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Letter from the Ministry of Justice No. (429884153) dated 22/10/1443 H regarding Cases of Selling the Share of the Enforcement Debtor in the Common Property

Regarding Cases of Selling the Share of the Enforcement Debtor in the Common Property

Ministry of Justice Letter No. (4310000180) dated 29/6/1443 H Regarding the Competence of the Committees for Adjudication of Tax Violations and Disputes in Considering all Lawsuits Arising from Tax Laws, including Lawsuits Filed for a Private Right between Individuals

The Competence of the Committees for Adjudication of Tax Violations and Disputes in Considering all Lawsuits Arising from Tax Laws, including Lawsuits Filed for a Private Right between Individuals

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/8694) dated 8/5/1443 H Regarding Updating the Mortgaged Deed in favor of the Real Estate Development Fund

Updating the Mortgaged Deed in favor of the Real Estate Development Fund

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/8324) dated 4/4/1442 H regarding the Adoption of Recommendations regarding the Mechanism Followed to Enable the Detainee to Appeal the Judgment Issued against him within the Period Specified by Law

Adopting the Recommendations regarding the Mechanism Followed to Enable the Detainee to Appeal the Judgment Issued against him within the Period Specified by Law

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7397) dated 20 / 9 / 1439 H by submitting the hearing of the termination of possession of real estate, part of which falls within the boundaries of urban development and the other part outside it to the Ministry of Justice for guidance

submitting the hearing of the termination of possession of real estate, part of which falls within the boundaries of urban development and the other part outside it to the Ministry of Justice for guidance

Law of Procedure before Board of Grievance in 1434 after the last amendment 11-1434

The Board of Grievance Court shall, to the cases filed therewith, apply the rules of Islamic Shari’ah in accordance with Quran, Sunnah

The Law of Procedure before Shari’ah Courts issued in 1435

Courts shall apply to cases raised before the provisions of Islamic Law (Shari’ah), in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

Royal Telegraphic Order No. 44982, dated 4/ 10/ 14433 H, Limiting the Examination of the Execution Judge to what is stated in the Executive Document without refrring to the original subject matter, unless it violates the public order

the authority studied the subject and prepared the report

Ministerial Decision No. (4649) Dated 8/6/1432H

Legal profession in this Law means representation of third parties before the courts, board of grievance and panels formed under Laws

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (241) dated 26/10/1407 H, for Transferring the powers of the Commercial Dispute Resolution bodies to the Board of Grievances

Repealing Article (232) of the Companies Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 6) dated 22/3/1385 H.

Ministry of Justice Circular No.138 of 1407

Courts and Commercial Dispute Settlement Authorities shall not hear cases filed against or by banks unless with the approval of his Royal Highness.

Royal Decree No.: M/53 Dated: 13/8/1433H

Pursuant to Article (Seventy) of the Statute of the rule issued by the Royal Order No. A/90 dated 27/08/1412H, and pursuant to Article Twenty of the Council of Ministers Law issued by the Royal Order No. A/13 dated 03/03/1414H

Decision No. (541) dated 26/8/1438 H approving the Implementing regulations of the arbitration Law

For the purposes of application of the Law and Regulations the competent court referred to in the law and regulations shall be the competent Court of Appeal to hear the dispute,

Implementing Regulations of the Execution System

Except provisions and decisions issued regarding criminal and administrative lawsuits, Execution judge is specialized with forced execution authority and supervision thereon,

- Royal Decree No. M / 34 dated 05/24/1433 approving the arbitration system


The text of the Execution Law Draft

The following words and phrases, wherever they were mentioned in the law, shall have the meanings set in front of each...

Council of Ministers' Resolution Approving the Laws of the judiciary and the Grievance Board and the Implementation Mechanism for Both

After reviewing the packet coming to it, based on royal decree No. (14), dated 23/2/1426 H, concerning the approval in principle of...

Royal Decree Approving the Laws of the judiciary and the Grievance Board and the Implementation Mechanism for Both

According to Article 70 of the Basic Law, enacted by Royal Order No. 90, dated 27/8/1412 H, and...

The Mechanism of Implementation of Judiciary Law and Grievance Board Law

The Supreme judicial council shall perform the following till the composition of the Judicial Supreme Council...

The text of the Grievance Board Law

The grievance board is an autonomous administrative judicial entity connected directly to the King...

The text of the Judiciary Law

Judges are independent and, in the administration of justice, they shall be subject to no authority other than...

Royal Order Approving the Organizational Arrangements for Judiciary and Disputes Settlement Organs

After reviewing the Basic Law of Governance (Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), issued by...

The Implementing Regulation of Notaries Public Jurisdictions

The following words and expressions, falling in this regulation, shall have the meanings indicated opposite each...

Royal Order Approving the Organizational Arrangements for Judiciary and Disputes Settlement Organs

After reviewing the Basic Law of Governance (Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), issued by...

The Text of the Regulation of Cassation of Shari'a Judgments

The period of objection by applying for Cassation shall be thirty days. If the litigant does not...

The Text of the Judiciary Law

Judges are independent and shall not be, in the conduct of their functions, subject to...

The Statute of the Philanthropic Charity Society in Farasan Province

Coming Soon... Under Translation

The Rules of Controlling Malicious and False Claims

Approval of rules of controlling consequences of malicious complaints and false claims in the...

The Organizational Regulation of Procedures For Claiming Personal Rights

With observance to what is warranted by the provisions of the royal order No...

Decision of the Council of Ministers in approval of Ministry of Justice of publishing the selected Final Judgments issued by Court after Classification

After reviewing the transaction arriving from the Cabinet of Ministers Presidency Bureau under No...

Royal Decree in approval of addition of a paragraph to Article (8/1) of the Law of Board of Grievance

Based on Article (70) the basic Law of Governance (kingdom Constitution) issued by...

Ministerial Decision Concerning Pertinent Instruction of the Treasury House Division at Shari’a Courts

In execution of the articles of part (7) of the Shari’a Judiciary Responsibilities Concentration Law, issued by...

Decision of the Council of Ministers in approval of Ministry of Justice of publishing the selected Final Judgments issued by Court after Classification

After reviewing the transaction arriving from the Cabinet of Ministers Presidency Bureau under No...

The Judicial Assistants Practice Regulation

The judicial assistant is of the judicial corps affiliates, and entitled to pronounce judgments if his...

The Executive Regulation of the Code of Law Practice

Definitions of the terminologies and words contained in the Code of Law Practice and its executive regulation...

The Implementing Regulations of the Code of Law Practice

Definitions of the terminologies and words contained in the Code of Law Practice and its Implementing regulations...

The Text of the Instructions of Cassation of Shariah Judgments

Cassation Instructions of Shari’a Judgments What have been approved by the letter of the...

The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Procedures Before the Shari’a Courts

The courts shall apply Islamic Shari'a provisions to the cases presented before them, in accordance...

The Text of the Law of Procedures Before the Shari’a Courts

Courts shall apply to cases before them the provisions of Shari’a laws according to the denotation of the...

The Text of the Law of Procedures Before the Shari’a Courts

Courts shall apply to cases before them the provisions of Shari’a laws according to the denotation of the...

Rules of Pleadings & Procedures Before the Grievance Board

The Administrative Suit shall be instituted by an application made by the Claimant to the head or his...

The Text of the Grievance Board Law

The Grievance Board is an independent administrative judicial corporation is directly linked to...

Royal Decree Amending the Judiciary law

After reviewing Article (20) of the Cabinet of Ministers Law issued by the Royal Decree No...

Royal Decree on Amendment of the Judiciary Law

After reviewing Articles (19 and 20) of the Cabinet of Ministers Law issued by the Royal Decree No...

Royal Decree Sanctioning the Judges' Salaries Scale

After reviewing Articles (19 and 20) of the Cabinet of Ministers' Law issued by the Royal Decree No...

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4351 dated 13/9/1432H, regarding abiding by regulatory text in cases of penalty cases.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4351 dated 13/9/1432H, regarding abiding by regulatory text in cases of penalty cases.

Circular of H. E. under secretary of Ministry of justice No. 13/T/4342 dated 9/9/1432H, regarding the necessity to provide the work of notary public during vacation.

Circular of H. E. under secretary of Ministry of justice No.13/T/4342 dated 9/9/1432H, regarding the necessity to provide the work of notary public during vacation.

Circular of H. E. under secretary of the Ministry of justice No. 13/T/4353 dated 15/9/1432H regarding not to go on secondment except after the issuance of the Decision and the submittal should be in sufficient time.

Circular of H. E. under secretary of the Ministry of justice No.13/T/4353 dated 15/9/1432H regarding not to go on secondment except after the issuance of the Decision and the submittal should be in sufficient time.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4378 dated 14/10/1432H, regarding quick action regarding real estate shares.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4378 dated 14/10/1432H, regarding quick action regarding real estate shares.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No.13/T/4306 dated 9/7/1432H, regarding handing over in the name of retirement general establishment.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No.13/T/4306 dated 9/7/1432H, regarding handing over in the name of retirement general establishment.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 63/T/4311 dated 11/7/1432H, regarding not to authenticate the division of land except after reference to municipality.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 63/T/4311 dated 11/7/1432H, regarding not to authenticate the division of land except after reference to municipality.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4398 dated 30/10/1432H, regarding handing over of documents of real estate to Gulf companies.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4398 dated 30/10/1432H, regarding handing over of documents of real estate to Gulf companies.

Circular of H. E. under secretary of the Ministry of justice No. 13/T/4317 dated 23/7/1432H, regarding using the national ID for Arab Gulf countries citizens.

Circular of H. E. under secretary of the Ministry of justice No. 13/T/4317 dated 23/7/1432H, regarding using the national ID for Arab Gulf countries citizens.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4400 dated 5/11/1432H, regarding permission to act for Gulf countries citizens regarding the land they own.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4400 dated 5/11/1432H, regarding permission to act for Gulf countries citizens regarding the land they own.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4400 dated 5/11/1432H, regarding permission to act for Gulf countries citizens regarding the land they own.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4400 dated 5/11/1432H, regarding permission to act for Gulf countries citizens regarding the land they own.

Circular of the supreme council of justice to the two appeal courts in Makkah Almokarama and Riyadh.

Circular of the supreme council of justice to the two appeal courts in Makkah Almokarama and Riyadh.

Circular of Justice higher council No. 235/ T/ dated 7/2/1433H regarding the vacant judicial offices in the eighteenth session- cancelled by the decision of the supreme council of justice no. 292/2/34 on 5/6/1434 H

Circular of Justice higher council No. 235/ T/ dated 7/2/1433H regarding the vacant judicial offices in the eighteenth session- cancelled by the decision of the supreme council of justice no. 292/2/34 on 5/6/1434 H

Circular of Justice higher council No. 192/T dated 9/10/1432H regarding reassessing the blood money value.

Circular of Justice higher council No. 192/T dated 9/10/1432H regarding reassessing the blood money value.

Circular of Justice higher council No. 184/T dated 3/9/1432H regarding transfer to the labor department.

Circular of Justice higher council No. 184/T dated 3/9/1432H regarding transfer to the labor department.

Circular of Justice higher council No. 255/ T dated 23/3/1433H regarding request for training on specialized justice (labor).

Circular of Justice higher council No. 255/ T dated 23/3/1433H regarding request for training on specialized justice (labor).

"Circular of Justice higher council No. 239/T dated 23/2/1433H regarding request to train judges who are performing the works for notary public."

"Circular of Justice higher council No. 239/T dated 23/2/1433H regarding request to train judges who are performing the works for notary public."

Circular of Justice higher council No. 212/T dated 16/12/1432H regarding training to the specialized judges.

Circular of Justice higher council No. 212/T dated 16/12/1432H regarding training to the specialized judges.

Circular regarding vacant judicial offices in the seventeenth session cancelled by the decision of the supreme council of justice no.292/2/34 on 5/6/1434 On the approval of temporary transfer rules,Transfer of appeal judges and first instance court judges.

Circular regarding vacant judicial offices in the seventeenth session cancelled by the decision of the supreme council of justice no.292/2/34 on 5/6/1434 On the approval of temporary transfer rules,Transfer of appeal judges and first instance court judges.

Decision of H. E. minister of Justice No. 14237dated 18/12/1431H regarding connecting marriage department to authentication agency.

Decision of H. E. minister of Justice No.14237 dated 18/12/1431H regarding connecting marriage department to authentication agency.

Circular of H. E. minister of Justice No. 13/T/4140 dated 6/1/1432H regarding that police receive complaints of cheques

Circular of H. E. minister of Justice No. 13/T/ 4140 dated 6/1/1432H regarding that police receive complaints of cheques

Decision of H. E. minister of Justice No. 276 dated 9-1-1430H regarding establishing department or judges training.

Decision of H. E. minister of Justice No. 276 dated 9-1-1430H regarding establishing department or judges training.

Circular of his H. E. minister of Justice No. 13/T/ 4098 dated 5/11/1431H. regarding the necessity to coordinate with the Ministry of foreign affairs regarding (delegations).

Circular of his H. E. minister of Justice No.13/T/ 4098 dated 5/11/1431H. regarding the necessity to coordinate with the Ministry of foreign affairs regarding (delegations).

Circular of his H. E. minister of Justice No. 13/T/ 4101dated 9/11/1431H regarding contracts for non Saudis of a Saudi mother when contract is made by legal courts.

Circular of his H. E. minister of Justice No. 13/T/ 4101dated 9/11/1431H regarding contracts for non Saudis of a Saudi mother when contract is made by legal courts.

Decision of H. E. minister of Justice No. 14239 dated 18/12/1431H regarding connecting real state registration with authentication agency.

Decision of H. E. minister of Justice No. 14239 dated 18/12/1431H regarding connecting real state registration with authentication agency.

Decision of H. E. minister of Justice No. 1017 dated 11/2/1432H for the formation of conferences and symposiums committee

Decision of H. E. minister of Justice No. 1017 dated 11/2/1432H for the formation of conferences and symposiums committee

Royal Order No. A/56 dated 27/3/1432H for the promotion of some judges

Royal Order No. A/56 dated 27/3/1432H for the promotion of some judges

Royal Order No. A/48 dated 27/3/1432H for the promotion of seventy nine judges and appointing 88 in different grades.

Royal Order No. A/48 dated 27/3/1432H for the promotion of seventy nine judges and appointing 88 in different grades.

Decision of the Minister of justice No. 4569 dated 3/6/1423H regarding the approval of executive by-laws for legal pleading regulation.

Decision of the Minister of justice No. 4569 dated 3/6/1423H regarding the approval of executive by-laws for legal pleading regulation.

Claim paper

Claim paper

Royal Decree No. M/4 dated 5/1/1433H regarding amending some specializations of investigation and control authority.

Royal Decree No. M/4 dated 5/1/1433H regarding amending some specializations of investigation and control authority.

Royal Decree No. M/4 dated 5/1/1433H regarding amending some specializations of investigation and control authority.

Royal Decree No. M/4 dated 5/1/1433H regarding amending some specializations of investigation and control authority.

Salary scales approved by royal order No. 4097/MB dated 25/6/1432H starting from 25/6/1432H.

Salary scales approved by royal order No. 4097/MB dated 25/6/1432H starting from 25/6/1432H.

Royal Order No. (A/10) dated 19/2/1430H regarding the formation of the Administrative Justice Council of the Grievance Bureau.

Royal Order No. (A/10) dated 19/2/1430H regarding the formation of the Administrative Justice Council of the Grievance Bureau.

A Regulation specifying the qualifications to fill the Notary Public positions.

A Regulation specifying the qualifications to fill the Notary Public positions.

Circular regarding to be sufficed by the rules stated in the legal appeal regulation and executive by-laws regarding ill claims and non real claims.

Circular regarding to be sufficed by the rules stated in the legal appeal regulation and executive by-laws regarding ill claims and non real claims.

Decision of the justice high council No. (82/T) regarding amending the eighth rule of the judge transfer rule and controls.

Decision of the justice high council No. (82/T) regarding amending the eighth rule of the judge transfer rule and controls.

Decision of the justice high council No. (484/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Albaha made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (484/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Albaha made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (485/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Arar made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (485/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Arar made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (489/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Tabouk made of three judge

Decision of the justice high council No. (489/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Tabouk made of three judge

Decision of the justice high council No. (483/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Nagran made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (483/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Nagran made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (805/8/31) regarding the approval of the regulation of judge associate works.

Decision of the justice high council No. (805/8/31) regarding the approval of the regulation of judge associate works.

Decision of the justice high council No. (482/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Jazan made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (482/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Jazan made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (486/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Sakaka made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (486/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Sakaka made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (481/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Abha made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (481/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Abha made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (479/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Boreda made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (479/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Boreda made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (478/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Almadina Almonawara made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (478/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Almadina Almonawara made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (480/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Ha'el made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (480/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Ha'el made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (474/7/31) establishing a commercial court in Riyadh Town.

Decision of the justice high council No. (474/7/31) establishing a commercial court in Riyadh Town.

Decision of the justice high council No. (477/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Makka Almokarama made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (477/7/31) establishing commercial department in the general court of Makka Almokarama made of three judge.

Decision of the justice high council No. (476/7/31) establishing a commercial court in Dammam City.

Decision of the justice high council No. (476/7/31) establishing a commercial court in Dammam City.

Decision of the justice high council No. (475/7/31) establishing a commercial court in Jeddah province.

Decision of the justice high council No. (475/7/31) establishing a commercial court in Jeddah province.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (162) that the minister of justice shall do the publication of the selected final judgment issued by the courts after they are classified.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (162) that the minister of justice shall do the publication of the selected final judgment issued by the courts after they are classified.

The Royal Order No. (A/14) regarding the approval of initially the organizational arrangements for justice bodies and settlement of disputes mentioned above and completion of regulatory procedures.

The Royal Order No. (A/14) regarding the approval of initially the organizational arrangements for justice bodies and settlement of disputes mentioned above and completion of regulatory procedures.

Circular f H. E. Minister of justice No. 30/T/2614 dated 14/3/1426H regarding amending real states units ownership regulation.

Circular f H. E. Minister of justice No. 30/T/2614 dated 14/3/1426H regarding amending real states units ownership regulation.

Guide of procedures and justice work forms in Grievance Bureau approved by the Decision of H. E. Dewan chief No. (95) of 1430 H

Guide of procedures and justice work forms in Grievance Bureau approved by the Decision of H. E. Dewan chief No. (95) of 1430 H

Decision of council of Minister No. 95 dated 25/6/1402H regarding the approval of Grievance bureau regulation and the specialization of control and checking authority in checking privary and forgery crimes …etc and referring Discipline authority specializations to Grievance bureau

Decision of council of Minister No. 95 dated 25/6/1402H regarding the approval of Grievance bureau regulation and the specialization of control and checking authority in checking privary and forgery crimes …etc and referring Discipline authority specializations to Grievance bureau

Royal Order No. A/ 262 appointing Shiekh Mohammed Bin Fahad Bin Abdul Rahman Alabdallah chief of investigation and general prosecution authority in the excellent grade.

Royal Order No. A/ 262 appointing Shiekh Mohammed Bin Fahad Bin Abdul Rahman Alabdallah chief of investigation and general prosecution authority in the excellent grade.

Royal Order No. (A- 66 dated 26/5/1431H) referring all those who are accused in Jeddah floods to control and investigation body and investigation and general prosecution authority each as concerned after completing their cases by criminal control party.

Royal Order No. (A- 66 dated 26/5/1431H) referring all those who are accused in Jeddah floods to control and investigation body and investigation and general prosecution authority each as concerned after completing their cases by criminal control party.

Circular (16/96883) regarding instructions related to claims made against security men during their performance of their duty.

Circular (16/96883) regarding instructions related to claims made against security men during their performance of their duty.

Royal Order No. (A/262).appointing Shiekh Mohammed Bin Fahad Bin Abdul Rahman Alabdallah chief of investigation and general prosecution authority in the excellent grade.

Royal Order No. (A/262).appointing Shiekh Mohammed Bin Fahad Bin Abdul Rahman Alabdallah chief of investigation and general prosecution authority in the excellent grade.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (140 dated 13/8/1409) regarding the approval of the regulation of investigation and public prosecution.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (140 dated 13/8/1409) regarding the approval of the regulation of investigation and public prosecution.

Royal Decree No. (M/4) dated 5/1/1433H regarding amending some specializations of investigation and control authority.

Royal Decree No. (M/4) dated 5/1/1433H regarding amending some specializations of investigation and control authority.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (1) dated 3/1/1433H, for central control section and investigation bodies.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (1) dated 3/1/1433H, for central control section and investigation bodies.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (2021/7/M) regarding the approval of the executive by-law project for arbitration regulation.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (2021/7/M) regarding the approval of the executive by-law project for arbitration regulation.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 140 dated 13/8/1409H regarding the approval of the by-law of General prosecution and investigation Authority.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 140 dated 13/8/1409H regarding the approval of the by-law of General prosecution and investigation Authority.

Royal Order No. A/24 dated 20/3/1432H regarding General prosecution and investigation control bodies.

Royal Order No. A/24 dated 20/3/1432H regarding General prosecution and investigation control bodies.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 1 dated 3/1/1433H regarding central control sector and investigation bodies.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 1 dated 3/1/1433H regarding central control sector and investigation bodies.

Royal Decree No. M/4 dated 5/1/1433H regarding amending some specializations of investigation and control authority.

Royal Decree No. M/4 dated 5/1/1433H regarding amending some specializations of investigation and control authority.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 140 dated 13/8/1409H regarding the approval of General prosecution and investigation authority regulation.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 140 dated 13/8/1409H regarding the approval of General prosecution and investigation authority regulation.

Royal Decree No. M/56 dated 24/10/1409H regarding the approval of General prosecution and investigation authority regulation.

Royal Decree No. M/56 dated 24/10/1409H regarding the approval of General prosecution and investigation authority regulation.

Decision of H. E. minister of justice No. 3285. Dated 15/3/1428H conducting amendments to the executive by-law of legal pleading regulation.

Decision of H. E. minister of justice No. 3285. Dated 15/3/1428H conducting amendments to the executive by-law of legal pleading regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No. 60 dated 1/4/1410H regarding the approval of the distinction of legal rules.

Decision of the council of minister No. 60 dated 1/4/1410H regarding the approval of the distinction of legal rules.

Decision of the council of minister No. 30 dated 9/2/1420H regarding that the expatriate may not plead in cases inside the kingdom.

Decision of the council of minister No. 30 dated 9/2/1420H regarding that the expatriate may not plead in cases inside the kingdom.

Circular No. A/R5058/MB dated 7/6/1430H regarding not to allow hearing a claim related to a real state owned to the government through legal document or under its control except after taking permission from the king.

Circular No. A/R5058/MB dated 7/6/1430H regarding not to allow hearing a claim related to a real state owned to the government through legal document or under its control except after taking permission from the king.

Circular No. A/R1328/MB dated 10/2/1431H obliging government parties to attend the claim sessions raised against them in the specified appointment and to be serious in pleading and to submit the documents required from them

Circular No. A/R1328/MB dated 10/2/1431H obliging government parties to attend the claim sessions raised against them in the specified appointment and to be serious in pleading and to submit the documents required from them

Circular No. 2/57969/2/5/1SH dated 8/9/1428H regarding complaints against criminal control men and judges and against health occupation men and against the material published in newspaper or magazines and the false and malicious complaints.

Circular No. 2/57969/2/5/1SH dated 8/9/1428H regarding complaints against criminal control men and judges and against health occupation men and against the material published in newspaper or magazines and the false and malicious complaints.

Royal Decree No. M/39 dated 28/7/1422H regarding the approval of criminal procedures regulation.

Royal Decree No. M/39 dated 28/7/1422H regarding the approval of criminal procedures regulation.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3031 dated 8-1-1428H regarding kids who have no identity in the social supervision houses

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3031 dated 8-1-1428H regarding kids who have no identity in the social supervision houses

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/3058 dated 14-2-1428H regarding permission from social affairs upon making marriage contract for a girl who has no parents.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/3058 dated 14-2-1428H regarding permission from social affairs upon making marriage contract for a girl who has no parents.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3037 dated 15-1-1428H regarding conformity with guiding forms

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3037 dated 15-1-1428H regarding conformity with guiding forms

Decision of the Minister of justice No. 4569 dated 3/6/1423H regarding the approval of executive by-laws for legal pleading regulation.

Decision of minister of Justice No. 4569 dated 3/6/1423H regarding the approval of executive by-law for legal pleading regulation.

Royal Order No. A/97 dated 7/5/1433H instructing the ministry of justice to perform the work of the chief of justice high council in addition to his work.

Royal Order No. A/97 dated 7/5/1433H instructing the ministry of justice to perform the work of the chief of justice high council in addition to his work.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3086 dated 27/3/1428H, regarding notification to the required person not to the work party.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3086 dated 27/3/1428H, regarding notification to the required person not to the work party.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3196 dated 13/8/1428H, regarding conformity of grant conditions upon application.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3196 dated 13/8/1428H, regarding conformity of grant conditions upon application.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2995 dated 28/10/1427H, regarding sale of money for mentally under age.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2995 dated 28/10/1427H, regarding sale of money for mentally under age.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2093 dated 10/10/1423H regarding accepting the signature of real estate fund officially.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2093 dated 10/10/1423H regarding accepting the signature of real estate fund officially.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3084 dated 27-3-1428H regarding location of King Abduallah university.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3084 dated 27-3-1428H regarding location of King Abduallah university.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3198 dated 14-8-1428H regarding amending documents

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3198 dated 14-8-1428H regarding amending documents

Circular No. 13/T/ 4220 dated 22/4/1432H regarding Arabic language specialization in the category of control book M 6.

Circular No. 13/T/ 4220 dated 22/4/1432H regarding Arabic language specialization in the category of control book M 6.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/3237 dated 5/8/1432H regarding application of sale regulation according to Real estate Fund guarantee

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/3237 dated 5/8/1432H regarding application of sale regulation according to Real estate Fund guarantee

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2932 dated 25-7-1427H regarding the party to which the employee belong should bear the fees of his travel during tasks

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2932 dated 25-7-1427H regarding the party to which the employee belong should bear the fees of his travel during tasks

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3177 dated 14-7-1428H regarding the work of the notary public after the end of his authority.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3177 dated 14-7-1428H regarding the work of the notary public after the end of his authority.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3082 dated 26-3-1428H regarding work according to marriage contracts form

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3082 dated 26-3-1428H regarding work according to marriage contracts form

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2950 dated 17-8-1427H regarding proxies for purchase and sale of shares

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2950 dated 17-8-1427H regarding proxies for purchase and sale of shares

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3077 dated 12-3-1428H regarding penalizing those who commit bad deeds

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3077 dated 12-3-1428H regarding penalizing those who commit bad deeds

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3109 dated 13-5-1428H regarding compliance with drug fighting regulation

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3109 dated 13-5-1428H regarding compliance with drug fighting regulation

Decision of H. E. Minister of justice No. 11736 dated 18-9-1428H regarding the unit for internal audit.

Decision of H. E. Minister of justice No. 11736 dated 18-9-1428H regarding the unit for internal audit.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3014 dated 19-11-1427H regarding that work should be according to orders and instructions regarding questioning municipalities before obtaining the certificate

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3014 dated 19-11-1427H regarding that work should be according to orders and instructions regarding questioning municipalities before obtaining the certificate

Form of data of claim.

Form of data of claim.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/3198 dated 3/4/1432H regarding labor disputes settlement authority taking over until labor courts start work.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/3198 dated 3/4/1432H regarding labor disputes settlement authority taking over until labor courts start work.

Decision of H. E. minister of justice No. 5513 dated 25/4/1432H regarding opening notary public in Molham.

Decision of H. E. minister of justice No. 5513 dated 25/4/1432H regarding opening notary public in Molham.

Decision of H. E. minister of justice No. 5751 dated 2/5/1432H regarding establishing specialized penalty appeal court.

Decision of H. E. minister of justice No. 5751 dated 2/5/1432H regarding establishing specialized penalty appeal court.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/4192 dated27/3/1432H regarding specifying the criminal description of the convicted.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/4192 dated27/3/1432H regarding specifying the criminal description of the convicted.

Decision of H. E. minister of justice No. 6361 dated 14/5/1432 regarding formation of the committee for notary publics.

Decision of H. E. minister of justice No. 6361 dated 14/5/1432 regarding formation of the committee for notary publics.

Circular No. 13/T/4271 dated 29/5/1432H regarding not to calculate absence during vacation except after approval.

Circular No. 13/T/4271 dated 29/5/1432H regarding not to calculate absence during vacation except after approval.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/4187 dated 27/3/1432H regarding cooperation with execution judges.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/4187 dated 27/3/1432H regarding cooperation with execution judges.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/4187 dated 27/3/1432H regarding cooperation with execution judges.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/4187 dated 27/3/1432H regarding cooperation with execution judges.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/30511 dated 6/2/1428 regarding separation of Zakat Money from state revenues.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/30511 dated 6/2/1428 regarding separation of Zakat Money from state revenues.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3233 dated 8/10/1428H, regarding non inclusion of investment loans in the recommendations of the ministerial committee .

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3233 dated 8/10/1428H, regarding non inclusion of investment loans in the recommendations of the ministerial committee .

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3055 dated 10/2/1428H regarding the nationality for the foreign women.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3055 dated 10/2/1428H regarding the nationality for the foreign women.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2077 dated 8/9/1423H regarding work according to Hegry date.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2077 dated 8/9/1423H regarding work according to Hegry date.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3122 dated 17/5/1428 regarding checking by the lawyer.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3122 dated 17/5/1428 regarding checking by the lawyer.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/8254 dated 22/10/1428H regarding that the one who abandon his claim is abandoned.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/8254 dated 22/10/1428H regarding that the one who abandon his claim is abandoned.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3055 dated 10/2/1428H regarding submitting the documents to the fund.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3055 dated 10/2/1428H regarding submitting the documents to the fund.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3150 dated 18/6/1428H regarding the judge taking over the work of the notary public.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3150 dated 18/6/1428H regarding the judge taking over the work of the notary public.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2944 dated 1/8/1427H regarding specifying the access according to a sketch for the real estate location.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2944 dated 1/8/1427H regarding specifying the access according to a sketch for the real estate location.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice to all courts No. 13/T/2090 on 10/10/1423H, regarding penalty of the one who makes rumors.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice to all courts No. 13/T/2090 on 10/10/1423H, regarding penalty of the one who makes rumors.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2096 dated 10/10/1423H regarding the responsibility for delaying consideration of prisoners cases.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/2096 dated 10/10/1423H regarding the responsibility for delaying consideration of prisoners cases.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3211 dated 29/8/1428H regarding cases of kids and care.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3211 dated 29/8/1428H regarding cases of kids and care.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3079 dated 12/3/1428H regarding expediting the witness of security men.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3079 dated 12/3/1428H regarding expediting the witness of security men.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3151 dated 22/6/1428H regarding delivery and mortgage of the real estate to the retirement establishment.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3151 dated 22/6/1428H regarding delivery and mortgage of the real estate to the retirement establishment.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3044 dated 32/1/1428H regarding issuing documents at oil wells locations according to the ministry approval

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3044 dated 32/1/1428H regarding issuing documents at oil wells locations according to the ministry approval

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. (13/T/3183) dated 24/7/1428H regarding prohibition of owning real estate by non Saudis in Makkah and Madina.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. (13/T/3183) dated 24/7/1428H regarding prohibition of owning real estate by non Saudis in Makkah and Madina.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3199 dated 14/8/1428 regarding the work of notary public outside his work

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3199 dated 14/8/1428 regarding the work of notary public outside his work

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3045 dated 23/11/1428H regarding ownership settlement in the holdings of Kassab and Waffar,

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/3045 dated 23/11/1428H regarding ownership settlement in the holdings of Kassab and Waffar,

Circular of H.E Minister of justice No. 13/T/3060 dated 14/2/1428 regarding facilitating the rule of control and investigation.

Circular of H.E Minister of justice No. 13/T/3060 dated 14/2/1428 regarding facilitating the rule of control and investigation.

Circular No. 13/T/20490 dated 10/10/1423 regarding crimes that require detailing.

Circular No. 13/T/20490 dated 10/10/1423 regarding crimes that require detailing.

Circular No. 13/T/4104 dated 4/4/1432H regarding not to attach the original documents in transactions.

Circular No. 13/T/4104 dated 4/4/1432H regarding not to attach the original documents in transactions.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/4222 dated 23/4/1432H regarding separation of papers between higher court and appeal.

Circular of H. E. minister of justice No. 13/T/4222 dated 23/4/1432H regarding separation of papers between higher court and appeal.

Form of claim data.

Form of claim data.

Form for submitting law case

Form for submitting law case

Circular No. 3/29516/ dated 26/9/1394H. regarding the functions of the finance control department at the control and investigation authority.

Circular No. 3/29516/ dated 26/9/1394H. regarding the functions of the finance control department at the control and investigation authority.

Royal Decree No. (M / 81) dated 25 / 7 / 1439 H approving the civil liability law for nuclear damage

We decreed as follows: First: Approval of the civil liability law for nuclear damage, as in the accompanying form. Second: The Deputy Prime Minister, the Ministers and the heads of the concerned independent bodies, each in his own capacity, to implement this decree.

Royal Decree No. M/51 dated 17/7/1402H. Regarding the approval of on the system of the bureau of grievance and jurisdiction of the control and investigation authority to investigate in the crimes of bribery, forgery and others, and by referring the powers of the disciplinary board to the bureau of grievances

Royal Decree No. M/51 dated 17/7/1402H. Regarding the approval of on the system of the bureau of grievance and jurisdiction of the control and investigation authority to investigate in the crimes of bribery, forgery and others, and by referring the powers of the disciplinary board to the bureau of grievances

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 1363/T dated 19/7/1430H. regarding the final Decision s issued from the committees with judicial jurisdiction.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 1363/T dated 19/7/1430H. regarding the final Decision s issued from the committees with judicial jurisdiction.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 1154/T dated 7/7/1430H. regarding approval of the career affair models.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 1154/T dated 7/7/1430H. regarding approval of the career affair models.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 116/T dated 24/10/1431H. regarding preparation of the reports necessary for the comprehensive survey for works of the courts.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 116/T dated 24/10/1431H. regarding preparation of the reports necessary for the comprehensive survey for works of the courts.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 145/T dated 22/4/1432H. regarding the training plan for the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 145/T dated 22/4/1432H. regarding the training plan for the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 211/T dated 4/12/1432H. regarding the vacant judicial offices for the transfer in the first class courts.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 211/T dated 4/12/1432H. regarding the vacant judicial offices for the transfer in the first class courts.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 104/T dated 27/3/1430H. regarding the rules for the movement of transfers of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 104/T dated 27/3/1430H. regarding the rules for the movement of transfers of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 178/T dated 2/9/1432H. regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 178/T dated 2/9/1432H. regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 16020 – 32 dated 26/8/1432H. regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 16020 – 32 dated 26/8/1432H. regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

Circular No. 96/T dated 17/6/1431H. regarding the organization of the works of the judicial attendants.

Circular No. 96/T dated 17/6/1431H. regarding the organization of the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 805/8/31 dated 12/6/1431H, to adopt the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 805/8/31 dated 12/6/1431H, to adopt the works of the judicial attendants.

Royal order No. (A / 31) dated on 13/4/1436 H

First, the amendment of Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 24, 25, and 26 of the Law of Investigation and Public Prosecution issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 56) 10-1409, to be as follows: Article 2: Formation of the body by a chairman, a vice president - or more - and a sufficient number of members.

Internal regulation of the control and investigation commission

Internal regulation of the control and investigation commission

Guide standards for selection of the presidents of the courts and their assistants approved by the council in its eighth meeting.

Guide standards for selection of the presidents of the courts and their assistants approved by the council in its eighth meeting.

Controls of selection of the judicial inspectors.

Controls of selection of the judicial inspectors.

The rules for nomination of the general court and summary jurisdiction court judges for the enrollment in the training program for the specialized judiciary (commercial – criminal and labor)

The rules for nomination of the general court and summary jurisdiction court judges for the enrollment in the training program for the specialized judiciary (commercial – criminal and labor)

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 364/5/30 dated 2/11/1430H. regarding adoption of the regulation of the judicial inspection

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 364/5/30 dated 2/11/1430H. regarding adoption of the regulation of the judicial inspection

Names of the Kingdom‟s Courts

Names of the Kingdom‟s Courts

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 295 dated 14/10/132H. To approve the Financial Regulations for Cultural Activities at the Ministry of Culture and Information.

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 295 dated 14/10/132H. To approve the Financial Regulations for Cultural Activities at the Ministry of Culture and Information.

Instructions to entrust tasks to a third party.

Instructions to entrust tasks to a third party.

Circular of H. E. . president No. 79/T dated 5/4/1431H regarding vacant positions for their eminence the judges.

Circular of H. E. . president No. 79/T dated 5/4/1431H regarding vacant positions for their eminence the judges.

Circular of Justice high council No. 93/T dated 9/6/1431H regarding vacant course and offices in the Kingdoms regions announced by transfer movement during the period from 8/6/1431H to 26/6/1431H

Circular of Justice high council No. 93/T dated 9/6/1431H regarding vacant course and offices in the Kingdoms regions announced by transfer movement during the period from 8/6/1431H to 26/6/1431H

Circular of Justice high council No. 11308/30 dated 29/12/1430H regarding attached vacancies

Circular of Justice high council No. 11308/30 dated 29/12/1430H regarding attached vacancies

Circular of Justice high council No. 60/KH dated 17/3/1430H regarding transfer of judges.

Circular of Justice high council No.60/KH dated 17/3/1430H regarding transfer of judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 105/T dated 27/3/1430H regarding the work to direct those who meet the conditions necessary to take over the judiciary job.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 105/T dated 27/3/1430H regarding the work to direct those who meet the conditions necessary to take over the judiciary job.

Royal Decree No. 4 dated 12/3/1385H regarding the approval of articles of incorporation for Justice high institute.

Royal Decree No. 4 dated 12/3/1385H regarding the approval of articles of incorporation for Justice high institute.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 53 dated 6/3/1385H regarding the approval of articles of incorporation project for Justice high institute.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 53 dated 6/3/1385H regarding the approval of articles of incorporation project for Justice high institute.

The Supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 805/8/31 dated 12/6/1431H. regarding the approval of the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The Supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 805/8/31 dated 12/6/1431H. regarding the approval of the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The rules of nomination of the judges of the general and summary jurisdiction courts for enrollment in the programs of specialized training of the judges (commercial- criminal – labor).

The rules of nomination of the judges of the general and summary jurisdiction courts for enrollment in the programs of specialized training of the judges (commercial- criminal – labor).

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 92/Tha dated 5/6/1431H. Regarding the amendment of the article six of the rules of transfer.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 92/Tha dated 5/6/1431H. Regarding the amendment of the article six of the rules of transfer.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 6565/30 dated 8/11/1430H. to approve the judicial inspection regulation

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 6565/30 dated 8/11/1430H. to approve the judicial inspection regulation

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 5066/30 dated 29/7/1430H. to appoint his eminence Shaikh/Nasser bin Ibrahim bin Saleh Al-Muhaimaid and the holder of the position of judge of appeal as head of the judicial inspection.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 5066/30 dated 29/7/1430H. to appoint his eminence Shaikh/Nasser bin Ibrahim bin Saleh Al-Muhaimaid and the holder of the position of judge of appeal as head of the judicial inspection.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1532/1 dated 27/7/1430H. regarding the vacant positions in the regions of the kingdom.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1532/1 dated 27/7/1430H. regarding the vacant positions in the regions of the kingdom.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1458 /T dated 15/7/1430H. to amend the third rule of the movement of transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1458 /T dated 15/7/1430H. to amend the third rule of the movement of transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1420LT dated 22/7/1430H. to provide the judges of the council with cases and issues related to the judicial work in desire to provide the Higher Judicial Institute with issues related the judicial work So that the students may record them as researches.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1420LT dated 22/7/1430H. to provide the judges of the council with cases and issues related to the judicial work in desire to provide the Higher Judicial Institute with issues related the judicial work So that the students may record them as researches.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1363/T dated 19/7/1430H. Regarding publication of the final Decision s issued from the committees with judicial jurisdiction.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1363/T dated 19/7/1430H. Regarding publication of the final Decision s issued from the committees with judicial jurisdiction.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1459/T dated 25/7/1430H. Regarding training of those who are appointed in the judiciary profession on the tasks and functions of the work in the judiciary for a period of not exceeding six months.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1459/T dated 25/7/1430H. Regarding training of those who are appointed in the judiciary profession on the tasks and functions of the work in the judiciary for a period of not exceeding six months.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 984/T dated 23/6/1430H. Regarding entrusting the council with what serving and achieving justice to all judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 984/T dated 23/6/1430H. Regarding entrusting the council with what serving and achieving justice to all judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1/870 dated 20/6/1430H. Regarding urging their eminence the judges and seekers of the participation in one of the researches of the Second Islamic Fiqh (jurisprudence) Conference (Contemporary Medical Issues).

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1/870 dated 20/6/1430H. Regarding urging their eminence the judges and seekers of the participation in one of the researches of the Second Islamic Fiqh (jurisprudence) Conference (Contemporary Medical Issues).

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1/794 dated 13/6/1430H. that permission must be obtained from this council before hearing the citizens' claims against the state.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1/794 dated 13/6/1430H. that permission must be obtained from this council before hearing the citizens' claims against the state.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1/661 dated 1/6/1430H. regarding questionnaire about the wishes of their eminence the holders of the grades of chief and judges of the court of appeal and chief of Court (A) in determining the place of work when promotion or the desire to transfer happens.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 1/661 dated 1/6/1430H. regarding questionnaire about the wishes of their eminence the holders of the grades of chief and judges of the court of appeal and chief of Court (A) in determining the place of work when promotion or the desire to transfer happens.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 5064/30 dated 29/7/1430H. regarding circulation of the recommendations of the forum ( the ways to enhance the cooperation to achieve the goals of comprehensive audit and control of the annual performance).

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 5064/30 dated 29/7/1430H. regarding circulation of the recommendations of the forum ( the ways to enhance the cooperation to achieve the goals of comprehensive audit and control of the annual performance).

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 500/T dated 17/5/1430H. to add a new paragraph bearing the number (14) to the rules that organize and control on the receiving of the in kind and cash donations by the government entities.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 500/T dated 17/5/1430H. to add a new paragraph bearing the number (14) to the rules that organize and control on the receiving of the in kind and cash donations by the government entities.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 488/T dated 16/5/1430H. Regarding the preparation of the comprehensive data base about the courts and their judges which requires the cooperation of the judges to provide the Council with sufficient information about the courts they work for.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 488/T dated 16/5/1430H. Regarding the preparation of the comprehensive data base about the courts and their judges which requires the cooperation of the judges to provide the Council with sufficient information about the courts they work for.

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 489/T dated 16/5/1430H. to provide the council with the data about the vacation offices

The supreme judicial council‟s circular No. 489/T dated 16/5/1430H. to provide the council with the data about the vacation offices

Data of requesting reconsideration in judgment in case of absence issued in criminal case.

Data of requesting reconsideration in judgment in case of absence issued in criminal case.

Royal order No. A/180 dated 9/9/1432H. to appoint Shaikh Mohammed Al-Abdullah as president of the investigation and prosecution authority.

Royal order No. A/180 dated 9/9/1432H. to appoint Shaikh Mohammed Al-Abdullah as president of the investigation and prosecution authority.

Circular No. 96/T dated 17/6/1431H. Regarding the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

Circular No. 96/T dated 17/6/1431H. Regarding the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 364/5/30 dated 2/11/1430 regarding regarding the approval of the regulation of the judicial inspection.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 364/5/30 dated 2/11/1430 regarding regarding the approval of the regulation of the judicial inspection.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 82/T dated 7/4/1431 regarding the rule eighth of the rules and controls of transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 82/T dated 7/4/1431 regarding the rule eighth of the rules and controls of transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 966/9/31 dated 28/7/1431 H. regarding some of their eminence the judges dropping of the transfer.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 966/9/31 dated 28/7/1431 H. regarding some of their eminence the judges dropping of the transfer.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (985/9/31) dated 29/7/1431H regarding the permission to the courts to hold their hearings outside their offices when appropriate.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (985/9/31) dated 29/7/1431 H regarding the permission to the courts to hold their hearings outside their offices when appropriate.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 16020-32 dated 26/8/1432 regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 16020-32 dated 26/8/1432 regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 96/T dated 17/6/1431H.regarding organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 96/T dated 17/6/1431H.regarding organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (805/8/31) dated 12/6/1431 H. to approve the organization of the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (805/8/31) dated 12/6/1431 H. to approve the organization of the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 30/1/4 dated 24/3/1430H. regarding the controls of the temporary discharge.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 30/1/4 dated 24/3/1430H. regarding the controls of the temporary discharge.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 5/1/30 dated 24/3/1430H. regarding the temporary rules for the transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 5/1/30 dated 24/3/1430H. regarding the temporary rules for the transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision regarding limitation of the fine bail or mortgage or deposit of the amount by the amount of the amount of conviction

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision regarding limitation of the fine bail or mortgage or deposit of the amount by the amount of the amount of conviction

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision regarding the legal procedures for title deeds in the jurisdiction of the court of Al-Kuff.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision regarding the legal procedures for title deeds in the jurisdiction of the court of Al-Kuff.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision regarding strengthening of the rulings on the drug promoters.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision regarding strengthening of the rulings on the drug promoters.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 383 dated 22/7/1417H. regarding the care with the signing the settings and records from all the judges first and foremost.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 383 dated 22/7/1417H. regarding the care with the signing the settings and records from all the judges first and foremost.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 4/482 dated 20/10/1410H. regarding the suit of family relationship.*

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 4/482 dated 20/10/1410H. regarding the suit of family relationship.*

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 62/318 dated 26/6/1427H. regarding the checking whether the minor has confirmed puberty or not before removing the guardianship on him.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 62/318 dated 26/6/1427H. regarding the checking whether the minor has confirmed puberty or not before removing the guardianship on him.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (59/288) dated 18/6/1425H. regarding the marginalization on the guardianship deed and limitation of the inheritance.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (59/288) dated 18/6/1425 H. regarding the marginalization on the guardianship deed and limitation of the inheritance.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 46/421 dated 17/11/1418H. regarding the referral of cases of those who are exposing to worshipers in the Haram al-Makki and the Prophet's Mosque to take the money in their pockets to the grant courts.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 46/421 dated 17/11/1418H. regarding the referral of cases of those who are exposing to worshipers in the Haram al-Makki and the Prophet's Mosque to take the money in their pockets to the grant courts.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 20 dated 23/6/1422H. regarding submittal of the specific specialty to the urgent courts.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 20 dated 23/6/1422H. regarding submittal of the specific specialty to the urgent courts.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (6/553) dated . regarding the status of the lands attacked by revival after the year 1387 H.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (6/553) dated . regarding the status of the lands attacked by revival after the year 1387 H.

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 267 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the controls of inclusion of the items of the specialized training in the contracts of the government entities and general corporations and the like.

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 267 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the controls of inclusion of the items of the specialized training in the contracts of the government entities and general corporations and the like.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (5904/30) dated 13/8/1430 H regarding participation of their eminence the judges with their opinions and suggestions that related to the website of the council on the internet.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (5904/30) dated 13/8/1430 H regarding participation of their eminence the judges with their opinions and suggestions that related to the website of the council on the internet.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 10184/30 dated 19/12/1430H. regarding the execution of the judicial rulings issued against the government entities.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 10184/30 dated 19/12/1430H. regarding the execution of the judicial rulings issued against the government entities.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 10980/30 dated 22/12/1430 regarding the permission to the judges of the courts when appropriate to register the testimony of the seekers of the crescent.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 10980/30 dated 22/12/1430 regarding the permission to the judges of the courts when appropriate to register the testimony of the seekers of the crescent.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 107149 dated 18/9/1430H. regarding the jurisdiction to look into the fire shooting case in the private and public right among the general courts and bureau of grievance.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 107149 dated 18/9/1430H. regarding the jurisdiction to look into the fire shooting case in the private and public right among the general courts and bureau of grievance.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (82/T) dated 7/4/1431 H regarding the amendment of the article eighth of the rules and controls of transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (82/T) dated 7/4/1431 H regarding the amendment of the article eighth of the rules and controls of transfer of the judges.

Letter of His Majesty's Deputy to the Honorable Chief Justice, No. 2624, dated 4/1/3772, on murder crimes.

Letter of His Majesty's Deputy to the Honorable Chief Justice, No. 2624, dated 4/1/3772, on murder crimes.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (100/T) dated 1/7/1431 H. regarding the mechanism of transfer of the works from the court of appeal in Riyadh to the two courts of appeal in Dammam and Buraidah.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (100/T) dated 1/7/1431 H. regarding the mechanism of transfer of the works from the court of appeal in Riyadh to the two courts of appeal in Dammam and Buraidah.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 111/T dated 18/9/1431H. regarding linking of Al - Dameeriyah Center judicially with the courts of Madina Al-Munawarah.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No.111/T dated 18/9/1431H. regarding linking of Al - Dameeriyah Center judicially with the courts of Madina Al-Munawarah.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 112/T dated 18/9/1431H. regarding linking of Al Muharith Al-Saree Town judicially with the courts of city of Abha.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 112/T dated 18/9/1431H. regarding linking of Al Muharith Al-Saree Town judicially with the courts of city of Abha.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 117/T dated 8/11/1431H. regarding to not accept any communications or review from foreign representation except through the ministry of foreign affairs.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 117/T dated 8/11/1431H. regarding to not accept any communications or review from foreign representation except through the ministry of foreign affairs.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 120/T dated 24/11/1431 regarding the vacation judicial offices in the first class court in the regions of the kingdom.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 120/T dated 24/11/1431 regarding the vacation judicial offices in the first class court in the regions of the kingdom.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 118/T dated 8/11/1431H. to establish and an administration concerning with the attendants affairs.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 118/T dated 8/11/1431H. to establish and an administration concerning with the attendants affairs.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 119/T dated 9/11/1431H. regarding recording the number of the civil register of the sentenced.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 119/T dated 9/11/1431H. regarding recording the number of the civil register of the sentenced.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 164/T dated 2/7/1432H. regarding training on the specialized judiciary (criminal- commercial and labor).

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 164/T dated 2/7/1432H. regarding training on the specialized judiciary (criminal- commercial and labor).

Circular regarding the two courts of appeal in Makkah Al-Mukaramah and Riyadh.

Circular regarding the two courts of appeal in Makkah Al-Mukaramah and Riyadh.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 167/T dated 11/7/1432H. regarding the personal information of their eminence the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 167/T dated 11/7/1432H. regarding the personal information of their eminence the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 170/T dated 20/7/1432 regarding the extension of the period of application for the training program for their eminence the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 170/T dated 20/7/1432 regarding the extension of the period of application for the training program for their eminence the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 1/77 dated 9/6/1430 regarding rules for transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 1/77 dated 9/6/1430 regarding rules for transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 76/T dated 29/3/1431H. regarding questionnaire about the wishes of their eminence the holders of the rank of president of court (A) who acquired it on 5/6/1427H.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 76/T dated 29/3/1431H. regarding questionnaire about the wishes of their eminence the holders of the rank of president of court (A) who acquired it on 5/6/1427H.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 92/Th dated 5/6/1431H. regarding amendment of the sixth rule of the rules of transfer .

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 92/Th dated 5/6/1431H. regarding amendment of the sixth rule of the rules of transfer .

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 102/T dated 1/8/1431H. Regarding some of their eminence the judges‟ dropping of the transfer.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 102/T dated 1/8/1431H. Regarding some of their eminence the judges‟ dropping of the transfer.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 966/9/31 dated 28/7/1431H.regarding some of their eminence the judges‟ dropping of the transfer.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 966/9/31 dated 28/7/1431H.regarding some of their eminence the judges‟ dropping of the transfer.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (101/T) dated 1/8/1431 H regarding the permission to the courts to hold their hearing outside their office when appropriate.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (101/T) dated 1/8/1431 H regarding the permission to the courts to hold their hearing outside their office when appropriate.

Circular regarding informing the judges and making use of their observations and suggestions on the samples of some of their career affairs.

Circular regarding informing the judges and making use of their observations and suggestions on the samples of some of their career affairs.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3688 dated 4/7/1430H. Regarding to obtain permission from the high position when a lawsuit is to be filed regarding the state property

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3688 dated 4/7/1430H. Regarding to obtain permission from the high position when a lawsuit is to be filed regarding the state property

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/Th/3740 dated 12/9/1430H. Regarding the acceleration of the cases of military staff and prisoners

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/Th/3740 dated 12/9/1430H. Regarding the acceleration of the cases of military staff and prisoners

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/Th/3773 dated 24/10/1430H. Regarding prevention of the prevention of infringementinsideMakkah

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/Th/3773 dated 24/10/1430H. Regarding prevention of the prevention of infringementinsideMakkah

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/Th/3716 dated 11/8/1430H. the regarding publication of Decision s of judicial committees

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/Th/3716 dated 11/8/1430H. the regarding publication of Decision s of judicial committees

Circular No. 96/T dated 17/6/1431H. regarding the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

Circular No. 96/T dated 17/6/1431H. regarding the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 805/8/31 dated 12/6/1431H. to approve the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 805/8/31 dated 12/6/1431H. to approve the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The regulation of the work of the judicial attendants – cancelled by the text of the article (20) of the supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (805/8/31) dated 12/6/1431H. to approve the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The regulation of the work of the judicial attendants – cancelled by the text of the article (20) of the supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (805/8/31) dated 12/6/1431H. to approve the organizing of the works of the judicial attendants.

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 968 dated 15- 16/9/1392 regarding drop of the claim towards the public treasury with any right related to the salaries and approbations if the owner of the right or his agent or his successor has delayed to claim its collection without any legitimate excuse for the period of two years or more.

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 968 dated 15- 16/9/1392 regarding drop of the claim towards the public treasury with any right related to the salaries and approbations if the owner of the right or his agent or his successor has delayed to claim its collection without any legitimate excuse for the period of two years or more.

Circular No. 1/25/dated 24/1/1423H. regardingspeed in completing transactions.

Circular No. 1/25/dated 24/1/1423H. regardingspeed in completing transactions.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1929 dated 26/1/1423H. regarding the inquiry about the about the debtor's money.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1929 dated 26/1/1423H. regarding the inquiry about the about the debtor's money.

Circular No. 13/T/1931 dated 30/1/1423H. regarding the judicial linking

Circular No. 13/T/1931 dated 30/1/1423H. regarding the judicial linking

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1947 dated 22/2/1423H. regarding the title deeds

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1947 dated 22/2/1423H. regarding the title deeds

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1944 dated 17/2/1423H. regarding not to deliver the copies of the letters to owner.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1944 dated 17/2/1423H. regarding not to deliver the copies of the letters to owner.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1935 dated 3/3/1423H. Regarding prenuptial medical examination

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1935 dated 3/3/1423H. Regarding prenuptial medical examination

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1945H. Dated 22/2/1423H. regarding the commencing of work with the lawyers system

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1945H. Dated 22/2/1423H. regarding the commencing of work with the lawyers system

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1934 dated 3/2/1423H. regarding the working time of the judges

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1934 dated 3/2/1423H. regarding the working time of the judges

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2093 dated 10/10/1423H. regarding acceptance of the signature of the officials of real estate fund.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2093 dated 10/10/1423H. regarding acceptance of the signature of the officials of real estate fund.

Circular No. 13/T/2077 dated 8/9/1423H. Regarding the works with Hijri calendar.

Circular No. 13/T/2077 dated 8/9/1423H. Regarding the works with Hijri calendar.

Circular No. 13/T/2090 dated 10/10/1423H. Regarding the jurisdiction of punishing the drug promoter.

Circular No. 13/T/2090 dated 10/10/1423H. Regarding the jurisdiction of punishing the drug promoter.

Circular No. 13/T/2096 dated 10/10/1423H. regarding responsibility for delays in the consideration of prisoners' cases

Circular No. 13/T/2096 dated 10/10/1423H. regarding responsibility for delays in the consideration of prisoners' cases

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2923 dated 13/7/1427H. regarding to allow those who hold passports but not holding identity cards to marry from the foreign women.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2923 dated 13/7/1427H. regarding to allow those who hold passports but not holding identity cards to marry from the foreign women.

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding activation of the Procedure system.

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding activation of the Procedure system.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13./t.2831 dated 25/7/1427H. regardingHesba suit

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13./t.2831 dated 25/7/1427H. regardingHesba suit

Excellency the minister of justice circular No13/T/2966 dated 9/9/1427H. Regarding verification of the minor's puberty

Excellency the minister of justice circular No13/T/2966 dated 9/9/1427H. Regarding verification of the minor's puberty

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2933 dated 25/7/1427 regarding granting licenses to marriage officials.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2933 dated 25/7/1427 regarding granting licenses to marriage officials.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2925 dated 13/7/1427H. Regarding the original copy of the divorce deed at the time or re-marrying

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2925 dated 13/7/1427H. Regarding the original copy of the divorce deed at the time or re-marrying

Circular No. 178/T dated 2/9/1432H. regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

Circular No. 178/T dated 2/9/1432H. regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (16020/32) dated 26/8/1432 H. regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. (16020/32) dated 26/8/1432 H. regarding the controls of the exceptional deputation.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 5/1/30 dated 24/3/1430H. regarding the rules of the temporary transfer of the judges.

The supreme judicial council‟s Decision No. 5/1/30 dated 24/3/1430H. regarding the rules of the temporary transfer of the judges.

Circular No. 13/T/2885 dated 23/5/1427H. regarding the files of those who their services are terminated

Circular No. 13/T/2885 dated 23/5/1427H. regarding the files of those who their services are terminated

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2896 dated 28/5/1427H. Regarding adhering to the designation of the administrative areas in the correspondences

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2896 dated 28/5/1427H. Regarding adhering to the designation of the administrative areas in the correspondences

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2889 dated 28/5/1427H. regarding authorizing the foreign in a certain thing.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2889 dated 28/5/1427H. regarding authorizing the foreign in a certain thing.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2905 dated 5/6/1427H. regarding recording the register of the agent in the financial proxies.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2905 dated 5/6/1427H. regarding recording the register of the agent in the financial proxies.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2888 dated 28/5/1427H. regarding the precedents and rehabilitation.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2888 dated 28/5/1427H. regarding the precedents and rehabilitation.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2887 dated 28/2/1427H. regarding the judicial rulings in the mortgage real estates

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2887 dated 28/2/1427H. regarding the judicial rulings in the mortgage real estates

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2938 dated 26/7/1427H. regarding attaching the copy of the passport at when sending the document of divorce.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2938 dated 26/7/1427H. regarding attaching the copy of the passport at when sending the document of divorce.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2893 dated 28/5/1427H. regarding the cooperation with the human rights commission

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2893 dated 28/5/1427H. regarding the cooperation with the human rights commission

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2907 dated 19/6/1427H. regarding the work to with ID cards of women

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2907 dated 19/6/1427H. regarding the work to with ID cards of women

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2903 dated 5/6/1427H. regarding estimation of livestock before their Zakat.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2903 dated 5/6/1427H. regarding estimation of livestock before their Zakat.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2892 dated 28/5/1427H. regarding separation of the recruitment agencies

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2892 dated 28/5/1427H. regarding separation of the recruitment agencies

Circular No. 13/T/2295 dated 8/8/1424H. Regarding the emphasis on providing the marriage officials with the regulation of the marriage officials.

Circular No. 13/T/2295 dated 8/8/1424H. Regarding the emphasis on providing the marriage officials with the regulation of the marriage officials.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2299 dated 11/8/1424 regarding the declaration in the proxy.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2299 dated 11/8/1424 regarding the declaration in the proxy.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2294 dated 1/8/1424H. regarding determining the crime description of the accused.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2294 dated 1/8/1424H. regarding determining the crime description of the accused.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2298 dated 11/8/1424H. regarding two reports for the trail period

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2298 dated 11/8/1424H. regarding two reports for the trail period

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2321 dated 1/9/1424H. regarding the work in the Hajj season

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2321 dated 1/9/1424H. regarding the work in the Hajj season

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2328 dated 18/9/1424H. Regarding proof identification

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/2328 dated 18/9/1424H. Regarding proof identification

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1514 to link Aliya town court judiciary with Al-Bada‟a court judiciary

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1514 to link Aliya town court judiciary with Al-Bada‟a court judiciary

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1517 linking of Jafna town court judiciary with Al-Bajadiyah court judiciary

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1517 linking of Jafna town court judiciary with Al-Bajadiyah court judiciary

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1539 linking of Sandose and Hzowe towns judiciary with Al-Oyayinah court judiciary

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1539 linking of Sandose and Hzowe towns judiciary with Al-Oyayinah court judiciary

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding emphasis on use of the Hijri date

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding emphasis on use of the Hijri date

Circular about payment allowance of nature of work in the treasury houses

Circular about payment allowance of nature of work in the treasury houses

Circular No. 13/T/1551 regarding linking of security device with safety

Circular No. 13/T/1551 regarding linking of security device with safety

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding that municipalities address the notary about the emptying.

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding that municipalities address the notary about the emptying.

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding that municipalities address the notary about the emptying.

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding that municipalities address the notary about the emptying.

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding the procedures related to arrest of juveniles

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding the procedures related to arrest of juveniles

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding opening of a number of court

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding opening of a number of court

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding combing notaries

Excellency the minister of justice circular regarding combing notaries

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1708 dated 10/1/1422H. regarding opening of office for the prisons administrations inside the courts

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1708 dated 10/1/1422H. regarding opening of office for the prisons administrations inside the courts

Excellency the minister of justice circular No13/T/1723 regarding execution of the slashing punishment on the juvenile in the observation house.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No13/T/1723 regarding execution of the slashing punishment on the juvenile in the observation house.

Not to extract title deed for the lands except after recourse to the administration of roads to verify the road zone and if there is no administration of road then the ministry of transportation shall be addressed directly.

Not to extract title deed for the lands except after recourse to the administration of roads to verify the road zone and if there is no administration of road then the ministry of transportation shall be addressed directly.

Regarding the observance of high orders and implementation of the instructions and circulars for title deeds and to follow it.

Regarding the observance of high orders and implementation of the instructions and circulars for title deeds and to follow it.

Not to issue title deeds on the lands that there is military commands on them except after returning to them.

Not to issue title deeds on the lands that there is military commands on them except after returning to them.

Not to issue title deeds on the lands that there is military commands on them except after returning to them.

Not to issue title deeds on the lands that there is military commands on them except after returning to them.

Regarding registration of the lands of the government department in the name of state property and the lands of mosques in the name of the endowments as is the case in such these conditions.

Regarding registration of the lands of the government department in the name of state property and the lands of mosques in the name of the endowments as is the case in such these conditions.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No13/T/1700 dated 29/12/1421H. regarding the permissibility of proof of construction consisting of floors and apartments

Excellency the minister of justice circular No13/T/1700 dated 29/12/1421H. regarding the permissibility of proof of construction consisting of floors and apartments

The title deeds which lack lengths or their lengths are not in meter.

The title deeds which lack lengths or their lengths are not in meter.

To provide the municipalities with a copy of the deeds issued from them and objected by them.

To provide the municipalities with a copy of the deeds issued from them and objected by them.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1701 regarding the boundaries of the zone of Mina rite from the west

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1701 regarding the boundaries of the zone of Mina rite from the west

Regarding the necessity to submit numbers of documents that payment cannot be without them and the most important of them is submittal of title deed of the lands and feudal real estatefor owners of the lands which have been cut.

Regarding the necessity to submit numbers of documents that payment cannot be without them and the most important of them is submittal of title deed of the lands and feudal real estatefor owners of the lands which have been cut.

Regarding informing the courts the necessity to accomplish the title deeds that reached to them as soon as possible.

Regarding informing the courts the necessity to accomplish the title deeds that reached to them as soon as possible.

Not to use the deed on the lands specified by the ministry of defense and locted in Al-Salil.

Not to use the deed on the lands specified by the ministry of defense and locted in Al-Salil.

Excellency the minister of justice circular 13/T/1227 date 4/7/1419H. Regarding the real estate sale fee for the citizens of the GCC countries.

Excellency the minister of justice circular 13/T/1227 date 4/7/1419H. Regarding the real estate sale fee for the citizens of the GCC countries.

It is not allowed to register the lands that are not located in the place of work of the court or notary.

It is not allowed to register the lands that are not located in the place of work of the court or notary.

To grant the branches and the presidencies of the courts authority to print the forms of title deeds.

To grant the branches and the presidencies of the courts authority to print the forms of title deeds.

To emphasis on the courts not extract title deed unless they meet the text of the two articles 39 and No. 86- 85-39 of the organization of the administrative works in the legal circuits.

To emphasis on the courts not extract title deed unless they meet the text of the two articles 39 and No. 86- 85-39 of the organization of the administrative works in the legal circuits.

What shall be observed when a mistake happens in the boundaries and lengths of the title deeds.

What shall be observed when a mistake happens in the boundaries and lengths of the title deeds.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1652 dated 29/10/1421H. regarding transport of the corpse of the foreign who commits suicide

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1652 dated 29/10/1421H. regarding transport of the corpse of the foreign who commits suicide

To emphasis on the municipalities to observed accuracy in the studying of each inquiry arriving to the courts about request of their opinions in issuance of title deeds.

To emphasis on the municipalities to observed accuracy in the studying of each inquiry arriving to the courts about request of their opinions in issuance of title deeds.

Not issue title deed to any property before obtaining a confirmation form the endowments.

Not issue title deed to any property before obtaining a confirmation form the endowments.

Not to give title deeds to parts of lands except according to scheme.

Not to give title deeds to parts of lands except according to scheme.

To delay in the applications of title deeds that their owners allege to be agricultural until a reply arrives from the ministry of agriculture.

To delay in the applications of title deeds that their owners allege to be agricultural until a reply arrives from the ministry of agriculture.

To emphasis on you to adhere to the instructions and circulars of title deeds.

To emphasis on you to adhere to the instructions and circulars of title deeds.

Removal of any creation occurs in any government agricultural or residential land without payment of any compensation.

Removal of any creation occurs in any government agricultural or residential land without payment of any compensation.

Regarding alabwak received from the ministry of Hajj and endowments concerning the objection.

Regarding alabwak received from the ministry of Hajj and endowments concerning the objection.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1619 dated 22/8/1421H. regarding absence of the employee from work.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1619 dated 22/8/1421H. regarding absence of the employee from work.

Affirming the necessity of complying with the instructions and circulars relating to the title deeds and not to overlook anything.

Affirming the necessity of complying with the instructions and circulars relating to the title deeds and not to overlook anything.

The necessity of sequence of the sales when requesting the issuance of the title deed.

The necessity of sequence of the sales when requesting the issuance of the title deed.

The municipalities shall meet the requests of the courts in the areas where there are no surveyors.

The municipalities shall meet the requests of the courts in the areas where there are no surveyors.

The date of revival shall be mentioned in the setting and the deed.

The date of revival shall be mentioned in the setting and the deed.

circular no. 143/12/T.dated 22/07/1396H. The deed shall be organized in the name of state property and in the name of the administration of the property.

circular no. 143/12/T.dated 22/07/1396H. The deed shall be organized in the name of state property and in the name of the administration of the property.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1608 dated 12/8/1421H. regarding the amendments on the companies contracts

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1608 dated 12/8/1421H. regarding the amendments on the companies contracts

cicular no. 29/12/T dated 3/2/1396H regarding Handling of cases of putting hands on municipality lands

cicular no. 29/12/T dated 3/2/1396H regarding Handling of cases of putting hands on municipality lands

circular No. 126/ 12 / T dated 6/ 6/ 1395H regarding Objection on the application of title deed does not entail that the burden of proof always fails on the objector.

circular No. 126/ 12 / T dated 6/ 6/ 1395H regarding Objection on the application of title deed does not entail that the burden of proof always fails on the objector.

Circular No. 87/ 2/ T dated 22/ 4/ 1395 H Title deeds on the rainy land..

Circular No. 87/ 2/ T dated 22/ 4/ 1395 H Title deeds on the rainy land..

Circular No. 76/T dated 15/ 4/ 1395 H Regarding The deed proof ownership of the land by one of the disputing parties shall not be brought out until after the conducting the system of strengthening.

Circular No. 76/T dated 15/ 4/ 1395 H Regarding The deed proof ownership of the land by one of the disputing parties shall not be brought out until after the conducting the system of strengthening.

Circular No.56/ 12T dated 24/ 3/ 1395H Regarding the lands belonging to the General Organization of Railways.

Circular No.56/ 12T dated 24/ 3/ 1395H Regarding the lands belonging to the General Organization of Railways.

Circular No. 226/ 2/ T dated 24/ 11/ 1394 Regarding the title deed on the real estate in the villages and small cities that do not have endowments and state property.

Circular No. 226/ 2/ T dated 24/ 11/ 1394 Regarding the title deed on the real estate in the villages and small cities that do not have endowments and state property.

204/ 12/T dated 26/ 10/ 1394 H Regarding If there is no surveyor at the branch of the ministry of finance the municipality shall meet the request of the court.

204/ 12/T dated 26/ 10/ 1394 H Regarding If there is no surveyor at the branch of the ministry of finance the municipality shall meet the request of the court.

Circular No. 192/ 12 H dated 24/ 9/ 1394 H Regarding The branches of state property shall take place of the state property in replying on the copies of the advertisements that arrive from the courts.

Circular No. 192/ 12 H dated 24/ 9/ 1394 H Regarding The branches of state property shall take place of the state property in replying on the copies of the advertisements that arrive from the courts.

circular no. 24/68/T dated 19/ 4/ 1407H.Not renew any contract except after the owner install steel fence on the windows and replace the entrance doors with steel doors

circular no. 24/68/T dated 19/ 4/ 1407H.Not renew any contract except after the owner install steel fence on the windows and replace the entrance doors with steel doors

Circular No. 167/ 12/ T dated 21/ 8/ 1394 H regarding In the towns where there is no ministry of finance branches the department of state property at the ministry of finance shall be provideda copy of all advertisements.

Circular No. 167/ 12/ T dated 21/ 8/ 1394 H regarding In the towns where there is no ministry of finance branches the department of state property at the ministry of finance shall be provideda copy of all advertisements.

Circular No. 153/ 12/ T dated 3/ 8/ 1394 H If the person is holding a title deed of a land and then he construct on it a building, the proof of the building does not required application of the article (85-86) of the organization of the administrative works.

Circular No. 153/ 12/ T dated 3/ 8/ 1394 H If the person is holding a title deed of a land and then he construct on it a building, the proof of the building does not required application of the article (85-86) of the organization of the administrative works.

Circular No.119/ 12/T dated 20/ 6/ 1394 Regarding the reports that are not depending on the deeds in the proof of ownership.

Circular No.119/ 12/T dated 20/ 6/ 1394 Regarding the reports that are not depending on the deeds in the proof of ownership.

Circular No.108/ 12/ T dated 12/ 6/ 1394 Regarding authorizing the owner of title deed to review the musicality after writing to it.

Circular No.108/ 12/ T dated 12/ 6/ 1394 Regarding authorizing the owner of title deed to review the musicality after writing to it.

Circular No .98/ 12/ T dated 28/ 5/ 1394 HRegarding the title deeds that not applied in it the two articles 85-39 and 39 and 86 and the method in how attach the procedures with deed.

Circular No .98/ 12/ T dated 28/ 5/ 1394 HRegarding the title deeds that not applied in it the two articles 85-39 and 39 and 86 and the method in how attach the procedures with deed.

Circular No.234/ 12/ T dated 9/ 10/ 1393 regarding Explanation of the street or paved road limits the property required to extract the title deed for it and its location in the city or village and whether it is within the range of the town or outside.

Circular No.234/ 12/ T dated 9/ 10/ 1393 regarding Explanation of the street or paved road limits the property required to extract the title deed for it and its location in the city or village and whether it is within the range of the town or outside.

circular no. 4/178/T dated 21/ 9/ 1405H. Regarding reduction of the approbation of the item of rental of buildings by 25%

circular no. 4/178/T dated 21/ 9/ 1405H. Regarding reduction of the approbation of the item of rental of buildings by 25%

Circular No.221/ 2/T dated 21/ 9/ 1393 H Regarding registration of all lands that are granted from the municipalities to the ministry to be in the name of the ministry of Hajj for Endowments affairs not in the name of state property.

Circular No.221/ 2/T dated 21/ 9/ 1393 H Regarding registration of all lands that are granted from the municipalities to the ministry to be in the name of the ministry of Hajj for Endowments affairs not in the name of state property.

Circular No.8/ 12/ T dated 19/ 1/ 1393 HTo advise to fill the field of the submittal with date of the call submitted to the court by application of title deed.

Circular No.8/ 12/ T dated 19/ 1/ 1393 HTo advise to fill the field of the submittal with date of the call submitted to the court by application of title deed.

Circular No.72/T dated 2/ 5/ 1392H Not issue title deeds to any land entering within the range of any airport.

Circular No.72/T dated 2/ 5/ 1392H Not issue title deeds to any land entering within the range of any airport.

Circular No. 18/ 2/T dated 5/ 2/ 1392 HThe lands located on Taif – Jazan road and determining the range of this road inside and outside the cities and in the owned and non-owned lands.

Circular No. 18/ 2/T dated 5/ 2/ 1392 HThe lands located on Taif – Jazan road and determining the range of this road inside and outside the cities and in the owned and non-owned lands.

circular no.5/2/154/T dated 18/ 8/ 1405H.Regarding determining rent of similar for the housing insured in kind

circular no.5/2/154/T dated 18/ 8/ 1405H.Regarding determining rent of similar for the housing insured in kind

circular no.24/112 /T dated 13/ 6/ 1405H.Regarding many question about reduction of rents of the buildings

circular no.24/112 /T dated 13/ 6/ 1405H.Regarding many question about reduction of rents of the buildings

circular no.12/95/T dated 16/ 5/ 1405H. Not sign contract to rent any building or land except after submittal of proof of ownership for the same property

circular no.12/95/T dated 16/ 5/ 1405H. Not sign contract to rent any building or land except after submittal of proof of ownership for the same property

circular no.4/47/T dated 9/ 3/ 1405H.Regarding negotiation with owners of the leased buildings

circular no.4/47/T dated 9/ 3/ 1405H.Regarding negotiation with owners of the leased buildings

circular no.24/ 38 dated 25/ 2/ 1405H.Necessity to attach a copy of title deed for the leased building or the receiving of rent for the leased property.

circular no.24/ 38 dated 25/ 2/ 1405H.Necessity to attach a copy of title deed for the leased building or the receiving of rent for the leased property.

Circular No. 2394/ 3/M dated 1/11/ 1387H regarding To write to the endowments and municipality about the application of the deed and if it does not reply the deed shall be given.

Circular No. 2394/ 3/M dated 1/11/ 1387H regarding To write to the endowments and municipality about the application of the deed and if it does not reply the deed shall be given.

Circular 43/ 2/H/T dated 3/6/1388H regarding Not extract title deed on the land where the national guards is taking it as a camp.

Circular 43/ 2/H/T dated 3/6/1388H regarding Not extract title deed on the land where the national guards is taking it as a camp.

Circular 135/2/T dated 17/ 11/ 1389H regarding Not to extract title deed for the lands passing through by road except after returning to the ministry of transportation.

Circular 135/2/T dated 17/ 11/ 1389H regarding Not to extract title deed for the lands passing through by road except after returning to the ministry of transportation.

circular no. 189/5/T dated 21/ 11/ 1403H.Regarding leasing of cars for the deputed persons

circular no. 189/5/T dated 21/ 11/ 1403H.Regarding leasing of cars for the deputed persons

Circular 135/ 2 /T dated 13/ 10/ 1390H Regarding application of title deed on the lands located along the railway line.

Circular 135/ 2 /T dated 13/ 10/ 1390H Regarding application of title deed on the lands located along the railway line.

Circular No. 38/ 3/T dated 15/ 2/ 1391 H regarding to The title deed is not extracted except in the country of the property.

Circular No. 38/ 3/T dated 15/ 2/ 1391 H regarding to The title deed is not extracted except in the country of the property.

Circular No. 96/2/T dated 24/5/1391H regarding to Not extract title deed on the agricultural lands except after taking the opinion of the ministry of agriculture.

Circular No. 96/2/T dated 24/5/1391H regarding to Not extract title deed on the agricultural lands except after taking the opinion of the ministry of agriculture.

Circular No.112/ 2/ T dated 9/ 7/ 1391H regarding To refer the transactions related to title deed to the branch of the ministry of agriculture.

Circular No.112/ 2/ T dated 9/ 7/ 1391H regarding To refer the transactions related to title deed to the branch of the ministry of agriculture.

circular no.173/5/T dated 27/ 10/ 1403H.Regarding renewal of the lease contracts and to ensure that a contract is made with owner from the beginning of the end of the previous contract.

circular no.173/5/T dated 27/ 10/ 1403H.Regarding renewal of the lease contracts and to ensure that a contract is made with owner from the beginning of the end of the previous contract.

circular no. 86/12//T dated 28/ 5/ 1403H. About what some are doing by bring in workers and then let them do what they want.

circular no. 86/12//T dated 28/ 5/ 1403H. About what some are doing by bring in workers and then let them do what they want.

circular no. 2/4/T dated 2/ 1/ 1403H.The rules for handling the applications of the owner of the leased buildings for increasing the rent

circular no. 2/4/T dated 2/ 1/ 1403H.The rules for handling the applications of the owner of the leased buildings for increasing the rent

circular no.142/4/T dated 20/ 11/ 1402HRegarding amendment of the maximum limit for validity of the rental.

circular no.142/4/T dated 20/ 11/ 1402HRegarding amendment of the maximum limit for validity of the rental.

circular no.64/4/T dated 12/ 5/ 1405The stage required for completion of the rental of the building that its rent is less than fifty thousand or more.

circular no.64/4/T dated 12/ 5/ 1405The stage required for completion of the rental of the building that its rent is less than fifty thousand or more.

Circular No.1178/3/M dated 7/5/1387H Regarding the visit of the judge to the place of application of title deed.

Circular No.1178/3/M dated 7/5/1387H Regarding the visit of the judge to the place of application of title deed.

Circular No. 754/3/M dated 25/ 3/ 1387H Regarding the concept of the two articles 85 39 No. 39 and 86 and not differentiate between the open land inside or outside the city.

Circular No. 754/3/M dated 25/ 3/ 1387H Regarding the concept of the two articles 85 39 No. 39 and 86 and not differentiate between the open land inside or outside the city.

Circular No. 1442/3/M dated 30/5/1386H Regarding the lands that have not been revived before and princes of the Hajar approaching to include them within their Hajars, these shall remain with the government lands.

Circular No. 1442/3/M dated 30/5/1386H Regarding the lands that have not been revived before and princes of the Hajar approaching to include them within their Hajars, these shall remain with the government lands.

circular no. 59/12/T dated 29/ 4/ 1402H. Regarding reduction of the fares for internal air travels for Saudi students.

circular no. 59/12/T dated 29/ 4/ 1402H. Regarding reduction of the fares for internal air travels for Saudi students.

Circular No. 2333/3/M dated 7/ 11/ 1385H Regarding advertising the real estate property of the state when applying for deed of title .

Circular No. 2333/3/M dated 7/ 11/ 1385H Regarding advertising the real estate property of the state when applying for deed of title .

Circular No.1820/3/M dated 27/7/1385H Regarding title deed for the state property.

Circular No.1820/3/M dated 27/7/1385H Regarding title deed for the state property.

Circular No. 421/3/M dated 21/2/1385H Regarding accomplishing the farmers title deeds.

Circular No. 421/3/M dated 21/2/1385H Regarding accomplishing the farmers title deeds.

circular No. 1123/ 3/M dated 18/4/1384H regarding What should be observed when considering in the application of termination.

circular No. 1123/ 3/M dated 18/4/1384H regarding What should be observed when considering in the application of termination.

circular no. 195/12/T dated 24/ 11/ 1401H. To prohibit rental of the companies for the buildings inside the cities

circular no. 195/12/T dated 24/ 11/ 1401H. To prohibit rental of the companies for the buildings inside the cities

circular no. 122/4/T dated 14/ 7/ 1401H. Regarding entering some amendments to the contracts that are organized in future with owners of the currently leased building and which shall be rented in future

circular no. 122/4/T dated 14/ 7/ 1401H. Regarding entering some amendments to the contracts that are organized in future with owners of the currently leased building and which shall be rented in future

circular no.77/4/T dated 15/5/1401H. To enter some amendments on the contracts that are organized with owners of the leased buildings

circular no.77/4/T dated 15/5/1401H. To enter some amendments on the contracts that are organized with owners of the leased buildings

circular no.34/4/T dated 9/ 4/ 1400H. Regarding the subject of the leased property.

circular no.34/4/T dated 9/ 4/ 1400H. Regarding the subject of the leased property.

circular no. 28/12/T. dated 1/ 3/ 1399H. Regarding the conditions of the property and percentage of increase or decrease of rent or not and the negotiation with their owner

circular no. 28/12/T. dated 1/ 3/ 1399H. Regarding the conditions of the property and percentage of increase or decrease of rent or not and the negotiation with their owner

Regarding request to send all the claims to the ministry of justice to payment them Consecutively

Regarding request to send all the claims to the ministry of justice to payment them Consecutively

circular no. 190/12/T dated 30/ 10/ 1398H. Regarding rental of the foreigner and the specified period for that

circular no. 190/12/T dated 30/ 10/ 1398H. Regarding rental of the foreigner and the specified period for that

circular no. 112/12/T dated 20/ 6/ 1398H. Regarding vacating of the government buildings or leased building that are exposed to danger of collapse

circular no. 112/12/T dated 20/ 6/ 1398H. Regarding vacating of the government buildings or leased building that are exposed to danger of collapse

circular no.36/2/T dated 27/ 2/ 1394H. Regarding to whom the ownership of the leased property is transferred

circular no.36/2/T dated 27/ 2/ 1394H. Regarding to whom the ownership of the leased property is transferred

circular no.55/2/T dated 22/ 3/ 1393H. Prohibition of the purchase of items from government department‟s employees

circular no.55/2/T dated 22/ 3/ 1393H. Prohibition of the purchase of items from government department‟s employees

Regarding the necessity to show to the ministry the rents that exceed twenty thousand riyals

Regarding the necessity to show to the ministry the rents that exceed twenty thousand riyals

circular no. 91/4/T dated 22/ 5/1392H. Formation of a committee to decide the validity of the current building which are occupied by the administration and about the rent

circular no. 91/4/T dated 22/ 5/1392H. Formation of a committee to decide the validity of the current building which are occupied by the administration and about the rent

circular no.135//4/T dated 10/ 9/ 1392H. Regarding the government building that are occupied by the judges

circular no.135//4/T dated 10/ 9/ 1392H. Regarding the government building that are occupied by the judges

circular no.33/4/T dated 1/ 3/ 1393H. Regarding approval on the suggestion of the ministry of finance and national economy regarding the lease of the buildings by the government departments

circular no.33/4/T dated 1/ 3/ 1393H. Regarding approval on the suggestion of the ministry of finance and national economy regarding the lease of the buildings by the government departments

circular no.33/4/T dated 1/ 3/ 1393H. Regarding approval on the suggestion of the ministry of finance and national economy regarding the lease of the buildings by the government departments

circular no.33/4/T dated 1/ 3/ 1393H. Regarding approval on the suggestion of the ministry of finance and national economy regarding the lease of the buildings by the government departments

circular no 20/2/T dated 3/ 2/ 1391H. Regarding to conclude the lease contracts for three years.

circular no 20/2/T dated 3/ 2/ 1391H. Regarding to conclude the lease contracts for three years.

circular no. 15/4/T dated 24/ 1/ 1391H. To authorize the owner of the leased building or the purchaser to liquidate the electricity and water

circular no. 15/4/T dated 24/ 1/ 1391H. To authorize the owner of the leased building or the purchaser to liquidate the electricity and water

circular no.51/4/T dated 16/ 4/ 1390H. Not to use the leased building by the employees

circular no.51/4/T dated 16/ 4/ 1390H. Not to use the leased building by the employees

circular no.32/2/T dated 4/ 3/ 1390H.The committees formed for study the reality of the prevailing rents

circular no.32/2/T dated 4/ 3/ 1390H.The committees formed for study the reality of the prevailing rents

circular no.30/4/T dated 11/ 3/ 1389H. The condition which allows leasing of the building without issuance of prior permission

circular no.30/4/T dated 11/ 3/ 1389H. The condition which allows leasing of the building without issuance of prior permission

circular no. 94/4/T dated 3/ 11/ 1388H. To include the building leasing contracts the contents of the building and its area.

circular no. 94/4/T dated 3/ 11/ 1388H. To include the building leasing contracts the contents of the building and its area.

circular no, 90/2/T dated 16/ 10/ 1388H. Not lease any place that has been vacated by a government department

circular no, 90/2/T dated 16/ 10/ 1388H. Not lease any place that has been vacated by a government department

circular no. 1600/4 dated 29/ 6/ 1387H. Not agree on increasing the prescribed rent or transfer the court except after issuance of prior approval

circular no. 1600/4 dated 29/ 6/ 1387H. Not agree on increasing the prescribed rent or transfer the court except after issuance of prior approval

circular Regarding what should be followed when renting any building for a government work

circular Regarding what should be followed when renting any building for a government work

circular What should be followed when leasing any building for a government work in the cities

circular What should be followed when leasing any building for a government work in the cities

circular Maintenance of the government buildings occupied by government departments against their not claiming the rents.

circular Maintenance of the government buildings occupied by government departments against their not claiming the rents.

circular The Proof of dependency on the testimony of two from the family members of the deceased.

circular The Proof of dependency on the testimony of two from the family members of the deceased.

circular Regarding delivery of the document of proof of dependency.

circular Regarding delivery of the document of proof of dependency.

Regarding the proof of soldiers.

Regarding the proof of soldiers.

crcular Regarding the proof of soldiers.

crcular Regarding the proof of soldiers.

circular Not to obtain legal deed of dependency or attest on the dependency certificates of the contracted expat residing in the Kingdom to prevent any pretext for the public benefit

circular Not to obtain legal deed of dependency or attest on the dependency certificates of the contracted expat residing in the Kingdom to prevent any pretext for the public benefit

circular Regarding what is required from the courts to proof the dependency in the deeds that are issued from it in the case of death of the employee.

circular Regarding what is required from the courts to proof the dependency in the deeds that are issued from it in the case of death of the employee.

circular Not to issue deeds to proof dependency

circular Not to issue deeds to proof dependency

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1609 dated 12/8/1421H. regarding the directory of the family companies.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/1609 dated 12/8/1421H. regarding the directory of the family companies.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/802 dated 24/5/1416H. about authentication of the will in the country of the testator.

Excellency the minister of justice circular No. 13/T/802 dated 24/5/1416H. about authentication of the will in the country of the testator.

Circular No. 8/T/22 dated 3/2/1413H. Regarding the proxies from outside the kingdom.

Circular No. 8/T/22 dated 3/2/1413H. Regarding the proxies from outside the kingdom.

To disregard the circular No. 707/3/M because many people have been affected from following

To disregard the circular No. 707/3/M because many people have been affected from following

Circular No.8/46/T Regarding the utilization of the documents at the Documentation Center.

Circular No.8/46/T Regarding the utilization of the documents at the Documentation Center.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the temporary documents that are granted to the victims of the disasters.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the temporary documents that are granted to the victims of the disasters.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the delay in obtaining the documents for payment of the compensation from the legal courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the delay in obtaining the documents for payment of the compensation from the legal courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding What shall be followed when the period of extension of acceptance of documents expires.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding What shall be followed when the period of extension of acceptance of documents expires.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the temporary ownership documents that the owner farmers submitted to the agriculture bank for application of loans.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the temporary ownership documents that the owner farmers submitted to the agriculture bank for application of loans.

To find out whether the municipal court from which the employee moved is the one who confirms the transfer of his family or the court of the town to which he was transferred?

To find out whether the municipal court from which the employee moved is the one who confirms the transfer of his family or the court of the town to which he was transferred?

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not use the official documents for private purposes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not use the official documents for private purposes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not use the documents except as needed and not use the in personal matters.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not use the documents except as needed and not use the in personal matters.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the method of keeping the documents to reduce the damage the documents and papers are exposed to.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the method of keeping the documents to reduce the damage the documents and papers are exposed to.

The means sufficient for keeping the documents and not to tamper with them.

The means sufficient for keeping the documents and not to tamper with them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the correspondences issued about Yousef Al-Malahi.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the correspondences issued about Yousef Al-Malahi.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the permission to the higher judicial authority to contact with courts in the two cassation bodies.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the permission to the higher judicial authority to contact with courts in the two cassation bodies.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the commercial registers and method of their use.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the commercial registers and method of their use.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding providing the mentioned office of register with all the commercial cases that are issued.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding providing the mentioned office of register with all the commercial cases that are issued.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the text of article tenth of the system of commercial register.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the text of article tenth of the system of commercial register.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding numbering of the documents and making of minutes with their fact and emptying any minutes in the internal cover for each register.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding numbering of the documents and making of minutes with their fact and emptying any minutes in the internal cover for each register.

Circular of the minister of justice the competent entity for registration of the company contracts and collection of the fees.

Circular of the minister of justice the competent entity for registration of the company contracts and collection of the fees.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding notification of the offices of commercial register with a copy of the rulings and orders that are issued regarding the companies and the traders by seizure or bankruptcy and the benefiting has been limited in the following

Circular of the minister of justice regarding notification of the offices of commercial register with a copy of the rulings and orders that are issued regarding the companies and the traders by seizure or bankruptcy and the benefiting has been limited in the following

Circular of the minister of justice regarding procedures of marginalization of the deeds and their registers by transfer of ownership.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding procedures of marginalization of the deeds and their registers by transfer of ownership.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding eturning to the settings and records and make sure of completion of their signing and stamping.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding eturning to the settings and records and make sure of completion of their signing and stamping.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding establishment of a central committee to develop technical studies for collection and safekeeping of the real estate wealth in the documents and records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding establishment of a central committee to develop technical studies for collection and safekeeping of the real estate wealth in the documents and records.

Circular of the minister of justice regardingnot entrust the contract workers to carry out the works of notary and register.

Circular of the minister of justice regardingnot entrust the contract workers to carry out the works of notary and register.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding counting the legal circuit that does not have the delivery and receipt of registers.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding counting the legal circuit that does not have the delivery and receipt of registers.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the leniency of some judges and notaries in completing the signing of the registration and the records at the end of the session or the recording of the declaration.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the leniency of some judges and notaries in completing the signing of the registration and the records at the end of the session or the recording of the declaration.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding binding of the setting and the records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding binding of the setting and the records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Using of liquid ink in the writing.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Using of liquid ink in the writing.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Stamping and signing of the settings and records by the judge or notary before leaving his work place.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Stamping and signing of the settings and records by the judge or notary before leaving his work place.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that the notary shall sign and record the settings and registers with him from date he was appointed up-to-date within ten days and he shall be question if fails to do so.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that the notary shall sign and record the settings and registers with him from date he was appointed up-to-date within ten days and he shall be question if fails to do so.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to mention the name and sign on whatever marginalization made on the deed and their records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to mention the name and sign on whatever marginalization made on the deed and their records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding entrusting the judge and the notary to appear personally to the place of his work to sign what registration and records he left behind without deputation, whether filled the post by deputation or otherwise.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding entrusting the judge and the notary to appear personally to the place of his work to sign what registration and records he left behind without deputation, whether filled the post by deputation or otherwise.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding maintaining the records and care with them and assigning them to the competent employee.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding maintaining the records and care with them and assigning them to the competent employee.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to satisfy with setting of the marriage contracts without registering them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to satisfy with setting of the marriage contracts without registering them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the taking of a registration book in respect of the setting at each court or notary.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the taking of a registration book in respect of the setting at each court or notary.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the movement of records and settings inside the court or notary and take a registration book in respect of the setting and what should be followed starting from the first month of Muharram in 1404H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the movement of records and settings inside the court or notary and take a registration book in respect of the setting and what should be followed starting from the first month of Muharram in 1404H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recording the explanation on the emptied deed on its register.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recording the explanation on the emptied deed on its register.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding observing non signing of the settings and registers Outcomes and marginalization available on them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding observing non signing of the settings and registers Outcomes and marginalization available on them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Continuation of the work for the new year in the settings and registers after leaving a separation page between the two years and writing on them the work has finished for the year so…

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Continuation of the work for the new year in the settings and registers after leaving a separation page between the two years and writing on them the work has finished for the year so…

Circular of the minister of justice regarding holding the judges responsible for any negligence or lack of signing of the settingsthe and records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding holding the judges responsible for any negligence or lack of signing of the settingsthe and records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to bring out the records and setting outside the circuit.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to bring out the records and setting outside the circuit.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the successor shall not receive except after stamping each of that to avoid any breach of the rulings in finished matters.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the successor shall not receive except after stamping each of that to avoid any breach of the rulings in finished matters.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Continuation of the work in all settings and registers used by the predecessor until their end.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Continuation of the work in all settings and registers used by the predecessor until their end.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding alerting the setting clerks not to set any termination, testimony or declaration except with the permission of the judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding alerting the setting clerks not to set any termination, testimony or declaration except with the permission of the judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cases that are recorded in their forms without setting them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cases that are recorded in their forms without setting them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding setting the cases of the entities that do not have notary and is done by the judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding setting the cases of the entities that do not have notary and is done by the judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Maintaining of all the settings and records and keeping them in steel cabinets.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Maintaining of all the settings and records and keeping them in steel cabinets.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the person required to be classified on the setting book and give him certificate with that regard.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the person required to be classified on the setting book and give him certificate with that regard.

Procedures of organizing the settings.

Procedures of organizing the settings.

Procedures of organizing the registers.

Procedures of organizing the registers.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Certifying on the copies of the settings that are raised with deeds for verification.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Certifying on the copies of the settings that are raised with deeds for verification.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding assigning the work of notary to the employees appointed for this job.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding assigning the work of notary to the employees appointed for this job.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding numbering all pages of the financial records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding numbering all pages of the financial records.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the employees who take care of setting and writing of thecases must sign.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the employees who take care of setting and writing of thecases must sign.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the notes on some of the settings and records of some courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the notes on some of the settings and records of some courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the book for indexing the records and method of using it for searching of the property

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the book for indexing the records and method of using it for searching of the property

That all recording relating to divorce, proxies, emptying, etc. should be kept in the control books and that the necessary signature should be taken and the necessary deed should be organized as required.

That all recording relating to divorce, proxies, emptying, etc. should be kept in the control books and that the necessary signature should be taken and the necessary deed should be organized as required.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding That the successor shall not receive the settings and records except after making sure that they are stamped and signed by the predecessor.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding That the successor shall not receive the settings and records except after making sure that they are stamped and signed by the predecessor.

Procedures for maintenance of the completed books and records in the Court.

Procedures for maintenance of the completed books and records in the Court.

Procedures for handing over the parties to the case a copy of the judgment and the commencement of the date of the objection by application of cassation.

Procedures for handing over the parties to the case a copy of the judgment and the commencement of the date of the objection by application of cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that cancellation of the procedure system does not include cassation of the legal rulings.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that cancellation of the procedure system does not include cassation of the legal rulings.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extension of the period of acceptance of the documents with the citizen for obtaining of loan and regarding the approval of them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extension of the period of acceptance of the documents with the citizen for obtaining of loan and regarding the approval of them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the objecting party has not submit a representative for it in the specified time for hearing the suit with verification of its receipt of the notice the court shall complete the needful towards case by legally and orderly.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the objecting party has not submit a representative for it in the specified time for hearing the suit with verification of its receipt of the notice the court shall complete the needful towards case by legally and orderly.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that the start of the work with regulation of cassation of the rulings dated 28/5/1410H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that the start of the work with regulation of cassation of the rulings dated 28/5/1410H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that beginning of the work with the instructions of cassation of the legal rulings issued on 21/10/1386H. With regard to the criminal rulings.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that beginning of the work with the instructions of cassation of the legal rulings issued on 21/10/1386H. With regard to the criminal rulings.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the court does not reach to its Decision by the majority the chief of the court shall assigna sixth judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the court does not reach to its Decision by the majority the chief of the court shall assigna sixth judge.

Circular No. 145/3/M dated 1/6/1384H Regarding application of ownership on the lands that their owners do not have title deeds to proof it.

Circular No. 145/3/M dated 1/6/1384H Regarding application of ownership on the lands that their owners do not have title deeds to proof it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the deed in reconsidered by the court of cassation it shall be considered as a new transaction.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the deed in reconsidered by the court of cassation it shall be considered as a new transaction.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cassation of the cases.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cassation of the cases.

Circular No.2798/3 dated 4/7/1383H regarding To inspect on the applications of title deed on the lands that fall outside the municipality range.

Circular No.2798/3 dated 4/7/1383H regarding To inspect on the applications of title deed on the lands that fall outside the municipality range.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin asking the prosecutor and sentenced about the desire to submit objection pleading.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin asking the prosecutor and sentenced about the desire to submit objection pleading.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding cassation of public prosecution.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding cassation of public prosecution.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin the necessity to mention in the deedabout the Decision s of the cassationcommittee, which are noted on the case.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin the necessity to mention in the deedabout the Decision s of the cassationcommittee, which are noted on the case.

Circular No. 81/3 dated 17/1/1383H regarding Registration of the real estate of state in the name of state property.

Circular No. 81/3 dated 17/1/1383H regarding Registration of the real estate of state in the name of state property.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin the necessity to read the objection pleading and if there is anything that draws attention, the legitimate affirmation shall be made, and if nothing appears draw attention, he must note in his letter that he had seen the pleading of interceptor and it did not show anything drawing attention.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin the necessity to read the objection pleading and if there is anything that draws attention, the legitimate affirmation shall be made, and if nothing appears draw attention, he must note in his letter that he had seen the pleading of interceptor and it did not show anything drawing attention.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to consider the public prosecutor'ssatisfaction.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to consider the public prosecutor'ssatisfaction.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin the limitation of the cases of the public prosecution to the cassation authority on certain cases.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin the limitation of the cases of the public prosecution to the cassation authority on certain cases.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to question the opponent after the issuance of the verdict in writing, whether he wishes to bring appeal to cassation or not, and his answer shall be recorded in the setting of the case and his signature shall be taken.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to question the opponent after the issuance of the verdict in writing, whether he wishes to bring appeal to cassation or not, and his answer shall be recorded in the setting of the case and his signature shall be taken.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin the necessity to mention the deed which is needed to brought to cassation and its number and date in the memorandum of the judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin the necessity to mention the deed which is needed to brought to cassation and its number and date in the memorandum of the judge.

Circular No.82/ 2/T dated 11/ 5/ 1394H regarding To share the government in the joint stock companies.

Circular No.82/ 2/T dated 11/ 5/ 1394H regarding To share the government in the joint stock companies.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin all rulings in the cases of public prosecution are brought by virtue of the system to the cassationauthority regardless of the subject matter of the judgment and regardless of the conviction of the plaintiff or not in the case heis sentenced.

Circular of the minister of justice regardin all rulings in the cases of public prosecution are brought by virtue of the system to the cassationauthority regardless of the subject matter of the judgment and regardless of the conviction of the plaintiff or not in the case heis sentenced.

Circular No. 78/3/T dated 28/4/1394H Regarding Al-Arush that reconciliation is happening in them what should betake in them.

Circular No. 78/3/T dated 28/4/1394H Regarding Al-Arush that reconciliation is happening in them what should betake in them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding considering the conviction of the prosecutor or not.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding considering the conviction of the prosecutor or not.

Circular No.121/1/T dated 17/ 7/ 1391H regarding Authorizing the physicians who write medical reports to name the injuries and the wounds by their jurisprudence names.

Circular No.121/1/T dated 17/ 7/ 1391H regarding Authorizing the physicians who write medical reports to name the injuries and the wounds by their jurisprudence names.

Circular No. 3/2598 dated 11/8/1382H Regarding the injuries and wounds that need to be estimated and follow the physician word regarding the heeling.

Circular No. 3/2598 dated 11/8/1382H Regarding the injuries and wounds that need to be estimated and follow the physician word regarding the heeling.

Circular No. 24/12/T dated 16/2/1401H Regarding the two pieces of land located in Al-Aziziyah quarter Al-Abidiyah road.

Circular No. 24/12/T dated 16/2/1401H Regarding the two pieces of land located in Al-Aziziyah quarter Al-Abidiyah road.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the request to expedite providing the authority with what if requires such as copies of the legal Decision s issued from the courts and cassation bodies against the employees and staff.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the request to expedite providing the authority with what if requires such as copies of the legal Decision s issued from the courts and cassation bodies against the employees and staff.

Circular No.123/12/T dated 6/ 9/ 1397H regarding Upon extracting the title deeds on the white lands whether through the road of EinZabidah, or other.

Circular No.123/12/T dated 6/ 9/ 1397H regarding Upon extracting the title deeds on the white lands whether through the road of EinZabidah, or other.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the compliance in the punishment rulings with instructions of the cassation of the legal rulings.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the compliance in the punishment rulings with instructions of the cassation of the legal rulings.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the request of objection from those convicted of retribution or not.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the request of objection from those convicted of retribution or not.

Circular No.111/12/T dated 9/8/1397H Regarding the lands that are in the foothills of the mountains and overlooking Al-Aziziyah.

Circular No.111/12/T dated 9/8/1397H Regarding the lands that are in the foothills of the mountains and overlooking Al-Aziziyah.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the sentenced on him or for him refused to sign in the setting about his satisfaction or not.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the sentenced on him or for him refused to sign in the setting about his satisfaction or not.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding include all the comments received from the Panel of cassation in setting of the case and bringing the litigants to read the verdict to them and attach which is necessary with deed and its register.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding include all the comments received from the Panel of cassation in setting of the case and bringing the litigants to read the verdict to them and attach which is necessary with deed and its register.

Circular No. 8/12/T dated 10/1/1349H Regarding the property of Turkish nationals.

Circular No. 8/12/T dated 10/1/1349H Regarding the property of Turkish nationals.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Failure of the sentenced to come receive the deed forthe objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Failure of the sentenced to come receive the deed forthe objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the punishment ruling subject to cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the punishment ruling subject to cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Giving the sentenced with punishment a chance to submit an objection pleading.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Giving the sentenced with punishment a chance to submit an objection pleading.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Moneyhouse supervisor.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Moneyhouse supervisor.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding treat those sentenced with punishment according to the instruction of the cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding treat those sentenced with punishment according to the instruction of the cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the need to respond to the cassation body in Riyadh.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the need to respond to the cassation body in Riyadh.

Circular No. 159/2/T dated 15/9/1391H Regarding the property of Turkish nationals and Remnants of pilgrims.

Circular No. 159/2/T dated 15/9/1391H Regarding the property of Turkish nationals and Remnants of pilgrims.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the proxy is private, it shall be accompanied by the papers of the case, and if it is general a copy thereof shall be attached.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the proxy is private, it shall be accompanied by the papers of the case, and if it is general a copy thereof shall be attached.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the attachment of the all papers related to the case with deed of the judgment.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the attachment of the all papers related to the case with deed of the judgment.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Instruction of cassation of legal rulings approved on 29/10/1386.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Instruction of cassation of legal rulings approved on 29/10/1386.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Cassation of what is issued from the judges for permission of administrators and trustees regarding sale of the endowment or minors‟ money.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Cassation of what is issued from the judges for permission of administrators and trustees regarding sale of the endowment or minors‟ money.

Circular No.155/3/M dated 15/1/1387H Regarding registration of property of Al-Thani in each of Makkah and Madina.

Circular No.155/3/M dated 15/1/1387H Regarding registration of property of Al-Thani in each of Makkah and Madina.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Issuance of the copies of the settings in the appropriate pamphlets.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Issuance of the copies of the settings in the appropriate pamphlets.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Writing of copies of the settings of the cases required to brought to cassation in special pamphlets.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Writing of copies of the settings of the cases required to brought to cassation in special pamphlets.

Circular No. 1182/3/M dated 28/4/1386H Regarding real estate of absent that have been removed in the expansion of the holy mosque.

Circular No. 1182/3/M dated 28/4/1386H Regarding real estate of absent that have been removed in the expansion of the holy mosque.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Objection pleading shall be attached with the deed and setting and all the papers and the documents for raising the ruling.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Objection pleading shall be attached with the deed and setting and all the papers and the documents for raising the ruling.

Circular No. 8/181/T dated 3/11/ 1409H regarding Not to extract any title deeds on any coastal land except if that is for the government purposes.

Circular No. 8/181/T dated 3/11/ 1409H regarding Not to extract any title deeds on any coastal land except if that is for the government purposes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Attachment of the objection pleading with deed and the setting.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Attachment of the objection pleading with deed and the setting.

Circular 8/118/T dated 4/8/1409H Regarding the land of Al-Aramiyah and medhabah.

Circular 8/118/T dated 4/8/1409H Regarding the land of Al-Aramiyah and medhabah.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding asking the opponent after issuance of the ruling in writing about his desire to bring appeal to cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding asking the opponent after issuance of the ruling in writing about his desire to bring appeal to cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Submitting the cases directly to the court of cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Submitting the cases directly to the court of cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not hand over the deed to his owner until it is attested or the sentenced decided satisfaction with the ruling.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not hand over the deed to his owner until it is attested or the sentenced decided satisfaction with the ruling.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the rulings which are not brought to cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the rulings which are not brought to cassation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the shortages of the case must be sought from the Court of Cassation to the court which issues the deed directly.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the shortages of the case must be sought from the Court of Cassation to the court which issues the deed directly.

Circular No. 8/153/T dated 16/8/1407H Regarding the land located in Al-Sharaf in Abha and compensation of the defense with another land.

Circular No. 8/153/T dated 16/8/1407H Regarding the land located in Al-Sharaf in Abha and compensation of the defense with another land.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding When the judgment is handed down to the Court of Cassation, everything affecting the case must be brought up, including the deeds of the proxies, sales and a copy of the setting of the ruling.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding When the judgment is handed down to the Court of Cassation, everything affecting the case must be brought up, including the deeds of the proxies, sales and a copy of the setting of the ruling.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Giving the sentenced the deed of the judgment for his objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Giving the sentenced the deed of the judgment for his objection.

Circular No. 12/200/T dated 9/11/1406H There is no need to extract title deed on the land sold to the citizen with double value but that shall be made before the notary public.

Circular No. 12/200/T dated 9/11/1406H There is no need to extract title deed on the land sold to the citizen with double value but that shall be made before the notary public.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cylinders and the ruling in them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cylinders and the ruling in them.

To give priority to what is being emptied for the benefit of the state property.

To give priority to what is being emptied for the benefit of the state property.

Circular No. 12/70/T dated 15/4/1405H regarding To emphasis on the municipality to control the lands and remove the infringements.

Circular No. 12/70/T dated 15/4/1405H regarding To emphasis on the municipality to control the lands and remove the infringements.

Circular No. 12/183/T dated 3/11/1404H Regarding the emphasis on the courts to prevent from extracting title deeds on the lands except after making sure of their legal revival.

Circular No. 12/183/T dated 3/11/1404H Regarding the emphasis on the courts to prevent from extracting title deeds on the lands except after making sure of their legal revival.

Circular No. 12/156/T dated 22/8/1404H Regarding the land located north of military base in Al-Kharaj.

Circular No. 12/156/T dated 22/8/1404H Regarding the land located north of military base in Al-Kharaj.

Circular No. 12/135/T dated 1/8/1404H Courts have no right to decide an area of land to anyone.

Circular No. 12/135/T dated 1/8/1404H Courts have no right to decide an area of land to anyone.

Circular No. 12/50/T dated 21/3/1404H Preventing to issue title deeds on the lands that located between Zahban and Thawal.

Circular No. 12/50/T dated 21/3/1404H Preventing to issue title deeds on the lands that located between Zahban and Thawal.

Circular No.61/12/T dated 22/4/1403H Regarding not create or infringe or grant lands in the area that is bordered from the west by Sadir road and from the east Al-Armah overlooking Bowaib or Al-Towqi and Al-Khafiss towards Al-Khanasser to after Tanahat and from the south end of Faidah Al-Janaderiyah and from the north to after Tanahat.

Circular No.61/12/T dated 22/4/1403H Regarding not create or infringe or grant lands in the area that is bordered from the west by Sadir road and from the east Al-Armah overlooking Bowaib or Al-Towqi and Al-Khafiss towards Al-Khanasser to after Tanahat and from the south end of Faidah Al-Janaderiyah and from the north to after Tanahat.

Circular No.107/12/T dated 8/8/1402H regarding The system of distribution of the fallow lands and its regulations are hectare and acres.

Circular No.107/12/T dated 8/8/1402H regarding The system of distribution of the fallow lands and its regulations are hectare and acres.

Circular No. 60/12/T dated 1/5/1402H Regarding the period of revival and the considered date.

Circular No. 60/12/T dated 1/5/1402H Regarding the period of revival and the considered date.

Circular No. 15/12/T dated 10/2/1402H Regarding the land of the cooperative residential land in Jeddah.

Circular No. 15/12/T dated 10/2/1402H Regarding the land of the cooperative residential land in Jeddah.

Circular No. 113/12/T dated 5/7/1401H Regarding the land forbidden to make emptying on them.

Circular No. 113/12/T dated 5/7/1401H Regarding the land forbidden to make emptying on them.

circular The procedures for proof of dependency

circular The procedures for proof of dependency

circular To stop the proofs for the need of the students for accommodation allowance

circular To stop the proofs for the need of the students for accommodation allowance

circular To speed the completion of the proofs relating to those eligible for retirement

circular To speed the completion of the proofs relating to those eligible for retirement

Circular No.78/12/T dated 15/ 5/ 1401H regarding Not dispose of third parties property with legal permission.

Circular No.78/12/T dated 15/ 5/ 1401H regarding Not dispose of third parties property with legal permission.

Circular No. 28/12/T dated 30/12/1401H The rules relating to the debris that obstructsome of the projects of the state when implemented them.

Circular No. 28/12/T dated 30/12/1401H The rules relating to the debris that obstructsome of the projects of the state when implemented them.

Circular No.24/12/T dated 16/2/1401H Regarding the sales that are issued by the order of prince of Makkah region.

Circular No.24/12/T dated 16/2/1401H Regarding the sales that are issued by the order of prince of Makkah region.

circular Regarding the method of using the proofs for the families of the prisoners

circular Regarding the method of using the proofs for the families of the prisoners

Circular No.3/12/T dated 3/ 1/ 1401H Regarding the compensation about lands debris that some of the projects pass through them.

Circular No.3/12/T dated 3/ 1/ 1401H Regarding the compensation about lands debris that some of the projects pass through them.

Circular NO. 139/12/T dated 8/11/1400H Regarding the areas where there are lands for the Ministry of Defense and the coordination with it

Circular NO. 139/12/T dated 8/11/1400H Regarding the areas where there are lands for the Ministry of Defense and the coordination with it

Circular No .196/1/T dated 24/11/1401H To emphasis on the courts to stop issuing title deeds on white lands.

Circular No .196/1/T dated 24/11/1401H To emphasis on the courts to stop issuing title deeds on white lands.

circular To speed the completion of proofs for the prisoners' families.

circular To speed the completion of proofs for the prisoners' families.

circular Regarding the procedures of amendment of the school documents

circular Regarding the procedures of amendment of the school documents

The proofs for the social and security life have their own special forms

The proofs for the social and security life have their own special forms

circular Not to issue deeds to proof the services of the employees.

circular Not to issue deeds to proof the services of the employees.

circular What should be observed when considering into the termination applications.

circular What should be observed when considering into the termination applications.

circular To explainwhat is required in the legitimate manner to request any proof.

circular To explainwhat is required in the legitimate manner to request any proof.

circular Regarding the item scholarship abroad.

circular Regarding the item scholarship abroad.

circular To urge the government departments to take care when studying the benefit of the training centers abroad

circular To urge the government departments to take care when studying the benefit of the training centers abroad

circular No.29/12/t dated 3/2/1396H regarding Handling the cases of putting hands on the lands of the municipalities.

circular No.29/12/t dated 3/2/1396H regarding Handling the cases of putting hands on the lands of the municipalities.

Circular No. 150/12/T dated 4/8/1396H regarding The government white lands surrounding the cities and villages are considered property of the municipalities.

Circular No. 150/12/T dated 4/8/1396H regarding The government white lands surrounding the cities and villages are considered property of the municipalities.

Circular No.192/12/T dated 3/10/1396H Not to enable to the foreigners by selling and buying in all types of real estates and lands.

Circular No.192/12/T dated 3/10/1396H Not to enable to the foreigners by selling and buying in all types of real estates and lands.

Circular No. 90/12/T dated 10/7/1397H The creation happening of the government lands.

Circular No. 90/12/T dated 10/7/1397H The creation happening of the government lands.

circular Regarding return of the married scholars to the kingdom once every year

circular Regarding return of the married scholars to the kingdom once every year

Circular No.99/12/T dated 20/7/1397H Regarding creation or compensation or granting lands td the area that is bordered from the west with Sadir road and not to transfer these farms to residential areas.

Circular No.99/12/T dated 20/7/1397H Regarding creation or compensation or granting lands td the area that is bordered from the west with Sadir road and not to transfer these farms to residential areas.

Circular No. 12/91/t dated 13/5/1405H Regarding emphasis on the concerned entities to abide by what has already been issued and not to allow the transfer of these farms and resthouses to residential areas.

Circular No. 12/91/t dated 13/5/1405H Regarding emphasis on the concerned entities to abide by what has already been issued and not to allow the transfer of these farms and resthouses to residential areas.

Circular No.130/ 12/T dated 13/9/1397H regarding Not to empty the land called Al-Aba.

Circular No.130/ 12/T dated 13/9/1397H regarding Not to empty the land called Al-Aba.

circular Regarding the rules which shall be taken into account when deputing inside the kingdom

circular Regarding the rules which shall be taken into account when deputing inside the kingdom

Circular No.164/12/T dated 19/12/1397H Regarding the lands of Thaalibah located south of Jeddah.

Circular No.164/12/T dated 19/12/1397H Regarding the lands of Thaalibah located south of Jeddah.

Circular No.93/12/T dated 25/5/1398H Regarding lands of air defense in Jeddah.

Circular No.93/12/T dated 25/5/1398H Regarding lands of air defense in Jeddah.

Circular No. 116/12/T dated 18/7/1399H Regarding not authenticate the separated piece lands except under an approved scheme.

Circular No. 116/12/T dated 18/7/1399H Regarding not authenticate the separated piece lands except under an approved scheme.

circular Regarding application of the provisions of the two articles No. 39 and 39 -38 38 of the provisions of the allowances and rewards on the Saudi employees deputed to work aboard

circular Regarding application of the provisions of the two articles No. 39 and 39 -38 38 of the provisions of the allowances and rewards on the Saudi employees deputed to work aboard

circular Regarding payment of expense of treatment of the deputed employee

circular Regarding payment of expense of treatment of the deputed employee

circular Regarding payment of the tuition fees for the wives of the universities and other departments‟ deputed employees

circular Regarding payment of the tuition fees for the wives of the universities and other departments‟ deputed employees

To add the educational sciences

To add the educational sciences

circular To pay reward the deputed student against the his travels expenses

circular To pay reward the deputed student against the his travels expenses

circular To pay the tuition fees for the wives of the deputed Saudi students

circular To pay the tuition fees for the wives of the deputed Saudi students

circular To include the sons of the employees who working outside to the membership of the mission

circular To include the sons of the employees who working outside to the membership of the mission

circular Regarding the reward given to those deputed to Netherlands and other countries

circular Regarding the reward given to those deputed to Netherlands and other countries

circular no.2/3/T dated 7/ 1/ 1392H. Regarding the provision of scholarship and training for the employees

circular no.2/3/T dated 7/ 1/ 1392H. Regarding the provision of scholarship and training for the employees

circular Regarding the reward given to the wife of the deputed Saudi students

circular Regarding the reward given to the wife of the deputed Saudi students

circular To limit the scholarship aboard for study to Saudi students.

circular To limit the scholarship aboard for study to Saudi students.

circuar Regarding arrangement of the visits to archeological places.

circuar Regarding arrangement of the visits to archeological places.

circular To preserve the historic monuments, cities and old neighborhoods and not remove them.

circular To preserve the historic monuments, cities and old neighborhoods and not remove them.

circular To not attack the sanctity of sites and archaeological buildings and the need for coordination with the authority responsible for the antiquitiesin the Kingdom before the implementation.

circular To not attack the sanctity of sites and archaeological buildings and the need for coordination with the authority responsible for the antiquitiesin the Kingdom before the implementation.

circular To obtain approval of the department of antiquities before granting the construction and renovation licenses in the place need the antiquities sites

circular To obtain approval of the department of antiquities before granting the construction and renovation licenses in the place need the antiquities sites

Circular No. 182/12/T daterd 17/9/1394H Regarding handling the infringements on the lands

Circular No. 182/12/T dated 17/9/1394H Regarding handling the infringements on the lands

circular To alert the companies to adhere to the systems related to antiquities

circular To alert the companies to adhere to the systems related to antiquities

circular No. 207/2/T dated 8/9/1393H Regarding the amendment of the text of the article second of the system of distribution of fallow lands and the limit allowed for distribution on the individuals.

circular No. 207/2/T dated 8/9/1393H Regarding the amendment of the text of the article second of the system of distribution of fallow lands and the limit allowed for distribution on the individuals.

circular Regarding the system of antiquities.

circular Regarding the system of antiquities.

circular No.250/2/t dated 1/11/1393H Regarding to request each body going out to lands to put with its written report, a drawing with gravel, cement or concrete or without them.

circular No.250/2/t dated 1/11/1393H Regarding to request each body going out to lands to put with its written report, a drawing with gravel, cement or concrete or without them.

circular No.204/2/t dated 5/9/1393H To request each body going out to the dispute to put with its written report, a drawing with gravel, and who shall pay the cost.

circular No.204/2/t dated 5/9/1393H To request each body going out to the dispute to put with its written report, a drawing with gravel, and who shall pay the cost.

circular To establish antiquities department belonging to the ministry of education

circular To establish antiquities department belonging to the ministry of education

Circular No.165/2/T dated 23/7/1393H Regarding the suit of putting hands on the white lands.

Circular No.165/2/T dated 23/7/1393H Regarding the suit of putting hands on the white lands.

Circular No. 44/1/t dated 5/3/1392H Regarding the lands of Masarrah and Farshah and the lands of Al-Juhafia.

Circular No. 44/1/t dated 5/3/1392H Regarding the lands of Masarrah and Farshah and the lands of Al-Juhafia.

circular Regarding visit to the archeological places

circular Regarding visit to the archeological places

Circular No.1072/3/M dated 26/4/1387H Regarding the land located at Al-Oud.

Circular No.1072/3/M dated 26/4/1387H Regarding the land located at Al-Oud.

Circular No. 914/3/M dated 10/4/1387H Not to register any donated land except by a legal document.

Circular No. 914/3/M dated 10/4/1387H Not to register any donated land except by a legal document.

Circular No. 596/3/M dated 10/3/1387H Regarding the land located on Khurais road.

Circular No. 596/3/M dated 10/3/1387H Regarding the land located on Khurais road.

no. 3455/3/G dated 1/9/1383h Regarding proving the ownership of lands and considering what evidences have done in place of legal revival.

no. 3455/3/G dated 1/9/1383h Regarding proving the ownership of lands and considering what evidences have done in place of legal revival.

circular No. 1891/3 dated 11/5/1383H Regarding the large number of infringements on municipal lands.

circular No. 1891/3 dated 11/5/1383H Regarding the large number of infringements on municipal lands.

No. 2022 dated 11/5/1360H Regarding the land of Al-NasiriAl-Awali and the related procedures.

No. 2022 dated 11/5/1360H Regarding the land of Al-NasiriAl-Awali and the related procedures.

Circular No. 3/12/t dated 18/1/1412h To emphasize on the judges of the courts to put the official seal next to the seal of the judge and not to rely on any title deed that does not bear the official seal in addition to the seal of the judge.

Circular No. 3/12/t dated 18/1/1412h To emphasize on the judges of the courts to put the official seal next to the seal of the judge and not to rely on any title deed that does not bear the official seal in addition to the seal of the judge.

circular Regarding sanctities of the property

circular Regarding sanctities of the property

circular The wells cannot proof their ownership except by a deed.

circular The wells cannot proof their ownership except by a deed.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1610 dated 12/8/1421H. regarding the deed required to transfer its content

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1610 dated 12/8/1421H. regarding the deed required to transfer its content

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1509 dated 20/12/1420H. regarding acceptance of jewelries and deposits in money houses

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1509 dated 20/12/1420H. regarding acceptance of jewelries and deposits in money houses

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1489 dated 2/11/1420H. regarding the approval of the property mortgage

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1489 dated 2/11/1420H. regarding the approval of the property mortgage

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1508 dated 19/12/1420H. regarding organizing of division of the agricultural lands

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1508 dated 19/12/1420H. regarding organizing of division of the agricultural lands

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 5/B/17122 dated 1/11/1420H. about the official name of Taiwan

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 5/B/17122 dated 1/11/1420H. about the official name of Taiwan

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. about the Omani nationals residing in the kingdom and marriage contracts of the Qatari citizens

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. about the Omani nationals residing in the kingdom and marriage contracts of the Qatari citizens

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular about the compensation the courtshave for the endowments.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular about the compensation the courtshave for the endowments.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 7/91/T dated 11/7/1419H. regarding satisfaction with national ID in some of the proxies

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 7/91/T dated 11/7/1419H. regarding satisfaction with national ID in some of the proxies

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular regarding the foreigners pleading in the suits inside the kingdom

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular regarding the foreigners pleading in the suits inside the kingdom

Circular of linking the different departments judicially

Circular of linking the different departments judicially

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular about the agreements available in some of the tribes

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular about the agreements available in some of the tribes

Regarding the about the new organization regarding deposit of financial amount in the accounts of money houses

Regarding the about the new organization regarding deposit of financial amount in the accounts of money houses

Circular No. 13/T/1449 dated 19/8/1420H. regarding unifying the statistical forms in the courts and notaries

Circular No. 13/T/1449 dated 19/8/1420H. regarding unifying the statistical forms in the courts and notaries

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1456 dated 21/8/1420H. about binding the records and settings of the courts and the notaries

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1456 dated 21/8/1420H. about binding the records and settings of the courts and the notaries

Circular No. 13/T/1462 about manufacturing the seals in the ministry

Circular No. 13/T/1462 about manufacturing the seals in the ministry

Circular No. 13/T/1457 dated 21/8/1420H. Regarding the recommendations of the third meeting for the managers of the branches and directors of the departments in the courts presidencies.

Circular No. 13/T/1457 dated 21/8/1420H. Regarding the recommendations of the third meeting for the managers of the branches and directors of the departments in the courts presidencies.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1412H. dated 15/6/1420H. regarding allocating an office in the ministry to receive suggestions

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/1412H. dated 15/6/1420H. regarding allocating an office in the ministry to receive suggestions

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular regarding the agreement available with some of the tribes

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular regarding the agreement available with some of the tribes

Circular No.12/77/t dated 2/8/1411H Not to put any seal or cliché or anything in the name of any circuit of the Ministry of Justice except by the official approval.

Circular No.12/77/t dated 2/8/1411H Not to put any seal or cliché or anything in the name of any circuit of the Ministry of Justice except by the official approval.

Circular No.8/80/t dated 10/5/1408h The official seals are limited to work and issued to departments associated with the ministry.

Circular No.8/80/t dated 10/5/1408h The official seals are limited to work and issued to departments associated with the ministry.

Circular No. 12/125/t dated 11/7/1407h Preventing the multiplicity of seals in the courts and the notaries.

Circular No. 12/125/t dated 11/7/1407h Preventing the multiplicity of seals in the courts and the notaries.

Circular No. 105/4/t dated 25/6/1401h Stamping on all payrolls and general expenses after completion of the payment.

Circular No. 105/4/t dated 25/6/1401h Stamping on all payrolls and general expenses after completion of the payment.

circular No. 83/2/t dated 8/5/1392h Regarding sending a copy of applicable signature and seal.

circular No. 83/2/t dated 8/5/1392h Regarding sending a copy of applicable signature and seal.

Circular No.26/10/t dated 13/2/1392h Regarding securing the seals which carry the address of the ministry of justice after sending the old seal to the store of the ministry.

Circular No.26/10/t dated 13/2/1392h Regarding securing the seals which carry the address of the ministry of justice after sending the old seal to the store of the ministry.

Circular No.117/2/t dated 5/9/1390h Regarding ratification of the deeds and the copies issued from the register with seal of the judge and seal of the court.

Circular No.117/2/t dated 5/9/1390h Regarding ratification of the deeds and the copies issued from the register with seal of the judge and seal of the court.

circular No. 1607/3/M dated 20/6/1386h The necessity to put the personal seal on the deeds.

circular No. 1607/3/M dated 20/6/1386h The necessity to put the personal seal on the deeds.

circular No. 2578/3/M dated 29/12/1385h regarding In the case of connection of the deed the place of connection must be stamped with seal of the court and seal of the judge.

circular No. 2578/3/M dated 29/12/1385h regarding In the case of connection of the deed the place of connection must be stamped with seal of the court and seal of the judge.

circuler No. 3037/2 dated 17/9/1382h regarding Necessity to sign and stamp on the telegraphs sent to the postal and telegraph department.

circuler No. 3037/2 dated 17/9/1382h regarding Necessity to sign and stamp on the telegraphs sent to the postal and telegraph department.

circular No.3308/2 dated 26/10/1382h regarding The need to put finger print of the employee who is unable to read and write along with his seal on the payrolls.

circular No.3308/2 dated 26/10/1382h regarding The need to put finger print of the employee who is unable to read and write along with his seal on the payrolls.

circular No.3616/4 dated 17/10/1379h regarding In the case of delivery of amount to the owner of the right who is unable to read to take in addition to his seal his thumbprint.

circular No.3616/4 dated 17/10/1379h regarding In the case of delivery of amount to the owner of the right who is unable to read to take in addition to his seal his thumbprint.

circular No.5595/2 dated 24/11/1377h regarding Not to use more than one seal in the signing of the transactions.

circular No.5595/2 dated 24/11/1377h regarding Not to use more than one seal in the signing of the transactions.

Circular No. 3520/2 dated 3/4/1377h Regarding sending the specimen of signatures and seals of the judges and the notaries and numbers of the specimens.

Circular No. 3520/2 dated 3/4/1377h Regarding sending the specimen of signatures and seals of the judges and the notaries and numbers of the specimens.

Circular No.2166 dated 27/5/1361h Regarding the instructions for the seals of the judges and the notaries and the officers of treasury houses.

Circular No.2166 dated 27/5/1361h Regarding the instructions for the seals of the judges and the notaries and the officers of treasury houses.

circular No.14/40/t dated 13/3/1412h Regarding the constant care in raising the statistics of the courts and the notaries.

circular No.14/40/t dated 13/3/1412h Regarding the constant care in raising the statistics of the courts and the notaries.

circular No.151/12/t dated 19/8/1401h Regarding the steps to be taken in case of any research or statistical studies.

circular No.151/12/t dated 19/8/1401h Regarding the steps to be taken in case of any research or statistical studies.

circular No.88/8/t dated 26/5/1399h Regarding the group of forms and statistical cards.

circular No.88/8/t dated 26/5/1399h Regarding the group of forms and statistical cards.

circular No.159/2/t dated 13/8/1394h Regarding the General Population Census.

circular No.159/2/t dated 13/8/1394h Regarding the General Population Census.

circular No.44/12/t dated 17/3/1394h Regarding sending of the results of the work with their types and statement of the employees attendance at the end of each month to the general administration for the administrative inspection.

circular No.44/12/t dated 17/3/1394h Regarding sending of the results of the work with their types and statement of the employees attendance at the end of each month to the general administration for the administrative inspection.

circular No. 8/143/t dated 14/9/1410h Regarding the nomination for the Arab Award Center.

circular No. 8/143/t dated 14/9/1410h Regarding the nomination for the Arab Award Center.

circular no.8/49/t datd 18/4/1409h Regarding authorizing the judges of the courts generally to look into the juvenile cases.

circular no.8/49/t datd 18/4/1409h Regarding authorizing the judges of the courts generally to look into the juvenile cases.

caircular No. 46/2/t dated 29/4/1389h regarding The actions followed when trying the juveniles.

circular No. 46/2/t dated 29/4/1389h regarding The actions followed when trying the juveniles.

circular No. 1014/3/M dated 22/ 4/ 1387h regarding The simple felonies and violations of the juveniles.

circular No. 1014/3/M dated 22/ 4/ 1387h regarding The simple felonies and violations of the juveniles.

circular No.8/31/t dated 8/3/1409h Regarding selling of foreign and local newspapers and magazines at the entrances of some government buildings.

circular No.8/31/t dated 8/3/1409h Regarding selling of foreign and local newspapers and magazines at the entrances of some government buildings.

Circular No. 13/T/3845 dated 1431H. Issued from the minister of justice regarding approval of the attachment of the public money and to obligate the government entities to implement the judicial rulings issued with its right.

Circular No. 13/T/3845 dated 1431H. Issued from the minister of justice regarding approval of the attachment of the public money and to obligate the government entities to implement the judicial rulings issued with its right.

Circular No. 13/T/3845 dated 1431H. Issued from the minister of justice regarding approval of the attachment of the public money and to obligate the government entities to implement the judicial rulings issued with its right.

Circular No. 13/T/3845 dated 1431H. Issued from the minister of justice regarding approval of the attachment of the public money and to obligate the government entities to implement the judicial rulings issued with its right.

circular No. 12/146/t dataed 7/8/1407h Regarding cancellation of the application of social insurance system on the foreign employees.

circular No. 12/146/t dataed 7/8/1407h Regarding cancellation of the application of social insurance system on the foreign employees.

circular No.12/191/t dated 23/10/1406h regarding To limit the trial in the case under consideration without exposing to the deportation order.

circular No.12/191/t dated 23/10/1406h regarding To limit the trial in the case under consideration without exposing to the deportation order.

circular No.12/26/t dated 14/2/1406h Regarding not to include in the contracts concluded with foreign companies to exempt their profits from taxes.

circular No.12/26/t dated 14/2/1406h Regarding not to include in the contracts concluded with foreign companies to exempt their profits from taxes.

circular No. 12/34/t dated 20/2/1405h regarding the foreigner prisoners arrested in private rights.

circular No. 12/34/t dated 20/2/1405h regarding the foreigner prisoners arrested in private rights.

circular No.35/5/t dated 13/3/1403 regarding To emphasis on the all the comers to the Kingdom for work to abide by the teachings and systems of this country.

circular No.35/5/t dated 13/3/1403 regarding To emphasis on the all the comers to the Kingdom for work to abide by the teachings and systems of this country.

circular No.14/12/t dated 18/2/1400h Regarding obligation of expatriates to the Kingdom, regardless of their nationalities to observe of the customs and traditions of the country.

circular No.14/12/t dated 18/2/1400h Regarding obligation of expatriates to the Kingdom, regardless of their nationalities to observe of the customs and traditions of the country.

circular No.13/12/t dated 12/2/1400h Regarding who assumes preaching and guidance.

circular No.13/12/t dated 12/2/1400h Regarding who assumes preaching and guidance.

The supreme judiciary council Decision regarding limitation of the guaranty or mortgage or the deposit of the money by the amount of the conviction.

The supreme judiciary council Decision regarding limitation of the guaranty or mortgage or the deposit of the money by the amount of the conviction.

circular No. 166/12/t dated 12/9/1398h Regarding the foreigners remaining behind in the country.

circular No. 166/12/t dated 12/9/1398h Regarding the foreigners remaining behind in the country.

circular No. 107/12/t dated 10/6/1398h Not to give information except to the official entity and by the permission of the competent minister.

circular No. 107/12/t dated 10/6/1398h Not to give information except to the official entity and by the permission of the competent minister.

circular No.98/5/t dated 2/6/1398h Regarding urging speedy termination of the foreigners cases

circular No.98/5/t dated 2/6/1398h Regarding urging speedy termination of the foreigners cases

circular No.11/5/t dated 15/2/1398h Not to fill the sensitive positions with foreigners.

circular No.11/5/t dated 15/2/1398h Not to fill the sensitive positions with foreigners.

circular No.18/12/t dated 22/1/1398h the implementation of the legitimate penalties and punishments on all Muslims residing in the Kingdom.

circular No.18/12/t dated 22/1/1398h the implementation of the legitimate penalties and punishments on all Muslims residing in the Kingdom.

circular No.194/12/t dated 19/8/1393h Regarding the form for the suits of the foreigners.

circular No.194/12/t dated 19/8/1393h Regarding the form for the suits of the foreigners.

The supreme judiciary council Decision sregarding the legal procedures for title deed of the property the in jurisdiction of the Khafal Court.

The supreme judiciary council Decision sregarding the legal procedures for title deed of the property the in jurisdiction of the Khafal Court.

circular No.131/2/t dated 29/10/1389h Regarding recruitment of families of the contract workers.

circular No.131/2/t dated 29/10/1389h Regarding recruitment of families of the contract workers.

circular No. 60/5/t dated 18/7/1388h Regarding alerting the judges not enable any one to work except after returning to the presidency in that regard.

circular No. 60/5/t dated 18/7/1388h Regarding alerting the judges not enable any one to work except after returning to the presidency in that regard.

circular No.1204/2/t dated 21/7/1387h Regarding the rights of Turkish national pilgrims and others.

circular No.1204/2/t dated 21/7/1387h Regarding the rights of Turkish national pilgrims and others.

circular No.264/4/M dated 21/1/1386h The method to be followed when terminating the foreigner‟s contracts.

circular No.264/4/M dated 21/1/1386h The method to be followed when terminating the foreigner‟s contracts.

circular No. 1279/2t dated 23/11/1384h regarding The method to be followed when terminating the foreigners contracts.

circular No. 1279/2t dated 23/11/1384h regarding The method to be followed when terminating the foreigners contracts.

circular No.2581/2/M dated 22/11/1384h Regarding authorization to decide on request to enter into contract with foreign experts.

circular No.2581/2/M dated 22/11/1384h Regarding authorization to decide on request to enter into contract with foreign experts.

circular No.2322/3 dated 27/5/1383h Regarding the financial dealing with the foreigner.

circular No.2322/3 dated 27/5/1383h Regarding the financial dealing with the foreigner.

circular No. 1811/ 2 dated 30/4/1383h Regarding the fees of quarantine.

circular No. 1811/ 2 dated 30/4/1383h Regarding the fees of quarantine.

circular No.1302/3 dated 17/3/1383h Regarding the period specified for the plaintiff to proof his right on the foreigner before his repatriation.

circular No.1302/3 dated 17/3/1383h Regarding the period specified for the plaintiff to proof his right on the foreigner before his repatriation.

Regarding treatment of the foreigners who the courts rule in their favor against their favor.

Regarding treatment of the foreigners who the courts rule in their favor against their favor.

The supreme judiciary council regarding emphasis in the ruling on the drug promoters.

The supreme judiciary council regarding emphasis in the ruling on the drug promoters.

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 383 dated 22/7/1417H. Regarding the attention to sign the settings and records from judiciary first and foremost.

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 383 dated 22/7/1417H. Regarding the attention to sign the settings and records from judiciary first and foremost.

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. (482/4) dated 20/10/1410 H. regarding family relationship lawsuit

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. (482/4) dated 20/10/1410 H. regarding family relationship lawsuit

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 62/318 dated 29/6/1427H. Regarding verification whether the minor has reached puberty or before the terminated of guardianship

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 62/318 dated 29/6/1427H. Regarding verification whether the minor has reached puberty or before the terminated of guardianship

The supreme judiciary council „Decision No. 59/288 dated 18/6/1425H. regarding marginalization on the deed of guardianship and limitation of succession.

The supreme judiciary council „Decision No. 59/288 dated 18/6/1425H. regarding marginalization on the deed of guardianship and limitation of succession.

The supreme judiciary council‟ Decision No. (46/421) dated 17/11/1418 H. Regarding transfer of the cases of those exposing to worshipers in the Makkah Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque to take money from their pockets to the grand courts.

The supreme judiciary council‟ Decision No. (46/421) dated 17/11/1418 H. Regarding transfer of the cases of those exposing to worshipers in the Makkah Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque to take money from their pockets to the grand courts.

The supreme judiciary council‟ Decision No. 20 dated 23/6/1422H. Regarding raising the specific jurisdiction the emergency courts

The supreme judiciary council‟ Decision No. 20 dated 23/6/1422H. Regarding raising the specific jurisdiction the emergency courts

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 6/553 dated 19/10/1420H. regarding conditions of the lands attacked by revival after the year 1387H.

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 6/553 dated 19/10/1420H. regarding conditions of the lands attacked by revival after the year 1387H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the deeds of ownerships of the sites of peace shield project.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the deeds of ownerships of the sites of peace shield project.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the selected sites for peace shield and issuance of deeds in the name of the ministry of finance and delivery of the deeds to its representatives.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the selected sites for peace shield and issuance of deeds in the name of the ministry of finance and delivery of the deeds to its representatives.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to refer the real estate belonging to the absent or unknown heirs to the ministry of finance.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to refer the real estate belonging to the absent or unknown heirs to the ministry of finance.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of the deeds for mosques in the name of state property.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of the deeds for mosques in the name of state property.

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 49/335 dated 29/4/1420H regarding division of the inherited property if they are in more one country.

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 49/335 dated 29/4/1420H regarding division of the inherited property if they are in more one country.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding emptying the lands which are donated by the municipalities for the benefit of girls education or otherwise in the face of the delegate even if not planned.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding emptying the lands which are donated by the municipalities for the benefit of girls education or otherwise in the face of the delegate even if not planned.

division of the inherited property if they are in more one country.

division of the inherited property if they are in more one country.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures of issuance of title deed for border control centers.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures of issuance of title deed for border control centers.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not request the ministry of finance to bring the schemes for the lands of state property which they have deed on them and require emptying them for some of the people based on n high orders.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not request the ministry of finance to bring the schemes for the lands of state property which they have deed on them and require emptying them for some of the people based on n high orders.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of lands of the government departments in the name state property and the lands of the mosques in the name of endowments as applicable in such these cases.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of lands of the government departments in the name state property and the lands of the mosques in the name of endowments as applicable in such these cases.

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 49/235 dated 29/4/1420H regarding division of the inherited property if they are in more one country.

The supreme judiciary council‟s Decision No. 49/235 dated 29/4/1420H regarding division of the inherited property if they are in more one country.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding allocation of the suitable sites to construct new courts on them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding allocation of the suitable sites to construct new courts on them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding necessity to provide title deeds for the lands that required to be purchased for the benefit of the state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding necessity to provide title deeds for the lands that required to be purchased for the benefit of the state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extraction of title deed for state property of the three copies.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extraction of title deed for state property of the three copies.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not accept registration of donation of any person with lands for the benefit of the state in the legal deeds unless he owns a legal document allowing him the ownership of the donated land.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not accept registration of donation of any person with lands for the benefit of the state in the legal deeds unless he owns a legal document allowing him the ownership of the donated land.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the publications and records and government documents are property of the state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the publications and records and government documents are property of the state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to return to branch of the state property when attesting the contract of sale of the agricultural land that is reclaimed by the approval of the ministry of finance.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to return to branch of the state property when attesting the contract of sale of the agricultural land that is reclaimed by the approval of the ministry of finance.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the reply on the request of director of the education to refer in the deed of gift that it‟s for the benefit of the ministry of education.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the reply on the request of director of the education to refer in the deed of gift that it‟s for the benefit of the ministry of education.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of all the property that is under the hand of the ministries and government departments in the name of state property not in the name of the entity that occupies it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of all the property that is under the hand of the ministries and government departments in the name of state property not in the name of the entity that occupies it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Instructions that must be followed upon purchase of the property in the name of the state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Instructions that must be followed upon purchase of the property in the name of the state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the publication about real estate property of the state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the publication about real estate property of the state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the State property found in far regions which under the responsibility of the finance directors of the those regions

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the State property found in far regions which under the responsibility of the finance directors of the those regions

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to register each land property granted to a government department in the name of the ministry of finance.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to register each land property granted to a government department in the name of the ministry of finance.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to mention in each deed needed to be extracted for any property from any government entity a sentence stipulating that its property of state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to mention in each deed needed to be extracted for any property from any government entity a sentence stipulating that its property of state.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to maintenance of state property occupied by the government departments against not claim the state with rents.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to maintenance of state property occupied by the government departments against not claim the state with rents.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of the state property occupied by the ministries in the name of state property and that it is state property.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of the state property occupied by the ministries in the name of state property and that it is state property.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the feudal order attributed to King Saud on the piece of land located at west of Dhahran.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the feudal order attributed to King Saud on the piece of land located at west of Dhahran.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding feudalism which is origin is with government departments.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding feudalism which is origin is with government departments.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the regarding the land located north of the military base in Al-Kharaj whichis claimed by His Royal Highness Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Jalawi.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the land located north of the military base in Al-Kharaj whichis claimed by His Royal Highness Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Jalawi.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding suspension of feudalism and grants.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding suspension of feudalism and grants.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Feudalism donates ownership.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Feudalism donates ownership.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding lands cut to the government departments theirdeeds are issued in three copies.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding lands cut to the government departments theirdeeds are issued in three copies.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding no feudalism can be accepted except by His Majesty the King and the Government.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding no feudalism can be accepted except by His Majesty the King and the Government.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding WadiQudaybah and that such this feudalism is ordered by His Majesty the King.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding WadiQudaybah and that such this feudalism is ordered by His Majesty the King.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not attest the confession of the accused except after the accused is brought to the judge, and the judges should not go to the police department in that regard.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not attest the confession of the accused except after the accused is brought to the judge, and the judges should not go to the police department in that regard.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding how to record the confession of the criminals.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding how to record the confession of the criminals.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not request the judges to work overtime for purpose of attesting the confessions.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not request the judges to work overtime for purpose of attesting the confessions.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding attestation on the confessions at any time and not request to work overtime.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding attestation on the confessions at any time and not request to work overtime.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to take the thumbprint and photograph for place and stamp on the photo.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to take the thumbprint and photograph for place and stamp on the photo.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to vacate the office from the visitors when attesting on the confessions of the prisoners specially the secret ones.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to vacate the office from the visitors when attesting on the confessions of the prisoners specially the secret ones.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to depend on the official document when recording the accused confession.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to depend on the official document when recording the accused confession.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding taking of the confession of those who do not speak Arabic language shall be by their hand writing.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding taking of the confession of those who do not speak Arabic language shall be by their hand writing.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to be precise when attesting confessions.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to be precise when attesting confessions.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recording of the confession in the heinous crimes against security.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recording of the confession in the heinous crimes against security.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If it is requested to record the confession from any court where there are two judges and one of them was in vacation it must be mentioned that the other judge is not on job.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If it is requested to record the confession from any court where there are two judges and one of them was in vacation it must be mentioned that the other judge is not on job.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the inquiry of some courts that have only judge on how to record the confession of murder.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the inquiry of some courts that have only judge on how to record the confession of murder.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if the murder criminal confession is recorded, one judge must not be enough in the courts that have more than one judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if the murder criminal confession is recorded, one judge must not be enough in the courts that have more than one judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the recording of waiver of the injured in accidents from anonymous.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the recording of waiver of the injured in accidents from anonymous.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding taking declaration of women selling or buying drugs and they must be obligated to attend.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding taking declaration of women selling or buying drugs and they must be obligated to attend.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to take the declaration of the criminal and record his confession whether it is murder crime or other in any time whether is at working time or other or outside working time.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to take the declaration of the criminal and record his confession whether it is murder crime or other in any time whether is at working time or other or outside working time.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the confessions that are recorded outside the working time.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the confessions that are recorded outside the working time.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recording of the waiver in in accident injuries.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recording of the waiver in in accident injuries.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the letter of the municipality is sufficient in emptying the piece of land located in the scheme which is allocated is public utility.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the letter of the municipality is sufficient in emptying the piece of land located in the scheme which is allocated is public utility.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not accept the lands that are donated by the citizen to the state except from those who owned the land according to a legal document.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not accept the lands that are donated by the citizen to the state except from those who owned the land according to a legal document.

circular No.2684/4 dated 17/5/1380h Regarding the passports of the died Yemenis.

circular No.2684/4 dated 17/5/1380h Regarding the passports of the died Yemenis.

circular No.8/28 dated 30/ 2/ 1411h regarding It is not allowed to grant vacation to a judge if one third of the court‟s judges are on vacation as well as the adjoining courts, which are entrusted with the work of the judge on vacation so that there are not two adjacent courts whose judges areon leave concurrently.

circular No.8/28 dated 30/ 2/ 1411h regarding It is not allowed to grant vacation to a judge if one third of the court‟s judges are on vacation as well as the adjoining courts, which are entrusted with the work of the judge on vacation so that there are not two adjacent courts whose judges areon leave concurrently.

circular No.8/23/t dated 16/2/1411h Not to enable any messenger to enjoy his vacation except after he hands over the car which is under his custody.

circular No.8/23/t dated 16/2/1411h Not to enable any messenger to enjoy his vacation except after he hands over the car which is under his custody.

circular No. 8/68/t dated 22/4/1410h Regarding organizing the vacations of the ministers and their deputies and employees of the excellent class.

circular No. 8/68/t dated 22/4/1410h Regarding organizing the vacations of the ministers and their deputies and employees of the excellent class.

circular No. 8/109/t dated 13/6/1408h regarding Considering the enjoyment of vacation before the arrival of the approval from the authorized person as absence from work without permission.

circular No. 8/109/t dated 13/6/1408h regarding Considering the enjoyment of vacation before the arrival of the approval from the authorized person as absence from work without permission.

circular No.8/95/t dated 30/5/1408h Regarding counting of the period of exceptional vacation for purpose of competition and promotion.

circular No.8/95/t dated 30/5/1408h Regarding counting of the period of exceptional vacation for purpose of competition and promotion.

circular No.8/183/t dated 10/10/1406h Regarding postponing of the ordinary vacation for the contracted employees provided that the period of postpone not exceeding five months from the new year for the contracted employees.

circular No.8/183/t dated 10/10/1406h Regarding postponing of the ordinary vacation for the contracted employees provided that the period of postpone not exceeding five months from the new year for the contracted employees.

circular No. 5/2/179/t dated 23/9/1405h Regarding deduction of the corresponding leave granted to the employees benefiting from the postage delivery and distribution allowance.

circular No. 5/2/179/t dated 23/9/1405h Regarding deduction of the corresponding leave granted to the employees benefiting from the postage delivery and distribution allowance.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 276 dated 9/1/1432H. regarding establishment of administration of training of the judges

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 276 dated 9/1/1432H. regarding establishment of administration of training of the judges

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 14237 dated 18/12/1431H. regarding linking of the administration of marriage with authentication agency

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 14237 dated 18/12/1431H. regarding linking of the administration of marriage with authentication agency

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. (14239) dated 18/12/1431 H. regarding linking of the real estate registration with the authentication agency

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. (14239) dated 18/12/1431 H. regarding linking of the real estate registration with the authentication agency

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 1017 dated 11/2/1432H. regarding the committee of conferences and forums

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 1017 dated 11/2/1432H. regarding the committee of conferences and forums

circular No.5/8/161/t dated 2/9/1405h regardig The contracted lady employee shall be given the right to accompany her sick child when its health condition requires admission to hospitals and its duration shall be as follows:

circular No.5/8/161/t dated 2/9/1405h regardig The contracted lady employee shall be given the right to accompany her sick child when its health condition requires admission to hospitals and its duration shall be as follows:

circular No.5/1/113/t dated 29/6/1404h Regarding compensating the employee whose service expires for his vacations due to his inability to work.

circular No.5/1/113/t dated 29/6/1404h Regarding compensating the employee whose service expires for his vacations due to his inability to work.

circular No. 171/5/t dated 20/10/1403h Regarding the form of vacation.

circular No. 171/5/t dated 20/10/1403h Regarding the form of vacation.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 4702 dated 16/4/1431H. regarding administration of reconciliation in the ministry

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 4702 dated 16/4/1431H. regarding administration of reconciliation in the ministry

circular No.170/5/t dated 20/10/1403h Regarding taking of guarantees from the contracted employee who goes for vacation.

circular No.170/5/t dated 20/10/1403h Regarding taking of guarantees from the contracted employee who goes for vacation.

circular No.171/5/t dated 21/9/1401h The employee may not be compensated for his vacations before the expiration of his service.

circular No.171/5/t dated 21/9/1401h The employee may not be compensated for his vacations before the expiration of his service.

circular No. 155/5/t dated 23/12/1400h Regarding plane tickets for the non Saudi contracted employee who is enjoying his vacations.

circular No. 155/5/t dated 23/12/1400h Regarding plane tickets for the non Saudi contracted employee who is enjoying his vacations.

circular No.75/5/t dated 1/6/1400h Regarding the workers benefiting from the transportation and emergency and ordinary leaves.

circular No.75/5/t dated 1/6/1400h Regarding the workers benefiting from the transportation and emergency and ordinary leaves.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 7604 dated 22/6/1431H. regarding real estate registration in Harimla'.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 7604 dated 22/6/1431H. regarding real estate registration in Harimla'.

circular No.71/5/t dated 23/5/1400h Regarding organizing of the vacations of the judges and method of dropping the vacation.

circular No.71/5/t dated 23/5/1400h Regarding organizing of the vacations of the judges and method of dropping the vacation.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 7776 dated 26/6/1431H. regarding opening notary public at khulais.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 7776 dated 26/6/1431H. regarding opening notary public at khulais.

circular No.52/5/t dated 5/4/1399h Regarding not to postpone the vacations of the contracted employees for more than five months.

circular No.52/5/t dated 5/4/1399h Regarding not to postpone the vacations of the contracted employees for more than five months.

circular No.197/2/t dated 20/11/1398h Regarding how to proof the employee‟s health disability after he has exhausted his sick leaves.

circular No.197/2/t dated 20/11/1398h Regarding how to proof the employee‟s health disability after he has exhausted his sick leaves.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 7647 dated 24/6/1431H. regarding establishment of administration of international cooperation

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 7647 dated 24/6/1431H. regarding establishment of administration of international cooperation

circular No.154/5/t dated 17/11/1397h Regarding not to provide the Diwan with copies of the Decision s of the vacations and to satisfy with providing the statement of two copies with all the vacation.

circular No.154/5/t dated 17/11/1397h Regarding not to provide the Diwan with copies of the Decision s of the vacations and to satisfy with providing the statement of two copies with all the vacation.

circular No.143/5/t dated 27/10/1397h Regarding the regulation of the employees.

circular No.143/5/t dated 27/10/1397h Regarding the regulation of the employees.

circular No. 78/5/t dated 14/6/1397h Regarding not to compensate the contracted employee with 12% of his vacation and to limit the condition in which he received it.

circular No. 78/5/t dated 14/6/1397h Regarding not to compensate the contracted employee with 12% of his vacation and to limit the condition in which he received it.

circular No.46/5/t dated 26/3/1397h regarding Not to approve medical reports that the contracted employee brings them from aboard.

circular No.46/5/t dated 26/3/1397h regarding Not to approve medical reports that the contracted employee brings them from aboard.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. (7843) dated 2/7/1431 H. regarding opening of first notary public in south of Riyadh

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. (7843) dated 2/7/1431 H. regarding opening of first notary public in south of Riyadh

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 6409 dated 26/5/1431H. regarding the committee for publications, forms and stamps

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 6409 dated 26/5/1431H. regarding the committee for publications, forms and stamps

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 10822 dated 16/9/1430H. regarding establishing division for marriages in the courts

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 10822 dated 16/9/1430H. regarding establishing division for marriages in the courts

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. (3052) dated 2/5/1424H. regarding opening notary public in Al-Mahad

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. (3052) dated 2/5/1424 H. regarding opening notary public in Al-Mahad

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 14237 dated 18/12/1431H regarding linking of marriages administration with the authentication agency

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 14237 dated 18/12/1431H regarding linking of marriages administration with the authentication agency

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4140 dated 6/1/1432H. that the police shall assumethe complaints of the dishonored check

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4140 dated 6/1/1432H. that the police shall assumethe complaints of the dishonored check

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4098 dated 5/11/1431H. regarding the coordination with the ministry of foreign affairs regarding the scholars

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4098 dated 5/11/1431H. regarding the coordination with the ministry of foreign affairs regarding the scholars

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4101 dated 9/11/1431H. regarding the marriage of the non-Saudi from a Saudi mother when making the contract is jurisdiction of the legal courts

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4101 dated 9/11/1431H. regarding the marriage of the non-Saudi from a Saudi mother when making the contract is jurisdiction of the legal courts

Circular No. 13/T/4082 dated 10/10/1431H. regarding separation of transactions and checking them

Circular No. 13/T/4082 dated 10/10/1431H. regarding separation of transactions and checking them

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4028 dated 22/6/1431H. regarding the cases of financial fraud for arrest crimes

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4028 dated 22/6/1431H. regarding the cases of financial fraud for arrest crimes

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 13?T/4015 dated 8/6/1431H, regarding the acts requiring arrest

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s Decision No. 13?T/4015 dated 8/6/1431H, regarding the acts requiring arrest

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3920 dated 25/2/1431H. regarding giving a proxy to drive a car.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3920 dated 25/2/1431H. regarding giving a proxy to drive a car.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3935 dated 14/3/1431H. regarding recommendations of the meeting of the heads of the first notary public.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3935 dated 14/3/1431H. regarding recommendations of the meeting of the heads of the first notary public.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 31/T/3895 dated 9/2/1431H. regarding amendment of the boundaries and lengths and areas.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 31/T/3895 dated 9/2/1431H. regarding amendment of the boundaries and lengths and areas.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3915 dated 24/2/1431H. regarding allocation of lands for the housing authority.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3915 dated 24/2/1431H. regarding allocation of lands for the housing authority.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3941 dated 13/3/1431H. regarding appearance of the entities before the grievance judiciary.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3941 dated 13/3/1431H. regarding appearance of the entities before the grievance judiciary.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3948 dated 23/3/1431H. regarding the fast emptying of what is purchased for the education, health and technology

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3948 dated 23/3/1431H. regarding the fast emptying of what is purchased for the education, health and technology

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3928 dated 3/3/1431H. regarding the amendment of the deeds and sending them to the issuing entity to transfer it to his register

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3928 dated 3/3/1431H. regarding the amendment of the deeds and sending them to the issuing entity to transfer it to his register

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3949 dated 23/3/1431H. regarding authentication of the companies contracts at the notary public

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3949 dated 23/3/1431H. regarding authentication of the companies contracts at the notary public

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3968 dated 12/4/1431H. regarding authentication of the debts with owners of the Real estate contributions.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3968 dated 12/4/1431H. regarding authentication of the debts with owners of the Real estate contributions.

circular no.1811/2 dated 30/4/1383h Regarding collection of the vacations Decision s and procedures that are followed in that regard.

circular no.1811/2 dated 30/4/1383h Regarding collection of the vacations Decision s and procedures that are followed in that regard.

circular no.187/5/t dated 17/9/1396h Regarding not to compensate the employee for his vacation except in the maximum necessary cases and also to enabling the employee to enjoy his vacation in the suitable time.

circular no.187/5/t dated 17/9/1396h Regarding not to compensate the employee for his vacation except in the maximum necessary cases and also to enabling the employee to enjoy his vacation in the suitable time.

circular no. 73/12/t dated 13/4/1396h what should be taken into consideration when applying for compensation for leave.

circular no. 73/12/t dated 13/4/1396h what should be taken into consideration when applying for compensation for leave.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3913 dated 23/2/1431H. regarding approval of the advisory directory issued from Saudi Postal Corporation to denote the sites

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3913 dated 23/2/1431H. regarding approval of the advisory directory issued from Saudi Postal Corporation to denote the sites

Regarding the beginning and end of the El adha vacation.

Regarding the beginning and end of the El adha vacation.

circular no. 152/2/t dated 11/ 7/ 1393 Regarding the approval to consider the application of the Decision of the Council of Ministers concerning the accumulated vacations from that date of it issuance without retroactive effect.

circular no. 152/2/t dated 11/ 7/ 1393 Regarding the approval to consider the application of the Decision of the Council of Ministers concerning the accumulated vacations from that date of it issuance without retroactive effect.

circular No.133/2/t dated 14/6/1393h Regarding absence of the employee to accompany his sick relative and the conditions of that.

circular No.133/2/t dated 14/6/1393h Regarding absence of the employee to accompany his sick relative and the conditions of that.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3916 dated 24/2/1431H. regarding estimation of the arm by 75cm

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3916 dated 24/2/1431H. regarding estimation of the arm by 75cm

circular No. 18/2/t dated 1/2/1393h Regarding interference of the ordinary vacation with Eid holidays.

circular No. 18/2/t dated 1/2/1393h Regarding interference of the ordinary vacation with Eid holidays.

circular No.295/2/t dated 13/ 8/1392h Regarding coordination between the employees of the department in the application of vacation.

circular No.295/2/t dated 13/ 8/1392h Regarding coordination between the employees of the department in the application of vacation.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3956 dated 28/3/1431H. regarding increase or decrease granting of lands

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3956 dated 28/3/1431H. regarding increase or decrease granting of lands

circular No.73/2/t dated 2/5/1392h regarding To allow the employees to be absent from their work in the days in which they perform examination. The employee shall come back to work in the days that fall between the examinations.1

circular No.73/2/t dated 2/5/1392h regarding To allow the employees to be absent from their work in the days in which they perform examination. The employee shall come back to work in the days that fall between the examinations.

circular No .53/5/t dated 21/3/1392h Regarding granting the employee who participate in the competitions an emergency leave.

circular No .53/5/t dated 21/3/1392h Regarding granting the employee who participate in the competitions an emergency leave.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3781 dated 30/10/1430H. regarding of emptying lands of the mosques to Islamic affairs

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3781 dated 30/10/1430H. regarding of emptying lands of the mosques to Islamic affairs

circular No. 26/2/tdated 24/2/1391h Regarding what leave salary shall be paid to the employee who has been dismissed for non-disciplinary reasons.

circular No. 26/2/tdated 24/2/1391h Regarding what leave salary shall be paid to the employee who has been dismissed for non-disciplinary reasons.

circular No.26/2/t dated 24/2/1391h regarding When the employee shall be compensated for his vacations.

circular No.26/2/t dated 24/2/1391h regarding When the employee shall be compensated for his vacations.

circular No.185/2/t dated 17/10/1391h Regarding the positions of the employee on vacation shall they by considered as vacant.

circular No.185/2/t dated 17/10/1391h Regarding the positions of the employee on vacation shall they by considered as vacant.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 6162 dated 26/5/1431H. regarding formation of committee for crescents affairs

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 6162 dated 26/5/1431H. regarding formation of committee for crescents affairs

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4004 dated 24/5/1431H. regarding support of project of traffic safety.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/4004 dated 24/5/1431H. regarding support of project of traffic safety.

circular No.171/2/t dated 25/9/1391h regarding The employees‟ system not allowing to cut the leaves of the employees and calling them back.

circular No.171/2/t dated 25/9/1391h regarding The employees‟ system not allowing to cut the leaves of the employees and calling them back.

circular No.115/5/t dated 11/7/1391 h Regarding determining the beginning of the ordinary leave when submitting its application and to give the head of the applicant of vacation the right to give him a permission in the beginning of the vacation in the time he wants.

circular No.115/5/t dated 11/7/1391 h Regarding determining the beginning of the ordinary leave when submitting its application and to give the head of the applicant of vacation the right to give him a permission in the beginning of the vacation in the time he wants.

circular No.22/2/t dated 12/2/1391h Regarding the vacation of the contracted employee and when he is entitled to enjoy it or not.

circular No.22/2/t dated 12/2/1391h Regarding the vacation of the contracted employee and when he is entitled to enjoy it or not.

circular No. 3/5/t dated 5/1/1391h Regarding entrusting every employee to apply for a regular leave to determine the date of its beginning and that the submittal shall be in early time.

circular No. 3/5/t dated 5/1/1391h Regarding entrusting every employee to apply for a regular leave to determine the date of its beginning and that the submittal shall be in early time.

circular No.166/2/t dated 4/12/1390 Regarding interpretation all what is related to vacation.

circular No.166/2/t dated 4/12/1390 Regarding interpretation all what is related to vacation.

circular No. 122/2/t dated 9/9/1390h regarding The courts linked with the branch must adhere to the direct lining with it in such as granting vacations to the employees.

circular No. 122/2/t dated 9/9/1390h regarding The courts linked with the branch must adhere to the direct lining with it in such as granting vacations to the employees.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3795 dated 20/11/1430H. regarding summons of the armed force personnel through the military police.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3795 dated 20/11/1430H. regarding summons of the armed force personnel through the military police.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3797 dated 21/11/1430H. regarding impose of 10% real estate tax on the foreigners.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3797 dated 21/11/1430H. regarding impose of 10% real estate tax on the foreigners.

circular No. 91/2/t dated 9/7/1390h regarding To consider the official holidays as and official leave and not a regular leave.

circular No. 91/2/t dated 9/7/1390h regarding To consider the official holidays as and official leave and not a regular leave.

circular No. 89/2/t dated 8/7/1390h regarding To complete all pending matters of the employee before he enjoys his vacation and the consequences of this violation.

circular No. 89/2/t dated 8/7/1390h regarding To complete all pending matters of the employee before he enjoys his vacation and the consequences of this violation.

circular No. 78/5/t dated 9/6/1390h regarding What should be taken into consideration when applying for leave.

circular No. 78/5/t dated 9/6/1390h regarding What should be taken into consideration when applying for leave.

75/5/t dated 7/6/1390h Not include the salary of employee on vacation in the general payroll of the months or months he spent on the vacation.

75/5/t dated 7/6/1390h Not include the salary of employee on vacation in the general payroll of the months or months he spent on the vacation.

143/2/t dated 28/11/1389h Regarding extension of the sick leave inside or outside the Kingdom.

143/2/t dated 28/11/1389h Regarding extension of the sick leave inside or outside the Kingdom.

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3836 dated 20/1/1431H. regarding fast termination of cases of the foreigners

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3836 dated 20/1/1431H. regarding fast termination of cases of the foreigners

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3793 dated 20/11/1430H regarding the adherence with attendance in and out

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3793 dated 20/11/1430H regarding the adherence with attendance in and out

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3780 dated 29/10/1430H. regarding allowing the banks to establish private companies

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3780 dated 29/10/1430H. regarding allowing the banks to establish private companies

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 10618 dated 11/9/1430H. regarding establishment of the administration of arrest and execution

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 10618 dated 11/9/1430H. regarding establishment of the administration of arrest and execution

Circular No. 45/2/t dated 4/6/1388h regarding of combining the regular vacations together.

Circular No. 45/2/t dated 4/6/1388h regarding of combining the regular vacations together.

Circular No. 124/2/t dated 8/10/1989h regarding the regular annual vacation of the delegated employee.

Circular No. 124/2/t dated 8/10/1989h regarding the regular annual vacation of the delegated employee.

Circular No. 49/2/t dated 5/5/1389h regarding calculating or not calculating the vacation that is granted to the employee who is terminated for non disciplinary reasons or when is referred to retirement.

Circular No. 49/2/t dated 5/5/1389h regarding calculating or not calculating the vacation that is granted to the employee who is terminated for non disciplinary reasons or when is referred to retirement.

Circular No. 2406/5/M dated 6/11/1387h regarding compensation for vacation salaries.

Circular No. 2406/5/M dated 6/11/1387h regarding compensation for vacation salaries.

Circular No.1562/2/M dated 23/6/1387h regarding the form for vacation application and the method of using it.

Circular No.1562/2/M dated 23/6/1387h regarding the form for vacation application and the method of using it.

Circular No.884/2/M dated 8/4/1387h regarding allowing the employees to be absent from work to attend tournaments.

Circular No.884/2/M dated 8/4/1387h regarding allowing the employees to be absent from work to attend tournaments.

Circular No. 929/3 dated 26/4/1383h regarding no employee is allowed to leave his office at the time of the holidays except after he informs the presidency of destination his or she intends to go.

Circular No. 929/3 dated 26/4/1383h regarding no employee is allowed to leave his office at the time of the holidays except after he informs the presidency of destination his or she intends to go.

Circular No.1339/2 dated 18/3/1383h regarding the employee is not entitled to enjoy regular vacation exceeding three months in one year.

Circular No.1339/2 dated 18/3/1383h regarding the employee is not entitled to enjoy regular vacation exceeding three months in one year.

Circular No.719/2 dated 13/2/1383h regarding the claim of the balance of the accumulated vacations.

Circular No.719/2 dated 13/2/1383h regarding the claim of the balance of the accumulated vacations.

Circular No. 721/2 dated 10/2/1382h regarding enjoying of the regular vacation and that this vacation is not granted for the first year of service of the employee before six months.

Circular No. 721/2 dated 10/2/1382h regarding enjoying of the regular vacation and that this vacation is not granted for the first year of service of the employee before six months.

Circular No.3813/5 dated 22/11/1378h regarding those who are granted administrative vacation to aboard and they extend it in the form of sick leave.

Circular No.3813/5 dated 22/11/1378h regarding those who are granted administrative vacation to aboard and they extend it in the form of sick leave.

Circular No. 3574 dated 4/11/1378h regarding the benefit from the date of enjoyment of the vacation and its duration and its end.

Circular No. 3574 dated 4/11/1378h regarding the benefit from the date of enjoyment of the vacation and its duration and its end.

Circular No.3236/2 dated 1/3/1377h regarding the amount of vacation of the employee in the year.

Circular No.3236/2 dated 1/3/1377h regarding the amount of vacation of the employee in the year.

Circular No. 8/t/97 dated 18/9/1411h regarding procedures of authentication of the lease contracts for the agricultural lands.

Circular No. 8/t/97 dated 18/9/1411h regarding procedures of authentication of the lease contracts for the agricultural lands.

Circular No.8/t/22 dated 16/2/1411h regarding extension of extraction of deeds for the leased property.

Circular No.8/t/22 dated 16/2/1411h regarding extension of extraction of deeds for the leased property.

Circular No.8/221/t dated 21/11/1408h regarding transport of furniture from the courts that have been cancelled.

Circular No.8/221/t dated 21/11/1408h regarding transport of furniture from the courts that have been cancelled.

Circular No. 8/135/t dated 20/7/1408h regarding not to renew contracts of the houses that there is no formation for them in the ministry budget.

Circular No. 8/135/t dated 20/7/1408h regarding not to renew contracts of the houses that there is no formation for them in the ministry budget.

Circular No.8/131/t dated 10/7/1408h regarding to inform the owners of the houses which their lease has lapse more than one year to reduce the rent from the beginning of renewal of contract of each building.

Circular No.8/131/t dated 10/7/1408h regarding to inform the owners of the houses which their lease has lapse more than one year to reduce the rent from the beginning of renewal of contract of each building.

Circular No.8/131/t dated 10/7/1408h regarding to inform the owners of the houses which their lease has lapse more than one year to reduce the rent from the beginning of renewal of contract of each building.

Circular No.8/131/t dated 10/7/1408h regarding to inform the owners of the houses which their lease has lapse more than one year to reduce the rent from the beginning of renewal of contract of each building.

Circular No.8/199/t dated 24/12/1407h regarding not to make lease contract except after preparation of a minutes proofing validity of the building.

Circular No.8/199/t dated 24/12/1407h regarding not to make lease contract except after preparation of a minutes proofing validity of the building.

Circular No.4/144/t dated 6/8/1407h regarding negotiation with owners of the houses to reduce the rents to be consistent with the rental situation at present.

Circular No.4/144/t dated 6/8/1407h regarding negotiation with owners of the houses to reduce the rents to be consistent with the rental situation at present.

Circular No.5/133/t dated 21/7/1407h regarding to request the contracted employee to bring certificate of payment of the value of rent to the place of his housing.

Circular No.5/133/t dated 21/7/1407h regarding to request the contracted employee to bring certificate of payment of the value of rent to the place of his housing.

Circular No.12/122/t dated 3/7/1407h regarding to vacate the leased property which his owner fails to bring title deed.

Circular No.12/122/t dated 3/7/1407h regarding to vacate the leased property which his owner fails to bring title deed.

Circular No.24/81/t dated 13/5/1407h regarding the standard contract for rental of houses for all the ministries and government departments with owners of the buildings.

Circular No.24/81/t dated 13/5/1407h regarding the standard contract for rental of houses for all the ministries and government departments with owners of the buildings.

Circular of H. E. . the Minister of Justice No. 13/D/3740 H dated 12/9/1430H regarding the expedition of cases of Prisoners and Military men

Circular of H. E. . the Minister of Justice No. 13/D/3740 H dated 12/9/1430H regarding the expedition of cases of Prisoners and Military men

Circular of H. E. . the Minister of justice No. 13/D/3773 H dated 24/10/1430H regarding the prevention of infringements inside Makah

Circular of H. E. . the Minister of justice No. 13/D/3773 H dated 24/10/1430H regarding the prevention of infringements inside Makah

Circular of H. E. . the Minister of justice No. 13/D/3716H dated 11/8/1430 regarding the publication of Decision s of the Legal Committees

Circular of H. E. . the Minister of justice No. 13/D/3716H dated 11/8/1430 regarding the publication of Decision s of the Legal Committees

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3688 dated 4/7/1430H. regarding permission for high position in filing suit of state property

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3688 dated 4/7/1430H. regarding permission for high position in filing suit of state property

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3669 dated 19/6/1430H. regarding discharge for scholarship

His Excellency the minister of justice‟s circular No. 13/T/3669 dated 19/6/1430H. regarding discharge for scholarship

Circular regarding emptying the lands of the mosques at the notary public

Circular regarding emptying the lands of the mosques at the notary public

The Decision of H. E. . the Minister of Justice No. 10822 dated 16/9/1430H regarding the creation of Marriage Sections in Courts

The Decision of H. E. . the Minister of Justice No. 10822 dated 16/9/1430H regarding the creation of Marriage Sections in Courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to ask the criminal about what he has previously acknowledged.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to ask the criminal about what he has previously acknowledged.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to allocate time for recording of confessions and drug-related rails.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to allocate time for recording of confessions and drug-related rails.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the attester of the confession is the town judge where there is no notary, it is no need to mentioned replacement of the notary by the judge in taking the declaration and there is no objection to mention that the attester of the declaration is the judge of the town and the one acts as notary in the court.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the attester of the confession is the town judge where there is no notary, it is no need to mentioned replacement of the notary by the judge in taking the declaration and there is no objection to mention that the attester of the declaration is the judge of the town and the one acts as notary in the court.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to limit granting of direct subsidies and granting of lands to the Saudis.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to limit granting of direct subsidies and granting of lands to the Saudis.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to give the citizens who are transferred to the courts by the committee of disbursement of the subsidies of disasters damages temporary documents.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to give the citizens who are transferred to the courts by the committee of disbursement of the subsidies of disasters damages temporary documents.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recording of the confession of the criminal at any time.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recording of the confession of the criminal at any time.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the notary shall himself go to the patient who is not able to come to record his declaration and not depute any one for that purpose.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the notary shall himself go to the patient who is not able to come to record his declaration and not depute any one for that purpose.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to not claim from the relatives of the sick who receives the expenses of his treatment from the state and then dies.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to not claim from the relatives of the sick who receives the expenses of his treatment from the state and then dies.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to stop paying subsidies and tickets of the children of the employees who study in Arab countries and their parents working in the Saudi representations in non-Arab countries.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to stop paying subsidies and tickets of the children of the employees who study in Arab countries and their parents working in the Saudi representations in non-Arab countries.

Instructions of payment of subsidies for agriculture machinery.

Instructions of payment of subsidies for agriculture machinery.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to the replacement that comes to the courts from the bureau of grievance and the discipline or investigation board.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to the replacement that comes to the courts from the bureau of grievance and the discipline or investigation board.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if the judge is transferred is visited by some persons from the people of the town he was transferred from and requested him to write about a case he has previously adjudged.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if the judge is transferred is visited by some persons from the people of the town he was transferred from and requested him to write about a case he has previously adjudged.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures required to be followed in the judicial deputations outside the united states.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures required to be followed in the judicial deputations outside the united states.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the judge shall satisfy with reply on the replacement by a letter containing the names of the witnesses who of them attended and the text of the testimony.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the judge shall satisfy with reply on the replacement by a letter containing the names of the witnesses who of them attended and the text of the testimony.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the referral of all request of obtaining title deeds to directors of the main regions who belong to the Saudi Consolidated Electricity Company in the Western Region.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the referral of all request of obtaining title deeds to directors of the main regions who belong to the Saudi Consolidated Electricity Company in the Western Region.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the electricity branches which shall be addressed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the electricity branches which shall be addressed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the electricity facility from the entities which shall be recourse to them when looking into application of title deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the electricity facility from the entities which shall be recourse to them when looking into application of title deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the urge on completion of the transactions of title deeds for the farmers.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the urge on completion of the transactions of title deeds for the farmers.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the property needed obtain its title deed is palm trees for several persons.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that If the property needed obtain its title deed is palm trees for several persons.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the title deeds that are issued after the circular No. 56/12/T dated 10/4/1403H. and not stipulated in them the application of the two articles No. 85 39 – 39 and 86.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the title deeds that are issued after the circular No. 56/12/T dated 10/4/1403H. and not stipulated in them the application of the two articles No. 85 39 – 39 and 86.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the entity which can be addressed in the ministry of petroleum regarding the terminations of the title deeds.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the entity which can be addressed in the ministry of petroleum regarding the terminations of the title deeds.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if the government department objected the court shall determine a date for hearing the case of objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if the government department objected the court shall determine a date for hearing the case of objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if there is a need to take the papers of the transaction of tile deed by the cassation court, it is sufficient to take a copy of the letter of the objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if there is a need to take the papers of the transaction of tile deed by the cassation court, it is sufficient to take a copy of the letter of the objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding looking into the objection on the title deeds within the procedures of deed in the setting of the termination.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding looking into the objection on the title deeds within the procedures of deed in the setting of the termination.

Circular of the minister of justice no. regarding determining of the entity which can be addressed in the ministry of petroleum and mineral wealth upon providing it with a copy of the termination of title deeds located outside the boundaries of the cities and villages.

Circular of the minister of justice no. regarding determining of the entity which can be addressed in the ministry of petroleum and mineral wealth upon providing it with a copy of the termination of title deeds located outside the boundaries of the cities and villages.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the explain that the boundaries of the areas indicated in the mentioned maps do not represent the boundaries of the areas to be reserved, but that these areas are mere prospecting areas with the potential for oil containing formations and future reserveswill be much smaller than the areas covered by the matter.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the explain that the boundaries of the areas indicated in the mentioned maps do not represent the boundaries of the areas to be reserved, but that these areas are mere prospecting areas with the potential for oil containing formations and future reserveswill be much smaller than the areas covered by the matter.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Map showing the areas requiring development of oil fields.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Map showing the areas requiring development of oil fields.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to extract deeds on any coastal land except for government purposes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to extract deeds on any coastal land except for government purposes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding provide the ministry of petroleum and mineral wealth with a copy of the termination request on the lands located outside range of the cities and villages.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding provide the ministry of petroleum and mineral wealth with a copy of the termination request on the lands located outside range of the cities and villages.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the approval that each property with its boundaries and area has a separate application.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the approval that each property with its boundaries and area has a separate application.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if doubt arises regarding the title deed the department which raises the doubt shall request completion of the shortage by the court.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if doubt arises regarding the title deed the department which raises the doubt shall request completion of the shortage by the court.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the objection to title deed if it is before issuance of the deed or after it and procedures of its setting and hearing.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the objection to title deed if it is before issuance of the deed or after it and procedures of its setting and hearing.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that objection of the government entity does not require permission from the high position to hear the suit.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that objection of the government entity does not require permission from the high position to hear the suit.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that when announcing any termination the terminated real estate must be described with a description not applying to other property.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that when announcing any termination the terminated real estate must be described with a description not applying to other property.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if municipality found that its representative has failed with regard to what supports its objection, it has the right to file suit against the holder of the deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if municipality found that its representative has failed with regard to what supports its objection, it has the right to file suit against the holder of the deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding explanation that the replies issued under the signature of the director of compensation department in the ministry and the undersecretary of the ministry of transportation for administrative affairs are limited to the courts located in the Riyadh region.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding explanation that the replies issued under the signature of the director of compensation department in the ministry and the undersecretary of the ministry of transportation for administrative affairs are limited to the courts located in the Riyadh region.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to assure to all municipalities and directorates that it is necessary to include each approved scheme the area and lengths.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to assure to all municipalities and directorates that it is necessary to include each approved scheme the area and lengths.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the title deeds issued before and after the circular No. 56/12 dated 10/4/1403H. which not include numbers and dates of reply of the government department.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the title deeds issued before and after the circular No. 56/12 dated 10/4/1403H. which not include numbers and dates of reply of the government department.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the competent official in the ministry of transportation to reply on the inquires of the courts with regard to title deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the competent official in the ministry of transportation to reply on the inquires of the courts with regard to title deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the title deed that municipality objects them and disregards its objection and approves the ruling from its reference.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the title deed that municipality objects them and disregards its objection and approves the ruling from its reference.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the housing which their value is taken double, these shall not be issued deed of title but they shall only be attested by the notary.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the housing which their value is taken double, these shall not be issued deed of title but they shall only be attested by the notary.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that the court shall reply the government department in providing it with a copy of its reply on the deed to make sure of the objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that the court shall reply the government department in providing it with a copy of its reply on the deed to make sure of the objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding issuance of title deed for the property that have refractions in them what should be taken into consideration in that regard.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding issuance of title deed for the property that have refractions in them what should be taken into consideration in that regard.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to obtain title deed on the disputed land and resources located near Um Oshar.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to obtain title deed on the disputed land and resources located near Um Oshar.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that It‟s the right of one of the partners in the property to request the title deed even if he has no proxy from the other partners.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that It‟s the right of one of the partners in the property to request the title deed even if he has no proxy from the other partners.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not bring to cassation the title deeds that there is no objection on them to the municipality even if its lawyer decided to satisfy with the ruling.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not bring to cassation the title deeds that there is no objection on them to the municipality even if its lawyer decided to satisfy with the ruling.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to extract title deed on forest lands.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to extract title deed on forest lands.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Organizing and extraction of deeds of the mosques is in the name of state property.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Organizing and extraction of deeds of the mosques is in the name of state property.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Cooperation of the agricultural directorates and the municipalities in the residential and agricultural sites that require title deed on them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Cooperation of the agricultural directorates and the municipalities in the residential and agricultural sites that require title deed on them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extraction of deeds for airports.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extraction of deeds for airports.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To prevent extraction of title deed on the lands located between Dhaban and Thawal.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To prevent extraction of title deed on the lands located between Dhaban and Thawal.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if replies arrive form entities about the areas with indecisive dimensions.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if replies arrive form entities about the areas with indecisive dimensions.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the domain of railway of Hijaz and land entering its domain.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the domain of railway of Hijaz and land entering its domain.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the method of payment of compensation in case difference in the area between the deed and nature.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the method of payment of compensation in case difference in the area between the deed and nature.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to make sure of the validity of the documents that the title deed are based on them from the jurisdiction of the courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to make sure of the validity of the documents that the title deed are based on them from the jurisdiction of the courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Deed issued from formally Laith judge Shaikh Nasser bin Saleh Al-Ghamdi and what should be taken towards them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Deed issued from formally Laith judge Shaikh Nasser bin Saleh Al-Ghamdi and what should be taken towards them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the streets and roads should be specific in their width in all the deeds.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the streets and roads should be specific in their width in all the deeds.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding mentioning of numbers and dates and the contents of the answers of the government entities positively or negatively in the deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding mentioning of numbers and dates and the contents of the answers of the government entities positively or negatively in the deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extraction of deeds for the border control center.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extraction of deeds for the border control center.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding deed of title issued from khulais and Mudrikah and Jamom and Madaigh and misan and Al-laithwhat to do with it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding deed of title issued from khulais and Mudrikah and Jamom and Madaigh and misan and Al-laithwhat to do with it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding title deed which are issued by judge who are terminated from work and need to be amended or completed or cancelled.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding title deed which are issued by judge who are terminated from work and need to be amended or completed or cancelled.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding explanation of contradiction happening in the instructions regarding determining the settlement of Al-Badia and does it mean ownership.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding explanation of contradiction happening in the instructions regarding determining the settlement of Al-Badia and does it mean ownership.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not accept suit of putting f hand on the white lands.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not accept suit of putting f hand on the white lands.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding determining of the period of advertisement in the form.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding determining of the period of advertisement in the form.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the title deeds issued from Makkah Court and objected by the mayoralty.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the title deeds issued from Makkah Court and objected by the mayoralty.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lands located in Jeddah and which are issued the title deed No. 121 dated 2/7/1399H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lands located in Jeddah and which are issued the title deed No. 121 dated 2/7/1399H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to delay in issuing deeds on the farmlands until the Ministry of Agriculture and Water gives reply with approval or objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to delay in issuing deeds on the farmlands until the Ministry of Agriculture and Water gives reply with approval or objection.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to advise the minister of agriculture to make necessary action towards transaction of title deeds according to the systems and instructions and to decide on them directly from the ministry of agriculture.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to advise the minister of agriculture to make necessary action towards transaction of title deeds according to the systems and instructions and to decide on them directly from the ministry of agriculture.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the judge‟s visit to the place of termination in the event of allegation of revival and objection of the municipality.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the judge‟s visit to the place of termination in the event of allegation of revival and objection of the municipality.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the written objection from the government entity is merely a point of view that makes the judge hesitate to bring out the deed.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the written objection from the government entity is merely a point of view that makes the judge hesitate to bring out the deed.

Circular No. 19400 dated 15/8/1393H including the Council of Minister's Decision No. 948 dated 30/7/93H aregarding the approval of the Decision of the Higher Committee for Education Policy regarding developing and expanding the technical and vocational education to meet the requirements of Government Institutions and filling the gap which the country suffer from in this aspect

Circular No. 19400 dated 15/8/1393H including the Council of Minister's Decision No. 948 dated 30/7/93H aregarding the approval of the Decision of the Higher Committee for Education Policy regarding developing and expanding the technical and vocational education to meet the requirements of Government Institutions and filling the gap which the country suffer from in this aspect

Circular of the minister of justice regarding forbidding writing Holy Quran in Latin alphabet and other languages alphabets

Circular of the minister of justice regarding forbidding writing Holy Quran in Latin alphabet and other languages alphabets

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the spread of some oddities (Munkar) in our society

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the spread of some oddities (Munkar) in our society

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Cooperation of judges in comprehending the justifications for conducting Friday prayers or Eid or peeping into a grave

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Cooperation of judges in comprehending the justifications for conducting Friday prayers or Eid or peeping into a grave

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the rule governing the service of the Muslim to a disbeliever vary according to the intention of the servant

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the rule governing the service of the Muslim to a disbeliever vary according to the intention of the servant

Circular of the minister of justice regarding forbidding employment of maidens in the administrative secretary works

Circular of the minister of justice regarding forbidding employment of maidens in the administrative secretary works

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the reassurance to convene group prayers in Government Departments and eliminate symptoms of unacceptable dresses that are currently seen in markets

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the reassurance to convene group prayers in Government Departments and eliminate symptoms of unacceptable dresses that are currently seen in markets

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the measures to combat the symptoms of prostitution

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the measures to combat the symptoms of prostitution

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the representations of semi naked women in Coffee shops and barber saloons

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the representations of semi naked women in Coffee shops and barber saloons

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what was noted of the spread of odd hair styles among some youth and employees

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what was noted of the spread of odd hair styles among some youth and employees

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the outgoing for preaching for God wisely and call people with what they can apprehend

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the outgoing for preaching for God wisely and call people with what they can apprehend

Decision of the High Council of Courts regarding restricting substitution bail or mortgage or deposition of the sum to be equal to the incrimination

Decision of the High Council of Courts regarding restricting substitution bail or mortgage or deposition of the sum to be equal to the incrimination

Circular of the minister of justice regarding writing confidential report for anybody intended to be allowed a license for preaching and direction

Circular of the minister of justice regarding writing confidential report for anybody intended to be allowed a license for preaching and direction

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to leave the office to outside the building whether to prayers or otherwise except authorized in writing from the Head of the Section

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to leave the office to outside the building whether to prayers or otherwise except authorized in writing from the Head of the Section

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Solutions and observations regarding the spread of symptoms of unacceptable dresses

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Solutions and observations regarding the spread of symptoms of unacceptable dresses

Decision of the High Council of Courts regarding legal procedures of deed ownership at khuff Court

Decision of the High Council of Courts regarding legal procedures of deed ownership at khuff Court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the effecting disciplinary lashing or scolding by defaming

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the effecting disciplinary lashing or scolding by defaming

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the extension of office terms for some incumbents up to the age of 65

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the extension of office terms for some incumbents up to the age of 65

Circular of the minister of justice regarding explanation of the value of dissemination of knowledge and reminding of God's blessings and days

Circular of the minister of justice regarding explanation of the value of dissemination of knowledge and reminding of God's blessings and days

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the reminder in Speech at Friday prayers about the categories of the potential recipients of the (Zakat) money and the sinfulness of attempting acquisition of zakat by other categories

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the reminder in Speech at Friday prayers about the categories of the potential recipients of the (Zakat) money and the sinfulness of attempting acquisition of zakat by other categories

Decision of the High Council of Courts regarding capitalization of penalty to drugs promoters

Decision of the High Council of Courts regarding capitalization of penalty to drugs promoters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding employment of some students to preach to repent to God and direction of people to the right path

Circular of the minister of justice regarding employment of some students to preach to repent to God and direction of people to the right path

Circular of the minister of justice regarding dealing in the case of CDs is the responsibility of the judge but implementation of the sentence is the domain of the concerned agency

Circular of the minister of justice regarding dealing in the case of CDs is the responsibility of the judge but implementation of the sentence is the domain of the concerned agency

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Making a case or a pledge for revision against God's Commandments in worshipping as prayers, Zakat, Hajj and disciplinary flogging for adultery and liquors is not legitimate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Making a case or a pledge for revision against God's Commandments in worshipping as prayers, Zakat, Hajj and disciplinary flogging for adultery and liquors is not legitimate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding No enrollment in religious posts will be authorized for whoever characterizes with non abidance with religion commandments

Circular of the minister of justice regarding No enrollment in religious posts will be authorized for whoever characterizes with non abidance with religion commandments

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the subject of incidences of robbery and abduction

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the subject of incidences of robbery and abduction

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the suitable solutions to limit the expansion of crimes of abduction and rape

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the suitable solutions to limit the expansion of crimes of abduction and rape

Decision of the High Council of Courts No 383 dated 22/7/1417H regarding care of signing registers and journals by all judges timely

Decision of the High Council of Courts No 383 dated 22/7/1417H regarding care of signing registers and journals by all judges timely

Circular of the minister of justice regarding procedures for check an electronic check for the purposes of protection against planes high jacking

Circular of the minister of justice regarding procedures for check an electronic check for the purposes of protection against planes high jacking

Circular of the minister of justice regarding high jacking of planes

Circular of the minister of justice regarding high jacking of planes

Circular of the minister of justice regarding assassination

Circular of the minister of justice regarding assassination

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the implementation of flogging in cases of narcotics for the affiliates of the military sector

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the implementation of flogging in cases of narcotics for the affiliates of the military sector

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the fixation for a specific time to execute the legal penalty in presence of the representative of the Ministry of Justice

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the fixation for a specific time to execute the legal penalty in presence of the representative of the Ministry of Justice

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the execution of Shari-a incrimination sentences as being set by God

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the execution of Shari-a incrimination sentences as being set by God

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the rule for liquors and the sentence for violating the rule

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the rule for liquors and the sentence for violating the rule

Decision of the High Council of Courts No. (482/4) dated 20/10/1410 H regarding parenthood cases

Decision of the High Council of Courts No. (482/4) dated 20/10/1410 H regarding parenthood cases

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the judgments in General Courts are issued by one judge except cases of murder, stoning and cutting or other cases that are set by the Law shall be seen by three judges

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the judgments in General Courts are issued by one judge except cases of murder, stoning and cutting or other cases that are set by the Law shall be seen by three judges

Circular of the minister of justice regarding non allowance to discriminate for military staff with regard to the execution of a set Shari-a penalty or imprisonment in a crime of violating honor and breach of trust

Circular of the minister of justice regarding non allowance to discriminate for military staff with regard to the execution of a set Shari-a penalty or imprisonment in a crime of violating honor and breach of trust

Circular of the minister of justice regarding sending an representative from the court to be present at execution

Circular of the minister of justice regarding sending an representative from the court to be present at execution

Decision of the High Council of Courts No 318/62 dated 29/6/1427H regarding verification of adolescence before lifting custody on him

Decision of the High Council of Courts No 318/62 dated 29/6/1427H regarding verification of adolescence before lifting custody on him

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if it was set in the Shari-a Law to execute a penalty of flogging or defaming or commanded as such

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if it was set in the Shari-a Law to execute a penalty of flogging or defaming or commanded as such

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if it is satisfactory in declaration of inflicting flogging penalty on women the presence of some believers even if they are few

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if it is satisfactory in declaration of inflicting flogging penalty on women the presence of some believers even if they are few

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity for declaration of flogging women that are condemned by the Shari-a courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity for declaration of flogging women that are condemned by the Shari-a courts

Decision of the High Council of Courts No 288/59 dated 18/6/1425H regarding commenting within the custody statement and lists of inheritance

Decision of the High Council of Courts No 288/59 dated 18/6/1425H regarding commenting within the custody statement and lists of inheritance

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that Courts concerned for considering the case and decide upon it shall have the authority to conduct the detaining for keeping

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that Courts concerned for considering the case and decide upon it shall have the authority to conduct the detaining for keeping

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the desire of his Highness to generate copies of all legal documents issued regarding the property of princess Gumash Bint Abdel-Aziz Al-Saud and her sons and daughters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the desire of his Highness to generate copies of all legal documents issued regarding the property of princess Gumash Bint Abdel-Aziz Al-Saud and her sons and daughters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the simplification of procedures to release of detention of sponsorships

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the simplification of procedures to release of detention of sponsorships

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is not allowed to effect property detention of any person unless mandated by Law to that effect

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is not allowed to effect property detention of any person unless mandated by Law to that effect

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures for release of detention of sponsorships submitted by employees subject the sponsorship system

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures for release of detention of sponsorships submitted by employees subject the sponsorship system

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the organization of detention of pensioner or those authorized on his behalf to settle a debt or inability that appeared after the termination of his service

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the organization of detention of pensioner or those authorized on his behalf to settle a debt or inability that appeared after the termination of his service

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lowest limit of necessary information on the sum that should be seized providing that the statement is coming from the Monetary Agency

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lowest limit of necessary information on the sum that should be seized providing that the statement is coming from the Monetary Agency

Decision of the High Council of Courts No. (20) dated 23/6/1422 H regarding referring specificity authorization to Urgency Courts

Decision of the High Council of Courts No. (20) dated 23/6/1422 H regarding referring specificity authorization to Urgency Courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that one of the conditions to conduct a legal punishment according to acknowledgment is to stick to it until conducting the punishment but if he changed or escaped then leave him

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that one of the conditions to conduct a legal punishment according to acknowledgment is to stick to it until conducting the punishment but if he changed or escaped then leave him

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the circulation of preachers and directors on all areas that are in pressing need for these services

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the circulation of preachers and directors on all areas that are in pressing need for these services

Decision of the High Council of Courts No. (553/6) dated 19/10/1420H regarding the situation of infringement on land in quarters after the year 1387H

Decision of the High Council of Courts No. (553/6) dated 19/10/1420 H regarding the situation of infringement on land in quarters after the year 1387H

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the execution of the seizure order that is based on Legal Rules or Royal order

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the execution of the seizure order that is based on Legal Rules or Royal order

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the not to execute any procedure to release guarantees unless it is referenced by a copy of the Decision of the Minister of Finance

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the not to execute any procedure to release guarantees unless it is referenced by a copy of the Decision of the Minister of Finance

Circular of the minister of justice regarding stating the point at which villagers and (rural dwellings) will enter into the (Iharam clothes)

Circular of the minister of justice regarding stating the point at which villagers and (rural dwellings) will enter into the (Iharam clothes)

Circular of the minister of justice regarding It is not allowed for employees participating in Hajj works to accompany their families

Circular of the minister of justice regarding It is not allowed for employees participating in Hajj works to accompany their families

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the distribution of print outs and information sheets during the Hajj season

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the distribution of print outs and information sheets during the Hajj season

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to endorse any delegation of any Guide (mutawif) to another in activities of (Tawaf) or pilgrims service except after authorization by the provisional agency of Mutawifs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to endorse any delegation of any Guide (mutawif) to another in activities of (Tawaf) or pilgrims service except after authorization by the provisional agency of Mutawifs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the agreement of the king. on some issues related to the High Committee for Hajj about means of transport of pilgrims within the Holy Places

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the agreement of the king. on some issues related to the High Committee for Hajj about means of transport of pilgrims within the Holy Places

Decision of the High judicial council No 49/235 dated 29/4/1420H

Decision of the High judicial council No 49/235 dated 29/4/1420H

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recruitment of a suitable number of drivers for the Hajj season

Circular of the minister of justice regarding recruitment of a suitable number of drivers for the Hajj season

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to perform Hajj for who performed before and allow the chance for the Hajj for the first time

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to perform Hajj for who performed before and allow the chance for the Hajj for the first time

Circular of the minister of justice regarding keeping a copy the official documents for the sponsored person

Circular of the minister of justice regarding keeping a copy the official documents for the sponsored person

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extension of period of change for Saudi Nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding extension of period of change for Saudi Nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the passports of sponsored persons shall be with the sponsor or his legal representative

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the passports of sponsored persons shall be with the sponsor or his legal representative

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Correction of inheritance deed previously issued by the former name

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Correction of inheritance deed previously issued by the former name

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the many Kuwaiti citizens should check the Notary public for proxies and not finding IDs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the many Kuwaiti citizens should check the Notary public for proxies and not finding IDs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding who obtained Saudi Nationality illegally

Circular of the minister of justice regarding who obtained Saudi Nationality illegally

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the new Civil Law and its executive by laws

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the new Civil Law and its executive by laws

Circular of the minister of justice regarding issuing temporary certificates to converts to Islam satisfactory for the temporary purpose

Circular of the minister of justice regarding issuing temporary certificates to converts to Islam satisfactory for the temporary purpose

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the mandate to abide with the syntax of Arabic Language in all usages

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the mandate to abide with the syntax of Arabic Language in all usages

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to mediate in transforming entry visas for Hajj or Umra to residence in whatever circumstances

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to mediate in transforming entry visas for Hajj or Umra to residence in whatever circumstances

Circular of the minister of justice regarding permits for a limited residence period for one year which are previously granted individual tribesmen

Circular of the minister of justice regarding permits for a limited residence period for one year which are previously granted individual tribesmen

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the nomination from the Ministry in committees set by the Civil Law in accordance to Article 39 and Article 82

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the nomination from the Ministry in committees set by the Civil Law in accordance to Article 39 and Article 82

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Ministry's efforts to avail suitable means for citizens to register

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Ministry's efforts to avail suitable means for citizens to register

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what should be included in the request to issue diplomatic passport

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what should be included in the request to issue diplomatic passport

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the return of the missed certificated of Saudi Nationality, passports, residence permits and identity cards to its owners

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the return of the missed certificated of Saudi Nationality, passports, residence permits and identity cards to its owners

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if the necessity required withdrawal of the residence permit or passport of the foreigner whether imprisoned or otherwise for the benefit of investigation or court hearing he is to be granted a permit from the Passport Administration

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if the necessity required withdrawal of the residence permit or passport of the foreigner whether imprisoned or otherwise for the benefit of investigation or court hearing he is to be granted a permit from the Passport Administration

Circular of the minister of justice regarding notifying the Civil Affairs Administration at the end of each week with the incidences of marriage, divorce and resumption

Circular of the minister of justice regarding notifying the Civil Affairs Administration at the end of each week with the incidences of marriage, divorce and resumption

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the finalization of marriage and divorce contracts between members of migratory tribes against the cards of roaming and work

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the finalization of marriage and divorce contracts between members of migratory tribes against the cards of roaming and work

Circular of the minister of justice regarding withdrawal of the Saudi Nationality from Abdulla Bin Fozan Al-Dabibi

Circular of the minister of justice regarding withdrawal of the Saudi Nationality from Abdulla Bin Fozan Al-Dabibi

Circular of the minister of justice regarding obliging any holder of an identity card to return it immediately after termination of his service

Circular of the minister of justice regarding obliging any holder of an identity card to return it immediately after termination of his service

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what will be accepted of certificated at endorsing declarations for the Saudis and foreigners

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what will be accepted of certificated at endorsing declarations for the Saudis and foreigners

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what may change in Saudi Nationality certificates for some citizens on amendment in serial numbers, dates or names

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what may change in Saudi Nationality certificates for some citizens on amendment in serial numbers, dates or names

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Ministry of Interior started intensive usage of computers in its work

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Ministry of Interior started intensive usage of computers in its work

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to depend on passports to guarantee the Saudi Nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to depend on passports to guarantee the Saudi Nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what shall be referred to courts in personal affairs to look into its confirmation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what shall be referred to courts in personal affairs to look into its confirmation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding grants of residence permits to Shimmir, Anza, Bani Khalid and Asaa-da tribes

Circular of the minister of justice regarding grants of residence permits to Shimmir, Anza, Bani Khalid and Asaa-da tribes

Circular of the minister of justice regarding endorsement of official certificates other than Saudi Nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding endorsement of official certificates other than Saudi Nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding observation of citing the number, date and issuing agency for Saudi Nationality certificate in any Decision with regard to any judge, Notary public or employee at any grade

Circular of the minister of justice regarding observation of citing the number, date and issuing agency for Saudi Nationality certificate in any Decision with regard to any judge, Notary public or employee at any grade

Circular of the minister of justice regarding renaming Passports administration at Riyadh

Circular of the minister of justice regarding renaming Passports administration at Riyadh

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the birth certificate is considered an essential document in issuing Saudi Nationality certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the birth certificate is considered an essential document in issuing Saudi Nationality certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Separation of Personal Affairs from Passport and associate it with the Ministry of Interior Diwan

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Separation of Personal Affairs from Passport and associate it with the Ministry of Interior Diwan

Circular of the minister of justice regarding checking the Numbers of nationality cards of partners before endorsing their partnership contracts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding checking the Numbers of nationality cards of partners before endorsing their partnership contracts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the persons who are allowed to bring their wives and children

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the persons who are allowed to bring their wives and children

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the approval of using driving license, work permit, study completion certificate and other personal identity cards in certifying nationality or date of birth

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the approval of using driving license, work permit, study completion certificate and other personal identity cards in certifying nationality or date of birth

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to notify passports Administration in case of knowledge of a contracted foreigner losing his passport

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to notify passports Administration in case of knowledge of a contracted foreigner losing his passport

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the requests for change of names by some or amend character name or lineage

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the requests for change of names by some or amend character name or lineage

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the rules for organizing the affairs of laborers exempted from recruitment procedures.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the rules for organizing the affairs of laborers exempted from recruitment procedures.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding non allowance to give any contracted person his passport except in absolute necessity

Circular of the minister of justice regarding non allowance to give any contracted person his passport except in absolute necessity

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that It is not legal to link the descent of the freed slaves by the State to their ex-masters to say they are their sons or affiliates

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that It is not legal to link the descent of the freed slaves by the State to their ex-masters to say they are their sons or affiliates

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the allowance to sticking the portrait of the travelling woman in her passport or her guardian for necessity

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the allowance to sticking the portrait of the travelling woman in her passport or her guardian for necessity

Circular of the minister of justice regarding sending the form of the claim that one of its parts is a foreigner to the General Administration for Passports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding sending the form of the claim that one of its parts is a foreigner to the General Administration for Passports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to issue legal documents for those attempting obtaining the Saudi Nationality unless the request is authorized by the Administrative officers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to issue legal documents for those attempting obtaining the Saudi Nationality unless the request is authorized by the Administrative officers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that in case the heirs are asked to present a certificate confirming the Saudi Nationality of the deceased and his birth date, the certificate shall contain the following information

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that in case the heirs are asked to present a certificate confirming the Saudi Nationality of the deceased and his birth date, the certificate shall contain the following information

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the proposed regulations to deal with the differences in names and its correction and indicating place of birth and date of birth in Saudi Nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the proposed regulations to deal with the differences in names and its correction and indicating place of birth and date of birth in Saudi Nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Nationality certificate is the reference for confirmation of the nationality of the citizen, his name and his date of birth; certificated of schooling and others are branches and are to be amended against the Nationality Certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Nationality certificate is the reference for confirmation of the nationality of the citizen, his name and his date of birth; certificated of schooling and others are branches and are to be amended against the Nationality Certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is not allowed to issue certificates showing correction in the nationality certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is not allowed to issue certificates showing correction in the nationality certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the desire of some persons changing their names that are stated in their Nationality Certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the desire of some persons changing their names that are stated in their Nationality Certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding verification of the required information regarding the Nationality Certificate and issuing the respective necessary certificates as such

Circular of the minister of justice regarding verification of the required information regarding the Nationality Certificate and issuing the respective necessary certificates as such

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to refer any request for issuing a passport to the person responsible for the administration unless signed by his direct supervisor

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to refer any request for issuing a passport to the person responsible for the administration unless signed by his direct supervisor

Circular of the minister of justice regarding providing the Ministry with two copies of the nationality certificate of all employees in the staff list or external

Circular of the minister of justice regarding providing the Ministry with two copies of the nationality certificate of all employees in the staff list or external

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to add the employee occupation in the nationality certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to add the employee occupation in the nationality certificate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the freed slaves whom the Government had compensated their masters and continued contacts to obtain the Saudi nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the freed slaves whom the Government had compensated their masters and continued contacts to obtain the Saudi nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the request of women to become naturalized as a Saudi Arab National

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the request of women to become naturalized as a Saudi Arab National

Circular regarding symposiums

Circular regarding symposiums

circular regarding if the presence of the (mahram) is not possible, the investigation with the woman shall be made in the presence of a committee of the investigator, the court and the authority for ordering to do good and prevent vice

circular regarding if the presence of the (mahram) is not possible, the investigation with the woman shall be made in the presence of a committee of the investigator, the court and the authority for ordering to do good and prevent vice

circular regarding Prohibition of writing (Basmala) on prints as invoices, drafts, medical prescriptions and medicine bags

circular regarding Prohibition of writing (Basmala) on prints as invoices, drafts, medical prescriptions and medicine bags

circular regarding What was noted on the presence of statue and pictures hanged on the necks of workers and others of incoming labor to this country other than Muslims

circular regarding What was noted on the presence of statue and pictures hanged on the necks of workers and others of incoming labor to this country other than Muslims

circular Regarding the appearance of the cross sign on many of the locally manufactured things

circular Regarding the appearance of the cross sign on many of the locally manufactured things

circular regarding Not to misuse news papers that contain Quran verses and (Hadith)

circular regarding Not to misuse news papers that contain Quran verses and (Hadith)

Regarding the (Shighar) marriage

Regarding the (Shighar) marriage

circular Regarding what is spreading of feasting after the burial of the passed away in his home

circular Regarding what is spreading of feasting after the burial of the passed away in his home

circular regarding Specifying the Ministry representative and its branches to work with donations committees

circular regarding Specifying the Ministry representative and its branches to work with donations committees

Regarding the increased number of citizens applying for marriage of foreign females

Regarding the increased number of citizens applying for marriage of foreign females

circular regarding About the request of His Fineness the cooperation of judges with the Permanent Committee for religious Research and (Fatwa)

circular regarding About the request of His Fineness the cooperation of judges with the Permanent Committee for religious Research and (Fatwa)

circular regarding Notifying organizations, national and foreign companies to the necessity to keep prayers

circular regarding Notifying organizations, national and foreign companies to the necessity to keep prayers

circular Regarding inflationary attempts in bride wealth and marriage festivals

circular Regarding inflationary attempts in bride wealth and marriage festivals

circular regarding Assigning judges to continuously contribute to preach in their areas of work

circular regarding Assigning judges to continuously contribute to preach in their areas of work

circular Regarding obtaining authorization from the Ministry of Interior to who seeks authorization to preach

circular Regarding obtaining authorization from the Ministry of Interior to who seeks authorization to preach

circular regarding Nomination to contribute to lecture and in conferences at sports clubs

circular regarding Nomination to contribute to lecture and in conferences at sports clubs

circular regarding The appearance of non abidance of foreign women in the Kingdom with the appreciated dress

circular regarding The appearance of non abidance of foreign women in the Kingdom with the appreciated dress

circular Regarding practicing preaching and direction

circular Regarding practicing preaching and direction

circular Regarding the authentication of confession of the suspect unless the suspect proves his identity

circular Regarding the authentication of confession of the suspect unless the suspect proves his identity

circular regarding Prohibition of authenticating any proxy for any non-Saudi driver unless it is issued from a Saudi Notary public

circular regarding Prohibition of authenticating any proxy for any non-Saudi driver unless it is issued from a Saudi Notary public

circular regarding Extension of the time period of the documents with the Saudi citizens to obtain a loan from the Agricultural Bank for a period of one year

circular regarding Extension of the time period of the documents with the Saudi citizens to obtain a loan from the Agricultural Bank for a period of one year

Circular of the minister of justice regarding issuing a legal freedom certificate confirming their freedom

Circular of the minister of justice regarding issuing a legal freedom certificate confirming their freedom

Circular of the minister of justice regarding duties of residence, visa and quarantine

Circular of the minister of justice regarding duties of residence, visa and quarantine

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Officials given the Saudi cared status

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Officials given the Saudi cared status

Circular of the minister of justice regarding amendment to names of units that are assigned the responsibility to check in Government Departments to Units of Monitoring #39

Circular of the minister of justice regarding amendment to names of units that are assigned the responsibility to check in Government Departments to Units of Monitoring #39

Circular of the minister of justice regarding it is not allowed to issue any circular from the Ministry except from the Circulars Section in the Ministry

Circular of the minister of justice regarding it is not allowed to issue any circular from the Ministry except from the Circulars Section in the Ministry

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the regulations of circulars in the Ministry

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the regulations of circulars in the Ministry

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the methodology to deliver Circulars to all courts, Notary public and treasuries

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the methodology to deliver Circulars to all courts, Notary public and treasuries

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the facilitation of organization unit task to place guidance plates

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the facilitation of organization unit task to place guidance plates

circular Regarding the delivery of the signature forms currently in use

circular Regarding the delivery of the signature forms currently in use

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to a bide with the regulations of knowledge regulation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to a bide with the regulations of knowledge regulation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prepared forms to delivering circulars

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prepared forms to delivering circulars

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the disparities in circulars methodologies and conflicts in its context

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the disparities in circulars methodologies and conflicts in its context

Circular of the minister of justice regarding easing the procedures of work in the Government Departments

Circular of the minister of justice regarding easing the procedures of work in the Government Departments

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the terms of the Monitoring Unit in the Ministry of Justice

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the terms of the Monitoring Unit in the Ministry of Justice

Circular of the minister of justice regarding providing the office of consultants in H. E. . the Minister with a copy of the issued circulars to refer and act as such

Circular of the minister of justice regarding providing the office of consultants in H. E. . the Minister with a copy of the issued circulars to refer and act as such

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to notify the Director of Riyadh Airport in case of presence of a departing or incoming guest to provide the necessary facilities

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to notify the Director of Riyadh Airport in case of presence of a departing or incoming guest to provide the necessary facilities

circular regarding To stress on all courts to be cautious in authentication of confessions to Legal registration

circular regarding To stress on all courts to be cautious in authentication of confessions to Legal registration

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the General Administration for Organization commencing a comprehensive studies to the Agencies of the Ministry of Justice

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the General Administration for Organization commencing a comprehensive studies to the Agencies of the Ministry of Justice

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is required from the Head of the Section to inform any employee with him on the circulars timely to be acquainted with the Regulations and work flow of the Ministry

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is required from the Head of the Section to inform any employee with him on the circulars timely to be acquainted with the Regulations and work flow of the Ministry

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the central Administration for Organization will perform the following tasks

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the central Administration for Organization will perform the following tasks

Circular of the minister of justice regarding preparations required executing the Administrative Reform program

Circular of the minister of justice regarding preparations required executing the Administrative Reform program

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that there is no authorization for the concerned Registrar to record any concession to evict a foreign nationality to obtain the Saudi Nationality unless received from the authorized Government Agency

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that there is no authorization for the concerned Registrar to record any concession to evict a foreign nationality to obtain the Saudi Nationality unless received from the authorized Government Agency

Circular of the minister of justice regarding discharge of damages and body injuries are the concern of judges, as for criminal cases on monies and financial damages are the concern of the Notary public

Circular of the minister of justice regarding discharge of damages and body injuries are the concern of judges, as for criminal cases on monies and financial damages are the concern of the Notary public

circular regarding Delivery of the signatures of the heads of courts and branch directors to the general Administration for Signatures in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

circular regarding Delivery of the signatures of the heads of courts and branch directors to the general Administration for Signatures in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding assignments whose owners can attend courts shall be registered by Judges; as for the cases that owners cannot attend courts to confirm their assignment will be considered as acknowledgements and are the concern of the Notary public in the place where the Notary public exist

Circular of the minister of justice regarding assignments whose owners can attend courts shall be registered by Judges; as for the cases that owners cannot attend courts to confirm their assignment will be considered as acknowledgements and are the concern of the Notary public in the place where the Notary public exist

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Surrendering the nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Surrendering the nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding regulations of Medical reports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding regulations of Medical reports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to endorse the medical reports that are brought by contracted foreigners; in case the contracted person becomes sick during his service it is possible to refer him to a Government hospital to be medicated and to provide the necessary report about his health condition

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to endorse the medical reports that are brought by contracted foreigners; in case the contracted person becomes sick during his service it is possible to refer him to a Government hospital to be medicated and to provide the necessary report about his health condition

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the documents related to employees whose conditions are required to be checked by the General Medical Commission shall be sent by the Director General of Medical Services

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the documents related to employees whose conditions are required to be checked by the General Medical Commission shall be sent by the Director General of Medical Services

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to endorse the Check result for the employee unless his identity is confirmed

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to endorse the Check result for the employee unless his identity is confirmed

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the agreement on the regulations of confirmed medical reports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the agreement on the regulations of confirmed medical reports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what should be considered at preparing legal reports in all accidents and injuries

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what should be considered at preparing legal reports in all accidents and injuries

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the method for issuing medical reports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the method for issuing medical reports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the sick leave of the employee if he was outside the Kingdom shall be extended based on medical reports authorized by Saudi Delegations and the Government or the Delegations abroad can nominate the agency or the doctor authorized to issue these reports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the sick leave of the employee if he was outside the Kingdom shall be extended based on medical reports authorized by Saudi Delegations and the Government or the Delegations abroad can nominate the agency or the doctor authorized to issue these reports

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the medical reports issued on sick persons and to be signed by two doctors and the Director of the hospital

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the medical reports issued on sick persons and to be signed by two doctors and the Director of the hospital

circular regarding Signing of employees attendance register at closure in the respective morning and evening time by the Administration directors or heads of branch units

circular regarding Signing of employees attendance register at closure in the respective morning and evening time by the Administration directors or heads of branch units

circular regarding The authorized agency for endorsement of forms of persons of low income

circular regarding The authorized agency for endorsement of forms of persons of low income

circular regarding Not to authorize for a commercial agency that is provided to foreigners to import goods from abroad

circular regarding Not to authorize for a commercial agency that is provided to foreigners to import goods from abroad

Circular of the minister of justice regarding entrust the doctors who write medical reports to names of injuries and slashes with its legal names

Circular of the minister of justice regarding entrust the doctors who write medical reports to names of injuries and slashes with its legal names

circular regarding The authorized person to sign letters in the Military Pensioners Administration of the Armed Forces

circular regarding The authorized person to sign letters in the Military Pensioners Administration of the Armed Forces

circular regarding Authorization of sales transactions in case of being required by the committees

circular regarding Authorization of sales transactions in case of being required by the committees

circular regarding To direct attention of all that any person shall avoid authenticating any sale document and that it should be done through the Notary public or the court

circular regarding To direct attention of all that any person shall avoid authenticating any sale document and that it should be done through the Notary public or the court

circular regarding The name shall be written clearly beside the signature in the attendance register at coming and departure

circular regarding The name shall be written clearly beside the signature in the attendance register at coming and departure

The authorization of the special forms for proving the identity of applicants to be incorporated in the social security

The authorization of the special forms for proving the identity of applicants to be incorporated in the social security

circular regarding The name of the employee in full shall be stated –in writing or typed- under his signature on all official papers which he signs in the correspondence or documents of delivery or import or reception of forms or reports or any other official papers

circular regarding The name of the employee in full shall be stated –in writing or typed- under his signature on all official papers which he signs in the correspondence or documents of delivery or import or reception of forms or reports or any other official papers

circular regarding Taking the signatures of the persons who have objections on the papers which they submit

circular regarding Taking the signatures of the persons who have objections on the papers which they submit

circular Regarding sending the form adopted at present

circular Regarding sending the form adopted at present

circular regarding approval of acknowledgment regarding received items of the amounts received

circular regarding approval of acknowledgment regarding received items of the amounts received

Effecting sales orders issued by The late/ Saud Bin Abdel-Aziz to other than in family without being checked by signature experts

Effecting sales orders issued by The late/ Saud Bin Abdel-Aziz to other than in family without being checked by signature experts

circular Regarding the correct way for taking finger prints

circular Regarding the correct way for taking finger prints

circular Regarding no endorsement of ordinary papers and filing all documents related to divorce deputizes and handing over in the ledgers

circular Regarding no endorsement of ordinary papers and filing all documents related to divorce deputizes and handing over in the ledgers

circular regarding The authorization of the signature and the stamps of judges and the Notary public documents to be sent outside the Kingdom without referring to the Ministry

circular regarding The authorization of the signature and the stamps of judges and the Notary public documents to be sent outside the Kingdom without referring to the Ministry

circular regarding The incumbent judge shall sign beside his stamp on documents issued by him

circular regarding The incumbent judge shall sign beside his stamp on documents issued by him

circular regarding The method for taking finger prints

circular regarding The method for taking finger prints

circular regadring Authenticating photos taken from documents after ensuring they are matching to their originals

circular regadring Authenticating photos taken from documents after ensuring they are matching to their originals

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to transfer or expel any prisoner to the General Prison in Gizan until the new prison is built

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to transfer or expel any prisoner to the General Prison in Gizan until the new prison is built

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that there is no confirmation found by the Judiciary Council to justify expelling persons to one country

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that there is no confirmation found by the Judiciary Council to justify expelling persons to one country

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the staff employed in the payroll whose service terminated with the Government as a result of disability shall be paid a salary equivalent to three months

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the staff employed in the payroll whose service terminated with the Government as a result of disability shall be paid a salary equivalent to three months

circular regarding Not to accept complains raised by citizens against Government Agencies

circular regarding Not to accept complains raised by citizens against Government Agencies

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Compensating the employee for the value of his travel tickets abroad when using own transport means if he is a Government employee

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Compensating the employee for the value of his travel tickets abroad when using own transport means if he is a Government employee

Circular of the minister of justice regarding citizens who do not have legal certificates for their farms

Circular of the minister of justice regarding citizens who do not have legal certificates for their farms

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Agency of the injured employee shall take care of delivery of compensations accruing to the injury

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Agency of the injured employee shall take care of delivery of compensations accruing to the injury

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the delivery of compensations on damage of property that have no certificates by the legal court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the delivery of compensations on damage of property that have no certificates by the legal court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the evaluation committees shall be formed of representatives of the Emirate, Finance, Social Security and the Ministry of Agriculture (in agricultural affairs) provided a technical engineer nominated by the Emirate shall join to evaluate damages in houses

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the evaluation committees shall be formed of representatives of the Emirate, Finance, Social Security and the Ministry of Agriculture (in agricultural affairs) provided a technical engineer nominated by the Emirate shall join to evaluate damages in houses

circular regarding Authorization of representations concerning tax payers

circular regarding Authorization of representations concerning tax payers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding damages by floods, fires and natural disasters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding damages by floods, fires and natural disasters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the sums that are handed to the heirs of the injured are considered compensations in accordance to the Labor Law

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the sums that are handed to the heirs of the injured are considered compensations in accordance to the Labor Law

Circular of the minister of justice regarding agreement to form committees concerned with evaluating and determining the compensation of the affected by disasters, floods and fires

Circular of the minister of justice regarding agreement to form committees concerned with evaluating and determining the compensation of the affected by disasters, floods and fires

circular regarding Endorsement of copies before dispatch and are matching to the original

circular regarding Endorsement of copies before dispatch and are matching to the original

Circular of the minister of justice regarding consideration of forming local committees in some cities to evaluate damages by disasters, floods and fires

Circular of the minister of justice regarding consideration of forming local committees in some cities to evaluate damages by disasters, floods and fires

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to estimate any damages unless it is considered connoting the meaning of a disaster and evaluated by the minister of Interior

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to estimate any damages unless it is considered connoting the meaning of a disaster and evaluated by the minister of Interior

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the formation of local committees to evaluate general damages in cities that have Emirate, finance and a court; and the procedures related to that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the formation of local committees to evaluate general damages in cities that have Emirate, finance and a court; and the procedures related to that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding two persons from the citizens of the area of the event shall join to accompany the committee in its surveillance of the affected locations

Circular of the minister of justice regarding two persons from the citizens of the area of the event shall join to accompany the committee in its surveillance of the affected locations

circular regarding Taking the confession of the criminal in any time whether in working hours or otherwise

circular regarding Taking the confession of the criminal in any time whether in working hours or otherwise

circular regarding Authentication of the specific form of social security

circular regarding Authentication of the specific form of social security

circular regarding In case of delivering a sum to a legitimate person and he do write or read he shall in addition to his stamp add his finger print

circular regarding In case of delivering a sum to a legitimate person and he do write or read he shall in addition to his stamp add his finger print

circular Regarding stressing combating begging phenomenon

circular Regarding stressing combating begging phenomenon

circular regarding Referring the deceitful and pretenders of being sick or disabled or penny less and also who organize persons for the purpose of begging to the Urgent Courts with the Notary public for punishment and confiscation of what they collected in money

circular regarding Referring the deceitful and pretenders of being sick or disabled or penny less and also who organize persons for the purpose of begging to the Urgent Courts with the Notary public for punishment and confiscation of what they collected in money

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the person who is credited with money and resources that enables him to offset the damage of the disaster shall not take from the share of the individual who was left disabled or semi disabled

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the person who is credited with money and resources that enables him to offset the damage of the disaster shall not take from the share of the individual who was left disabled or semi disabled

Circular of the minister of justice regarding preparation of data and the compensation reports and to be made of several copies signed by all the committee members, each shall have a copy provided that the copy handed to the representative shall be marked as second copy on all papers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding preparation of data and the compensation reports and to be made of several copies signed by all the committee members, each shall have a copy provided that the copy handed to the representative shall be marked as second copy on all papers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the meaning of compensations on which the Decision of the Council of Ministers Decree 454 dated 19/8/1385 was based

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the meaning of compensations on which the Decision of the Council of Ministers Decree 454 dated 19/8/1385 was based

circular regarding Issuing certificated for those in need on the subject is not allowed so as not to be used a means to soil the reputation of the Country inside and outside

circular regarding Issuing certificated for those in need on the subject is not allowed so as not to be used a means to soil the reputation of the Country inside and outside

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Heads of Departments from which the membership of the damages committee was drawn shall study the area of damage and estimate the maximum period at which the committee will be able to execute the task

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Heads of Departments from which the membership of the damages committee was drawn shall study the area of damage and estimate the maximum period at which the committee will be able to execute the task

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Decision of Council of Ministers on regulations of means to assist the affected persons by floods, fires and disasters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Decision of Council of Ministers on regulations of means to assist the affected persons by floods, fires and disasters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Categorizing damages into General Damages and Individual Damages

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Categorizing damages into General Damages and Individual Damages

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the involvement of judges with the committee for estimating damage and losses resulting from rainfall

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the involvement of judges with the committee for estimating damage and losses resulting from rainfall

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the organization of assigning university lecturers as part time consultants in Government Agencies, regional and international Agencies

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the organization of assigning university lecturers as part time consultants in Government Agencies, regional and international Agencies

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the limiting assigning consultancy services to rank holders of assistant lecturer, lecturer and above

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the limiting assigning consultancy services to rank holders of assistant lecturer, lecturer and above

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Coordination with the Cultural Representative in all related matters in academic affairs or training in hospitals for the general welfare

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Coordination with the Cultural Representative in all related matters in academic affairs or training in hospitals for the general welfare

Circular of the minister of justice regarding graduates of universities in the Kingdom and abroad the choice to join the Government agencies or work for the public sector

Circular of the minister of justice regarding graduates of universities in the Kingdom and abroad the choice to join the Government agencies or work for the public sector

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the violation committed by the Director of Khalid Bin Walid school at JeddahCircular of the minister of justice regarding the violation committed by the Director of Khalid Bin Walid school at Jeddah

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the violation committed by the Director of Khalid Bin Walid school at Jeddah

circular regarding Forbidding the persons who use certificates issued for the detained as a means for begging

circular regarding Forbidding the persons who use certificates issued for the detained as a means for begging

circular regarding Interrogation of any foreigner committing any of fraudulence cases specified by the Laws of the Kingdom, if the interrogation found him guilty he should be courted and not to be allowed to travel before the issue of the judgment either being innocent or guilty and the execution of the related judgment

circular regarding Interrogation of any foreigner committing any of fraudulence cases specified by the Laws of the Kingdom, if the interrogation found him guilty he should be courted and not to be allowed to travel before the issue of the judgment either being innocent or guilty and the execution of the related judgment

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the names in the Saudi nationality, passports, certificates and school records shall be written as vocally spoken without conception a hypothetical shape for writing names

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the names in the Saudi nationality, passports, certificates and school records shall be written as vocally spoken without conception a hypothetical shape for writing names

Circular of the minister of justice regarding certificated below the university level shall be evaluated by the Ministry of Education

Circular of the minister of justice regarding certificated below the university level shall be evaluated by the Ministry of Education

Circular of the minister of justice regarding provision of material incentives to employees at embassies and attaches abroad who are enrolled for studying besides performing their tasks

Circular of the minister of justice regarding provision of material incentives to employees at embassies and attaches abroad who are enrolled for studying besides performing their tasks

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the right to the Shari-a collage working in the field of education to the seventh's grade as from 1/7/1391

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the right to the Shari-a collage working in the field of education to the seventh's grade as from 1/7/1391

Circular of the minister of justice regarding exception of the following qualification holders from having two years experience

Circular of the minister of justice regarding exception of the following qualification holders from having two years experience

Circular of the minister of justice regarding no objection for affiliation to universities outside the Kingdom for higher degrees

Circular of the minister of justice regarding no objection for affiliation to universities outside the Kingdom for higher degrees

circular Regarding the persons who managed offices for forging stamps

circular Regarding the persons who managed offices for forging stamps

Circular of the minister of justice regarding stopping payment of subsidy and tickets to the sons of employees who study in Arab Countries and their parents work in Saudi consulates in non Arab countries.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding stopping payment of subsidy and tickets to the sons of employees who study in Arab Countries and their parents work in Saudi consulates in non Arab countries.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the delivery of a sum of 50% to the contractures and teachers as travel tickets equivalent in all Government Agencies who wish to spend their summer holiday in the Kingdom

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the delivery of a sum of 50% to the contractures and teachers as travel tickets equivalent in all Government Agencies who wish to spend their summer holiday in the Kingdom

circular regarding The procedures that will be taken when making use of the Bureau of Criminal Identification – Office of Fraud Research – to check transactions concerning suspected documents of fraud

circular regarding The procedures that will be taken when making use of the Bureau of Criminal Identification – Office of Fraud Research – to check transactions concerning suspected documents of fraud

Circular of the minister of justice regarding What is meant by academic year is the year constituting the study period and not the incepted calendar meaning of 12 months

Circular of the minister of justice regarding What is meant by academic year is the year constituting the study period and not the incepted calendar meaning of 12 months

In case of doubt about a certificate or a document issued from outside the Kingdom, it should be clearly reproduces and to contact the concerned authorities to communicate with the issuing entity

In case of doubt about a certificate or a document issued from outside the Kingdom, it should be clearly reproduces and to contact the concerned authorities to communicate with the issuing entity

Circular of the minister of justice regarding listing of all who do not write and read and are less than forty five years of age

Circular of the minister of justice regarding listing of all who do not write and read and are less than forty five years of age

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to stipulate in scolding punishment to God's right not to include the condemned in forgiveness

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to stipulate in scolding punishment to God's right not to include the condemned in forgiveness

circular regarding Papers and documents should be safely preserved and kept in the right envelope and sealed with the red wax and signed

circular regarding Papers and documents should be safely preserved and kept in the right envelope and sealed with the red wax and signed

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is a must to care for effecting the scolding punishment, specially slashing, that nothing should be left out without prerequisites for that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is a must to care for effecting the scolding punishment, specially slashing, that nothing should be left out without prerequisites for that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is preferable that H H the judge to state in his Decision to execute the slashing in a public place and allow to the authority responsible for execution to determine the place for executing the slashing

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is preferable that H H the judge to state in his Decision to execute the slashing in a public place and allow to the authority responsible for execution to determine the place for executing the slashing

circular regarding If the person signed a certificate that he did not work before for any agency and later the contrary was discovered, he will be considered as a forger

circular regarding If the person signed a certificate that he did not work before for any agency and later the contrary was discovered, he will be considered as a forger

circular regarding The persons whose forgery was confirmed should be arrested and brought to court and the period of detention shall be considered by the incumbent court

circular regarding The persons whose forgery was confirmed should be arrested and brought to court and the period of detention shall be considered by the incumbent court

circular regarding The properties left at some of the treasuries and remained for a long time and the owners did not come to collect

circular regarding The properties left at some of the treasuries and remained for a long time and the owners did not come to collect

circular regarding Renewal of the Covenant between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the Republic of France concerning avoidance of dual taxation on income and inheritance

circular regarding Renewal of the Covenant between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the Republic of France concerning avoidance of dual taxation on income and inheritance

Circular of the minister of justice regarding no study certificate from Dar Al-ulum Al-Dieniya in Holy Makah shall be accepted starting from the academic year 1401/1402 for the Intermediate and secondary stages unless this certificate was issued from the religion university of authority

Circular of the minister of justice regarding no study certificate from Dar Al-ulum Al-Dieniya in Holy Makah shall be accepted starting from the academic year 1401/1402 for the Intermediate and secondary stages unless this certificate was issued from the religion university of authority

Detention of the deceased/ and the divorced

Detention of the deceased/ and the divorced

circular regarding If the Heritage of the foreigner is material and liquid and all his entitlements are legally free

circular regarding If the Heritage of the foreigner is material and liquid and all his entitlements are legally free

circular regarding The inheritance of the deceased shall not be burdened with the expenditure of transporting the corpse to its home

circular regarding The inheritance of the deceased shall not be burdened with the expenditure of transporting the corpse to its home

circular regarding What should b made for the left belongings of the deceased foreigners

circular regarding What should b made for the left belongings of the deceased foreigners

circular regarding Large heritages and those subject to disputes among the heirs or heritages that were subjected to objection of delivery

circular regarding Large heritages and those subject to disputes among the heirs or heritages that were subjected to objection of delivery

circular regarding The court has to call authenticators and inform them that the treasury has quitted their real estates

circular regarding The court has to call authenticators and inform them that the treasury has quitted their real estates

circular regarding The heritage of the deceased who had contracted contagious diseases as lung infection, leprosy and syphilis

circular regarding The heritage of the deceased who had contracted contagious diseases as lung infection, leprosy and syphilis

circular Regarding the Inheritance guardian authority which is avialabel at the Nasiriya Palace

circular Regarding the Inheritance guardian authority which is avialabel at the Nasiriya Palace

circular regarding NO.13/T/3327 dated 23/ 2/ 1429H. Fines inflicted on the deceased before his death shall not be collected from his heritage

circular regarding NO.13/T/3327 dated 23/ 2/ 1429H. Fines inflicted on the deceased before his death shall not be collected from his heritage

circular regarding Corroboration with money links to life and should not be taken from the inheritance

circular regarding Corroboration with money links to life and should not be taken from the inheritance

circular regarding The duty of the Treasury Governor to dispatch the individual sums that were deposited specifying the names of the heirs and the share of each alone

circular regarding The duty of the Treasury Governor to dispatch the individual sums that were deposited specifying the names of the heirs and the share of each alone

circular Regarding the inheritance of the Late King Saud Bin Abdel-Aziz

circular Regarding the inheritance of the Late King Saud Bin Abdel-Aziz

circular Regarding the procedures and to be sufficed by authenticating the rights of the creditors and delivery of the documents to the Headquarters to release the sums and distribute them to the creditors as the Law stipulates

circular Regarding the procedures and to be sufficed by authenticating the rights of the creditors and delivery of the documents to the Headquarters to release the sums and distribute them to the creditors as the Law stipulates

circular Regarding the heritage of the foreigners

circular Regarding the heritage of the foreigners

circular Regarding the necessity to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in cases raised against the Governor of the Treasury in the domain of the Court

circular Regarding the necessity to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in cases raised against the Governor of the Treasury in the domain of the Court

circular regarding Weapons as swards and knifes are not important to the Government to consider but the weapons that have risk should be handed to the Ministry of Defense

circular regarding Weapons as swards and knifes are not important to the Government to consider but the weapons that have risk should be handed to the Ministry of Defense

circular Regarding what is specific to the treasury

circular Regarding what is specific to the treasury

circular regarding The Fatwa issued by the Late H H the Chief Judge about the inheritance share of women who kept silence on it and lately recommended their share

circular regarding The Fatwa issued by the Late H H the Chief Judge about the inheritance share of women who kept silence on it and lately recommended their share

circular Regarding the explanation that the Decision issued by the Judiciary Head Quarters so not mean the custody of the inheritance of any deceased but recommend the abidance with the Law of custody of inheritance

circular Regarding the explanation that the Decision issued by the Judiciary Head Quarters so not mean the custody of the inheritance of any deceased but recommend the abidance with the Law of custody of inheritance

circular Regarding the voluntary participation of the specialized translators

circular Regarding the voluntary participation of the specialized translators

circular regarding Commissioning a translator during the hearing of cases that one of the parties do not speak Arabic and that is against a reward

circular regarding Commissioning a translator during the hearing of cases that one of the parties do not speak Arabic and that is against a reward

circular Regarding that Grievances Bureau may commission a translator in cases that one of the parties do not speak Arabic

circular Regarding that Grievances Bureau may commission a translator in cases that one of the parties do not speak Arabic

circular regarding Confessions of the less fluent in Arabic shall be taken in their own handwriting

circular regarding Confessions of the less fluent in Arabic shall be taken in their own handwriting

circular Regarding what was issued by the Chief of Scientific Research and Efta'a Department about the translation of the meanings of Quran Sheikh Ahmed Rida khan and warning about the Briloin sect

circular Regarding what was issued by the Chief of Scientific Research and Efta'a Department about the translation of the meanings of Quran Sheikh Ahmed Rida khan and warning about the Briloin sect

circular regarding Not to depend on translators from the embassy of the foreign defendant

circular regarding Not to depend on translators from the embassy of the foreign defendant

circular Regarding what was noticed about the phenomenon of using foreign languages in writing contracts and accompanying documents

circular Regarding what was noticed about the phenomenon of using foreign languages in writing contracts and accompanying documents

circular Regarding the dispatch of transactions related to translation works to the head of research Administration

circular Regarding the dispatch of transactions related to translation works to the head of research Administration

circular regarding The name of Makah shall be written in sign boards and advertisements as (MAKKAH)

circular regarding The name of Makah shall be written in sign boards and advertisements as (MAKKAH)

circular regarding Commanding the foreign companies, agencies and branches to use Arabic language

circular regarding Commanding the foreign companies, agencies and branches to use Arabic language

circular regarding The rule about writing Quran with Latin alphabet

circular regarding The rule about writing Quran with Latin alphabet

cricular regarding Cancellation of implementing the social security Law for foreign labor with respect to the pensions section

cricular regarding Cancellation of implementing the social security Law for foreign labor with respect to the pensions section

circular No.217/t dated 24/12/1396h regarding It is a must that the mortgaged land is the property of loan taker according to a document

circular No.217/t dated 24/12/1396h regarding It is a must that the mortgaged land is the property of loan taker according to a document

circular No.168/12/t dated 20/8/1396h regarding To be sufficed with the written request from the Director of the Saudi loans Bank to the Notary public on an official document including the release of the mortgage

circular No.168/12/t dated 20/8/1396h regarding To be sufficed with the written request from the Director of the Saudi loans Bank to the Notary public on an official document including the release of the mortgage

circular regarding It is not allowed to advertise anything prohibited in the Islamic Religion especially life insurance whether at universities and other communities or Government Departments and the head quarters of companies

circular regarding It is not allowed to advertise anything prohibited in the Islamic Religion especially life insurance whether at universities and other communities or Government Departments and the head quarters of companies

circular regarding The new method to clear the deductions for social insurance in overtime

circular regarding The new method to clear the deductions for social insurance in overtime

circular No.225/2/t dated 18/11/1394h regarding The purposes that the Saudi Loans Bank offer loans

circular No.225/2/t dated 18/11/1394h regarding The purposes that the Saudi Loans Bank offer loans

circular regarding Deducting the social security contributions for all laborers who benefit from remote areas allowance and deducting the social insurance on sums of the payments already made and deposited to the social insurance in accordance to adopted method

circular regarding Deducting the social security contributions for all laborers who benefit from remote areas allowance and deducting the social insurance on sums of the payments already made and deposited to the social insurance in accordance to adopted method

circular No.198/12/t dated 7/10/1395h regarding The Housing development Fund number 39 shall be written in the mortgage document

circular No.198/12/t dated 7/10/1395h regarding The Housing development Fund number 39 shall be written in the mortgage document

circular No.12/2/t dated 19/1/1394h rerarding the deduction of the due installments of employees from the pay-sheets to the order of the Saudi Loans Bank

circular No.12/2/t dated 19/1/1394h rerarding the deduction of the due installments of employees from the pay-sheets to the order of the Saudi Loans Bank

circular regarding To follow the stated procedures as follows in refunding the share of the social security with respect to laborers employed as per wages chapter

circular regarding To follow the stated procedures as follows in refunding the share of the social security with respect to laborers employed as per wages chapter

circular No.15/2/t dated 26/1/1393 regarding The surveillance of the farmers reports do not require a case of authentication or discarding, it is not mandatory to abide with session appointments

circular No.15/2/t dated 26/1/1393 regarding The surveillance of the farmers reports do not require a case of authentication or discarding, it is not mandatory to abide with session appointments

circular No.156/4/t dated 27/10/1392h regarding revision of the statements coming from the Monetary Agency and match them with the balance

circular No.156/4/t dated 27/10/1392h regarding revision of the statements coming from the Monetary Agency and match them with the balance

circular No.70/4/t dated 26/4/1392 regarding the necessity to state the sums in writing in all financial documents and transactions

circular No.70/4/t dated 26/4/1392 regarding the necessity to state the sums in writing in all financial documents and transactions

circular Regarding determination of social insurance deductions and delivery to the branch offices of its geographical zone

circular Regarding determination of social insurance deductions and delivery to the branch offices of its geographical zone

circular No.69/4/t dated 26/4/1392h regarding The sum of transfer charges set by the bank

circular No.69/4/t dated 26/4/1392h regarding The sum of transfer charges set by the bank

circular No.19/2/t dated 5/2/1392 Regarding information on the sum that needs to be held in reserve

circular No.19/2/t dated 5/2/1392 Regarding information on the sum that needs to be held in reserve

circular No. 421/3/M dated 21/2/1385h regarding cooperation with the Agricultural Bank to execute the farmers' certificates

circular No. 421/3/M dated 21/2/1385h regarding cooperation with the Agricultural Bank to execute the farmers' certificates

circular regarding Determination of social security deductions for employees in the Government Circles

circular regarding Determination of social security deductions for employees in the Government Circles

circular No.12/3/t dated 4/1/1407h regarding the organization of work in the municipalities and rural groupings

circular No.12/3/t dated 4/1/1407h regarding the organization of work in the municipalities and rural groupings

circular No. 12/200/t dated 9/11/1406h Registration of the acknowledgment of the Municipality representative at the Notary public regarding receiving double the value of the land from the citizen

circular No. 12/200/t dated 9/11/1406h Registration of the acknowledgment of the Municipality representative at the Notary public regarding receiving double the value of the land from the citizen

circular regarding The sums accounted on the worker shall not be delivered except in availability of one of the following conditions

circular regarding The sums accounted on the worker shall not be delivered except in availability of one of the following conditions

circular No.12/169/t dated 27/8/1406h the violations committed by the Head of Nammas Municipality

circular No.12/169/t dated 27/8/1406h the violations committed by the Head of Nammas Municipality

circular No.12/201/t dated 28/11/1404h To the include the Ministry of Telecommunications, mail and Telephones, the Ministry of Finance and National Economy and Ministry of Industry and Electricity to the ministries that constitute the General committees for developing and upgrading villages

circular No.12/201/t dated 28/11/1404h To the include the Ministry of Telecommunications, mail and Telephones, the Ministry of Finance and National Economy and Ministry of Industry and Electricity to the ministries that constitute the General committees for developing and upgrading villages

circular No.12/131/t dated 23/7/1404h Regulations of developing and upgrading the villages

circular No.12/131/t dated 23/7/1404h Regulations of developing and upgrading the villages

circular No.28/12/t dated 5/3/1403h By-law for developing the villages in the kingdom

circular No.28/12/t dated 5/3/1403h By-law for developing the villages in the kingdom

circular No. 140/12/t dated 9/11/1402h amending the name of the General Directorate for Municipalities and Village Affairs

circular No. 140/12/t dated 9/11/1402h amending the name of the General Directorate for Municipalities and Village Affairs

circular regarding The monthly share in contribution to the social security will be deducted starting from the payment for Shawal 1393H at the rate of 5%

circular regarding The monthly share in contribution to the social security will be deducted starting from the payment for Shawal 1393H at the rate of 5%

circular No.101/12/t dated 14/6/1401h regarding orders of confiscation of ownership shall be issued under the signature of the Minister of Municipalities and Village Affairs in what may be confiscated in the domain of the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs

circular No.101/12/t dated 14/6/1401h regarding orders of confiscation of ownership shall be issued under the signature of the Minister of Municipalities and Village Affairs in what may be confiscated in the domain of the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if there are considerations of doubts or allegiance about the detained person the judge shall draw attention to that in his report and consider satisfaction by the period spent in detention

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if there are considerations of doubts or allegiance about the detained person the judge shall draw attention to that in his report and consider satisfaction by the period spent in detention

circular No.24/12/t dated 16/2/1401h regarding orders issued by the price of Makah Area

circular No.24/12/t dated 16/2/1401h regarding orders issued by the price of Makah Area

circular No.157/12/t dated26/12/1400h give the Ministries and Government Authorities what they need of land plots

circular No.157/12/t dated26/12/1400h give the Ministries and Government Authorities what they need of land plots

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that who raises a false case with the intention to harm, his scolding punishment is determined by the court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that who raises a false case with the intention to harm, his scolding punishment is determined by the court

circular No.1/12/t dated 4/1/1399h the practical solution to private property owners in villages to build on their land

circular No.1/12/t dated 4/1/1399h the practical solution to private property owners in villages to build on their land

Circular of the minister of justice regarding dealing with the punished to scaffold is governed by the directions of cassation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding dealing with the punished to scaffold is governed by the directions of cassation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding prohibition of unacceptable exposure and to have undertaking of any contracted person to respect the Country's Laws and norms

Circular of the minister of justice regarding prohibition of unacceptable exposure and to have undertaking of any contracted person to respect the Country's Laws and norms

circular regarding All laborers are subject to the social security without segregation

circular regarding All laborers are subject to the social security without segregation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding some immoral incidences of army affiliates

Circular of the minister of justice regarding some immoral incidences of army affiliates

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if the judge was undertaking a case and found in its procedures that the two opponents are violating the public right and one of them deserves scolding he should give judgment without raising a claim regarding the public right and no need to refer it to another

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that if the judge was undertaking a case and found in its procedures that the two opponents are violating the public right and one of them deserves scolding he should give judgment without raising a claim regarding the public right and no need to refer it to another

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the implementation of the Legal penalties on homosexuals and adulterers and scaffold whom the allegation was confirmed to the maximum limits

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the implementation of the Legal penalties on homosexuals and adulterers and scaffold whom the allegation was confirmed to the maximum limits

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cases outside cities that are unsubstantiated are also to be referred to Urgent Courts to decide the suitable penalty on the alligator as far as the reason for making the case is harming their opponents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cases outside cities that are unsubstantiated are also to be referred to Urgent Courts to decide the suitable penalty on the alligator as far as the reason for making the case is harming their opponents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is required to be earnest in estimating scolding and observance of the circumstances especially if it was noticed that some people are indifferent to moral and criminal crimes

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is required to be earnest in estimating scolding and observance of the circumstances especially if it was noticed that some people are indifferent to moral and criminal crimes

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the penalty of accused with gambling

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the penalty of accused with gambling

Regarding the left behind available in some of the treasury stores for an extended time and the owners did not turn to collect

Regarding the left behind available in some of the treasury stores for an extended time and the owners did not turn to collect

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The penalty of smugglers of drugs dealers and users

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The penalty of smugglers of drugs dealers and users

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The procedures for the persons who are punished with expulsion

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The procedures for the persons who are punished with expulsion

circular regarding Monies of the absentees whose addresses are known are to be sent to Riyadh treasury to send to the concerned embassies through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

circular regarding Monies of the absentees whose addresses are known are to be sent to Riyadh treasury to send to the concerned embassies through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding No acceptance for confession unless the suspect was brought to the judge by the respective authority

Circular of the minister of justice regarding No acceptance for confession unless the suspect was brought to the judge by the respective authority

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Observance of verification before endorsing any provided documents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Observance of verification before endorsing any provided documents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to endorse any ad-hoc document whatever it may be to include endorsing sufficiency of the witness or the document writer

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to endorse any ad-hoc document whatever it may be to include endorsing sufficiency of the witness or the document writer

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Endorsement of documents and representation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Endorsement of documents and representation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Prohibition of authentication ad-hoc documents and image copies

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Prohibition of authentication ad-hoc documents and image copies

Circular of the minister of justice regarding no interference with telephone infrastructure that was provided without being referred to the Ministry of Telecommunications, mail and Telephones

Circular of the minister of justice regarding no interference with telephone infrastructure that was provided without being referred to the Ministry of Telecommunications, mail and Telephones

Circular of the minister of justice regarding abiding with the maximum limit of the parcel weight and its dimensions and the use of the lead presses

Circular of the minister of justice regarding abiding with the maximum limit of the parcel weight and its dimensions and the use of the lead presses

Circular of the minister of justice regarding telex of the Headquarters of Qu-wai-iya courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding telex of the Headquarters of Qu-wai-iya courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the mail code of the Higher Council of Courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the mail code of the Higher Council of Courts

circular regarding The treasuries shall enumerate the sums that constitute bribes and fines and the values of confiscated items and send to the General Treasury of the State

circular regarding The treasuries shall enumerate the sums that constitute bribes and fines and the values of confiscated items and send to the General Treasury of the State

Circular of the minister of justice regarding telex of the Ministry's branch in Riyadh Area

Circular of the minister of justice regarding telex of the Ministry's branch in Riyadh Area

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the use of telex in urgent works instead of telegrams

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the use of telex in urgent works instead of telegrams

Circular of the minister of justice regarding a list of Telexes of the Ministry of Justice and branches and some courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding a list of Telexes of the Ministry of Justice and branches and some courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Organization of the official telephones in offices to three grades with regard to the services

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Organization of the official telephones in offices to three grades with regard to the services

circular regarding It is not the responsibility of the Treasuries and it is not of its function to receive bribery sums or fines or the values of the confiscated items

circular regarding It is not the responsibility of the Treasuries and it is not of its function to receive bribery sums or fines or the values of the confiscated items

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Post boxes of subscribers are open to subscribers to revisit to collect their correspondence all the week days

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Post boxes of subscribers are open to subscribers to revisit to collect their correspondence all the week days

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Requests for issuing a memorial stamps shall be delivered at least six months before the commencement of the occasion

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Requests for issuing a memorial stamps shall be delivered at least six months before the commencement of the occasion

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the early coordination with the respective communication circle director in case of their desire to transfer their activities or some of it to other quarters or outside cities and villages

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the early coordination with the respective communication circle director in case of their desire to transfer their activities or some of it to other quarters or outside cities and villages

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the importance of writing the post office box number on all envelopes and correspondence sent to the court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the importance of writing the post office box number on all envelopes and correspondence sent to the court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to urge the managers of Control Centrals about their responsibility on all calls transmitted from the communication instruments specific to the Central

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to urge the managers of Control Centrals about their responsibility on all calls transmitted from the communication instruments specific to the Central

Circular of the minister of justice regarding telex N, of the ministry in Riyadh

Circular of the minister of justice regarding telex N, of the ministry in Riyadh

circular Regarding the registration of sums deposited with the Saudi Arab Monetary agency and branches by the Treasuries to the account of Revenues after being in the account of Amanat for five years

circular Regarding the registration of sums deposited with the Saudi Arab Monetary agency and branches by the Treasuries to the account of Revenues after being in the account of Amanat for five years

circular regarding All directors and executives of treasuries shall clear the legal procedures concerning the transactions of citizens of the Yemen Arab Republic –if available- and to be sent to Riyadh or Jeddah treasury each in its respective domain

circular regarding All directors and executives of treasuries shall clear the legal procedures concerning the transactions of citizens of the Yemen Arab Republic –if available- and to be sent to Riyadh or Jeddah treasury each in its respective domain

circular Regarding the accounts opened by courts and treasuries at the Monetary Agency and the requirement to follow up and know its balances

circular Regarding the accounts opened by courts and treasuries at the Monetary Agency and the requirement to follow up and know its balances

circular regarding Observance of dispatch of the deceased foreigner's belongings other than the pilgrims to the Riyadh Treasury instead of the Jeddah treasury because of the transfer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

circular regarding Observance of dispatch of the deceased foreigner's belongings other than the pilgrims to the Riyadh Treasury instead of the Jeddah treasury because of the transfer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

circular regarding Regulations and rules for opening an account

circular regarding Regulations and rules for opening an account

circular Regarding the importance of what the Treasuries' Administrations is doing and the cash it receives and spend and the inheritance and moneys of absentees and unknowns and what they record in their books and ledgers

circular Regarding the importance of what the Treasuries' Administrations is doing and the cash it receives and spend and the inheritance and moneys of absentees and unknowns and what they record in their books and ledgers

circular regarding The list of papers that the administrations of treasuries shall abide with

circular regarding The list of papers that the administrations of treasuries shall abide with

circular regarding The dispatch of the inheritance of the deceased other than pilgrims to the Riyadh treasury

circular regarding The dispatch of the inheritance of the deceased other than pilgrims to the Riyadh treasury

circular Regarding the necessity to affiliate all the directors and executives of the treasuries to link with the Treasuries Administration in the Ministry of Finance

circular Regarding the necessity to affiliate all the directors and executives of the treasuries to link with the Treasuries Administration in the Ministry of Finance

circular regarding The courts represented by the treasuries shall keep the monies of the absent foreigners of whatever kind they are and the sale of things prone to damage through authorization from the judge in the regular ways and receive their (Diyas)

circular regarding The courts represented by the treasuries shall keep the monies of the absent foreigners of whatever kind they are and the sale of things prone to damage through authorization from the judge in the regular ways and receive their (Diyas)

circular regarding It is not allowed to keep any of the deceased whatever kind it is and urgency to dispatch to Jeddah treasury to be sent to the Embassy of his country after fulfilling all the legal procedures

circular regarding It is not allowed to keep any of the deceased whatever kind it is and urgency to dispatch to Jeddah treasury to be sent to the Embassy of his country after fulfilling all the legal procedures

circular Regarding the release of the deposited sums with the monetary or financial agencies that is concerned with the deceased foreigners

circular Regarding the release of the deposited sums with the monetary or financial agencies that is concerned with the deceased foreigners

circular regarding The method for preparing the Fund turnover

circular regarding The method for preparing the Fund turnover

circular Regarding the directors of treasuries who did not send the monthly summaries representing revenue and expenditure of the treasury as well as the deposited sums to monetary and financial agencies

circular Regarding the directors of treasuries who did not send the monthly summaries representing revenue and expenditure of the treasury as well as the deposited sums to monetary and financial agencies

circular Regarding the heritage of the unknowns, thefts, and missed items and the inheritance of the known and absent persons and the action required to deal with

circular Regarding the heritage of the unknowns, thefts, and missed items and the inheritance of the known and absent persons and the action required to deal with

circular regarding The Departments of treasuries in the kingdom should refer to the number and date of notification letters about deaths issued by the Ministry of interior to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when writing to it about the inheritance of the deceased and no need to send copies of the documents regarding their death

circular regarding The Departments of treasuries in the kingdom should refer to the number and date of notification letters about deaths issued by the Ministry of interior to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when writing to it about the inheritance of the deceased and no need to send copies of the documents regarding their death

circular regarding Getting permission in court hearing is satisfactory to receive what is decided is legal to receive from the treasury

circular regarding Getting permission in court hearing is satisfactory to receive what is decided is legal to receive from the treasury

circular regarding The sums that need for its reimbursement a legal Decision are those whether (1) inheritance of known persons, absent and unknown (2) the sums of thefts and the inheritance

circular regarding The sums that need for its reimbursement a legal Decision are those whether (1) inheritance of known persons, absent and unknown (2) the sums of thefts and the inheritance

circular Regarding authorizing the director of Treasury with you to keep some money from inheritances within the limits of his guarantee and to be allowed to disperse to its owners

circular Regarding authorizing the director of Treasury with you to keep some money from inheritances within the limits of his guarantee and to be allowed to disperse to its owners

circular regarding Authorizing the director of Treasury to keep some money within the limits of his guarantee and to be allowed to disperse limited amounts in the range of 500 Riyals and less when he is authorized by the court to disperse them

circular regarding Authorizing the director of Treasury to keep some money within the limits of his guarantee and to be allowed to disperse limited amounts in the range of 500 Riyals and less when he is authorized by the court to disperse them

circular regarding The Director of the Treasury shall not forward the monthly reports and copies of delivery orders unless signed by the Head of the Court

circular regarding The Director of the Treasury shall not forward the monthly reports and copies of delivery orders unless signed by the Head of the Court

circular Regarding the delivery of the left-behind to the authorized court in the area where no treasury id found

circular Regarding the delivery of the left-behind to the authorized court in the area where no treasury id found

circular regarding It is not allowed to send items of trivial value to the treasury and should be burnt in the specified place by a committee formed from the court, the Emirate and the treasury in the presence of one of the deceased relatives

circular regarding It is not allowed to send items of trivial value to the treasury and should be burnt in the specified place by a committee formed from the court, the Emirate and the treasury in the presence of one of the deceased relatives

circular regarding The director of the Treasury has to send at the end of every month the monthly records whether the treasury has money or otherwise

circular regarding The director of the Treasury has to send at the end of every month the monthly records whether the treasury has money or otherwise

circular regarding The special forms for stock taking of Funds and Permanent (recursive) loans

circular regarding The special forms for stock taking of Funds and Permanent (recursive) loans

circular regarding The director of the treasury has to submit his monthly tables to the Director of Treasuries in the Ministry

circular regarding The director of the treasury has to submit his monthly tables to the Director of Treasuries in the Ministry

circular regarding The director of the treasury shall not refund any charges coming from the police and abide with the directives related to that

circular regarding The director of the treasury shall not refund any charges coming from the police and abide with the directives related to that

circular regarding It is not allowed for the directors of treasuries to act on the sums with them whether they are in the names of persons or relates to the State's treasury

circular regarding It is not allowed for the directors of treasuries to act on the sums with them whether they are in the names of persons or relates to the State's treasury

circular regarding Directors, executive officers, office attendants, cleaners in the treasury, the electrician of the Ministry and the mechanic and those working in photocopiers do not enjoy the allowance for harm or infection

circular regarding Directors, executive officers, office attendants, cleaners in the treasury, the electrician of the Ministry and the mechanic and those working in photocopiers do not enjoy the allowance for harm or infection

circular regarding The directors of treasuries shall not delay the list showing the inheritance of the deceased pilgrims

circular regarding The directors of treasuries shall not delay the list showing the inheritance of the deceased pilgrims

circular regarding The Sale of the inheritance of the deceased Egyptian citizens other than the precious items as jewels and watches and the value of the sales of the inheritance to the embassy as usual to deliver to their relatives

circular regarding The Sale of the inheritance of the deceased Egyptian citizens other than the precious items as jewels and watches and the value of the sales of the inheritance to the embassy as usual to deliver to their relatives

circular regarding All the service expenditure on moneys received by the treasuries such as advertizing in the news papers or transfer from one country to the other shall be charged against the such money

circular regarding All the service expenditure on moneys received by the treasuries such as advertizing in the news papers or transfer from one country to the other shall be charged against the such money

circular regarding Provision of the treasuries with a copy of issued by the Ministry's sections which is of relevance to the treasuries or its employees

circular regarding Provision of the treasuries with a copy of issued by the Ministry's sections which is of relevance to the treasuries or its employees

circular regarding The exemption of the collections of the treasuries with regard to the known only, they are those deposited with Finance agencies in areas where no branch for the Monetary Agency is available

circular regarding The exemption of the collections of the treasuries with regard to the known only, they are those deposited with Finance agencies in areas where no branch for the Monetary Agency is available

circular regarding The exception of deliveries to the Treasury departments

circular regarding The exception of deliveries to the Treasury departments

circular regarding The sums deposited with the directors of treasuries to deliver to debtors shall be turned out to an authority or the incumbent judge and the rules for delivery shall be applied and the director have no right to distribute and hand it over to those deserving it

circular regarding The sums deposited with the directors of treasuries to deliver to debtors shall be turned out to an authority or the incumbent judge and the rules for delivery shall be applied and the director have no right to distribute and hand it over to those deserving it

circular regarding The directors of treasuries are required to facilitate the assignment of the representative of the General Diwan of control

circular regarding The directors of treasuries are required to facilitate the assignment of the representative of the General Diwan of control

circular Regarding the appointment of the audits of treasuries of the Western Area as required by the general good

circular Regarding the appointment of the audits of treasuries of the Western Area as required by the general good

circular regarding The sums kept at courts where there are no treasuries shall be dealt with as follows

circular regarding The sums kept at courts where there are no treasuries shall be dealt with as follows

circular regarding The directors of the treasuries shall not send copies of notices but the copies shall be kept by them and send the original to the Ministry

circular regarding The directors of the treasuries shall not send copies of notices but the copies shall be kept by them and send the original to the Ministry

circular regarding is a must to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs only in cases where the treasury will be charged on payment of Diyas; he has nothing to do with the heritages deposited at the treasury as his position belongs to the courts

circular regarding is a must to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs only in cases where the treasury will be charged on payment of Diyas; he has nothing to do with the heritages deposited at the treasury as his position belongs to the courts

circular regarding The necessity to provide a guarantee to the director of the treasury

circular regarding The necessity to provide a guarantee to the director of the treasury

circular regarding The dispatch of statistics of revenue and expenditure in the following form

circular regarding The dispatch of statistics of revenue and expenditure in the following form

circular regarding The director of the treasury in case of his holding up the of the deceased and the absentees other than the Saudi nationals

circular regarding The director of the treasury in case of his holding up the of the deceased and the absentees other than the Saudi nationals

Regarding the types of weapons and ammunition which shall be retained by the administrations of the treasuries

Regarding the types of weapons and ammunition which shall be retained by the administrations of the treasuries

circular regarding The Departments of treasuries are responsible for monies of the absents and the deceased who have no heir

circular regarding The Departments of treasuries are responsible for monies of the absents and the deceased who have no heir

circular regarding Notify courts not to decide in any case who the judgment will be against treasury unless the lawyer of this ministry Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Eshag attend and will be given the right to defend and the sufficient time for that.

circular regarding Notify courts not to decide in any case who the judgment will be against treasury unless the lawyer of this ministry Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Eshag attend and will be given the right to defend and the sufficient time for that.

circular regarding Delivery of the left back belongings of the Turkish pilgrims to the Turkish Cosulate

circular regarding Delivery of the left back belongings of the Turkish pilgrims to the Turkish Cosulate

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what was stated by the Royal Administration with respect to intentional murder and the semi intentional is considered the lowest limit and whenever the judge consider that the criminal deserves more scolding punishment than what came from the Administration for extra ordinary circumstances he has the right to decide on that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what was stated by the Royal Administration with respect to intentional murder and the semi intentional is considered the lowest limit and whenever the judge consider that the criminal deserves more scolding punishment than what came from the Administration for extra ordinary circumstances he has the right to decide on that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to refer in scolding punishment for un- inclusion of the condemned in exoneration

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to refer in scolding punishment for un- inclusion of the condemned in exoneration

Circular of the minister of justice regarding determining which crime that require scolding punishment for the public right is the authority of the Urgent courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding determining which crime that require scolding punishment for the public right is the authority of the Urgent courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding determining which crime that requires scolding punishment being the authority of the Urgent courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding determining which crime that requires scolding punishment being the authority of the Urgent courts.

circular Regarding the delivery of the known sums that have court cases for legal validation

circular Regarding the delivery of the known sums that have court cases for legal validation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the judge has to restrict the time period for scolding punishment equivalent to the crime in prison to state that it starts from the day he was imprisoned whether the period set by the judge in his Decision exhort all the detention period first

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the judge has to restrict the time period for scolding punishment equivalent to the crime in prison to state that it starts from the day he was imprisoned whether the period set by the judge in his Decision exhort all the detention period first

Circular of the minister of justice regarding maximizing the penalty for those muddling in earth as smugglers, promoters and users of that sort of narcotic (captagon) so as to be deterrent to them to eliminate this phenomenon

Circular of the minister of justice regarding maximizing the penalty for those muddling in earth as smugglers, promoters and users of that sort of narcotic (captagon) so as to be deterrent to them to eliminate this phenomenon

Circular of the minister of justice regarding those impersonating the character of security and secret agents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding those impersonating the character of security and secret agents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding it is sufficient to indexing dismissal of cases of scolding punishment and cases raised by the Notary public when decided by the concerned authority to discard the case

Circular of the minister of justice regarding it is sufficient to indexing dismissal of cases of scolding punishment and cases raised by the Notary public when decided by the concerned authority to discard the case

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that no need to index judgments of scolding punishment in legal documents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that no need to index judgments of scolding punishment in legal documents

Circular of the minister of justice no. 127/ 12/ T dated on 28/ 9/ 1400 regarding Captagon tablets

Circular of the minister of justice no. 127/ 12/ T dated on 28/ 9/ 1400 regarding Captagon tablets

Circular of the minister of justice regarding on scolding punishment of liquors manufacturers in scolding punishment and promoters, and that the estimation of penalty is for the judges and no limit shall be imposed on that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding on scolding punishment of liquors manufacturers in scolding punishment and promoters, and that the estimation of penalty is for the judges and no limit shall be imposed on that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Special courts of personal affairs shall in scolding punishment make judgments without segregation or preference related to religion or nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Special courts of personal affairs shall in scolding punishment make judgments without segregation or preference related to religion or nationality

Circular of the minister of justice regarding declaration of the name of the person to be flogged is the authority of the judge

Circular of the minister of justice regarding declaration of the name of the person to be flogged is the authority of the judge

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Court and the Authority representatives together with Princedom representative shall be of knowledge and comprehension of Legal punishments and the method to execute it so as to be correctly applied and the committee shall read the judgment that is required to be effected

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Court and the Authority representatives together with Princedom representative shall be of knowledge and comprehension of Legal punishments and the method to execute it so as to be correctly applied and the committee shall read the judgment that is required to be effected

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the punishment of the liquors taker is castigation and not scolding

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the punishment of the liquors taker is castigation and not scolding

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity that the representative attending execution of flogging of can read and write and has comprehension of the directives and regulations as far as possible

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity that the representative attending execution of flogging of can read and write and has comprehension of the directives and regulations as far as possible

Circular of the minister of justice regarding determination of punishment to those impersonating the character of security and secret agents or who belongs to these categories is the jurisdiction of the Minister of Interior or his deputy

Circular of the minister of justice regarding determination of punishment to those impersonating the character of security and secret agents or who belongs to these categories is the jurisdiction of the Minister of Interior or his deputy

Circular of the minister of justice regarding at announcing the penalty sentence the shall be consideration to his criminal history if there that require intensifying the punishment and application of the deterrent penalty

Circular of the minister of justice regarding at announcing the penalty sentence the shall be consideration to his criminal history if there that require intensifying the punishment and application of the deterrent penalty

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if there are considerations of doubts or allegiance about the detained person the judge shall draw attention to that in his report and consider satisfaction by the period spent in detention

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if there are considerations of doubts or allegiance about the detained person the judge shall draw attention to that in his report and consider satisfaction by the period spent in detention

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if it was stated in the legal sentence to execute flogging or scolding

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if it was stated in the legal sentence to execute flogging or scolding

Circular of the minister of justice regarding direction the attention of judges to maximize punishment in some cases

Circular of the minister of justice regarding direction the attention of judges to maximize punishment in some cases

circular regarding The treasuries are the authorized agency specific for the inheritance of deceased and fugitives

circular regarding The treasuries are the authorized agency specific for the inheritance of deceased and fugitives

circular regarding Delivery of any legal Decision regarding the Director of the Treasury to the Cassation Chamber

circular regarding Delivery of any legal Decision regarding the Director of the Treasury to the Cassation Chamber

circular regarding The court shall provide the Ministry with a copy of an order assigning the director of the Treasury to seizure on an insolvent or absent or under age or squanderer

circular regarding The court shall provide the Ministry with a copy of an order assigning the director of the Treasury to seizure on an insolvent or absent or under age or squanderer

circular regarding To instruct the director of the treasury or his deputy to the place of the heritage and belongings those are required for seizure in case it is the domain of the court where the director operates

circular regarding To instruct the director of the treasury or his deputy to the place of the heritage and belongings those are required for seizure in case it is the domain of the court where the director operates

circular regarding Considering the presence of any extra sum over the mandate in the director's treasury at the end of each month as a violation demanding punishment

circular regarding Considering the presence of any extra sum over the mandate in the director's treasury at the end of each month as a violation demanding punishment

circular regarding The chief of the court or its judge should refer all that come to his court of cash trusts or in kind to the treasury president or his court if any

circular regarding The chief of the court or its judge should refer all that come to his court of cash trusts or in kind to the treasury president or his court if any

circular regarding Method of registering Arab cash in government departments and calculation of decimals

circular regarding Method of registering Arab cash in government departments and calculation of decimals

circular regarding The directors of treasuries have to keep any statistical report or delivered to the Ministry of Finance as trust in the name of treasury Fund

circular regarding The directors of treasuries have to keep any statistical report or delivered to the Ministry of Finance as trust in the name of treasury Fund

circular regarding The inheritance of the known persons and the absentees are to be deposited in the Treasuries Funds and branches or Financial Agencies as a deposit in the name of the Treasury

circular regarding The inheritance of the known persons and the absentees are to be deposited in the Treasuries Funds and branches or Financial Agencies as a deposit in the name of the Treasury

circular regarding The sale of the foreigners' inheritance, thefts and the left-behind shall be through Director of the Treasury in presence of a representative from the Amanah and the Ministry of Finance

circular regarding The sale of the foreigners' inheritance, thefts and the left-behind shall be through Director of the Treasury in presence of a representative from the Amanah and the Ministry of Finance

circular regarding The procedures to seizures on foreigners' inheritance

circular regarding The procedures to seizures on foreigners' inheritance

circular regarding The sale of the left-behind of the Syrian pilgrims shall be through the treasury

circular regarding The sale of the left-behind of the Syrian pilgrims shall be through the treasury

circular regarding The directors of the treasuries are to effect seizure as required by the law and to explain to those presenting the stated documents to contact the court with respect of the document they hold to decide on it in accordance to Law

circular regarding The directors of the treasuries are to effect seizure as required by the law and to explain to those presenting the stated documents to contact the court with respect of the document they hold to decide on it in accordance to Law

circular regarding If the permission issued by the judge regarding a share of the underage in a real estate in common, the Decision to execute the permission to be handed over shall be for the judge who issued the permission after fulfilling the required procedures and this will be cancelling the details incorporated in the Circular No 25/13/T dated 20/2/1401H

circular regarding If the permission issued by the judge regarding a share of the underage in a real estate in common, the Decision to execute the permission to be handed over shall be for the judge who issued the permission after fulfilling the required procedures and this will be cancelling the details incorporated in the Circular No 25/13/T dated 20/2/1401H

circular regarding The actions of the guardian on the affairs of the underage whether that was issued by courts or a guardian from the side of the father shall be execute after contacts with judge without reference to the Court of Cassation

circular regarding The actions of the guardian on the affairs of the underage whether that was issued by courts or a guardian from the side of the father shall be execute after contacts with judge without reference to the Court of Cassation

circular regarding It is not allowed to the Legal Courts to exchange the Waqf described in the regulations of organization of Waqf

circular regarding It is not allowed to the Legal Courts to exchange the Waqf described in the regulations of organization of Waqf

circular regarding If a Decision was issued by a judge with regard to an under aged share in a common real estate, the handover of the underage share which was permitted is the responsibility of the judge

circular regarding If a Decision was issued by a judge with regard to an under aged share in a common real estate, the handover of the underage share which was permitted is the responsibility of the judge

circular regarding To ensure before regarding the approval of the sale of the Waqf real estate and purchase of the substitute, the authorization of the Higher Council for Waqf

circular regarding To ensure before regarding the approval of the sale of the Waqf real estate and purchase of the substitute, the authorization of the Higher Council for Waqf

circular regarding Approval of the director for selling of the Waqf or exchange shall be the responsibility of the judges who issued the permission

circular regarding Approval of the director for selling of the Waqf or exchange shall be the responsibility of the judges who issued the permission

circular regarding Give priority to cases of Awqaf replacement and prisoner cases and should be arranged with marital and alimony cases, if there is any, and there appeal shall be on such arrangement

circular regarding Give priority to cases of Awqaf replacement and prisoner cases and should be arranged with marital and alimony cases, if there is any, and there appeal shall be on such arrangement

circular regarding The Waqf may not be transferred outside the kingdom as transfer is sale and the waqf may not be sold except if the benefit of it has stopped

circular regarding The Waqf may not be transferred outside the kingdom as transfer is sale and the waqf may not be sold except if the benefit of it has stopped

circular regarding The procedures of selling and buying the Waqf real estates of Al-Saud

circular regarding The procedures of selling and buying the Waqf real estates of Al-Saud

circular regarding Whenever the waqf manager for the guardian requesting permission to sell the real estate then the judge should consider the request even if the owner of the one who deserve is outside the jurisdiction of the judge

circular regarding Whenever the waqf manager for the guardian requesting permission to sell the real estate then the judge should consider the request even if the owner of the one who deserve is outside the jurisdiction of the judge

circular regarding It is not allowed to sell monies of under aged or Waqf even if allowed by a legal authority unless that was authorized

circular regarding It is not allowed to sell monies of under aged or Waqf even if allowed by a legal authority unless that was authorized

circular Regarding the explanation of the meaning of the Circular No. (3/2569) dated 9/8/1382 H the Decision s of the Charity Waqf only

circular Regarding the explanation of the meaning of the Circular No. (3/2569) dated 9/8/1382 H the Decision s of the Charity Waqf only

circular regarding It is not allowed to conduct any sales transaction or exchange or restriction to the real estates of the charity Waqf real estate

circular regarding It is not allowed to conduct any sales transaction or exchange or restriction to the real estates of the charity Waqf real estate

circular regarding Regarding not to be in haste in implementing the Decision of the Higher Justice Council No 27/296 dated 15/11/1404H

circular regarding Regarding not to be in haste in implementing the Decision of the Higher Justice Council No 27/296 dated 15/11/1404H

circular Regarding the complaints of some foreign Embassies about the delays in the entitlements of citizens of those countries to the inheritance of the foreign labor who work in the Kingdom

circular Regarding the complaints of some foreign Embassies about the delays in the entitlements of citizens of those countries to the inheritance of the foreign labor who work in the Kingdom

circular No.93/12/t dated 25/5/1398h Instruct the Jeddah Municipality to remove the crusher and compensate the land owners whose land come within the cite

circular No.93/12/t dated 25/5/1398h Instruct the Jeddah Municipality to remove the crusher and compensate the land owners whose land come within the cite

circular No.68/12/t dated 16/4/1398h The Municipality has to observe utmost care in any enquiry received from Courts and the Notary public

circular No.68/12/t dated 16/4/1398h The Municipality has to observe utmost care in any enquiry received from Courts and the Notary public

circular Regarding the sales of the left-behind of absentees and the escaped that of trivial values or that are liable to damage if kept as such

circular Regarding the sales of the left-behind of absentees and the escaped that of trivial values or that are liable to damage if kept as such

circular No. 2395/3/M dated 1/11/1387h If a dispute arises on a land the representative of the Municipality should be amongst the membership of the committee

circular No. 2395/3/M dated 1/11/1387h If a dispute arises on a land the representative of the Municipality should be among the membership of the committee

circular No.8/50/t dated 3/5/1411h The number of the Fax mail at the headquarters of Gunfutha courts

circular No.8/50/t dated 3/5/1411h The number of the Fax mail at the headquarters of Gunfutha courts

circular No.8/75/t dated 1/5/1410h In case of interference in calls the Administration of Maintenance and Services shall be notified

circular No.8/75/t dated 1/5/1410h In case of interference in calls the Administration of Maintenance and Services shall be notified

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the dispatch of correspondence related operation and maintenance of Telexes and phones in Riyadh Emirate domain as follows

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the dispatch of correspondence related operation and maintenance of Telexes and phones in Riyadh Emirate domain as follows

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to mark the registration number on any envelope delivered to the post and not the serial of transactions

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to mark the registration number on any envelope delivered to the post and not the serial of transactions

circular Regarding selling of foreign currency

circular Regarding selling of foreign currency

circular No.8/60/t dated 13/4/1410h the Government Agencies shall deposit its correspondence accompanied with details of an original and a carbon copy signed by the authorized employee

circular No.8/60/t dated 13/4/1410h the Government Agencies shall deposit its correspondence accompanied with details of an original and a carbon copy signed by the authorized employee

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to sticking the red circular icon on secret correspondence

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to sticking the red circular icon on secret correspondence

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to use official phones in external communications and others other than it was made for

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to use official phones in external communications and others other than it was made for

circular No.8/42/t dated 22/3/1410h to instruct all the associated agencies and the sectors to confine in registering the number of transaction and date and not to disclose the contents of the envelope

circular No.8/42/t dated 22/3/1410h to instruct all the associated agencies and the sectors to confine in registering the number of transaction and date and not to disclose the contents of the envelope

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to send circulars of foreign origin those are not in line with Country norms to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to send circulars of foreign origin those are not in line with Country norms to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

circular No.8/73/t dated 29/5/1409h no interference with telephone infrastructure that was provided without being referred to the Ministry of Telecommunications, mail and Telephones

circular No.8/73/t dated 29/5/1409h no interference with telephone infrastructure that was provided without being referred to the Ministry of Telecommunications, mail and Telephones

circular regarding The sales of any foreign currency shall be delivered to the Treasury in time and to receive its equivalent in Saudi Riyals and a report shall be written and signed by the Chief of bankers

circular regarding The sales of any foreign currency shall be delivered to the Treasury in time and to receive its equivalent in Saudi Riyals and a report shall be written and signed by the Chief of bankers

circular No.8/62/t dated 10/4/1408h abiding with the maximum limit of the parcel weight and its dimensions and the use of the lead compressors

circular No.8/62/t dated 10/4/1408h abiding with the maximum limit of the parcel weight and its dimensions and the use of the lead compressors

circular No.13/76/t dated 6/ 5/1407h Telex of the Headquarters of Qu-wai-iya courts

circular No.13/76/t dated 6/ 5/1407h Telex of the Headquarters of Qu-wai-iya courts

circular No.12/75/t dated 5/5/1407h the mail code of the Higher Council of Courts

circular No.12/75/t dated 5/5/1407h the mail code of the Higher Council of Courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the direction of external calls is the responsibility of communication officer or the officer in charge

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the direction of external calls is the responsibility of communication officer or the officer in charge

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to direct all relevant issues of communications to H E the General Director for Mail, the General Directorate for Mail

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to direct all relevant issues of communications to H E the General Director for Mail, the General Directorate for Mail

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Telecommunication Centers and Telegram Centers associated to every Area

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Telecommunication Centers and Telegram Centers associated to every Area

Circular of the minister of justice regarding nomination of the mail representative through an official letter to receive parcels and deliveries with stickers showing the signature of the representative disclose the contents of the envelope

Circular of the minister of justice regarding nomination of the mail representative through an official letter to receive parcels and deliveries with stickers showing the signature of the representative disclose the contents of the envelope

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Sent parcels within the Kingdom or to the outside should be well packed

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Sent parcels within the Kingdom or to the outside should be well packed

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is not allowed to settle the charges of the external calls from the permanent loans

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is not allowed to settle the charges of the external calls from the permanent loans

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the signature of those authorized to receive telegrams should be clear in addition to writing the name in full

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the signature of those authorized to receive telegrams should be clear in addition to writing the name in full

circular No.13/71/t dated 30/4/1407h telex of the Ministry's branch in Riyadh Area

circular No.13/71/t dated 30/4/1407h telex of the Ministry's branch in Riyadh Area

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the decrease of the time period for keeping telegrams and attached documents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the decrease of the time period for keeping telegrams and attached documents

circular No.4/15/t dated 19/1/1407h The use of telex in urgent works instead of telegrams

circular No.4/15/t dated 19/1/1407h The use of telex in urgent works instead of telegrams

circular No.13/174/t dated 5/9/1406h Statement list of Telexes of the Ministry of Justice and branches and some courts

circular No.13/174/t dated 5/9/1406h Statement list of Telexes of the Ministry of Justice and branches and some courts

circular No.4/15/t dated 30/1/1406h dividing the official telephones in offices to three categories with regard to the facilities

circular No.4/15/t dated 30/1/1406h dividing the official telephones in offices to three categories with regard to the facilities

circular No.12/171/t dated 13/9/1405h post boxes of subscribers are open to subscribers to revisit to collect their correspondence all the week days

circular No.12/171/t dated 13/9/1405h post boxes of subscribers are open to subscribers to revisit to collect their correspondence all the week days

circular No.12/118/t dated 18/6/1405h requests for issuing a memorial stamps shall be delivered at least six months before the commencement of the occasion

circular No.12/118/t dated 18/6/1405h requests for issuing a memorial stamps shall be delivered at least six months before the commencement of the occasion

circular regarding All related matters on inheritance as of selling of the left-behind shall be advertized and as to whether anyone have information about the deceased or the absent foreigner at least once

circular regarding All related matters on inheritance as of selling of the left-behind shall be advertized and as to whether anyone have information about the deceased or the absent foreigner at least once

circular No.12/50/t dated 13/3/1405h regarding the early coordination with the respective communication circle director in case of their desire to transfer their activities or some of it to other quarters or outside cities and villages

circular No.12/50/t dated 13/3/1405h regarding the early coordination with the respective communication circle director in case of their desire to transfer their activities or some of it to other quarters or outside cities and villages

Circular of the minister of justice regarding avoiding the use of the telephone in un-important matters and to concentrate in communicating to the required objective

Circular of the minister of justice regarding avoiding the use of the telephone in un-important matters and to concentrate in communicating to the required objective

circular No.12/149/t dated 14/8/1404h Regarding the importance of writing the post office box number on all envelopes and correspondence sent to the court

circular No.12/149/t dated 14/8/1404h Regarding the importance of writing the post office box number on all envelopes and correspondence sent to the court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding timely dispatch of telegrams through the official hours

Circular of the minister of justice regarding timely dispatch of telegrams through the official hours

circular No.4/96/t dated 27/5/1404h assert to the managers of Control Centrals about their responsibility on all calls transmitted from the telephones of the Central

circular No.4/96/t dated 27/5/1404h assert to the managers of Control Centrals about their responsibility on all calls transmitted from the telephones of the Central

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the legal period for enquiry about communication materials which is fifteen months

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the legal period for enquiry about communication materials which is fifteen months

Circular of the minister of justice regarding it not to send telegrams to courts where there is no telecommunication centers except sending by the head of the court or the area in which there is a communication center

Circular of the minister of justice regarding it not to send telegrams to courts where there is no telecommunication centers except sending by the head of the court or the area in which there is a communication center

circular regarding Authorization of sales of Jeddah Cooperative Residence issued by virtue of the Decision No 42 dated 19/2/1398H

circular regarding Authorization of sales of Jeddah Cooperative Residence issued by virtue of the Decision No 42 dated 19/2/1398H

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of correspondence on the specified forms for mail correspondence

Circular of the minister of justice regarding registration of correspondence on the specified forms for mail correspondence

circular No.5/3/56/t dated 27/3/1404h Telex No. of the Ministry in Riyadh.

circular No.5/3/56/t dated 27/3/1404h Telex No. of the Ministry in Riyadh.

circular No.185/12/t dated 15/11/1403h the direct correspondence related to operation and maintenance to Telexes and phones communications in Riyadh princedom domain as follows

circular No.185/12/t dated 15/11/1403h the direct correspondence related to operation and maintenance to Telexes and phones communications in Riyadh princedom domain as follows

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to send correspondence in containers clearly addressed

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to send correspondence in containers clearly addressed

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what may be retained of old telegrams and the back copy of telephone recites and what may be destroyed if its retention period expired

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what may be retained of old telegrams and the back copy of telephone recites and what may be destroyed if its retention period expired

circular No. 156/12/t dated 27/8/1403h to mark the registration number only on any envelope delivered to the post and not the number of transactions

circular No. 156/12/t dated 27/8/1403h to mark the registration number only on any envelope delivered to the post and not the number of transactions

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Confining copies of letters and telegrams to the concerned sections only

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Confining copies of letters and telegrams to the concerned sections only

circular No.95/12/t dated 14/6/1403h to sticking the red adhesive circular icon on secret correspondence

circular No.95/12/t dated 14/6/1403h to sticking the red adhesive circular icon on secret correspondence

circular No. 108/12/t dated 9/8/1402h Not to use official phones in external communications and in other than it was made for

circular No. 108/12/t dated 9/8/1402h Not to use official phones in external communications and in other than it was made for

circular Regarding privatization of apartments in the towers at the Sitteen(60Th ) Road at Malaz in Riyadh to the interested of the incumbent dwellers

circular Regarding privatization of apartments in the towers at the Sitteen(60Th ) Road at Malaz in Riyadh to the interested of the incumbent dwellers

circular No.91/12/t dated 5/7/1402h to send publications of foreign origin which are not in line with Country norms to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

circular No.91/12/t dated 5/7/1402h to send publications of foreign origin which are not in line with Country norms to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

circular No.70/4/t dated 17/5/1402h In case of a request to install a telephone it is required to clearly identify the place required to install the phone

circular No.70/4/t dated 17/5/1402h In case of a request to install a telephone it is required to clearly identify the place required to install the phone

circular Regarding the Royal Order concerning the two plots at Makah – Azizia quarter- Abdia Road

circular Regarding the Royal Order concerning the two plots at Makah – Azizia quarter- Abdia Road

circular No.148/4/t dated 25/11/1400h payment for external calls is the responsibility of communication officer or the officer in charge

circular No.148/4/t dated 25/11/1400h payment for external calls is the responsibility of communication officer or the officer in charge

circular No.26/12/t dated 23/3/1400h To direct all relevant issues of Mail to H E the General Director for Mail, the General Directorate for Mail

circular No.26/12/t dated 23/3/1400h To direct all relevant issues of Mail to H E the General Director for Mail, the General Directorate for Mail

circular Regarding the land plots that were given with the purpose of residence

circular Regarding the land plots that were given with the purpose of residence

circular No. 4/12/t dated 16/1/1399h Regarding the Telecommunication Centers and Telegram Centers for every Area

circular No. 4/12/t dated 16/1/1399h Regarding the Telecommunication Centers and Telegram Centers for every Area

circular No.184/12/t dated 15/10/1398h Nomination of the mail representative through an official letter to receive parcels and deliveries with stickers showing the signature of the representative

circular No.184/12/t dated 15/10/1398h Nomination of the mail representative through an official letter to receive parcels and deliveries with stickers showing the signature of the representative

circular No.161/12/t dated 4/9/1398h Parcels sent within the Kingdom or to the outside should be well packed

circular No.161/12/t dated 4/9/1398h Parcels sent within the Kingdom or to the outside should be well packed

circular regarding It is prohibited to sell Government tickets and no other person is allowed to use these tickets

circular regarding It is prohibited to sell Government tickets and no other person is allowed to use these tickets

circular No.153/4/t dated 5/8/1398h It is not allowed to settle the charges of the external calls from the permanent advance

circular No.153/4/t dated 5/8/1398h It is not allowed to settle the charges of the external calls from the permanent advance

circular regarding The directives with regard to organization of recording and follow up of accounts which Government Agencies open in the branches of the Saudi Arab monetary Agency

circular regarding The directives with regard to organization of recording and follow up of accounts which Government Agencies open in the branches of the Saudi Arab monetary Agency

circular no.149/12/t dated 20/7/1398h The signature of those authorized to receive telegrams should be clear in addition to writing the name in full

circular no.149/12/t dated 20/7/1398h The signature of those authorized to receive telegrams should be clear in addition to writing the name in full

circular no.44/12/t dated 27/2/1398h Regarding the decrease of the time period for keeping telegrams and attached documents

circular no.44/12/t dated 27/2/1398h Regarding the decrease of the time period for keeping telegrams and attached documents

circular no.44/12/t dated 27/2/1398h Regarding the decrease of the time period for keeping telegrams and attached documents

circular no.44/12/t dated 27/2/1398h Regarding the decrease of the time period for keeping telegrams and attached documents

circular no.53/12/t Dated 11/4/1397 directing the correspondence to the authorities in the Ministry of Telecommunications, Mail and Telephones in accordance to the following organization

circular no.53/12/t Dated 11/4/1397 directing the correspondence to the authorities in the Ministry of Telecommunications, Mail and Telephones in accordance to the following organization

circular regarding Cheques are to be issued in the names of the entitled person and to be signed by the Head or the Judge of the Court

circular regarding Cheques are to be issued in the names of the entitled person and to be signed by the Head or the Judge of the Court

circular regarding Opening accounts for the Treasuries in areas where there is no branch of the Monetary Agency in the official banks branches available in their areas and the necessary regulations for that

circular regarding Opening accounts for the Treasuries in areas where there is no branch of the Monetary Agency in the official banks branches available in their areas and the necessary regulations for that

circular no.29/t dated 24/2/1397h Avoiding the use of the telephone in un-important matters and to concentrate on the required objective

circular no.29/t dated 24/2/1397h Avoiding the use of the telephone in un-important matters and to concentrate on the required objective

circular No. 52/12/t dated 7/3/1396h Timely dispatch of telegrams through the official hours

circular No. 52/12/t dated 7/3/1396h Timely dispatch of telegrams through the official hours

circular No.107/2/t dated 7/5/1395h regarding the legal period for inquiry about communication materials which is fifteen months

circular No.107/2/t dated 7/5/1395h regarding the legal period for inquiry about communication materials which is fifteen months

circular regarding To abide with what comes from the Director General of the Agricultural Bank with regard to the names of the authorized persons to release mortgages

circular regarding To abide with what comes from the Director General of the Agricultural Bank with regard to the names of the authorized persons to release mortgages

Bank with regard to the names of the authorized persons to release mortgages

Bank with regard to the names of the authorized persons to release mortgages

circular regarding Formation of a committee of three persons in case of confiscating the securities related to the works of the Ministry

circular regarding Formation of a committee of three persons in case of confiscating the securities related to the works of the Ministry

circular regarding The Agreement about the Headquarters of the Islamic Bank for Developmentcircular regarding The Agreement about the Headquarters of the Islamic Bank for Development

circular regarding The Agreement about the Headquarters of the Islamic Bank for Development

circular regarding The Agreement about the Headquarters of the Islamic Bank for Development

circular regarding The Agreement about the Headquarters of the Islamic Bank for Development

circular regarding The necessity to take utmost care when depositing and provide all parties with copies of letters of depositing

circular regarding The necessity to take utmost care when depositing and provide all parties with copies of letters of depositing

circular regarding It is confirmed to the Judiciary Higher Council that loans of the commercial banks are usury

circular regarding It is confirmed to the Judiciary Higher Council that loans of the commercial banks are usury

circular regarding It is not allowed to second any employee to bring salaries to agencies that have branches of the Monetary Agency or a branch of the bank

circular regarding It is not allowed to second any employee to bring salaries to agencies that have branches of the Monetary Agency or a branch of the bank

circular regarding A unified form showing the sum of the initial advance and the sums refunded and the numbers of cheques withdrawn from the advance

circular regarding A unified form showing the sum of the initial advance and the sums refunded and the numbers of cheques withdrawn from the advance

circular regarding Regarding the difficulties met by the Saudi Loan Banks as a result of the delay of some Government authorities to deliver the monthly installments deducted from its affiliates to the Saudi Loan Banks

circular regarding Regarding the difficulties met by the Saudi Loan Banks as a result of the delay of some Government authorities to deliver the monthly installments deducted from its affiliates to the Saudi Loan Banks

circular regarding The necessity to deduct the monthly installments from the indebted employees' salaries to the Saudi loans bank from the pay-sheets

circular regarding The necessity to deduct the monthly installments from the indebted employees' salaries to the Saudi loans bank from the pay-sheets

circular regarding The Cairo Saudi bank is a share company

circular regarding The Cairo Saudi bank is a share company

circular regarding Acceptance of handing over the ownership of established banks as being Saudi share companies

circular regarding Acceptance of handing over the ownership of established banks as being Saudi share companies

circular regarding Acceptance of handing over the ownership of established banks as being Saudi share companies

circular regarding Acceptance of handing over the ownership of established banks as being Saudi share companies

circular regarding Certificates of ownership deeds issued after the circular T/12/56 dated 10/4/1403H and not stated in the document to implement Article 39/85 and 39/86

circular regarding Certificates of ownership deeds issued after the circular T/12/56 dated 10/4/1403H and not stated in the document to implement Article 39/85 and 39/86

circular regarding The respective area in the Ministry of Petroleum regarding the completion of the ownership deeds

circular regarding The respective area in the Ministry of Petroleum regarding the completion of the ownership deeds

circular regarding If the Government Agency objected the court shall decide a date for hearing the allegations for objection

circular regarding If the Government Agency objected the court shall decide a date for hearing the allegations for objection

circular regarding if there is a need to take any of the papers related to dealing with ownership by the Cassation Chamber, it is enough to take a copy of the objecting entity

circular regarding if there is a need to take any of the papers related to dealing with ownership by the Cassation Chamber, it is enough to take a copy of the objecting entity

circular Regarding dealing with the objections to deeds of ownership within the procedures of the deed for finalization

circular Regarding dealing with the objections to deeds of ownership within the procedures of the deed for finalization

circular NO. 8/T/73 dated 29/ 4/ 1401H. Regarding nominating the agency that will be contacted in the Ministry of Petroleum and mineral Wealth at provision of copy of finalization of ownership deeds outside the domain off cities and villages

circular NO. 8/T/73 dated 29/ 4/ 1401H. Regarding nominating the agency that will be contacted in the Ministry of Petroleum and mineral Wealth at provision of copy of finalization of ownership deeds outside the domain off cities and villages

circular Regarding the explanation that the boundaries shown on the map referred to do not demarcate the boundaries required for withhold but those areas are just areas for exploration with probability to find formations that contain oil and the future withhold areas will be much smaller than those included in the order

circular Regarding the explanation that the boundaries shown on the map referred to do not demarcate the boundaries required for withhold but those areas are just areas for exploration with probability to find formations that contain oil and the future withhold areas will be much smaller than those included in the order

circular regarding A map showing the areas required to develop oil fields

circular regarding A map showing the areas required to develop oil fields

circular regarding Not to issue any deeds on beach lands except for Government purposes

circular regarding Not to issue any deeds on beach lands except for Government purposes

circular regarding To provide the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral wealth with a copy requests for execution for lands outside the domains of cities and villages

circular regarding To provide the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral wealth with a copy requests for execution for lands outside the domains of cities and villages

circular regarding The Decision that every real estate in its perimeter and area shall have a separate request

circular regarding The Decision that every real estate in its perimeter and area shall have a separate request

circular regarding if any doubt about an ownership deed arises, the agency that has the doubt shall submit a request to complementing the gap by the cour

circular regarding if any doubt about an ownership deed arises, the agency that has the doubt shall submit a request to complementing the gap by the cour

circular regarding if any doubt about an ownership deed arises, the agency that has the doubt shall submit a request to complementing the gap by the court

circular regarding if any doubt about an ownership deed arises, the agency that has the doubt shall submit a request to complementing the gap by the court

circular regarding The objection to the ownership deed whether before issuing the deed or after and the procedures for recording and hearing

circular regarding The objection to the ownership deed whether before issuing the deed or after and the procedures for recording and hearing

circular regarding The objection of the Government Agency do not require a permission of the king to hear the case

circular regarding The objection of the Government Agency do not require a permission of the king to hear the case

circular regarding It is obligatory that at advertizing on any finalization of issuance to describe the real estate in a way that so not confuse with others

circular regarding It is obligatory that at advertizing on any finalization of issuance to describe the real estate in a way that so not confuse with others

circular regarding If the Municipality considered that its representative fell short in support to his objection it can make a case against the deed bearer

circular regarding If the Municipality considered that its representative fell short in support to his objection it can make a case against the deed bearer

circular Regarding explaining the meaning acceptance that are issued under the signature of the Director of Compensations Administration in the Ministry or the Ministry's Under-secretary

circular Regarding explaining the meaning acceptance that are issued under the signature of the Director of Compensations Administration in the Ministry or the Ministry's Under-secretary

circular Regarding stressing to all municipalities and provinces that each approved plan should include the area and lengths.

circular Regarding stressing to all municipalities and provinces that each approved plan should include the area and lengths.

circular regarding Ownership deeds that are issued before and after the circular No 12/56 dated 10/4/1403H which did not include the numbers and dates of agreement of the Government department

circular regarding Ownership deeds that are issued before and after the circular No 12/56 dated 10/4/1403H which did not include the numbers and dates of agreement of the Government department

cicular No. 66/2/t dated 5/4/1395h Regarding the working hours of the reception officer at the General Employees bureau

cicular No. 66/2/t dated 5/4/1395h Regarding the working hours of the reception officer at the General Employees bureau

circular regarding The authorized person in the Ministry of Transport to respond to enquiries of courts in relation to ownership deeds

circular regarding The authorized person in the Ministry of Transport to respond to enquiries of courts in relation to ownership deeds

circular regarding Ownership deeds which the Municipalities object to and the objection is discarded and the verdict is confirmed by issuing court

circular regarding Ownership deeds which the Municipalities object to and the objection is discarded and the verdict is confirmed by issuing court

circular No. 178/5/t dated 13/9/1394h It is not allowed to send applications for vacancies or confirmation of vacancies through telegrams

circular No. 178/5/t dated 13/9/1394h It is not allowed to send applications for vacancies or confirmation of vacancies through telegrams

circular No.180/2/t dated 2/8/1393h not to send telegrams to courts where there is no telecommunication centers except after placing them by the head of the court or to the area in which there is a communication center

circular No.180/2/t dated 2/8/1393h not to send telegrams to courts where there is no telecommunication centers except after placing them by the head of the court or to the area in which there is a communication center

circular No.91/2/t dated 26/4/1393h The importance of writing telegrams in Latin alphabet in capital letters

circular No.91/2/t dated 26/4/1393h The importance of writing telegrams in Latin alphabet in capital letters

circular No.30/2/t daed 28/2/1393h The necessity to send correspondence in bags that are clearly addressed

circular No.30/2/t daed 28/2/1393h The necessity to send correspondence in bags that are clearly addressed

circular No. 2/2/t dated 10/1/1393h regarding what may be retained of old telegrams and the back copy of telephone recites and what may be destroyed if its retention period expired

circular No. 2/2/t dated 10/1/1393h regarding what may be retained of old telegrams and the back copy of telephone recites and what may be destroyed if its retention period expired

circular No.188/2/t dated 27/11/1392h It is not allowed to include multiple addresses in one telegram and to different entities

circular No.188/2/t dated 27/11/1392h It is not allowed to include multiple addresses in one telegram and to different entities

circular No.170/12/t dated 12/11/1392h Copies of letters and telegrams to be confined to the concerned sections only

circular No.170/12/t dated 12/11/1392h Copies of letters and telegrams to be confined to the concerned sections only

circular No.146/2/t dated 18/9/1392h In case of sending telegrams within the Kingdom or outside, it is mandated to separate what is sent externally from that sent to agencies within the Kingdom in a separate telegram

circular No.146/2/t dated 18/9/1392h In case of sending telegrams within the Kingdom or outside, it is mandated to separate what is sent externally from that sent to agencies within the Kingdom in a separate telegram

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the official time limit for enquiry about official letters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the official time limit for enquiry about official letters

circular No.214/2/t dated 25/11/1391h to send telegrams to non Arabic speaking countries in Latin alphabet or translated to English

circular No.214/2/t dated 25/11/1391h to send telegrams to non Arabic speaking countries in Latin alphabet or translated to English

Circular of the minister of justice regarding phone and verbal contacts related to official matters and incorporate orders or directions are not legally considered unless it is issued in writing

Circular of the minister of justice regarding phone and verbal contacts related to official matters and incorporate orders or directions are not legally considered unless it is issued in writing

Circular of the minister of justice regarding It is not allowed to communicate with the outside except in official matters and through the director of the central

Circular of the minister of justice regarding It is not allowed to communicate with the outside except in official matters and through the director of the central

Circular of the minister of justice regarding making use of the documents in the center

Circular of the minister of justice regarding making use of the documents in the center

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the temporary certificates that are given to the affected by disasters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the temporary certificates that are given to the affected by disasters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding delays in obtaining the certificates of receiving compensations from legal courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding delays in obtaining the certificates of receiving compensations from legal courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding What shall be done at the expiry of the period to accept documents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding What shall be done at the expiry of the period to accept documents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the temporary certificates of ownership submitted by farm owners to the Agricultural Bank to request loans

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the temporary certificates of ownership submitted by farm owners to the Agricultural Bank to request loans

circular No. 206/2/t dated 15/11/1391 Approval to reception of telegrams directed to the related courts and those nearby you that have no wireless

circular No. 206/2/t dated 15/11/1391 Approval to reception of telegrams directed to the related courts and those nearby you that have no wireless

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the extension of the period to accept the documents with the citizens to be authorized and obtain loans through

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the extension of the period to accept the documents with the citizens to be authorized and obtain loans through

Circular of the minister of justice regarding No allowance to use official papers in private affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding No allowance to use official papers in private affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to use paper except as need arises and not to be used in personal affairs

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to use paper except as need arises and not to be used in personal affairs

circular No.85/2/t dated 28/6/1390h regarding the official phones installed in employees houses

circular No.85/2/t dated 28/6/1390h regarding the official phones installed in employees houses

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The method for keeping files to minimize the damages of papers and documents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The method for keeping files to minimize the damages of papers and documents

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The appropriate means to safely keep papers and buffering fiddling with it

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The appropriate means to safely keep papers and buffering fiddling with it

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the correspondence of Yusuf Al-Milahi

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the correspondence of Yusuf Al-Milahi

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The permission to the Higher Courts Chamber to contact courts and the two cassation authorities

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The permission to the Higher Courts Chamber to contact courts and the two cassation authorities

circular No.61/2/t dated 7/5/1390h regarding telephones installed to officials on the State's account

circular No.61/2/t dated 7/5/1390h regarding telephones installed to officials on the State's account

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the trade records and the method of use

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the trade records and the method of use

circular No.9/2/t dated 22/1/1389h regarding filing the internal official letters in an index and the external letters in a separate index

circular No.9/2/t dated 22/1/1389h regarding filing the internal official letters in an index and the external letters in a separate index

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the provision of the aforementioned register with all commercial cases that arises

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the provision of the aforementioned register with all commercial cases that arises

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the text of Article Ten of the Commercial Register Law

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the text of Article Ten of the Commercial Register Law

Circular of the minister of justice regarding indexing documents and a covering report on its circumstances and fling every report in the internal cover of every register

Circular of the minister of justice regarding indexing documents and a covering report on its circumstances and fling every report in the internal cover of every register

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the authorized Agency for registration of company's contracts and receipts of duties

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the authorized Agency for registration of company's contracts and receipts of duties

Circular of the minister of justice regarding notification of the Commercial Registry Office with a copy of the Laws and Orders that were issued with regard to companies and traders in cases of seizure and bankruptcy and the notification is summarized in the following

Circular of the minister of justice regarding notification of the Commercial Registry Office with a copy of the Laws and Orders that were issued with regard to companies and traders in cases of seizure and bankruptcy and the notification is summarized in the following

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures for writing margins on the documents and its records in the transfer of ownership

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures for writing margins on the documents and its records in the transfer of ownership

circular No.77/2/t dated 13/9/1388h regarding provision of the representative to any area in the Kingdom with the necessary delivery receipts vouchers stamped with the seal of the respective agency

circular No.77/2/t dated 13/9/1388h regarding provision of the representative to any area in the Kingdom with the necessary delivery receipts vouchers stamped with the seal of the respective agency

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Reference to the registers and records and checking of concluding its signing and stamping

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Reference to the registers and records and checking of concluding its signing and stamping

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the formation of a central committee to cater for technical studies to collate real estate's wealth in documents and records

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the formation of a central committee to cater for technical studies to collate real estate's wealth in documents and records

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not allowed to engage those contracted to perform indexing and recording works

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not allowed to engage those contracted to perform indexing and recording works

Circular of the minister of justice regarding listing the legal Departments that have no books for receipt and dispatch of registers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding listing the legal Departments that have no books for receipt and dispatch of registers

circular No.5/2/t dated 12/1/1388h regarding what should be followed when sending a registered parcel containing liquids

circular No.5/2/t dated 12/1/1388h regarding what should be followed when sending a registered parcel containing liquids

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Compromise by some judges and notary publics in finalization of signing the reports and records punctually after the closure of the session or authentication of the undertaking

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Compromise by some judges and notary publics in finalization of signing the reports and records punctually after the closure of the session or authentication of the undertaking

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the protecting cover of books and registers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the protecting cover of books and registers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The use of liquid ink in writing

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The use of liquid ink in writing

Circular of the minister of justice regarding stamping and signing books and records by the judge before leaving his place of work

Circular of the minister of justice regarding stamping and signing books and records by the judge before leaving his place of work

circular No.1940/2m dated 7/8/1386h regarding the official time limit for inquiry about official letters

circular No.1940/2m dated 7/8/1386h regarding the official time limit for inquiry about official letters

circular No.34/2/m dated 3/1/1384h regarding instructing the concerned in telegrams dispatch offices in Government Agencies to count the number of words in the telegrams

circular No.34/2/m dated 3/1/1384h regarding instructing the concerned in telegrams dispatch offices in Government Agencies to count the number of words in the telegrams

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The Notary public has to sign all books and records as from his appointment date to the present within ten days and should be questioned in case of delay

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The Notary public has to sign all books and records as from his appointment date to the present within ten days and should be questioned in case of delay

circular No.3438/2/G dated 29/8/1383h It is not allowed to send any cash money inside correspondence and Mail will not be responsible for loss

circular No.3438/2/G dated 29/8/1383h It is not allowed to send any cash money inside correspondence and Mail will not be responsible for loss

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to write the name and signature on what inserted in the comments on certificated and its records

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to write the name and signature on what inserted in the comments on certificated and its records

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To instruct the judge and the Notary public to return to his previous station to sign what he left behind on books and records without being seconded whether he took his post in secondment or otherwise

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To instruct the judge and the Notary public to return to his previous station to sign what he left behind on books and records without being seconded whether he took his post in secondment or otherwise

Circular of the minister of justice regarding good keeping and taking care of records and to be assigned to a competent employee

Circular of the minister of justice regarding good keeping and taking care of records and to be assigned to a competent employee

circular No.1414/4 dated 23/3/1383h regarding communication with telegrams shall not be resorted to except in urgent and important cases

circular No.1414/4 dated 23/3/1383h regarding communication with telegrams shall not be resorted to except in urgent and important cases

circular regarding The houses that are subjected to double value payment, no ownership deeds shall be made but authenticated by the notary public

circular regarding The houses that are subjected to double value payment, no ownership deeds shall be made but authenticated by the notary public

circular regarding The court has to respond to the government agency by giving a copy of its response to the deed to ensure the objection

circular regarding The court has to respond to the government agency by giving a copy of its response to the deed to ensure the objection

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the satisfaction with authentication of marriage contracts without being registered

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the satisfaction with authentication of marriage contracts without being registered

Circular of the minister of justice regarding keeping a special book as a register in all courts and notary publics

Circular of the minister of justice regarding keeping a special book as a register in all courts and notary publics

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the flow of books and registers inside the court and the notary publics and keeping a special book as a register and what shall be followed starting from the First of Muharram 1404H

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the flow of books and registers inside the court and the notary publics and keeping a special book as a register and what shall be followed starting from the First of Muharram 1404H

circular Regarding the issuance of ownership deeds for real estates that have damages and what should be observed in that

circular Regarding the issuance of ownership deeds for real estates that have damages and what should be observed in that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Writing the explanations on the completed document and its register

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Writing the explanations on the completed document and its register

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what was noticed on un signing books, records, attachments and comments within

Circular of the minister of justice regarding what was noticed on un signing books, records, attachments and comments within

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Resumption of work in the New Year in books and records after allowing a partitioning paper between the two years on which shall be written – end of work for the year

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Resumption of work in the New Year in books and records after allowing a partitioning paper between the two years on which shall be written – end of work for the year

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Judges shall be held responsible for any default or shortage in signing books and records

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Judges shall be held responsible for any default or shortage in signing books and records

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is not allowed to take out books and records outside the Circle

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is not allowed to take out books and records outside the Circle

circular Regarding not to issue ownership deeds for lands and resources that are disputed near Um-Ushar

circular Regarding not to issue ownership deeds for lands and resources that are disputed near Um-Ushar

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the successor shall not take over except after being sure of all stamps to avoid recurrence of cases in expired matters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the successor shall not take over except after being sure of all stamps to avoid recurrence of cases in expired matters

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Placing books and records in cupboards at the end of the daily work

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Placing books and records in cupboards at the end of the daily work

circular No.1709/4 dated 8/6/1382h it is not allowed to send telegrams, correspondence and personal calls on the State's account

circular No.1709/4 dated 8/6/1382h it is not allowed to send telegrams, correspondence and personal calls on the State's account

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Continuation of work on books and records of the predecessor up to the end

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Continuation of work on books and records of the predecessor up to the end

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Notify registration clerks no to record any certificate or acknowledgement except after the permission of the judge and the notary public

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Notify registration clerks no to record any certificate or acknowledgement except after the permission of the judge and the notary public

circular No.2811/4 dated 27/8/1378h regarding the necessity to inform Telegram, Telex and Phones Department of the desire to move from one place to another so as to do as necessary in transferring wiring and telephones to the new site

circular No.2811/4 dated 27/8/1378h regarding the necessity to inform Telegram, Telex and Phones Department of the desire to move from one place to another so as to do as necessary in transferring wiring and telephones to the new site

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cases that to be endorsed in documents without being registered

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the cases that to be endorsed in documents without being registered

circular regarding It is the right of a partner in a real estate to ask for ownership deed for him even if he did not have deputization from the rest of the partners

circular regarding It is the right of a partner in a real estate to ask for ownership deed for him even if he did not have deputization from the rest of the partners

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the registration of cases to the agencies that have no Notary public and the judge shall do that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the registration of cases to the agencies that have no Notary public and the judge shall do that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the safe keeping of books and records in steel cabinets

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the safe keeping of books and records in steel cabinets

circular regarding No cessation for strengthening documents that face no objection by municipality and cessation is for strengthening documents objected by the municipality even if its lawyer is content regarding the judgment

circular regarding No cessation for strengthening documents that face no objection by municipality and cessation is for strengthening documents objected by the municipality even if its lawyer is content regarding the judgment

circular regarding Not to issue ownership deeds on forest lands

circular regarding Not to issue ownership deeds on forest lands

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the person required to identified on the register and given the certificate for that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the person required to identified on the register and given the certificate for that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures for organization of the books

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures for organization of the books

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures for organization of the registers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the procedures for organization of the registers

circular No. 4123/2 dated 27/5/1377h regarding no contacts outside the headquarters except in official activities and through the manager of the Central

circular No. 4123/2 dated 27/5/1377h regarding no contacts outside the headquarters except in official activities and through the manager of the Central

circular regarding Organization and issuance of deeds of mosques under the name of State's ownership

circular regarding Organization and issuance of deeds of mosques under the name of State's ownership

circular No.147/9/t dated 5/7/1395h Regarding authorizing the director of Treasury with you to keep some money from inheritances within the limits of his custody and to be allowed to disperse to its owners

circular No.147/9/t dated 5/7/1395h Regarding authorizing the director of Treasury with you to keep some money from inheritances within the limits of his custody and to be allowed to disperse to its owners

circular No.129/4/t dated 8/6/1395h regarding authorizing the director of Treasury to retain some money within the limits of his custody and to be allowed to disperse to its owners of trivial sums within the limit of 500 Riyals and less when courts decide on disposal

circular No.129/4/t dated 8/6/1395h regarding authorizing the director of Treasury to retain some money within the limits of his custody and to be allowed to disperse to its owners of trivial sums within the limit of 500 Riyals and less when courts decide on disposal

circular regarding Cooperation of the Agricultural and municipal directorates in the residential and agricultural areas that require ownership deeds

circular regarding Cooperation of the Agricultural and municipal directorates in the residential and agricultural areas that require ownership deeds

circular No.113/4/t dated16/5/1395h regarding easing the procedures for detaining custody on those provided by employees who are subject to the custody law

circular No.113/4/t dated16/5/1395h regarding easing the procedures for detaining custody on those provided by employees who are subject to the custody law

circular Regarding issuance of deeds to airports

circular Regarding issuance of deeds to airports

circular No.112/5/t dated 13/7/1392h regarding directors, executive officers, office attendants, cleaners in the treasury, the electrician of the Ministry and the mechanic and those working in photocopiers do not enjoy the privilege of harm allowance or disease contraction

circular No.112/5/t dated 13/7/1392h regarding directors, executive officers, office attendants, cleaners in the treasury, the electrician of the Ministry and the mechanic and those working in photocopiers do not enjoy the privilege of harm allowance or disease contraction

circular No.92/2/t dated 22/5/1392h the Directors of Treasuries have the right to demand the (Diya) of the person killed in car impact collision on him when no heir is found, if the heir showed up the Diya shall be delivered to him otherwise the treasury is the heir

circular No.92/2/t dated 22/5/1392h the Directors of Treasuries have the right to demand the (Diya) of the person killed in car impact collision on him when no heir is found, if the heir showed up the Diya shall be delivered to him otherwise the treasury is the heir

circular No.193/9/t dated 24/10/1391h regarding all the service expenditure on moneys received by the treasuries limited to advertizing in the news papers or transfer from one country to the other shall be charged against the sums

circular No.193/9/t dated 24/10/1391h regarding all the service expenditure on moneys received by the treasuries limited to advertizing in the news papers or transfer from one country to the other shall be charged against the sums

circular regarding Forbidding issuance of ownership deeds to lands between Thahaban and Thool

circular regarding Forbidding issuance of ownership deeds to lands between Thahaban and Thool

circular No.124/4/t dated 15/9/1390h regarding the exception of the charges of the treasuries with regard to the recognized only, which are those deposited with Finance agencies in areas where no branch for the Monetary Agency was found

circular No.124/4/t dated 15/9/1390h regarding the exception of the charges of the treasuries with regard to the recognized only, which are those deposited with Finance agencies in areas where no branch for the Monetary Agency was found

circular No.14/4/t dated 24/1/1390h regarding the exception of deliveries to the Treasury Circles

circular No.14/4/t dated 24/1/1390h regarding the exception of deliveries to the Treasury Circles

circular no.27/4/t dated 7/4/1388h regarding the sums deposited with the directors of treasuries to deliver to debtors shall be turned out to an authority or the incumbent judge and the rules for delivery shall be applied and the director have no right to distribute and hand to candidates on his own

circular no.27/4/t dated 7/4/1388h regarding the sums deposited with the directors of treasuries to deliver to debtors shall be turned out to an authority or the incumbent judge and the rules for delivery shall be applied and the director have no right to distribute and hand to candidates on his own

circular No.7/4/t dated 16/1/1388h the regarding directors of treasuries are required to facilitate the assignment of the representative of the General Audit chamber

circular No.7/4/t dated 16/1/1388h the regarding directors of treasuries are required to facilitate the assignment of the representative of the General Audit chamber

circular regarding If answers came from the agencies with uncertain dimensions

circular regarding If answers came from the agencies with uncertain dimensions

circular Regarding the campus zone for the Higaz Railway and the lands in its campus zone

circular Regarding the campus zone for the Higaz Railway and the lands in its campus zone

circular regarding The way to pay compensations in case of difference of area between the deed and on that on nature

circular regarding The way to pay compensations in case of difference of area between the deed and on that on nature

circular regarding Ensure correctness of documents on which the deed builds is the authority of courts

circular regarding Ensure correctness of documents on which the deed builds is the authority of courts

circular regarding Deeds issued by the judge of Al-laith formerly Sheikh Nassir Bin Sakih Ak-Ghamidi and what shall be done on it

circular regarding Deeds issued by the judge of Al-laith formerly Sheikh Nassir Bin Sakih Ak-Ghamidi and what shall be done on it

circular regarding The written objection of the Government Agencyis a point of view only that makes the judge cautious about issuing the deed

circular regarding The written objection of the Government Agencyis a point of view only that makes the judge cautious about issuing the deed

circular regarding Width of roads and passages shall be stated in all deeds

circular regarding Width of roads and passages shall be stated in all deeds

circular regarding Citation of numbers, dates and the contents in answers of the government Departments positive or negative in the ownership deed

circular regarding Citation of numbers, dates and the contents in answers of the government Departments positive or negative in the ownership deed

circular regarding Regarding issuance of deeds to the Frontiers weapon

circular regarding Regarding issuance of deeds to the Frontiers weapon

circular regarding the ownership deeds issued by the judge of khlais, Mudrika, Gamfoom, Meesan and Al-Laith and what shall be done about

circular regarding the ownership deeds issued by the judge of khlais, Mudrika, Gamfoom, Meesan and Al-Laith and what shall be done about

circular regarding Ownership deeds that are issued by judges who left work and need amending or completion or cancellation

circular regarding Ownership deeds that are issued by judges who left work and need amending or completion or cancellation

circular Regarding explanation of the confusion over the directives concerned with delineation of Hugar-Al-Badia, and whether that means ownership

circular Regarding explanation of the confusion over the directives concerned with delineation of Hugar-Al-Badia, and whether that means ownership

circular regarding It is not allowed to accept allegations of laying hand on vacant lands.

circular regarding It is not allowed to accept allegations of laying hand on vacant lands.

circular Regarding the time period stipulated for the advertisement in the form

circular Regarding the time period stipulated for the advertisement in the form

circular Regarding the ownership deed issued by Makah court and objected by Trust

circular Regarding the ownership deed issued by Makah court and objected by Trust

circular Regarding the lands in Jeddah that have the ownership deeds No 121 dated 2/7/1399H

circular Regarding the lands in Jeddah that have the ownership deeds No 121 dated 2/7/1399H

circular regarding NO.45/ 12/ T dated 1/ 4/ 1402H. Cautiousness about issuing deeds on agricultural lands until a view from the Ministry of Agriculture and water was received on acceptance or objection

circular regarding NO.45/ 12/ T dated 1/ 4/ 1402H. Cautiousness about issuing deeds on agricultural lands until a view from the Ministry of Agriculture and water was received on acceptance or objection

circular No.2412/3M dated 13/10/1386h It is a must to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Services only in cases where the treasury will be charged on payment of Diyas; he has nothing to do with the heritages deposited at the treasury in accordance to their terms with the courts

circular No.2412/3M dated 13/10/1386h It is a must to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Services only in cases where the treasury will be charged on payment of Diyas; he has nothing to do with the heritages deposited at the treasury in accordance to their terms with the courts

circular No.2412/3M dated 13/10/1386h It is a must to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Services only in cases where the treasury will be charged on payment of Diyas; he has nothing to do with the heritages deposited at the treasury in accordance to their terms with the courts

circular No.2412/3M dated 13/10/1386h It is a must to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Services only in cases where the treasury will be charged on payment of Diyas; he has nothing to do with the heritages deposited at the treasury in accordance to their terms with the courts

circular No.2412/3M dated 13/10/1386h It is a must to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Services only in cases where the treasury will be charged on payment of Diyas; he has nothing to do with the heritages deposited at the treasury in accordance to their terms with the courts

circular No.2412/3M dated 13/10/1386h It is a must to call the solicitor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Services only in cases where the treasury will be charged on payment of Diyas; he has nothing to do with the heritages deposited at the treasury in accordance to their terms with the courts

circular No.1166/4M dated 26/4/1386h regarding the director of the treasury in case of his holding up the inheritance of the deceased and the absentees other than the Saudi nationals

circular No.1166/4M dated 26/4/1386h regarding the director of the treasury in case of his holding up the inheritance of the deceased and the absentees other than the Saudi nationals

circular No.264/4/m dated 21/1/1386h Delivery of the left back belongings of the Turkish pilgrims to the Turkish consulate

circular No.264/4/m dated 21/1/1386h Delivery of the left back belongings of the Turkish pilgrims to the Turkish consulate

circular No.1859/2/m dated 30/7/1385h It is not allowed to deliver any sum or a sum accrued to a person or group of persons citizens of the Turkish Republic

circular No.1859/2/m dated 30/7/1385h It is not allowed to deliver any sum or a sum accrued to a person or group of persons citizens of the Turkish Republic

circular No.1816/4/m dated 25/7/1385h dispatching the monetary revenues of the unknown persons and the Government sales monthly to the Monetary Agency or one of its branches

circular No.1816/4/m dated 25/7/1385h dispatching the monetary revenues of the unknown persons and the Government sales monthly to the Monetary Agency or one of its branches

circular No.602/4/m dated 5/3/1385h the dispatch of statistics of the treasuries directly to the Financial Administration of the Ministry

circular No.602/4/m dated 5/3/1385h the dispatch of statistics of the treasuries directly to the Financial Administration of the Ministry

circular No.86/4 dated 9/1/1383h It is recommended that any Head of a court or its judge to dispatch his court's revenue in cash deposits or material to the director of the treasury immediately – if any-

circular No.86/4 dated 9/1/1383h It is recommended that any Head of a court or its judge to dispatch his court's revenue in cash deposits or material to the director of the treasury immediately – if any-

circular No.2447/4 dated2/8/1382h regarding the directors of treasuries have to keep any statistical report or delivered to the Ministry of Finance and Agencies to the account of the treasuries deposits

circular No.2447/4 dated2/8/1382h regarding the directors of treasuries have to keep any statistical report or delivered to the Ministry of Finance and Agencies to the account of the treasuries deposits

circular No.2813 dated 25/7/1358h regarding the directors of the treasuries are to affect seizure as required by the law and to explain to those presenting the stated documents to contact the court with respect of the document he holds to decide on in accordance to Law and do as necessary in this respect

circular No.2813 dated 25/7/1358h regarding the directors of the treasuries are to affect seizure as required by the law and to explain to those presenting the stated documents to contact the court with respect of the document he holds to decide on in accordance to Law and do as necessary in this respect

circular No.65/12/t dated 13/5/1402h regarding if the permission issued by the judge to a share of the under age is dilute in an real estate, the Decision to execute the permission to be handed, that the incumbent judge has to implement the Decision after fulfilling the required procedures and as such will be cancelling the details incorporated in the Circular No 25/13/T dated 20/2/1401H

circular No.65/12/t dated 13/5/1402h regarding if the permission issued by the judge to a share of the under age is dilute in an real estate, the Decision to execute the permission to be handed, that the incumbent judge has to implement the Decision after fulfilling the required procedures and as such will be cancelling the details incorporated in the Circular No 25/13/T dated 20/2/1401H

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Assigning the writing of authentication to the person employed for that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Assigning the writing of authentication to the person employed for that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Enumeration of all pages of financial registers

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Enumeration of all pages of financial registers

The necessity for signature of the employees who are assigned authentication and writing of the case

The necessity for signature of the employees who are assigned authentication and writing of the case

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Observations on some books and registers of courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Observations on some books and registers of courts

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The special book for tables of contents of records and the way to usage for search on real estates

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The special book for tables of contents of records and the way to usage for search on real estates

Regarding the necessity to list all documentations concerning divorce, proxies, handing out and others in the books and obtaining the necessary signature on it and filing the necessary certificate as usual

Regarding the necessity to list all documentations concerning divorce, proxies, handing out and others in the books and obtaining the necessary signature on it and filing the necessary certificate as usual

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Writing the records copies in the books specified for that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Writing the records copies in the books specified for that

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The successor employee should not accept resumption of work on books and records until he is sure of being signed by his predecessor

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The successor employee should not accept resumption of work on books and records until he is sure of being signed by his predecessor

The procedures for the maintenance of exhausted books and records in the court

The procedures for the maintenance of exhausted books and records in the court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The procedures for the maintenance of exhausted books and records in the court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The procedures for the maintenance of exhausted books and records in the court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The procedures for handing the two parties in the case a copy of the Decision and the start of the date for objection and reference to cassation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The procedures for handing the two parties in the case a copy of the Decision and the start of the date for objection and reference to cassation

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The cancellation of pleading do not include the cassation of the legal rules

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The cancellation of pleading do not include the cassation of the legal rules

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If the objecting party did not send a representative in the stated time for hearing and the receipt of the notice was confirmed the court has to continue in what the case legally requires

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If the objecting party did not send a representative in the stated time for hearing and the receipt of the notice was confirmed the court has to continue in what the case legally requires

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The start of the regulations of cassation of verdicts in28/5/1410H

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The start of the regulations of cassation of verdicts in28/5/1410H

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Continuation with the directives of cassation of verdicts issued in 21/10/1386H with regard to penal rules

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Continuation with the directives of cassation of verdicts issued in 21/10/1386H with regard to penal rules

circular Regarding land on hill side and facing al aziziyah

circular Regarding land on hill side and facing al aziziyah

circular No.8/35/t dated 9/3/1410h the complete hand over of the shared real estate between adolescents and the aged or a Waqf share is the responsibility of the Judge who authorized the sale of the under age or the Waqf

circular No.8/35/t dated 9/3/1410h the complete hand over of the shared real estate between adolescents and the aged or a Waqf share is the responsibility of the Judge who authorized the sale of the under age or the Waqf

circular No.25/13/t dated 20/2/1401h Regarding execution of the hand over if most owners became adolescent at the notary public's ledger

circular No.25/13/t dated 20/2/1401h Regarding execution of the hand over if most owners became adolescent at the notary public's ledger

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to the instructions of payment of subsidy to importer of fertilizers.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to the instructions of payment of subsidy to importer of fertilizers.

circular No.178/12/t dated 22/9/1398h In case of purchase of a real estate for the general good supervised by the Higher Council for Waqf in accordance to Article Three of its Law, it is enough to act against what the Judge issues

circular No.178/12/t dated 22/9/1398h In case of purchase of a real estate for the general good supervised by the Higher Council for Waqf in accordance to Article Three of its Law, it is enough to act against what the Judge issues

circular No.146/12/t dated 16/7/1398h regarding the Waqf shall not be sold except when the Legal necessity dictates its sale and confirmed by the Judge and issued a Decision with that authorized by the Cassation Chamber and its value shall not be handed to the Director of the Waqf until the purchase of the alternative

circular No.146/12/t dated 16/7/1398h regarding the Waqf shall not be sold except when the Legal necessity dictates its sale and confirmed by the Judge and issued a Decision with that authorized by the Cassation Chamber and its value shall not be handed to the Director of the Waqf until the purchase of the alternative

In case of the acquisition of a Non Saudi a real estate other than by inheritance in the Kingdom by non Saudi's after enacting the Law of acquisition of non Saudis in the year 1390H without permission; the real estate shall be sold in public auction through the Treasury at the Court and to refund the buyer the sum paid by him and the remaining shall be deposited in the State's Treasury

In case of the acquisition of a Non Saudi a real estate other than by inheritance in the Kingdom by non Saudi's after enacting the Law of acquisition of non Saudis in the year 1390H without permission; the real estate shall be sold in public auction through the Treasury at the Court and to refund the buyer the sum paid by him and the remaining shall be deposited in the State's Treasury

Circular of the minister of justice regarding instruction to the judges to unify the procedures for communicating the deputization

Circular of the minister of justice regarding instruction to the judges to unify the procedures for communicating the deputization

ircule regarding Proof of insolvency regarding the unintended murder in the presence of the murderer‟s inheritors.

ircule regarding Proof of insolvency regarding the unintended murder in the presence of the murderer‟s inheritors.

circule regarding Proof of insolvency regarding the unintended murder in the presence of the murderer‟s inheritors.

circule regarding Proof of insolvency regarding the unintended murder in the presence of the murderer‟s inheritors.

circule regarding The general rules for proving insolvency.

circule regarding The general rules for proving insolvency.

circular regarding Insolvency deeds are not issued except after making sure that a legal action has been taken against the debtor and in the presence of the right owners

circular regarding Insolvency deeds are not issued except after making sure that a legal action has been taken against the debtor and in the presence of the right owners

circular regarding Anyone who encounters an accident and the social accuracy department requires the proof of his insolvency and his need of help, and then the courts must decide about his request.

circular regarding Anyone who encounters an accident and the social accuracy department requires the proof of his insolvency and his need of help, and then the courts must decide about his request.

circular regarding It is enough to submit endorsed documents issued by Imaras which prove the ownership of land by the person and taking the compensation.

circular regarding It is enough to submit endorsed documents issued by Imaras which prove the ownership of land by the person and taking the compensation.

circular regarding Anyone who encounters an accident and the social accuracy department requires the proof of his insolvency and his need of help, and then the courts must decide about his request

circular regarding Anyone who encounters an accident and the social accuracy department requires the proof of his insolvency and his need of help, and then the courts must decide about his request

circular regarding Anyone who encounters an accident and the social accuracy department requires the proof of his insolvency and his need of help, and then the courts must decide about his request

circular regarding Anyone who encounters an accident and the social accuracy department requires the proof of his insolvency and his need of help, and then the courts must decide about his request

circular regarding Not to hear any lawsuit if its parties do not belong to your judicial authority.

circular regarding Not to hear any lawsuit if its parties do not belong to your judicial authority.

Circular of his highness the Minister No. 13/T/1670 on 13/11/1421H regarding registering the parcels allotted to mosques.

Circular of his highness the Minister No. 13/T/1670 on 13/11/1421H regarding registering the parcels allotted to mosques.

Circular of his highness the Minister No. 13/T/1663 on 23/11/1421H regarding the properties of the charitable organizations.

Circular of his highness the Minister No. 13/T/1663 on 23/11/1421H regarding the properties of the charitable organizations.

Circular of his highness the Minister of Justice No. 13/T/1645 on 21/10/1421H regarding observing the legal cases when the plaintiff is a foreigner.

Circular of his highness the Minister of Justice No. 13/T/1645 on 21/10/1421H regarding observing the legal cases when the plaintiff is a foreigner.

circular No.8/t/110 dated 29/7/1409h Approval of the executive rules for organizing the ownership of real estates by the citizens of Arabian Gulf Cooperation counties.

circular No.8/t/110 dated 29/7/1409h Approval of the executive rules for organizing the ownership of real estates by the citizens of Arabian Gulf Cooperation counties.

circular No.12/84/t dated 24/4/1406h During the official work hours, the employee must not be busy with some activity which is not included in the official duty performance neither for being a witness or else.

circular No.12/84/t dated 24/4/1406h During the official work hours, the employee must not be busy with some activity which is not included in the official duty performance neither for being a witness or else.

circular No.8/t/187 dated 26/12/1409h The companies and establishments must use the Hijri calendar.

circular No.8/t/187 dated 26/12/1409h The companies and establishments must use the Hijri calendar.

circular No. 43/2/t dated 23/3/1391h The witness who signs a false statement shall be treated as falsifier.

circular No. 43/2/t dated 23/3/1391h The witness who signs a false statement shall be treated as falsifier.

circular regarding Judgments which do not need cassation.

circular regarding Judgments which do not need cassation.

circular No.8/t/124 dated 11/8/1409h Concerning the prohibition of dealing with Han Yang company.

circular No.8/t/124 dated 11/8/1409h Concerning the prohibition of dealing with Han Yang company.

circular regarding Concerning recording the acknowledgements of the farmers.

circular regarding Concerning recording the acknowledgements of the farmers.

Not to issue deeds for those who need to prove insolvency and the like.

Not to issue deeds for those who need to prove insolvency and the like.

Not to issue deeds for the empty lands whether along Ain Zubaida road or else.

Not to issue deeds for the empty lands whether along Ain Zubaida road or else.

Everyone whose lawsuit has been finalized with a legal judgment must not raise it again.

Everyone whose lawsuit has been finalized with a legal judgment must not raise it again.

circular regarding It is forbidden to deal financially with the foreigner without receiving a written consent from his sponsor.

circular regarding It is forbidden to deal financially with the foreigner without receiving a written consent from his sponsor.

circular regarding Concerning the proposal of modifying the blood money.

circular regarding Concerning the proposal of modifying the blood money.

circular No.43/2/t dated 23/3/1391h regarding The witness who signs a false statement shall be treated as falsifier.

circular No.43/2/t dated 23/3/1391h regarding The witness who signs a false statement shall be treated as falsifier.

Legally, the courts are not allowed to hear the witnesses referred to them from the labor office.

Legally, the courts are not allowed to hear the witnesses referred to them from the labor office.

Concerning the conflicts of the bank and their clients and the judge.

Concerning the conflicts of the bank and their clients and the judge.

circular No.1253/3 dated 6/5/1386h regarding verification of the witness‟s and the other party‟s personalities, and verification of the suitability of claim and the right of the complainer to benefit from the social security.

circular No.1253/3 dated 6/5/1386h regarding verification of the witness‟s and the other party‟s personalities, and verification of the suitability of claim and the right of the complainer to benefit from the social security.

Officials who are authorized to perform redemption actions at the Ministry of Finance and its public establishments in the different parts of the Kingdom

Officials who are authorized to perform redemption actions at the Ministry of Finance and its public establishments in the different parts of the Kingdom

It is forbidden to deal financially with the foreigner without receiving a written consent from his sponsor.

It is forbidden to deal financially with the foreigner without receiving a written consent from his sponsor.

circular No.8/178/t dated 16/9/1408h regarding cases when the work owner is entitled to withdraw the project from the contractor.

circular No.8/178/t dated 16/9/1408h regarding cases when the work owner is entitled to withdraw the project from the contractor.

circular regarding When the Decision is forwarded to supreme court, everything related to the lawsuit (including the authorization documents, sale contracts, and a copy of the bookkeeping of the Decision ) must be forwarded

circular regarding When the Decision is forwarded to supreme court, everything related to the lawsuit (including the authorization documents, sale contracts, and a copy of the bookkeeping of the Decision ) must be forwarded

circular regardung Selling the real estate of the debtor is a legal issue, and no one can have another opinion in this regard

circular regardung Selling the real estate of the debtor is a legal issue, and no one can have another opinion in this regard

circular regarding Acceptance of not to hear the cases of blood money facing the treasury.

circular regarding Acceptance of not to hear the cases of blood money facing the treasury.

circular regarding Concerning the refusal of the notary public to document the bank loans.

circular regarding Concerning the refusal of the notary public to document the bank loans.

circular regarding Clarification of the amounts of some blood money.

circular regarding Clarification of the amounts of some blood money.

Not to hear the banking lawsuits raised against the banks or by the banks unless the sublime acceptance has been issued.

Not to hear the banking lawsuits raised against the banks or by the banks unless the sublime acceptance has been issued.

circular regarding Instructions of cassation of the legal judgments issued on 20/10/1381H.

circular regarding Instructions of cassation of the legal judgments issued on 20/10/1381H.

circular regarding The amount of blood money of fracture and fracture of bones

circular regarding The amount of blood money of fracture and fracture of bones

circular No. 3558/2/H dated 13/9/1383h verification of the legal capacity or competence of the witnesses who state that the student is studying abroad and that there is no school at the location of his family residence.

circular No. 3558/2/H dated 13/9/1383h verification of the legal capacity or competence of the witnesses who state that the student is studying abroad and that there is no school at the location of his family residence.

circular regarding Lawsuits of the accidents that take place in a country other than the country of the defendant, and the accused is set free according to a presence sponsorship of which the plaintiff is at his option

circular regarding Lawsuits of the accidents that take place in a country other than the country of the defendant, and the accused is set free according to a presence sponsorship of which the plaintiff is at his option

circular No. 8/96/t dated 1/6/1408 regarding if the contractors‟ classification certificate does not conform to the new form starting from 01/09/1408H, it shall not be acceptable or considerable.

circular No. 8/96/t dated 1/6/1408 regarding if the contractors‟ classification certificate does not conform to the new form starting from 01/09/1408H, it shall not be acceptable or considerable.

circular regarding Transfer of land ownership together with its buildings.

circular regarding Transfer of land ownership together with its buildings.

circular No. 3572/3 dated 10/8/1382h regarding the courts are legally not allowed to hear the witnesses who are referred to it by the labor office.

circular No. 3572/3 dated 10/8/1382h regarding the courts are legally not allowed to hear the witnesses who are referred to it by the labor office.

circular no. 12/213/t dated 21/11/1406h regarding legal deeds must be issued for the concession locations whose boundaries, areas, and sites are shown in the concession contracts between the country and the companies.

circular no. 12/213/t dated 21/11/1406h regarding legal deeds must be issued for the concession locations whose boundaries, areas, and sites are shown in the concession contracts between the country and the companies.

circular no.2568/3 dated 9/8/1382h concerning the physicians‟ and nurses‟ witnesses before the courts.

circular no.2568/3 dated 9/8/1382h concerning the physicians‟ and nurses‟ witnesses before the courts.

circular no. 12/79/t dated 18/4/1406h concerning the notification to the specialized branches, departments, and committees which study the applications of contractors for getting licenses that permit them to conclude subcontracts with the main contractors to execute some works.

circular no. 12/79/t dated 18/4/1406h concerning the notification to the specialized branches, departments, and committees which study the applications of contractors for getting licenses that permit them to conclude subcontracts with the main contractors to execute some works.

circular regarding The lawsuit shall be brought in the country of the plaintiff if the defendant has a house in more than one country.

circular regarding The lawsuit shall be brought in the country of the plaintiff if the defendant has a house in more than one country.

circular No.4006/2 dated 29/6/1380h regarding the employee who is proved to commit cheating or misleading shall be prohibited from writing documents and acknowledgements.

circular No.4006/2 dated 29/6/1380h regarding the employee who is proved to commit cheating or misleading shall be prohibited from writing documents and acknowledgements.

circular regarding Concerning considering the rebuke judgments regarding rebuke and notary public issues if their judges decide to disregard them

circular regarding Concerning considering the rebuke judgments regarding rebuke and notary public issues if their judges decide to disregard them

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If a dispute takes place over a parcel and if it is necessary for a committee to visit the site, then the municipality must participate in the committee.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If a dispute takes place over a parcel and if it is necessary for a committee to visit the site, then the municipality must participate in the committee.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to issue deeds for those who need to prove insolvency and the like.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to issue deeds for those who need to prove insolvency and the like.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To make sure of the witnesses who certify that the student is studying abroad and there is no school at the location of his family residence.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To make sure of the witnesses who certify that the student is studying abroad and there is no school at the location of his family residence.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Everyone whose lawsuit has been finalized with a legal judgment must not raise it again.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Everyone whose lawsuit has been finalized with a legal judgment must not raise it again.

circular regarding Concerning solving the problems of the foreigner prisoners who stay in prison till the inheritors are consulted.

circular regarding Concerning solving the problems of the foreigner prisoners who stay in prison till the inheritors are consulted.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The appointment for hearing a lawsuit must be specified on a date which is enough for the notification of those who live in remote areas

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The appointment for hearing a lawsuit must be specified on a date which is enough for the notification of those who live in remote areas

circular regarding Copies of the advertisement order the attendance of a defendant who is outside the Kingdom.

circular regarding Copies of the advertisement order the attendance of a defendant who is outside the Kingdom.

circular regarding The measure for redemption at the Ministry of finance and National Economy and its public establishments.

circular regarding The measure for redemption at the Ministry of finance and National Economy and its public establishments.

circular regarding Granting whose origin is at the governmental departments.

circular regarding Granting whose origin is at the governmental departments.

circular regarding The judgement shall be notified to sentenced person by the concerned authorities.

circular regarding The judgement shall be notified to sentenced person by the concerned authorities.

circular regarding Providing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with two copies of the lawsuit typed by a typing machine and written on official papers which are stamped by the court

circular regarding Providing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with two copies of the lawsuit typed by a typing machine and written on official papers which are stamped by the court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning solving the problem of Elrashid with their creditors (from the Kingdom inhabitants).

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning solving the problem of Elrashid with their creditors (from the Kingdom inhabitants).

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning the lands at the tops of the mountains which are facing AlAziziya.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning the lands at the tops of the mountains which are facing AlAziziya.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Legally, the courts are not allowed to hear the witnesses referred to them from the labor office.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Legally, the courts are not allowed to hear the witnesses referred to them from the labor office.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning the conflicts of the bank and their clients and the judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning the conflicts of the bank and their clients and the judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding It is forbidden to deal financially with the foreigner without receiving a written consent from his sponsor.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding It is forbidden to deal financially with the foreigner without receiving a written consent from his sponsor.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the behavior of some judges regarding returning some lawsuits to the labor office or other parties with the excuse that is certain party is authorized to deal with such lawsuits.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the behavior of some judges regarding returning some lawsuits to the labor office or other parties with the excuse that is certain party is authorized to deal with such lawsuits.

circular regarding Concerning loans taken by the limited income persons from the real estate development fund.

circular regarding Concerning loans taken by the limited income persons from the real estate development fund.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning the physicians and nurses as witnesses in front of the courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning the physicians and nurses as witnesses in front of the courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to hear the banking lawsuits raised against the banks or by the banks unless the sublime acceptance has been issued.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to hear the banking lawsuits raised against the banks or by the banks unless the sublime acceptance has been issued.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Selling the real estate of the debtor is a legal issue and no way of giving an opinion about it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Selling the real estate of the debtor is a legal issue and no way of giving an opinion about it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the notification of all courts not to hear the lawsuits unless the plaintiff presents a legal deed and the lawsuit of the person who has no legal deed shall not be heard.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the notification of all courts not to hear the lawsuits unless the plaintiff presents a legal deed and the lawsuit of the person who has no legal deed shall not be heard.

circular regarding Concerning the measures to be followed regarding the individual whom must be notified of legal documents.

circular regarding Concerning the measures to be followed regarding the individual whom must be notified of legal documents.

circular regarding No objection by the Ministry of Industry to pledge the factories and buildings constructed in the industrial areas which belong to the Ministry for the interest of the fund

circular regarding No objection by the Ministry of Industry to pledge the factories and buildings constructed in the industrial areas which belong to the Ministry for the interest of the fund

circular regarding Mortgage is not valid unless the pledged real estates are known to the pledger and the other party.

circular regarding Mortgage is not valid unless the pledged real estates are known to the pledger and the other party.

circular regarding Forward the request of permission to hear a lawsuit which has been cancelled for two times.

circular regarding Forward the request of permission to hear a lawsuit which has been cancelled for two times.

circular regarding Not to hear an old lawsuit which is dated before the year 1343H.

circular regarding Not to hear an old lawsuit which is dated before the year 1343H.

circular Regarding the registration of the agricultural bank mortgages and are they performed similarly to the registration of the real estate and credit bank mortgages regarding the sufficiency of bookkeeping without registration.

circular Regarding the registration of the agricultural bank mortgages and are they performed similarly to the registration of the real estate and credit bank mortgages regarding the sufficiency of bookkeeping without registration.

circular regarding If a lawsuit is cancelled because the plaintiff or the defendant has attended late, and if it is raised again in any manner, then it is considered as only one lawsuit.

circular regarding If a lawsuit is cancelled because the plaintiff or the defendant has attended late, and if it is raised again in any manner, then it is considered as only one lawsuit.

circular regarding Concerning the absence of the person who has rented a real estate, and the expiry of the rent period, and he has some properties in the real estate, and he has some amounts to be paid by him, then what are the actions to be taken in this case?

circular regarding Concerning the absence of the person who has rented a real estate, and the expiry of the rent period, and he has some properties in the real estate, and he has some amounts to be paid by him, then what are the actions to be taken in this case?

circular regarding The method of how to use the forms of the mortgage proof document related to the Saudi credit bank.

circular regarding The method of how to use the forms of the mortgage proof document related to the Saudi credit bank.

circular regarding It is necessary for the concerned parties to notify the defendant who is outside the Kingdom of the summary of the lawsuit raised against him before issuing the judgment

circular regarding It is necessary for the concerned parties to notify the defendant who is outside the Kingdom of the summary of the lawsuit raised against him before issuing the judgment

circular regarding The written request issued from the management of the real estate development fund to the notary public is sufficient.

circular regarding The written request issued from the management of the real estate development fund to the notary public is sufficient.

circular regarding The legal Decision regarding the increase of the mortgage debt after it has reached a certain amount.

circular regarding The legal Decision regarding the increase of the mortgage debt after it has reached a certain amount.

circular regarding Dispossession of all of the aggressors of the lands of Masarra, Farshat Elrada, and Juhrufiya. These lands must remain the property of the government

circular regarding Dispossession of all of the aggressors of the lands of Masarra, Farshat Elrada, and Juhrufiya. These lands must remain the property of the government

circular regarding Enabling the representative of the Ministry of Finance to review the lawsuit file before the appointment of the session.

circular regarding Enabling the representative of the Ministry of Finance to review the lawsuit file before the appointment of the session.

circular regarding Enabling the representative of the Ministry of Finance to review the lawsuit file before the appointment of the session.

circular regarding Enabling the representative of the Ministry of Finance to review the lawsuit file before the appointment of the session.

circular regarding Concerning the transactions of the agricultural bank.

circular regarding Concerning the transactions of the agricultural bank.

circular regarding Not to hear any lawsuit if a sublime order should be issued (in advance) for hearing it unless such order has been issued.

circular regarding Not to hear any lawsuit if a sublime order should be issued (in advance) for hearing it unless such order has been issued.

circular regarding Concerning the absence of the person who has rented a real estate, and the expiry of the rent period, and he has some properties in the real estate, and he has some amounts to be paid by him, then what are the actions to be taken in this case?.

circular regarding Concerning the absence of the person who has rented a real estate, and the expiry of the rent period, and he has some properties in the real estate, and he has some amounts to be paid by him, then what are the actions to be taken in this case?.

circular No.153 dated 22/7/1377h the judge must hear, by himself, the statements of the original witnesses who reside in his country of residence and the like.

circular No.153 dated 22/7/1377h the judge must hear, by himself, the statements of the original witnesses who reside in his country of residence and the like.

circular No.12/170/t dated 13/9/1405h no objection to register the loans of Aramco to its employees and treat the company (regarding the attestation) similarly to the treatment of the real estate development fund.

circular No.12/170/t dated 13/9/1405h no objection to register the loans of Aramco to its employees and treat the company (regarding the attestation) similarly to the treatment of the real estate development fund.

circular No.161/12/t dated 12/8/1396h Pre-emption is proved by partnership in the special utilities such as the well, road, and stream, and the like. Also, pre-emption is proved in the real estate such as the small house or shop … etc. which cannot be divided.

circular No.161/12/t dated 12/8/1396h Pre-emption is proved by partnership in the special utilities such as the well, road, and stream, and the like. Also, pre-emption is proved in the real estate such as the small house or shop … etc. which cannot be divided.

circular No.12/161/t dated27/8/1404h concerning the provision of private guard to the commercial companies, establishments or banks.

circular No.12/161/t dated27/8/1404h concerning the provision of private guard to the commercial companies, establishments or banks.

circular No.64/12/t dated 29/4/1403h concerning the transfer of ownership of lands and real estates of the companies and electrical projects.

circular No.64/12/t dated 29/4/1403h concerning the transfer of ownership of lands and real estates of the companies and electrical projects.

Circular of his highness the Minister No. 13/T/1680 on 25/11/1421H regarding the sublime order to expedite the execution of the transactions.

Circular of his highness the Minister No. 13/T/1680 on 25/11/1421H regarding the sublime order to expedite the execution of the transactions.

circular regarding Concerning the judgment of blood money against the government treasury.

circular regarding Concerning the judgment of blood money against the government treasury.

circular No.78/12/t dated 15/5/1401h the government parties and their contractors must not dispose the properties of others without a prior official permission.

circular No.78/12/t dated 15/5/1401h the government parties and their contractors must not dispose the properties of others without a prior official permission.

Disagreement about the right of the murdered heirs does it become unenforceable when the murderer is penalized by killing him or those heirs will have the blood money from the inheritance of the murderer.

Disagreement about the right of the murdered heirs does it become unenforceable when the murderer is penalized by killing him or those heirs will have the blood money from the inheritance of the murderer.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the requirement of the transactions regarding the attendance of some officials who have relations to those lawsuits or who are part of it either as plaintiffs or defendants.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the requirement of the transactions regarding the attendance of some officials who have relations to those lawsuits or who are part of it either as plaintiffs or defendants.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the quick hearing and Decision making, and priority regarding the lawsuits of the prisoners, underage persons, endowment, and impostor.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the quick hearing and Decision making, and priority regarding the lawsuits of the prisoners, underage persons, endowment, and impostor.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judge must hear by himself the original witnesses who reside in his country and those who can be considered as residing.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judge must hear by himself the original witnesses who reside in his country and those who can be considered as residing.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Notification of the defendant of the subject of the lawsuit for which he is called to the court so that he can get that which is necessary for the lawsuit.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Notification of the defendant of the subject of the lawsuit for which he is called to the court so that he can get that which is necessary for the lawsuit.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lawsuit whose judges have retired.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lawsuit whose judges have retired.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judgment of preventing the person who is proved to commit forgery from practicing the job of writing the documents and acknowledgements.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judgment of preventing the person who is proved to commit forgery from practicing the job of writing the documents and acknowledgements.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits raised against the Ministry of transportation.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits raised against the Ministry of transportation.

circular regarding Concerning the appointment of Sheikh/ Saleh ElRowaiti as the deputy of the Ministry of Finance and National Economy.

circular regarding Concerning the appointment of Sheikh/ Saleh ElRowaiti as the deputy of the Ministry of Finance and National Economy.

circular regarding Regulatory steps for the lawsuits raised against the Ministry of Transportation.

circular regarding Regulatory steps for the lawsuits raised against the Ministry of Transportation.

circular No. 12/146/t dated 22/7/1406h the hygienic conditions required for restaurants, kitchens, and cafeterias.

circular No. 12/146/t dated 22/7/1406h the hygienic conditions required for restaurants, kitchens, and cafeterias.

circular No.60/12/t dated 26/3/1395h the penalty condition stated in the contracts is correct, considerable and must be implemented.

circular No.60/12/t dated 26/3/1395h the penalty condition stated in the contracts is correct, considerable and must be implemented.

circular No.16/t/131 dated 10/11/1412h all of the judges, notary publics, branch managers, and all of the official must take care of the written phrases on the sides of vehicles.

circular No.16/t/131 dated 10/11/1412h all of the judges, notary publics, branch managers, and all of the official must take care of the written phrases on the sides of vehicles.

circular No.8/t/68 dated 14/5/1412h organizing, tabulating, and saving the information is necessary and it facilitates the follow up, monitoring, and maintenance measures, …etc.

circular No.8/t/68 dated 14/5/1412h organizing, tabulating, and saving the information is necessary and it facilitates the follow up, monitoring, and maintenance measures, …etc.

circulars No.8/t/65 dated 12/5/1412h related to the vehicles were sent to all of the courts, and notary publics according to data that were prepared and a number of vehicles were listed in the circulars, and the works to be carried out were specified.

circulars No.8/t/65 dated 12/5/1412h related to the vehicles were sent to all of the courts, and notary publics according to data that were prepared and a number of vehicles were listed in the circulars, and the works to be carried out were specified.

circular No.16/t/121 dated 27/11/1411h concerning the most important remarks regarding the use of governmental cars.

circular No.16/t/121 dated 27/11/1411h concerning the most important remarks regarding the use of governmental cars.

circular regarding All of the previously convicted persons should be treated as the person who is rehabilitee if the punishment implementation has stopped before the issue of this Decision or if the punishment was implemented or part of it was cancelled

circular regarding All of the previously convicted persons should be treated as the person who is rehabilitee if the punishment implementation has stopped before the issue of this Decision or if the punishment was implemented or part of it was cancelled

circular No.8/t/81 dated 16/8/1411h the official cars must not be operated by foreigners.

circular No.8/t/81 dated 16/8/1411h the official cars must not be operated by foreigners.

circular No.8/t/2 dated 6/1/1410h when a car or a machine is to be repaired, it should be presented to the branch or the specialized engineer to decide the needed repairs and spare parts.

circular No.8/t/2 dated 6/1/1410h when a car or a machine is to be repaired, it should be presented to the branch or the specialized engineer to decide the needed repairs and spare parts.

circular regarding The necessity to get permission of the King before hearing the lawsuits raised against Aramco.

circular regarding The necessity to get permission of the King before hearing the lawsuits raised against Aramco.

circular No.8/78t dated 1/5/1408h It is not allowed to use a governmental car and get a monthly transportation allowance.

circular No.8/78t dated 1/5/1408h It is not allowed to use a governmental car and get a monthly transportation allowance.

circular regarding Concerning the authorization to the courts‟ judges to approve the marriages of the government‟s manumitted females.

circular regarding Concerning the authorization to the courts‟ judges to approve the marriages of the government‟s manumitted females.

circular No.12/20t dated 1/2/140h It is prohibited to drive Saudi trucks by others than those who have official Iqamas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and general Saudi driving licenses.

circular No.12/20t dated 1/2/140h It is prohibited to drive Saudi trucks by others than those who have official Iqamas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and general Saudi driving licenses.

circular No.16/62t dated 1/4/1405h concerning parking the private cars of some of the Ministry‟s employees at the parking areas of the Ministry for long periods.

circular No.16/62t dated 1/4/1405h concerning parking the private cars of some of the Ministry‟s employees at the parking areas of the Ministry for long periods.

circular No. 12/42t dated 3/3/1405h concerning the traffic regulations.

circular No. 12/42t dated 3/3/1405h concerning the traffic regulations.

circular No. 190/5 dated 11/11/1401h concerning the services of the public transport company

circular No. 190/5 dated 11/11/1401h concerning the services of the public transport company

circular No.139/4/t dated 8/8/1401h concerning purchasing new cars for those who are promoted as a supreme court judge.

circular No.139/4/t dated 8/8/1401h concerning purchasing new cars for those who are promoted as a supreme court judge.

circular No.8/4/t dated 23/1/1400h regarding not to use any oil other than Petromen oil for the cars of the Ministry of Justice whether through the direct purchase or through the specialized stations.

circular No.8/4/t dated 23/1/1400h regarding not to use any oil other than Petromen oil for the cars of the Ministry of Justice whether through the direct purchase or through the specialized stations.

circular No.74/4/t dated 4/5/1398h The necessity to abide by the cars record prepared by the Ministry.

circular No.74/4/t dated 4/5/1398h The necessity to abide by the cars record prepared by the Ministry.

circular No. 49/4t dated 6/3/1398h concerning the procedures necessary for purchasing the cars for the heads and members of the supreme court.

circular No. 49/4t dated 6/3/1398h concerning the procedures necessary for purchasing the cars for the heads and members of the supreme court.

circular No.125/4/t daed 8/9/1397h not to submit any application to replace the cars dedicated to the official demands before the elapse of four year at least.

circular No.125/4/t daed 8/9/1397h not to submit any application to replace the cars dedicated to the official demands before the elapse of four year at least.

circular No.104/4/t dated 23/7/1397h the governmental party itself shall change the color of the car, using a different color from its official color, before the completion of selling the car.

circular No.104/4/t dated 23/7/1397h the governmental party itself shall change the color of the car, using a different color from its official color, before the completion of selling the car.

circular regarding Not to submit any application for rehabilitation if it does not satisfy the required conditions.

circular regarding Not to submit any application for rehabilitation if it does not satisfy the required conditions.

circular No. 165/5/t dated 13/8/1395h regarding not to approve the appointment of the drivers on the basis of the laborers‟ wages item.

circular No. 165/5/t dated 13/8/1395h regarding not to approve the appointment of the drivers on the basis of the laborers‟ wages item.

circular No.8/t/90 dated 9/9/1411h regarding the action to be taken against the person who uses gunpowder without license.

circular No.8/t/90 dated 9/9/1411h regarding the action to be taken against the person who uses gunpowder without license.

circular No.43/1/t 4/3/1392h dated when the judgment is issued, it should be taken into account whether the convict has some history of crimes.

circular No.43/1/t 4/3/1392h dated when the judgment is issued, it should be taken into account whether the convict has some history of crimes.

circular No.12/9/t dated 10/1/1406h concerning preventing the plaintiffs and defendants from taking weapons inside the legal courts.

circular No.12/9/t dated 10/1/1406h concerning preventing the plaintiffs and defendants from taking weapons inside the legal courts.

circular No.8/66/t dated 11/4/1408h An area of 2,698 m2 of the railway buffer in Abqaiq region shall be allotted for Abqaiq prison.

circular No.8/66/t dated 11/4/1408h An area of 2,698 m2 of the railway buffer in Abqaiq region shall be allotted for Abqaiq prison.

circular regarding Concerning the manumitted persons for whom the government has paid to their owners and manumitted them and they are attended the government offices claiming to get the Saudi nationality

circular regarding Concerning the manumitted persons for whom the government has paid to their owners and manumitted them and they are attended the government offices claiming to get the Saudi nationality

circular regarding Taking permission before raising lawsuits against the government parties (when the government parties are defendants).

circular regarding Taking permission before raising lawsuits against the government parties (when the government parties are defendants).

circular regarding The claims of the persons required to pay fines to the government shall not be referred to the courts to judge their insolvency.

circular regarding The claims of the persons required to pay fines to the government shall not be referred to the courts to judge their insolvency.

circular regarding The principle is that the possession of the slaves is maintained legally to their owners till they sell or set free these slaves.

circular regarding The principle is that the possession of the slaves is maintained legally to their owners till they sell or set free these slaves.

circular regarding The court shall directly forward to the Ministry about each lawsuit which requires the issuance of a sublime authorization so that it can be heard, and then the Ministry will forward the same to the King

circular regarding The court shall directly forward to the Ministry about each lawsuit which requires the issuance of a sublime authorization so that it can be heard, and then the Ministry will forward the same to the King

circular Regarding the files of setting free the slaves against whom compensations to their owners have been paid.

circular Regarding the files of setting free the slaves against whom compensations to their owners have been paid.

circular regarding To expedite hearing and deciding about each family lawsuit forwarded to the court and to consider it as a priority

circular regarding To expedite hearing and deciding about each family lawsuit forwarded to the court and to consider it as a priority

circular regarding Objection to the possession argument if it has happened before or after the issuance of the argument and its measures for bookkeeping and hearing it.

circular regarding Objection to the possession argument if it has happened before or after the issuance of the argument and its measures for bookkeeping and hearing it.

circular regarding Concerning conflict of competency to hear a lawsuit between the judges of the same court.

circular regarding Concerning conflict of competency to hear a lawsuit between the judges of the same court.

circular regarding Not to hear any lawsuit which is raised against a governmental party before forwarding it to the King and getting the permission to hear it.

circular regarding Not to hear any lawsuit which is raised against a governmental party before forwarding it to the King and getting the permission to hear it.

circular regarding Concerning the compensation related to the slaves in the western region.

circular regarding Concerning the compensation related to the slaves in the western region.

circular regarding Concerning the emphasis to all of the municipalities and provinces of the necessity that each approved drawing must contain the areas and lengths

circular regarding Concerning the emphasis to all of the municipalities and provinces of the necessity that each approved drawing must contain the areas and lengths

circular regarding Consent to grant the freed slaves the Saudi nationality.

circular regarding Consent to grant the freed slaves the Saudi nationality.

circular regarding Any explanation to the litigants whatsoever it is issued from any court regarding a present lawsuit must be written down in lawsuit bookkeeping

circular regarding Any explanation to the litigants whatsoever it is issued from any court regarding a present lawsuit must be written down in lawsuit bookkeeping

circular regarding For the houses of which double values are received no possession argument will be issued but they are documented by the notary public

circular regarding For the houses of which double values are received no possession argument will be issued but they are documented by the notary public

circular regarding Enabling the representative of the Ministry of Finance to review the lawsuit file before the appointment of the session.

circular regarding Enabling the representative of the Ministry of Finance to review the lawsuit file before the appointment of the session.

circular regarding Hearing all of the lawsuits raised to the court and dividing them fairly between the judges of the court including the head of the court.

circular regarding Hearing all of the lawsuits raised to the court and dividing them fairly between the judges of the court including the head of the court.

circular regarding The instructions issued by the Council of Ministers do not require that the deed of ownership of the slaves from the original country

circular regarding The instructions issued by the Council of Ministers do not require that the deed of ownership of the slaves from the original country

circular regarding Transfer of authorization to deal with and hear the lawsuit raised against the treasury regarding blood money from the Ministry of labor and social affairs to the Ministry of Finance and National Economy

circular regarding Transfer of authorization to deal with and hear the lawsuit raised against the treasury regarding blood money from the Ministry of labor and social affairs to the Ministry of Finance and National Economy

circular regarding The necessity to show the issuing place, number, and date of the documents on which the deed (which has been issued from fo finalization of the lawsuit) is based

circular regarding The necessity to show the issuing place, number, and date of the documents on which the deed (which has been issued from fo finalization of the lawsuit) is based

circular regarding Concerning the implementation of the instructions issued in relation to the setting the slaves free.

circular regarding Concerning the implementation of the instructions issued in relation to the setting the slaves free.

circular regarding Concerning the death of a number of foreigners and injuries of some of them due to the collision of the cars which they use.

circular regarding Concerning the death of a number of foreigners and injuries of some of them due to the collision of the cars which they use.

circular regarding Anyone whose lawsuit has been finalized by a categorical legal judgment must not raise it again.

circular regarding Anyone whose lawsuit has been finalized by a categorical legal judgment must not raise it again.

circular regarding The necessary instruction for cancelling slavery

circular regarding The necessary instruction for cancelling slavery

circular regarding Concerning the payment of the amount decided by a legal judgment from the treasury with no need for payment permission, since it is sufficient to get permission to hear the lawsuit.

circular regarding Concerning the payment of the amount decided by a legal judgment from the treasury with no need for payment permission, since it is sufficient to get permission to hear the lawsuit.

circular regarding Concerning the disagreement between the banks, their clients and the judge.

circular regarding Concerning the disagreement between the banks, their clients and the judge.

circular regarding Method of compensation of the slaves.

circular regarding Method of compensation of the slaves.

circular regarding Not to hear any lawsuit if a sublime order should be issued (in advance) for hearing it unless such order has been issued

circular regarding Not to hear any lawsuit if a sublime order should be issued (in advance) for hearing it unless such order has been issued

circular regarding Not to hear the banking lawsuits raised against the banks or by the banks unless the sublime acceptance has been issued.

circular regarding Not to hear the banking lawsuits raised against the banks or by the banks unless the sublime acceptance has been issued.

circular regarding The written objection from a governmental party is just an opinion that makes the judge lingers before issuing the argument.

circular regarding The written objection from a governmental party is just an opinion that makes the judge lingers before issuing the argument.

circular regarding Not to accept hearing the lawsuits regarding blood money against the treasury if the cause is related to a foreigner unless the victim is a Saudi national and the insolvency of the person who is guilty and his inability to pay have been categorically confirmed after performing the inability investigations

circular regarding Not to accept hearing the lawsuits regarding blood money against the treasury if the cause is related to a foreigner unless the victim is a Saudi national and the insolvency of the person who is guilty and his inability to pay have been categorically confirmed after performing the inability investigations

circular regarding Concerning issuing the new regulation of the grievance bureau

circular regarding Concerning issuing the new regulation of the grievance bureau

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits if the judges who had heard them retired.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits if the judges who had heard them retired.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the referral of the problems that take place between the citizens and the contractors to the courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the referral of the problems that take place between the citizens and the contractors to the courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Enquiry of the notary public about half of the fees of the lawsuits that the court decides to reject.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Enquiry of the notary public about half of the fees of the lawsuits that the court decides to reject.

circular regarding Concerning the blood money which was heard against the treasury and the intervals between their sessions.

circular regarding Concerning the blood money which was heard against the treasury and the intervals between their sessions.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Enquiries regarding the modification of the blood money, and whether to consider the date of the accident or the date of the judgment?

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Enquiries regarding the modification of the blood money, and whether to consider the date of the accident or the date of the judgment?

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the visit of the judge to the location of the conflict.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the visit of the judge to the location of the conflict.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the transactions which are not followed up by their owners.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the transactions which are not followed up by their owners.

circular regarding Establishment of a department named/ the administrative investigations which is related to the general bureau of investigations.

circular regarding Establishment of a department named/ the administrative investigations which is related to the general bureau of investigations.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prohibition to deal with Sang Yung construction Korean company.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prohibition to deal with Sang Yung construction Korean company.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Notification of the legal courts to accept the lawsuits of the Ministry of Finance regarding the real estate possession lawsuits and to hear them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Notification of the legal courts to accept the lawsuits of the Ministry of Finance regarding the real estate possession lawsuits and to hear them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The plaintiff can bring the lawsuit to the court of which competence zone covers the branch of the company or the society or establishment.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The plaintiff can bring the lawsuit to the court of which competence zone covers the branch of the company or the society or establishment.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the topic of interference of specializations between the committees for the settlement of the labor disputes and the legal courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the topic of interference of specializations between the committees for the settlement of the labor disputes and the legal courts.

circular regarding Concerning the quick hearing and Decision making, and priority regarding the lawsuits of the prisoners, underage persons, endowment, and impostor.

circular regarding Concerning the quick hearing and Decision making, and priority regarding the lawsuits of the prisoners, underage persons, endowment, and impostor.

circular regarding Concerning the specification of the notification period in the form.

circular regarding Concerning the specification of the notification period in the form.

circular regarding Not to accept to hear the cases of blood money facing the treasury if the guilty person is a foreigner

circular regarding Not to accept to hear the cases of blood money facing the treasury if the guilty person is a foreigner

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Each lawsuit of an endowed property of which judgment has been issued before the issuance of the Decree and which have been endorsed after the issuance of the final Decree , and then the referenced Decree is valid for such lawsuit.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Each lawsuit of an endowed property of which judgment has been issued before the issuance of the Decree and which have been endorsed after the issuance of the final Decree , and then the referenced Decree is valid for such lawsuit.

circular regarding Concerning the bribery, and forgery lawsuits that are referred to the grievance bureau for investigation and trial

circular regarding Concerning the bribery, and forgery lawsuits that are referred to the grievance bureau for investigation and trial

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to accept any agreement or association between the companies and establishments in the process of bidding.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to accept any agreement or association between the companies and establishments in the process of bidding.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the suggestion of re-considering the evaluation of blood money.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the suggestion of re-considering the evaluation of blood money.

The necessity to hear any urgent lawsuit that happens to the travelers with consideration of the official work hours.

The necessity to hear any urgent lawsuit that happens to the travelers with consideration of the official work hours.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The receiver is considered the official representative of the company, acts on its behalf for legal proceedings, claims its rights, and disposes its money within the limits of his authority with no need to get the consent of a partner.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The receiver is considered the official representative of the company, acts on its behalf for legal proceedings, claims its rights, and disposes its money within the limits of his authority with no need to get the consent of a partner.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Notification of the passports department of the name of each against whom a lawsuit is brought, and he must not allow traveling till another notification.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Notification of the passports department of the name of each against whom a lawsuit is brought, and he must not allow traveling till another notification.

circular regarding The necessity to use the book of the session's appointments.

circular regarding The necessity to use the book of the session's appointments.

circular No.97/12/t dated 15/6/1403h Transfer of the authority to deal with the explosive substances issues from the general security directorate to the civil defense directorate.

circular No.97/12/t dated 15/6/1403h Transfer of the authority to deal with the explosive substances issues from the general security directorate to the civil defense directorate.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to use the book of the session's appointments.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity to use the book of the session's appointments.

circular No.101/12/t dated 29/5/1394h concerning the necessity to remove the inflammable substances from inside the Ministry‟s building.

circular No.101/12/t dated 29/5/1394h concerning the necessity to remove the inflammable substances from inside the Ministry‟s building.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning the necessity to refer the person who causes a traffic accident and who admit his partial responsibility to the legal court for the attestation of his admission of the responsibility.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Concerning the necessity to refer the person who causes a traffic accident and who admit his partial responsibility to the legal court for the attestation of his admission of the responsibility.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to accept the lawyer who does not have a Saudi legal profession certificate in more than three lawsuits for three persons.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to accept the lawyer who does not have a Saudi legal profession certificate in more than three lawsuits for three persons.

circular No.100/2/t dated 29/5/1394h not to retain fire (by any means) whether by gas or electricity or any other material inside the Ministry‟s building or its attached buildings.

circular No.100/2/t dated 29/5/1394h not to retain fire (by any means) whether by gas or electricity or any other material inside the Ministry‟s building or its attached buildings.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The orders issued to all of the courts regarding submitting the lawsuits directly to the legal courts.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The orders issued to all of the courts regarding submitting the lawsuits directly to the legal courts.

circular regarding If the sentence is blood money against the treasury of the country.

circular regarding If the sentence is blood money against the treasury of the country.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Pleading shall be declared except if the court considers it is better to be confidential for observation of ethics.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Pleading shall be declared except if the court considers it is better to be confidential for observation of ethics.]

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the unintentional murder, insolvency proof takes place by facing the family of the guilty person.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the unintentional murder, insolvency proof takes place by facing the family of the guilty person.

circular No. 14/12t dated 18/2/1400h regarding the phenomenon of lack of abidance of the foreign women by the decent clothes, in the Kingdom, and their erotic clothes.

circular No. 14/12t dated 18/2/1400h regarding the phenomenon of lack of abidance of the foreign women by the decent clothes, in the Kingdom, and their erotic clothes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The necessity to finalize the prisoners‟ lawsuits and not to delay them and to give them the priority to the other lawsuits as necessary.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The necessity to finalize the prisoners‟ lawsuits and not to delay them and to give them the priority to the other lawsuits as necessary.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the measures for hearing the lawsuit against an official.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the measures for hearing the lawsuit against an official.

circular No. 54/2/t Dated26/3/1394h concerning the prohibition of those coming to Iran to enter with different types of weapons.

circular No. 54/2/t Dated26/3/1394h concerning the prohibition of those coming to Iran to enter with different types of weapons.

circular No.193/2/t dated 25/12/1392h concerning entering the specifications of guns in the passports of those who desire to pass through the Iranian territories with their guns.

circular No.193/2/t dated 25/12/1392h concerning entering the specifications of guns in the passports of those who desire to pass through the Iranian territories with their guns.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The penalty condition stated in the contracts is correct, considerable and must be implemented.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The penalty condition stated in the contracts is correct, considerable and must be implemented.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding car accidents and unintentional murder, the foreigner shall deposit the blood money at the treasury.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding car accidents and unintentional murder, the foreigner shall deposit the blood money at the treasury.

circular No.8/2/390/B dated 8/7/1411h regarding to exempt the foreigner prisoners and arrested persons because of the public rights from imprisonment and penalty and expel them outside the Kingdom, and enter their names in the list of those who are prohibited from re-entering the Kingdom.

circular No.8/2/390/B dated 8/7/1411h regarding to exempt the foreigner prisoners and arrested persons because of the public rights from imprisonment and penalty and expel them outside the Kingdom, and enter their names in the list of those who are prohibited from re-entering the Kingdom.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The plaintiff can bring the lawsuit against the defendant in his place of residence.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The plaintiff can bring the lawsuit against the defendant in his place of residence.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The officials of the treasury must claim the blood money of the collided person who has no heirs at the present, and if later his heirs are present they shall be paid the blood money.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The officials of the treasury must claim the blood money of the collided person who has no heirs at the present, and if later his heirs are present they shall be paid the blood money.

circular No. 1074/4/M dated16/4/1386h concerning the types of weapons, fire bullets, daggers, and swords that are to be retained by the managements of treasuries.

circular No. 1074/4/M dated16/4/1386h concerning the types of weapons, fire bullets, daggers, and swords that are to be retained by the managements of treasuries.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lawsuits which have been book kept and the judges have been transferred before the judgment is issued.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lawsuits which have been book kept and the judges have been transferred before the judgment is issued.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The companies and establishments must keep copies of the official documents of their sponsored employees.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The companies and establishments must keep copies of the official documents of their sponsored employees.

circular No.597/S/A dated 28/9/1409h concerning including of those whose debts claimed does not exceed five million Riyals.

circular No.597/S/A dated 28/9/1409h concerning including of those whose debts claimed does not exceed five million Riyals.

circular regarding Pleadings shall be declared except if the court considers it is better to be confidential for observation of ethics.

circular regarding Pleadings shall be declared except if the court considers it is better to be confidential for observation of ethics.

circular No.8/60/t dated 28/4/1409h regarding not to exile or transfer any prisoner to the general prison of Japan.

circular No.8/60/t dated 28/4/1409h regarding not to exile or transfer any prisoner to the general prison of Japan.

circular no.8/179t dated 4/9/1408h regarding detaining those who are accused by taking wine at the investigation parties in the police stations.

circular no.8/179t dated 4/9/1408h regarding detaining those who are accused by taking wine at the investigation parties in the police stations.

circular no.12/10/t dated 7/4/1407h forwarding all the file of each prisoner separately with a separate letter from the Imara (prince office) together with all of the information regarding the complaint.

circular no.12/10/t dated 7/4/1407h forwarding all the file of each prisoner separately with a separate letter from the Imara (prince office) together with all of the information regarding the complaint.

circular No.12/91/t dated 4/6/1407h Concerning the lands which belong to the Saudi Railways Organization (SRO).

circular No.12/91/t dated 4/6/1407h Concerning the lands which belong to the Saudi Railways Organization (SRO).

circular regarding Not to decide about any lawsuit this is against the treasury unless the lawyer of the Ministry is present.

circular regarding Not to decide about any lawsuit this is against the treasury unless the lawyer of the Ministry is present.

circular No.12/208/t dated 20/12/1404h regarding the confessions of those who do not know Arabic language shall be taken in their handwriting and their languages then translated accurately.

circular No.12/208/t dated 20/12/1404h regarding the confessions of those who do not know Arabic language shall be taken in their handwriting and their languages then translated accurately.

circular No.140/12t dated 14/7/1398h authorization of the Minister of transportation the right to decrease the buffer if the ownership – by others - of some lands within the buffer has been proved.

circular No.140/12t dated 14/7/1398h authorization of the Minister of transportation the right to decrease the buffer if the ownership – by others - of some lands within the buffer has been proved.

circular regarding The name of the judge must be written in the beginning or in the end of the lawsuit.

circular regarding The name of the judge must be written in the beginning or in the end of the lawsuit.

circular No.56/12/t dated 24/3/1395h concerning the lands which belong to the railway line starting from Dammam to Riyadh.

circular No.56/12/t dated 24/3/1395h concerning the lands which belong to the railway line starting from Dammam to Riyadh.

circular No.12/67/t dated 15/3/1404h regarding If the sentenced period of the prisoner elapses before receiving the file from the supreme court, the prisoner can be freed under sponsorship, and slashing can be postponed till the file is received.

circular No.12/67/t dated 15/3/1404h regarding If the sentenced period of the prisoner elapses before receiving the file from the supreme court, the prisoner can be freed under sponsorship, and slashing can be postponed till the file is received.

circular No.40/12/t dated 28/3/1402h the phenomenon of delay of judgment the lawsuits of the prisoners.

circular No.40/12/t dated 28/3/1402h the phenomenon of delay of judgment the lawsuits of the prisoners.

circular No.8/t/62 dated 15/6/1411h concerning the protest march of some women claiming the permission to women to drive cars.

circular No.8/t/62 dated 15/6/1411h concerning the protest march of some women claiming the permission to women to drive cars.

circular No.26/1/t dated23/2/1401h concerning the release of the prisoners under sponsorship who have been imprisoned because of simple issues.

circular No.26/1/t dated23/2/1401h concerning the release of the prisoners under sponsorship who have been imprisoned because of simple issues.

circular No. 160/12/t dated 25/11/1399h regarding Paying attention to the prisoners' issues and expediting their processing in such a manner that they do not take more than three days at the concerned section.

circular No. 160/12/t dated 25/11/1399h regarding Paying attention to the prisoners' issues and expediting their processing in such a manner that they do not take more than three days at the concerned section.

circular No.117/12/t dated 24/5/1395h regarding a court representative must contribute to the distribution of rations to the prisoners.

circular No.117/12/t dated 24/5/1395h regarding a court representative must contribute to the distribution of rations to the prisoners.

circular No.132/12/t dated 27/7/1403h concerning the accusation of some of the Egyptians of stealing and pick pocketing from the pilgrims.

circular No.132/12/t dated 27/7/1403h concerning the accusation of some of the Egyptians of stealing and pick pocketing from the pilgrims.

Concerning the release of Catha edulis prisoners who have completed halves of their sentenced imprisonment periods.

Concerning the release of Catha edulis prisoners who have completed halves of their sentenced imprisonment periods.

circular regarding Concerning the notification of the notary publics regarding the documentation of the mortgages for the interest of the industrial development fund in return to the loans provided by the fund to the investors.

circular regarding Concerning the notification of the notary publics regarding the documentation of the mortgages for the interest of the industrial development fund in return to the loans provided by the fund to the investors.

circular No.208/k/t dated 11/9/1393h not to ask the criminal about some crime regarding which he has already confessed so that he will not withdraw his confession.

circular No.208/k/t dated 11/9/1393h not to ask the criminal about some crime regarding which he has already confessed so that he will not withdraw his confession.

circular No.12/184/t dated 3/11/1404h concerning the delay regarding obtaining the documents related to the payment of compensations from the legal courts.

circular No.12/184/t dated 3/11/1404h concerning the delay regarding obtaining the documents related to the payment of compensations from the legal courts.

circular No. 107/2/t dated 27/6/1392h regarding the person who is imprisoned because there are some penalties for a governmental department which he has not been able to pay must not refer to the courts before getting the permission of the said department.

circular No. 107/2/t dated 27/6/1392h regarding the person who is imprisoned because there are some penalties for a governmental department which he has not been able to pay must not refer to the courts before getting the permission of the said department.

circular No.165/4/t dated 5/11/1393h regarding paper must not be used except as needed and they must not be used for personal issues.

circular No.165/4/t dated 5/11/1393h regarding paper must not be used except as needed and they must not be used for personal issues.

circular No.8/t/67 dated 22/4/1410h Offering treatment based on jugglery, ambiguous codes, and the like shall be absolutely prohibited.

circular No.8/t/67 dated 22/4/1410h Offering treatment based on jugglery, ambiguous codes, and the like shall be absolutely prohibited.

Zakat of fed livestock.

Zakat of fed livestock.

circular no.87/12/t dated 23/4/1393h regarding Permission to the high jurisdiction authority to contact the courts and supreme courts.

circular no.87/12/t dated 23/4/1393h regarding Permission to the high jurisdiction authority to contact the courts and supreme courts.

circular no.8/117/t dated 4/8/1409h concerning the validity of the agreement related to the avoidance of double taxes of the income, and inheritance between the governments of the Kingdom and France.

circular no.8/117/t dated 4/8/1409h concerning the validity of the agreement related to the avoidance of double taxes of the income, and inheritance between the governments of the Kingdom and France.

circular no. 39/12/t dated 17/3/1399 regarding as assigned by it, Qassim zakat shall be handed over to the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to distribute or to the persons to whom the Committee transferred such zakat.

circular no. 39/12/t dated 17/3/1399 regarding as assigned by it, Qassim zakat shall be handed over to the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to distribute or to the persons to whom the Committee transferred such zakat.

circular regarding Not to specify a certain period that represents a foundation on which the judges base their judgments instead the judgment shall be left to their discretion.

circular regarding Not to specify a certain period that represents a foundation on which the judges base their judgments instead the judgment shall be left to their discretion.

circular regarding Concerning sending the form which includes enough information about the foreigner.

circular regarding Concerning sending the form which includes enough information about the foreigner.

circular regarding Not to accept any lawsuit which is not signed and the full name of the plaintiff, his address, the number of his ID and place of issue of his ID are shown on it.

circular regarding Not to accept any lawsuit which is not signed and the full name of the plaintiff, his address, the number of his ID and place of issue of his ID are shown on it.

circular regarding What is to be taken into account when there are mistakes in the boundaries, and length mentioned in the possession argument documents

circular regarding What is to be taken into account when there are mistakes in the boundaries, and length mentioned in the possession argument documents

circular regarding Loans from the commercial banks are usurious, the banks takes interests at certain percentages from the borrower.

circular regarding Loans from the commercial banks are usurious, the banks takes interests at certain percentages from the borrower.

circular regarding Provide the inspection and intelligence departments with a summary of any lawsuit which is heard and one of its parties is a foreigner.

circular regarding Provide the inspection and intelligence departments with a summary of any lawsuit which is heard and one of its parties is a foreigner.

circular regarding If the plaintiff is willing to resort to the Saudi judicial authorities, the defendant who resides outside the Kingdom shall be notified.

circular regarding If the plaintiff is willing to resort to the Saudi judicial authorities, the defendant who resides outside the Kingdom shall be notified.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits which have been booked and the judges have been transferred before issuing the judgments

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits which have been booked and the judges have been transferred before issuing the judgments

circular regarding Not to write the contracts that is forbidden by God.

circular regarding Not to write the contracts that is forbidden by God.

circular regarding Concerning specifying a grace period to the plaintiff to prove his rights before expelling him.

circular regarding Concerning specifying a grace period to the plaintiff to prove his rights before expelling him.

circular regarding Concerning the confirmation to the judges to expedite the Decision s and finalize the lawsuits before they become sophisticated.

circular regarding Concerning the confirmation to the judges to expedite the Decision s and finalize the lawsuits before they become sophisticated.

circular regarding Emphasis of the necessity to abide by the instructions and circulars related to the possession arguments and not to disregard

circular regarding Emphasis of the necessity to abide by the instructions and circulars related to the possession arguments and not to disregard

circular regarding Concerning the prisoner of private right who is set free and the one who is not set free and the regulations related to that.

circular regarding Concerning the prisoner of private right who is set free and the one who is not set free and the regulations related to that.

circular regarding If the foreigner is absent, he should be notified of the decided judgments whether or not they are in his interest through his country‟s embassy.

circular regarding If the foreigner is absent, he should be notified of the decided judgments whether or not they are in his interest through his country‟s embassy.

circular regarding Concerning the person who brings the suit to claim the blood money of the over that a car has run.

circular regarding Concerning the person who brings the suit to claim the blood money of the over that a car has run.

circular regarding Not to refer those who commit car accidents for confirmation of their insolvency without referring to this position.

circular regarding Not to refer those who commit car accidents for confirmation of their insolvency without referring to this position.

circular regarding The plaintiff can bring the lawsuit to the court which is located within the authorization zone of the branch of the company, or society or establishment

circular regarding The plaintiff can bring the lawsuit to the court which is located within the authorization zone of the branch of the company, or society or establishment

circular regarding Concerning the lands which belong to the Saudi Railways Organization (SRO).

circular regarding Concerning the lands which belong to the Saudi Railways Organization (SRO).

circular regarding If the lawsuit is brought against a person with a property under his possession and he claims that he has sold it, he should be asked to bring the person who bought it

circular regarding If the lawsuit is brought against a person with a property under his possession and he claims that he has sold it, he should be asked to bring the person who bought it

circular regarding Not to refer the insolvency lawsuits of those who owe rights to the country without referring to this position.

circular regarding Not to refer the insolvency lawsuits of those who owe rights to the country without referring to this position.

circular regarding Concerning the visit of the judge to the location of the dispute.

circular regarding Concerning the visit of the judge to the location of the dispute.

circular regarding Authorization to the courts to confirm the good conduct of those who claim rehabilitation.

circular regarding Authorization to the courts to confirm the good conduct of those who claim rehabilitation.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits which some judges have not finalized due to their transfer, death, or retirement.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits which some judges have not finalized due to their transfer, death, or retirement.

circular regarding The authority which is to be formed to decide about the rehabilitation requests

circular regarding The authority which is to be formed to decide about the rehabilitation requests

circular regarding Notification to fill-in the application field with the date of the formal request submitted to the court requesting the possession argument

circular regarding Notification to fill-in the application field with the date of the formal request submitted to the court requesting the possession argument

circular regarding The lawsuit is under the authority of the judge to whom it has been presented, and nobody can withdraw it from him even if it is out of his competence

circular regarding The lawsuit is under the authority of the judge to whom it has been presented, and nobody can withdraw it from him even if it is out of his competence

circular regarding Concerning the debts and blood money required from the Saudi prisoners or those who are freed under sponsorship after they have been imprisoned

circular regarding Concerning the debts and blood money required from the Saudi prisoners or those who are freed under sponsorship after they have been imprisoned

circular regarding Concerning the debts and blood money required from the Saudi prisoners or those who are freed under sponsorship after they have been imprisoned

circular regarding Concerning the debts and blood money required from the Saudi prisoners or those who are freed under sponsorship after they have been imprisoned

circular regarding Not to allow any official to participate in any lawsuit in which he has a direct benefit or if he has some relation to one of its parties.

circular regarding Not to allow any official to participate in any lawsuit in which he has a direct benefit or if he has some relation to one of its parties.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The appointment of the board of directors' members of each establishment shall take place according to its system.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The appointment of the board of directors' members of each establishment shall take place according to its system.

circular regarding Concerning the conditions that should be available for the person who requests rehabilitation.

circular regarding Concerning the conditions that should be available for the person who requests rehabilitation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lawsuits of stealing cigarettes and radios and the like.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lawsuits of stealing cigarettes and radios and the like.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The prisoners‟ lawsuits shall be heard by the judge of the town where the defendant lives regardless of the location where the accident has taken place.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The prisoners‟ lawsuits shall be heard by the judge of the town where the defendant lives regardless of the location where the accident has taken place.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding It is possible for the person who has converted to Islam and has known the principles of Islam to go by himself to get circumcised

Circular of the minister of justice regarding It is possible for the person who has converted to Islam and has known the principles of Islam to go by himself to get circumcised

Circular of the minister of justice regarding hearing the lawsuits of stealing cigarettes and radios and the like in a legal manner.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding hearing the lawsuits of stealing cigarettes and radios and the like in a legal manner.

circular regarding Concerning setting free all of the private financial right prisoners.

circular regarding Concerning setting free all of the private financial right prisoners.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding License to establish Rajhi banking co. for investment as a Saudi join stock company.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding License to establish Rajhi banking co. for investment as a Saudi join stock company.

circular regarding Concerning the form that includes information about the foreigner whether he is a plaintiff or a defendant or a witness.

circular regarding Concerning the form that includes information about the foreigner whether he is a plaintiff or a defendant or a witness.

circular regarding Concerning the identification of the crimes that are recorded in the previous convictions sheet.

circular regarding Concerning the identification of the crimes that are recorded in the previous convictions sheet.

circular regarding Regulations related to limiting the effects of false and vexatious claims.

circular regarding Regulations related to limiting the effects of false and vexatious claims.

circular regarding The courts must not hear the insolvency of the person who is claimed with commercial debts because the authority of deciding about the commercial conflicts is authorized to do that

circular regarding The courts must not hear the insolvency of the person who is claimed with commercial debts because the authority of deciding about the commercial conflicts is authorized to do that

circular regarding Concerning unenforceability of the claim from the public treasury if the right owner or his deputy or successor is delayed to receive the claim amount with no legal excuse for three years or more.

circular regarding Concerning unenforceability of the claim from the public treasury if the right owner or his deputy or successor is delayed to receive the claim amount with no legal excuse for three years or more.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If someone is sentenced by blood money, a weapon must not be included within the blood money.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If someone is sentenced by blood money, a weapon must not be included within the blood money.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Transformation of Mohamed bin Laden establishment to a limited liability co. under the name “Mohamed bin Laden Co.” and its trade name is Mohamed bin Laden Est.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Transformation of Mohamed bin Laden establishment to a limited liability co. under the name “Mohamed bin Laden Co.” and its trade name is Mohamed bin Laden Est.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to allow any official to participate in any lawsuit in which he has a direct benefit or if he has some relation to one of its parties.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to allow any official to participate in any lawsuit in which he has a direct benefit or if he has some relation to one of its parties.

Circular of the minister of justice No.12/197 /T regarding the encouragement to finalize the youngsters‟ transactions.

Circular of the minister of justice No.12/197 /T regarding the encouragement to finalize the youngsters‟ transactions.

circular regarding Concerning the payment on behalf of the insolvent prisoners.

circular regarding Concerning the payment on behalf of the insolvent prisoners.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the arrangement of the vacations of the ministers, their deputies and the superior tank officials.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the arrangement of the vacations of the ministers, their deputies and the superior tank officials.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to accept or consider any contractors‟ classification certificate if it is not according to the new form starting from 01/09/1408H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to accept or consider any contractors‟ classification certificate if it is not according to the new form starting from 01/09/1408H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the arrangement of the vacations of the ministers, their deputies and the superior tank officials.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the arrangement of the vacations of the ministers, their deputies and the superior tank officials.

circular regarding Concerning the person who brings an already judged lawsuit or a false lawsuit with the intention to harm his opponen

circular regarding Concerning the person who brings an already judged lawsuit or a false lawsuit with the intention to harm his opponen

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judge must write a clear report to the Ministry of Justice about the lawsuit being heard.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judge must write a clear report to the Ministry of Justice about the lawsuit being heard.

circular regarding The judge must write clearly to the notary public about the heard lawsuit.

circular regarding The judge must write clearly to the notary public about the heard lawsuit.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if there is no judge in the town of the prisoner, his lawsuit shall be heard by the judge of the nearest town.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if there is no judge in the town of the prisoner, his lawsuit shall be heard by the judge of the nearest town.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judges and the notary publics must observe their entire department issued documents and they must read them carefully to guard against the presence of some spelling or grammar mistakes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judges and the notary publics must observe their entire department issued documents and they must read them carefully to guard against the presence of some spelling or grammar mistakes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Abidance by the annually approved amount of the country‟s budget and arranging the payment for the existing contracts with the executing contractors.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Abidance by the annually approved amount of the country‟s budget and arranging the payment for the existing contracts with the executing contractors.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding For the accidents lawsuits which take place in a country other than the country of the defendant and if the accused person is set free according to an attendance sponsorship then the plaintiff shall be at his option.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding For the accidents lawsuits which take place in a country other than the country of the defendant and if the accused person is set free according to an attendance sponsorship then the plaintiff shall be at his option.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding ending the embargo imposed against Shuda petrostar Saudi Japanese Co.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding ending the embargo imposed against Shuda petrostar Saudi Japanese Co.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To notify the two parties in case of separation judgment between the spouses whether by conditioned divorce or divorce or revocation that such judgment in ineffective till it becomes categorical through its endorsement.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To notify the two parties in case of separation judgment between the spouses whether by conditioned divorce or divorce or revocation that such judgment in ineffective till it becomes categorical through its endorsement.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits brought against military persons who were postponed for current circumstances.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits brought against military persons who were postponed for current circumstances.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The contractors due amounts shall be paid according to the executed work and the installments which have been approved periodically by the consultant or the technical supervising party of the project.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The contractors due amounts shall be paid according to the executed work and the installments which have been approved periodically by the consultant or the technical supervising party of the project.

circular regarding Concerning referring the lawsuits of cigarettes and radios and the like to the commercial conflicts resolution authorities.

circular regarding Concerning referring the lawsuits of cigarettes and radios and the like to the commercial conflicts resolution authorities.

circular regarding Not to issue insolvency deeds except after confirming the existence of a lawsuit this is brought against the debtor and in front of the right owners

circular regarding Not to issue insolvency deeds except after confirming the existence of a lawsuit this is brought against the debtor and in front of the right owners

circular regarding Concerning a copy of the Council of Ministers ‟ resolution No. 58 which requires the cancellation of the pleading regulations.

circular regarding Concerning a copy of the Council of Ministers ‟ resolution No. 58 which requires the cancellation of the pleading regulations.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The research which has been prepared by the permanent committee for academic and legal opinion research regarding the topic of disobedience and conditioned divorce.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The research which has been prepared by the permanent committee for academic and legal opinion research regarding the topic of disobedience and conditioned divorce.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Approval of Dr./ Hassan Nassif to take legal proceedings and to deal with the courts and notary public.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Approval of Dr./ Hassan Nassif to take legal proceedings and to deal with the courts and notary public.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding a legal opinion regarding the Muslim blood money and the blood money of injuries and bone fracture.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding a legal opinion regarding the Muslim blood money and the blood money of injuries and bone fracture.

circular regarding Every judge must hear his lawsuits and must not refer any lawsuit file to another judge if this lawsuit is under his competence and within the area of his duties.

circular regarding Every judge must hear his lawsuits and must not refer any lawsuit file to another judge if this lawsuit is under his competence and within the area of his duties.

circular No.170/t dated 22/8/1396h regarding encouragement of Imams (leaders) of the mosques to include in their Friday speeches and after prayers motivation of the payment of zakat.

circular No.170/t dated 22/8/1396h regarding encouragement of Imams (leaders) of the mosques to include in their Friday speeches and after prayers motivation of the payment of zakat.

circular regarding Concerning not to issue deeds for those who need to prove insolvency or any other similar deeds.

circular regarding Concerning not to issue deeds for those who need to prove insolvency or any other similar deeds.

circular No.4/12/t dated10/1/1398h regarding bserving the implementation of the system for collection of the government money accurately in relation to the payment of the treasury rights.

circular No.4/12/t dated10/1/1398h regarding bserving the implementation of the system for collection of the government money accurately in relation to the payment of the treasury rights.

circular No.479/2/m dated 25/2/1387h regarding Formation of a committee from Imara, court, committee for the Propagation of Virtue to elect a committee for estimation and distribution of zakat.

circular No.479/2/m dated 25/2/1387h regarding Formation of a committee from Imara, court, committee for the Propagation of Virtue to elect a committee for estimation and distribution of zakat.

circular regarding To expedite hearing and deciding about each family lawsuit forwarded to the court and to consider it as a priority.

circular regarding To expedite hearing and deciding about each family lawsuit forwarded to the court and to consider it as a priority.

Decision No.645 dated 29/12/1382h zakat shall be paid completely by all of the companies, individuals and others.

Decision No.645 dated 29/12/1382h zakat shall be paid completely by all of the companies, individuals and others.

circular No.91//12/t dated 11/7/1397h regarding preaching, reminding and denying lies and falsification regarding the issues of zakat and other issues.

circular No.91//12/t dated 11/7/1397h regarding preaching, reminding and denying lies and falsification regarding the issues of zakat and other issues.

circular No.219/12/t dated 29/12/1396h regarding Concerning the collection of half of the amount of the legal zakat of cash and commercial commodities from those who are subject to zakat.

circular No.219/12/t dated 29/12/1396h regarding Concerning the collection of half of the amount of the legal zakat of cash and commercial commodities from those who are subject to zakat.

circular No.168/3 dated 14/1/1379h regarding Zakat shall be collected according to the regulations then it shall be distributed by a committee formed of the judge, financial manager and the head of the committee for the Propagation of Virtue.

circular No.168/3 dated 14/1/1379h regarding Zakat shall be collected according to the regulations then it shall be distributed by a committee formed of the judge, financial manager and the head of the committee for the Propagation of Virtue.

circular No.129/2/t dated 17/8/1392h regarding To make sure that the estimation committees are careful in performing their duties and they do not take it easy regarding the estimation.

circular No.129/2/t dated 17/8/1392h regarding To make sure that the estimation committees are careful in performing their duties and they do not take it easy regarding the estimation.

circular regarding Not to be contented with the opinion regarding the lawsuit, but the legal judgment must be issued.

circular regarding Not to be contented with the opinion regarding the lawsuit, but the legal judgment must be issued.

circular No.12/122/t dated 4/7/1407h concerning the method to be followed when registering the real estate which has been funded by the loan from the fund.

circular No.12/122/t dated 4/7/1407h concerning the method to be followed when registering the real estate which has been funded by the loan from the fund.

circular No.12/104/t dated 1/6/1406h regarding Concerning the officials who are authorized by the Ministry of Finance and National Economy to perform redemption.

circular No.12/104/t dated 1/6/1406h regarding Concerning the officials who are authorized by the Ministry of Finance and National Economy to perform redemption.

circular No. 1565/3/M dated 24/6/1387h regarding concerning the committees for zakat estimation and distribution.

circular No. 1565/3/M dated 24/6/1387h regarding concerning the committees for zakat estimation and distribution.

circular No.12/68/t dated 2/4/1406h regarding for the request of notarization and redemption and the signature of these documents, Aramco shall be represented by its general manager in the Kingdom or his deputy.

circular No.12/68/t dated 2/4/1406h regarding for the request of notarization and redemption and the signature of these documents, Aramco shall be represented by its general manager in the Kingdom or his deputy.

circular regarding Nobody is to be referred to the court to confirm his insolvency unless his case is forwarded.

circular regarding Nobody is to be referred to the court to confirm his insolvency unless his case is forwarded.

circular No.212/12/t dated 23/11/1396h regarding registering of the agricultural bank mortgages, and whether they are to be dealt with as the method of registering the mortgages of the real estate and credit bank i.e. it is adequate to perform bookkeeping and there is no need for registering.

circular No.212/12/t dated 23/11/1396h regarding registering of the agricultural bank mortgages, and whether they are to be dealt with as the method of registering the mortgages of the real estate and credit bank i.e. it is adequate to perform bookkeeping and there is no need for registering.

circular regarding Concerning the noticed delay of hearing the lawsuits of the officials. A period of maximum three months is specified.

circular regarding Concerning the noticed delay of hearing the lawsuits of the officials. A period of maximum three months is specified.

circular regarding Concerning the persons who are required to pay fines to the country

circular regarding Concerning the persons who are required to pay fines to the country

circular regarding the method of using the forms of document confirming the mortgage related to the Saudi credit bank.

circular regarding the method of using the forms of document confirming the mortgage related to the Saudi credit bank.

regarding the Decision regarding the increase of the mortgage‟s debt after it has reached a certain amount.

regarding the Decision regarding the increase of the mortgage‟s debt after it has reached a certain amount.

concerning facilitation and easement for the farmers regarding loans and deeds.

concerning facilitation and easement for the farmers regarding loans and deeds.

circular regarding Concerning not to issue any deed of the land ownership except after following the measures stated in the two articles (85 and 86) of the works regulation system.

circular regarding Concerning not to issue any deed of the land ownership except after following the measures stated in the two articles (85 and 86) of the works regulation system.

circular regarding The courts must decide about the application of any person who has suffered from an accident and the social insurance department requests the proof of his poverty and need of help.

circular regarding The courts must decide about the application of any person who has suffered from an accident and the social insurance department requests the proof of his poverty and need of help.

regarding not to delay issuing the legal deeds of the farmers who are entitled to get compensations.

regarding not to delay issuing the legal deeds of the farmers who are entitled to get compensations.

regarding not to delay issuing the legal deeds of the farmers who are entitled to get compensations.

regarding not to delay issuing the legal deeds of the farmers who are entitled to get compensations.

Query to the notary public general and the convicted about their desire to submit the objection brief.

Query to the notary public general and the convicted about their desire to submit the objection brief.

concerning stopping the attestation of the agricultural lands documents starting from 30/04/1404H.

concerning stopping the attestation of the agricultural lands documents starting from 30/04/1404H.

concerning bribery and fraud lawsuits which are referred to the grievance board for investigation and judgment.

concerning bribery and fraud lawsuits which are referred to the grievance board for investigation and judgment.

circular regarding Hearing all of the lawsuits raised to the court and dividing them fairly between the judges of the court including the head of the court.

circular regarding Hearing all of the lawsuits raised to the court and dividing them fairly between the judges of the court including the head of the court.

regarding bribery lawsuits of which one party is not an officer.

regarding bribery lawsuits of which one party is not an officer.

regarding to consult the Ministry of Agriculture regarding all the applications related to the agricultural lands.

regarding to consult the Ministry of Agriculture regarding all the applications related to the agricultural lands.

regarding concerning those who are to be relieved from private rights and who are not to be relieved, and the regulations of that.

regarding concerning those who are to be relieved from private rights and who are not to be relieved, and the regulations of that.

concerning insolvency claims raised by those who are required to settle dues to the government.

concerning insolvency claims raised by those who are required to settle dues to the government.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits which the judges leave without finalization.

circular regarding Concerning the lawsuits which the judges leave without finalization.

concerning those who are claimed to settle large amounts for the private right.

concerning those who are claimed to settle large amounts for the private right.

regarding the directorates of agriculture and water in the region must cooperate with the committees when they need surveyors.

regarding the directorates of agriculture and water in the region must cooperate with the committees when they need surveyors.

Regarding concerning expediting forwarding the transactions of the insolvent prisoners

Regarding concerning expediting forwarding the transactions of the insolvent prisoners

regarding the person who has been granted a land for settlement should utilize it for his interest

regarding the person who has been granted a land for settlement should utilize it for his interest

circular regarding If a person brings a lawsuit, and hearing the lawsuit requires the inventory of the heirs, then the confirmation of inventory of the heirs shall be at the judge who hears the lawsuit

circular regarding If a person brings a lawsuit, and hearing the lawsuit requires the inventory of the heirs, then the confirmation of inventory of the heirs shall be at the judge who hears the lawsuit

circular regarding Increasing the validity period of the governmental cars provided to the ministers and judges to three years instead of two years.

circular regarding Increasing the validity period of the governmental cars provided to the ministers and judges to three years instead of two years.

circular regarding When issuing a judgment of punishment or rebuke, it is necessary to mention that the sentenced person is an adult and having good mental health

circular regarding When issuing a judgment of punishment or rebuke, it is necessary to mention that the sentenced person is an adult and having good mental health

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If a lawsuit is brought against a person during his vacation and the vacation expires before the lawsuit is finalized, then the defendant shall not be obliged to travel to the location of the plaintiff.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If a lawsuit is brought against a person during his vacation and the vacation expires before the lawsuit is finalized, then the defendant shall not be obliged to travel to the location of the plaintiff.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The public establishments must present their security problems and needs to the Ministry of Interior so as they shall be studied.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The public establishments must present their security problems and needs to the Ministry of Interior so as they shall be studied.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding referring the lawsuits of cigarettes and radios and the like to the commercial conflicts resolution authorities.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding referring the lawsuits of cigarettes and radios and the like to the commercial conflicts resolution authorities.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Suggestions and alternatives to find secure places to accommodate the driver who has faced a traffic accident and injured or died.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Suggestions and alternatives to find secure places to accommodate the driver who has faced a traffic accident and injured or died.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to attest a contract of a company if it products are legally prohibited such as singing, parties‟ films, and the like.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to attest a contract of a company if it products are legally prohibited such as singing, parties‟ films, and the like.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the commitment of the governmental parties to repair the cars that belong to them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the commitment of the governmental parties to repair the cars that belong to them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that the chairman of the board of directors (or his assigned person) has the right to sign on behalf of the society and represent it in front on the judge.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that the chairman of the board of directors (or his assigned person) has the right to sign on behalf of the society and represent it in front on the judge.

circular regarding When issuing a judgment of punishment or rebuke, it is necessary to mention that the sentenced person is an adult and having good mental health

circular regarding When issuing a judgment of punishment or rebuke, it is necessary to mention that the sentenced person is an adult and having good mental health

circular regarding The required clarifications in the inheritance inventory deeds.

circular regarding The required clarifications in the inheritance inventory deeds.ر

circular regarding Concerning women inheritance, and their disregard them, then claiming them finally.

circular regarding Concerning women inheritance, and their disregard them, then claiming them finally.

circular regarding The necessity to write the ministry‟s logo clearly on the front doors.

circular regarding The necessity to write the ministry‟s logo clearly on the front doors.

circular regarding Suspension of the judgment based on a condition is a measure which is incorrect.

circular regarding Suspension of the judgment based on a condition is a measure which is incorrect.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If two cars cause injuries or bone fracture to a person and they were not differentiated, and if the person has not died, or if the two cars collided something and damaged it, then the drivers of the two cars must pay the blood money or the property money equally.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If two cars cause injuries or bone fracture to a person and they were not differentiated, and if the person has not died, or if the two cars collided something and damaged it, then the drivers of the two cars must pay the blood money or the property money equally.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding being contented with the regulation of rebuke Decision s according to a legal Decision.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding being contented with the regulation of rebuke Decision s according to a legal Decision.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prohibition to deal with Sakhr International Co.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prohibition to deal with Sakhr International Co.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to adopt the exemption from the blood money as a general rule.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to adopt the exemption from the blood money as a general rule.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The modification of the name of the company (which was formed before the issuance of the regulations and not registered at the notary public) cannot be registered.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The modification of the name of the company (which was formed before the issuance of the regulations and not registered at the notary public) cannot be registered.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If a car overturns while its movement and some passengers die or being injured or their bones fractured.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If a car overturns while its movement and some passengers die or being injured or their bones fractured.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The Hijri calendar must be used for all of the official measures whether for the contracts of which one party is a foreigner or not.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The Hijri calendar must be used for all of the official measures whether for the contracts of which one party is a foreigner or not.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Instructions related to the measures to be followed for the accidents that take place between the police and the defense ministry.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Instructions related to the measures to be followed for the accidents that take place between the police and the defense ministry.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lawsuits of the foreigner prisoners.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the lawsuits of the foreigner prisoners.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity that the courts abide by the notified instructions regarding the judicial documents.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the necessity that the courts abide by the notified instructions regarding the judicial documents.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to state in the judgment slashing within the quarters, or as the offense location or the private residences.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Not to state in the judgment slashing within the quarters, or as the offense location or the private residences.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The regulations related to the encouragement of the local contracting system.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The regulations related to the encouragement of the local contracting system.

circular regarding Concerning the remarks which should exist in the payments and fuels of the cars of the judges, chief judges and judge of the supreme court

circular regarding Concerning the remarks which should exist in the payments and fuels of the cars of the judges, chief judges and judge of the supreme court

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Providing the contractors with SABIC certificates and holding them committed to purchase SABIC products.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Providing the contractors with SABIC certificates and holding them committed to purchase SABIC products.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Inclusion of the legal judgments the ID numbers of the convicted persons from their passports or Iqamas.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Inclusion of the legal judgments the ID numbers of the convicted persons from their passports or Iqamas.

circular regarding Concerning the allotment of private parks for the Ministry‟s employees.

circular regarding Concerning the allotment of private parks for the Ministry‟s employees.

circular regarding Concerning the replacement of the cars of the chief judges and members of the supreme court after the elapse of two years from the date of the provision of their existing cars

circular regarding Concerning the replacement of the cars of the chief judges and members of the supreme court after the elapse of two years from the date of the provision of their existing cars

circular regarding Stopping issuing new licenses for the cars for rent.

circular regarding Stopping issuing new licenses for the cars for rent.

circular regarding Concerning the wish of the ministry to prepare a record of the cars that belong to the ministry and its related departments.

circular regarding Concerning the wish of the ministry to prepare a record of the cars that belong to the ministry and its related departments.

circular regarding When registering the governmental cars, the stores instructions must be abided by.

circular regarding When registering the governmental cars, the stores instructions must be abided by.

circular regarding Concerning the system for providing the government procurements of cars, ….etc.

circular regarding Concerning the system for providing the government procurements of cars, ….etc.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judgment must be limited to the heard lawsuit only without discussion of the issue of expelling those who have not proved to be guilty.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judgment must be limited to the heard lawsuit only without discussion of the issue of expelling those who have not proved to be guilty.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding In the rebuke judgments, there must not be a statement that the convicted person must not be included in a general amnesty issued by the ruler.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding In the rebuke judgments, there must not be a statement that the convicted person must not be included in a general amnesty issued by the ruler.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the arrangements of the judge's vacations and the procedure for relinquishing the vacation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the arrangements of the judge's vacations and the procedure for relinquishing the vacation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Inclusion in the governmental contracts a statement that requires the contractor to use the Saudi Air lines or through it for all of his employees‟ travels.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Inclusion in the governmental contracts a statement that requires the contractor to use the Saudi Air lines or through it for all of his employees‟ travels.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the requirement of some measures of transaction to bring some of the officials who are related to those lawsuits or who are parties of them, either as plaintiffs or defendants.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the requirement of some measures of transaction to bring some of the officials who are related to those lawsuits or who are parties of them, either as plaintiffs or defendants.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the specification of a fixed appointment for the execution of the judicial penalty.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the specification of a fixed appointment for the execution of the judicial penalty.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the collapse of a roof of a mosque which is under construction.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the collapse of a roof of a mosque which is under construction.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Arabic countries sometimes neither convey the legal documents nor execute the judgments issued by the judicial Saudi authorities.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the Arabic countries sometimes neither convey the legal documents nor execute the judgments issued by the judicial Saudi authorities.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding when preparing the conditions, specifications, and advertisement of a bid, it should be observed that they are simplified as far as possible and they do not exceed the project requirements.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding when preparing the conditions, specifications, and advertisement of a bid, it should be observed that they are simplified as far as possible and they do not exceed the project requirements.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding providing the representative of the borders guard with a copy of the judicial judgment issued in relation to any individual of the borders guard‟s affiliates.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding providing the representative of the borders guard with a copy of the judicial judgment issued in relation to any individual of the borders guard‟s affiliates.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding taking the statements of the witnesses who are present in the United States of America.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding taking the statements of the witnesses who are present in the United States of America.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To consider the time spent by the accused person in the prison as sufficient either because of not proving the accusations or because there is only suspicion.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding To consider the time spent by the accused person in the prison as sufficient either because of not proving the accusations or because there is only suspicion.

Notification documents must be in accordance with the official forms in such a manner that they are signed and stamped by the competent court which take over the task of notification.

Notification documents must be in accordance with the official forms in such a manner that they are signed and stamped by the competent court which take over the task of notification.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the topic of conveying the judicial documents.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the topic of conveying the judicial documents.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding emphasis that all the governmental department shall purchase their needs from the national products and obligate the companies which deal with them to do so.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding emphasis that all the governmental department shall purchase their needs from the national products and obligate the companies which deal with them to do so.

Not to name the projects which belong to establishment by governmental names or by the names of the high officials except after taking the permission from the King.

Not to name the projects which belong to establishment by governmental names or by the names of the high officials except after taking the permission from the King.

If the person (who is sentenced that the period spent by him in prison is enough) has been found (by the court) innocent, then the judge must declare that in his Decision .

If the person (who is sentenced that the period spent by him in prison is enough) has been found (by the court) innocent, then the judge must declare that in his Decision .

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judgment to be executed must be complete so that it can be officially approved.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The judgment to be executed must be complete so that it can be officially approved.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to consider the sentenced period starts from the date of the essential arresting of the accused person.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to consider the sentenced period starts from the date of the essential arresting of the accused person.

Concerning the treaties of notifications, judicial representations, and implementation of judgments and handing over the criminals held by the Arab league countries.

Concerning the treaties of notifications, judicial representations, and implementation of judgments and handing over the criminals held by the Arab league countries.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the contractors intended for the implementation of the resolution No. 124 on 29/05/1403H.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the contractors intended for the implementation of the resolution No. 124 on 29/05/1403H.

It is observed that when concluding contracts with companies or offices to perform some studies, the property issues are not assigned to such companies or offices.

It is observed that when concluding contracts with companies or offices to perform some studies, the property issues are not assigned to such companies or offices.

Notifying the defendant who is outside the Kingdom of the summary of the lawsuit raised against him.

Notifying the defendant who is outside the Kingdom of the summary of the lawsuit raised against him.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the measure that should be taken regarding the judgments which are issued in the absence of the sentenced person.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the measure that should be taken regarding the judgments which are issued in the absence of the sentenced person.

Declaration of the commencement of some national factories their actual production, and their entitlement to be encouraged and give the priority to their products.

Declaration of the commencement of some national factories their actual production, and their entitlement to be encouraged and give the priority to their products.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The official receiver is authorized the evacuation with no need to state this authorization in the document of his appointment.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The official receiver is authorized the evacuation with no need to state this authorization in the document of his appointment.

When executing any judicial judgment related to slashing women, a representative of the court which issued the judgment should attend the execution.

When executing any judicial judgment related to slashing women, a representative of the court which issued the judgment should attend the execution.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding some judicial documents the period of which is not specified.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding some judicial documents the period of which is not specified.

The request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to extend the period for notifications which are sent abroad so that they will not be returned without notification if their period expires.

The request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to extend the period for notifications which are sent abroad so that they will not be returned without notification if their period expires.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the authorization of judgment of deeds and Decisions.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the authorization of judgment of deeds and Decisions.

In case of hearing the joint lawsuits which are being heard by judges who have different opinions, then the opinion of the majority is to be adopted.

In case of hearing the joint lawsuits which are being heard by judges who have different opinions, then the opinion of the majority is to be adopted.

The necessity of the abidance of the establishments and companies (contracted with the Ministry) by the regulation of the Iqama and labor issued with respect to them and their labors.

The necessity of the abidance of the establishments and companies (contracted with the Ministry) by the regulation of the Iqama and labor issued with respect to them and their labors.

The companies and establishments must pay the cost of transportation of the corpse to its homeland.

The companies and establishments must pay the cost of transportation of the corpse to its homeland.

Providing the disciplinary council with a copy of the judicial judgment issued against an employee.

Providing the disciplinary council with a copy of the judicial judgment issued against an employee.

The companies which own residence utilities are forbidden to rent them to other companies of individuals other than their employees.

The companies which own residence utilities are forbidden to rent them to other companies of individuals other than their employees.

The agreement held between the Arab League Countries and the bylaw for implementing the judgments.

The agreement held between the Arab League Countries and the bylaw for implementing the judgments.

Specifying the decided area of land in the judgment in square meters.

Specifying the decided area of land in the judgment in square meters.

Concerning the assignment of labor offices in all of the regions to carry out immediate inspection visits to all of the private companies and establishments.

Concerning the assignment of labor offices in all of the regions to carry out immediate inspection visits to all of the private companies and establishments.

Concerning not to give any information (except to an official party) unless the permission of the concerned minister or head of the department is obtained.

Concerning not to give any information (except to an official party) unless the permission of the concerned minister or head of the department is obtained.

circular regarding Concerning the qualifications of the car drivers.

circular regarding Concerning the qualifications of the car drivers.

Concerning the remedy of prices which become higher and the wages of the labors.

Concerning the remedy of prices which become higher and the wages of the labors.

The documents which should be attached to the request for the implementation of a judicial judgment at one of the Arab League Countries.

The documents which should be attached to the request for the implementation of a judicial judgment at one of the Arab League Countries.

Concerning the confirmation of the companies' contracts and the emerging modifications in front of the notary public.

Concerning the confirmation of the companies' contracts and the emerging modifications in front of the notary public.

circular regarding It is allowable to delegate the driver dedicated to a car of an official who receives a car according to article No. 39, 39 25 of the allowance regulations

circular regarding It is allowable to delegate the driver dedicated to a car of an official who receives a car according to article No. 39, 39 25 of the allowance regulations

Concerning forwarding the judgments issued from the urgent courts to the police.

Concerning forwarding the judgments issued from the urgent courts to the police.

Suggestions and alternatives to find secure places to accommodate the fellows of the driver who has faced a traffic accident and injured or died.

Suggestions and alternatives to find secure places to accommodate the fellows of the driver who has faced a traffic accident and injured or died.

Concerning the retention of the money of the owners of Zahir Architectural Contracting Company.

Concerning the retention of the money of the owners of Zahir Architectural Contracting Company.

The judgments of the military affiliates shall be implemented in their own prisons if the imprisonment period is less than one year.

The judgments of the military affiliates shall be implemented in their own prisons if the imprisonment period is less than one year.

It is not necessary for the notary public to collect the fees, but their duty in limited to the attestation of the contract of the company similar to the sale or other contracts.

It is not necessary for the notary public to collect the fees, but their duty in limited to the attestation of the contract of the company similar to the sale or other contracts.

Providing the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue with copies of the judicial judgments issued against the criminals attested by the Committee.

Providing the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue with copies of the judicial judgments issued against the criminals attested by the Committee.

Concerning the formation of a board of directors to tackle the behavior which guarantees the preservation of the entity of the establishment and estate of the deceased Mohamed bin Laden

Concerning the formation of a board of directors to tackle the behavior which guarantees the preservation of the entity of the establishment and estate of the deceased Mohamed bin Laden

Handing over the judgment deed to the sentenced person himself.

Handing over the judgment deed to the sentenced person himself.

Concerning how to deal with the foreigners for or against whom the courts issued judgments.

Concerning how to deal with the foreigners for or against whom the courts issued judgments.

circular regarding Not to ask the lawsuit parties to rent a car to transport the members of the court.

circular regarding Not to ask the lawsuit parties to rent a car to transport the members of the court.

The request of the Minister of Commerce and Industry to give the consent that this ministry will write directly to the notary public s to confirm the different companies‟ contracts.

The request of the Minister of Commerce and Industry to give the consent that this ministry will write directly to the notary public s to confirm the different companies‟ contracts.

The necessity to clarify the mistake and specify the responsibility in the judgment of the quarrels and aggression lawsuits.

The necessity to clarify the mistake and specify the responsibility in the judgment of the quarrels and aggression lawsuits.

The completion of registering the companies‟ contracts and not to delay them when the judicial measures and regulatory have been completed

The completion of registering the companies‟ contracts and not to delay them when the judicial measures and regulatory have been completed

Concerning the liquidation of all of the works of the public projects company in the Kingdom.

Concerning the liquidation of all of the works of the public projects company in the Kingdom.

The ideal method for referral of the prisoners‟ transactions.

The ideal method for referral of the prisoners‟ transactions.

Shackles of the hands and legs include both the Saudi national and foreigners as well.

Shackles of the hands and legs include both the Saudi national and foreigners as well.

Encouragement of the prosecutors to study the documents of the lawsuit and prepare good prosecution.

Encouragement of the prosecutors to study the documents of the lawsuit and prepare good prosecution.

The department of drug combat shall take over the responsibility of prosecution regarding the drugs lawsuits.

The department of drug combat shall take over the responsibility of prosecution regarding the drugs lawsuits.

circular regarding Concerning some courts and offices which submit their requisites of furniture, publications and stationaries in one list and attached to a single letter

circular regarding Concerning some courts and offices which submit their requisites of furniture, publications and stationaries in one list and attached to a single letter

Giving the priority to hearing the lawsuits which include private and general rights.

Giving the priority to hearing the lawsuits which include private and general rights.

circular regarding Concerning writing on the existing cars the name of the ministry of justice instead of the judicial authority presidency.

circular regarding Concerning writing on the existing cars the name of the ministry of justice instead of the judicial authority presidency.

circular regarding Concerning the reduction of prices of air tickets for the Saudi students for the local flights.

circular regarding Concerning the reduction of prices of air tickets for the Saudi students for the local flights.

circular regarding Prevention of all the government employees (whether they are civilian or military persons, and including the ones outside the judicial authority) from working as taxi drivers to earn money.

circular regarding Prevention of all the government employees (whether they are civilian or military persons, and including the ones outside the judicial authority) from working as taxi drivers to earn money.

circular regarding The necessity that the drivers whom shall be appointed have general driving licenses.

circular regarding The necessity that the drivers whom shall be appointed have general driving licenses.

circular regarding The plaintiff can bring the lawsuit to the court which is located within the authorization zone of the branch of the company, or society or establishment.

circular regarding The plaintiff can bring the lawsuit to the court which is located within the authorization zone of the branch of the company, or society or establishment.

circular regarding Not to use the official number plates carrying the name of the judicial presidency, and to install the car plate which is provided by the traffic police

circular regarding Not to use the official number plates carrying the name of the judicial presidency, and to install the car plate which is provided by the traffic police

circular regarding If the lawsuit is brought against a person with a property under his possession and he claims that he has sold it, he should be asked to bring the person who bought it.

circular regarding If the lawsuit is brought against a person with a property under his possession and he claims that he has sold it, he should be asked to bring the person who bought it.

circular regarding Taking care of the government cars and not to use them outside the official work hours of the government employees except for an official task for which the regulations allow the use of the car.

circular regarding Taking care of the government cars and not to use them outside the official work hours of the government employees except for an official task for which the regulations allow the use of the car.

circular regarding The traffic police (in the town where some cars are to be sold) must be provided with a copy of the list of selling these cars.

circular regarding The traffic police (in the town where some cars are to be sold) must be provided with a copy of the list of selling these cars.

circular regarding Not to use the number plates carrying the names of the governmental parties installed on their cars.

circular regarding Not to use the number plates carrying the names of the governmental parties installed on their cars.

circular regarding Concerning the application to approve the provision of tools or repair a car without reference to the estimated amount.

circular regarding Concerning the application to approve the provision of tools or repair a car without reference to the estimated amount.

circular regarding The method of disbursement of fuel to the cars that belong to the Ministry.

circular regarding The method of disbursement of fuel to the cars that belong to the Ministry.

circular regarding Concerning the request to attach the documents of taking the fuels for the cars.

circular regarding Concerning the request to attach the documents of taking the fuels for the cars.

circular regarding Concerning the cars whose owners do not like to keep. They shall be withdrawn and sold in the official manner

circular regarding Concerning the cars whose owners do not like to keep. They shall be withdrawn and sold in the official manner

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If it is time for part of the rebuke slashing, then it is executed. If it is not the time for another part of the rebuke slashing, then it can be included by the amnesty.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding If it is time for part of the rebuke slashing, then it is executed. If it is not the time for another part of the rebuke slashing, then it can be included by the amnesty.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to call the prisoner by the court via telephone.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to call the prisoner by the court via telephone.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that there is no need to link the prisoner who has spent his sentenced period to the sponsorship if there is no right or claim against him.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that there is no need to link the prisoner who has spent his sentenced period to the sponsorship if there is no right or claim against him.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is enough to detain the persons accused by taking wine only without committing another major crime at the investigation authorities in the police stations.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding that it is enough to detain the persons accused by taking wine only without committing another major crime at the investigation authorities in the police stations.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the achievement of no privacy if a representative of the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue, the female prison guard or supervisor with the investigator during the investigation process with the woman.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the achievement of no privacy if a representative of the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue, the female prison guard or supervisor with the investigator during the investigation process with the woman.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prisoners of the private financial rights who have been detained before 01/07/1409H. and who are claimed to pay amounts which are more than one million and less.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prisoners of the private financial rights who have been detained before 01/07/1409H. and who are claimed to pay amounts which are more than one million and less.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the measures which should be followed when setting the private financial rights prisoners free.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the measures which should be followed when setting the private financial rights prisoners free.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding attendance of the guard to the prisoner during his presence at the court, and the judge can meet separately with the prisoner for a judicial necessity.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding attendance of the guard to the prisoner during his presence at the court, and the judge can meet separately with the prisoner for a judicial necessity.

circular regarding The content which should be included in the judicial Decision s regarding the lost or stolen weapons and dealing with weapons carelessly

circular regarding The content which should be included in the judicial Decision s regarding the lost or stolen weapons and dealing with weapons carelessly

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the refusal of the prisoner to take food is only a complaint that must be forwarded to the authorities to search for its causes and find the suitable remedy for it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the refusal of the prisoner to take food is only a complaint that must be forwarded to the authorities to search for its causes and find the suitable remedy for it.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the dependents of the prisoner can stay in the Kingdom as long as their Iqama is valid, and they have not committed a mistake that justifies expelling them from the Kingdom.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the dependents of the prisoner can stay in the Kingdom as long as their Iqama is valid, and they have not committed a mistake that justifies expelling them from the Kingdom.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prisoners who are claimed to pay big amounts as a private right.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prisoners who are claimed to pay big amounts as a private right.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding taking care of the quick finalization of the prisoners‟ lawsuits.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding taking care of the quick finalization of the prisoners‟ lawsuits.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prisoners shall be called for any lawsuit by asking the police or Imara to bring them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the prisoners shall be called for any lawsuit by asking the police or Imara to bring them.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the amnesty for some of the foreign prisoners and detainees.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the amnesty for some of the foreign prisoners and detainees.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the assignment of one of the notary public to attend the prison management at the main prisons in case of a request to bookkeep an authorization or else.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the assignment of one of the notary public to attend the prison management at the main prisons in case of a request to bookkeep an authorization or else.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the imprisonment penalty is issued limited to specifying its period only without stating how the penalty shall be implemented (individually).

Circular of the minister of justice regarding The imprisonment penalty is issued limited to specifying its period only without statinghow the penalty shall be implemented (individually).

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the officials who execute the judicial penalty in the absence of the representatives of the governmental parties.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the officials who execute the judicial penalty in the absence of the representatives of the governmental parties.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the bylaw of arrest, detention and temporary lockup, and precautionary confinement.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the bylaw of arrest, detention and temporary lockup, and precautionary confinement.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to refer the prisoners‟ lawsuits to a judicial attendant.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding not to refer the prisoners‟ lawsuits to a judicial attendant.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Follow up of the lawsuits of the foreign prisoners and expediting their processing and final judgement after which any query from outside party can be answered.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Follow up of the lawsuits of the foreign prisoners and expediting their processing and final judgement after which any query from outside party can be answered.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the request of the prisoner, and taking that which is necessary for the authorizations of the prisoners according to their personal knowledge and their presence in the management of the prison in which the prisoner exists.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the request of the prisoner, and taking that which is necessary for the authorizations of the prisoners according to their personal knowledge and their presence in the management of the prison in which the prisoner exists.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the allotment of a prison (in the new current prisons) for the criminals who return to commit crimes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding the allotment of a prison (in the new current prisons) for the criminals who return to commit crimes.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if a person has been found (by the court) innocent or if his accusation has not been proved, he should be set free or the period which he has spent in prison will be considered enough.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding if a person has been found (by the court) innocent or if his accusation has not been proved, he should be set free or the period which he has spent in prison will be considered enough.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding make prisons and detaining houses subject who judicial, administrated, health and social inspection

Circular of the minister of justice regarding make prisons and detaining houses subject who judicial, administrated, health and social inspection

Concerning the investigation with some women and especially the young women.

Concerning the investigation with some women and especially the young women.

Concerning stopping the disbursement of fuels for the old cars except on the basis of a recommendation from the furniture and cars committee at the ministry.

Concerning stopping the disbursement of fuels for the old cars except on the basis of a recommendation from the furniture and cars committee at the ministry.

The prosecutor is the one who is responsible for bringing the general rights lawsuits and follow them up at the courts.

The prosecutor is the one who is responsible for bringing the general rights lawsuits and follow them up at the courts.

The ideal method for referral of the prisoners‟ transactions to the courts.

The ideal method for referral of the prisoners‟ transactions to the courts.

The notary publicly will have no right to ask for the proof of the innocence of the accused person if this person has not been found guilty through the investigations.

The notary publicly will have no right to ask for the proof of the innocence of the accused person if this person has not been found guilty through the investigations.

Concerning the arrangement of shaded, southern car parking area.

Concerning the arrangement of shaded, southern car parking area.

Not to issue a judgment related to the general right lawsuits of car accidents except within the limits required by the administrative ruler.

Not to issue a judgment related to the general right lawsuits of car accidents except within the limits required by the administrative ruler.

The general prosecution regarding the lawsuits raised by the general bureau investigation.

The general prosecution regarding the lawsuits raised by the general bureau investigation.

Hearing the lawsuits of the general right and deciding the necessary judicial measures for proving or not proving condemnation.

Hearing the lawsuits of the general right and deciding the necessary judicial measures for proving or not proving condemnation.

Paying attention to the prisoners' lawsuits and expediting hearing them immediately when they are presented.

Paying attention to the prisoners' lawsuits and expediting hearing them immediately when they are presented.

The governmental cars are not subject to the periodic inspection.

The governmental cars are not subject to the periodic inspection.

Lawsuits which do not need investigation related to the general right are referred directly to the courts.

Lawsuits which do not need investigation related to the general right are referred directly to the courts.

Not to issue a judgment (against the drivers) related to the general right lawsuits of car accidents, and it is enough to judicially prove the condemnation or not and leave the punishment to be decided by the administrative ruler.

Not to issue a judgment (against the drivers) related to the general right lawsuits of car accidents, and it is enough to judicially prove the condemnation or not and leave the punishment to be decided by the administrative ruler.

The regulations for hunting, investment, and protection of the living water wealth in the regional water of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The regulations for hunting, investment, and protection of the living water wealth in the regional water of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Concerning how to guarantee the utilization of cars for the longest period.

Concerning how to guarantee the utilization of cars for the longest period.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to find special rooms for women who committed vice for the first time and separate them from those who repeated such act

Circular of the minister of justice regarding to find special rooms for women who committed vice for the first time and separate them from those who repeated such act

Circular of the minister of justice regarding specifying the period of imprisoning the murderer with intent and semi intent

Circular of the minister of justice regarding specifying the period of imprisoning the murderer with intent and semi intent

Circular of the minister of justice regarding quick finishing of legal proves regarding presoners' families

Circular of the minister of justice regarding quick finishing of legal proves regarding presoners' families

Circular of the minister of justice regarding release those convicted in cases of specified prison penalty according to the required guarantee when such judgment period is finished

Circular of the minister of justice regarding release those convicted in cases of specified prison penalty according to the required guarantee when such judgment period is finished

Circular of the minister of justice regarding return back those who are released by mistake to complete the term of the judgment

Circular of the minister of justice regarding return back those who are released by mistake to complete the term of the judgment

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Wells whose proprietor ship cannot be proved except according to a document

Circular of the minister of justice regarding Wells whose proprietor ship cannot be proved except according to a document

Circular of the minister of justice regarding general regulation to replace fine with prison is not considered canceling the special texts of replacing fine by prison in customs regulation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding general regulation to replace fine with prison is not considered canceling the special texts of replacing fine by prison in customs regulation.

Circular of the minister of justice regarding any part take an action in any case related to a prisoner should provide the prison with a copy of such act

Circular of the minister of justice regarding any part take an action in any case related to a prisoner should provide the prison with a copy of such act

Circular of the minister of justice regarding procedures to be executed in case of in imprisoning any employee

Circular of the minister of justice regarding procedures to be executed in case of in imprisoning any employee

Circular of the minister of justice regarding penalize any one who imitate the personality of intelligence or general security men or other

Circular of the minister of justice regarding penalize any one who imitate the personality of intelligence or general security men or other

Authorization to the courts to issue the inheritance inventory deed for the deceased person after confirming the correct name or to correct the inheritance deed which was already issued under the previous name.

Authorization to the courts to issue the inheritance inventory deed for the deceased person after confirming the correct name or to correct the inheritance deed which was already issued under the previous name.

Concerning the Saudi buses and the foreign taxes and their exit from border gates.

Concerning the Saudi buses and the foreign taxes and their exit from border gates.

method of sending prisoner's papers to court to record acknowledgments or assigning or show the opinion regarding detaining the young

method of sending prisoner's papers to court to record acknowledgments or assigning or show the opinion regarding detaining the young

if an order issued to imprison an employee such order do not justify dismissal unless it included a clear order to dismiss him.

if an order issued to imprison an employee such order do not justify dismissal unless it included a clear order to dismiss him.

Method of bringing the prisoner to the court

Method of bringing the prisoner to the court

instructions issued by general security require signature of prisoners' lists by the prince and judge of the town

instructions issued by general security require signature of prisoners' lists by the prince and judge of the town

to do the necessary towards government prisons to be suitable and replace rented prisons with better ones

to do the necessary towards government prisons to be suitable and replace rented prisons with better ones

observe prisoners' cases and speedup considering cases related to them

observe prisoners' cases and speedup considering cases related to them

regarding dealing with insolvent prisoners according to the instructions adopted for those who are facing payment of special rights and failed to pay

regarding dealing with insolvent prisoners according to the instructions adopted for those who are facing payment of special rights and failed to pay

Regarding not to claim judges to work overtime to approve the acknowledgments

Regarding not to claim judges to work overtime to approve the acknowledgments

Statement must be made in the heirs' inventory deed regarding those heirs who are below the legal age.

Statement must be made in the heirs' inventory deed regarding those heirs who are below the legal age.

Grants deeds are not registered in the name of the deceased person because he no longer has any relation to life, and his inheritance passed to his heirs.

Grants deeds are not registered in the name of the deceased person because he no longer has any relation to life, and his inheritance passed to his heirs.

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1797 dated on 7/ 6/ 1422 AH. with regard to Foreign ratification of documents

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1797 dated on 7/ 6/ 1422 AH. with regard to Foreign ratification of documents

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1837 dated on 6/ 8/ 1422 AH. with regard to name registration at signature

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1837 dated on 6/ 8/ 1422 AH. with regard to name registration at signature

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ N/ 1812 dated on 17/ 6/ 1422 AH. with regard to documenting marriage contracts born in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ N/ 1812 dated on 17/ 6/ 1422 AH. with regard to documenting marriage contracts born in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1802 dated on 7/ 6/ 1422 AH. with regard to connecting the future with will

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1802 dated on 7/ 6/ 1422 AH. with regard to connecting the future with will

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1800 dated on 7/ 6/ 1422 AH. with regard to graves in owned land

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1800 dated on 7/ 6/ 1422 AH. with regard to graves in owned land

Circulation No. 13/ T/ 1875 dated on 14/ 10/ 1422 AH. with regard to judicial linkage

Circulation No. 13/ T/ 1875 dated on 14/ 10/ 1422 AH. with regard to judicial linkage

Circulation No. 13/ T/ 1880 dated on 17/ 10/ 1422 AH. with regard to an administrative amendment to the powers of the heads of courts

Circulation No. 13/ T/ 1880 dated on 17/ 10/ 1422 AH. with regard to an administrative amendment to the powers of the heads of courts

Circulation of the Minister No. 13/ T/ 1879 dated on 16/ 10/ 1422 AH. with regard to AD.

Circulation of the Minister No. 13/ T/ 1879 dated on 16/ 10/ 1422 AH. with regard to AD.

Circulation of the Minister No. 13/ T/ 1865 dated on 18/ 09/ 1422 AH. with regard to the need to maintain working hours

Circulation of the Minister No. 13/ T/ 1865 dated on 18/ 09/ 1422 AH. with regard to the need to maintain working hours

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1868 dated on 18/ 09/ 1422 AH. with regard to the absentee agency

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1868 dated on 18/ 09/ 1422 AH. with regard to the absentee agency

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1864) dated on 18/ 09/ 1422 H. with regard to the association of disciplinary sanctions with the kind of cause

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1864) dated on 18/ 09/ 1422 H. with regard to the association of disciplinary sanctions with the kind of cause

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1867) dated on 18/ 09/ 1422 H. with regard to the ownership deeds Saga and Umm Al Ramth protected area

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1867) dated on 18/ 09/ 1422 H. with regard to the ownership deeds Saga and Umm Al Ramth protected area

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1862) dated on 09/ 09/ 1422 H. with regard to the consideration of cases in the occupied office

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1862) dated on 09/ 09/ 1422 H. with regard to the consideration of cases in the occupied office

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2058) dated on 20/ 08/ 1423 H. with regard to the use of the experiences of retirees

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2058) dated on 20/ 08/ 1423 H. with regard to the use of the experiences of retirees

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 2045 dated on 14/ 08/ 1423 AH. with regard to returning to the Ministry of Agriculture when emptying Agriculture lands

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 2045 dated on 14/ 08/ 1423 AH. with regard to returning to the Ministry of Agriculture when emptying Agriculture lands

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2044) dated on 14/ 08/ 1423 H. with regard to the responsibility and honesty and dedication to work

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2044) dated on 14/ 08/ 1423 H. with regard to the responsibility and honesty and dedication to work

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (113/ T/ 1969) dated on 10/ 03/ 1423 H. with regard to the necessity of receiving salaries from the depositing bank before 24 hours of the following month

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (113/ T/ 1969) dated on 10/ 03/ 1423 H. with regard to the necessity of receiving salaries from the depositing bank before 24 hours of the following month

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1991) dated on 07/ 05/ 1423 H. with regard to the identification of Saudi women

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1991) dated on 07/ 05/ 1423 H. with regard to the identification of Saudi women

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1956) dated on 06/ 03/ 1423 H. with regard to the non-authorization of the media without prior permission

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1956) dated on 06/ 03/ 1423 H. with regard to the non-authorization of the media without prior permission

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1958) dated on 06/ 03/ 1423 H. with regard to the modification of the grant deed

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1958) dated on 06/ 03/ 1423 H. with regard to the modification of the grant deed

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1961) dated on 06/ 03/ 1423 H. with regard to the approval of grants and registration of real estate to associations to associations

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 1961) dated on 06/ 03/ 1423 H. with regard to the approval of grants and registration of real estate to associations to associations

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2098) dated on 24/ 10/ 1423 H. with regard to answering queries

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2098) dated on 24/ 10/ 1423 H. with regard to answering queries

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1075 dated on 08/ 09/ 1423 AH. with regard to the implementing regulations of systems

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 1075 dated on 08/ 09/ 1423 AH. with regard to the implementing regulations of systems

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2157) dated on 05/ 01/ 1424 H. with regard to the previous shift duration data

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2157) dated on 05/ 01/ 1424 H. with regard to the previous shift duration data

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2154) dated on 05/ 01/ 1424 H. with regard to the modification of a non-Saudi employment regulations

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2154) dated on 05/ 01/ 1424 H. with regard to the modification of a non-Saudi employment regulations

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2165) dated on 16/ 01/ 1424 H. with regard to the treatment of modern housing conditions

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2165) dated on 16/ 01/ 1424 H. with regard to the treatment of modern housing conditions

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2268) dated on 18/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to the property within district scope

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2268) dated on 18/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to the property within district scope

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2363) dated on 03/ 12/ 1424 H. with regard to the verification of the identity of women

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2363) dated on 03/ 12/ 1424 H. with regard to the verification of the identity of women

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2265) dated on 18/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to the marriage of a new birth girl in the Kingdom

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2265) dated on 18/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to the marriage of a new birth girl in the Kingdom

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2358) dated on 29/ 01/ 11/ 1424 H. with regard to the medical examination before marriage

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2358) dated on 29/ 01/ 11/ 1424 H. with regard to the medical examination before marriage

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2341) dated on 05/ 11/ 1424 H. with regard to a reporting coordinator

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2341) dated on 05/ 11/ 1424 H. with regard to a reporting coordinator

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2227) dated on 14/ 04/ 1424 H. with regard to the dependence on the status card

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2227) dated on 14/ 04/ 1424 H. with regard to the dependence on the status card

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2261) dated on 11/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to extending the work of with maintaining spirits for women

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2261) dated on 11/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to extending the work of with maintaining spirits for women

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2250) dated on 01/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to the designation of the writings of justice in one city according to the authorities

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2250) dated on 01/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to the designation of the writings of justice in one city according to the authorities

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2243) dated on 02/ 05/ 1424 H. with regard to referral of narcotic pills to District Courts

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2243) dated on 02/ 05/ 1424 H. with regard to referral of narcotic pills to District Courts

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2254) dated on 04/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to the modification of the wasteland distribution system

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2254) dated on 04/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to the modification of the wasteland distribution system

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2241) dated on 16/ 05/ 1424 H. with regard to Concerning the modification of the terms of land grants

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2241) dated on 16/ 05/ 1424 H. with regard to Concerning the modification of the terms of land grants

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2263) dated on 11/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to granting housing lands in the Kingdom and organizational benefits in Mina

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2263) dated on 11/ 06/ 1424 H. with regard to granting housing lands in the Kingdom and organizational benefits in Mina

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 2488) dated on 15/ 07/ 1425 H. with regard to stopping the calculation of courses

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 2488) dated on 15/ 07/ 1425 H. with regard to stopping the calculation of courses

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2516) dated on 25/ 08/ 1425 H. with regard to the authorized assessment

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2516) dated on 25/ 08/ 1425 H. with regard to the authorized assessment

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2527) dated on 07/ 10/ 1425 H. with regard to the direct inquiry

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2527) dated on 07/ 10/ 1425 H. with regard to the direct inquiry

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2532) dated on 18/ 10/ 1425 H. with regard to the prevention of encroachment on government land

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2532) dated on 18/ 10/ 1425 H. with regard to the prevention of encroachment on government land

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2526) dated on 07/ 10/ 1425 H. with regard to proofing the marital relationship

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2526) dated on 07/ 10/ 1425 H. with regard to proofing the marital relationship

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2493) dated on 16/ 07/ 1425 H. with regard to the amendments to the regulations on transport

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2493) dated on 16/ 07/ 1425 H. with regard to the amendments to the regulations on transport

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2434) dated on 06/ 04/ 1425 H. with regard to the canceled or suspended deed

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2434) dated on 06/ 04/ 1425 H. with regard to the canceled or suspended deed

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2470) dated on 11/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to the official papers and publications

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2470) dated on 11/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to the official papers and publications

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2475) dated on 23/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to monitoring what is published in the press about the courts and the writings of justice

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2475) dated on 23/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to monitoring what is published in the press about the courts and the writings of justice

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2477) dated on 24/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to the non-transfer or assignment of those appointed or promoted

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2477) dated on 24/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to the non-transfer or assignment of those appointed or promoted

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 2494) dated on 19/ 07/ 1425 H. with regard to the Khadija court in Douadmi

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 2494) dated on 19/ 07/ 1425 H. with regard to the Khadija court in Douadmi

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2496) dated on 20/ 07/ 1425 H. with regard to the prevention of the use of pins

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2496) dated on 20/ 07/ 1425 H. with regard to the prevention of the use of pins

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2468) dated on 04/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to the shortcomings of granting marriage authorization

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2468) dated on 04/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to the shortcomings of granting marriage authorization

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2438) dated on 17/ 04/ 1425 H. with regard to the approval of a national identity card

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2438_ dated on 17/ 04/ 1425 H. with regard to the approval of a national identity card

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2467) dated on 04/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to the authority of the Director of the Department to address the Ministry and its branches in financial and administrative matters and supervision of the administrative system

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2467) dated on 04/ 06/ 1425 H. with regard to the authority of the Director of the Department to address the Ministry and its branches in financial and administrative matters and supervision of the administrative system

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2426) dated on 26/ 03/ 1425 H. with regard to the rented premises real estate fund

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2426) dated on 26/ 03/ 1425 H. with regard to the rented premises real estate fund

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 2414) dated on 06/ 03/ 1425 H. with regard to the examination facilities before marriage

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 2414) dated on 06/ 03/ 1425 H. with regard to the examination facilities before marriage

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2391) dated on 26/ 01/ 1425 H. with regard to the transferred judge

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2391) dated on 26/ 01/ 1425 H. with regard to the transferred judge

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2393) dated on 08/ 02/ 1425 H. with regard to the organization of marriage of Emirati with Saudi woman and vice versa

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2393) dated on 08/ 02/ 1425 H. with regard to the organization of marriage of Emirati with Saudi woman and vice versa

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2726) dated on 05/ 09/ 1426 H. with regard to reducing malicious claims

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2726) dated on 05/ 09/ 1426 H. with regard to reducing malicious claims

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2734) dated on 12/ 09/ 1426 H. with regard to the formation of the Electronic Transactions Committee

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2734) dated on 12/ 09/ 1426 H. with regard to the formation of the Electronic Transactions Committee

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2678) dated on 12/ 06/ 1426 H. with regard to the amendment of article 1 of the Social Observation Role Rules

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2678) dated on 12/ 06/ 1426 H. with regard to the amendment of article 1 of the Social Observation Role Rules

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2614) dated on 14/ 03/ 1426 H. with regard to concerning amendments to the regulations on the ownership of real estate units

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2614) dated on 14/ 03/ 1426 H. with regard to concerning amendments to the regulations on the ownership of real estate units

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2657) dated on 12/ 05/ 1426 H. with regard to the smart card

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2657) dated on 12/ 05/ 1426 H. with regard to the smart card

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2635) dated on 13/ 04/ 1426 H. with regard to contracting with a pensioner

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2635) dated on 13/ 04/ 1426 H. with regard to contracting with a pensioner

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2637) dated on 13/ 04/ 1426 H. with regard to the accounting of the amounts of endowments

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2637) dated on 13/ 04/ 1426 H. with regard to the accounting of the amounts of endowments

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2629) dated on 08/ 04/ 1426 H. with regard to the protection of information

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2629) dated on 08/ 04/ 1426 H. with regard to the protection of information

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2619) dated on 23/ 03/ 1426 H. with regard to the old sale

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2619) dated on 23/ 03/ 1426 H. with regard to the old sale

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 2643 dated on 21/ 04/ 1426 H. with regard to the taking of public facilities

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. 13/ T/ 2643 dated on 21/ 04/ 1426 H. with regard to the taking of public facilities

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2847) dated on 07/ 03/ 1427 H. with regard to the account number of the person who received the money unlawfully

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2847) dated on 07/ 03/ 1427 H. with regard to the account number of the person who received the money unlawfully

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2849) dated on 10/ 03/ 1427 H. with regard to the non-placement of money in letters

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2849) dated on 10/ 03/ 1427 H. with regard to the non-placement of money in letters

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2867) dated on 16/ 04/ 1427 H. with regard to dealing directly with the Human Rights Commission

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2867) dated on 16/ 04/ 1427 H. with regard to dealing directly with the Human Rights Commission

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2875) dated on 07/ 05/ 1427 H. with regard to some of the excesses authorized for marriage contracts

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 2875) dated on 07/ 05/ 1427 H. with regard to some of the excesses authorized for marriage contracts

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 222 dated on 25/ 07/ 1432 AH. The approval of a general cooperation agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the State of Eritrea

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 222 dated on 25/ 07/ 1432 AH. The approval of a general cooperation agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the State of Eritrea

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3521) dated on 16/ 12/ 1429 H. with regard to the question of the instrument being transferred

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3521) dated on 16/ 12/ 1429 H. with regard to the question of the instrument being transferred

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3435) dated on 18/ 07/ 1429 H. with regard to the courts are not competent to prove the contrary to the weapons regime

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3435) dated on 18/ 07/ 1429 H. with regard to the courts are not competent to prove the contrary to the weapons regime

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3378) dated on 07/ 05/ 1429 H. with regard to the identification of the duration of issuance of staff cards by judges and heads of courts

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3378) dated on 07/ 05/ 1429 H. with regard to the identification of the duration of issuance of staff cards by judges and heads of courts

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3348) dated on 23/ 03/ 1429 H. with regard to the sickle cell disease and thalassemia

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3348) dated on 23/ 03/ 1429 H. with regard to the sickle cell disease and thalassemia

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3560) dated on 29/ 01/ 1430 H. with regard to the reporting of money-laundering and the financing of terrorism

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3560) dated on 29/ 01/ 1430 H. with regard to the reporting of money-laundering and the financing of terrorism

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3354) dated on 01/ 04/ 1429 H. with regard to the need to register the civil registry number

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3354) dated on 01/ 04/ 1429 H. with regard to the need to register the civil registry number

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3464) dated on 06/ 09/ 1429 H. with regard to archiving

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3464) dated on 06/ 09/ 1429 H. with regard to archiving

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3377) dated on 02/ 05/ 1429 H. with regard to the maintenance and maintenance of the record of tampering

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3377) dated on 02/ 05/ 1429 H. with regard to the maintenance and maintenance of the record of tampering

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3353) dated on 01/ 09/ 1429 H. with regard to that it is imperative that the representative of the lashing be familiar with the shar'i rulings

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3353) dated on 01/ 09/ 1429 H. with regard to that it is imperative that the representative of the lashing be familiar with the shar'i rulings

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3484) dated on 20/ 10/ 1429 H. with regard to proofing of conviction and application of punishment

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3484) dated on 20/ 10/ 1429 H. with regard to proofing of conviction and application of punishment

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3351) dated on 29/ 03/ 1429 H. with regard to the special land grant for the land of martyrs

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3351) dated on 29/ 03/ 1429 H. with regard to the special land grant for the land of martyrs

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3361) dated on 15/ 04/ 1429 H. with regard to the certification of debt from the competence of the notary public

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3361) dated on 15/ 04/ 1429 H. with regard to the certification of debt from the competence of the notary public

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3236) dated on 02/ 12/ 1428 H. with regard to the terms of marriage of a non-Saudi woman of Saudi Arabia

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3236) dated on 02/ 12/ 1428 H. with regard to the terms of marriage of a non-Saudi woman of Saudi Arabia

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3374) dated on 01/ 05/ 1429 H. with regard to That the representative of the representative may not appoint another

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3374) dated on 01/ 05/ 1429 H. with regard to That the representative of the representative may not appoint another

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ 5/ 3327) dated on 23/ 03/ 1429 H. with regard to the non-utilization of the certificate of marriage from abroad

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ 5/ 3327) dated on 23/ 03/ 1429 H. with regard to the non-utilization of the certificate of marriage from abroad

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3372) dated on 27/ 04/ 1429 H. with regard to that any action against the Committee remove the amendments are not heard

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3372) dated on 27/ 04/ 1429 H. with regard to that any action against the Committee remove the amendments are not heard

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3286) dated on 02/ 12/ 1428 H. with regard to the sites of mining activities

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3286) dated on 02/ 12/ 1428 H. with regard to the sites of mining activities

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3291) dated on 03/ 01/ 1429 H. with regard to the non-modification of administrative functions to computer functions

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3291) dated on 03/ 01/ 1429 H. with regard to the non-modification of administrative functions to computer functions

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3290) dated on 03/ 01/ 14229 H. with regard to the development of civil registration number for letters

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3290) dated on 03/ 01/ 14229 H. with regard to the development of civil registration number for letters

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3319) dated on 09/ 02/ 1429 H. with regard to the non- writing to the Agricultural Bank when converting land to rests

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3319) dated on 09/ 02/ 1429 H. with regard to the non- writing to the Agricultural Bank when converting land to rests

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3313) dated on 04/ 02/ 14229 H. with regard to the documentation of probate in courts

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3313) dated on 04/ 02/ 14229 H. with regard to the documentation of probate in courts

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3332) dated on 30/ 02/ 1429 H. with regard to the suspension of the authorization of the authorized persons

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3332) dated on 30/ 02/ 1429 H. with regard to the suspension of the authorization of the authorized persons

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3327) dated on 23/ 02/ 1429 H. with regard to the non-collection of the fine from the estate of the deceased

Circulation No. (13/ T/ 3327) dated on 23/ 02/ 1429 H. with regard to the non-collection of the fine from the estate of the deceased

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3503) dated on 12/ 11/ 1429 H. with regard to the rights of individuals

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3503) dated on 12/ 11/ 1429 H. with regard to the rights of individuals

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3619) dated on 23/ 04/ 1430 H. with regard to a unified code for government agencies

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3619) dated on 23/ 04/ 1430 H. with regard to a unified code for government agencies

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3655) dated on 29/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the reliance on technology in fulfilling the interests of auditors

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3655) dated on 29/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the reliance on technology in fulfilling the interests of auditors

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3642) dated on 12/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to putting the donor name on the executor project

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3642) dated on 12/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to putting the donor name on the executor project

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3651) dated on 29/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the method of carrying out the seizure of the sentenced person's money

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3651) dated on 29/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the method of carrying out the seizure of the sentenced person's money

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3649) dated on 29/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the evacuation of retired after his extradition to the Covenant

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3649) dated on 29/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the evacuation of retired after his extradition to the Covenant

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3624) dated on 08/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the speed of response to what is received from the contact office

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3624) dated on 08/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the speed of response to what is received from the contact office

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3624) dated on 08/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the speed of response to what is received from the contact office

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3624) dated on 08/ 05/ 1430 H. with regard to the speed of response to what is received from the contact office

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3620) dated on 29/ 04/ 1430 H. with regard to the treatment of prisoners' overcrowding and the introduction of alternatives to prison sentences

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3620) dated on 29/ 04/ 1430 H. with regard to the treatment of prisoners' overcrowding and the introduction of alternatives to prison sentences

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3616) dated on 22/ 04/ 1430 H. with regard to the need to preserve documents

Circulation of the Minister of Justice No. (13/ T/ 3616) dated on 22/ 04/ 1430 H. with regard to the need to preserve documents

Resolution of the Administrative Judicial Council No. 6/1441/7 dated 6/5/1441 H to amend the Implementing Regulations of the law of pleadings in front of the Board of Grievances issued by the Administrative Judicial Council Resolution No. 127 dated 26/12/1435 H

Amending the name (Claims and judgments Administration) in the Implementing Regulations of the law of pleadings in front of the Board of Grievances wherever stated to be (Claims administration)

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/6221) of 19/6/1437 H on the establishment of a general principle regarding the issue of "emptying private property" if it contains a Waqf or a Sabroh

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/6221) of 19/6/1437 H on the establishment of a general principle regarding the issue of "emptying private property" if it contains a Waqf or a Sabroh

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (2818) of 26/7/1439 H on the approval of the "List of Judicial Documents"

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (2818) of 26/7/1439 H on the approval of the "List of Judicial Documents"

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 541 dated 26-8-1438H regarding the approval of the Implementing Regulations of the Arbitration Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. M / 34 dated 24/5/1433 AH

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 541 dated 26-8-1438H regarding the approval of the Implementing Regulations of the Arbitration Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. M / 34 dated 24/5/1433 H

Royal Decree No. 241 dated 22-9-1438 concerning the exemption of His Eminence Sheikh Mohammed bin Fahad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Arini, Chairman of the Investigation and Public Prosecution, and the appointment of His Eminence Sheikh Saud Bin Mubarak Al-Moajib in the post of the Public Attorney in the Rank of a Minister

Royal Decree No. 241 dated 22-9-1438 concerning the exemption of His Eminence Sheikh Mohammed bin Fahad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Arini, Chairman of the Investigation and Public Prosecution, and the appointment of His Eminence Sheikh Saud Bin Mubarak Al-Moajib in the post of the Public Attorney in the Rank of a Minister

Royal Decree No. (20358) dated 30/4/1438 H on the extension of the transitional period, provided for in the executive operation mechanism of the judiciary system and the system of the Board of Grievances, for one year from the end of said period

Royal Decree No. (20358) dated 30/4/1438 H on the extension of the transitional period, provided for in the executive operation mechanism of the judiciary system and the system of the Board of Grievances, for one year from the end of said period

Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H Approving the Arbitration Law

This Law shall enter into force (30) days from its date of publication in the Official Gazette.

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 392637812 dated 5/7/1439 AH on the inadmissibility of any claim, except upon the completion of the defendant's data, including the civil registry or the commercial registration

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 392637812 dated 5/7/1439 AH on the inadmissibility of any claim, except upon the completion of the defendant's data, including the civil registry or the commercial registration

Ministry of Interior Decree No. 1675 dated 11/3/1437 AH about the amendment of Article 7 of the Ministerial Resolution No. 365 dated 21/1/1432 AH, concerning the recording of precedents

Ministry of Interior Decree No. 1675 dated 11/3/1437 AH about the amendment of Article 7 of the Ministerial Resolution No. 365 dated 21/1/1432 AH, concerning the recording of precedents

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13-T-6081 dated 20/3/1437 AH about the Ministry of Interior Decree No. 1675 dated 11/3/1437 AD, including the amendment of Article 7 of Ministerial Resolution No. 365 dated 21/1/1432 AH concerning the recording of precedents

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13-T-6081 dated 20/3/1437 AH about the Ministry of Interior Decree No. 1675 dated 11/3/1437 AD, including the amendment of Article 7 of Ministerial Resolution No. 365 dated 21/1/1432 AH concerning the recording of precedents

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (1051-T) dated 9/7/1439 H on allowing "the collection of more than one property for the endowment or concerning the minor in a single end process" unless the Department sees no interest in that

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (1051-T) dated 9/7/1439 H on allowing "the collection of more than one property for the endowment or concerning the minor in a single end process" unless the Department sees no interest in that

The Supreme Council of Magistracy Circular No. 1059-T dated 9/7/1439 AH about the administration of the provisions of the internal distribution to the circuits of the same court, including the commercial departments, consisting of the general courts

The Supreme Council of Magistracy Circular No. 1059-T dated 9/7/1439 AH about the administration of the provisions of the internal distribution to the circuits of the same court, including the commercial departments, consisting of the general courts

The Supreme Council of Magistracy Circular No. (1059-T) dated 9/7/1439 H about the administration of the provisions of the internal distribution to the circuits of the same court, including the commercial departments, consisting of the general courts

The Supreme Council of Magistracy Circular No. (1059-T) dated 9/7/1439 H about the administration of the provisions of the internal distribution to the circuits of the same court, including the commercial departments, consisting of the general courts

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (10600) dated 12/5/1437 H about the court competent to consider the lawyers' fees if the defendant is not within the jurisdiction of the court, which issued the judgment in the original suit

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (10600) dated 12/5/1437 H about the court competent to consider the lawyers' fees if the defendant is not within the jurisdiction of the court, which issued the judgment in the original suit

Court Decision No. (7/M) dated 6/3/1435 H on the request of the Special Prosecutor to reprehend the victim of an offence once the sentence, the execution and the compensation are dropped

Court Decision No. (7/M) dated 6/3/1435 H on the request of the Special Prosecutor to reprehend the victim of an offence once the sentence, the execution and the compensation are dropped

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (1066-T) dated 23/7/1439 H about the imprisonment of the legal representative, travel ban, suspension of his services, and the inclusion of his name as a "‎Respondent" in applications for implementation

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (1066-T) dated 23/7/1439 H about the imprisonment of the legal representative, travel ban, suspension of his services, and the inclusion of his name as a "‎Respondent" in applications for implementation

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7577) dated 4/3/1440 H on the launch of the "service about the updating of instruments in the comprehensive system" and the issuance of alternative documents for those lost and damaged electronically.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7577) dated 4/3/1440 H on the launch of the "service about the updating of instruments in the comprehensive system" and the issuance of alternative documents for those lost and damaged electronically

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 790 / T dated 16/9/1437 on the plan to accelerate the consideration of prisoners' cases, and prepare the appropriate method to speed up the completion thereof

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 790 / T dated 16/9/1437 on the plan to accelerate the consideration of prisoners' cases, and prepare the appropriate method to speed up the completion thereof

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 18556 of 6/7/1437 on the subjection of the "agreement upon reconciliation after the prosecution" to the methods of objection

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 18556 of 6/7/1437 on the subjection of the "agreement upon reconciliation after the prosecution" to the methods of objection

Minutes of the meeting held on 2-6 / 2 / 1439H regarding the committee formed by the President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary Decision No. 2826 dated 29/1/1439 for the study of the types of cases received for the courts and commercial departments, and the collection of queries related to the specific jurisdiction

Minutes of the meeting held on 2-6 /2/ 1439H regarding the committee formed by the President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary Decision No. 2826 dated 29/1/1439 for the study of the types of cases received for the courts and commercial departments, and the collection of queries related to the specific jurisdiction

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 743 / T dated 24/4/1437 about the necessity of settling the "cases concerning the arguments of secrecy" under the legal and regulatory rules

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 743 / T dated 24/4/1437 about the necessity of settling the "cases concerning the arguments of secrecy" under the legal and regulatory rules

Ministry of Justice Decree No. 421 dated 12/2/1439 about the amendment of some Implementing regulations from the system of legal proceedings

Ministry of Justice Decree No. 421 dated 12/2/1439 about the amendment of some Implementing regulations from the system of legal proceedings

The Ministry of Justice Published Decree No. 4078 of 1439 on Royal Order No. 14388 dated 25/3/1439 on accepting the use of electronic means in judicial communications

The Ministry of Justice Published Decree No. 4078 of 1439 on Royal Order No. 14388 dated 25/3/1439 on accepting the use of electronic means in judicial communications

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Decision No. 7610 dated 23/3/1439 regarding the approval of the "planning and advisory support program" and its implementation in all courts

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Decision No. 7610 dated 23/3/1439 regarding the approval of the "planning and advisory support program" and its implementation in all courts

The Ministry of Justice Decree No. 841 of 16/3/1439 on the amendment of the implementing regulations of the Shari'a Proceedings Law issued by the Ministry of Justice Decree No. 39933 dated 19/5/1435

The Ministry of Justice Decree No. 841 of 16/3/1439 on the amendment of the implementing regulations of the Shari'a Proceedings Law issued by the Ministry of Justice Decree No. 39933 dated 19/5/1435

The Ministry of Justice Publication in Resolution No. 4078 of 1439 concerning the Royal Order No. 14388 dated 25/3/1439 AH about the use of electronic means in judicial pronouncements

The Ministry of Justice Publication in Resolution No. 4078 of 1439 concerning the Royal Order No. 14388 dated 25/3/1439 AH about the use of electronic means in judicial pronouncements

The Administrative Judiciary Council Decision No. 164 of 1438 regarding the amendment of the fourth paragraph of the item "First" of the rules of distribution of commercial and civil proceedings, which are assigned to the courts of the Tribunal.

The Administrative Judiciary Council Decision No. 164 of 1438 regarding the amendment of the fourth paragraph of the item "First" of the rules of distribution of commercial and civil proceedings, which are assigned to the courts of the Tribunal.

Chairman of the Administrative Judiciary Council Decision No. 117 dated 2/7/1438 on the commencement of Service Following the organisational structure and guide of the Ombudsman Bureau and its courts

Chairman of the Administrative Judiciary Council Decision No. 117 dated 2/7/1438 on the commencement of Service Following the organisational structure and guide of the Ombudsman Bureau and its courts

The Office of the Ombudsman Decision No. 111 of 1438 dated 27/6/1438 about the determination of the administration of cases, when the commercial Writ of summons records its hearing not later than 20 days from the date of filing

The Office of the Ombudsman Decision No. 111 of 1438 dated 27/6/1438 about the determination of the administration of cases, when the commercial Writ of summons records its hearing not later than 20 days from the date of filing

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7017 dated 23/2/1439 H on Resolution No. 526 dated 20/2/1439 H regarding the approval of the Implementing Regulations of the Implementing System issued by Royal Decree No. M / 53 dated 13/8/1433

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7017 dated 23/2/1439 H on Resolution No. 526 dated 20/2/1439 H regarding the approval of the Implementing Regulations of the Implementing System issued by Royal Decree No. M / 53 dated 13/8/1433

Administrative Judiciary Council Circular No. 29/29800 dated 30/2 / 1439H on cases before the Administrative Court of Appeal and the provisions for which the applications submitted shall be considered as an audit and the definition of the meaning of the audit

Administrative Judiciary Council Circular No. 29/29800 dated 30/2/1439H on cases before the Administrative Court of Appeal and the provisions for which the applications submitted shall be considered as an audit and the definition of the meaning of the audit

Circular No. (998 / T) dated 16/3/1439 H on the transference of the jurisdiction of the "Offices of the settlement of Commercial Disputes" concerning the public right to the criminal courts and circuits

Circular No. (998/T) dated 16/3/1439 H on the transference of the jurisdiction of the "Offices of the settlement of Commercial Disputes" concerning the public right to the criminal courts and circuits

Circular No. 3 / T / 7007 dated 12/2/1439 H on Ministerial Decision No. 421 of 12/2/1439 regarding the amendment of a number of Implementing regulations of the Shari'a Procedure

Circular No. 3 / T / 7007 dated 12/2/1439 H on Ministerial Decision No. 421 of 12/2/1439 regarding the amendment of a number of Implementing regulations of the Shari'a Procedure

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (987 / T) dated 17/02/1439 H on the right of the custodian to receive the amounts paid to the beneficiaries of monthly and seasonal benefits and bonuses from government and private agencies

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (987 / T) dated 17/02/1439 H on the right of the custodian to receive the amounts paid to the beneficiaries of monthly and seasonal benefits and bonuses from government and private agencies

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (967 / T) dated 1/1/1439 H on the disposition of the Commercial Chambers and the Commercial Appeals Chamber of the Ombudsman Court to the courts and commercial departments of the Public Judiciary

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (967 / T) dated 1/1/1439 H on the disposition of the Commercial Chambers and the Commercial Appeals Chamber of the Ombudsman Court to the courts and commercial departments of the Public Judiciary

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6767) dated 16/7/1438 H on adopting the issuance of a power of attorney for a foreign prisoner or whoever having been issued a deportation order by his residence permit or passport even if the said document was expired

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6767) dated 16/7/1438 H on adopting the issuance of a power of attorney for a foreign prisoner or whoever having been issued a deportation order by his residence permit or passport even if the said document was expired

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6947 dated 2/12 / 1438H on the addition of value in the sale installment

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6947 dated 2/12 / 1438H on the addition of value in the sale installment

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6885 dated 29/10/1438 H on the control of all land in the province of Ola and the prevention of violations thereto and alterations in any form

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6885 dated 29/10/1438 H on the control of all land in the province of Ola and the prevention of violations thereto and alterations in any form

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6622) dated 5/4/1438 H regarding the wrongful vacancy of a previous mandate, the spatial jurisdiction of which has been transferred. This emptying is effective after ascertaining that the title deed relied on in the discharge is reliable

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6622) dated 5/4/1438 H regarding the wrongful vacancy of a previous mandate, the spatial jurisdiction of which has been transferred. This emptying is effective after ascertaining that the title deed relied on in the discharge is reliable

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6594 dated 20/3 / 1438H Further to the Ministry Circular No. 13 / T / 6136 of 30/4 / 1437H on the mechanism for the investigation of real property and powers of attorney

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6594 dated 20/3 / 1438H Further to the Ministry Circular No. 13 / T / 6136 of 30/4 / 1437H on the mechanism for the investigation of real property and powers of attorney

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. 381000086288 dated 15/8/1438 on the instruments issued by licensed notaries in their respective jurisdictions

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. 381000086288 dated 15/8/1438 on the instruments issued by licensed notaries in their respective jurisdictions

Circular No. (934 / T) dated 17/10/1438 H regarding the non-return of any case to the party from which it was referred for reasons of lack of jurisdiction or dispute

Circular No. (934 / T) dated 17/10/1438 H regarding the non-return of any case to the party from which it was referred for reasons of lack of jurisdiction or dispute

Circular No. (929 / T) dated 20/9/1438 H In the event of the expiration of a case in one of the judicial circuits, and if there is no Court of competence, then the jurisdiction shall be referred to the general court

Circular No. (929 / T) dated 20/9/1438 H In the event of the expiration of a case in one of the judicial circuits, and if there is no Court of competence, then the jurisdiction shall be referred to the general court

Royal Order No. (A / 240) dated 22/9/1438 H on the amendment of the name of the "Investigation and Public Prosecution" to be "the Public Prosecution" and its head is to be called "the Attorney General."

Royal Order No. (A / 240) dated 22/9/1438 H on the amendment of the name of the "Investigation and Public Prosecution" to be "the Public Prosecution" and its head is to be called "the Attorney General."

Royal Decree dated 7/4/1439 H regarding the promotion of 43 judges in the Board of Grievances

Royal Decree dated 7/4/1439 H regarding the promotion of 43 judges in the Board of Grievances

Royal Order No. (14388) dated 25/3/1439 H on permitting the use of electronic means to deliver judicial declarations

Royal Order No. (14388) dated 25/3/1439 H on permitting the use of electronic means to deliver judicial declarations

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (930 / T) dated 20/9/1438 H on the reformulation of the rules of memorizing the Holy Quran in prisons

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (930 / T) dated 20/9/1438 H on the reformulation of the rules of memorizing the Holy Quran in prisons

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (912 / T) dated 1/8/1438 H on the jurisdiction of the Criminal Circuits in the General Court

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (912 / T) dated 1/8/1438 H on the jurisdiction of the Criminal Circuits in the General Court

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (874) dated 20/4/1438 H on the violation of government lands and the court's response to the request for delay in removing the incidents

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (874) dated 20/4/1438 H on the violation of government lands and the court's response to the request for delay in removing the incidents

Circular No. (13 / T / 6674 dated 15/5/1438) H on the study of the organizational status of the quasi-judicial committees

Circular No. (13 / T / 6674) dated 15/5/1438 H on the study of the organizational status of the quasi-judicial committees

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 951 dated 6/8/1417 on the approval of the Sharia courts to send citizens' requests for BULWARK arguments to the General Administration of Roads and Transport, directly, instead of addressing the ministry

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 951 dated 6/8/1417 on the approval of the Sharia courts to send citizens' requests for BULWARK arguments to the General Administration of Roads and Transport, directly, instead of addressing the ministry

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13/T/7402 dated 20/9/1439 on reiterating to marriage officers about the importance of adding the personal ID copy number for all parties in marriage agreements

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13/T/7402 dated 20/9/1439 on reiterating to marriage officers about the importance of adding the personal ID copy number for all parties in marriage agreements

Public Prosecution Circular No. 31571 dated 14/10/1439 on the Public Prosecution assuming its jurisdictions in all regions, governorates and city centres

Public Prosecution Circular No. 31571 dated 14/10/1439 on the Public Prosecution assuming its jurisdictions in all regions, governorates and city centres

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1542 dated 1/3/1421H on the President of the Council of Ministers letter No. 3026 / R dated 18/2/1421H regarding the approval of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 33 dated 4/2/1421H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1542 dated 1/3/1421H on the President of the Council of Ministers letter No. 3026 / R dated 18/2/1421H regarding the approval of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 33 dated 4/2/1421H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6345 dated 7/9/1437 on the resolution of cases of murder, the parties of which are foreigners without waiting for the arrival of the own right prosecutor from abroad

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6345 dated 7/9/1437 on the resolution of cases of murder, the parties of which are foreigners without waiting for the arrival of the own right prosecutor from abroad

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1770 dated 27/4/1422 regarding the non-issuance of instruments regarding land within a "debtor-restricted area" only after approval by the Ministry of Petroleum before granting the instruments

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1770 dated 27/4/1422 regarding the non-issuance of instruments regarding land within a "debtor-restricted area" only after approval by the Ministry of Petroleum before granting the instruments

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7472 dated 19/11/1439 on the fact that the tenant, in the leases registered in the electronic rental services network, as owner, in respect of the disposition of the contracted real estate

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7472 dated 19/11/1439 on the fact that the tenant, in the leases registered in the electronic rental services network, as owner, in respect of the disposition of the contracted real estate

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 871 of 20/11/1416 on the prevention of issuance of documents of ownership, only after ascertaining that the proof of property is not to be interfered with the fever of valleys and streams

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 871 of 20/11/1416 on the prevention of issuance of documents of ownership, only after ascertaining that the proof of property is not to be interfered with the fever of valleys and streams

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 816 of 13/6/1416 about the prohibition of any person from applying any change on the boundaries whether residentially or agriculturally

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 816 of 13/6/1416 about the prohibition of any person from applying any change on the boundaries whether residentially or agriculturally

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 814 dated 7/6/1416 on the prescribed procedures of property deeds in the jurisdiction of Khaf Court

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 814 dated 7/6/1416 on the prescribed procedures of property deeds in the jurisdiction of Khaf Court

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2448 dated 11/5/1425 on the need to record the full name of the wife and her civil record

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2448 dated 11/5/1425 on the need to record the full name of the wife and her civil record

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1392 dated 25-4-1420 on reiterating the non-submission of applications for special promotions

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1392 dated 25-4-1420 on reiterating the non-submission of applications for special promotions

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2594 dated 30/2/1426 on urging cooperation with the administrative inspectors

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2594 dated 30/2/1426 on urging cooperation with the administrative inspectors

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 1187 / T / 13 dated 26/4/1419 concerning the obligation of the courts to verify documents of ownership, and not to rely on ordinary documents or testimony of witnesses regarding the extraction of arguments for the settlement, and non-appropriation in accordance with the living proceedings if it was after the year 1387

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 1187 / T / 13 dated 26/4/1419 concerning the obligation of the courts to verify documents of ownership, and not to rely on ordinary documents or testimony of witnesses regarding the extraction of arguments for the settlement, and non-appropriation in accordance with the living proceedings if it was after the year 1387

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 1060 / T dated 12/7/1439 on the decision of the Council regarding the right of the custodial party to receive the amounts, which are spent on behalf of the party in custody

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 1060 / T dated 12/7/1439 on the decision of the Council regarding the right of the custodial party to receive the amounts, which are spent on behalf of the party in custody

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1153 dated 28/1/1419 regarding non-hearing of public cases, between a tribe against another tribe about lands

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1153 dated 28/1/1419 regarding non-hearing of public cases, between a tribe against another tribe about lands

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13-T-903 dated 19/3/1417 on the approval of the request of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources regarding the reservation of land track with a width of 1000 meters for the gas line

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13-T-903 dated 19/3/1417 on the approval of the request of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources regarding the reservation of land track with a width of 1000 meters for the gas line

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1192 dated 2/5/1419 on the recommendations of the symposium of the heads of courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1192 dated 2/5/1419 on the recommendations of the symposium of the heads of courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 872 dated 22/11/1416 on mosques erected on government land without bulwark evidence therefor

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 872 dated 22/11/1416 on mosques erected on government land without bulwark evidence therefor

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 835 dated 23/8/1416 regarding the evacuation of a building from some government departments

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 835 dated 23/8/1416 regarding the evacuation of a building from some government departments

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1037 dated 16/3/1418 on the referral of applications for evidence to the judge directly

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1037 dated 16/3/1418 on the referral of applications for evidence to the judge directly

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1152 dated 28/1/1419 on the arrest of ownership and granting and issuance of building permits in the Corniche area, South of Jeddah

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1152 dated 28/1/1419 on the arrest of ownership and granting and issuance of building permits in the Corniche area, South of Jeddah

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 860 dated 21/10/1416 on the rumors about the desire of some Southeast Asian countries to establish private housing complexes

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 860 dated 21/10/1416 on the rumors about the desire of some Southeast Asian countries to establish private housing complexes

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 8 / V / 127 dated 29/2/1414 regarding the non-binding of the seller's authentication on the sale when the request for arbitration is applied for

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 8 / V / 127 dated 29/2/1414 regarding the non-binding of the seller's authentication on the sale when the request for arbitration is applied for

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 969 dated 10/10/1417 on the non-emptying of lands belonging to the Ain al-Aziziyah at all, until the Commission completes its work

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 969 dated 10/10/1417 on the non-emptying of lands belonging to the Ain al-Aziziyah at all, until the Commission completes its work

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2190 dated 25/2/1424H on the letter of the President of the Council of Ministers under the cable No. 7 / B / 5899 dated 7/2/1424H regarding the approval of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 24 dated 28/1/1424H

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2190 dated 25/2/1424H on the letter of the President of the Council of Ministers under the cable No. 7 / B / 5899 dated 7/2/1424H regarding the approval of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 24 dated 28/1/1424H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2398 dated 13/2/1425 regarding the supply of branches of the Ministry of Agriculture with copies of the "muniment of arbitration" outside the urban reach

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2398 dated 13/2/1425 regarding the supply of branches of the Ministry of Agriculture with copies of the "muniment of arbitration" outside the urban reach

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2549 of 27/11/1425 on the absence of the need to establish travel controls after the issuance of a final judgment regarding the delivery of a fixed debt owed by the debtor

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2549 of 27/11/1425 on the absence of the need to establish travel controls after the issuance of a final judgment regarding the delivery of a fixed debt owed by the debtor

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1995 dated 17/5/1423 on the results of the fourth forum of the heads of the first and the second notary departments

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1995 dated 17/5/1423 on the results of the fourth forum of the heads of the first and the second notary departments

Royal Court Cable no. 44419 dated 27/10/1435 about commercial data and commercial fraud

Royal Court Cable no. 44419 dated 27/10/1435 about commercial data and commercial fraud

Ministry of Justice Circular No.149/ 3 / T dated 10/11/1397 about ceasing to issue instruments for the property located outside the legal power and the jurisdiction thereof

Ministry of Justice Circular No.149/ 3 / T dated 10/11/1397 about ceasing to issue instruments for the property located outside the legal power and the jurisdiction thereof

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 756 / T dated 22/5/1437 on the Councils Decision No. 1951/18/37 dated 30/3/1437 regarding the endorsement that "the period of absence due to a systemic or irregular reason shall not be calculated of the probation period of the legal assistant."

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 756 / T dated 22/5/1437 on the Councils Decision No. 1951/18/37 dated 30/3/1437 regarding the endorsement that "the period of absence due to a systemic or irregular reason shall not be calculated of the probation period of the legal assistant."

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 7979/30 and dated 8/11/1430 about the non-consideration of the applications for bulwark arguments within the limits of the two holy mosques regardless of the location of the application unless based on an adequate procedure legal instrument

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 7979/30 and dated 8/11/1430 about the non-consideration of the applications for bulwark arguments within the limits of the two holy mosques regardless of the location of the application unless based on an adequate procedure legal instrument

Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/30912/25 dated 19 Jumada 1st 1425, about the fact that the party competent to consider insolvency in this situation is the one under whom the proceeding was investigated concerning the debt asset in his seizure

Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/30912/25 dated 19 Jumada 1st 1425, about the fact that the party competent to consider insolvency in this situation is the one under whom the proceeding was investigated concerning the debt asset in his seizure

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13/T/6394 dated 1/11/1437 on the extent for suspending and continuation of work under the provisions of some of the legal articles of the Criminal Procedure Code and its implementing regulations

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13/T/6394 dated 1/11/1437 on the extent for suspending and continuation of work under the provisions of some of the legal articles of the Criminal Procedure Code and its implementing regulations

Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/44507/25 about the lawsuits relating to the prevention of women from marriage, and the request of the divorced woman to visit her children on marital matters, referred to in paragraph 34/10-E

Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/44507/25 about the lawsuits relating to the prevention of women from marriage, and the request of the divorced woman to visit her children on marital matters, referred to in paragraph 34/10-E

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 8033/31 dated 19/6/1431 on the suspension of referral in individual situations

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 8033/31 dated 19/6/1431 on the suspension of referral in individual situations

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 8654 dated 2/4/1437 on applications for the registration of renewed proceedings

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 8654 dated 2/4/1437 on applications for the registration of renewed proceedings

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 1115 / T dated 28/10/1439 on Resolution No. 47105 dated 17/8/1439 regarding the formation of a committee to study the types of cases, which are submitted to the general courts and the personal status courts, and the collection of inquiries and lawsuits related to the distinctive jurisdiction

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 1115 / T dated 28/10/1439 on Resolution No. 47105 dated 17/8/1439 regarding the formation of a committee to study the types of cases, which are submitted to the general courts and the personal status courts, and the collection of inquiries and lawsuits related to the distinctive jurisdiction

The Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/21832/24 dated 16/5/1424 that in the event that it is not possible to attach a certified scheme for the non-response of the governmental authorities, the military property will be corresponded about that subject, noting that the content of Article 254 and Article 256, of the system of legal proceedings and its Implementing regulations

The Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/21832/24 dated 16/5/1424 that in the event that it is not possible to attach a certified scheme for the non-response of the governmental authorities, the military property will be corresponded about that subject, noting that the content of Article 254 and Article 256, of the system of legal proceedings and its Implementing regulations

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 5549 dated 13/1/1436 on confirming the verification about the availability of the regulatory and legal standing by the notary public, before documenting the debt report

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 5549 dated 13/1/1436 on confirming the verification about the availability of the regulatory and legal standing by the notary public, before documenting the debt report

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7504 dated 29/12/1439 on cases filed against the Saudi Telecom Company by some owners of land through which the Company's cables pass

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7504 dated 29/12/1439 on cases filed against the Saudi Telecom Company by some owners of land through which the Company's cables pass

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6005 dated 30/1/1437 on requests for use, to courts or to entities outside the Kingdom, to hear respondent's answer regarding matters of marriage, child custody, visitation and the like thereof

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6005 dated 30/1/1437 on requests for use, to courts or to entities outside the Kingdom, to hear respondent's answer regarding matters of marriage, child custody, visitation and the like thereof

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 3151814/37 dated 8/10/1437 on the non-contradiction of Circular 13 / T / 5573 dated 4/2/1436 and Circular 13 / T / 5054 dated 10/9/1434 with Circular 13 / T / 3622 dated 19/8/1437

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 3151814/37 dated 8/10/1437 on the non-contradiction of Circular 13 / T / 5573 dated 4/2/1436 and Circular 13 / T / 5054 dated 10/9/1434 with Circular 13 / T / 3622 dated 19/8/1437

Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/18705/25 dated 29/3/1425 on the custody proceeding to be comprised under the designation of marital matters referred to in paragraph 34/10-E

Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/18705/25 dated 29/3/1425 on the custody proceeding to be comprised under the designation of marital matters referred to in paragraph 34/10-E

Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/60562/23 dated 18 Shawwal 1423 about that when the case is referred for preservation, for the non-review thereof and has not yet been registered, then it is to be considered a new one

Ministry of Justice Letter No. 18/60562/23 dated 18 Shawwal 1423 about that when the case is referred for preservation, for the non-review thereof and has not yet been registered, then it is to be considered a new one

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 393992254 dated 4/11/1439 on a plan of action to train notary public officers

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 393992254 dated 4/11/1439 on a plan of action to train notary public officers

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2006 dated 10/6/1423 concerning the non-allowing of any notary judge or notary public to document any resolution, donation, division, will or any other type of conduct regarding any property unless that property was a bond under a legally valid instrument

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2006 dated 10/6/1423 concerning the non-allowing of any notary judge or notary public to document any resolution, donation, division, will or any other type of conduct regarding any property unless that property was a bond under a legally valid instrument

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 8/T/263 dated 6/4/1415 regarding vacant judicial offices

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 8/T/263 dated 6/4/1415 regarding vacant judicial offices

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2508 dated 15/8/1425 about the authorising of specific actions regarding the property of the parent, without requiring the presentation of such acts for consideration by the Court of Cassation

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2508 dated 15/8/1425 about the authorising of specific actions regarding the property of the parent, without requiring the presentation of such acts for consideration by the Court of Cassation

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 742 / T dated 24/4/1437 on the establishment of criminal liability for juveniles

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 742 / T dated 24/4/1437 on the establishment of criminal liability for juveniles

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 623 / T dated 9/6/1436 on child custody lawsuits

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 623 / T dated 9/6/1436 on child custody lawsuits

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 806 / T dated 1/11/1437 concerning the sufficiency of the national identity card in relation to identifying the divorcing party or the revocation of divorce during the women's waiting period

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. 806 / T dated 1/11/1437 concerning the sufficiency of the national identity card in relation to identifying the divorcing party or the revocation of divorce during the women's waiting period

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 5017 dated 1/8/1434 concerning the penalty for the possession of Khat

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 5017 dated 1/8/1434 concerning the penalty for the possession of Khat

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1202 dated 21/5/1419 regarding the consideration of the case of the prisoner in the country where he was imprisoned, regardless of where the incident took place

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1202 dated 21/5/1419 regarding the consideration of the case of the prisoner in the country where he was imprisoned, regardless of where the incident took place

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 6168 / T / 13 dated 19/5/1437 on the guidance to the courts and the enforcement services regarding the receipt of applications for the implementation of judgments and rulings issued before the Enforcement Regulation came into force provided that such claims shall be applied for by the party requesting the implementation to the execution courts and departments directly until the repeal of item 98/1 of the Implementing Regulations of the Enforcement Law

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 6168 / T / 13 dated 19/5/1437 on the guidance to the courts and the enforcement services regarding the receipt of applications for the implementation of judgments and rulings issued before the Enforcement Regulation came into force provided that such claims shall be applied for by the party requesting the implementation to the execution courts and departments directly until the repeal of item 98/1 of the Implementing Regulations of the Enforcement Law

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Decision No. 1019/10/35 of 4/9/1435 on criminal cases

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Decision No. 1019/10/35 of 4/9/1435 on criminal cases

The Ministry of Justice Circular No.(13 / T / 7351) dated 21/8 / 1439H on the processing of Waqf instruments, which do not mention the identity of the owner, as well as the other instruments where the owner of which has no identity so that the judge marginalizes the instrument in the absence of identity of the owner or the position a testimony regarding such matter shall be taken.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No.(13 / T / 7351) dated 21/8 / 1439H on the processing of Waqf instruments, which do not mention the identity of the owner, as well as the other instruments where the owner of which has no identity so that the judge marginalizes the instrument in the absence of identity of the owner or the position a testimony regarding such matter shall be taken.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6426) dated 11/12/1437 H on the observance of the provisions of the statutory provisions contained in the system of protection against abuse and the child protection system, in judicial consideration, and to consider the abstention from legal expenses as a form of violence against the child.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6426) dated 11/12/1437 H on the observance of the provisions of the statutory provisions contained in the system of protection against abuse and the child protection system, in judicial consideration, and to consider the abstention from legal expenses as a form of violence against the child.

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1170 / T) dated 19/02/1440 H on the establishment of a Chamber at the Supreme Court, which is competent to hear objections to judgments and decisions issued by the Commercial Chambers in the Courts of Appeal

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1170 / T) dated 19/02/1440 H on the establishment of a Chamber at the Supreme Court, which is competent to hear objections to judgments and decisions issued by the Commercial Chambers in the Courts of Appeal

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1083 dated 19/7/1418 H on copying censuring sentences that do not reach up to the degree of the retaliation punishment, and which were issued by the supreme courts, and the obligation to maintain images of those judgments in well organised and arranged files.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 1083 dated 19/7/1418 H on copying censuring sentences that do not reach up to the degree of the retaliation punishment, and which were issued by the supreme courts, and the obligation to maintain images of those judgments in well organised and arranged files.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7568 dated 19/02/1440 H on the said restriction on the phrase "under an executive deed" that is stated in the implementation system to be limited to the payment by set-off.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7568 dated 19/02/1440 H on the said restriction on the phrase "under an executive deed" that is stated in the implementation system to be limited to the payment by set-off.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 230) dated 13/1 / 1415H on the emphasis on the clerks of the registry and the registrars to submit the records of each case and the documents thereof when they submit the instruments to be signed if they are relating to bulwark patents

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 230) dated 13/1 / 1415H on the emphasis on the clerks of the registry and the registrars to submit the records of each case and the documents thereof when they submit the instruments to be signed if they are relating to bulwark patents

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 975 dated 1/11/1417 H about the security of government offices and the contents thereof such as official papers and telephones, and not to allow any cleaners to enter them.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 975 dated 1/11/1417 H about the security of government offices and the contents thereof such as official papers and telephones, and not to allow any cleaners to enter them.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7569) dated 19/2/1440 H on the arrangements regarding the emptying of communal land of the agricultural lands until the issuance of a directive on this matter.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7569) dated 19/2/1440 H on the arrangements regarding the emptying of communal land of the agricultural lands until the issuance of a directive on this matter.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2461 dated 25/5/1425 H on some amendments to the form "disclosure of mail delivery”

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 2461 dated 25/5/1425 H on some amendments to the form "disclosure of mail delivery”

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 945) dated 15/7/1417 H about the due diligence to the minutes and records, and the numbering of the sheets thereof, and the stamping on top of each sheet with the court's seal and not to leave blank sheets or gaps between the cases.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 945) dated 15/7/1417 H about the due diligence to the minutes and records, and the numbering of the sheets thereof, and the stamping on top of each sheet with the court's seal and not to leave blank sheets or gaps between the cases.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7557) dated 14/2/1440 H on the electronic powers of attorney

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7557) dated 14/2/1440 H on the electronic powers of attorney

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 1084) dated 19/7/1418 H on the non-assignment of judges of appeal and others to complete the consideration of cases in which they have already considered since this would disrupt the judge's tasks at his place of service

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 1084) dated 19/7/1418 H on the non-assignment of judges of appeal and others to complete the consideration of cases in which they have already considered since this would disrupt the judge's tasks at his place of service

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 264) dated 6/4/1415 H on the approval that a copy of all the proceedings of the case or the conclusions thereof to be appealed are sufficient and to be taken, signed and sealed by the judge who previously issued a judgement regarding the said case

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 264) dated 6/4/1415 H on the approval that a copy of all the proceedings of the case or the conclusions thereof to be appealed are sufficient and to be taken, signed and sealed by the judge who previously issued a judgement regarding the said case

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 327) dated 16/6/1415 H on the sufficiency of filming the sessions of the case to be appealed and that the necessary action is to be taken by the ruling party in the case to avoid the negative consequences

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 327) dated 16/6/1415 H on the sufficiency of filming the sessions of the case to be appealed and that the necessary action is to be taken by the ruling party in the case to avoid the negative consequences

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1172 / T) dated 19/2/1440 H on the commencement by the commercial courts in the courts of appeal of their jurisdiction to hear the objection to judgments and rulings issued by the commercial departments in the courts of First Instance by means of appeal "argument.”

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1172 / T) dated 19/2/1440 H on the commencement by the commercial courts in the courts of appeal of their jurisdiction to hear the objection to judgments and rulings issued by the commercial departments in the courts of First Instance by means of appeal "argument.”

Royal Order By Telegram No. (7 /B/ 4773) dated 07/03/1422 H on the determination of the duration of the suspension to three days if it was critical, especially if it needs the collection of information

Royal Order By Telegram No. (7 /B/ 4773) dated 07/03/1422 H on the determination of the duration of the suspension to three days if it was critical, especially if it needs the collection of information

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 596) dated 1415/12/1 H on the notation of the instruments of rulings and the records thereof that were issued by the receipt of the amount that is sentenced after taking the confession of the party sentenced in his favour

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 596) dated 1415/12/1 H on the notation of the instruments of rulings and the records thereof that were issued by the receipt of the amount that is sentenced after taking the confession of the party sentenced in his favour

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1169 / T) dated 19/2 / 1440H on the courts and labour departments in the courts of appeal commencing the practice of their jurisdictions

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1169 / T) dated 19/2 / 1440H on the courts and labour departments in the courts of appeal commencing the practice of their jurisdictions

The Investigation and Public Prosecution Authority Circular No. (11993 / C) dated 12/9/1438 H regarding the formation of a committee from the Department of National Security Affairs, the Public Service Crimes Department and the Technical Bureau at Headquarters.

The Investigation and Public Prosecution Authority Circular No. (11993 / C) dated 12/9/1438 H regarding the formation of a committee from the Department of National Security Affairs, the Public Service Crimes Department and the Technical Bureau at Headquarters.

Ministry of the Interior circulated on 29/6/1439 H on the failure to implement the sharia judgment against the anonymous

Ministry of the Interior circulated on 29/6/1439 H on the failure to implement the sharia judgment against the anonymous

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7308) dated 25/7/1439 H on the controls on the suspension of government services

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7308) dated 25/7/1439 H on the controls on the suspension of government services

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 46102 dated 2/9/1439 H on the inquiry regarding the acceptance of the prosecution and termination of those who reside in the Kingdom illegally and does not carry an identity, and the cases brought against them

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 46102 dated 2/9/1439 H on the inquiry regarding the acceptance of the prosecution and termination of those who reside in the Kingdom illegally and does not carry an identity, and the cases brought against them

Administrative Circular No. (13 / T / 7154) dated 1/5/1439 H on the confirmation of the courts mentioned in the statement regarding the final declaration of the management of the House of Money

Administrative Circular No. (13 / T / 7154) dated 1/5/1439 H on the confirmation of the courts mentioned in the statement regarding the final declaration of the management of the House of Money

The Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1077/T dated 10/8/1439H about the works of recruitment offices not being categorised as commercial enterprise

The Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1077/T dated 10/8/1439H about the works of recruitment offices not being categorised as commercial enterprise

Administrative judiciary Council Resolution No. (9/1440 / Thirteenth) dated 11-5-1440 H on Amending Article (7/1) of the Implementing Regulations Of Law of Procedure Before the Board of grievances

“The claim memorandum of the disciplinary case shall be deposited with the Claims Department according to the approved form, and the administration shall fix the date of hearing the case as soon as it is registered, inform the parties to the case with providing the defendant with a copy of the claim memorandum.”

judicial Circular No. (13/T/7228) dated 11/6/1439 H on the mechanism for the referral of cases to the offices of reconciliation

judicial Circular No. (13/T/7228) dated 11/6/1439 H on the mechanism for the referral of cases to the offices of reconciliation

Circular No 13/T/7226 dated 10/6/1439 H issued by the Ministry of Justice Decree No. 1968 dated 9/6/1439 H on amendments to the Implementing regulations of the legal proceedings system

Circular No 13/T/7226 dated 10/6/1439 H issued by the Ministry of Justice Decree No. 1968 dated 9/6/1439 H on amendments to the Implementing regulations of the legal proceedings system

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (1040/T) dated 27/5/1439 H on the judgments, issued into financial cases, which do not exceed twenty thousand riyals concerning all courts

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (1040/T) dated 27/5/1439 H on the judgments, issued into financial cases, which do not exceed twenty thousand riyals concerning all courts

Minutes of study concerning issues registered in the general courts before commercial courts' commencement of their jurisdictions on 1/1/1439 H

Minutes of study concerning issues registered in the general courts before commercial courts' commencement of their jurisdictions on 1/1/1439 H

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (35952) dated 8/5/1439 H on the separation of the commercial circuit courts' of the Ombudsman's Office into commercial courts and business departments in the public judiciary

Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (35952) dated 8/5/1439 H on the separation of the commercial circuit courts' of the Ombudsman's Office into commercial courts and business departments in the public judiciary

Minister of Justice Judicial Circular No. (13/T/7187) dated 21/5/1439 H regarding the Ministerial Resolution No. (1610) of 19/5/1439 H on approving the regulation of the distribution of joint assets

Minister of Justice Judicial Circular No. (13/T/7187) dated 21/5/1439 H regarding the Ministerial Resolution No. (1610) of 19/5/1439 H on approving the regulation of the distribution of joint assets

Minister of Justice Decision No. (1610) dated 19/5/1439 H on approving the regulation of the distribution of joint funds

Minister of Justice Decision No. (1610) dated 19/5/1439 H on approving the regulation of the distribution of joint funds

President of the General Court of Riyadh Decree No. (5240/19/5/39) dated on 19/5/1439 H on approving the rules of the settlement regarding defence and judicial jurisdiction between the legal departments in the General Court of Riyadh

President of the General Court of Riyadh Decree No. (5240/19/5/39) dated on 19/5/1439 H on approving the rules of the settlement regarding defence and judicial jurisdiction between the legal departments in the General Court of Riyadh

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7238) dated on 16/6/1439 H about the guide relating to the notary of justice works and practices

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7238) dated on 16/6/1439 H about the guide relating to the notary of justice works and practices

The General Authority of the Supreme Court Decision No. (15/M) dated on 8/11/1435 H about compensation lawsuits concerning mistakes caused by judges and their conclusions

The General Authority of the Supreme Court Decision No. (15/M) dated on 8/11/1435 H about compensation lawsuits concerning mistakes caused by judges and their conclusions

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (979/T) dated on 12/2/1439 H on the jurisdictions of the commercial courts

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (979/T) dated on 12/2/1439 H on the jurisdictions of the commercial courts

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (263) dated 27-5-1439 H on amending the executive ordinances of the Criminal Procedures Law

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (263) dated 27-5-1439 H on amending the executive ordinances of the Criminal Procedures Law

Royal Decree No. M / 4 of 5 / 1 / 1433 H on the amendment of some of the competences of the oversight and investigation body

Repeal of article (2) of Royal Decree No. (M / 51) of 17/7/1402 AH, which states that: (the supervision and Investigation Authority shall, in addition to the functions assigned to it, investigate the offences of bribery, forgery and offences set forth in Royal Decree No. (M / 43) dated 29/11/1377 AH

Royal Decree No. (M / 3) dated 22/1 / 1435 H

First: Approval of the Law of procedures before the Board of Grievances in the accompanying form, taking into account the following: 1. Lawsuits relating to rights established in military service Law that have arisen before the entry into force of this Law shall not be heard after five years from the date of its entry into force. 2. The dates provided for in this Law shall apply to hearing claims against dates which have not been canceled before its entry into force.

Circular No. (1049 / T) dated 20/6/1439 H on inquiries regarding the establishment of a mother's custody of her children and their termination without the need to institute proceedings in a case where there is no dispute

Circular No. (1049) / T dated 20/6/1439 H on inquiries regarding the establishment of a mother's custody of her children and their termination without the need to institute proceedings in a case where there is no dispute

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6708) dated 29/5/1438 H regarding the implementation of the second phase of the service of safe access to regulations in the courts of public and criminal and personal status

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6708) dated 29/5/1438 H regarding the implementation of the second phase of the service of safe access to regulations in the courts of public and criminal and personal status

The Supreme Court's letter no. (38/1698900) dated 8/6/1438 H regarding the request to consider issuing a resolution clarifying the conflict in the concept "what is required by law" and the reason of alcohol's penalty is the grogginess as known.

The Supreme Court's letter no. (38/1698900) dated 8/6/1438 H regarding the request to consider issuing a resolution clarifying the conflict in the concept "what is required by law" and the reason of alcohol's penalty is the grogginess as known.

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (38/603692) dated 28/3/1438 H regarding that Saudi clubs is not considered a state property

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (38/603692) dated 28/3/1438 H regarding that Saudi clubs is not considered a state property

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (38/2317681) dated 20/6/1438 H regarding the formation of a committee in the ministry on behalf of the Committee to merge the courts

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (38/2317681) dated 20/6/1438 H regarding the formation of a committee in the ministry on behalf of the Committee to merge the courts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (1397642/38) dated 17/4/1438 H regarding the cessation of receipt of paper referrals through the courts or departments and applying through electronic manner only

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (1397642/38) dated 17/4/1438 H regarding the cessation of receipt of paper referrals through the courts or departments and applying through electronic manner only

Letter of the General Administration of Counselors No. 2010 dated 3/2/1438 H regarding the inquiry about the authorized to impose the punishment provided for in Article 62 of the Traffic Regulations in courts where no traffic departments were opened

Letter of the General Administration of Counselors No. 2010 dated 3/2/1438 H regarding the inquiry about the authorized to impose the punishment provided for in Article 62 of the Traffic Regulations in courts where no traffic departments were opened

Circular of the Investigation and Public Prosecution authority No. 3600 / C dated 30/3/1438 H regarding the transfer of investigation and prosecution jurisdiction of crimes punishable by imprisonment and fines stipulated in the medical Professions Regulations issued by Royal Decree No. M / 59 of 4/11/1426 to the Investigation Commission

Circular of the Investigation and Public Prosecution authority No. 3600 / C dated 30/3/1438 H regarding the transfer of investigation and prosecution jurisdiction of crimes punishable by imprisonment and fines stipulated in the medical Professions Regulations issued by Royal Decree No. M / 59 of 4/11/1426 to the Investigation Commission

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 1227 / T dated 20/6/1440 H regarding the competent authority to consider insolvency claims arising from executive deeds

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 1227 / T dated 20/6/1440 H regarding the competent authority to consider insolvency claims arising from executive deeds

The letter of the General Administration of Consultants No. (14637) dated 28/6/1438 H regarding the conduct of the Mortgagor by will of the mortgaged property

The letter of the General Administration of Consultants No. (14637) dated 28/6/1438 H regarding the conduct of the Mortgagor by will of the mortgaged property

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (894 / T) dated 3/6/1438 H regarding the Council Decision No. (94/1/38) dated 24/5/1438 H, which includes the exception of the Traffic Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 85) dated 26/10/1438 H and the law of protection against abuse issued by the Royal Decree (M / 52) dated 15/11/1434 H of the jurisdiction of the Department of Taizir

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (894 / T) dated 3/6/1438 H regarding the Council Decision No. (94/1/38) dated 24/5/1438 H, which includes the exception of the Traffic Regulation issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 85) dated 26/10/1438 H and the law of protection against abuse issued by the Royal Decree (M / 52) dated 15/11/1434 H of the jurisdiction of the Department of Taizir

Circular of the Ministry of the Interior No. (24064) dated 8/7/1438 H regarding the need to cooperate with the administration of the implementation of the provisions to ensure the return of rights to their owners

Circular of the Ministry of the Interior No. (24064) dated 8/7/1438 H regarding the need to cooperate with the administration of the implementation of the provisions to ensure the return of rights to their owners

Letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 18788 dated 1/8 / 1438H regarding inquiring about the court competent to hear cases arising from traffic accidents and the Conflict of jurisdiction between Criminal Court and the General Court

Letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 18788 dated 1/8 / 1438H regarding inquiring about the court competent to hear cases arising from traffic accidents and the Conflict of jurisdiction between Criminal Court and the General Court

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 1592) dated 12/7 / 1421 H obliging government agencies in the drafting of correspondence and statements that all future formulas are dependent on the will of Allah

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 1592) dated 12/7 / 1421 H obliging government agencies in the drafting of correspondence and statements that all future formulas are dependent on the will of Allah

The letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 8983 dated 10/4/1438H regarding the final agreement of the case in which the work of the judge is such as the authentication not a judgment in accordance with the law of legal proceedings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 and it's Implementing regulations issued by Decree No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 H

The letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 8983 dated 10/4/1438H regarding the final agreement of the case in which the work of the judge is such as the authentication not a judgment in accordance with the law of legal proceedings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 and it's Implementing regulations issued by Decree No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 H

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1220 / T) dated 14/6/1440 H regarding the prevention of receiving donations or payment amounts for non-specific persons and limiting them to charitable societies or deposit them directly into their bank accounts only and to ensure that the judges do so

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1220 / T) dated 14/6/1440 H regarding the prevention of receiving donations or payment amounts for non-specific persons and limiting them to charitable societies or deposit them directly into their bank accounts only and to ensure that the judges do so

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1228 / T) dated 20/6/1440 H regarding the jurisdiction of the five departments of the Supreme Court and the courts of appeal to hear judgments of death or stoning or retribution in the soul.

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1228 / T) dated 20/6/1440 H regarding the jurisdiction of the five departments of the Supreme Court and the courts of appeal to hear judgments of death or stoning or retribution in the soul.

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7700) dated 14/06/1440 H regarding the adoption of the General Authority of Awqaf to be among the entities to be written to request to inquire from the competent court whether it has an opposition

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7700) dated 14/06/1440 H regarding the adoption of the General Authority of Awqaf to be among the entities to be written to request to inquire from the competent court whether it has an opposition

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (473 / T) dated 23/4/1435 H regarding depending on the ID card to prove the identity of women who bear personal ID card in the conduct of any transaction

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (473 / T) dated 23/4/1435 H regarding depending on the ID card to prove the identity of women who bear personal ID card in the conduct of any transaction

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 1625 dated 26/8/1421 H regarding the notification of the courts to increase the penalty of flogging and reduce the sentence of imprisonment, specifically for foreigners

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 1625 dated 26/8/1421 H regarding the notification of the courts to increase the penalty of flogging and reduce the sentence of imprisonment, specifically for foreigners

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 1010 / T dated 8/4/1439 H regarding the electronic judicial inspection system

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 1010 / T dated 8/4/1439 H regarding the electronic judicial inspection system

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 12614 dated 12/5/1438 H regarding the approval of 60 judicial lieutenant to complete training on judicial work in the labor judiciary

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 12614 dated 12/5/1438 H regarding the approval of 60 judicial lieutenant to complete training on judicial work in the labor judiciary

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7707 dated 1440/6 / 28H regarding not sending funds to the General Authority of the supervision of the money of minors and similar is not within its competence

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7707 dated 1440/6 / 28H regarding not sending funds to the General Authority of the supervision of the money of minors and similar is not within its competence

Letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 16649 dated 13/4/1440 H regarding the confirmation of the provisions of the list of judicial documents

Letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 16649 dated 13/4/1440 H regarding the confirmation of the provisions of the list of judicial documents

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 4237 dated 8/5 / 1432H regarding that the Real Estate Development Fund started applying the guarantee law for the citizens for whom the loan was approved

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 4237 dated 8/5 / 1432H regarding that the Real Estate Development Fund started applying the guarantee law for the citizens for whom the loan was approved

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 75 / T dated 28/3/1431 H regarding Conflicts of jurisdiction to consider the shooting issues

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 75 / T dated 28/3/1431 H regarding Conflicts of jurisdiction to consider the shooting issues

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (475 / T) dated 24/4/1435 H on the instruments issued by the writings of justice and notes requiring judicial cancellation or other

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (475) / T dated 24/4/1435 H on the instruments issued by the writings of justice and notes requiring judicial cancellation or other

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7701) dated 20/6/1440 H regarding the procedures taken in the case of damaged and torn records and the manner of rectification

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7701) dated 20/6/1440 H regarding the procedures taken in the case of damaged and torn records and the manner of rectification

Circular of the ministry of interior No. (33458) dated 6/2/1438 H regarding the mechanism of publishing the provisions according to the law of combating information crimes issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 17) dated 8/3/1428 H

Circular of the ministry of interior No. (33458) dated 6/2/1438 H regarding the mechanism of publishing the provisions according to the law of combating information crimes issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 17) dated 8/3/1428 H

Decision of the Administrative Judicial Council No. 131 of 1438H regarding the approval of filing the case electronically before the courts of the Courts Board of Grievances

Decision of the Administrative Judicial Council No. 131 of 1438H regarding the approval of filing the case electronically before the courts of the Courts Board of Grievances

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6502 dated 19/1/1438 H regarding the controls on the fragmentation of agricultural land

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6502 dated 19/1/1438 H regarding the controls on the fragmentation of agricultural land

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6457 dated 28/11/1437 AH regarding the issuance of executive decisions to judicial provisions against Almoravid soldiers of the Kingdom including suspension of their services and prevent government agencies from dealing with them and imprison them

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6457 dated 28/11/1437 AH regarding the issuance of executive decisions to judicial provisions against Almoravid soldiers of the Kingdom including suspension of their services and prevent government agencies from dealing with them and imprison them

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6457) dated 28/11/1437 H regarding the issuance of executive decisions to judicial provisions against Almoravid soldiers of the Kingdom including suspension of their services and prevent government agencies from dealing with them and imprison them

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6457) dated 28/11/1437 H regarding the issuance of executive decisions to judicial provisions against Almoravid soldiers of the Kingdom including suspension of their services and prevent government agencies from dealing with them and imprison them

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 15317 dated 28/3/1440 H approving the organizational structure of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 15317 dated 28/3/1440 H approving the organizational structure of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. 6964 dated 29-05-1437 H. to approve the Plan, Work and Mechanism of the Department competent for the consideration of Property Contribution Cases

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. 6964 dated 29-05-1437 H. to approve the Plan, Work and Mechanism of the Department competent for the consideration of Property Contribution Cases

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. 890-V dated 01-06-1438 H. on the study prepared by the department competent in the council about that it is justified for the head of the court to nominate the reserve judge of the court judges for each of its departments in order to perform the work of its head, judge, or member thereof when a hindrance occurs in addition to his work

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. 890-V dated 01-06-1438 H. on the study prepared by the department competent in the council about that it is justified for the head of the court to nominate the reserve judge of the court judges for each of its departments in order to perform the work of its head, judge, or member thereof when a hindrance occurs in addition to his work

Circular of Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (8411) dated 28/3/1438 H regarding the prevention of the appointment of a date after six months at all except with the approval of the President of the Court in the general presidential courts and three months in the criminal courts and personal status courts

Circular of Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (8411) dated 28/3/1438 H regarding the prevention of the appointment of a date after six months at all except with the approval of the President of the Court in the general presidential courts and three months in the criminal courts and personal status courts

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Decision No. 1080/10/35 dated 18-09-1435 H. to refer Unrecorded Civil Cases that are previously included under the Criminal Courts Jurisdiction to the Courts of General Jurisdiction

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Decision No. 1080/10/35 dated 18-09-1435 H. to refer Unrecorded Civil Cases that are previously included under the Criminal Courts Jurisdiction to the Courts of General Jurisdiction

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 587138/38 dated 29-02-1438 H. on the Statement of Claim including the National Address of the Claimant

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. 587138/38 dated 29-02-1438 H. on the Statement of Claim including the National Address of the Claimant

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. 817/V dated 17/11/1437 H. on the need for a new consent in regards to Marriage Agreement Applications for a Saudi Man to a non- Saudi Woman or Visa Versa from those who were previously consented to marry, but then divorce happened with them

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. 817/V dated 17/11/1437 H. on the need for a new consent in regards to Marriage Agreement Applications for a Saudi Man to a non- Saudi Woman or Visa Versa from those who were previously consented to marry, but then divorce happened with them

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (6973 / T / 13) dated 19/1/1439 H on the emptying of real estate financing from financing companies and the mortgage thereof so that it would be via one procedure.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (6973 / T / 13) dated 19/1/1439 H on the emptying of real estate financing from financing companies and the mortgage thereof so that it would be via one procedure.

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (13939) dated 16/08/1437 H on the claims of shareholders in shares and operation of funds lawsuits.

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (13939) dated 16/08/1437 H on the claims of shareholders in shares and operation of funds lawsuits.

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (21342) dated 22/8/1437 H on tasking development in the first and second notarial services chambers in Riyadh by modifying their terms of reference by consolidating their authentication works.

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (21342) dated 22/8/1437 H on tasking development in the first and second notarial services chambers in Riyadh by modifying their terms of reference by consolidating their authentication works.

Supreme Court Resolution No. 30-M dated 05-08-1437 H. on reporting a judicial principal about the divorcee woman whose waiting period has ended and she married a second man, but she did not know that the first husband has retracted her divorce during the waiting period

Supreme Court Resolution No. 30-M dated 05-08-1437 H. on reporting a judicial principal about the divorcee woman whose waiting period has ended and she married a second man, but she did not know that the first husband has retracted her divorce during the waiting period

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7697) dated 13/6/1440 H about the approval of electronic certification of the Agency that is issued by the bodies of the Ministry

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7697) dated 13/6/1440 H about the approval of electronic certification of the Agency that is issued by the bodies of the Ministry

Ministry of Justice Circular No.(13 / T / 7447) dated 3/11/1439 H on the emphasis on not to present directly to the concerned bodies about the transactions, which is the jurisdiction of the Ministry to file about it

Ministry of Justice Circular No.(13 / T / 7447) dated 3/11/1439 H on the emphasis on not to present directly to the concerned bodies about the transactions, which is the jurisdiction of the Ministry to file about it

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (402148349) dated 12/06/1440 H about giving the claimant a better understanding that the Court is not competent to hear the case. However, in case the claimant is not convinced, he to be presented with the form to be signed by the presiding judge or his assistant

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (402148349) dated 12/06/1440 H about giving the claimant a better understanding that the Court is not competent to hear the case. However, in case the claimant is not convinced, he to be presented with the form to be signed by the presiding judge or his assistant

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Letter No. (37890) dated 9/6/1439 H on the inquiry about the Application of Bulwark over a real-estate that is administered by a government body

Supreme Council of The Judiciary Letter No. (37890) dated 9/6/1439 H on the inquiry about the Application of Bulwark over a real-estate that is administered by a government body

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (865 / T) dated 5/4/1438 H on the jurisdiction of personal status courts, concerning the marriage of women who have no guardian or women who were prevented from marrying by their parents, outside the official working hours

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (865 / T) dated 5/4/1438 H on the jurisdiction of personal status courts, concerning the marriage of women who have no guardian or women who were prevented from marrying by their parents, outside the official working hours

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Resolution No. (107/4/33) dated 9/5/1406 H about the death of the buyer party before emptying, and the seller party is admitting, then the party in-charge over the emptying process is to be the solicitor upon the attendance by the heirs or their representative

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Resolution No. (107/4/33) dated 9/5/1406 H about the death of the buyer party before emptying, and the seller party is admitting, then the party in-charge over the emptying process is to be the solicitor upon the attendance by the heirs or their representative

The Council of Ministers Having considered the attached letter from the Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers No. (2497/8) dated 5/12/1401 H and No. (2574/8) dated 29/12/1401 H containing the letters of His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior No. (3/25983) dated 25 / 6 / 1401 H, and No. (3 /48854) dated 23 / 12 / 1401 H which include that the investigation and prosecution of crimes before the judicial authorities are regulated by the rules

The Council of Ministers Having considered the attached letter from the Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers No. (2497/8) dated 5/12/1401 H and No. (2574/8) dated 29/12/1401 H containing the letters of His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior No. (3/25983) dated 25 / 6 / 1401 H, and No. (3 /48854) dated 23 / 12 / 1401 H which include that the investigation and prosecution of crimes before the judicial authorities are regulated by the rules

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (95) dated 25 / 6 / 1402 H on the approval of the law of the Board of Grievances and the transfer of investigation cases from the Board of Grievances to the Monitoring and Investigation Commission and the Staff Disciplinary cases to the Board of the Grievances

It has been decided as follows 1- Approve the law of the Board of Grievances and its explanatory note in the accompanying form. 2- The Supervisory and Investigation Commission, in addition to the powers entrusted to it, shall investigate the crimes of bribery, forgery and crimes stipulated in Royal Decree No. (43) dated 29 / 11 / 1377 H.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6323) dated 19/8/1437 H about the study concerning the controls to prove the maintenance, abandonment, and the social conditions of those covered by social security

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6323) dated 19/8/1437 H about the study concerning the controls to prove the maintenance, abandonment, and the social conditions of those covered by social security

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. (36/16/1809) dated 17/11/1436 H about the institution of an Appeals Chamber, which will be competent for execution and arbitration in the appeals courts in Riyadh, Makkah and the Eastern Region.

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. (36/16/1809) dated 17/11/1436 H about the institution of an Appeals Chamber, which will be competent for execution and arbitration in the appeals courts in Riyadh, Makkah and the Eastern Region.

Royal Order by Cablegram No. (30174) dated 2/6/1440 H on completing the procedures for transferring the powers of investigation and prosecution in customs cases from the General Authority of Customs to the Public Prosecution.

Royal Order by Cablegram No. (30174) dated 2/6/1440 H on completing the procedures for transferring the powers of investigation and prosecution in customs cases from the General Authority of Customs to the Public Prosecution.

Decision No. (171) dated 13/4/1436 H Modification of articles (2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 24, 25, and 26) Of the System of Investigation and Public Prosecution

Decides the following: First, the amendment of Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 24, 25, and 26 of the Law of Investigation and Public Prosecution issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 56) 10-1409, to be as follows: Article 2: Formation of the body by a chairman, a vice president - or more - and a sufficient number of members.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7686) dated 6/6/1440 H on taking into account the survey of the complete data of emptying operations in the real estate system

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7686) dated 6/6/1440 H on taking into account the survey of the complete data of emptying operations in the real estate system

Royal Order No. (A / 178) dated 20/4/1440 H on the relieve of Sheikh Ali bin Abdulrahman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Hammad from his position as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Grievances and the appointment of Sheikh Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Matroudi as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Grievances for Executive Affairs

Royal Order No. (A / 178) dated 20/4/1440 H on the relieve of Sheikh Ali bin Abdulrahman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Hammad from his position as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Grievances and the appointment of Sheikh Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Matroudi as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Grievances for Executive Affairs

The Ministry of Justice Circular No.(13 / T / 7678) dated 1/6/1440 H on the adoption of the minutes of reconciliation, issued through "Taradi" Platform as executive documents, and those minutes to be verified those through the portal's platform until the completion of the linkage with the Electronic Execution System.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7678) dated 1/6/1440 H on the adoption of the minutes of reconciliation, issued through "Taradi" Platform as executive documents, and those minutes to be verified those through the portal's platform until the completion of the linkage with the Electronic Execution System.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (6297/T/13) dated 4/8/1437 H on the preparation of the guiding directory on the subject of legal Secondments and aids in accordance with the agreements "Riyadh Arab Judicial Cooperation and the Implementation of Provisions and Secondments, and the Judicial Announcements of the Gulf Cooperation Council States.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (6297/T/13) dated 4/8/1437 H on the preparation of the guiding directory on the subject of legal Secondments and aids in accordance with the agreements "Riyadh Arab Judicial Cooperation and the Implementation of Provisions and Secondments, and the Judicial Announcements of the Gulf Cooperation Council States.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (117) dated 21 / 2 / 1440 H on the proceedings of the labor case before the labor courts and the amendment of the law of legal proceedings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 H and the work law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 51) dated 23 / 8 / 1426 H

The Council of Ministers Having considered the letter received from the Royal Divan No. (5197) dated 1 / 2 / 1440 H, which includes the letter of His Excellency the Minister of Justice No. (207499/38) dated 15/1/1438 H, on the creation of the labor justice environment.

The Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2025) dated 25/5/1440 H on the Solicitors' Designation and Jurisdiction.

The Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2025) dated 25/5/1440 H on the Solicitors' Designation and Jurisdiction.

Royal Decree No. (M / 14) dated 22/2/1440 H on the proceedings of the labor case before the labor courts and the amendment of the law of legal proceedings issued by the Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H and the work law issued by Royal Decree No. (51) dated 23/8/1426 H

We decreed as follows: First: A) In a labor case, before it is brought before the labor court, it shall submit to the Labor Office - the place of work within its jurisdiction - to take the necessary measures to resolve the dispute amicably. The Minister of Labor and Social Development shall, in coordination with the Minister of Justice, issue the rules governing this.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7675) dated 28/5/1440 H on the government entities and companies owned by the State to settle their disputes with the foreign investor through arbitration

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7675) dated 28/5/1440 H on the government entities and companies owned by the State to settle their disputes with the foreign investor through arbitration

Royal Decree No. (M / 51) dated 17/7/1402 H approving the law of the Board of Grievances

Article 1: Approving the law of the Board of Grievances in the accompanying form. Article 2: The Supervisory and Investigation Commission shall, in addition to the powers entrusted to it, investigate the crimes of bribery, forgery and crimes stipulated in Royal Decree No. (M / 43) dated 29/11/1377 H.

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. (782/7/35) dated 9/4/1435 H about their excellency, members of the judiciary corps, participation in the works of charitable societies and social activities

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. (782/7/35) dated 9/4/1435 H about their excellency, members of the judiciary corps, participation in the works of charitable societies and social activities

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (401946879) dated 28/5/1440 H about the sending of transactions to the Court of Appeal through "Najiz" System, electronically, and the verification prior to the sending that the scan of the instrument and the minutes and the memorandum of objection are completed

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (401946879) dated 28/5/1440 H about the sending of transactions to the Court of Appeal through "Najiz" System, electronically, and the verification prior to the sending that the scan of the instrument and the minutes and the memorandum of objection are completed

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. 1115 / T dated 28/10/1439 H on Resolution No. (47105) dated 17/8/1439 H about the formation of a committee to study the types of cases, received by the public courts and personal status courts, and the collection of inquiries and circumstances related to the distinctive jurisdiction

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. 1115 / T dated 28/10/1439 H on Resolution No. (47105) dated 17/8/1439 H about the formation of a committee to study the types of cases, received by the public courts and personal status courts, and the collection of inquiries and circumstances related to the distinctive jurisdiction

Administrative Judicial Council Resolution No. (22-1439 / Secondly) dated 12-11-1439 H about the Administrative Judicial Council of the Board of Grievances’ approval of the additional statements to the Writ of Summons

Administrative Judicial Council Resolution No. (22-1439 / Secondly) dated 12-11-1439 H about the Administrative Judicial Council of the Board of Grievances’ approval of the additional statements to the Writ of Summons

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. (105/2/38) dated 23/7/1438 H on the formation of a Judicial Chamber of three judges in the Personal Status Court in Riyadh to hear cases of inheritance

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. (105/2/38) dated 23/7/1438 H on the formation of a Judicial Chamber of three judges in the Personal Status Court in Riyadh to hear cases of inheritance

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No.(474 / T) dated 24/4/1435 H on the participation of Thier Excellencies, Members of the Judiciary Corps in Charities and Social Activities that are officially authorised

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No.(474 / T) dated 24/4/1435 H on the participation of Thier Excellencies, Members of the Judiciary Corps in Charities and Social Activities that are officially authorised

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7635) dated 24/4/1440 H about the addition of the condition that the grantee shall not dispose of the property for a certain period

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7635) dated 24/4/1440 H about the addition of the condition that the grantee shall not dispose of the property for a certain period

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (911/T) dated 16/7/1438 H on the non-consideration of any application for a deed of bulwark within the boundaries of the two Holy Mosques

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (911/T) dated 16/7/1438 H on the non-consideration of any application for a deed of bulwark within the boundaries of the two Holy Mosques

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6842) dated 13/9/1438 H on the emptying of land allocated to mosques and its facilities to be Awqaf, and the original deeds thereof are kept with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, and copies thereof are provided to the State Property Commission, and Eid Prayer Squares and treated in accordance to what was mentioned

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6842) dated 13/9/1438 H on the emptying of land allocated to mosques and its facilities to be Awqaf, and the original deeds thereof are kept with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, and copies thereof are provided to the State Property Commission, and Eid Prayer Squares and treated in accordance to what was mentioned

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/7656) dated 4/5/1440 H

Whereas, the electronic network for rental services was launched in cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Housing dated 27 / 5 / 1439 H

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1210 / T) dated 4/5/1440 H about the introduction of the accused when being arrested and their entitlement to employ an agent or a lawyer during the investigation and trial stages

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1210 / T) dated 4/5/1440 H about the introduction of the accused when being arrested and their entitlement to employ an agent or a lawyer during the investigation and trial stages

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 5627) dated 22/3/1436 H about the competence of committees in the Ministry of Labour to settle disputes arising between the employer and domestic workers

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 5627) dated 22/3/1436 H about the competence of committees in the Ministry of Labour to settle disputes arising between the employer and domestic workers

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. (1353/12/36) dated 18/1/1436 H on the establishment of public actions against the defendants in criminal cases in the general and penal courts and the chambers thereof in all regions and governorates where prisons are present

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Resolution No. (1353/12/36) dated 18/1/1436 H on the establishment of public actions against the defendants in criminal cases in the general and penal courts and the chambers thereof in all regions and governorates where prisons are present

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1016 / T) dated 29/4/1439 H on the dedication of a judge in all criminal courts in cities and governorates, which have observation or girls homes

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1016 / T) dated 29/4/1439 H on the dedication of a judge in all criminal courts in cities and governorates, which have observation or girls homes

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. 1211 / T dated 4/5/1440 H about taking the opinion of the Supreme Court in respect of Applications of Appeal

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. 1211 / T dated 4/5/1440 H about taking the opinion of the Supreme Court in respect of Applications of Appeal

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1019 / T) dated 4/5/1439 H on the allocation of chambers for the consideration of commercial cases and disputes arising from the implementation of the Bankruptcy Regulation

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (1019 / T) dated 4/5/1439 H on the allocation of chambers for the consideration of commercial cases and disputes arising from the implementation of the Bankruptcy Regulation

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 5282) dated 12/4/1435 H on the official contracts and documents, which include entitlement to the public treasury, and what they include such as penalty clauses or obligations that are not specified by an amount

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 5282) dated 12/4/1435 H on the official contracts and documents, which include entitlement to the public treasury, and what they include such as penalty clauses or obligations that are not specified by an amount

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 2853) dated 17/3/1427 H on the delivery of the original deed of the mosque to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, Call and Guidance, and the provision of a copy thereof to the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 2853) dated 17/3/1427 H on the delivery of the original deed of the mosque to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, Call and Guidance, and the provision of a copy thereof to the Ministry of Finance

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (528 / T) dated 3/9/1435 H

The Supreme Council of The Judiciary Circular No. (528 / T) dated 3/9/1435 H

The Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (1448) dated 4/4/1440 H on the controls on handing over the transferred assets to the lessor

The Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (1448) dated 4/4/1440 H on the controls on handing over the transferred assets to the lessor

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 1550) dated 15/3/1421 H on the addition of a paragraph to Article (8/1) of the Regulation of the Board of Grievances, issued under Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19/9/1428 H Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19/9/1428 H issued regarding the approval of the Regulation of the Board of Grievances about the cancellation of the Regulation of the B

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 1550) dated 15/3/1421 H on the addition of a paragraph to Article (8/1) of the Regulation of the Board of Grievances, issued under Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19/9/1428 H Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19/9/1428 H issued regarding the approval of the Regulation of the Board of Grievances about the cancellation of the Regulation of the B

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7654) dated 4/5/1440 H on the abolition of the spatial jurisdiction of the solicitation departments of justice and the application thereof in the city of Riyadh as a first stage

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7654) dated 4/5/1440 H on the abolition of the spatial jurisdiction of the solicitation departments of justice and the application thereof in the city of Riyadh as a first stage

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6941) dated 1/12/1438 H on adopting what is issued by the notaries public licensed by the Ministry of Justice following the statute regulating their tasks

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6941) dated 1/12/1438 H on adopting what is issued by the notaries public licensed by the Ministry of Justice following the statute regulating their tasks

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7637) dated 24/4/1440 H on the emphasis that the minutes of reconciliation, which have been credited by the administrations of friendly settlement in labour disputes, shall be rated as executive bonds

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7637) dated 24/4/1440 H on the emphasis that the minutes of reconciliation, which have been credited by the administrations of friendly settlement in labour disputes, shall be rated as executive bonds

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 190 dated 16/11/1409 H about the approval of the Rules of Procedure before the Board of Grievances - the legislation amending it is repealed

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 190 dated 16/11/1409 H about the approval of the Rules of Procedure before the Board of Grievances - the legislation amending it is repealed

The judicial law issued by Decree No. 78 dated 19/9/1428 H

Article 1: Judges are independent and, in the administration of justice, they shall be subject to no authority other than the provisions of Sharia and laws in force. No one may interfere with the judiciary. Article 2: Judges are not subject to removal from office except in the cases set forth in this Law.

Law of the Board of Grievances issued by Decree No. (78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Article 1: The Board of Grievances is an independent administrative judicial body reporting directly to the King and its seat shall be the City of Riyadh. The Board's judges and judgments shall enjoy the guarantees provided for in the Law of the Judiciary and shall observe the duties provided for therein. Article 2: The Board of Grievances consists of a president of the rank of minister, one or more vice president

Judicial inspection regulation of the Office of the Ombudsman

Article 2: Judges and courts shall be inspected in accordance with an annual plan, or if necessary. Article 3: The inspection data shall be recorded according to the approved models of the Council.

Royal Decree No. (M / 56) dated 24/10/1409 H approving the Law of the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution

Article 1: Pursuant to this Law, an agency named "The Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution" attached to the Minister of Interior shall be established, with a budget within the budget of the Ministry. Its Headquarters shall be in the City of Riyadh. Necessary branches shall be established inside or outside Riyadh. Article 2: The Bureau shall be composed of a chairman, one or more vice-chairmen, a sufficient number of heads of circuits and their deputies

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (541) dated 26/8/1438 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Arbitration Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H

Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Arbitration Law..

Decision No. (406) dated 22/9/1437 H approving the list of members of the Commission of Investigation and Prosecution and its employees

Article 9: A person who holds the rank of head of Investigation and prosecution Service (b) shall be required to have spent at least two years in the rank of under-Secretary of Investigation and Prosecution (a), or have worked in a similar job for at least fifteen years.

Decision No. (11645) dated 16/5/1437 H amending articles (46) and (40) of the Implementing Regulations of the notary public jurisdiction

First: Amendment of Article 46 of the Implementing Regulations of the notary public jurisdiction to be as a text referred to above. Second: This shall be considered from the date of this decision and shall be notified to whoever is required for its adoption; God is the Arbiter of Success.

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/5688) dated on 25/05/1436 H about the Supreme Court General Authority Decision No. (19/M) dated on 28/4/1436 H about the judicial dispute in the courts of appeal regarding the need to ratify the suspension of sentences

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/5688) dated on 25/05/1436 H about the Supreme Court General Authority Decision No. (19/M) dated on 28/4/1436 H about the judicial dispute in the courts of appeal regarding the need to ratify the suspension of sentences

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (19/M) dated on 28/4/1436 H about the judicial dispute in the courts of appeal regarding the need to ratify the suspension of sentences

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (19/M) dated on 28/4/1436 H about the judicial dispute in the courts of appeal regarding the need to ratify the suspension of sentences

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (17196) dated 12/8/1438 H on the body concerned with the suspension of execution provided for in article 202, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Procedure, following the acceptance of the petition in the supporting judgments of the Court of Appeal

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary Circular No. (17196) dated 12/8/1438 H on the body concerned with the suspension of execution provided for in article 202, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Procedure, following the acceptance of the petition in the supporting judgments of the Court of Appeal

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/7245) dated 23/6/1439 H on the transfer of penal sentences from the Court of Appeal, after their ratification, to the implementing authorities, while providing the Court of First Instance with a copy of the ratification decision

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/7245) dated 23/6/1439 H on the transfer of penal sentences from the Court of Appeal, after their ratification, to the implementing authorities, while providing the Court of First Instance with a copy of the ratification decision

The The Investigation and Public Prosecution Authority Circular No. (1/1/9300) dated on 23/1/1432 H concerning adulterous births in the Kingdom of an expatriate mother and an anonymous fatherand Public Prosecution Authority Circular No. (1/1/9300) dated on 23/1/1432 H concerning adulterous births in the Kingdom of an expatriate mother and an anonymous father

The Investigation and Public Prosecution Authority Circular No. (1/1/9300) dated on 23/1/1432 H concerning adulterous births in the Kingdom of an expatriate mother and an anonymous father

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1968) dated 9/6/1439 H on amendments to Decision No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 H of the Implementing Regulations of the law of legal pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H

“The court administration shall, when registering the commercial lawsuit, determine a hearing for its consideration not exceeding twenty days from the date of registration.”

Circular to all judicial departments No. (3314118/38) dated 6/9/1438 H on the formation of a Judicial Chamber, composed of three judges, in the Personal Status Court in Riyadh, to decide cases of inheritance exceeding 100 million riyals

Circular to all judicial departments No. (3314118/38) dated 6/9/1438 H on the formation of a Judicial Chamber, composed of three judges, in the Personal Status Court in Riyadh, to decide cases of inheritance exceeding 100 million riyals

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (415) dated 19/ 7 /1440 H.

Article 2: Under this regulation, a center called "Assigning and Liquidation Center" shall be established. It shall enjoy legal personality and financial and administrative independence. It shall be organizationally linked to the Minister and shall have its headquarters in the city of Riyadh and may establish branches or offices within the Kingdom.

Royal Decree No. M / 53 dated 13/8 / 1433 AH

Article 5 If there are multiple departments concerned with the implementation, then the execution judge - who carried out the first executive procedure - supervises the implementation and distribution of its proceeds, He may appoint an execution judge in another department for execution of the debtor's money, and the regulations shall specify the necessary provisions.

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7591) dated 12/3/1440 H on the decision of the cabinet No. (117) dated on 21/2/1440 H on the submission of labor claims first to the Labor Office before forwarding it to labor offices

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7591) dated 12/3/1440 H on the decision of the cabinet No. (117) dated on 21/2/1440 H on the submission of labor claims first to the Labor Office before forwarding it to labor offices

Judicial law By Decree No. 78 dated 19/9/1428 AH

Article 3: Without prejudice to the provision of Article 49 of this Law, judges may not be transferred to other positions except with their consent or by reason of promotion, in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Royal Decree No. ( M / 1 ) dated on 22/1/1435 H approving the law of legal proceedings

First: Approving the law of legal proceedings in the accompanying form, taking into account the following

Decision No. (526) dated (20/2/1439)

The Law: Article 2 Except for judgments and decisions issued in administrative and criminal cases, the enforcement judge shall have the power to supervise the compulsory execution, and shall be assisted by a sufficient number of execution officers. The provisions of the legitimate Proceedings shall be followed unless the law provides otherwise.

Decision No. (5062) dated 7/9/1440 H

First: Cancellation of Article 17 (5), which reads: "If it is not possible to notify a person who does not know his address or refrains from attending after his notification, the court may, when appropriate, order the suspension of his services to the governmental authorities."

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6391 dated 1/11/1437 AH to hand over the marriage officer additional contracts for the marriage contract

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6391 dated 1/11/1437 AH to hand over the marriage officer additional contracts for the marriage contract

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6321 dated 19/8 / 1437 AH requiring courts to register marriages where the results of the medical examination are incompatible and to send them to the General Directorate of Marriage Contract Marriage officer, including a copy of the medical examination certificate and a copy of the marriage contract

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6321 dated 19/8 / 1437 AH requiring courts to register marriages where the results of the medical examination are incompatible and to send them to the General Directorate of Marriage Contract Marriage officer, including a copy of the medical examination certificate and a copy of the marriage contract

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 4497 dated 29-2-1433 AH on informing the marriage officer persons of the Court to comply with the provisions of the list of marriage contracts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 4497 dated 29-2-1433 AH on informing the marriage officer persons of the Court to comply with the provisions of the list of marriage contracts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7822 dated 28/10 / 1440 H on the Implementing Regulations of the Appeal Procedures issued by Resolution No. (5134) dated 21/9 / 1440 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7822 dated 28/10 / 1440 H on the Implementing Regulations of the Appeal Procedures issued by Resolution No. (5134) dated 21/9 / 1440 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3783 dated 5/11/1430 AH on the confirmation of the courts to inform the marriage officer circulars for their work

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3783 dated 5/11/1430 AH on the confirmation of the courts to inform the marriage officer circulars for their work

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3116 dated 17/5/1428 AH on the organization of the work of the courts towards the marriage officer and the allocation of an employee or a division in each court responsible for the marriage officer

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3116 dated 17/5/1428 AH on the organization of the work of the courts towards the marriage officer and the allocation of an employee or a division in each court responsible for the marriage officer

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7319 dated 2/8/1439 AH on the list of judicial documents

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7319 dated 2/8/1439 AH on the list of judicial documents

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5985 dated 22/1/1437 AH on the approval of the documentation of contracts issued by the marriage officer court of the court where there is no judge for any reason

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5985 dated 22/1/1437 AH on the approval of the documentation of contracts issued by the marriage officer court of the court where there is no judge for any reason

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6038 dated 27/2/1437 AH to refer the transactions of marginalization on the contracts issued by the marriage officer marriage contracts to the personal status courts for their jurisdiction

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6038 dated 27/2/1437 AH to refer the transactions of marginalization on the contracts issued by the marriage officer marriage contracts to the personal status courts for their jurisdiction

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7826 dated 28-10-1440 AH amending the system of civil liability for nuclear damage issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 81) on 25/7/1439 AH

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7826 dated 28-10-1440 AH amending the system of civil liability for nuclear damage issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 81) on 25/7/1439 AH

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 4067 dated 11/9/1431 AH on how to use the new marriage contract document with respect to the court and marriage officer

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 4067 dated 11/9/1431 AH on how to use the new marriage contract document with respect to the court and marriage officer

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 35/6/723 dated 25/3/1435 AH on the transfer of requests for arguments to the final circles in the court

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 35/6/723 dated 25/3/1435 AH on the transfer of requests for arguments to the final circles in the court

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 890 of 17/1/1436 AH on requests for disqualification received from some courts, a disagreement in a human rights case and is seized in the rights control

The Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 890 of 17/1/1436 AH on requests for disqualification received from some courts, a disagreement in a human rights case and is seized in the rights control

Royal Telegraphic Order No. 4801 dated 5/4/1407 AH with instructions that transactions should be arranged and organized to ensure the integrity of transactions from loss and damage

Royal Telegraphic Order No. 4801 dated 5/4/1407 AH with instructions that transactions should be arranged and organized to ensure the integrity of transactions from loss and damage

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 1286 / t dated 6/10/1440 AH, the need to include the instrument of judgment issued after the receipt of the notes of appeal on the summary of the verdict observed, including a summary of its facts, reasons and operative

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 1286 / t dated 6/10/1440 AH, the need to include the instrument of judgment issued after the receipt of the notes of appeal on the summary of the verdict observed, including a summary of its facts, reasons and operative

Decision of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 35/8/829 dated 7-6-1435 AH on the jurisdiction of the subject judge to hear the insolvency lawsuit arising from executive bonds

Decision of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 35/8/829 dated 7-6-1435 AH on the jurisdiction of the subject judge to hear the insolvency lawsuit arising from executive bonds

The Implementing Regulations according to the latest amendment Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 H

Article 3: 1-No claim or defense shall be accepted in which its proponent has no existing legitimate interest. Nevertheless, potential interest shall be sufficient if the claim is intended as a precaution to avoid imminent damage or to document a right the evidence for which might disappear by the time it is contested. 2- The judge shall reject a case if it deems fictitious, and he may punish the plaintiff.

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6449 dated 22-11-1437 AH on the non-suspension of any authorized in the event of some violations of it only after the lifting of His Excellency the Minister

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6449 dated 22-11-1437 AH on the non-suspension of any authorized in the event of some violations of it only after the lifting of His Excellency the Minister

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3498 dated 6-11-1429 AH on the non-ratification of documents issued by Marriage Contracts Authorities only after reviewing the original certificate of medical examination and verification of information recorded in the marriage document

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3498 dated 6-11-1429 AH on the non-ratification of documents issued by Marriage Contracts Authorities only after reviewing the original certificate of medical examination and verification of information recorded in the marriage document

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3320 dated 9-2-1429 AH regarding the unification of stamps of marriage contract holders so that the stamp of the marriage is subjective and does not carry any phrases other than the personal name and be small in size to suit the size of the new document

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3320 dated 9-2-1429 AH regarding the unification of stamps of marriage contract holders so that the stamp of the marriage is subjective and does not carry any phrases other than the personal name and be small in size to suit the size of the new document

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3394 dated 21/5/1429 AH on the confirmation of medical examination and the new model

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3394 dated 21/5/1429 AH on the confirmation of medical examination and the new model

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5458 dated 6-9-1435 AH on the limitation of the work of marriage contract officials to conduct the contract for Saudis only and non-contract for any non-Saudi party

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5458 dated 6-9-1435 AH on the limitation of the work of marriage contract officials to conduct the contract for Saudis only and non-contract for any non-Saudi party

Royal Decree No. (9) of 2019 on the appointment of Ahmed Mubarak Ali Al Mazrouei as Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Office

Royal Decree No. (9) of 2019 on the appointment of Ahmed Mubarak Ali Al Mazrouei as Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Office

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3761 dated 16-10-1430 AH on the determination of the validity of the examination six months to be returned after the tests of infectious diseases only

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3761 dated 16-10-1430 AH on the determination of the validity of the examination six months to be returned after the tests of infectious diseases only

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6392) dated 1/11/1437 H on reporting the national address of each authorized Marriage officer

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6392) dated 1/11/1437 H on reporting the national address of each authorized Marriage officer

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6843) dated 13/9/1438 H on the obligation of the courts to raise the statistics on a monthly basis to the branch of the ministry in the region, including the total number of marriages that both parties are Saudis and the number of contracts in which the results of medical examination are incompatible

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6843) dated 13/9/1438 H on the obligation of the courts to raise the statistics on a monthly basis to the branch of the ministry in the region, including the total number of marriages that both parties are Saudis and the number of contracts in which the results of medical examination are incompatible

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. (956/9/35) dated 20/7/1435 H on the jurisdiction of the Personal Status Courts to consider all matters of personal status, including proof of marriage, divorce, khula, dissolution of marriage, return, custody, alimony and visitation

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. (956/9/35) dated 20/7/1435 H on the jurisdiction of the Personal Status Courts to consider all matters of personal status, including proof of marriage, divorce, khula, dissolution of marriage, return, custody, alimony and visitation

Speech of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (32422) dated 21/4/1439 H regarding the jurisdiction of the Department of Execution and Arbitration in the Court to hear the general arbitration cases unless they are restricted in the decision to establish them to consider a certain type of arbitration cases

Speech of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (32422) dated 21/4/1439 H regarding the jurisdiction of the Department of Execution and Arbitration in the Court to hear the general arbitration cases unless they are restricted in the decision to establish them to consider a certain type of arbitration cases

Letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (7209) dated 14/4/1439 H informing workers in the military authorities of the cases against them

Letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (7209) dated 14/4/1439 H informing workers in the military authorities of the cases against them

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7763) dated 1/9 / 1440 H on the development of the administration of cases and judgments in the organizational structure of the courts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7763) dated 1/9 / 1440 H on the development of the administration of cases and judgments in the organizational structure of the courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7762) dated 1/9/1440 H appointing the service provider from the list of electronic referral at implementation system

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7762) dated 1/9/1440 H appointing the service provider from the list of electronic referral at implementation system

Decision of the Supreme Council of Justice No. (1402/12/36) dated 19/2/1436 H regarding the opening of a number of specialized departments in the competent public courts to adjudicate cases arising from traffic accidents

Decision of the Supreme Council of Justice No. (1402/12/36) dated 19/2/1436 H regarding the opening of a number of specialized departments in the competent public courts to adjudicate cases arising from traffic accidents

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (609 / T) dated 9/4 /1436 H on Resolution No. (1402/12/36) and the date of 19/2/1436 H on the opening of a number of specialized departments in the competent public courts to adjudicate cases arising from traffic accidents

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (609) / T dated 9/4 /1436 H on Resolution No. (1402/12/36) and the date of 19/2/1436 H on the opening of a number of specialized departments in the competent public courts to adjudicate cases arising from traffic accidents

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6608) dated 26/3/1438 H launching the electronic linking service with the Ministry of Interior regarding the orders issued by the judiciary on the subject of review and suspension of services and prevention of travel and cancellation of arrest and inquiries from wanted

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6608) dated 26/3/1438 H launching the electronic linking service with the Ministry of Interior regarding the orders issued by the judiciary on the subject of review and suspension of services and prevention of travel and cancellation of arrest and inquiries from wanted

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (26117) dated 13/11/1437 H on the formation of an advisory committee and specifying its competencies

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (26117) dated 13/11/1437 H on the formation of an advisory committee and specifying its competencies

Speech of the President of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers No. (2112 / R) dated 17/2/1420 H approving the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (30) dated 9/2/1420 H regarding the lawsuits filed by the foreigner inside the Kingdom

Speech of the President of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers No. (2112 / R) dated 17/2/1420 H approving the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (30) dated 9/2/1420 H regarding the lawsuits filed by the foreigner inside the Kingdom

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7359) dated 23/8/1439 H on the conditions necessary for the completion of international judicial cooperation

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7359) dated 23/8/1439 H on the conditions necessary for the completion of international judicial cooperation

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1021 / C) dated 4/5/1439 H on the formation of the Judicial Lieutenant as a member of the Commercial Departments

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1021 / C) dated 4/5/1439 H on the formation of the Judicial Lieutenant as a member of the Commercial Departments

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5595 dated 18/2/1436 H on the confirmation of the activation of the second paragraph of article 55 of the Implementing regulations of the system of legal proceedings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5595 dated 18/2/1436 H on the confirmation of the activation of the second paragraph of article 55 of the Implementing regulations of the system of legal proceedings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6542) dated 6/2/1438 H on the referral of the State General Authority on the funds of minors and similar transactions to the Authority as of 1/1/1438 H and what was before this date remains with the Court and the responsibility money House

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6542) dated 6/2/1438 H on the referral of the State General Authority on the funds of minors and similar transactions to the Authority as of 1/1/1438 H and what was before this date remains with the Court and the responsibility money House

Procedures Manual in the houses of money in the courts

Procedures Manual in the houses of money in the courts

Circular of the Attorney General No. (14992 / C) dated 2/9/1439 H on the investigation of fraud cases sub

Circular of the Attorney General No. (14992 / C) dated 2/9/1439 H on the investigation of fraud cases sub

Royal circular telegram order No. (9437) dated 26/2/1439 H to confirm the government bodies to abide by the settled the judiciary of the Board of Grievances in its provisions in similar subjects

Royal circular telegram order No. (9437) dated 26/2/1439 H to confirm the government bodies to abide by the settled the judiciary of the Board of Grievances in its provisions in similar subjects

Telegram Royal Order No. (4140) dated 27/1/1436 H on the transfer of judicial bodies to the Makkah region during the summer

Telegram Royal Order No. (4140) dated 27/1/1436 H on the transfer of judicial bodies to the Makkah region during the summer

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3731) dated 25/8/1430 H on preventing the Marriage official from taking over the contract for himself or for women under his jurisdiction

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3731) dated 25/8/1430 H on preventing the Marriage official from taking over the contract for himself or for women under his jurisdiction

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (537) dated 20/10/1435 H clarifying the decision of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (35/10/1079) dated 18/9/1434 H transferring the final circuits that work in the general courts in the five cities (Riyadh, Mecca, Medina) , Dammam, Jeddah) to the personal status courts

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (537) dated 20/10/1435 H clarifying the decision of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (35/10/1079) dated 18/9/1434 H transferring the final circuits that work in the general courts in the five cities (Riyadh, Mecca, Medina) , Dammam, Jeddah) to the personal status courts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T 7788) dated 21/9/1440 H on the evaluation of the abolition of spatial jurisdiction over the writings of justice and notaries

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T 7788) dated 21/9/1440 H on the evaluation of the abolition of spatial jurisdiction over the writings of justice and notaries

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (566 / T) dated 4/2/1436 H on the work through television circles in telephone translation

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (566 / T) dated 4/2/1436 H on the work through television circles in telephone translation

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 2947) on 12/8/1427 H on the sufficiency of the authorized to put one signboard and its specifications

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 2947) on 12/8/1427 H on the sufficiency of the authorized to put one signboard and its specifications

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 476 dated 25/4 / 1435H on the competent department to hear the disagreement

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 476 dated 25/4 / 1435H on the competent department to hear the disagreement

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 401 of 12/7/1440 AH amending paragraph (1) of item (VI) of the Basic Organization of the Legal Training Center of the Ministry of Justice

Amend paragraph (1) of clause (6) of the Resolution of Council of Ministers No. (162) dated on 24/4/1435 AH, to be as follows: to be headed by the Undersecretary from the Ministry of Justice appointed by the Minister of Justice and membership of: the Supreme Judicial Council, the Board of Grievances, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Civil Service, the Higher Judicial Institute and the Institute of Public Administration.

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 5568) dated 1/2 / 1436 H on places within the urban sphere of cities and villages or within permanent urban space

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 5568) dated 1/2 / 1436 H on places within the urban sphere of cities and villages or within permanent urban space

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7625) dated 20/04/1440 H following the website of the Standing Committee for Combating Money Laundering in relation to the countries identified by the Committee as high risk

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7625) dated 20/04/1440 H following the website of the Standing Committee for Combating Money Laundering in relation to the countries identified by the Committee as high risk

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 1966) dated 9 / 3 / 1423 H on the non-placement of billboards indicating the work of the Marriage official and its location

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 1966) dated 9 / 3 / 1423 H on the non-placement of billboards indicating the work of the Marriage official and its location

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (13750) dated 1 / 11 / 1435 H to inform the owners of virtue judges in the General Court of the city, who are engaged in offices with the functions of the jurisdiction of the General Court to do the work of those offices in addition to their work

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (13750) dated 1 / 11 / 1435 H to inform the owners of virtue judges in the General Court of the city, who are engaged in offices with the functions of the jurisdiction of the General Court to do the work of those offices in addition to their work

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 3073) dated 28 / 2 / 1428 H on the unified mechanism for the written test of the Marriage Officers

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 3073) dated 28 / 2 / 1428 H on the unified mechanism for the written test of the Marriage Officers

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (35 / 8 / 909) dated 7 / 6 / 1435 H on the signature of judges on data and collective writings

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (35 / 8 / 909) dated 7 / 6 / 1435 H on the signature of judges on data and collective writings

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7789) dated 21 / 9 / 1440 H on the system of electronic marriage contract and work as of the date of 14 / 9 / 1440 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7789) dated 21 / 9 / 1440 H on the system of electronic marriage contract and work as of the date of 14 / 9 / 1440 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 4433 dated 17 / 12 / 1432 AH on the entitlement of the family of the absentee or the missing or the abandoned or outstanding family pension

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 4433 dated 17 / 12 / 1432 AH on the entitlement of the family of the absentee or the missing or the abandoned or outstanding family pension

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 512 dated 21/4/1393 AH, stressing the non-lifting and not considering the application for leave of any violation except after investigating it and knowing the cause and determining its responsibility

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 512 dated 21/4/1393 AH, stressing the non-lifting and not considering the application for leave of any violation except after investigating it and knowing the cause and determining its responsibility

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (403335983) dated 8/9/1440 H on the manual on the validation of electronic seizures

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (403335983) dated 8/9/1440 H on the manual on the validation of electronic seizures

Decision No. (27594) of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary dated 13/8/1440 H on the formation of a committee to study (Procedures for the consideration of the special right in criminal proceedings)

Decision No. (27594) of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary dated 13/8/1440 H on the formation of a committee to study (Procedures for the consideration of the special right in criminal proceedings)

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1285 / T) dated 9/9 / 1440 H on the competence of hearing commercial cases before the general courts in the governorates and centers where there is no court or commercial department

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1285 / T) dated 9/9 / 1440 H on the competence of hearing commercial cases before the general courts in the governorates and centers where there is no court or commercial department

Circular of the Ministry of Justice (13 / T / 7776) dated 8/9 / 1440 H registering the grant instruments in the name of the heirs confirmed by the heirs inventory instrument when one of them is present at the notary public without asking for power of attorney of the rest of them

Circular of the Ministry of Justice (13 / T / 7776) dated 8/9 / 1440 H registering the grant instruments in the name of the heirs confirmed by the heirs inventory instrument when one of them is present at the notary public without asking for power of attorney of the rest of them

Decision No. (400) dated 12 / 7 / 1440 H Approving the amendment of paragraph (c) of Article (5) and Amending Article 72 of the Judicial Regulation

Approving the amendment of paragraph (c) of Article (5) of the Judicial Regulation, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19 / 9 / 1428 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 81) dated 13 / 7 /1440 H Approving amendments to the Judicial Regulation

Approving the amendment of paragraph (c) of Article (5) of the Judicial Regulation, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19 / 9 / 1428 H, to read as follows:

Resolution No. (405) dated 24/7/1439 H approving the civil liability for nuclear damages law

Approving the civil liability for nuclear damage law. In the accompanying form.

Resolution No. (13) dated 1/8/1435 H Approving the law of procedures before the Board of Grievances

Approving the law of procedures before the Board of Grievances in the accompanying form, taking into account the following:

Royal Decree No. (M / 117) dated 16/10/1440 H to amend the civil liability regime for nuclear damage issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 81) dated 25/7/1439 H

First: Amend Article (28) of the Civil Liability law for nuclear damage, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 81) dated 25/7/1439 H, to be the following text: "The General Court in Riyadh is competent to consider compensation applications in accordance with the provisions of the law."

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1431 / T) dated 13/6/1441 H regarding territorial jurisdiction in cases related to financial and administrative corruption cases filed by the Supervision and Anti-Corruption Commission is held for the Criminal Court and Appeal in Riyadh

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1431 / T) dated 13/6/1441 H regarding territorial jurisdiction in cases related to financial and administrative corruption cases filed by the Supervision and Anti-Corruption Commission is held for the Criminal Court and Appeal in Riyadh

Law of Sharia Courts Formation

Article 7 functions of the supervisory body are as follows: First: Consider all legitimate limits except drinking and defamation. Second: Consideration of financial disputes if one of the disputants asks for them in cases where the judgment is not based on the acknowledgment.

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8017) dated 9/6/1441 H regarding the exclusion of male and female lawyers from inspection procedures in normal circumstances while they are reviewing the courts except for the specialized criminal courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8017) dated 9/6/1441 H regarding the exclusion of male and female lawyers from inspection procedures in normal circumstances while they are reviewing the courts except for the specialized criminal courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8002) dated 2/6/1441 H by the notary or the registrar and all parties to the pledge of allegiance or authenticating them through fingerprinting and stopping the printing and scanning of the seizure except in the event that the fingerprint of one of the parties is not identical

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8002) dated 2/6/1441 H by the notary or the registrar and all parties to the pledge of allegiance or authenticating them through fingerprinting and stopping the printing and scanning of the seizure except in the event that the fingerprint of one of the parties is not identical

Circular of the Public Prosecution No. 37299 dated 2/6/1441 AH regarding the recommendations of the chief prosecutors

Circular of the Public Prosecution No. 37299 dated 2/6/1441 AH regarding the recommendations of the chief prosecutors

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 7207 dated 4/6/1441 H amending the Implementing regulations of the implementation law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 526 dated 20/2/1439 H

Repealing Article (46/5) its text: "preventing government agencies from dealing with the debtor includes and suspending his electronic government services."

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7840) dated 18/11/1440 H regarding the necessity of filing to take permission to hear every lawsuit related to a property owned by the state with a legitimate instrument or document deemed legitimate or under its possession or disposal is made by a plaintiff who does not have an instrument that owns the property regardless of the location of the property

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7840) dated 18/11/1440 H regarding the necessity of filing to take permission to hear every lawsuit related to a property owned by the state with a legitimate instrument or document deemed legitimate or under its possession or disposal is made by a plaintiff who does not have an instrument that owns the property regardless of the location of the property

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 5515) dated 23/11/1435 H regarding the procedure for the authorized marriage contracts for the mute and the like and who does not disclose his intention by words

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 5515) dated 23/11/1435 H regarding the procedure for the authorized marriage contracts for the mute and the like and who does not disclose his intention by words

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3192) dated 8/8/1428 H regarding the suspension of authorized persons who have not been issued new licenses from the Ministry and withdrawing their controls and Consider addressing the situation of those whose cases have not been appealed

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3192) dated 8/8/1428 H regarding the suspension of authorized persons who have not been issued new licenses from the Ministry and withdrawing their controls and Consider addressing the situation of those whose cases have not been appealed

Cabinet Resolution No. 580 dated 15/10/1440 H amending the civil liability regime for nuclear damage issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 81) dated 25/7/1439 H

Cabinet Resolution No. 580 dated 15/10/1440 H amending the civil liability regime for nuclear damage issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 81) dated 25/7/1439 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3238) dated 10/10/1428 H regarding the necessity for the competent court to receive every seizure from which every permit has been terminated so that it will not be granted another control until after taking this action

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3238) dated 10/10/1428 H regarding the necessity for the competent court to receive every seizure from which every permit has been terminated so that it will not be granted another control until after taking this action

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (303) dated 19/9/1428 H approving the Judicial and the Board of Grievances Laws and the implementative working mechanism

1- Approving the judiciary and the Board of grievances law, according to their accompanying forms.

Council of ministers Resolution No. (415) of 12 / 9 / 1436 H approving the amendment of paragraph (4) of Article (8) of the pleadings law before the Board of Grievances

Approval of the amendment to paragraph (4) of Article (8) of the pleadings law before the Board of Grievances, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 3) on 22 / 1 / 1435 H, to become the following text:

Royal Court Telegraphic Circular No. (10128) dated 23/2/1440 H Regarding Cabinet Resolution No. (117) of 21/2/1440 H Regarding the procedures of labor cases before labor courts and amending Sharia pleadings law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 1/22 / 1435 H and the Labor Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 51) dated 23/8/1426 H

Third: Adding two articles to the labor law, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 51) dated 23 / 8 / 1426 H, as amended by Royal Decree No. (M / 46) dated 5 / 6 / 1436 H, as stated in the decision.

Royal Decree No. (M / 65) dated 13 / 9 / 1436 H on Approving the amendment of paragraph (4) of Article (8) of the Procedure Law before the Board of Grievances, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 3) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 H

First: Approving the amendment of paragraph (4) of Article (8) of the Procedure Law before the Board of Grievances, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 3) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 H

Resolution No. (580) dated 15/10/1440 H Amendment to Article (28) of the Civil Liability law for nuclear damage

Amend Article (28) of the Civil Liability law for Nuclear Damage, issued by Royal Decree No. (M/81) dated 25/7/1439 H, to read as follows:

Resolution No. (261) and date: 12 / 8 / 1433 AH By approving the implementation law

The council of ministers Decide Approval of the implementation law, in the accompanying form.

Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19/9/1428 H approving the judicial law

Approval of the judicial law and the Board of Grievances according to their accompanying forms.

Resolution No. (841) dated 16 / 3 / 1439 H on amending the Implementing regulations of the Sharia pleading law

Article No. (224 / 3) is deleted from the Implementing regulations of the Sharia pleading law, which its text: “The department from which permission to sell or buy the share of a minor or absent is responsible for emptying it.”

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (396) dated 25/10/1434 H organizing the vacant judicial offices letter

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (396) dated 25/10/1434 H organizing the vacant judicial offices letter

High Circular Telegraphic Order No. (9437), dated 26/2/1439 H, affirming the governmental authorities to abide by the decisions of the Board of Grievances in its provisions on similar subjects

High Circular Telegraphic Order No. (9437), dated 26/2/1439 H, affirming the governmental authorities to abide by the decisions of the Board of Grievances in its provisions on similar subjects

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice no 5502 dated 11/21/1440 H to amend the Implementing regulations of the Enforcement Act issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 526 dated 20/2/1439 H

Approving the amendment of Article (6/7) of the Implementing regulations of the Enforcement Act to be as following text: (When considering the dispute related to the check, to suspend execution it's required that the person whom the execution is against deposit the value of the check in the account of the enforcement court; unless the department hearing the dispute decides otherwise).

Resolution No. (13) dated 8/1/1435 H approving the law of pleadings before the Board of Grievances

First: Approving the law of pleadings before the Board of Grievances in the accompanying form, taking into account the following

Resolution No. (4) dated 6/1/1437 H regarding the interpretation of the phrase “retirement” in Articles (51), (69) and (82) of the Judicial law

Referring the judge to retirement for the reasons stipulated in Articles (51), (69) and (82) of the Judicial Law, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 64) dated 14/7 / 1395H (repealed) means that he is entitled to a retirement pension.

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1444 / T) dated 30/6/1441 H regarding the distribution of civil and penal cases arising from the application of the copyright protection law, the patent law, designs for integrated circuits, plant varieties, and industrial designs

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1444 / T) dated 30/6/1441 H regarding the distribution of civil and penal cases arising from the application of the copyright protection law, the patent law, designs for integrated circuits, plant varieties, and industrial designs

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1443 / T) dated 30/6/1441 H regarding the allocation of departments in the specialized courts for trafficking of persons cases

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1443 / T) dated 30/6/1441 H regarding the allocation of departments in the specialized courts for trafficking of persons cases

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7993) dated 21/5/1441 H regarding the lawsuit for the sale of the endowment and the property of the minors before the courts of endowment

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7993) dated 21/5/1441 H regarding the lawsuit for the sale of the endowment and the property of the minors before the courts of endowment

Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court No. (1) dated 6/4/1441 H regarding what the General Authority of the Supreme Administrative Court deemed to refrain from the principle previously decided by the second circuit of the court that the administrative courts of the Board of Grievances have no jurisdiction over cases related to executive deeds

Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court No. (1) dated 6/4/1441 H regarding what the General Authority of the Supreme Administrative Court deemed to refrain from the principle previously decided by the second circuit of the court that the administrative courts of the Board of Grievances have no jurisdiction over cases related to executive deeds

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. (7346) dated 22/6/1441 H on the establishment of reconciliation offices in the courts

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. (7346) dated 22/6/1441 H on the establishment of reconciliation offices in the courts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 8034) dated 23/6/1441 H on the decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (7344) dated 19/6/1441 H amending the Implementing regulations of the Sharia pleading law issued by the decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (39933) dated 19/5/ 1435 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 8034) dated 23/6/1441 H on the decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (7344) dated 19/6/1441 H amending the Implementing regulations of the Sharia pleading law issued by the decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (39933) dated 19/5/ 1435 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 8072) dated 21/7 / 1441H regarding precautionary measures and preventive measures to prevent the outbreak of the Corona virus

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 8072) dated 21/7 / 1441H regarding precautionary measures and preventive measures to prevent the outbreak of the Corona virus

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 7926 dated 13/3/1441 on providing financial services to decent groups covered by the authority’s law for quality of service and speed of access to the beneficiary and to achieve optimal use of the technology

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 7926 dated 13/3/1441 on providing financial services to decent groups covered by the authority’s law for quality of service and speed of access to the beneficiary and to achieve optimal use of the technology

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. (7344) dated 19/6/1441 H regarding amending Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 H approving the Implementing regulations of the legal pleading law

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. (7344) dated 19/6/1441 H regarding amending Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 H approving the Implementing regulations of the legal pleading law

Decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. (27 / M) dated 7/5/1437 H regarding the court’s consideration of the request for an argument for the entitlement of those under his possession that is part of the real estate of the property sold, divided, or inherited

Decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. (27 / M) dated 7/5/1437 H regarding the court’s consideration of the request for an argument for the entitlement of those under his possession that is part of the real estate of the property sold, divided, or inherited

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8023) dated 11/6/1441 H regarding procedures for emptying the public areas of agricultural land

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8023) dated 11/6/1441 H regarding procedures for emptying the public areas of agricultural land

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1418 / T) dated 21/5/1441 H regarding Council Resolution No. (558/15/41) dated 6/3/1441 H, which includes transferring the jurisdiction of civil and criminal cases to the Committee for Examining Violations of the Copyright Protection law and the Committee for the Resolution of Patent law Cases Invention and design

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1418 / T) dated 21/5/1441 H regarding Council Resolution No. (558/15/41) dated 6/3/1441 H, which includes transferring the jurisdiction of civil and criminal cases to the Committee for Examining Violations of the Copyright Protection law and the Committee for the Resolution of Patent law Cases Invention and design

Resolution of the Administrative Judicial Council No. 6/1441 / seventh dated 6/5/1441 H amending the Implementing regulations for the pleading law before the Board of Grievances issued by the Administrative Judicial Council Resolution No. 127 dated 26/12/1435 H

Resolution of the Administrative Judicial Council No. 6/1441 / seventh dated 6/5/1441 H amending the Implementing regulations for the pleading law before the Board of Grievances issued by the Administrative Judicial Council Resolution No. 127 dated 26/12/1435 H

Minutes of a study on transitional provisions and procedures related to delisting and arising from the validity of the provisions of Articles (55) and (56) of the Law of procedure before Shari'ah Courts issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H after they were amended by Royal Decree No. (M / 38) and dated 30/3/1441 H

Minutes of a study on transitional provisions and procedures related to delisting and arising from the validity of the provisions of Articles (55) and (56) of the Law of procedure before Shari'ah Courts issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H after they were amended by Royal Decree No. (M / 38) and dated 30/3/1441 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7995) dated 21/5/1441 H regarding specifying the legal effects of the entry into force of the provisions of Articles (55) and (56) of the Law of procedure before Shari'ah Courts issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H, after their amendment by Royal Decree No. (M / 38) dated 30/3/1441 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7995) dated 21/5/1441 H regarding specifying the legal effects of the entry into force of the provisions of Articles (55) and (56) of the Law of procedure before Shari'ah Courts issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H, after their amendment by Royal Decree No. (M / 38) dated 30/3/1441 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6639) dated 21/4/1438 H regarding documentation of sales and fictitious mortgages in favor of financing companies, in contravention of the registered mortgage and real estate financing laws

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6639) dated 21/4/1438 H regarding documentation of sales and fictitious mortgages in favor of financing companies, in contravention of the registered mortgage and real estate financing laws

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6820) dated 28/8/1438 H regarding the transfer of full jurisdiction, Sort of real estate units from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs to the Ministry of Housing

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6820) dated 28/8/1438 H regarding the transfer of full jurisdiction, Sort of real estate units from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs to the Ministry of Housing

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6174) dated 23/5/1437 H regarding the regulation of procedures for reporting judicial papers from foreign courts or issued by Saudi courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6174) dated 23/5/1437 H regarding the regulation of procedures for reporting judicial papers from foreign courts or issued by Saudi courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6778) dated 22/7/1438 H regarding the providing of an electronic inquiry service about real estate properties to companies and institutions

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6778) dated 22/7/1438 H regarding the providing of an electronic inquiry service about real estate properties to companies and institutions

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 4502 dated 2-3-1433 AH on the meaning of suburbs of major cities and villages and how to identify them

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 4502 dated 2-3-1433 AH on the meaning of suburbs of major cities and villages and how to identify them

Ministerial Decree No. 31774 of 2/7/1433 AH approving the principle of legal personality (companies) for criminal responsibility and direct conviction

Ministerial Decree No. 31774 of 2/7/1433 AH approving the principle of legal personality (companies) for criminal responsibility and direct conviction

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7730 dated 11/7/1440 AH regarding the extension of the retrospective registration period for employees of public authorities and institutions covered by the social insurance system issued by Royal Decree No. M / 33 dated 3/9/1421 AH to register any periods With retroactive effect of more than (24) months

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7730 dated 11/7/1440 AH regarding the extension of the retrospective registration period for employees of public authorities and institutions covered by the social insurance system issued by Royal Decree No. M / 33 dated 3/9/1421 AH to register any periods With retroactive effect of more than (24) months

Letter of the Ministry of Justice No. 2634379/40 dated 14/07/1440 AH on the digitization of judicial hearings

Letter of the Ministry of Justice No. 2634379/40 dated 14/07/1440 AH on the digitization of judicial hearings

Letter of the Ministry of Justice No. 2634505/40 dated 14/07/1440 AH on the digitization of judicial hearings

Letter of the Ministry of Justice No. 2634505/40 dated 14/07/1440 AH on the digitization of judicial hearings

Supreme Council of Justice Circular No. 1062 / C dated 15/7/1439 AH on the implementation of foreign judgments, orders and edits and the decisions of the quasi-judicial committees

Supreme Council of Justice Circular No. 1062 / C dated 15/7/1439 AH on the implementation of foreign judgments, orders and edits and the decisions of the quasi-judicial committees

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1509/13/36) of 29/4/1436 H on the overturned case, referred to the court to which jurisdiction was held after cassation

Decision of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1509/13/36) of 29/4/1436 H on the overturned case, referred to the court to which jurisdiction was held after cassation

Ministry of Justice Decision No. 11469 dated 15/5/1437 AH on the formation of a committee for the development of procedures for the sale, purchase, transfer and replacement of real estate endowments and minors - Canceled by the end of the Committee's term of office

Ministry of Justice Decision No. 11469 dated 15/5/1437 AH on the formation of a committee for the development of procedures for the sale, purchase, transfer and replacement of real estate endowments and minors - Canceled by the end of the Committee's term of office

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. 2390/22/38 dated 2/2/1438 H on the cassation case shall be referred to the court where specific jurisdiction was held after cassation and shall be referred to the court to which the spatial jurisdiction was held upon filing the case

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. 2390/22/38 dated 2/2/1438 H on the cassation case shall be referred to the court where specific jurisdiction was held after cassation and shall be referred to the court to which the spatial jurisdiction was held upon filing the case

Royal Order No. A / 555 and dated 13/8/1441 H to nominate a number of distinguished virtue judges as members of the Supreme Court

Royal Order No. A / 555 and dated 13/8/1441 H to nominate a number of distinguished virtue judges as members of the Supreme Court

Decision of the Minister of Justice No. (5134) dated 21 / 9 / 1440 H Approving of the Implementing Regulations for the Procedures of Appeal

The following terms and phrases - wherever mentioned in these regulations – shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context requires otherwise:

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (16-1441) on 14/9/1441 H approving that the procedures stipulated in the pleading law be conducted before the Board of Grievances and its Implementing regulations (electronically)

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (16-1441) on 14/9/1441 H approving that the procedures stipulated in the pleading law be conducted before the Board of Grievances and its Implementing regulations (electronically)

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (16954) on 18/9/1441 H regarding the restructuring of the Commercial Court in Jeddah

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (16954) on 18/9/1441 H regarding the restructuring of the Commercial Court in Jeddah

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1488 / T) on 20/9/1441 H regarding the formation of a committee to monitor the regularity of the judicial process in the courts

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1488 / T) on 20/9/1441 H regarding the formation of a committee to monitor the regularity of the judicial process in the courts

Cabinet Decision No. (594) on 12/9/1441 H to amend the Law of the Board of Grievances issued by Decree No. (78) of 19/9/1428 H

Cabinet Decision No. (594) on 12/9/1441 H to amend the Law of the Board of Grievances issued by Decree No. (78) of 19/9/1428 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (8123) on 21/9/1441 H regarding the unification of the measures taken regarding the provisions of Article (1/78 / B) of the regulations of the Sharia pleading law

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (8123) on 21/9/1441 H regarding the unification of the measures taken regarding the provisions of Article (1/78 / B) of the regulations of the Sharia pleading law

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6592 and dated 19/3/1438 on the controls on the fragmentation of agricultural land

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6592 and dated 19/3/1438 on the controls on the fragmentation of agricultural land

Decision of the Minister of Justice No. (5595) dated 29/11/1440 H approving the rules and procedures of the reconciliation offices

Decision of the Minister of Justice No. (5595) dated 29/11/1440 H approving the rules and procedures of the reconciliation offices

Circular of the Public Prosecution No. (51279) dated 12/8/1440 H on the transfer of the competence of investigation and prosecution in the crimes stipulated in the Unified Customs Law of the Gulf Cooperation Council States issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 41) dated 3/11/1423 H from the General Authority of Customs to the Public Prosecution.

Circular of the Public Prosecution No. (51279) dated 12/8/1440 H on the transfer of the competence of investigation and prosecution in the crimes stipulated in the Unified Customs Law of the Gulf Cooperation Council States issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 41) dated 3/11/1423 H from the General Authority of Customs to the Public Prosecution.

Circular of the Public Prosecution regarding the transfer of the jurisdiction of investigation and prosecution to the Public Prosecution

Circular of the Public Prosecution regarding the transfer of the jurisdiction of investigation and prosecution to the Public Prosecution

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1288 / T) on 20/10/1440 H regarding the obligation of the judge to take the permission of the Council before taking the glasses on the endowments or supervising them except the endowments perpendicular ratios or spouse

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. (1288 / T on 20/10/1440) H regarding the obligation of the judge to take the permission of the Council before taking the glasses on the endowments or supervising them except the endowments perpendicular ratios or spouse

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6676) dated 16/5/1438 H on international judicial cooperation

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6676) dated 16/5/1438 H on international judicial cooperation

Circular Royal Court No. (40773) dated 21/7/1440 H regarding the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (415) dated 19/7/1440 H approving the organization of the center of support and liquidation

Circular Royal Court No. (40773) dated 21/7/1440 H regarding the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (415) dated 19/7/1440 H approving the organization of the center of support and liquidation

Circular of the Ministry of Justice (13 / T / 7484) dated 7/12/1439 H on the closure of financial houses in a number of courts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice (13 / T / 7484) dated 7/12/1439 H on the closure of financial houses in a number of courts

Dean of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7046) dated 12/3/1439 H on the sufficiency of extracting a support instrument for the housing support program

Dean of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7046) dated 12/3/1439 H on the sufficiency of extracting a support instrument for the housing support program

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (221) dated 6/9/1423 H on the jurisdiction of the Board of Grievances on the Consideration of purely commercial and commercial cases purely commercial and commercial cases by association with Saudi Aramco or on it.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (221) dated 6/9/1423 H on the jurisdiction of the Board of Grievances on the Consideration of purely commercial and commercial cases purely commercial and commercial cases by association with Saudi Aramco or on it.

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice 5502 dated 21/11/1440 H amending the Implementing regulations issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (526) dated 20/2/1439 H

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice 5502 dated 21/11/1440 H amending the Implementing regulations issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (526) dated 20/2/1439 H

Supreme Judicial Council Resolution No. (710/6/35) dated 6/2/1435 H approving the rules governing the real estate contributions

Supreme Judicial Council Resolution No. (710/6/35) dated 6/2/1435 H approving the rules governing the real estate contributions

Circular of the Eastern Chamber 3501000/123/808 / dated 24/7/1440 H by the announcement of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce to provide a service "commercial mediation" in cases of financial disputes

Circular of the Eastern Chamber 3501000/123/808 / dated 24/7/1440 H by the announcement of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce to provide a service "commercial mediation" in cases of financial disputes

Supreme Council of Justice Circular No. 991 / C dated 26-2-1439 AH on the jurisdiction of the general courts in the governorates and centers where there is no court or commercial department, including the competence of commercial departments consisting of an individual judge

Supreme Council of Justice Circular No. 991 / C dated 26-2-1439 AH on the jurisdiction of the general courts in the governorates and centers where there is no court or commercial department, including the competence of commercial departments consisting of an individual judge

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 978 / T on 10/2/1439 AH, the need to consider and decide all cases before the courts, whether cases of prisoners or divorced and not to leave the cases of those released at the time until the date of the issuance of a generous amnesty order

Circular of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 978 / T on 10/2/1439 AH, the need to consider and decide all cases before the courts, whether cases of prisoners or divorced and not to leave the cases of those released at the time until the date of the issuance of a generous amnesty order

The letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 1741 dated 12.2.1439 AH regarding the judgments issued in financial cases not exceeding twenty thousand riyals shall be final judgments The opponent has the right to seek reconsideration

The letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 1741 dated 12.2.1439 AH regarding the judgments issued in financial cases not exceeding twenty thousand riyals shall be final judgments The opponent has the right to seek reconsideration

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. 779/7/35 dated 9/4/1435 AH on the scramble between the judges of the General Court and the judges of the final circles concerning the department competent to hear the difference it shall concerned with qualitative consideration

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. 779/7/35 dated 9/4/1435 AH on the scramble between the judges of the General Court and the judges of the final circles concerning the department competent to hear the difference it shall concerned with qualitative consideration

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 7816 dated 20/8/1441 AH regarding merging and closing the writings of justice in some centers because of their proximity to other Justices

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 7816 dated 20/8/1441 AH regarding merging and closing the writings of justice in some centers because of their proximity to other Justices

letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (9429) dated 26/4/1441 H, regarding the formation of the Criminal Court in Riyadh

letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (9429) dated 26/4/1441 H, regarding the formation of the Criminal Court in Riyadh

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6583) dated 8/3/1438 H regarding the issuance of written instruments and copies based on what is received from the court due to its foreseeable cases that require that

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6583) dated 8/3/1438 H regarding the issuance of written instruments and copies based on what is received from the court due to its foreseeable cases that require that

letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (55841) dated 4/11/1440 H regarding determining the appropriate number of daily hearings according to the specific jurisdiction of each court

letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (55841) dated 4/11/1440 H regarding determining the appropriate number of daily hearings according to the specific jurisdiction of each court

Circular No. (15633) dated 4/16/1436 H approving the amendment of Articles (Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Fifteenth, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-Fifth and Twenty-Sixth) Of the Statute of the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution

replace the word "supervisor" with the word "Minister of the Interior" contained in articles (13, 16, 17 and 28) of the law of the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 511 dated 14-8-1441 AH approving the commercial court law and amending the Sharia pleadings law issued by Royal Decree No. M-1 dated 22-1-1435 AH

The provisions of the law - referred to in Clause (First) above - apply to commercial cases that have not been decided upon, and the procedures that did not take place before its enforcement, and the following is excluded from this:

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (156) dated 17/5/1433 H Regarding the draft arbitration law prepared by the organizational arrangements of the judicial and dispute resolution bodies

The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in coordination with the Supreme Council of the Judiciary and other relevant bodies, prepare the draft executive regulations of this Law and submit it to complete the statutory procedures.

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 8029 dated 18/6/1441 AH regarding the approval of the reconciliation records issued by the Conciliation Center in insurance disputes by the enforcement courts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 8029 dated 18/6/1441 AH regarding the approval of the reconciliation records issued by the Conciliation Center in insurance disputes by the enforcement courts

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1298 / T dated 3/12/1440 AH regarding activating the objection by way of appeal

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1298 / T dated 3/12/1440 AH regarding activating the objection by way of appeal

Royal Decree No. (M / 110) dated 28/8/1441 H amending the implementation law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 53) dated 13/8/1433 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 110) dated 28/8/1441 H amending the implementation law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 53) dated 13/8/1433 H

Cabinet Resolution No. (555) dated 28/8/1441 H to amend the implementation law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 53) dated 13/8/1433 H

Cabinet Resolution No. (555) dated 28/8/1441 H to amend the implementation law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/53) dated 13/8/1433 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No.(13 / T / 8093) dated 26/8/1441 H regarding launching the service of checks, provisions and terminations electronically and verifying their validity and enty into force through the Nagis website or the government integration channel GSB

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8093) dated 26/8/1441 H regarding launching the service of checks, provisions and terminations electronically and verifying their validity and enty into force through the Nagis website or the government integration channel GSB

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6391) dated 1/11/1437 H to give authorized persons additional contracts to contract marriage

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6391) dated 1/11/1437 H to give authorized persons additional contracts to contract marriage

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6321) and dated 19/8/1437 H obliging the courts to register marriage events in which the results of the medical examination are incompatible and send it to the General Administration of Authorized Marriage Contracts including a copy of the medical examination certificate and a copy of the marriage contract

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6321) and dated 19/8/1437 H obliging the courts to register marriage events in which the results of the medical examination are incompatible and send it to the General Administration of Authorized Marriage Contracts including a copy of the medical examination certificate and a copy of the marriage contract

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 4497) dated 29/2/1433 H regarding reporting to the court's authorized persons abiding by the provisions of the Marriage Contracts Regulations

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 4497) dated 29/2/1433 H regarding reporting to the court's authorized persons abiding by the provisions of the Marriage Contracts Regulations

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7822 dated 28/10/1440 H regarding the Implementing regulations for the appeals procedures issued by Resolution No. 5134 dated 21/9/1440 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7822 dated 28/10/1440 H regarding the Implementing regulations for the appeals procedures issued by Resolution No. 5134 dated 21/9/1440 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3783) dated 5/11/1430 H regarding the confirmation of the courts to inform those authorized to the circulation of their work

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3783) dated 5/11/1430 H regarding the confirmation of the courts to inform those authorized to the circulation of their work

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3116) dated 17/5/1428 H regarding organizing the work of the courts towards authorized persons and allocating an employee or division in each court responsible for the authorized and their followers

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 3116) dated 17/5/1428 H regarding organizing the work of the courts towards authorized persons and allocating an employee or division in each court responsible for the authorized and their followers

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7319) dated 2/8/1439 H regarding the regulation of judicial documents

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 7319) dated 2/8/1439 H regarding the regulation of judicial documents

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5985 dated 22/1/1437 AH regarding the approval of the documentation of contracts issued by an authorized court affiliate where there is no judge whatever the reason

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5985 dated 22/1/1437 AH regarding the approval of the documentation of contracts issued by an authorized court affiliate where there is no judge whatever the reason

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6038 dated 27/2/1437 AH referring transactions relating to marginalization of contracts issued by those authorized to contract marriage to the personal status courts for their jurisdiction to do so

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6038 dated 27/2/1437 AH referring transactions relating to marginalization of contracts issued by those authorized to contract marriage to the personal status courts for their jurisdiction to do so

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7826 dated 28/10/1440 AH to amend the civil liability Law for nuclear damages issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 81) dated 25/7/1439 AH

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7826 dated 28/10/1440 AH to amend the civil liability Law for nuclear damages issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 81) dated 25/7/1439 AH

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 4067) dated 9/11/1431 H on how to use the new marriage contract document in relation to the court and the authorized

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 4067) dated 9/11/1431 H on how to use the new marriage contract document in relation to the court and the authorized

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 8089 dated 23/8/1441 regarding non participation of the notary public in the boards of directors of charitable societies and institutions, or working in them only after the approval of the competent authority in the Ministry

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 8089 dated 23/8/1441 regarding non participation of the notary public in the boards of directors of charitable societies and institutions, or working in them only after the approval of the competent authority in the Ministry

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (61) of 27/7/1441 H regarding the deletion of the word “administrative” from the names of departments in the courts

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (61) of 27/7/1441 H regarding the deletion of the word “administrative” from the names of departments in the courts

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. 130/15 on 15/5/1421 AH regarding confirmation of all judges by setting the case on time, hearing the case and answering the claimant in accordance with the instructions

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. 130/15 on 15/5/1421 AH regarding confirmation of all judges by setting the case on time, hearing the case and answering the claimant in accordance with the instructions

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6777 dated 22/7/1438 AH of the mechanisms for compensation for administrative errors resulting from the work of notaries

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6777 dated 22/7/1438 AH of the mechanisms for compensation for administrative errors resulting from the work of notaries

Board of Grievances Resolution No. 81 and dated 5/10/1441 AH regarding the plan for the employees of the Bureau to return to their headquarters in the Diwan and its courts

Board of Grievances Resolution No. 81 and dated 5/10/1441 AH regarding the plan for the employees of the Bureau to return to their headquarters in the Diwan and its courts

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 8056 dated 5/10/1441 AH regarding the launch of the remote litigation service (electronic litigation) and approval of the procedural manual for this service.

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 8056 dated 5/10/1441 AH regarding the launch of the remote litigation service (electronic litigation) and approval of the procedural manual for this service.

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 8055 dated 5/10/1441 AH regarding the operational plan for judicial services after lifting the suspension of attendance at work and flexible working hours and renewing two periods of work in the courts and notaries

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 8055 dated 5/10/1441 AH regarding the operational plan for judicial services after lifting the suspension of attendance at work and flexible working hours and renewing two periods of work in the courts and notaries

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8134 dated 5/10/1441 AH regarding the approval of the operational plan for judicial services after lifting the suspension of attendance at work and flexible working hours

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8134 dated 5/10/1441 AH regarding the approval of the operational plan for judicial services after lifting the suspension of attendance at work and flexible working hours

Cabinet Resolution No. (635) dated 17/10/1441 H to amend the judicial law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Cabinet Resolution No. (635) dated 17/10/1441 H to amend the judicial law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 2747) dated 23/9/1426 H regarding the concept of solidarity between the owner of the car and its driver who is not authorized to drive in material responsibility in the accident that occurs from it

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 2747) dated 23/9/1426 H regarding the concept of solidarity between the owner of the car and its driver who is not authorized to drive in material responsibility in the accident that occurs from it

Minutes of a meeting dated 10/6/1418 AH regarding the concept of solidarity between the owner of the vehicle and its driver who is not authorized to drive in material responsibility in the accident that occurs from it

Minutes of a meeting dated 10/6/1418 AH regarding the concept of solidarity between the owner of the vehicle and its driver who is not authorized to drive in material responsibility in the accident that occurs from it

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 8136 dated 7/10/1441 AH regarding the preventive protocol for the public sector for the period from 8/10/1441 AH to 28/10/1441 AH and health controls for suspending attendance at workplaces

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 8136 dated 7/10/1441 AH regarding the preventive protocol for the public sector for the period from 8/10/1441 AH to 28/10/1441 AH and health controls for suspending attendance at workplaces

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8142 dated 15/10/1441 AH on not using any techniques, interfaces, tools, products or supplies to combat the Corona Virus (COFFED-19) directly or indirectly not provided for in the evidence of the National Center for Prevention From diseases and their control

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8142 dated 15/10/1441 AH on not using any techniques, interfaces, tools, products or supplies to combat the Corona Virus (COFFED-19) directly or indirectly not provided for in the evidence of the National Center for Prevention From diseases and their control

Cabinet Resolution No. (610) dated 19/9/1441 H applying the decision of the Financial and Economic Cooperation Committee of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf on raising the customs duty on imports of rebar and iron rolls from (5%) to (10%)

Cabinet Resolution No. (610) dated 19/9/1441 H applying the decision of the Financial and Economic Cooperation Committee of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf on raising the customs duty on imports of rebar and iron rolls from (5%) to (10%)

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 8124 on 21/9 / 1441H regarding the amendment of the commercial data law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 15) on 14/4 / 1423H and the law to combat cover-up issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 22) on 4/5/1425 H, and the Anti-Fraud Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 19) on 23/4/1429 AH

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 8124 on 21/9 / 1441H regarding the amendment of the commercial data law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 15) on 14/4 / 1423H and the law to combat cover-up issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 22) on 4/5/1425 H, and the Anti-Fraud Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 19) on 23/4/1429 AH

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8074 dated 27/7/1441 AH regarding the approval of work to validate the seizure and instrument electronically and using electronic code only without the need to include the official stamp of the department

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8074 dated 27/7/1441 AH regarding the approval of work to validate the seizure and instrument electronically and using electronic code only without the need to include the official stamp of the department

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 2201 dated 12/3/1424 AH regarding Resolution No. 1245 dated 25/2/1424 AH establishing a public administration in the name of (General Administration for Authorities of Marriage Contracts) and approving its organizational structure

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 2201 dated 12/3/1424 AH regarding Resolution No. 1245 dated 25/2/1424 AH establishing a public administration in the name of (General Administration for Authorities of Marriage Contracts) and approving its organizational structure

Telegram of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 16236 on 23/7/1441 AH regarding enabling the prosecution authorities to submit their statements of objection to the competent courts by sending it electronically during the period of suspension of attendance at the workplace in government agencies and the postponement of judicial sessions

Telegram of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 16236 on 23/7/1441 AH regarding enabling the prosecution authorities to submit their statements of objection to the competent courts by sending it electronically during the period of suspension of attendance at the workplace in government agencies and the postponement of judicial sessions

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 1055 dated 9/3/1437 AH regarding confirmation of reliance on the regulatory instrument included in the circular and not by mentioning the circular Unless the circular establishes a systematic rule of procedure, Then it is the document

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 1055 dated 9/3/1437 AH regarding confirmation of reliance on the regulatory instrument included in the circular and not by mentioning the circular Unless the circular establishes a systematic rule of procedure, Then it is the document

letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 21037 dated 9/21/1437 AH regarding the department concerned with proving the waqf or testament If he plead with them while looking at the apportionment of inheritance

letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 21037 dated 9/21/1437 AH regarding the department concerned with proving the waqf or testament If he plead with them while looking at the apportionment of inheritance

Ministry of Justice letter No. 412524626 dated 14/8/1441 regarding the implementation of some procedures for prisoners relating to human rights issues

Ministry of Justice letter No. 412524626 dated 14/8/1441 regarding the implementation of some procedures for prisoners relating to human rights issues

The executive mechanism for judicial work during the period of suspension of court attendance

The executive mechanism for judicial work during the period of suspension of court attendance

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (8344) dated 26/10/1441 AH The Implementing Regulation of the Commercial Courts Law

The following terms - wherever they appear in these regulations - mean the meanings shown before each of them, unless the context requires otherwise

Royal Decree No. (M / 93) dated 15/8/1441 AH approving the commercial court law and amending the Law of Procedure before Sharia Courts issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 AH

Royal Decree No. (M / 93) dated 15/8/1441 AH approving the commercial court law and amending the Law of Procedure before Sharia Courts issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 AH

Ministry of Justice Decision No. 7543 dated 13/7/1441 AH establishing a reconciliation office in the commercial courts

Ministry of Justice Decision No. 7543 dated 13/7/1441 AH establishing a reconciliation office in the commercial courts

Decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. 40 / M on 24/6/1441 AH regarding the abolition of the punishment of flogging and the discretionary punishment of imprisonment or a fine or both

Decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. 40 / M on 24/6/1441 AH regarding the abolition of the punishment of flogging and the discretionary punishment of imprisonment or a fine or both

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (17-1441) on 4/10/1441 AH regarding suspension of Durations, appointments and deadlines during the period of suspension of attendance

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (17-1441) on 4/10/1441 AH regarding suspension of Durations, appointments and deadlines during the period of suspension of attendance

Supreme Judicial Council Resolution No. 35/11/1233 on 30/10/1435 AH regarding the opening of the enforcement courts in each of (Riyadh - Makkah Al-Mukarramah - Jeddah)

Supreme Judicial Council Resolution No. 35/11/1233 on 30/10/1435 AH regarding the opening of the enforcement courts in each of (Riyadh - Makkah Al-Mukarramah - Jeddah)

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1033 / T) on 18/5/1439 H regarding confirmation of work in accordance with Article 2/227 of the Implementing Regulations of the Law of Legal Procedures issued in Decision No. (39933) on 19/5/1435 H

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1033 / T) on 18/5/1439 H regarding confirmation of work in accordance with Article 2/227 of the Implementing Regulations of the Law of Legal Procedures issued in Decision No. (39933) on 19/5/1435 H

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 733 / T dated 26/3/1437 AH regarding the sufficiency of defining the declarant of divorce or revocable divorce during Iddah by the national identity card

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 733 / T dated 26/3/1437 AH regarding the sufficiency of defining the declarant of divorce or revocable divorce during Iddah by the national identity card

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 649 / T dated 13/8/1436 AH regarding the confirmation of the registrar duties in a manner that contributes to speeding up the achievement and focusing the judge’s work on the substantive judicial aspects

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 649 / T dated 13/8/1436 AH regarding the confirmation of the registrar duties in a manner that contributes to speeding up the achievement and focusing the judge’s work on the substantive judicial aspects

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6200 dated 8/6/1437 AH regarding confirmation of the controls scanning immediately after the end of the session by means of a scanner

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6200 dated 8/6/1437 AH regarding confirmation of the controls scanning immediately after the end of the session by means of a scanner

Decision of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 61667 dated 12/11/1440 AH regarding the formation of a committee for a comprehensive study of the judicial year In terms of inventory tasks and work and beginning and end of the year and proposing mechanisms that improve the performance of the judicial system

Decision of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 61667 dated 12/11/1440 AH regarding the formation of a committee for a comprehensive study of the judicial year In terms of inventory tasks and work and beginning and end of the year and proposing mechanisms that improve the performance of the judicial system

Decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. (28 / M) dated 7/5/1437 AH regarding the conveyance of the private property if it includes Endowment or forbearance

Decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. (28 / M) dated 7/5/1437 AH regarding the conveyance of the private property if it includes Endowment or forbearance

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7992 dated 19/5/1441 AH regarding stopping the request of any manual documents from beneficiaries and relying on the channels available at the Ministry of Trade and Investment to inquire and verify data

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7992 dated 19/5/1441 AH regarding stopping the request of any manual documents from beneficiaries and relying on the channels available at the Ministry of Trade and Investment to inquire and verify data

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6717) dated 13/6/1438 H regarding clarification of cases ending in the Court Law

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 6717) dated 13/6/1438 H regarding clarification of cases ending in the Court Law

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8166) dated 8/11/1441 H regarding the resumption of implementation auctions

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8166) dated 8/11/1441 H regarding the resumption of implementation auctions

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1037 / T) dated 25/5/1439 H regarding the commencement of circular No. (1023 / T) dated 4/5/1439 H regarding the limitation of consideration of criminal cases in which a destructive punishment is demanded on the common panels formed of three judges in the criminal courts and public courts

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1037 / T) dated 25/5/1439 H regarding the commencement of circular No. (1023 / T) dated 4/5/1439 H regarding the limitation of consideration of criminal cases in which a destructive punishment is demanded on the common panels formed of three judges in the criminal courts and public courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7932) dated 17/3/1441 H regarding launching the works of the first phase of the Real Estate Wealth Digitization Initiative and providing all aspects of cooperation and support for this stage

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 7932) dated 17/3/1441 H regarding launching the works of the first phase of the Real Estate Wealth Digitization Initiative and providing all aspects of cooperation and support for this stage

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1038 / T) dated 25/5/1439 H regarding the commencement of Circular No. (1022 T) dated 4/5/1439 H regarding the consideration of promotion issues for the first time in individual panels instead of common panels

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1038 / T) dated 25/5/1439 H regarding the commencement of Circular No. (1022 T) dated 4/5/1439 H regarding the consideration of promotion issues for the first time in individual panels instead of common panels

Cabinet decision regarding amendments to some articles of the Public Prosecution Regulation

2. Subject to what is stated in Paragraph (1) of this Article, whoever is appointed from the authority shall be on trial for a period of one year, even if he has previous service, and if his occasion is not proven during this period, his service ends with a royal order.

Royal Decree No. M 56 dated 24/10/1409 AH approving the law of the Public Investigation and Prosecution Authority

Article 1 Under this law, a body called the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution shall be established, affiliated with the Minister of Interior, and shall have a budget within the budget of the Ministry. The city of Riyadh shall be its main headquarters, and the necessary branches shall be established inside or outside the main headquarters.

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7990 dated 18/5/1441 AH regarding recording data of representatives of government agencies within the statements of the parties to the lawsuit to enable them to view the controls through the Nagis site

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 7990 dated 18/5/1441 AH regarding recording data of representatives of government agencies within the statements of the parties to the lawsuit to enable them to view the controls through the Nagis site

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 8145 on 10/19/1441 AH regarding the issuance of updated and lost and damaged ownership documents through the portal of the Ministry of Justice without consulting the beneficiary

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 8145 on 10/19/1441 AH regarding the issuance of updated and lost and damaged ownership documents through the portal of the Ministry of Justice without consulting the beneficiary

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8134 on 5/10/1441 AH regarding the approval of the operational plan for justice services after cancelling the suspension of attendance at work and flexible working hours

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8134 on 5/10/1441 AH regarding the approval of the operational plan for justice services after cancelling the suspension of attendance at work and flexible working hours

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 8055 on 5/10/1441 AH regarding the operational plan for judicial services after cancelling the suspension of attendance at work and flexible working hours and renewing two periods of work in the courts and notaries

Resolution of the Ministry of Justice No. 8055 on 5/10/1441 AH regarding the operational plan for judicial services after cancelling the suspension of attendance at work and flexible working hours and renewing two periods of work in the courts and notaries

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8086 dated 20/8/1441 AH regarding the jurisdiction of the execution judge to verify that the provisions of arbitrators issued by a foreign country meet the requirements for implementation and put an execution stamp thereon

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8086 dated 20/8/1441 AH regarding the jurisdiction of the execution judge to verify that the provisions of arbitrators issued by a foreign country meet the requirements for implementation and put an execution stamp thereon

Royal telegraphic Circular Order No. 46488 of 2/8/1441 regarding affirming that the communication with the presidents and members of the courts of appeal and similar members of the Public Prosecution office with the title (Virtue(

Royal telegraphic Circular Order No. 46488 of 2/8/1441 regarding affirming that the communication with the presidents and members of the courts of appeal and similar members of the Public Prosecution office with the title (Virtue)

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 419544557 dated 17/7/1441 AH regarding the measures taken to deal with the Corona virus

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 419544557 dated 17/7/1441 AH regarding the measures taken to deal with the Corona virus

Notification regarding the Administrative Judicial Council’s decision No. (14/1441 / first) dated 20/7/1441 H issued regarding the postponement of all cases ’hearings in all courts of the Board of Grievances

Notification regarding the Administrative Judicial Council’s decision No. (14/1441 / first) dated 20/7/1441 H issued regarding the postponement of all cases ’hearings in all courts of the Board of Grievances

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1461 / T dated 20/7/1441 AH regarding the postponement of the hearings of all cases pending before the courts and resuming it totally or partially by a decision of Chairman of the Board

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1461 / T dated 20/7/1441 AH regarding the postponement of the hearings of all cases pending before the courts and resuming it totally or partially by a decision of Chairman of the Board

Resolution of the Standing Committee of Arbitration Centers No. (D / 12/2) dated 7/14/1441 AH regarding prohibiting the practice of arbitration in centers on the founders, members of the center’s board of directors and its general manager, and members of its administrative apparatus, as well as appearing in any capacity before the arbitration commissions in the center, whether as arbitrators or experts, mediators or lawyers

Resolution of the Standing Committee of Arbitration Centers No. (D / 12/2) dated 7/14/1441 AH regarding prohibiting the practice of arbitration in centers on the founders, members of the center’s board of directors and its general manager, and members of its administrative apparatus, as well as appearing in any capacity before the arbitration commissions in the center, whether as arbitrators or experts, mediators or lawyers

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. (94650) of 28/4/1441 H regarding the restructuring of the General Court in Riyadh

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. (94650) of 28/4/1441 H regarding the restructuring of the General Court in Riyadh

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. (9563) of 28/4/1441 H regarding the restructuring of the General Court in Abha

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. (9563) of 28/4/1441 H regarding the restructuring of the General Court in Abha

Ministry of Transport Decision No. 1/205 of 12/9/1440 AH approving the work of Form (1) Proof of Dependency and Form (2) Proof of Rubble

Ministry of Transport Decision No. 1/205 of 12/9/1440 AH approving the work of Form (1) Proof of Dependency and Form (2) Proof of Rubble

Decision of His Excellency the Minister of Justice No. 10822 of 16/9/1430 AH regarding the establishment of divisional sections in the courts

Decision of His Excellency the Minister of Justice No. 10822 of 16/9/1430 AH regarding the establishment of divisional sections in the courts

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3760 dated 16/10/1430 AH regarding the establishment of a section for the public authority in public courts and presidents of courts that do not have partial courts for guarantee and marriage

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3760 dated 16/10/1430 AH regarding the establishment of a section for the public authority in public courts and presidents of courts that do not have partial courts for guarantee and marriage

Royal Court Telegram No. 62022 dated 1/11/1440 AH regarding Cabinet Resolution No. 621 and 29/10/1440 AH amending Council Resolution No. 162 and 24/4/1435 AH regarding the establishment of the Judicial Training Center at the Ministry of Justice

Royal Court Telegram No. 62022 dated 1/11/1440 AH regarding Cabinet Resolution No. 621 and 29/10/1440 AH amending Council Resolution No. 162 and 24/4/1435 AH regarding the establishment of the Judicial Training Center at the Ministry of Justice

Cabinet Resolution No. 621 and 29/10/1440 AH to amend Council Resolution No. 162 and 24/4/1435 AH regarding the establishment of the Judicial Training Center at the Ministry of Justice

Cabinet Resolution No. 621 and 29/10/1440 AH to amend Council Resolution No. 162 and 24/4/1435 AH regarding the establishment of the Judicial Training Center at the Ministry of Justice

Circular of the Board of Grievances No. 64416 dated 4/4/1441 AH regarding the inadmissibility of meeting the parties to the case or listening to them or accepting their papers or memos except during the consideration of the case in the courtroom, and the inadmissibility of communicating by any means, in implementation of the principle of “the judge’s impartiality”

Circular of the Board of Grievances No. 64416 dated 4/4/1441 AH regarding the inadmissibility of meeting the parties to the case or listening to them or accepting their papers or memos except during the consideration of the case in the courtroom, and the inadmissibility of communicating by any means, in implementation of the principle of “the judge’s impartiality”

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6843 dated 13/9/1438 AH regarding the obligation of the courts to raise the statistics monthly to the branch of the ministry in the region includes the total number of marriages that are both Saudis and the number of contracts in which the results of the medical examination are incompatible

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6843 dated 13/9/1438 AH regarding the obligation of the courts to raise the statistics monthly to the branch of the ministry in the region includes the total number of marriages that are both Saudis and the number of contracts in which the results of the medical examination are incompatible

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6392 dated 1/11/1437 AH regarding the disclosure of the national address of each authorized

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 6392 dated 1/11/1437 AH regarding the disclosure of the national address of each authorized

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3761 dated 16/10/1430 AH regarding specifying the validity period of the examination to be six months, after which only infectious disease examinations will be repeated

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3761 dated 16/10/1430 AH regarding specifying the validity period of the examination to be six months, after which only infectious disease examinations will be repeated

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5458 dated 6/9/1435 AH regarding limiting the work of the Marriage Contract Authorities to conducting the contract to the Saudis only and not to the contract to any non-Saudi party

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 5458 dated 6/9/1435 AH regarding limiting the work of the Marriage Contract Authorities to conducting the contract to the Saudis only and not to the contract to any non-Saudi party

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3394 dated 21/5/1429 AH regarding confirmation of the medical examination and the new form

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3394 dated 21/5/1429 AH regarding confirmation of the medical examination and the new form

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3320 dated 9/2/1429 AH regarding the unification of the stamps of those authorized to marry contracts where the authorized seal should be personal and not carry any phrases other than the personal name and be of small size to match the size of the new document

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3320 dated 9/2/1429 AH regarding the unification of the stamps of those authorized to marry contracts where the authorized seal should be personal and not carry any phrases other than the personal name and be of small size to match the size of the new document

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3320 dated 9/2/1429 AH regarding the unification of the stamps of those authorized to marry contracts where the authorized seal should be personal and not carry any phrases other than the personal name and be of small size to match the size of the new document

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3320 dated 9/2/1429 AH regarding the unification of the stamps of those authorized to marry contracts where the authorized seal should be personal and not carry any phrases other than the personal name and be of small size to match the size of the new document

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3498 dated 6/11/1429 AH regarding not ratifying the documents issued by those authorized to marry contracts unless after reviewing the original medical examination certificate and verifying the information in the marriage document

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3498 dated 6/11/1429 AH regarding not ratifying the documents issued by those authorized to marry contracts unless after reviewing the original medical examination certificate and verifying the information in the marriage document

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6449 dated 22/11/1437 AH regarding not to suspend any permit in the event of some violations of it, except after the lifting of the Minister

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 6449 dated 22/11/1437 AH regarding not to suspend any permit in the event of some violations of it, except after the lifting of the Minister

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 166 / T dated 10/7/1432 AH regarding the adherence of judges of the courts of first instance to instructions and statutory procedures

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 166 / T dated 10/7/1432 AH regarding the adherence of judges of the courts of first instance to instructions and statutory procedures

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3477 dated 20/10/1429 AH regarding the registration of the amount of the Mahr and what was received from it or what is deferred from it in the marriage certificate document as well as the conditions of the spouses if any

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13 / T / 3477 dated 20/10/1429 AH regarding the registration of the amount of the Mahr and what was received from it or what is deferred from it in the marriage certificate document as well as the conditions of the spouses if any

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3749 dated 17/9/1430 AH on new medical examination forms and whether the results of the medical examination are compatible or incompatible

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3749 dated 17/9/1430 AH on new medical examination forms and whether the results of the medical examination are compatible or incompatible

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3499 dated 6/11/1429 AH regarding the mechanism of marginalization on the record of the alternative contract missed in the event of the seizure in the court

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 3499 dated 6/11/1429 AH regarding the mechanism of marginalization on the record of the alternative contract missed in the event of the seizure in the court

The Supreme Judicial Council letter No. 20840 dated 1/11/1440 AH regarding connecting all the centers affiliated with the governorate with the court and the governorate in which there is no court. A decision is issued by the council to link this governorate and its affiliated centers

The Supreme Judicial Council letter No. 20840 dated 1/11/1440 AH regarding connecting all the centers affiliated with the governorate with the court and the governorate in which there is no court. A decision is issued by the council to link this governorate and its affiliated centers

Circular No.13 / T / 3328 dated 23/2/1429 AH regarding the procedures for renewing the license for the Marriage official for marriage contract

Circular No.13 / T / 3328 dated 23/2/1429 AH regarding the procedures for renewing the license for the Marriage official for marriage contract

Royal Decree No. (M / 158) dated 11/11/1441 H to approve the exclusion of military personnel actively participating in war or military operations from the measures (travel ban and imprisonment) mentioned in Article (forty-six) of the Execution law issued by Royal Decree No. ( 53) dated 13-8-1433 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 158) dated 11/11/1441 H to approve the exclusion of military personnel actively participating in war or military operations from the measures (travel ban and imprisonment) mentioned in Article (forty-six) of the Execution law issued by Royal Decree No. (53) dated 13-8-1433 H

Cabinet Resolution No. (708) dated 9/11/1441 H to approve the exclusion of military personnel actively participating in war or military operations from the measures (travel ban and imprisonment) stipulated in Article (forty-six) of the Execution law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 53) and the date of 8/13/1433 H

Cabinet Resolution No. (708) dated 9/11/1441 H to approve the exclusion of military personnel actively participating in war or military operations from the measures (travel ban and imprisonment) stipulated in Article (forty-six) of the Execution law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 53) and the date of 8/13/1433 H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13/T/6779 dated 22/7/1438 AH with mechanisms to compensate for administrative errors resulting from the work of the notary public

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. 13/T/6779 dated 22/7/1438 AH with mechanisms to compensate for administrative errors resulting from the work of the notary public

Circular No. 921 of the Supreme Judicial Council dated 11/8/1438 AH regarding the extent of the jurisdiction of public courts to impose punishment in cases arising from traffic accidents

Circular No. 921 of the Supreme Judicial Council dated 11/8/1438 AH regarding the extent of the jurisdiction of public courts to impose punishment in cases arising from traffic accidents

Royal Decree No. M / 141 dated 19/10/1441 AH to amend the judicial law issued by Royal Decree No. M / 78 dated 19/9/1428 AH

Royal Decree No. M / 141 dated 19/10/1441 AH to amend the judicial law issued by Royal Decree No. M / 78 dated 19/9/1428 AH

Resolution No. 27 dated 10 - 11 / 1 / 1390 AH Adding an Article Number (169) bis to the Commercial Law of 1350 AH

Approving the addition of an article number (169) bis to the Commercial Law of 1350 AH with the following text

Ministry of Justice Decision No. 8232 dated 16/10/1441 AH regarding the establishment of an organizational unit in the Ministry's Agency for Judicial Affairs under the name of the Commercial Judicial Unit

Ministry of Justice Decision No. 8232 dated 16/10/1441 AH regarding the establishment of an organizational unit in the Ministry's Agency for Judicial Affairs under the name of the Commercial Judicial Unit

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. 321/42 dated 10/4/1416 AH regarding not considering genealogy claims unless they come from a high level because of the unfavorable consequences of hearing them

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. 321/42 dated 10/4/1416 AH regarding not considering genealogy claims unless they come from a high level because of the unfavorable consequences of hearing them

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 785 dated 15/5/1416 AH regarding not considering genealogical claims unless they come from a high level because of the unfavorable consequences of hearing them

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 785 dated 15/5/1416 AH regarding not considering genealogical claims unless they come from a high level because of the unfavorable consequences of hearing them

Decision of the Standing Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centers No. (D / 13/1) dated 17/11/1441 AH regarding the approval of indicators of performance and governance quality in Saudi arbitration centers

Decision of the Standing Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centers No. (D / 13/1) dated 17/11/1441 AH regarding the approval of indicators of performance and governance quality in Saudi arbitration centers

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 52277 dated 17/11/1439 AH regarding the person concerned with the suspension of execution

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 52277 dated 17/11/1439 AH regarding the person concerned with the suspension of execution

Decision of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 35/10/1000 dated 24/8/1435 AH regarding working through television circuits in telephone translation

Decision of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 35/10/1000 dated 24/8/1435 AH regarding working through television circuits in telephone translation

Resolution No. (11) Dated 8/1/1435 AH approving Law of Procedure Before Shari'ah Courts

Second: The entry into force of this law and what is mentioned in clause (first) of this decision shall not prejudice the provisions of the executive mechanism of work of the judicial law and the Board of Grievances law - approved by Royal Decree No. (M / 78) and dated 19/9/1428 AH - in relation to transitional periods

The Implementing Regulations According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (541) dated 26/8/1438 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Arbitration Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H

Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Arbitration Law, promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H, as per the attached form.

Resolution No. (243) dated 29-3-1441 AH amending Articles (55) and (56) of the Sharia Pleadings law

Article 56: "If the plaintiff does not attend the court hearings - according to what was stated in Article (55) of this Law - the plaintiff has to request the court to rule on its subject, and the court must rule if it is valid to rule on it, and its ruling against the plaintiff shall be in presence."

Resolution of the Minister of Justice No. 421 dated 12/2/1439

Second: Adding an article to the Regulation by number (75/6) with the following text: “In case of Motions for improper venue of the court with which the lawsuit is filed, it must take from the person who present the improper venue a determination of his place of residence and provide his national address and attach it to the case file”.

Royal Decree No. M / 38 dated 30/3/1441 AH amending the Sharia Procedures Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 AH

Article 55: “If the claimant does not attend any session of the lawsuit and does not present an excuse acceptable to the court, then the court shall decide to write it off. If (sixty) days have passed and the plaintiff has not requested to proceed with it after it has been written off, or if he has not attended after proceeding in it, it shall be considered null and void.

Royal Decree No. M / 2 dated 15/1/1390 AH Adding an article number (169) bis to the Commercial Law of 1350 AH

Second: The Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Commerce and Industry shall implement this decree

Royal Decree No. (M/164) dated 19/11/1441 H Approving the Notarization Law

Article 3: The establishment of the Notary's Public Offices, determination of their qualitative and spatial jurisdiction, composition, and cancellation, shall be by a decision issued by the Minister. The Head of the Notary Public department shall supervise the notaries public in it.

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 21501 dated 16/10/1438 AH regarding not to file the stampede cases to the Supreme Court before it was sent first to the Council for consideration

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 21501 dated 16/10/1438 AH regarding not to file the stampede cases to the Supreme Court before it was sent first to the Council for consideration

Supreme Court letter No. 3638384 dated 24/10/1438 AH regarding the return of transactions received by the Supreme Court

Supreme Court letter No. 3638384 dated 24/10/1438 AH regarding the return of transactions received by the Supreme Court

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7590 dated 12/3/1440 regarding the powers of the Ministry's officials’ regulatory notaries

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 7590 dated 12/3/1440 regarding the powers of the Ministry's officials’ regulatory notaries

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8179 dated 16/11/1441 AH regarding His Excellency the Minister of Justice Decision No. (8450) dated 10/11/1441 AH assigning execution and liquidation work to the Attribution and Liquidation Center

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8179 dated 16/11/1441 AH regarding His Excellency the Minister of Justice Decision No. (8450) dated 10/11/1441 AH assigning execution and liquidation work to the Attribution and Liquidation Center

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (18-1441/14) dated 2/11/1441 H to amend the Implementing regulations for the law of pleadings before the Board of Grievances issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 3) dated 22/1/1435 H

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (18-1441/14) dated 2/11/1441 H to amend the Implementing regulations for the law of pleadings before the Board of Grievances issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 3) dated 22/1/1435 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8073 dated 27/7/1441 AH, which deals with the requests of the damaged deeds, the treatment of the lost deeds when there are multiple owners and that the request of one of the owners is satisfied as long as he has a copy of the damaged deed

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8073 dated 27/7/1441 AH, which deals with the requests of the damaged deeds, the treatment of the lost deeds when there are multiple owners and that the request of one of the owners is satisfied as long as he has a copy of the damaged deed

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8212 dated 16/12/1441 AH regarding the adoption of the evidence for early marriage

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8212 dated 16/12/1441 AH regarding the adoption of the evidence for early marriage

Ministry of Justice Circular No. T / 3784/13 dated 8/11/1430 AH not to consider any cases of a media or cultural nature and to emphasize the authority of competence in examining media professionals' issues, which is the Ministry of Culture and Information

Ministry of Justice Circular No. T / 3784/13 dated 8/11/1430 AH not to consider any cases of a media or cultural nature and to emphasize the authority of competence in examining media professionals' issues, which is the Ministry of Culture and Information

Royal Decree No. M / 17 dated 15/1/1442 AH to amend the law of legal proceedings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 AH

Royal Decree No. M / 17 dated 15/1/1442 AH to amend the law of legal proceedings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 AH

Council of ministers Decision No. (35) dated 13/1/1442 H to amend the legal pleadings law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H

Council of ministers Decision No. (35) dated 13/1/1442 H to amend the legal pleadings law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 H

Council of ministers Decision No. 36 dated 13/1/1442 AH to amend the legal pleadings law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 AH and the law of Criminal Procedures issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 2) dated 22/1/1435 AH and the law of pleadings Before the Board of Grievances, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 3), dated 22/1/1435 AH

Council of ministers Decision No. 36 dated 13/1/1442 AH to amend the legal pleadings law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22/1/1435 AH and the law of Criminal Procedures issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 2) dated 22/1/1435 AH and the law of pleadings Before the Board of Grievances, issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 3), dated 22/1/1435 AH

The General Assembly of the Supreme Court Resolution No. (45 / M) dated 8 / 5 / 1442 AH approving judicial principles regarding aspects related to the (Coronavirus) pandemic, the impact of force majeure and emergency circumstances on the obligations and contracts affected by them , and the method of assessing those effects, and clarify the limits of the court's authority in amending those obligations and contracts

The Coronavirus pandemic shall be considered an emergency condition if the obligation or contract can only be executed while bearing an unusual loss

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8253 dated 28/1/1442 AH regarding the mechanism for inquiring about real estate deeds and reporting it between courts and notaries

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8253 dated 28/1/1442 AH regarding the mechanism for inquiring about real estate deeds and reporting it between courts and notaries

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1625 / T dated 21 / 2 / 1442 AH regarding the approval that the commercial departments consisting of a single judge in general courts consider urgent requests and request the issuance of payment orders

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1625 / T dated 21 / 2 / 1442 AH regarding the approval that the commercial departments consisting of a single judge in general courts consider urgent requests and request the issuance of payment orders

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (89) of 1441 H dated 25/11/1441 H to stop submitting cases, appeals requests, memoranda and their attachments on paper, and to be satisfied with providing them through the services available on the MOEIN electronic platform

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (89) of 1441 H dated 25/11/1441 H to stop submitting cases, appeals requests, memoranda and their attachments on paper, and to be satisfied with providing them through the services available on the MOEIN electronic platform

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1544 / T dated 25/11/1441 AH regarding the determination of easy cases that are not subject to objection by appeal (for verification and pleading) in which the value of the original claim does not exceed (fifty thousand) riyals, including execution disputes

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1544 / T dated 25/11/1441 AH regarding the determination of easy cases that are not subject to objection by appeal (for verification and pleading) in which the value of the original claim does not exceed (fifty thousand) riyals, including execution disputes

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1543 / T dated 25/11/1441 AH limiting the consideration of cases and violations arising from the application of the provisions of the bankruptcy law to the first instance circuits in commercial courts. Cases are considered in cities and governorates that do not have commercial courts in the nearest commercial court to them

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1543 / T dated 25/11/1441 AH limiting the consideration of cases and violations arising from the application of the provisions of the bankruptcy law to the first instance circuits in commercial courts. Cases are considered in cities and governorates that do not have commercial courts in the nearest commercial court to them

Royal Order No. A / 141 dated 1/3/1442 AH naming a number of virtuous judges as members of the Supreme Court

Royal Order No. A / 141 dated 1/3/1442 AH naming a number of virtuous judges as members of the Supreme Court

Royal Order No. A / 140 dated 1/3/1442 AH to renew the head of the Supreme Judicial Council in charge and the honorable member of the Council Sheikh Dr. Fahd bin Saad Al-Majed and to name members of the Supreme Judicial Council

Royal Order No. A / 140 dated 1/3/1442 AH to renew the head of the Supreme Judicial Council in charge and the honorable member of the Council Sheikh Dr. Fahd bin Saad Al-Majed and to name members of the Supreme Judicial Council

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (920) dated 25/3/1442 AH regarding the powers of His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Justice Sheikh / Saad bin Muhammad Al-Saif and the bodies affiliated with him

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (920) dated 25/3/1442 AH regarding the powers of His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Justice Sheikh / Saad bin Muhammad Al-Saif and the bodies affiliated with him

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (876) dated 19/3/1442 AH approving the activation of the organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (876) dated 19/3/1442 AH approving the activation of the organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 729) dated 4/3/1416 AH regarding the Royal Decree No. 4/189 dated 15/1/1416 AH concerning the preservation of the lands granted to charitable groups for memorizing the Holy Qur’an for the purpose for which they were allocated

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 729) dated 4/3/1416 AH regarding the Royal Decree No. 4/189 dated 15/1/1416 AH concerning the preservation of the lands granted to charitable groups for memorizing the Holy Qur’an for the purpose for which they were allocated

The Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1564 / T dated 6/1/1442 AH regarding the issuance of the execution of the inheritance division from the jurisdiction of the enforcement departments in matters of personal status and referring it to the general departments in the courts of execution

The Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1564 / T dated 6/1/1442 AH regarding the issuance of the execution of the inheritance division from the jurisdiction of the enforcement departments in matters of personal status and referring it to the general departments in the courts of execution

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1565 / T dated 6/1/1441 AH regarding procedures for the ownership of land and real estate for applicants applying to the courts prior to the issuance of Royal Order No. A / 218 dated 25/3/1441 AH

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1565 / T dated 6/1/1441 AH regarding procedures for the ownership of land and real estate for applicants applying to the courts prior to the issuance of Royal Order No. A / 218 dated 25/3/1441 AH

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8221 on 1/1/1442 AH regarding the second issue of the procedural guide for the electronic litigation service

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8221 on 1/1/1442 AH regarding the second issue of the procedural guide for the electronic litigation service

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1566 / T on 8/1/1442 AH regarding the initiation of courts and criminal departments to consider establishing the criminal description for driving a car under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1566 / T on 8/1/1442 AH regarding the initiation of courts and criminal departments to consider establishing the criminal description for driving a car under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics

Royal decree circular by telegram No. 68098 dated 22/12/1441 AH regarding contracts, concessions, documents, financial penalties and any other source of legally determined revenues issued by the state or its affiliated entities

Royal decree circular by telegram No. 68098 dated 22/12/1441 AH regarding contracts, concessions, documents, financial penalties and any other source of legally determined revenues issued by the state or its affiliated entities

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8141 dated 15/10/1441 AH regarding the Ministry of Justice Decision No. 8188 dated 11/10/1441 AH regarding the approval of communication channels for the beneficiary

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8141 dated 15/10/1441 AH regarding the Ministry of Justice Decision No. 8188 dated 11/10/1441 AH regarding the approval of communication channels for the beneficiary

Decision of the President of the Appeal Court in Riyadh Region No. 118 dated 26/2/1442 AH regarding the approval of the restructuring of the judicial departments of the Court of Appeal in Riyadh Region

Decision of the President of the Appeal Court in Riyadh Region No. 118 dated 26/2/1442 AH regarding the approval of the restructuring of the judicial departments of the Court of Appeal in Riyadh Region

Royal Court Circular No. 6701 dated 6/2/1442 AH regarding the affirmation of government agencies that it is necessary to adhere to the application of laws, regulations and instructions in effect when providing their services and to abide by the final judgments issued by the courts and the judicial authorities and the judicial principles decided

Royal Court Circular No. 6701 dated 6/2/1442 AH regarding the affirmation of government agencies that it is necessary to adhere to the application of laws, regulations and instructions in effect when providing their services and to abide by the final judgments issued by the courts and the judicial authorities and the judicial principles decided

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1628 / T dated 1/3/1442 AH regarding providing the Council with any judgment issued by any of the court departments of lack of jurisdiction or support for a ruling of lack of jurisdiction

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1628 / T dated 1/3/1442 AH regarding providing the Council with any judgment issued by any of the court departments of lack of jurisdiction or support for a ruling of lack of jurisdiction

Royal order No. (A / 144) dated 1/3/1442 H appointing Sheikh Khalid bin Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Luhaidan as President of the Supreme Court at the rank of Minister

Royal order No. (A / 144) dated 1/3/1442 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8271 dated 14/2/1442 AH regarding the assertion that what is meant by notarized contracts and documents are those that have been documented before the competent authority for documentation

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8271 dated 14/2/1442 AH regarding the assertion that what is meant by notarized contracts and documents are those that have been documented before the competent authority for documentation

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8221 dated 1/1/1442 AH regarding the second issue of the procedural guide for the electronic litigation service

Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13 / T / 8221 dated 1/1/1442 AH regarding the second issue of the procedural guide for the electronic litigation service

Ministry of Justice Decision No. 7207 dated 4/6/1441 H to amend the Implementing regulations for the implementation law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (526) dated 20/2/1439 H

Ministry of Justice Decision No. 7207 dated 4/6/1441 H to amend the Implementing regulations for the implementation law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (526) dated 20/2/1439 H

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1627 / T dated 21/2/1442 AH regarding ending the jurisdiction of offices for adjudicating commercial paper disputes in public and private rights as of 1/3/1442 AH

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1627 / T dated 21/2/1442 AH regarding ending the jurisdiction of offices for adjudicating commercial paper disputes in public and private rights as of 1/3/1442 AH

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1626 / T dated 21/2/1442 AH regarding its decision No. 5/21/42 and dated 13/2/1442 AH Judge approving what the Appeals Judiciary Activation Committee considered amending the activation of the third phase of the appeal

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1626 / T dated 21/2/1442 AH regarding its decision No. 5/21/42 and dated 13/2/1442 AH Judge approving what the Appeals Judiciary Activation Committee considered amending the activation of the third phase of the appeal

Rules for the transfer of judges issued during the Council session on 22 / 06 / 1440 AH

Rules for the transfer of judges issued during the Council session on 22 / 06 / 1440 AH

Letter of the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centers No. Sh. C 1075 dated 11/5/1441 AH regarding not changing the headquarters of the centers except after notification of the Permanent Committee of Arbitration Centers

Letter of the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centers No. Sh. C 1075 dated 11/5/1441 AH regarding not changing the headquarters of the centers except after notification of the Permanent Committee of Arbitration Centers

Letter of the Standing Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centers No. Q / 1074 dated 11/5/1441 AH regarding not dealing with unlicensed arbitration centers because of the damages that this involves

Letter of the Standing Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centers No. Q / 1074 dated 11/5/1441 AH regarding not dealing with unlicensed arbitration centers because of the damages that this involves

Letter of the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centers No. Sh. Q / 1356 dated 12/6/1441 AH regarding its Resolution No. D / 11/2 dated 8/6/1441 AH regarding the adequacy of electronic archiving with the need for the centers to provide high technical protection

Letter of the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centers No. Sh. Q / 1356 dated 12/6/1441 AH regarding its Resolution No. D / 11/2 dated 8/6/1441 AH regarding the adequacy of electronic archiving with the need for the centers to provide high technical protection

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (7414) dated 26/6/1441 AH to amend the implementing regulations for the law of legal pleadings issued by the Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 AH

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (7414) dated 26/6/1441 AH to amend the implementing regulations for the law of legal pleadings issued by the Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 AH

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8046) dated 30/6/1441 AH regarding the Ministry of Justice Decision No. (7414) dated 26/6/1441 AH amending the implementing regulations for the legal pleadings law issued by Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 AH

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8046) dated 30/6/1441 AH regarding the Ministry of Justice Decision No. (7414) dated 26/6/1441 AH amending the implementing regulations for the legal pleadings law issued by Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/1435 AH

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. 7346 dated 22/6/1441 AH regarding the establishment of reconciliation offices in the courts

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. 7346 dated 22/6/1441 AH regarding the establishment of reconciliation offices in the courts

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8034) dated 23/6/1441 H regarding the Ministry of Justice Decision No. (7344) dated 19/6/1441 H amending the Implementing regulations for the legal pleadings law issued by the Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/ 1435 H.

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8034) dated 23/6/1441 H regarding the Ministry of Justice Decision No. (7344) dated 19/6/1441 H amending the Implementing regulations for the legal pleadings law issued by the Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (39933) dated 19/5/ 1435 H.

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1431 / T dated 13/6/1441 AH regarding the spatial jurisdiction in cases related to financial and administrative corruption cases filed by the Control and Anti-Corruption Authority convened for the Criminal Court and Appeal in Riyadh

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1431 / T dated 13/6/1441 AH regarding the spatial jurisdiction in cases related to financial and administrative corruption cases filed by the Control and Anti-Corruption Authority convened for the Criminal Court and Appeal in Riyadh

The Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1547 / T dated 25/11/1441 AH launching the third stage of activating the objection through appeal (verification)

The Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1547 / T dated 25/11/1441 AH launching the third stage of activating the objection through appeal (verification)

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1545 / T dated 25/11/1441 AH regarding the rules for hearing important cases

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. 1545 / T dated 25/11/1441 AH regarding the rules for hearing important cases

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8348) dated 7 / 5 / 1442 AH regarding failure to document the acknowledgment of receipt of an amount for a property and only documenting the conveyance procedure directly

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8348) dated 7 / 5 / 1442 AH regarding failure to document the acknowledgment of receipt of an amount for a property and only documenting the conveyance procedure directly

Royal Court Telegram No. (1530) dated 9/1/1437 AH regarding council of ministers Resolution No. (7) dated 6/1/1437 AH regarding adding lawyers to the categories mentioned in Clause (Second) of council of ministers Resolution No. (162) dated 24/4/1435 AH

Royal Court Telegram No. (1530) dated 9/1/1437 AH regarding council of ministers Resolution No. (7) dated 6/1/1437 AH regarding adding lawyers to the categories mentioned in Clause (Second) of council of ministers Resolution No. (162) dated 24/4/1435 AH

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8292) dated 5/3/1442 AH regarding the sale of sukuk investment as mortgage

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8292) dated 5/3/1442 AH regarding the sale of sukuk investment as mortgage

Decision of the President of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (11168) dated 15/6/1442 AH regarding the determination of the lawsuits and requests arising from contracts affected by the Coronavirus pandemic

Decision of the President of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (11168) dated 15/6/1442 AH regarding the determination of the lawsuits and requests arising from contracts affected by the Coronavirus pandemic

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (1594) dated 23/5/1442 AH regarding the restriction of cases and claims arising from obligations and contracts affected by the pandemic (Coronavirus) to two circuits of the General Court

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (1594) dated 23/5/1442 AH regarding the restriction of cases and claims arising from obligations and contracts affected by the pandemic (Coronavirus) to two circuits of the General Court

Royal Decree No. M/1, Dated 22/1/1435H

Royal Decree No. M/1, Dated 22/1/1435H

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1713 / T) dated 17/7/1442 AH regarding the rules of competence and powers of the chiefs of courts and their assistants

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1713 / T) dated 17/7/1442 AH regarding the rules of competence and powers of the chiefs of courts and their assistants

Royal Decree No. (12298) dated 3/3/1442 AH regarding the recommendations of the mechanism used to enable the arrested person to appeal the judgment issued against him within the legally specified period

Royal Decree No. (12298) dated 3/3/1442 AH regarding the recommendations of the mechanism used to enable the arrested person to appeal the judgment issued against him within the legally specified period

Decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. (46 / M) dated 11/6/1442 AH regarding the non-issuance of a swearing-in order with the presence of evidence or evidence that contradicts the ruling

Decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. (46 / M) dated 11/6/1442 AH regarding the non-issuance of a swearing-in order with the presence of evidence or evidence that contradicts the ruling

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8405) dated 28/6/1442 AH regarding the jurisdiction of the enforcement judiciary to consider insolvency cases arising from the financial dues of government agencies

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8405) dated 28/6/1442 AH regarding the jurisdiction of the enforcement judiciary to consider insolvency cases arising from the financial dues of government agencies

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8378) dated 11/6/1442 H regarding the impact of losing the executive document by the execution applicant or someone else

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8378) dated 11/6/1442 H regarding the impact of losing the executive document by the execution applicant or someone else

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8382) dated 12/6/1442 AH regarding the mechanism for transferring the documentation of final requests for documentation

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8382) dated 12/6/1442 AH regarding the mechanism for transferring the documentation of final requests for documentation

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8357) dated 16/5/1442 AH regarding the tax on real estate disposal from buyers in execution auctions

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8357) dated 16/5/1442 AH regarding the tax on real estate disposal from buyers in execution auctions

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8407) dated 29/6/1442 AH regarding the attorney updating his data through the Najis website

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8407) dated 29/6/1442 AH regarding the attorney updating his data through the Najis website

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8355) dated 15/5/1442 AH regarding the appointment of a non-Saudi as a manager in companies owned by Saudis

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8355) dated 15/5/1442 AH regarding the appointment of a non-Saudi as a manager in companies owned by Saudis

Board of Grievances Circular No. (74585/42) dated 28/4/1442 AH regarding the launch of the service of adding a representative to a lawsuit via Moein’s electronic platform and Sufficient by submitting requests for addition through this service

Board of Grievances Circular No. (74585/42) dated 28/4/1442 AH regarding the launch of the service of adding a representative to a lawsuit via Moein’s electronic platform and Sufficient by submitting requests for addition through this service

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8418) dated 11/7/1442 AH regarding the approval of the digital ID as a personal card

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8418) dated 11/7/1442 AH regarding the approval of the digital ID as a personal card

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1676 / T) dated 2/5/1442 AH regarding the continuation of the criminal courts and relevant committees in examining cases and violations stipulated in paragraph (seventh) of Article (sixteen) of the commercial courts law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 93) dated 15/8/1441 AH until the commercial regulations were determined

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1676 / T) dated 2/5/1442 AH regarding the continuation of the criminal courts and relevant committees in examining cases and violations stipulated in paragraph (seventh) of Article (sixteen) of the commercial courts law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 93) dated 15/8/1441 AH until the commercial regulations were determined

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1675 / T dated 2/5/1442 AH regarding the Council Decision No. 11/2/42 and dated 24/4/1442 AH, which included limiting the competence to study the deeds of ownership referred to the courts of appeal, to decide what is required in their regard to one of the rights departments in the Court of Appeal In the area

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. 1675 / T dated 2/5/1442 AH regarding the Council Decision No. 11/2/42 and dated 24/4/1442 AH, which included limiting the competence to study the deeds of ownership referred to the courts of appeal, to decide what is required in their regard to one of the rights departments in the Court of Appeal In the area

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (4737) dated 19/3/1442 AH regarding Council Resolution No. (6/1/42) dated 19/3/1442 AH regarding the formation of the Supreme Court departments and the formation of the heads and members of the departments

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (4737) dated 19/3/1442 AH regarding Council Resolution No. (6/1/42) dated 19/3/1442 AH regarding the formation of the Supreme Court departments and the formation of the heads and members of the departments

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1747/T) dated 6/9/1442 AH regarding the jurisdiction of labor courts to consider cases related to a request to expand the scope of health insurance services for the insured and cases related to a request for compensation for lack of health insurance

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1747/T) dated 6/9/1442 AH regarding the jurisdiction of labor courts to consider cases related to a request to expand the scope of health insurance services for the insured and cases related to a request for compensation for lack of health insurance

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8412) dated 5/7/1442 AH regarding the decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. (46 / M) dated 11/6/1442 AH regarding not to be judge by the court with the Oath with significant evidence or presumptions that contradict the ruling.

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8412) dated 5/7/1442 AH regarding the decision of the General Authority of the Supreme Court No. (46 / M) dated 11/6/1442 AH regarding not to be judge by the court with the Oath with significant evidence or presumptions that contradict the ruling.

Circular No. (15432) of the Head of the Judicial Inspection, dated 2/8/1442 H, regarding the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court in all disputes arising from the application of intellectual property laws, including those related to administrative decisions

Circular No. (15432) of the Head of the Judicial Inspection, dated 2/8/1442 H, regarding the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court in all disputes arising from the application of intellectual property laws, including those related to administrative decisions

Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 10 / 9 / 1442 AH amending the law of legal pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 AH

Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 10 / 9 / 1442 AH amending the law of legal pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (526) dated 8/9/1442 AH amending the law of legal pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M/1) dated 22/1/1435 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (526) dated 8/9/1442 AH amending the law of legal pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M/1) dated 22/1/1435 AH

The Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1711 / T) dated 17/7/1442 AH regarding the examination of cases demanding the destruction during the presence

The Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1711 / T) dated 17/7/1442 AH regarding the examination of cases demanding the destruction during the presence

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1714 / T) dated 17/7/1442 AH regarding the organization of the work of the judicial lieutenants

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1714 / T) dated 17/7/1442 AH regarding the organization of the work of the judicial lieutenants

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1712 / T) dated 17/7/1442 AH regarding the transfer of the jurisdiction of the Sharia health authorities to the public judiciary

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1712 / T) dated 17/7/1442 AH regarding the transfer of the jurisdiction of the Sharia health authorities to the public judiciary

Circulation of the Supreme Council for Judicial No. (12793) and History 3/7/1442 AH on the commitment to the content of the procedural guide for e-litigation

Circulation of the Supreme Council for Judicial No. (12793) and History 3/7/1442 AH on the commitment to the content of the procedural guide for e-litigation

The decision of the Board of Grievances No. (37) and 29/6/1442, with approval of implementation requests procedures submitted by administrative authorities

The decision of the Board of Grievances No. (37) and 29/6/1442, with approval of implementation requests procedures submitted by administrative authorities

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1677 / T) dated 16 / 5 / 1442 AH regarding the adoption of procedures for hearing cases and claims arising from contracts affected by the Coronavirus pandemic

Circular of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (1677 / T) dated 16 / 5 / 1442 AH regarding the adoption of procedures for hearing cases and claims arising from contracts affected by the Coronavirus pandemic

Circular No. (60/ 12/C) Dated 26/3/1395 AH for the penalty clause stipulated in contracts is valid and must be taken into account

The stipulation of the Decision of the Council of Senior Scholars No. 25 on 21/8/1394 AH. Praise be to God alone, and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet, Muhammad, and his family and companions... And then:

Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 5/26/1443 AH, approving the system of evidence and amending the system of criminal procedures issued by Royal Decree No. (M/2), dated 22/1/1435 AH, and the system of pleadings before the Board of Grievances issued by Royal Decree No. (M/3) ) and on 1/22/1435 AH

First: Approval of the evidence law, in the accompanying form.

Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 26/5/1443 AH, Approving the Evidence Law and Amending the Law of Criminal Procedures issued by Royal Decree No. (M/2), dated 22/1/1435 AH, and the Law of Pleadings before the Board of Grievances issued by Royal Decree No. (M/3) , dated 22/1/1435 AH

First: Approval of the evidence law, in the accompanying form.

Resolution No. (65) of 23/1/1443 H Approval of the Judicial Costs Law

Approval of the judicial costs law, by the form attached herewith.

Royal Decree No. (M/16) Dated 30/1/1443 H

First: Approval of the judicial costs law, by the form attached herewith.

The Board of Grievances Resolution No. (109), dated 27 / 11 / 1443 AH, regarding the rules for remote judicial work

The Board of Grievances Resolution No. (109), dated 27 / 11 / 1443 AH, regarding the rules for remote judicial work

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (63925) dated 14/02/1441 AH regarding Considering the Cases for the Payment of Traffic Violations Filed by the Vehicle Owner Against its Driver

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (63925) dated 14/02/1441 AH regarding Considering the Cases for the Payment of Traffic Violations Filed by the Vehicle Owner Against its Driver

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (519) dated 11 / 9 / 1443 H approving the Implementing Regulation for the Judicial Costa System issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 16) dated 30 / 1 / 1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (519) dated 11 / 9 / 1443 H approving the Implementing Regulation for the Judicial Costa System issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 16) dated 30 / 1 / 1443 H

Circular No. (1862/T) of the Supreme Judicial Council dated 24 / 4 /1443 AH regarding Procedures for Hearing Cases and Violations Arising from the Application of Intellectual Property Laws

Circular No. (1862/T) of the Supreme Judicial Council dated 24 / 4 /1443 AH regarding Procedures for Hearing Cases and Violations Arising from the Application of Intellectual Property Laws

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1277) dated 16/05/1443 H regarding the Merger of Notaries Public with the Corresponding Authorities

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1277) dated 16/05/1443 H regarding the Merger of Notaries Public with the Corresponding Authorities

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (263) dated 03/05/1443 AH regarding Extending the Implementation of What was Stated in Paragraph (A) of Clause (First) of Royal Decree No. (M / 14) dated 22/02/ 1440 AH regarding Labor Cases Procedures before Labor Courts for a Period of Three Years, as of 20 02/1443 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (263) dated 03/05/1443 AH regarding Extending the Implementation of What was Stated in Paragraph (A) of Clause (First) of Royal Decree No. (M / 14) dated 22/02/ 1440 AH regarding Labor Cases Procedures before Labor Courts for a Period of Three Years, as of 20 02/1443 AH

General Authority of the Supreme Court Decision No. (44 / M) dated 19/3/1442 H to amend Decision No. (4 / M) dated 7/2/1435 H regarding the presence of the holding group to the court and its recommendation.

General Authority of the Supreme Court Decision No. (44 / M) dated 19/3/1442 H to amend Decision No. (4 / M) dated 7/2/1435 H regarding the presence of the holding group to the court and its recommendation.

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (2044) dated 4 / 8 / 1443 H to Amend the Implementing Regulations of Law of Procedure before Sharia Courts issued by Resolution No. (39933) dated 19 / 5 / 1435 H

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (2044) dated 4 / 8 / 1443 H to Amend the Implementing Regulations of Law of Procedure before Sharia Courts issued by Resolution No. (39933) dated 19 / 5 / 1435 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/8771) dated 14/8/1443 AH Regarding Ending the Court’s Role in Rulings related to the Transfer of Ownership with the Judgment, and the Transfer of Ownership is through the Beneficiary’s Application to the Notary Public to Request the Same

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/8771) dated 14/8/1443 AH Regarding Ending the Court’s Role in Rulings related to the Transfer of Ownership with the Judgment, and the Transfer of Ownership is through the Beneficiary’s Application to the Notary Public to Request the Same

Ministry of Justice Circular dated 4 / 12 / 1442 H regarding the mechanism for implementing the rules of pardon

Ministry of Justice Circular dated 4 / 12 / 1442 H regarding the mechanism for implementing the rules of pardon

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 157) dated 8/5/1414 H stipulating that if the judges state in their rulings that the place of flogging be specified, then it should be followed

Ministry of Justice Circular

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (345 / 2 / 8 / B) dated 15/5/1414 H regarding non-mentioning the term “unidentified”, but rather referring to the nationality of the foreigner based on the documents he holds

Ministry of Justice Circular

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 935) dated 18/6/1417 H regarding public rights

Ministry of Justice Circular

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (3/1365) dated 21/3/1383 H regarding the necessity of applying Sharia penalties for perpetrators of homosexuality and adultery crimes

Ministry of Justice Circular

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 1069) dated 10/6/1418 H regarding grants for fallow lands

Ministry of Justice Circular

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8 / T / 524) dated 13/10/1415 H regarding the application of the Royal Decree against premeditated killers who shall not lose their lives in retaliation

Ministry of Justice Circular

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (131 / 3 / T) dated 14/9/1397 H regarding the reveal of private parts

Ministry of Justice Circular

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 939) dated 25/6/1417 H regarding reducing prison if the convicted person is an expatriate

the expatriates

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (9026) dated 25 / 8 / 1442 H regarding the non-objection to the handing over to parents or guardians appointed by the court the shares of those who are under their guardianship, and this is subject to the court’s jurisdiction

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (9026) dated 25 / 8 / 1442 H regarding the non-objection to the handing over to parents or guardians appointed by the court the shares of those who are under their guardianship, and this is subject to the court’s jurisdiction

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8503) dated 14 / 10 / 1442 H regarding non-requesting of the original suk in the service of updating the sukuk or any other documents without the need to prove that in the original suk

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8503) dated 14 / 10 / 1442 H regarding non-requesting of the original suk in the service of updating the sukuk or any other documents without the need to prove that in the original suk

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8502) dated 14 / 10 / 1442 H regarding the abolition of the spatial jurisdiction exception officer for sukuk issued in the cities of Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawar

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 8502) dated 14 / 10 / 1442 H regarding the abolition of the spatial jurisdiction exception officer for sukuk issued in the cities of Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawar

Enforcing Entrustment and Liquidation Center The governance rules of service providers business Entrustment and Liquidation Center

Enforcing Entrustment and Liquidation Center The governance rules of service providers business Entrustment and Liquidation Center

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (675) dated 12 / 11 / 1442 H amending the Law of Legal Pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 H and the Roads and Buildings Law issued by Royal Order dated 1 / 6 / 1360 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (675) dated 12 / 11 / 1442 H amending the Law of Legal Pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 H and the Roads and Buildings Law issued by Royal Order dated 1 / 6 / 1360 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 101) dated 14 / 11 / 1442 H amending the Law of Legal Pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 H and the Roads and Buildings Law issued by the Royal Order dated 1 / 6 / 1360 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 101) dated 14 / 11 / 1442 H amending the Law of Legal Pleadings issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 H and the Roads and Buildings Law issued by the Royal Order dated 1 / 6 / 1360 H

Administrative Judiciary Council Decision No. (12 / 1442 / Thirteen) dated 14 / 10 / 1442 H regarding the internal regulations of the Administrative Judiciary Council

Administrative Judiciary Council Decision No. (12 / 1442 / Thirteen) dated 14 / 10 / 1442 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 101) dated 14 / 11 / 1442 H amending the Law of Procedure Before Sharia Courts issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 H and the Roads and Buildings Law issued by Royal Decree dated 1 / 6 / 1360 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 101) dated 14 / 11 / 1442 H

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (11840) dated 14/10/1442 H approving the minutes of meeting No. (8) dated 16/9/1442 H regarding the confliction between the two appeals courts in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah region and Jeddah Governorate

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (11840) dated 14/10/1442 H approving the minutes of meeting No. (8) dated 16/9/1442 H regarding the confliction between the two appeals courts in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah region and Jeddah Governorate

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / C / 8407) dated 29/6/1442 H regarding the lawyer updating his data through the Najis website

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / C / 8407) dated 29/6/1442 H

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1794/C) dated 3/12/1442 H regarding the addition of the case registration number issued by the authority investigating the medical error for the data that must be available in the special health professional error claim statement

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1794/C) dated 3/12/1442 H

Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 27/01/1443 AH

The Council shall issue the regulations within (thirty) days from the date of the execution of the law, provided that it is published in the Official Gazette, and it shall be enforced after publication

Circular of the Minister of Justice No. 13/T/4579 dated 10/05/1433 AH regarding extending the execution periods of government projects

Circular of the Minister of Justice No. 13/T/4579 dated 10/05/1433 AH

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8489) dated 24/9/1442 H regarding the sufficiency of the electronic declaration without the need to print it on paper

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8489) dated 24/9/1442 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 14) dated 22 / 2 / 1440 AH regarding labor action procedures before labor courts and the amendment of the Law of civil procedure issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 1) dated 22 / 1 / 1435 AH and the Labor Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 51) dated 23 / 8 / 1426 AH

Royal Decree No. (M / 14) dated 22 / 2 / 1440 AH

Circular of the Ministry of Justice no. (T/2/36) dated (27/2/1394) regarding the council of ministers resolution no. (19) dated 14/1/1394H, regarding the instructions of renting properties to implement the Council of Ministers Resolution no. (1492) dated 29/12/1392H

Circular of the Ministry of Justice no. (T/2/36) dated (27/2/1394)

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (615) dated 20/10/1442 H amending the Law of Civil Procedure issued by Royal Decree No. (M/1) dated 22/1/1435 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (615) dated 20/10/1442 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8159) dated 1/11/1441 H regarding Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (8344) dated 26/10/1441 H approving the Implementing Regulations of the Commercial Courts Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/93) dated 15/8/1441 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8159) dated 1/11/1441 H

Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 26/5/1443 H

the Law of Evidence

General Assembly of the Supreme Court Decision No. (47/M) dated 9/8/1442 H regarding the determination of a judicial principle regarding the permissibility of demanding retribution for a murderer who has no heirs, like the person whose parents are unknown

General Assembly of the Supreme Court Decision No. (47/M) dated 9/8/1442 H

Royal Decree No. (M/92) dated 22/10/1442 H Amending the Law of Civil Procedures issued by Royal Decree No. (M/1) dated 22/1/1435 H

Royal Decree No. (M/92) dated 22/10/1442 H

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (14708) dated 17/12/1442 H regarding the inclusion of Royal Order No. (A/218) dated 25/3/1441 H regarding the lawsuits filed with the request to lift the hand or vacate land whose ownership has not been proven by a deed

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (14708) dated 17/12/1442 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8561) dated 26/12/1442 H regarding coordination with the Saudi Bar Association in all events, programs and initiatives to be held

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8561) dated 26/12/1442 H regarding coordination with the Saudi Bar Association in all events, programs and initiatives to be held

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8558) dated 25/12/1442 H regarding adding the owner’s identity to the deeds issued by the notaries public by the Notary

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8558) dated 25/12/1442 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8586) dated 18/1/1443 H regarding the absence of the need to stamp the executive form in provisions covered by expedited enforcement

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8586) dated 18/1/1443 H

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (6/1444/Sixth) dated26/5/1444 H Approving the amendment of some articles of the Implementing regulations of Law of Procedures  before the Board of Grievances

- Amendment of Article (1/3): The procedures stipulated in the Law and Regulations may be completed electronically, and verification and approval means shall be a sufficient replacement for the signature. Provided that this is done through approved electronic systems.

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (442/C) dated 1/3/1435 H Regarding the Reconsideration of Final Judgments

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (442/C) dated 1/3/1435 H

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (12/1442/fourteenth) dated 14/10/1442 H approving the Regulation of Judicial Inspection at the Board of Grievances

Administrative Judicial Council Decision No. (12/1442/fourteenth) dated 14/10/1442 H approving the Regulation of Judicial Inspection at the Board of Grievances

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8202) dated 6/12/1441 H Regarding the registration of all title deeds to real estate owned by the state in the name of state real estate

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8202) dated 6/12/1441 H

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/1) dated 22/1/1435 H approving the Law of Civil Procedures

Royal Decree No. (M/1) dated 22/1/1435 H

Royal Decree No. (M/16) dated 30/1/1443 H regarding the approval of the Judicial Costs Law

Royal Decree No. (M/16) dated 30/1/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (65) dated 23/1/1443 H regarding the approval of the Judicial Costs Law

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (65) dated 23/1/1443 H

Royal Decree No. (M/8) dated 18/1/1443 H amending the Arbitration Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H

Royal Decree No. (M/8) dated 18/1/1443 H amending the Arbitration Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (45) dated 16/1/1443 H amending the Arbitration Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (45) dated 16/1/1443 H amending the Arbitration Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/8606) dated 6/2/1443 H regarding the non-marginalization of guardianship instruments by reaching the age of majority of the minor or issuing an instrument thereon

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/8606) dated 6/2/1443 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8544) dated 28/11/1442 H regarding the regulation of grants for notaries public

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8544) dated 28/11/1442 H

Royal Decree No. (M/164) dated 19/11/1441 H on the approval of the Documentation Law

Royal Decree No. (M/164) dated 19/11/1441 H

Circular no. (13/ T/ 8370) dated 1/06/1442 H issued by Minister of Justice with regards to the resolution no. (1948) dated 01/06/1442 H issued by Minister of Justice approving the Implementing regulations for the Notarization Law promulgated by the Royal Decree no. (164/ M) dated 19/11/ 1441 H

Circular no. (13/ T/ 8370) dated 1/06/1442 H

Circular no. (13/ T/ 8382) dated 12/06/1442 H with regards to the process of handling the notarization of the final applications for notarization

Circular no. (13/ T/ 8382) dated 12/06/1442 H

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1948) dated 1/6/1442 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Notarization Law

The marriage registrar “Maazoun” shall take into account the verification of the basics and conditions of concluding a marriage contract, the absence of impediments of marriage, and its statutory requirements, as indicated by the procedural evidence.

Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 27/1/1443 H regarding the approval of the Implementation Law Before the Board of Grievances

Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 27/1/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (73) dated 23/1/1443 H regarding the approval of the Implementation Law Before the Board of Grievances

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (73) dated 23/1/1443 H

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (512) dated 5/1/1445 H by approving on Implementing regulation for the methods of objection on judgements

First: Approval of the implementing regulation for the methods of objection on the judgements in the attached form Second: This decision shall be communicated to whomever is necessary; for its adoption and implementation.

Implementing Regulations for the Execution Law before the Board of Grievances issued by Administrative Judicial Council Resolution No. (1445/2/Tenth) dated 13/2/1445 H serviced by No. (14914) dated 15/2/1445 H

Implementing Regulation For the Law of Enforcement

Royal Decree No. (M/101) dated 14/11/1442 H

Third: His Highness the Deputy Prime Minister, the Ministers chairmen of the concerned bodies- each under his jurisdiction- shall implement this Decree.

Circular No. (13/C/2747) dated 23/9/1426 H regarding the concept of joint liability between the owner of the car and its driver who is not licensed to drive, in the financial liability in the accident caused by him

Circular No. (13/C/2747) dated 23/9/1426 H regarding the concept of joint liability between the owner of the car and its driver who is not licensed to drive, in the financial liability in the accident caused by him

Minister of Justice Circular No. (13/C/4004) dated 24/5/1431 H supporting the draft Traffic Safety Law

Minister of Justice Circular No. (13/C/4004) dated 24/5/1431 H supporting the draft Traffic Safety Law

Minister of Justice Circular No. (13/C/3920) dated 25/2/1431 H rejecting authorization to drive a car

Minister of Justice Circular No. (13/C/3920) dated 25/2/1431 H rejecting authorization to drive a car

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (2010) dated 3/2/1438 H regarding the inquiry into the person responsible for imposing the penalty stipulated in Article (62) of the Traffic Law at courts in which traffic circuits have not been opened

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (2010) dated 3/2/1438 H regarding the inquiry into the person responsible for imposing the penalty stipulated in Article (62) of the Traffic Law at courts in which traffic circuits have not been opened

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (894/C) dated 3/6/1438 H regarding Council Resolution No. (94/1/38) dated 24/5/1438 H including the exception of the Traffic Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/85) dated 26/10/1428 H and the Law of Protection from Abuse issued by Royal Decree (M/52) dated 15/11/1434 H from the jurisdiction of the Circuits Ta’zir

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (894/C) dated 3/6/1438 H regarding Council Resolution No. (94/1/38) dated 24/5/1438 H including the exception of the Traffic Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/85) dated 26/10/1428 H and the Law of Protection from Abuse issued by Royal Decree (M/52) dated 15/11/1434 H from the jurisdiction of the Circuits Ta’zir

Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution Circular No. (10291/C) dated 13/8/1438 H transferring the jurisdiction of investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses contained in the Traffic Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/85) dated 26/10/1428 H to the Bureau of Public Investigation and Prosecution

Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution Circular No. (10291/C) dated 13/8/1438 H transferring the jurisdiction of investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses contained in the Traffic Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/85) dated 26/10/1428 H to the Bureau of Public Investigation and Prosecution

Minutes of Meeting dated 10/6/1418 H regarding the concept of joint liability between the car owner and its driver who is not licensed to drive in the financial liability in the accident caused by him

Minutes of Meeting dated 10/6/1418 H regarding the concept of joint liability between the car owner and its driver who is not licensed to drive in the financial liability in the accident caused by him

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1566/C) dated 8/1/1442 H regarding the courts and criminal departments’ direct consideration of establishing the criminal description of driving a car under the influence of intoxication or narcotics

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1566/C) dated 8/1/1442 H regarding the courts and criminal departments’ direct consideration of establishing the criminal description of driving a car under the influence of intoxication or narcotics

Council of Ministers Resolutions No. (277) Dated 02/04/1445 H Approving the establishment of the National Center for inspection and control

The regulatory provisions shall be published in the official gazette and shall come into effect from the date of publication of such.

The Minister of Justice Resolution No. (921) dated 16/03/1444 H Approval of the Controls of Electronic Evidence Procedures and the Rules Governing Expert Affairs before Courts, and Approval of Procedures Manual

First: Approval of the Controls of the Electronic evidence procedures, as per the attached form.

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1487/C) dated 20/9/1441 H regarding the determination of a judicial principle applied to cases violating the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law and the Trademarks Law

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1487/C) dated 20/9/1441 H regarding the determination of a judicial principle applied to cases violating the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law and the Trademarks Law

Royal Decree No. (M/125) dated 14/9/1441 H Amending the Public Prosecution Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/56) dated 24/10/1409 H and Amending the Criminal Procedure Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/2) dated 22/1/1435 H

Royal Decree No. (M/125) dated 14/9/1441 H Amending the Public Prosecution Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/56) dated 24/10/1409 H and Amending the Criminal Procedure Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/2) dated 22/1/1435 H

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1418/C) dated 21/5/1441 H regarding Council Resolution No. (558/15/41) dated 6/3/1441 H including the transfer of jurisdiction to hear civil and criminal lawsuits to the Committee for Reviewing Violations of the Copyright Law and the Committee for Settlement of lawsuits for the Law of Patents, Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, Plant Varieties, and Industrial Designs to the public judiciary, effective 1/6/1441 H

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1418/C) dated 21/5/1441 H

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1444/C) dated 30/6/1441 H regarding the distribution of civil and criminal lawsuits arising from the application of the Copyright Law and the Law of Patents, Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, Plant Varieties, and Industrial Designs

Supreme Judicial Council Circular No. (1444/C) dated 30/6/1441 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (629) dated 03/08/1445 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (629) dated 03/08/1445 H

Royal Decree No. ( M/148 ) dated 08/08/1445 H

According to the text of Article (37) The Law shall enter into force (120) days after the date of it's publication in the Official Gazette.

Circular No. (8/208/T) dated 19/11/1408 H Concerning the Confirmation of Combating the Phenomenon of Begging

Circular No. (8/208/T) dated 19/11/1408 H

Referring fraudsters and those pretending to be sick and incapacitated and destitute as well as those who gather people for the purpose of begging to the summary courts with the Public Prosecutor to discipline them and confiscate the money they collected

Referring fraudsters and those pretending to be sick and incapacitated and destitute as well as those who gather people for the purpose of begging to the summary courts with the Public Prosecutor to discipline them and confiscate the money they collected

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (249) dated 7/4/1444 H Amending Council of Ministers Resolution No. (541) dated 26/8/1438 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Arbitration Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (249) dated 7/4/1444 H Amending Council of Ministers Resolution No. (541) dated 26/8/1438 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Arbitration Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H

The Bylaws regulating the work of the Standing Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centres issued by the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centres Decision No. (D/5/1) dated 2/4/1439 H

The Bylaws regulating the work of the Standing Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centres issued by the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centres Decision No. (D/5/1) dated 2/4/1439 H

A Regulation for the Licensing Rules for the Saudi Arbitration Centres as amended by the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centres Decision No. (D/7/1) dated 21/1/1440 H and published in Issue 4752

A Regulation for the Licensing Rules for the Saudi Arbitration Centres as amended by the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centres Decision No. (D/7/1) dated 21/1/1440 H and published in Issue 4752

A Regulation for the Guiding Criteria determining the fees of the arbitrators and their expenses at the centres issued by the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centres Decision No. (D/5/1) dated 2/4/1439 H

A Regulation for the Guiding Criteria determining the fees of the arbitrators and their expenses at the centres issued by the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arbitration Centres Decision No. (D/5/1) dated 2/4/1439 H

Royal Decree No. (32) dated 15/1/1350 H promulgating the Commercial Court Law

Royal Decree No. (32) dated 15/1/1350 H

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (439007038) dated 14/6/1443 H regarding the Court of Appeals’ response to the unexamined case from the Court of First Instance

Letter of the Supreme Judicial Council No. (439007038) dated 14/6/1443 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8843) dated 19/12/1443 H regarding the conditions and requirements that shall be met in order for a lease contract concluded outside the electronic network to be considered registered on the network, and cases of contract registration on the network and the mechanism for dealing with them

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8843) dated 19/12/1443 H regarding the conditions and requirements that shall be met in order for a lease contract concluded outside the electronic network to be considered registered on the network, and cases of contract registration on the network and the mechanism for dealing with them

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (685) dated 29/11/1443 H Amending the Statute of the Support and Liquidation Center issued by Resolution No. (415) dated 19/7/1440 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (685) dated 29/11/1443 H Amending the Statute of the Support and Liquidation Center issued by Resolution No. (415) dated 19/7/1440 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (674) dated 29/11/1443 H Amending the Law of the Judiciary Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (674) dated 29/11/1443 H Amending the Law of the Judiciary Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Royal Decree No. (M/129) dated 30/11/1443 H Amending the Law of the Judiciary Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Royal Decree No. (M/129) dated 30/11/1443 H Amending the Law of the Judiciary Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8634) dated 1/3/1443 H Regarding the Update of the Real Estate Sukuk of the Public Pension Agency for Insurance Affairs of the “Masaken Program”

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8634) dated 1/3/1443 H

Arbitration Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/46) dated 12/7/1403 H.

Arbitration Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/46) dated 12/7/1403 H.

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. (1797/16/36) dated 17/11/1436 H Approving the Content of Minutes No. (96/S X/24096) dated 18/10/1436 H Which Provides for the Competence of the Court of Appeal in Considering Requests Submitted to it in Accordance with the Arbitration Law

Supreme Judicial Council Decision No. (1797/16/36) dated 17/11/1436 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (58) dated 17/1/1383 H Regarding the Non-Inclusion of the Condition of Being Subject to a Foreign Judicial Authority in Government Contracts

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (58) dated 17/1/1383 H

Regulation Regarding the Procedural Rules for the Real Estate Arbitration Center Issued by the Saudi Real Estate Arbitration Center

Regulation Regarding the Procedural Rules for the Real Estate Arbitration Center Issued by the Saudi Real Estate Arbitration Center

The Statute of the Saudi Real Estate Arbitration Center Issued by the Saudi Real Estate Arbitration Center

The Statute of the Saudi Real Estate Arbitration Center Issued by the Saudi Real Estate Arbitration Center

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 24/5/1433 H Approving the Arbitration Law

The Law According to the Latest Amendment

Minister of Justice Circular No. (13/C/2571) dated 18/1/1426 H Regarding the Management of the Company

Minister of Justice Circular No. (13/C/2571) dated 18/1/1426 H Regarding the Management of the Company

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (78) dated 19/9/1428 H Promulgating the Board of Grievances Law

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Circular Regarding the Replacement of the phrase (Royal Court) in place of the phrase (Prime Minister’s Office) in Official Correspondence

Circular Regarding the Replacement of the phrase (Royal Court) in place of the phrase (Prime Minister’s Office) in Official Correspondence

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8152) dated 23/10/1441 H Regarding the Controls of Precautionary Measures After the Resumption of Official Working Hours in the Facilities of the Ministry of Justice and the Table of Violations and Penalties for the Regulating Procedures

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (8152) dated 23/10/1441 H

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (2208) dated 20/3/1437 H Regarding the National Anti-Corruption Authority’s Request for Case Files and Certified Copies of Case Seizures and Records

Supreme Judicial Council Letter No. (2208) dated 20/3/1437 H

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8161) dated 3/11/1441 H Regarding the Controls for Canceling the Spatial Jurisdiction of Real Estate

Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8161) dated 3/11/1441 H Regarding the Controls for Canceling the Spatial Jurisdiction of Real Estate

Minister of Justice Circular No. (13/C/1652) dated 29/10/1421 H Regarding the Transfer of the Corpse of Foreigners Who Commit Suicide

Minister of Justice Circular No. (13/C/1652) dated 29/10/1421 H

Royal Decree No. (M/113) dated 9/11/1443 H Amending the Executive Work Mechanism of the Judiciary Law and the Board of Grievances Law Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/78) dated 19/9/1428 H

Royal Decree No. (M/113) dated 9/11/1443 H

Procedural Guide of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development Resolution No. (52764) dated 11/3/1443 H Regarding the Localization of Administrative Support Professions (Translation, Secretaries, Inventory Keepers, and Data Entry)

Procedural Guide of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development Resolution No. (52764) dated 11/3/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (416) dated 17/6/1444 H Approving the National Policy to Encourage Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (416) dated 17/6/1444 H

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development Resolution No. (92421) dated 5/6/1444 H Regarding the Localization of Activities and Professions in the Jazan Region

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development Resolution No. (92421) dated 5/6/1444 H