellation of tasking under the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (68) dated 29/5/1413 H |
The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (10) dated 3/1/1428 H on the request for planning the land, which lies within the boundaries of the eastern region, as this submission requires an official statement from the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, stating that this land is not within the concession areas or land reserved by Oil or Gas Companies. Further, the ministry shall submit the statement in a period not exceeding ninety days The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (10) dated 3/1/1428 H on the request for planning the land, which lies within the boundaries of the eastern region, as this submission requires an official statement from the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, stating that this land is not within the concession areas or land reserved by Oil or Gas Companies. Further, the ministry shall submit the statement in a period not exceeding ninety days |
The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.1060/R dated 07/01/1428 H on The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (10) dated 3/1/1428 H The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.1060/R dated 07/01/1428 H on The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (10) dated 3/1/1428 H |
The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Cablegram No. (7/B/42136) dated 16/8/1425 H the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (228) dated 13/8/1425 H on the Assignment of "Seismic Monitoring Functions" in the Kingdom to the Saudi Geological Survey Authority -- |
The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 228 dated 13/8/1425 H on the assignment of "seismic monitoring functions"to the Saudi Geological Survey Authority The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 228 dated 13/8/1425 H on the assignment of "seismic monitoring functions"to the Saudi Geological Survey Authority |
The Royal Court Cablegram No. (19936) dated 27/5/1434 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (160) dated 20/5/1434 H on the study about the improvement of the situation of service and fuel stations on the regional highways The Royal Court Cablegram No. (19936) dated 27/5/1434 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (160) dated 20/5/1434 H on the study about the improvement of the situation of service and fuel stations on the regional highways |
The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.(7 / B / 27598) dated 27/5/1425 H on the rules regarding the determination of fees for the submission of a request for issuing, renewing or modifying the license, and fees for annual licenses in gas supply and pricing The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.(7 / B / 27598) dated 27/5/1425 H on the rules regarding the determination of fees for the submission of a request for issuing, renewing or modifying the license, and fees for annual licenses in gas supply and pricing |
The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No. 30402/B dated 22/07/1429 H on The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 207 dated 18/07/1429 H on the continuation of the domestic gas and industrialisation company for the distribution and marketing of gas and its derivatives in the Kingdom for five years The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No. 30402/B dated 22/07/1429 H on The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 207 dated 18/07/1429 H on the continuation of the domestic gas and industrialisation company for the distribution and marketing of gas and its derivatives in the Kingdom for five years |
Royal Court Cable No. (28911) dated 23/6/1438 on the Council of Ministers Decision No. (392) dated 21/6/1438 H about the approval of the exclusion of the "location of the mountains of al-Dugam" from the areas of silica sand, reserved for mineral activities Royal Court Cable No. (28911) dated 23/6/1438 on the Council of Ministers Decision No. (392) dated 21/6/1438 H about the approval of the exclusion of the "location of the mountains of al-Dugam" from the areas of silica sand, reserved for mineral activities |
The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (49) dated 25/2/1429 H. about the amendment of Article 8 of the Articles of Association of the Saudi Arabian Mining Company "Ma'aden" issued under Royal Decree No. (M / 17) dated 14/11/1417 H The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (49) dated 25/2/1429 H. about the amendment of Article 8 of the Articles of Association of the Saudi Arabian Mining Company "Ma'aden" issued under Royal Decree No. (M / 17) dated 14/11/1417 H |
The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No. (8536/B) dated 25/2/1429 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 49 dated 25/2/1429 H regarding the amendment of the Articles of Association of the Saudi Arabian Mining Company "Ma'aden" issued under Royal Decree No. (M / 17) dated 14/11/1417 H The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No. (8536/B) dated 25/2/1429 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 49 dated 25/2/1429 H regarding the amendment of the Articles of Association of the Saudi Arabian Mining Company "Ma'aden" issued under Royal Decree No. (M / 17) dated 14/11/1417 H |
Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/7470) dated 18/11/1439 Regarding the Request of Saudi Aramco to Reserve an Alternative Route for the Jazan pipeline -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (168) dated 24/3/1439 H regarding the approval of the comprehensive strategy for the mining and metallurgical industries under translation |
Royal Court Cable No. (14483) dated 26/3/1439 on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (168) dated 24/3/1439 H about the Approval of the Comprehensive Strategy for the Mining and the Metallurgical Industries' Sector -- |
The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.(46040 / B) dated 10/11/1430 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 366 dated 07/11/1430 H about the suspension of the export of red sand (dunes) and gravel (quarry crushed materials) from any place and to any destination The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.(46040 / B) dated 10/11/1430 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 366 dated 07/11/1430 H about the suspension of the export of red sand (dunes) and gravel (quarry crushed materials) from any place and to any destination |
The Ministry of Education Circular No. (37/3/3/1/538/22) dated 26/8/1428 H on daily supervision over the attendance of students, before and after the school day The Ministry of Education Circular No. (37/3/3/1/538/22) dated 26/8/1428 H on daily supervision over the attendance of students, before and after the school day |
Royal Decree No. (M / 47) dated 20/8 / 1425 H Approving the Mining Investment Law Article 2:
All natural mineral sediment are the property of the State alone, including quarry ores of all types, whatever their form or composition, whether in the soil or in the ground.
This includes the territory of the State, its inland waters, its territorial sea, its exclusive economic zone, its continental shelf and the land and maritime range within which the state's jurisdiction extends. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (241) dated 09/05/1440 H about the Amendment to the Regulation of the Saudi Geological Survey Authority, issued under Resolution No. (115) dated 16/7/1420 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (72) dated 03/04/1427 H About the Amendment of the Basic Statute of the Saudi Arabian Mining Company "Ma'aden” issued Under Royal Decree No. (M/17) dated 14/11/1417 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (393) dated 17/7/1439 H. on amending Article 8 about the "Regulation of the Saudi Geological Survey Authority." under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (52) dated 20/1/1439 H on the Assumption by the Ministerial Supply Committee of the Competence to Determine the Profit Margin for the National Gas and Industrialization Company and the Distributors and Contractors of Liquid Petroleum Gas Until the Transfer of Supervision to the Electricity Regulation and Dual Production Authority -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (553) dated 23/9/1440 H Amending Article 4 of the Regulation of the King Abdullah Center for Petroleum Studies and Research (1428 H) -- |
Royal Decree approving the law of commercial companies operating in the oil field Article 1:
A)Companies operating in Saudi Arabia may produce hydrocarbons, hereinafter referred to as the "Producing Companies", shall submit to the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources an application appointing a company or companies and requesting a license for them to purchase or sell hydrocarbons in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the purpose of exporting them from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (357) dated 26/5/1441 H approving the transfer of the competence to regulate the dry gas and liquid petroleum gas distribution activity for residential and commercial purposes from the Electricity and Co-Generation Regulatory Authority to the Ministry of Energy under translation |
Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources License No. (20) of 1440 H approving the license of Yamama Cement Company to establish, own and operate a gas pipeline Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources License No. (20) of 1440 H approving the license of Yamama Cement Company to establish, own and operate a gas pipeline |
Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (22) of 1440 H Authorizing the Establishment, Ownership, and Operation of a Pipeline to Transport Dry Gas to Maaden Aluminum -- |
Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. 21 of 1440 authorizing the establishment, ownership, and operation of a pipeline to transport dry gas to the Phosphate Minerals Company Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. 21 of 1440 authorizing the establishment, ownership, and operation of a pipeline to transport dry gas to the Phosphate Minerals Company |
Royal Court telegram No. (3425) dated 22/1/1439 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (52) dated 20/1/1439 H regarding the assumption by the Ministerial Supply Committee of competence to determine the profit margin for the National Gas and Industrialization Company until the supervision is transferred to the Electricity Regulation and Dual Production Authority Royal Court telegram No. (3425) dated 22/1/1439 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (52) dated 20/1/1439 H regarding the assumption by the Ministerial Supply Committee of competence to determine the profit margin for the National Gas and Industrialization Company until the supervision is transferred to the Electricity Regulation and Dual Production Authority |
High Circular Order Circular No. 54358 of 28/9/1441 regarding instructions for issuing building material quarry licenses in accordance with the mining investment law High Circular Order Circular No. 54358 of 28/9/1441 regarding instructions for issuing building material quarry licenses in accordance with the mining investment law |
Royal Decree No. (M/140) dated 19/10/1441 H approving the mining investment law under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated 8/1/1442 H to approve the implementation of some provisions of the Mining Investment Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 140) dated 19/10/1441 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (17) dated 6/1/1442 H Approving the Implementation of some Provisions of the Mining Investment Law provisions issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 140) dated 19/10/1442 H -- |
Decision of the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources No. (1/1006/1442) dated 9/5/1442 H approving the Implementing regulations for the mining investment law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 140) dated 19/10/1441 H Decision of the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources No. (1/1006/1442) dated 9/5/1442 H approving the Implementing regulations for the mining investment law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 140) dated 19/10/1441 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (371) dated 4/7/1442 H with approval of national radioactive waste management policy in the Kingdom under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (528) dated 8 / 9 / 1442 H to resume the export of red sand (sand dunes) and gravel (crusher materials) under translation |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (532) dated 8/9/1442 H amending the regulation of the Saudi Geological Survey issued by Resolution No. (115) dated 16/7/1420 H under translation |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (317) dated 12/5/1441 H approving a memorandum of understanding in the field of electric energy and agreeing to a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Energy in the Kingdom and the Ministry of Oil in the Republic of Iraq for cooperation in the oil and gas sector under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M/27) dated 04/02/1444 H amending Mining Investment Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/140) dated 19/10/1441 H under translation |
Council of Ministries Resolution No. (100) dated 03/02/1444 H amending Mining Investment Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/140) dated 19/10/1441 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (546) dated 15/9/1442 H forming a permanent executive committee for service centers and fuel stations forming a permanent executive committee for service centers and fuel stations |
Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (10030) dated 15 / 2 / 1443 H approving the recommendations of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs regarding studying the challenges of activating the petrochemical sector Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (10030) dated 15 / 2 / 1443 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (260) dated 2/5/1438 H regarding amending the phrase (Ministry of Water and Electricity) and the phrase (Minister of Water and Electricity) wherever mentioned in the laws, regulations, decrees, orders, decisions, and instructions in all that relates to water and electricity activity under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (448) dated 13/7/1438 regarding transferring the Industry Agency with its documents, property, employees and jobs (vacant and occupied to the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources) Council of Ministers Resolution No. (448) dated 13/7/1438 |
Royal Decree No. (M/13) dated 25/1/1443 H amending the Precious Metals and Gemstones Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/42) dated 10/7/1403 H Royal Decree No. (M/13) dated 25/1/1443 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (67) dated 23/1/1443 H Amending the Precious Metals and Gemstones Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/42) dated 10/7/1403 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (178) dated 1/4/1439 H Regarding the approval of the hydrocarbon substances regulation under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. 392 dated 21-6-1438h on approval to exclude the location of "aldgham" mountains of the silica sand areas reserved for mining activities Council of Ministers Resolution No. 392 dated 21-6-1438h |
Royal Decree No. (M/37) dated 2/4/1439 H approving the Hydrocarbons Law Royal Decree No. (M/37) dated 2/4/1439 H approving the Hydrocarbons Law |
Royal Decree No. (M/42) dated 10/7/1403 H approving the Law of Precious Metals and Gemstones -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (168) dated 24/3/1439 H approving the Comprehensive Strategy for the Mining and Mineral Industries Sector Council of Ministers Resolution No. (168) dated 24/3/1439 H approving the Comprehensive Strategy for the Mining and Mineral Industries Sector |
The Articles of Association According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/17) dated 14/11/1417 H Approving the Establishment of the Saudi Arabian Mining Company “Ma’aden” -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (662) dated 20/9/1444 H approving the Operating Rules of the permanent committee to decide on objections submitted by government agencies related to allocating mining complex areas requests and requests to grant mining licenses under translation |
The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (115) dated 16/7/1420 H Approving the Statute of the Saudi Geological Survey Authority The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (115) dated 16/7/1420 H Approving the Statute of the Saudi Geological Survey Authority |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (254) Dated 25/4/1443 H Regarding the Exclusion of Licensing Sites for Small Mines Located in the Al-Daghm Mountains and the Continuation of Mining Activities There Council of Ministers Resolution No. (254) Dated 25/4/1443 H |
Decision of the Minister of Energy No. (3092/450201) dated: 13/08/1445 H Approval of the energy allocation regulations Decision of the Minister of Energy No. (3092/450201) dated: 13/08/1445 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (628) dated 15/11/1443 H Approving the Statute of King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy -- |
Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (75080) dated 30/11/1443 H Regarding the Abolishment of the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy Law Promulgated by Royal Order No. (A/35) dated 3/5/1431 H under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M/112) dated 9/11/1443 H Amending the Law on the Distribution of Dry Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas for Residential and Commercial Purposes Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/126) dated 1/12/1438 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (610) dated 8/11/1443 H Amending the Law on the Distribution of Dry Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas for Residential and Commercial Purposes Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/126) dated 1/12/1438 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (711) dated 30/11/1438H Regarding the Approval of the System of Distribution of Dry gas and Liquid Petroleum Gas for Residential and Commercial Purposes Under translation |
Implementing Regulation of the Law Regarding the Distribution of Dry Gas and Liquid Petroleum Gas for Residential and Commercial Purposes (December 2022) The granting of licenses to practice the activities: (a), (b), (c) and (d) mentioned in Clause (1) of Article (3) hereof, shall be by inviting a number of those who meet the conditions at a competition in accordance with the procedures determined by the regulation |