Credit Regulation in the Agricultural Development Fund issued by the Agricultural Development Fund issued pursuant to the Agricultural Development Fund’s Board of Directors Resolution No. (6) at its session No. (471) dated 25/3/1439 H and amended pursuant to Board of Directors Resolution No. (13) at its session No. (511) dated 13/12/2023 This regulation is complementary to the law and is not independent. In the event of any conflict, the provisions of the law shall prevail. |
Resolution No. (251) dated 07/04/1444 H Naming the (Eleventh) day of November each year with (Organic Food Day) Upon reviewing, in its session held under chairmanship of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the transaction No. (60170) dated 23/9/1443 H sent from the Royal Court, including telegram No. (205384) dated 18/9/1443 H of H.E. Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture regarding proposal of the Organic Food Day |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1) dated 3 /1 /1428 H After observation of the transaction received from the Office of the Council of Ministers No.42464-B on the 19th-9-1427 |
The statute as published in the last amendment The statute of the Saline Water Conversion Corporation issued by royal decree No.49/m on the 20th – 8 – 1394 this text is under the latest amendment by the Council of Ministers decision No.27, on the 9th-1-1438 |
The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Treated and Recycling Sewage Water Unless the context otherwise indicate, the following words and phrases, wherever they appear in this Law, shall have... |
Resolution of Council of Ministers Approving on constructing an association with the name of (the Saudi Society for Organic Agriculture) After reviewing the formality coming from bureau of council of ministers presidency no. 4509/B dated on... |
The text of the Regulation of the Saudi Society for Organic Agriculture The Saudi Society for organic agriculture is a national society of a juristic Personality and an independent financial... |
Minister of Agriculture Resolutions Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Law of Fertilizers and Cultivating Soil Improvers in Gulf Corporation Council On the basis of the text of article (12) of the Law of Fertilizers and Cultivating Soil Improves in Gulf... |
Resolution of Council of Ministers Approving the Law of Fertilizers and Cultivating Soil Improvers in Gulf Corporation Council After reviewing the formality coming from bureau of council of ministers presidency no. 11260/B dated on... |
Royal Decree Approving the Law of Fertilizers and Cultivating Soil Improvers in Gulf Corporation Council Based on article (70) from the basic law of rule, issued by royal order no. (90) dated on 27/8/1412 H, and... |
The Implementing Regulations of Law of Fertilizers and Cultivating Soil Improvers in Gulf Corporation Council Expressions and terms in this regulation shall have the meaning stipulated in the Law of Fertilizers and Cultivating Soil... |
Resolution of Agriculture Minister Approving the Implementing Regulations of Law of insecticide in the GCC States On the basis of the text of article 12 of agricultural insecticide law issued by royal decree No. (67) dated on 14/11/1427 H, and... |
The text of the Law of Fertilizers and Cultivating Soil Improvers in Gulf Corporation Council The present law aims at organizing processes of production, import and circulating fertilizers and cultivating soil... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Law of Insecticide in the GCC States Upon review the formality coming from Council of Ministers Presidency Bureau No. 45664/B dated 14/10/1427 H, includes... |
Royal Decree Approving the Law of Insecticide in the GCC States On the basis of article (70) of the main law for the rule, issued by royal order no. (90) dated on 27/8/1412 H, and... |
The Implementing Regulations of Law of insecticide in Cooperation Council Countries of Arab Gulf Countries The following words (terms) shall mean the meanings stated in front of each, unless the context of text provides otherwise... |
The text of the Law of Insecticide in the GCC States This law aimed at organizing the operations of producing, importing and Circulating insecticides in GCC... |
Royal Decree Amending Article (10) of the Distribution of Fallow Lands Law Based on Article (70) of the Fundamental Law of the Rule, issued by the Royal Order No. (90) dated on 27/08/1412 H, and... |
The Implementing Regulations of the Agricultural Quarantine Law for the Gulf Cooperative Council of the Gulf States The terms provided in this regulation of meanings stipulated in Article (3) of the agricultural quarantine law for... |
The text of the Quarantine Law for the States of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) This law targets prohibiting entry and spread of agrarian pests, protection of the environment and plant materials and... |
Royal Decree Approving amendment of the General Corporation for Desalinating Saline Water Law Based on Article (70) of the Basic Law of Governance (Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), issued by... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving amendment of the General Corporation for Desalinating Saline Water Law After reviewing the transaction, arriving from the Council of Ministers Presidency Bureau, No... |
Royal Decree Approving GCC Agricultural Quarantine Law Based on article (70) of the Basic Law of Governance (the Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), issued by... |
Minister of Agriculture Decision Approving GCC Agricultural Quarantine Law Implementing Regulations Based on first paragraph of Article (31) of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States Agricultural Quarantine Law approved by... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving GCC Agricultural Quarantine Law After reviewing the accompanying transaction No 51280/b dated 21/10/1425H incoming from... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Amending Article (10) of the Fallow Lands Distribution Law Pursuant to reviewing the Council Presidency Bureau transactions no... |
Royal Decree Approving the Law of Fallow Lands Distribution After reviewing Article Nineteen of the Council of Ministers Law issued by the Royal Decree no. 38... |
Royal Decree Approving the Interim Principles for Government Fallow Lands Restoration Based on Articles 19 & 31 of the Cabinet of Ministers Law, and... |
Royal Decree on Approving the Water and Sewage Drainage Corporations Law After reviewing Article (19&20) of the Cabinet Ministers Law issued by the... |
Council of Ministers Resolution on Replacing " Water and Sewage " expression with " Water and Sewage Drainage " expression After reviewing the Royal Decree no. 7/B/2745 dated 18/2/1408H which... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving Water and Sewage Drainage Corporation Law Draft After reviewing the transaction No. 22850 dated 22/12/1390H. received... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving 4 Regulations for Water and Sewage Drainage Corporation After reviewing the attached transaction No 17885/3/z dated 22/8/1392H received from the... |
Council of Ministers Decision Approving the Fallow Lands Distribution Draft Law After reviewing the attached transaction of the Council |
Royal Decree on Approving the law of the General Corporation for Desalinating Saline Water After reviewing Article 19 of the Cabinet of Ministers law issued by the Royal Decree no.... |
Council of Ministers’ Resolution on Approving the Law of the General Corporation for Desalinating Saline Water After reviewing the attached transaction from the Council Presidency Bureau No... |
Council of Ministers Resolution on Approving the Law of Treated and Recycling Sewage Water After receiving the transaction from the Council Presidency Bureau No... |
Royal Decree on Approving the Law of Treated and Recycling Sewage Water Based on Article (70) of the Basic Law for Ruling (Constitution) issued by... |
Royal Decree Approving the Law of Saudi Arabian Agricultural Bank After the review of the Royal order no. 42 dated 9/10/1381H and,... |
Council of Ministers Resolution for Subsidizing the Cooperative Societies for Agricultural After review of the transaction received from the Council Presidency Bureau No 7/b/20 855 dated... |
Council of Ministers Decision on Establishing a Ministry for Water Comprised of Directorates & Authorities Concerned with Water in the Ministries of Agriculture & Waters and the Municipal & Rural Affairs and the Water Sector of Azeeziya Spring Directorate After reviewing the transaction received from the Cabinet of Ministers Presidency Bureau No... |
The Text of the Law of Demarcation of the Territorial Sea & subterranean Waters of the Kingdom In consideration of what the public interest necessitates,... |
The Implementing Regulations of Forests and Pastures Law It is not permissible to exploit the following forests in any method save with a license from the Ministry of Agriculture and Water and with the terms included in such... |
The Text of the Law of Agricultural Quarantine 1- It shall be prohibited to import agricultural materials or packing materials suspected to be contaminated with pests and diseases mentioned in appendix No... |
Council of Ministers Resolution in Approval of Ministry of Agriculture and Water Renting Lands Against Favorable Prices Pursuant to Reviewing the transaction of the Council of ministers Presidency Bureau No... |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Interim Principles for Government Fallow Lands Restoration Pursuant to reviewing the transaction inclusive of the interim principles of the... |
The Text of the Trading in Manures and Agricultural Fertilizers Law It is meant by the following expressions and words the meanings showed beside each of... |
The Text of the Agricultural Safety Regulation It is meant by the expressions mentioned in this regulation, the following... |
Royal Decree on Replacing " Water and Sewage " expression with " Water and Sewage Drainage " Expression After reviewing Articles (19&20) of the Cabinet of Ministers Law issued by... |
The Penalties Regulation Whoever damages or causes damage to the constructions, reservoirs and systems of... |
The Implementing Regulations of the Saudi Agricultural Bank Law This regulation shall be cited as “Regulation of the Saudi Arabian Agricultural Bank for... |
The Text of the Saudi Agricultural Bank Law A bank shall be founded by virtue of this Law and shall be cited as (the Saudi Arabian Agricultural Bank) and... |
Rules of Pleadings & Procedures Before the Grievance Board The Administrative Suit shall be instituted by an application made by the Claimant to the head or his... |
Royal Decree Amending Paragraph One of Article Five of the Water and Sewage Drainage Corporation Law After reviewing Articles (19&20) of the Cabinet of Ministers Law issued by the... |
Royal Decree Amending Article (5) of the Water and Sewage Drainage Corporation Law After reviewing Articles (19, 20) of the Cabinet of Ministers Law issued by the Royal Decree no... |
The Implementing Regulations of the Fallow Lands Distribution Law Based on Article (12) of the Fallow lands Distribution Law issued by the... |
The Text of the Fallow Lands Distribution Draft Law The fallow lands in the provisions of Law are intended to mean every land... |
Executive Order on Trading in Agricultural Machinery Organization Rules By virtue of Article 16 of regularizing agricultural equipments trading issued by... |
Executive Order on Trading in Agricultural Machinery Organization Rules By virtue of Article 16 of regularizing agricultural equipments trading issued by... |
The Text of the General Corporation for Grain Silos and Flour Mills Law To establish as per this regulation General Corporation to be affiliated to... |
The Executive Regulation of the General Corporation for Desalinating Saline Water Utilities Protection Law This regulation shall be cited as “The General Corporation for... |
The Implementing Regulation of the General Corporation for Desalinating Saline Water Utilities Protection Law This regulation shall be cited as “The General Corporation for... |
The Text of the Law of the General Corporation for Desalinating Saline Water A Corporation called (The General Corporation for Desalinating Saline... |
The Text of the Law of Treated and Recycling Sewage Water The objective of this Law is to reach acceptable levels to get rid of the various types of... |
The Text of the Forests and Pastures Law The following words shall, wherever stated in this law, mean the following... |
The Regulation for Fixing Tariffs of Water Consumption and Using Sewage Drainage System and the cost of Connections thereto The water consumption charges shall be (25) Halala per cubic meter and the same... |
Specifying the Remunerations of Water and Sewage Drainage Corporation’s Board of Directors The Minister of Interior shall accredit the Minister of Municipalities and Villages Affairs with... |
The Water and Sewage Corporation Employees Regulation Category (a) employees: which includes the technicians, the administrators, and... |
The General Regulation for Water and Sewage Drainage Money Expenditure No payment or commitment to any payment shall be made other than that... |
The Text of the Water and Sewage Drainage Corporation Law This Law shall apply to every Water or Sanitary Sewage Department as separate or... |
New Regulation for Trading in Pesticides Inclusive of Penalties Ranging From Warning up to Closure of the Violating Premises The word "insecticide/pesticide" mentioned in this regulation is meant... |
The Council of the Ministers’ Resolution on the Responsibility of the Ministry of Agricultural and Water for Inspection and Analysis The Ministry of Agriculture and Water (The agricultural interdiction and veterinary quarantines) shall be fully responsible for inspection... |
Council of Minister No. (640) Regarding the Approval of the Request of H. E. Minister of Agriculture and Water to Extend the Period that was Granted to those who Benefit from bare land Distribution Regulation. UNDER TRANSLATION |
Council of Minister No. (37) dated 12/2/1424Amending the Tenth Article of the Bare Land Distribution Regulation -- |
Ministerial Decision No. 8 dated 19/2/1416H regarding the rules of the application of the public facilities protection Law of roads under the supervision of Ministry of transportation. Ministerial Decision No. 8 dated 19/2/1416H regarding the rules of the application of the public facilities protection Law of roads under the supervision of Ministry of transportation. |
Royal Decree No. M/62 dated 20/12/1405H regarding the approval of public facilities protection regulation Royal Decree No. M/62 dated 20/12/1405H regarding the approval of public facilities protection regulation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (332) dated 19/11/1432H giving Subside to agricultural crops. under translation |
Decision of the council of minister No. 92 dated 23/3/1429H - authorizing H. E. . minister of agriculture to conclude executive program in the scope of veterinary, services and animal wealth between the Kingdom and Sudan. Decision of the council of minister No. 92 dated 23/3/1429H - authorizing H. E. . minister of agriculture to conclude executive program in the scope of veterinary, services and animal wealth between the Kingdom and Sudan. |
Minister of Agriculture Resolution No. (21433) dated 28/3/1425 H Regarding the Approval of Executive by-Law of Animal Wealth Regulation -- |
Decision of the council of minister No. 14 dated 21/1/1408H regarding the approval of catching, investing and protecting live water wealth. Decision of the council of minister No. 14 dated 21/1/1408H regarding the approval of catching, investing and protecting live water wealth. |
Ministerial Resolution (424) dated 14/10/1419 Amending Safety and Security by-law those Performing Catching or Walking about or Diving in the Sea Regional Waters of the Kingdom -- |
Ministerial Decision No. (21911) dated 27/3/1404 regarding the approval of the executive law of catching, investment and protection regulation of live water wealth. Ministerial Decision No. (21911) dated 27/3/1404 regarding the approval of the executive law of catching, investment and protection regulation of live water wealth. |
Decision of minister of agriculture No. (295944) dated 29/10/1431H regarding the approval of the executive by-law for Bee breading regulation.Decision of minister of agriculture No. (295944) dated 29/10/1431H regarding the approval of the executive by-law for Bee breading regulation. Decision of minister of agriculture No. (295944) dated 29/10/1431H regarding the approval of the executive by-law for Bee breading regulation. |
Decision of council of minister No. (273) dated 21/8/1428H regarding the approval of organization of Saudi society of organic agriculture. Decision of council of minister No. (273) dated 21/8/1428H regarding the approval of organization of Saudi society of organic agriculture. |
Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 35 dated 2-2-1423H regarding the approval of trading regulation in agricultural fertilizers. Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 35 dated 2-2-1423H regarding the approval of trading regulation in agricultural fertilizers. |
Ministerial Decree no.52240 dated 21/12/1419H regarding the approval of violations by-law and the amount of fines for water facilities and sanitary drainage. Ministerial Decree no.52240 dated 21/12/1419H regarding the approval of violations by-law and the amount of fines for water facilities and sanitary drainage. |
Council of Minister Resolution No. (125) establishing Ministry of water including the related departments and bodies to water in the two ministries of agriculture and water and municipality and rural affairs and water sector that belongs to Alain ALazezyah department. under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (811) regarding the approval of the Regulations of water and sanitary drainage departments Law. under translation |
Decision of the Minister of water and electricity No. 2/738 dated 12-8-1428H amending article 24 of the executive by-law of water sources maintaining regulation Decision of the Minister of water and electricity No. 2/738 dated 12-8-1428H amending article 24 of the executive by-law of water sources maintaining regulation |
The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 92 dated 23/3/1429H. to authorize his Excellency the minister of agriculture to conclude an executive program in the field of veterinary services and livestock between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Sudan through the Saudi-Sudanese Joint Committee The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 92 dated 23/3/1429H. to authorize his Excellency the minister of agriculture to conclude an executive program in the field of veterinary services and livestock between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Sudan through the Saudi-Sudanese Joint Committee |
The minister of agriculture‟s Decision No. 21433 dated 28/3/1425H. regarding the approval of on the Implementing regulations of the livestock system The minister of agriculture‟s Decision No. 21433 dated 28/3/1425H. regarding the approval of on the implementing regulations of the livestock system |
The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 46 dated 19/2/1424H. Regarding the approval of on the livestock system The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 46 dated 19/2/1424H. Regarding the approval of on the livestock system |
Royal Decree No. M/13 dated 10/3/1424H. Regarding the approval of on the livestock system. Royal Decree No. M/13 dated 10/3/1424H. Regarding the approval of on the livestock system. |
Circular of Justice high council No. 72/KH dated 20/3/1430H regarding specifying the financial limits to dig wells Circular of Justice high council No. 72/KH dated 20/3/1430H regarding specifying the financial limits to dig wells |
The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 103 dated 10/8/1413H. Regarding the approval of on the scientific research system in the marine areas of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 103 dated 10/8/1413H. Regarding the approval of on the scientific research system in the marine areas of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. |
Telegraph No. 11138/B dated 14/3/1429H. regarding the approval of on the national plan for encouraging the concentrated feed industry and it good use and support for its inputs Telegraph No. 11138/B dated 14/3/1429H. regarding the approval of on the national plan for encouraging the concentrated feed industry and it good use and support for its inputs |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (69) dated 9/3/1429 H Regarding the Approval of on the National plan for Encouraging the Concentrated feed Industry and it Good use a -- |
circular No.22/2/t dated 12/2/1391h Regarding the vacation of the contracted employee and when he is entitled to enjoy it or not. circular No.22/2/t dated 12/2/1391h Regarding the vacation of the contracted employee and when he is entitled to enjoy it or not. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (112) dated 4/6/1407 H stipulating that Government Agencies have to Restrict their Procurement of Fresh Chicken and Eggs to the Local Production -- |
Royal Order No (A/136) dated 19/8/1432 H Regarding Incrementing Support to Feeds and feed Components at the Rate of 50% -- |
Circular No. (1551/3/M) dated 11/9/1406 regarding awarding Renewal of Jeddah Desalination Project – Phase One under translation |
Circular No. 11398 dated 14/5/1402H, availability of water in plans sites Circular No. 11398 dated 14/5/1402H, availability of water in plans sites |
Circular No. 11398 dated 14/5/1402H, availability of water in plans sites Circular No. 11398 dated 14/5/1402H, availability of water in plans sites |
Circular No. 24842/G /3 dated 4/10/97H on the agreement to additional funds for water and dams projects Circular No. 24842/G /3 dated 4/10/97H on the agreement to additional funds for water and dams projects |
Circular No. 3/G/8768 dated 11/4/96H regarding the approval of to include date palms and dates in the cash subsidy Circular No. 3/G/8768 dated 11/4/96H regarding the approval of to include date palms and dates in the cash subsidy |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1208) dated 16/9/1397 H Regarding the Approval of to Allocate Additional Funds for Water and Dams Projects -- |
Circular No. (12127000) dated 10/5/83 H Inclusive of Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. (408) dated 8/5/1383 H Regarding the Approval of the the Recommendation of the Higher Council of Planning Related to the Development of Agriculture and Water -- |
circule regarding NO 13/90/T dated 23/ 4/ 1395H. Regulation of importing and selling the agricultural machineries. circule regarding NO 13/90/T dated 23/ 4/ 1395H. Regulation of importing and selling the agricultural machineries. |
Royal Decree No. (M / 37) dated 19/4/1438 H on the approval of the amendment of Article 9 of the regulation of conservation of water sources, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 34) dated 24 /8 /1400 H Royal Decree No. (M / 37) dated 19/4/1438 H on the approval of the amendment of Article 9 of the regulation of conservation of water sources, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 34) dated 24 / 8 / 1400 H |
Royal Decree No. (M / 39) dated 19/4/1438 H on the approval of the amendment of paragraph (2) of Article 29 of the wastewater treatment regulation and the reuse thereof, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 6) dated 13/2/1421 H Royal Decree No. (M / 39) dated 19/4/1438 H on the approval of the amendment of paragraph (2) of Article 29 of the wastewater treatment regulation and the reuse thereof, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 6) dated 13/2/1421 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (228) dated 18/4/1438 H on the Approval of the Amendment of Article 9 of the Water Resources Conservation Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/8/1400 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (230) dated 18/4/1438 H on the Approval of the amendment of paragraph 2 of Article 29 of the Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M/6) dated 13/2/1421 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (270) dated 9/5/1438 H on the Restructuring of the Board of Directors of the National Water Company, for a Period of Three years, from the date of the Issuance of this Resolution -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (336) dated 30/5/1438 H on the amendment of the phrase "Representative of the Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection" contained in the Council of Ministers Decree No. (37) dated 27/1/1437 H to be Representative of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (153) dated 17/3/1439 H Regarding the Approval Concerning the Establishment of the King Abdul Aziz Center for Arabian horses -- |
Royal Order No. (A/196) dated 25/7/1438H regarding the appointment of Eng. Ali bin Abdul Rahman Al Hazmi as Governor of the General Corporation for Desalination of Saline Water at the excellent rank. under translation |
Royal Order No. (A / 297) dated 26/10/1438H regarding the establishment of the camel club under translation |
Royal Order No. (A/298) dated 26/10/1438 H on the establishment of the Falcon Club under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (691) dated 22/11/1438 H about the Special Controls to Consider the Approval of Applications by the Agricultural Joint-stock Companies Concerning the Ownership of Lands Handed Over to them by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of 1438 H Under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (433) dated 24/5/1398H on the Cooperation of the Ministry of Communications, with the people, in the Establishment of Agricultural Roads, to help Farmers to Access their Farms and Facilitate the Marketing of their Crops in the Markets -- |
The Ministry of Water and Electricity Resolution No. (489/2) dated 2/7/1427 H regarding the amendment of the Implementing Statute of the Water Resources Regulation, issued under the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resolution No. 62044 dated 1/7/1409 H The Ministry of Water and Electricity Resolution No. (489/2) dated 2/7/1427 H regarding the amendment of the Implementing Statute of the Water Resources Regulation, issued under the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resolution No. 62044 dated 1/7/1409 H |
Cable No. 22027 dated 11/5/1438 regarding a copy of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 270 dated 9/5/1438 concerning the restructuring of the Board of Directors of the National Water Company for three years, from the date of the issuance of this resolution on 9/5/1438 Cable No. 22027 dated 11/5/1438 regarding a copy of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 270 dated 9/5/1438 concerning the restructuring of the Board of Directors of the National Water Company for three years, from the date of the issuance of this resolution on 9/5/1438 |
The Royal Court Telegram No.27796 dated 23/6/1436 The Royal Court Telegram No.27796 dated 23/6/1436 |
The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (104) dated 14/2/1440 H on the approval of the utilisation of the natural resources in the coastal lands and the Red Sea by the national program for the development of the fisheries sector in the Kingdom. The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (104) dated 14/2/1440 H on the approval of the utilisation of the natural resources in the coastal lands and the Red Sea by the national program for the development of the fisheries sector in the Kingdom. |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/178/1096 dated 20/9/1438 regarding the approval by the Board of Directors of the Authority of the regulation regarding water saving tools Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/178/1096 dated 20/9/1438 regarding the approval by the Board of Directors of the Authority of the regulation regarding water saving tools |
The Council of the Saudi Chambers Letter No. 2471 dated 18/9/1438 on the approval by the Board of Directors of the Authority for the regulation on water saving tools The Council of the Saudi Chambers Letter No. 2471 dated 18/9/1438 on the approval by the Board of Directors of the Authority for the regulation on water saving tools |
Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality - Letter No. 4585 dated 21/8/1438 on the approval by the Board of Directors of the Authority for the regulation on water saving tools Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality - Letter No. 4585 dated 21/8/1438 on the approval by the Board of Directors of the Authority for the regulation on water saving tools |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Circular No. 37 / D / T dated 15/5/1439 on the names of the original Arabian horse breeders, and what is stated therein Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Circular No. 37 / D / T dated 15/5/1439 on the names of the original Arabian horse breeders, and what is stated therein |
The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.42133 / B dated 23/10/1429 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 300 dated 20/10/1429 H The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram No.42133 / B dated 23/10/1429 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 300 dated 20/10/1429 H |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (308/47/3501000) dated 10/6/1439 about the Certification of Australian Health Certificates for Products (milk, eggs and the products thereof, Aquatic Life, Honey (bee products), Meat and the Products thereof Under translation |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (311/49/35100) dated 8/2/1430 Regarding the Approval of the Recommendations of the Committee Concerning the Preparatory Agents of the Ministerial Supply Committee, including Amendment of Barley Subsidy and other Feed Alternatives -- |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (705/112/351000) dated 13/7/1438 H on the decision of the Environment, Water and Agriculture Authority No. (192981) dated 22/6/1438 H regarding the lifting of the ban against the importation of live animals (cattle, sheep and goats) from the Republic of Ethiopia Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (705/112/351000) dated 13/7/1438 H on the decision of the Environment, Water and Agriculture Authority No. (192981) dated 22/6/1438 H regarding the lifting of the ban against the importation of live animals (cattle, sheep and goats) from the Republic of Ethiopia |
Circular No. (3501000/403/1987) dated 7/4/1439 H on lifting the ban on the importation of live birds, hatchery eggs and chicks from Greece Circular No. (3501000/403/1987) dated 7/4/1439 H on lifting the ban on the importation of live birds, hatchery eggs and chicks from Greece |
Circular No. 3501000/434/124 dated 6/5 / 1439H about export controls concerning manufactured products of potatoes and maize Circular No. 3501000/434/124 dated 6/5 / 1439H about export controls concerning manufactured products of potatoes and maize |
Ministry of Water and Electricity Decree No. 716/1 dated 2/6/1436 H on the regulations regarding the impurities contained in non-potable water wells Ministry of Water and Electricity Decree No. 716/1 dated 2/6/1436 H on the regulations regarding the impurities contained in non-potable water wells |
Ministry of Water and Electricity Circular No. 1436/1/716 dated 4/6/1436 regarding the decision to approve the Regulations about the impurities of non-potable water wells Ministry of Water and Electricity Circular No. 1436/1/716 dated 4/6/1436 regarding the decision to approve the Regulations about the impurities of non-potable water wells |
Circular no. 3501000/248/1308 dated 25/11/1438 H on the temporary ban on the importation of horses from the Netherlands and Switzerland Circular no. 3501000/248/1308 dated 25/11/1438 H on the temporary ban on the importation of horses from the Netherlands and Switzerland |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (200) dated 22/4/1439 H about the Approval Concerning the Extension of the Duration of the Privatisation Regarding the Four Flour Mills Companies -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (187) dated 15/4/1439 H on Approving the Founding of the General Establishment for Irrigation -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (438) dated 15/8/1439 H regarding the approval of the Flour Mills production regulation under translation |
The General Authority for Food and Drug Decision No. 2-16-1439 dated 9/4 / 1439H regarding the approval of the "Implementing Regulations of the Feed System The General Authority for Food and Drug Decision No. 2-16-1439 dated 9/4 / 1439H regarding the approval of the "Implementing Regulations of the Feed System |
The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (288) dated 30/5/1440 H regarding the addition of Item (Thirdly) to the special controls to consider the approval of applications by the agricultural joint-stock companies, their ownership of lands handed over to them by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of 1438 H The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (288) dated 30/5/1440 H regarding the addition of Item (Thirdly) to the special controls to consider the approval of applications by the agricultural joint-stock companies, their ownership of lands handed over to them by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of 1438 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (270) dated 23/05/1440 H about approval of the regulation of the "National Centre for Research and Development of Sustainable Agriculture - ISTIDAMAH under translation |
The Statute under the Latest Amendment - The Implementing Statute of the Regulation for the distribution of fallow lands The Statute under the Latest Amendment - The Implementing Statute of the Regulation for the distribution of fallow lands |
The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 214 dated 25/04/1440 H about the approval of the regulatory arrangements for Al-Suqoor FC The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 214 dated 25/04/1440 H about the approval of the regulatory arrangements for Al-Suqoor FC |
The Ministry of Interior Resolution No. 2 dated 07/07/1410 H on the statute about the security and safety for the pursuers of fishing, excursionists and divers of 1410 H The Ministry of Interior Resolution No. 2 dated 07/07/1410 H on the statute about the security and safety for the pursuers of fishing, excursionists and divers of 1410 H |
A Circular on the number of births registered to the horse within one year A Circular on the number of births registered to the horse within one year |
A circular on the speed of completion of birth registration procedures for indigenous Arabian horses A circular on the speed of completion of birth registration procedures for indigenous Arabian horses |
A circular on facilitating procedures for the registration of equine-newly-borns A circular on facilitating procedures for the registration of equine-newly-borns |
The Council of Ministers Decision No. (296 )of 11/6/1439 H on the obligation of all owners of camels to place the electronic chip for the project of digitisation and automatic registration of animals, at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture The Council of Ministers Decision No. (296) of 11/6/1439 H on the obligation of all owners of camels to place the electronic chip for the project of digitisation and automatic registration of animals, at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/64/490 dated 24/5/1436 concerning the desire of Odessa Sturgeon Farming Complex to cooperate with Saudi companies interested in fish culture Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/64/490 dated 24/5/1436 concerning the desire of Odessa Sturgeon Farming Complex to cooperate with Saudi companies interested in fish culture |
Al Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/77/586 dated 4/6/1436 on the standards, specifications and requirements to be provided when importing and trading organic products specified in the Implementing Regulations of the Organic Farming System Al Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/77/586 dated 4/6/1436 on the standards, specifications and requirements to be provided when importing and trading organic products specified in the Implementing Regulations of the Organic Farming System |
Royal Decree No. M / 91 dated 16/8 / 1439H regarding the approval of the flour mills regulation Royal Decree No. M / 91 dated 16/8 / 1439H regarding the approval of the flour mills regulation |
Ministry of Education Circular No. (37711010) dated 17/4/1437 H to all Departments, Offices, Schools, Institutes and kindergartens about Non-Filling of Water Tanks or Draining Wastewater During Work Hours -- |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (3501000/279/1362) dated 19/12/1438 on a Temporary ban on the Import of Live Birds, Hatching Eggs and Chicks from the Philippines and Laos Under translation |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (3501000/250/1377) dated 20/11/1437 on the Establishment of a Technical Team from the Saudi Food and Drug Authority to Visit Ethiopia to Inspect some Enterprises wishing to Export Beef, Sheep and Goats to the Kingdom -- |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (3501000/285/1565) dated 8/1 / 1438H on the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (50) dated 2/1/1438 H Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (3501000/285/1565) dated 8/1 / 1438H on the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (50) dated 2/1/1438 H |
The law is in accordance with the latest amendment- Royal Decree No. (M / 34) dated 24 / 8 / 1400 H On the approval of the law of conservation of water resources Article 1:
Without prejudice to the legally established rights, water sources shall be considered as public property, which shall be used in accordance with the provisions of this Law and other regulations. |
Royal Decree No. (M / 13) dated on 10/3/1424 H Approval of the livestock Law approval of the livestock system in the accompanying form. |
Royal Decree No. (M / 55) dated 16 / 9 / 1435 H Approval of the organic farming law, as accompanying. |
Royal decree No. (M / 15) dated 13/03/1431 H approving the law of beekeeping This law aims to regulate beekeeping. |
Royal Decree No. (M / 44) dated 26 / 7 / 1434 H The approval of the Animal Welfare Law of the GCC States adopted by the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council |
Ministerial Decision No. (716 / 1) dated on 2 / 6 / 1436 H Approval of the regulation of drinking water well water according to the accompanying form. |
Royal Decree No. (M / 26) dated on 6 / 7 / 1388 H Approval of the wasteland distribution Law Approving the wasteland distribution law as follows. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (32) dated 9/2/1420 H Establishing Standing Committees in the Emirate of the Regions to Supervise Vegetable Farms Watered by Sewage and Prevent the Sale and Transfer of Sewage Water to Farms -- |
Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (213) of 29/4/1439 H on Land Leasing Instructions Supervised by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture to Establish Any Activity Related to the Agricultural Sector or Other Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (213) of 29/4/1439 H on Land Leasing Instructions Supervised by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture to Establish Any Activity Related to the Agricultural Sector or Other |
SFDA Circular No. 60095 dated 4/9/1440 H to abide by the feed system and its Implementing regulations SFDA Circular No. 60095 dated 4/9/1440 H to abide by the feed system and its Implementing regulations |
Royal Decree No. (54994) dated 27 / 9 / 1440 H on raising the awareness of citizens and residents of drowning and suffocation in water and sanitation reservoirs Royal Decree No. (54994) dated 27 / 9 / 1440 H on raising the awareness of citizens and residents of drowning and suffocation in water and sanitation reservoirs |
The decision according to the last amendment- Council of ministers Resolution No. (35) dated 27/1/1437 H, amending the name of the General Organization for Grain Silos and Flour Mills to the General Organization for Grains and its Organizational Arrangements of 1437 H First: Approving taking the necessary actions to establish four joint-stock companies for flour mills in accordance with the proposed geographical distribution, provided that the Public Investment Fund in coordination with the General Organization for Grain Silos and flour mills shall be entrusted according to what was issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 62) dated 4/10 / 1435 H. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (526) of 9/9/1440 H transferring employees, jobs, documents, allocations, assets and property of the irrigation sector of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture to the General Organization for Irrigation Council of Ministers Resolution No. (526) of 9/9/1440 H transferring employees, jobs, documents, allocations, assets and property of the irrigation sector of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture to the General Organization for Irrigation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (543) dated 16/9/1440 H amending the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (296) dated 11/6/1439 H to oblige all camel owners to put the electronic chip for the project numbering and electronic registration of animals at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Amend the phrase “within a period not exceeding one year from the date of this decision” in paragraph (1) of clause (Third). |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (411) dated 17/6/1441 H on the Industrial Rainfall Program in the Kingdom of 1441 H Council of Ministers Resolution No. (411) dated 17/6/1441, on the Industrial Rainfall Program in the Kingdom of 1441 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (629) dated 6/11/1440 H regarding the basic organization of program of sustainable agricultural rural development Council of Ministers Resolution No. (629) dated 6/11/1440 H regarding the basic organization of program of sustainable agricultural rural development |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (335) dated 9/11/1428 H Approving the Rules and Procedures for Rationalizing Water Consumption and Regulating its use in Agricultural Fields in all Cities, Villages and Desertions in the Kingdom -- |
Decision No. 551 of the Council of Ministers dated 23/9/1440 H on the implementation mechanism of the prevention program of red palm weevil Decision No. 551 of the Council of Ministers dated 23/9/1440 H on the implementation mechanism of the prevention program of red palm weevil |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (182) dated 13/5/1437 H Concerning Arrangements for Promoting Investment in the Poultry Industry in General -- |
Telegram of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. 5613/1/1437 dated 27/2/1438 on the controls of the Segmented of agricultural land Telegram of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. 5613/1/1437 dated 27/2/1438 on the controls of the Segmented of agricultural land |
Council of Saudi Chambers Letter No. (P.G/1544) dated 7/7/1441 H, following the letter No. (P.G/975) dated 29/4/1441 H under translation |
Council of Saudi Chambers Letter No. (P.G/975) dated 29/4/1441 H regarding Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture decision No. (291035/1/1441) dated 24/4/1441 regarding limiting support to green fodder inputs under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (632) dated 17/10/1441 H Authorizing Four Joint-Stock Companies for Flour Mills -- |
Food and Drug General Authority Circular No. (16465/p) and dated 15/4/1441 H regarding registration procedures for feed products under translation |
Food and Drug General Authority Circular No. (13447 / P) dated 22/4/1441 H extending the feed registration deadline for a week under translation |
Eastern Chamber Circular No. (656/542/3501000) dated 13/8/1441 H regarding green fodder inputs under translation |
Eastern Chamber Circular No. (526/530/3501000) dated 8/7/1441 H on limiting support to green fodder inputs under translation |
Credit regulation in the Agricultural Development Fund issued on Shawwal 1441 H - June 2020 under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (730) dated 16/11/1441 H Amending Clause (third) of the Basic Organization of the Supervisory Committee of the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Project for Suqia Zamzam -- |
Royal Decree No. (M / 159) dated 11/11/1441 H approving the water law To implement the law, the following terms and phrases - wherever they appear - are intended to mean the meanings shown before each of them, unless the context requires otherwise: |
Council of ministers Resolution (712) dated 9/11/1441 H regarding the transfer of some functions from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs to the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture under translation |
Resolution No. (710) dated 9/11/1441 H Approval of the Water Law The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture - when applying the provisions of Articles (4) and (44) of the Law – shall take the following measures |
Council of Minsters Resolution No. (686) dated 2/11/1441 H on approving the controls for exporting bottled drinking water under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M/152) dated 5/11/1441 H on imposing fees for exporting bottled drinking water under translation |
Council of Minsters Resolution No. (685) dated 2/11/1441 H on imposing fees for exporting bottled drinking water and amending the organizational arrangement for water factories issued by Council of Minsters Resolution No. (100) dated 9/4/1432 H under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M / 32) dated 10/08/1400 H amending Article 4 and adding some articles to the Commercial Age Amend Article 4 of the Commercial Agencies Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (11) of 1382 H to read as follows: |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (764) dated 30/11/1441 H Approving the Organizational Arrangements for the Sustainable Agricultural Rural Development Program -- |
Regulations for lending cooperative societies Regulations for lending cooperative societies |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (765) dated 30/11/1441 H to amend Council of Ministers Resolution No. (39) dated 16/1/1438 H approving the controls of implementing the Council of Ministers’s decision regarding the study of stopping green fodder cultivation within a period not exceeding three years under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1) dated 7/1/1408 H, Amending the Water and Sanitation Services Regulations issued by Royal Decree No. (M/22) dated 23/6/1391 H -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (180) dated 11/9/1406 H to amend the regulation of water and sanitation services issued by Royal Decree No. (M/22) dated 23/6/1391 H under translation |
Royal Decree according to the latest amendment Royal Decree No. (M / 9) dated 1 / 2 / 1430 H Approving the Agricultural Development Fund Law The following expressions - wherever they appear in this law - shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context requires otherwise |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (763) dated 30/11/1441 H regarding the fee for the delivery of water and sanitation to the governmental, commercial and industrial sectors under translation |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (615463/1/1441) dated 29/11/1441 H regarding the formation of a supreme supervisory committee to work on following up the implementation of the provisions of council of ministers Resolution No. (712) dated 9/11/1441 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (152) dated 3/3/1442 H Approving the Regulation of the National Center for the Prevention and Control of Plant Pests and Animal Diseases -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (197) dated 24/3/1442 H Regarding Controls for Assigning the Import and Sale of Barley to the Private Sector -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (108) dated 12/2/1442 H to Amend Council of Ministers Resolution No. (182) dated 13/05/1437 H Regarding Special Arrangements to Encourage Investment in the Poultry Industry in General -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (264) dated 26/10/1426 H Regarding the Connection of Sanitation Service to all Homes to the Sewage Network and Service Costs -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (411) dated 17/6/1441 H Regarding the Industrial Seeding Program in the Kingdom of 1441 H -- |
Royal Decree No. (M / 64) dated 10/8/1442 H approving the Agriculture law First: Approving the Agriculture Law, as per the attached form. |
Agricultural Development Fund Decision No. (488/2) dated 3/11/1441 H to amend the Credit Regulation in the Agricultural Development Fund issued by Resolution No. (12/ld/2017) dated 8/1/1439 H -- |
Agricultural Development Fund Resolution No. (4/480) dated 29/4/1441 H to amend the credit regulation in the Agricultural Development Fund issued by Resolution No. (12 / ld / 2017) dated 8/1/1439 H under translation |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Circular No. (297772/1254/1442) dated 29/5/1442 H regarding the need to obtain prior import permission from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture platform (Anam) for animal consignments and (harvest) for plant consignments under translation |
Table of classification of violations and penalties prescribed for them according to the feed law and its implementing regulations approved by the Food and Drug Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (2-26-1442) dated 22/3/1442 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (336) dated 20/6/1442 H to Establish the National Center for Water Efficiency and Rationalization, According to its Accompanying Organization -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (337) and dated 20/6/1442 H to approve the regulations for purebred Arabian horses and to amend the regulation of the King Abdul-Aziz Center for Purebred Arabian Horses issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (153) dated 17/3/1439 H under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M/64), dated 10/8/1442 H, approving the farming law under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (431) dated 3/8/1442 H approving the farming law under translation |
Ports General Authority Circular No. (16) 2021 regarding the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture letter No. (1442/1254/373231) dated 17/7/1442 H regarding the issuance of a prior import permit for the shipment of animal and plant consignments Ports General Authority Circular No. (16) of 2021 regarding the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture letter No. (1442/1254/373231) dated 17/7/1442 H regarding the issuance of a prior import permit for the shipment of animal and plant consignments |
Saline Water Desalination Corporation Circular No. (1/21123) dated 28/5/1428 H regarding the corporation’s board minutes No. (100) dated 17/9/1427 H amending the Implementing regulations for protecting the facilities of the Saline Water Conversion Corporation approved by the Foundation Governor’s decision No. (1100 /) 21476) and dated 22/10/1414 H Saline Water Desalination Corporation Circular No. (1/21123) dated 28/5/1428 H regarding the corporation’s board minutes No. (100) dated 17/9/1427 H amending the Implementing regulations for protecting the facilities of the Saline Water Conversion Corporation approved by the Foundation Governor’s decision No. (1100 /) 21476) and dated 22/10/1414 H |
Royal Decree No. (M / 58) dated 27/7/1442 H approving a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom and the Ministry of Interior in the Republic of Hungary in the field of water management under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (411) dated 25/7/1442 H Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom and the Ministry of Interior in the Republic of Hungary in the Field of Water Management -- |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (212836/1/1441) dated 22/3/1441 H Regarding Camel Owners in the Kingdom Registering their Data and their Camel Data in the Ministry's Database -- |
letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (42102580) and 28/6/1442H on the validity of the decision to stop support for feed inputs from 1/1/2020 letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (42102580) and 28/6/1442H on the validity of the decision to stop support for feed inputs from 1/1/2020 |
The decision of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 216506 dated 16-05-1437 H approving the Implementing regulations of the organic farming law First: Approved the amendment of some articles of the Implementing regulations of the organic farming law. |
Resolution of the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture No. 318548/1/1441 dated 6/5/1441 H that the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture bear the costs necessary to combat red palm weevil with the participation of palm plantation owners under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (96) dated 3/2/1444 H on Renaming the Fisheries Development Program which was Established by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (514) dated 23/11/1436 H under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (92) dated 07 / 06 / 1411 H amending Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1396) dated 18 / 11 / 1393 H Regarding Compensation for those Affected by the Explosion of Drinking Water Pipes and the Availability to Pay Compensations for those Affected from 1400 H to 1408 H in the city of Riyadh under translation |
Implementing Regulation for the Flour Production Mills Law issued by the Board of Directors of the General Grain Corporation Decision No. (44) dated 27/12/1440 H corresponding to 28/8/2019 and amended by the Board of Directors Decision No. (46) dated 15/10/1441 H corresponding to 7/6/2020 Implementing Regulation for the Flour Production Mills Law issued by the Board of Directors of the General Grain Corporation Decision No. (44) dated 27/12/1440 H |
The Detailed Guide to the controls of importing fish for the purpose of aquaculture to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of 1437 H The Detailed Guide to the Controls of importing fish |
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (81986/1/1443) dated 29/02/1443 H Approving the conditions and controls for exporting cultivated vegetable crops in open spaces in the Arabian Shield Area The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture shall enact the necessary controls and processes for exporting such products, in a manner that takes into account water and food security in the Kingdom. |
Safety procedures when dealing with chemicals used in the Ministry of Water and Electricity of 1431 H Safety procedures when dealing with chemicals used in the Ministry of Water and Electricity |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (284) dated 24/5/1443 H amending Resolution No. (316) dated 8/7/1436 H regarding the approval of a decision to limit the application of clause (Second) of the Council of Ministers Resolution with regard to individual employment in the activity of agriculture and grazing Council of Ministers Resolution No. (284) dated 24/5/1443 H |
Ministry of Commerce and Investment Circular No. (15783) dated 4/7/1441 H Regarding Informing all Importers of Fodder, Feed Factories and Livestock Projects that the Support is Limited to Green Fodder Inputs -- |
Ministry of Commerce and Investment Circular No. (9969) dated 27/4/1441 H Regarding the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (291035/1/1441) dated 24/4/1441 H Regarding Limiting Subsidies to Green Fodder Inputs -- |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474912/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Rules and Requirements for holding auctions for purebred Arabian horses Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474912/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474888/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Terms and Conditions for the issuance of licenses for studs (care) for purebred Arabian horses and their training Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474888/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Terms and Conditions for the issuance of licenses for studs (care) for purebred Arabian horses and their training |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474888/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Terms and Conditions for the issuance of licenses for studs (care) for purebred Arabian horses and their training Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474888/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Terms and Conditions for the issuance of licenses for studs (care) for purebred Arabian horses and their training |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474854/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the conditions for obtaining the necessary approvals for importing or exporting purebred Arabian horses Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474854/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the conditions for obtaining the necessary approvals for importing or exporting purebred Arabian horses |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474814/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the controls and requirements for establishing and regulating the equestrian sport of purebred Arabian horses Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474814/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the controls and requirements for establishing and regulating the equestrian sport of purebred Arabian horses |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (913/474831) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Rules and Procedures for the work of the Committee for Reviewing and Adjudicating Violations of the Provisions of the Regulations for Purebred Arabian Horses Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (913/474831) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Rules and Procedures for the work of the Committee for Reviewing and Adjudicating Violations of the Provisions of the Regulations for Purebred Arabian Horses |
Controls for issuing licenses for aquaculture projects and monitoring their activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (1435 H - 2014) Controls for issuing licenses for aquaculture projects and monitoring their activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (589) dated 13/10/1442 H amending the Rules and Procedures for rationalizing water consumption and regulating its use in agricultural fields in the Kingdom issued by Resolution No. (335) dated 9/11/1428 H Council of Ministers Resolution No. (589) dated 13/10/1442 H amending the Rules and Procedures for rationalizing water consumption and regulating its use in agricultural fields in the Kingdom issued by Resolution No. (335) dated 9/11/1428 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (702) dated 26/11/1442 H transferring the tasks of transporting, distributing and selling treated water with all its uses (agricultural, industrial, and urban) to the Public Irrigation Corporation Council of Ministers Resolution No. (702) dated 26/11/1442 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (526) dated 9/9/1440 H regarding the transfer of employees, vacant and occupied jobs, documents, financial allocations, assets and property for the irrigation sector of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture to the General Irrigation Corporation under translation |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474769/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H regarding the Controls and Requirements for registering Purebred Arabian Horses Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474769/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H regarding the Controls and Requirements for registering Purebred Arabian Horses |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution (474695/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H regarding the Procedures for seizing and proving violations of the provisions of the Regulations for Purebred Arabian Horses and their investigation issued by Resolution No. (337) dated 20/6/1442 H Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution (474695/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H regarding the Procedures for seizing and proving violations of the provisions of the Regulations for Purebred Arabian Horses and their investigation issued by Resolution No. (337) dated 20/6/1442 H |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474719/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Schedule of Violations and Penalties for violations of the Regulation of the Purebred Arabian Horses and their regulations issued by Resolution No. (337) dated 20/6/1442 H Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (474719/913/1442) dated 29/8/1442 H approving the Schedule of Violations and Penalties for violations of the Regulation of the Purebred Arabian Horses and their regulations issued by Resolution No. (337) dated 20/6/1442 H |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Circular No. (595693/1/11442) dated 4/4/1443 H regarding not obligating farmers to obtain a certificate from the Agricultural Development Fund stating that there are no unpaid dues when requesting agricultural labor Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Circular No. (595693/1/11442) dated 4/4/1443 H regarding not obligating farmers to obtain a certificate from the Agricultural Development Fund stating that there are no unpaid dues when requesting agricultural labor |
The Statute According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/49) dated 20/8/1394 H Approving the Statute of the General Corporation for Saline Water Conversion -- |
The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (100) dated 9/4/1432 H regarding approval of the Regulatory Arrangement for Water Factories The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (100) dated 9/4/1432 H regarding approval of the Regulatory Arrangement for Water Factories |
The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (336) dated 20/6/1442 H Establishing the National Center for Water Efficiency and Conservation in Accordance with its Attached Statute -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (136) dated: 13/02/1445 H approving on Development Fund law Development Fund law |
Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated 20/2/1445 Approving the Agricultural Development Fund Law Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated 20/2/1445 Approving the Agricultural Development Fund Law |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (73) dated 14/3/1433 H approving the establishment of an association under the name (Saudi Aquaculture Society) Council of Ministers Resolution No. (73) dated 14/3/1433 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (324) dated 2/8/1437 H Approving the Organic Agriculture Policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (273) dated 21/8/1428 H approving the Statute of the Saudi Organic Agriculture Society Council of Ministers Resolution No. (273) dated 21/8/1428 H |
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (14967/1/1444) dated 15/01/1444 H Approving the Implementing Regulations for the Agriculture Law Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (14967/1/1444) dated 15/01/1444 H |
Undersecretary for Agriculture Decision No. (182961) dated 20/10/1444 H approving the Guide to the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products Undersecretary for Agriculture Decision No. (182961) dated 20/10/1444 H |
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (234079) dated 25/11/1444 H approving the Detailed Guide for Controls on Importing Aquatic Organisms for the Purpose of Aquaculture into the Kingdom Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (234079) dated 25/11/1444 H approving the Detailed Guide for Controls on Importing Aquatic Organisms for the Purpose of Aquaculture into the Kingdom |
Undersecretary for Agriculture Decision No. (234211) dated 25/11/1444 H approving the Biosecurity Guide for Farmed Shrimp in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Undersecretary for Agriculture Decision No. (234211) dated 25/11/1444 H approving the Biosecurity Guide for Farmed Shrimp in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Decision No. (234224) dated 25/11/1444 H Approving the National Guide for Exporting Aquatic Products -- |
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Decision No. (234230) dated 25/11/1444 H approving the National Policies and Practices Guide for Aquaculture Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Decision No. (234230) dated 25/11/1444 H |
Undersecretary for Agriculture Decision No. (5122782) dated 24/4/1445 H approving the Guide of General Rules Governing the Operation of Public Benefit Markets and Controls Regarding the Work of Service Providers Undersecretary for Agriculture Decision No. (5122782) dated 24/4/1445 H |
The Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture issued Resolution No. (48164/1/1444) dated 16/2/1444 H Approving the tables for Classifying Violations and Determining Penalties for the Agricultural Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/64) dated 10/8/1442 H -- |
Royal Decree No. (M/9) dated 27/3/1408 H approving the Law of Fishing, Investment and Preservation of Live Aquatic Resources within Territorial Waters of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Royal Decree No. (M/9) dated 27/3/1408 H |
Royal Decree No. (M/55) dated 16/9/1435 H approving The Organic Agriculture Law Royal Decree No. (M/55) dated 16/9/1435 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (96) dated 21/5/1405 H approving The Rules Governing Trade in Agricultural Machinery -- |
Royal Decree No. (M/64) dated 10/8/1442 H approving the Agricultural Law Royal Decree No. (M/64) dated 10/8/1442 H |
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture No. (5216627) dated 24/7/1445 H Approving the General Controls for Holding Temporary Camel Auctions Beyond Public Benefit Markets Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture No. (5216627) dated 24/7/1445 H |
Resolution of HE\ Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, No. (5216518) dated 24/07/1445 H including Approval of Animal Health Guidelines Manual First: Approval of the Animal Health Guidelines attached herein.
Second: This Resolution shall come into effect from the date of publication thereof, and shall be communicated to divisions concerned with the processers of adoption and implementation, and it shall cancel any conflicting previous Resolutions. |
Regulation of Cooperative Societies Agricultural Development Fund 2023 Regulation of Cooperative Societies
Agricultural Development Fund 2023 |
Decision of the Agriculture Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. (5250655) dated 02/09/1445 H Approval of the Agricultural Records Guide for Livestock Breeders and Artisanal Fishermen First: Adopting the guide “Agricultural Records for Livestock Breeders and Artisanal Fishermen” as per the attached form. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (192) dated 4/4/1440 H Approving to Allow the Cultivation of the Wheat, for the Owners of Farms Holding Legal and Legitimate Certificates, in Areas Not Exceeding the Cultivated Area (100) Hectares -- |
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (137172/1/1442) dated 4/3/1442 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Water Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/159) dated 11/11/1441 H Regarding the Functions of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture Ministerial Resolution No. (137172/1/1442) dated 4/3/1442 H |
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (5216262) dated 24/7/1445 H Approving the Update of the Conditions and Controls for Issuing Licenses for Groundwater Sources (Wells) and Seizing Their Violations Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (5216262) dated 24/7/1445 H |
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (5216878) dated 25/7/1445 H Approving the Update of the Conditions and Controls for Issuing Licenses to Practice the Activity of Practicing the Profession of Drilling Wells and Classifying Their Violations Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (5216878) dated 25/7/1445 H |
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (5217633) dated 25/7/1445 H Approving the Update of the Conditions and Controls for Issuing Licenses for Non-Potable Water Extraction and Distribution Activities and Classifying Their Violations Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (5217633) dated 25/7/1445 H |
The Credit List in the Agricultural Development Fund Issued in Accordance with the Agricultural Development Fund Board of Directors’ Resolution No. (6) dated 25/3/1439 H and Amended in Accordance with Board Resolution No. (1) dated 1/12/1443 H The Credit List in the Agricultural Development Fund Issued in Accordance with the Agricultural Development Fund Board of Directors’ Resolution No. (6) dated 25/3/1439 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (66) dated 25/02/1437 H Stipulating the Suspension of the Cultivation of Green Fodder for a Period not Exceeding Three Years -- |
The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (39) dated 16/1/1438 H Approving the Controls for Implementing the Council of Ministers’ Resolution Regarding the Study of Suspending the Cultivation of Green Fodder in a Period Not Exceeding Three Years -- |
The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (74/1) dated 10/2/1439 H Regarding the Mechanism of Implementing the Controls for Suspending the Cultivation of Green Fodder for Council of Ministers Resolution No. (39) dated 16/1/1438 H The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (74/1) dated 10/2/1439 H |
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (74/1) dated 10/2/1439 H Regarding the Mechanism of Implementing the Controls for Suspending the Cultivation of Green Fodder for Council of Ministers Resolution No. (39) dated 16/1/1438 H Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (74/1) dated 10/2/1439 H |
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (15021308) dated 24/01/1446 H Approving the Conditions and Controls for Issuing the Licenses for the Use of Groundwater Resources (Wells) and the Classification of Violations thereof Fourth: This Resolution shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and shall be notified to whomever necessary for its implementation and enforcement. As well as all previous resolutions that conflict therewith shall be repealed. |