Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development Circular No. (125690) dated 28/6/1443 H Regarding Resolution No. (111624) dated 3/6/1443 H Amending the Implementing Regulations for Human Resources in the Civil Service Issued by Resolution No. (1550) dated 9/6/1440 H under translation |
Administrative Decision No. (15) of 2016 on the appointment of an adviser in the Emiri Council at Kalba City Administrative Decision No. (15) of 2016 on the appointment of an adviser in the Emiri Council at Kalba City |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. 126 dated 04/26/1433 approving the controls set and install the families of the martyrs and the like UNDER TRANSLATION |
Decision of the Civil Service Council No. (1/1285) Dated 17/01/1429 H Based on paragraphs (B) and (C) of article (9) of the law of civil service council issued by Royal Decree No. (48) dated... |
Council of Ministers Decision No. (138) Dated 07/06/1427 H After reviewing the formality coming from the bureau of the council of ministers presidency under No. 10062/B dated... |
Decision No. (1/510) dated 02/08/1418 H In accordance with Clause (b) of Article (9) of The Civil Service council Law issued by the Decree No. 48 dated on... |
The text of the Retirement Public Corporation Legislation Retirement Public Corporation was established under the name (Retirement Pensions Department) according to article (8) of... |
Service Termination Regulations Recently, the Minister of Civil Service issued (Service termination regulation) for the Civil Service employees of the Kingdom containing... |
Civil Service Council Decision No (1/929) dated 19/10/1424H Based on paragraph (b) of Article (9) of the Civil Service Law, issued by the Royal Decree No (48) dated 10/7/1397H and... |
Royal Order No. 227 on 16/7/1426H After reviewing the basic Law of Governance (Kingdom Constitution) issued by the Royal Order No. 90 dated... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving on the Retirement General Corporation legislation After reviewing the transaction arriving in the letter of His Excellency Chairman of the Bureau of Experts at... |
The Forms The Forms Related to Instructions for the Application of the Provisions of the Articles of Public funds Assumption Posts Law... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Draft Civil Retirement Law Approval of the Civil Retirement draft Law draft and its explanatory note in the form... |
Resolution on Amending the Implemeting Regulations of the Civil Service Law The text of paragraph (2) of Article 30/12 of the Impementing Regulations of the Civil Service Law shall be amended to read as... |
Royal Decree Approving of Temporary Jobs Law Approval of Temporary Jobs Law with attached Form... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving of the Temporary Jobs Law Approval of the temporary jobs law with its attached contract... |
Council of Ministries Resolution Amending the Public Funds Assumption Posts Law Paragraph (b) of Article (2) of the Public Funds Assumption Posts law shall be amended to read as follows... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Public Funds Assumption-Posts Law Approving the Public Funds Assumption-Posts Draft law in the form attached hereto... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers on Amendmening the Law of Civil Service Council Amendment of article (5) of the law of Civil Service Council issued by the Royal Decree No (48)... |
Civil Service Council Decision on Amendmening of the Non- Saudi Recruitment Regulation Amendment of article (50) of the non- Saudi recruitment Regulation issued by a decision of the Civil Service Council No (45)... |
Royal Decree Approving the of Mosques Imams, callers for Prayers and Mosques Attendants Law Approval of the Mosques Imams, Callers for prayers and Mosques Attendants law, in the form attached hereto... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Mosques Imams, Callers for Prayers Mo’thin (Callers) and Mosques Attendants Law Approval of the Mosques Imams, Callers for Prayer, and Mosques Attendants Draft Law in the form attached hereto... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Concerning Increase of Pensions Entitled pensions, pursuant to the Civil and Military Retirement Laws, shall be increased for the civilian officials who were retired in... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Law of Officials Discipline Approving the draft Employees Disciplinary law and its... |
Royal Decree Approving the Law of Officials Discipline Approving the Employees Disciplinary law and its... |
Council of Ministers Resolution on licensing at ministers of defense to impose penalty of dismissal on any of Saudia Airlines officials The Minister of Defense & Aviation and Inspector General, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Arabian Airlines... |
Council of Ministers Decision in Approval of Law of Civil Service Approval of the Civil Service law in the form attached hereto... |
Council of Ministers Decision Concerning Approval of Medical Reports Regulation Approval of the Medical Reports Regulation attached hereto... |
Council of Ministers Decision Concerning Approval of Medical Reports Regulation Approval of the Medical Reports Regulation attached hereto... |
Decision of Civil Service Council Concerning Approval of Regulation of Education Professions Approval of the Regulation of the Educational Posts in the form attached to this decision... |
Decision of Civil Service Council Concerning Recommendation on Approval of Scale of Salaries of Educational Professions Recommending approval of the Educational Posts Salaries Table attached to... |
Council of Civil Service Circular Concerning Controls of PH.D. Holders The control that can be adhered to when considering the case of promoting each PhD holder separately shall be... |
Circular Concerning Notification of Approval of Medical Reports Regulation Approval of the medical reports regulation attached hereto . And for the aforementioned , this has been written... |
Royal Decree Approving the Law of Civil Service Counci Cancellation of the law of the General Employees Bureau issued by... |
Council of Ministers Resolution on Amendment of Ministers and Deputy Ministers Salaries Article (Firstly) of the Royal Decree No. (3) dated 18/1/95 shall be amended to read as follows... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers in Approval of the Minister's Authorization to assign his delegated Competence to Deputy Minister, General Manager and managers of Departments and Directorates Subsidiary to his Ministry The agreement to the delegation of authorities of the Minister to Undersecretary and Director... |
Royal Decree In the approval of the Law of Ministers, Deputy Ministers and the Employees of the Superior Grade The Approval of the Law of Ministers and Deputy Ministers and the Employees of the superior grade according to... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Concerning Amendments of the Law of Civil Retirement Article (18) of the Civil Retirement Law issued by the Royal Decree No. 41 dated 29/7/1393H, shall be... |
Council of Minister’s Resolution on the increase of Retirement Pensions The Retirement Pensions pursuant to the Civil and Military Retirement Laws before 1/7/1397H, shall be... |
Ministerial decision to Prohibit Marriage of a Saudi Males to Non-Saudi Females and Saudi Females to Non-Saudi Males in Some Categories The male Saudi is prohibited to marry non- Saudi female if they were belonging to the stated category of... |
Council of Minister Resolution Concerning increase of pensions The retirement Pensions pursuant to the Civil and Military Retirement Laws before 1/7/1397 H. shall be... |
Royal Decree Concerning the Amendments of the Civil Service Council Law Amendment of article (5) of the law of Civil Service Council issued by the Royal Decree no (48) on... |
Royal Decree Approving the Civil Retirement Law Approval of the Civil Retirement Law as it is cited in the form attached hereto... |
The Regulations of Appointed Personnel on Basis of Wages in Administrative Departments The rulings of this Regulation shall apply on all the persons appointed on the Wages Article in the General Budget of the State... |
A Circular Concerning Situation of Dispatched Personnel The Committee attributes most of the problems, which confront the students dispatched on... |
Training Guide and Regulation Training employees, whether during or after the official working hours, is deemed of the legal... |
Explanatory Memorandum of the Law of Civil Retirement The Civil Retirement Law has been issued on 19/2/1381 H in the absence of a lot of necessary information which... |
Royal Decree on Sanctioning the Employee’ and Workers ’Salaries Tables The employee’ salaries table issued by the Royal Decree No. (18) dated... |
Royal Decree Concerning Approval of the Law Cancellation of the Employees’ General Law , issued by... |
Decision of Civil Service Council in Approval of the Regulations of the Law Approving the Regulations of the Civil Service law in the form attached to... |
Circular in Approval of Regulations of Civil Service Law I hereby enclose Your Excellency a copy of the Council of the Civil Service decision No... |
Royal Decree on Amendments of the Posts of Assuming Public Funds Law Paragraph (B) of Article (2) of the Posts of Assuming Public Funds Law shall be amended to read as follows... |
Ministerial Decision Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Posts of Assuming Public Funds Law Adding a new Article to the regulation of applying the provisions of the Public funds Assumption posts law to read as follows... |
The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Ministers Deputy Ministers and Officials of the Super Grade References to previous correspondence number (6602) dated 2/3/1391H. concerning... |
The Text of the Law of Ministers Deputy Ministers and Officials of the Super Grade The Ministers and those of the same grade and Deputy Ministers and Employees of the superior grade shall be... |
The Text of the Regulation of Employees This regulation shall organize the positions of the employees originally subject to the Employees’ law issued... |
Educational Posts Salaries Ladder Educational Posts Salaries Ladder... |
Promotion Rules for Ph. .D Holders The control that can be adhered to when considering the case of promoting each PhD holder separately shall be as... |
Jobs Alteration Alteration is changing the designation of a post sanctioned in the budget of the state organs to another... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers Concerning Wives of Students on Scholarships Abroad and Wives of all Saudi Employees Abroad The spouses of the students dispatched abroad on scholarships and of all the Saudis working abroad shall be... |
Resolution of the Council of Ministers Concerning Tuition Fees of Wives of Scholarship Students and all Saudi Employees Outside the Kingdom Study fees shall be paid for spouses of Saudi students dispatched on scholarships abroad, and spouses of officials working at... |
Royal Decree on Amendment of Age Requirement Amendment of paragraph (b) of article (3) of the Mosques Imams, callers for Prayer, and Mosque attendants Law issued by... |
Royal Decree on Canceling Articles 4،5،6 of the Mosques Imams, Callers for Prayers (Mo’thin), and Mosques Attendants Law Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Mosques Imams Caller for Prayer and Mosques attendants Law issued by... |
Internal Regulation of the Discipline Authority The disciplinary case shall be forwarded by the Control & Investigation Authority to the Discipline Authority by... |
Explanatory Memorandum of the Employees Disciplinary Law It was truest of the Prophet, may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, when he described the public post as a trust, and... |
Sample Contract of Temporary Jobs On this …………………….. day, a contract has been concluded between... |
The Text of the Temporary Jobs Law The public temporary jobs meant by this law and subjected to its provisions are the public jobs... |
Royal Decree in Approval of the Minister's Authorization to Assign his Delegated Competence to Deputy Minister, General Manager and Managers of Departments and Directorates Subsidiary to his Ministry The Minister is empowered the right to grant the Undersecretary of the Ministry, its Director General, Heads of... |
Royal Decree Concerning Specifying Period of Assuming Offices of Ministers and Super Grades The term of office for whoever is appointed in a minister grade or superior grade shall not... |
The Text of the Civil Service Council Law A Council for the Civil Service that assumes, in cooperation with the competent authorities... |
Employees Scale of Salary Employees’ Salaries Table... |
The Employee’ Salaries Table Issued According to the Royal Decree No. 29 Dated 29/6/1401H |
Provisions of Allowances of Bonuses of Diplomatic Corps Article (38) and (39) of the Allowances, Remunerations and Compensations Provisions of the Diplomatic Corps member... |
The Council Ministers Decision on Compensating Student the Value of Tickets from a City to Another The students studying abroad shall be reimbursed the cost of air tickets for traveling from one town to another... |
The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Civil Service The capability is the basis of choosing an employee post... |
The Text of the Law of Civil Service Qualification is the basis for choosing the employees to occupy the public post... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers Concerning Encouraging Post-graduate to Some Back Home to Prepare their Post Graduate Thesis in the Kingdom Approval of the views of His Highness the Minister of Finance and National Economy for... |
The Text of the Law of Civil Retirement The following terms, whenever mentioned in this law, shall have the meaning opposite each... |
The Text of the Law of Civil Retirement The following terms, whenever mentioned in this law, shall have the meaning opposite each... |
Royal Decree on Licensing at Ministers of Defense to Impose Penalty of Dismissal on Any of Saudia Airlines Officials The Minister of Defense & Aviation, and inspector General, chairman of the General Corporation of the Saudi Arabian Air Lines Board of Directors may... |
Royal Decree on Amendment of the Royal Decree No. 26 After reviewing Articles (19&20) of the Cabinet of Ministers Law issued by... |
Royal Decree on Amendment of Ministers and Deputy Ministers Salaries Article (Firstly) of Royal Decree No. (3) dated 18/1/95H. shall be amended to read as follows... |
Council of Ministers Decision Concerning the Amendments of the Civil Service Council Law Amendment of article (2) of the Civil Service Council Internal work Regulation issued by... |
Civil Service Council Resolution Amending the Internal Work Regulation of the Civil Service Council Article (6) of the Civil Service Council internal work Regulation issued by the decision of Civil Service Council no “9” on... |
The Regulation of Inventory Procedures of Cash – boxes, Warehouses and in kind Trusts at the Authorities In execution to the provisions of Article (7) of the Public Funds Assumption Posts Law... |
Explanatory Memorandum of the Regulation of Promotions Seeking to facilitate acquaintance with rules regulating promotions in civil service, and the conditions required for such promotions... |
The Text of the Regulation of Promotions The employee may be promoted under the following conditions... |
Instructions for the Application of the Provisions of the Articles of Public funds Assumption Posts Law Occupying the public post means “ the legal fixation in the post, not the cases of assignment or secondment whatever... |
The Text of the Posts of Assuming Public Funds Law shall be subjected to the provisions of this Law all those occupying public posts directly pertaining to... |
Assignment Regulation It is permissible to assign the employee competent in performing the functions of a particular post, in addition to his original... |
Royal Decree on Accountability of Officials about Source of their Wealth The Council of Minister shall be obliged, based on the requirements of public interest, to call... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers Concerning Non-Saudi Contracting Parties in Governmental Organs After reviewing the correspondence received from the Council of Ministers Presidency Bureau under No... |
Decision of the Civil Service Council Concerning Promotion of Ph. D. Holders It is permissible, by virtue of the Civil Service Council’s decision to promote the holder of the PhD Degree... |
Royal Decree Concerning Amendments of the Law of Civil Retirement The Article No. (19) of the Civil Retirement Law issued by the Royal Decree No. 41 dated 29/7/1393 H, shall be amended to cite as follows... |
Royal Decree Concerning Amendments of the Law of Civil Retirement Article No.(18) of the Civil Retirement Law issued by The Royal Decree No. 41 dated 29/7/1393 H shall be amended to cite as follows... |
The Regulations of Appointed Personnel on Basis of Wages in Administrative Departments The rulings of this Regulation shall apply on all the persons appointed on the Wages Article in the General Budget of the State... |
Internal Work Regulation of the Civil Council The Council shall convene periodical sessions two meetings at least per month... |
Secondment Regulation Secondment of those who occupy rank (12) and below shall be made by decision from the competent Minister for... |
Contract of Employment of Non-Saudis to Work at Universities On…….(day) of --------- (month) of the year --------- -------- H corresponding to --- |
The Regulation of Employing Non-Saudis at Universities Issued pursuant to the Council of Higher Education decision no. (3/4/1417H) at the (fourth) session of the Council of Higher... |
The Text of the Educational Posts Regulations The provisions of this regulation shall be applicable to any one who actually works in educational posts and occupies one of its... |
The Regulation of Dispatching Employees on Scholarships The purpose of dispatching employees on scholarships is to promote their proficiency by granting them the opportunity to attain... |
Regulation of Physical Fitness For Occuping Public Posts Physical fitness for occupying public posts shall mean satisfying the health conditions to be satisfied by the applicants for the post regarding... |
Medical Reports Regulation When he feels sick and unable to assume his work, the employee shall be obliged to submit to his direct chief, on the same day... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers Concerning Issuing Ticket Orders to Family of Post-graduate Scholarship Students Approval of the Minister of Education’s to request grant air tickets to the family of the student... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers Concerning Payment for Under Graduate Student Thesis Outside the Kingdom Approval of the request of His Excellency Minister of Education for payment of expenses to type Thesis of University Student abroad... |
Decision of the Council of Ministers Concerning Organizing the Medical Treatment of Officials of State Seconded Outside the Kingdom The medical treatment expenses shall be paid to the employee seconded to work outside the Kingdom if... |
Royal Decree Concerning Increase of Pensions The Retirement Pensions pursuant to the Civil Retirement Law and the Military Retirement Law before 1/7/1397 H shall be... |
Royal Decree Concerning Increase of Pensions Pensions entitled under the provisions of the Civil Retirement Law and the Military Retirement Law, shall be... |
The Text of the Law of Officials Discipline An independent authority called (Control and Investigation Authority) shall be established under this law and shall be... |
Circular No. 1374 dated 2-1-1433H regarding the placement of the full name of the employee. Circular No. 1374 dated 2-1-1433H regarding the placement of the full name of the employee. |
Telegram No. 497/dated 2-1-1433H regarding the approval to grant the one who is appointed for the first time as a member of theInvestigation and Prosecution Authority an allowance equaling three months salaries after the issuance of the Royal Decreerelated to his appointment. Telegram No. 497/dated 2-1-1433H regarding the approval to grant the one who is appointed for the first time as a member of theInvestigation and Prosecution Authority an allowance equaling three months salaries after the issuance of the Royal Decreerelated to his appointment. |
Telegram No. 497/dated 2-1-1433H regarding the approval to grant the one who is appointed for the first time as a member of the investigation and Prosecution Authority an allowance equaling three months salaries after the issuance of the Royal Decreerelated to his appointment. Telegram No. 497/dated 2-1-1433H regarding the approval to grant the one who is appointed for the first time as a member of the investigation and Prosecution Authority an allowance equaling three months salaries after the issuance of the Royal Decreerelated to his appointment. |
Civil service council Resolution No. (1/1632) dated 6-11-1432H regarding the approval to grant the one who is appointed for thefirst time as a member of the Investigation and Prosecution Authority an allowance equaling three months salaries after theissuance of the Royal Decree related to his appointment.issuance of the Royal Decree related to his appointment under translation |
Civil Service Council Decision No. (1/1632) dated 6/11/1432 H Regarding the Approval to Grant the one who is Appointed for The first Time as a Member of the Investigation and Prosecution Authority an allowance Equaling Three Months Salaries after the -- |
Telegram No. 5788/ dated 22-1-1433H regarding the approval of the payment of (prisons observance award) at the rate of 15%(fifteen percent) for female working in the detaining locations of the General Directorate of Passport. Telegram No. 5788/ dated 22-1-1433H regarding the approval of the payment of (prisons observance award) at the rate of 15%(fifteen percent) for female working in the detaining locations of the General Directorate of Passport. |
Saudi Arab monitory agency governor Resolution No. (430/3) dated 6/1/1430 H Regarding the Approval of the Rules or Money laundry Fighting and Terrorism Financing in Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and Free Occupations Companies in KSA Under translation |
Civil service Council Decision No. 1/1640 dated 27-11-1432H regarding the approval of the payment of (prisons observanceaward) at the rate of 15% (fifteen percent) for female working in the detaining locations of the General Directorate of Passport. Civil service Council Decision No. 1/1640 dated 27-11-1432H regarding the approval of the payment of (prisons observanceaward) at the rate of 15% (fifteen percent) for female working in the detaining locations of the General Directorate of Passport. |
Telegram No. 6274/ dated 24-1-1433H regarding the approval for the payment of (work nature allowance) amounting to (20%)for those holding the positions of "Palace supervisor and supervisor and controller of hospitality". Telegram No. 6274/ dated 24-1-1433H regarding the approval for the payment of (work nature allowance) amounting to (20%)for those holding the positions of "Palace supervisor and supervisor and controller of hospitality". |
Civil service council Decision No. 3/1406 dated 24-3-1433H regarding the approval for the payment of (work nature allowance)amounting to (20%) for those holding the positions of "Palace supervisor and supervisor and controller of hospitality". Civil service council Decision No. 3/1406 dated 24-3-1433H regarding the approval for the payment of (work nature allowance)amounting to (20%) for those holding the positions of "Palace supervisor and supervisor and controller of hospitality". |
Telegram No. 5808/ dated 22-1-1433H regarding the organization of payment of work nature allowance for incumbents of thetwo positions of (pharmacist and assistant pharmacist) who are performing the work of medicine store keepers with thedetermination of the conditions of its payment. Telegram No. 5808/ dated 22-1-1433H regarding the organization of payment of work nature allowance for incumbents of thetwo positions of (pharmacist and assistant pharmacist) who are performing the work of medicine store keepers with thedetermination of the conditions of its payment. |
Civil Service Council Decision No. 1/1406 dated 24-3-1430H regarding the organization of payment of work nature allowance for incumbents of the two positions of (pharmacist and assistant pharmacist) who are performing the work of medicine store keepers with the determination of the conditions of its payment. Civil Service Council Decision No. 1/1406 dated 24-3-1430H regarding the organization of payment of work nature allowance for incumbents of the two positions of (pharmacist and assistant pharmacist) who are performing the work of medicine store keepers with the determination of the conditions of its payment. |
Telegram No. B/51986 dated 29-12-1431H regarding the re-writing of the grades of the table for categories and levels of positions included in health positions by-law and also amending the amount of monthly transportation allowance for some levels of the two categories (technician) and (assistant technician). Telegram No. B/51986 dated 29-12-1431H regarding the re-writing of the grades of the table for categories and levels of positions included in health positions by-law and also amending the amount of monthly transportation allowance for some levels of the two categories (technician) and (assistant technician). |
Civil Service Council Resolution No. (1/1531) dated 15/11/1431 H Regarding the Re-writing of the Grades of the Table for Categories and Levels of Positions Included in Health Positions by-Law and also Amending the Amount of Monthly Transportation Allowance for Some Levels of the Two Categories (Technician) and (Assistant Technician) -- |
Civil Service Council Resolution No. (1662/1) dated 16/2/1433H regarding the approval of amending the secondment allowance and transportation allowance specified for (Khawya chief) so that secondment allowance shall be (SR700), and transportation allowance (SR900) monthly. under translation |
Telegram No. 17917/ dated 27-3-1433H regarding the approval of amending the secondment allowance and transportation allowance specified for (Khawya chief) so that secondment allowance shall be (SR700), and transportation allowance (SR900) monthly. Telegram No. 17917/ dated 27-3-1433H regarding the approval of amending the secondment allowance and transportation allowance specified for (Khawya chief) so that secondment allowance shall be (SR700), and transportation allowance (SR900) monthly. |
Royal Decree No. M/35 dated 25-6-1424H regarding collection of fees against issuing a license to practice expediting for transaction with government parties. "Royal Decree No. M/35 dated 25-6-1424H regarding collection of fees against issuing a license to practice expediting for transaction with government parties. |
Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4399 dated 5/11/1432H, regarding amending the first article of employee vacation by-law. Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4399 dated 5/11/1432H, regarding amending the first article of employee vacation
by-law. |
Resolution No. (190) dated 16/11/1409H regarding the approval of the pleading rules and procedures in front of the Grievance Bureau under translation |
Royal Order No. 4097 / MB dated 25/6/1432H regarding the approval of award of Imams, Callers and mosques workers. Royal Order No. 4097 / MB dated 25/6/1432H regarding the approval of award of Imams, Callers and mosques workers. |