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Resolution No (169) Dated 1/3/1444 H concerning regarding amending the organization of the General Authority for Statistics

Amending the definition of the phrase “private establishments” to be read as follows: “All companies, including companies in which the State holds shares, private individual enterprises, NGOs, foundations and the likes

Building Compliance Licensing Procedures Manual Draft

By virtue of the initiatives that the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs & Housing is working on applying in all the Kingdom cities and governorates, including improvement of the urban scene which is one of the most important foundations in realizing the Kingdom Vision 2030, in order to provide a, sustainable healthy urban environment, and to help remedying the eyesore and improving life quality

Board of Real Estate General Authority’s Resolution No. (1/20/T/22) dated 27/01/1444 H Approval of the Implementing Regulations on Law of the in-kind Real Estate Registration

Approval of the implementing regulations of the Law of Real Estate Registration in the accompanying wording.

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1 / 4300592865) dated 24/08/1443 H approving the Classification Fields (Activities) and their Grades and the Financial Limits for the Classification Grades

Approving the Classification Fields (Activities) and their Grades and the Financial Limits for the Classification Grades

Minister of Energy Decision No. (3494 / 430201) dated 7/7/1443 H to Expropriate Part of the Agricultural Land owned by Title Deed No. (441710004015) dated 24/3/1440 H located in Yanbu Governorate in Medina in Order to Enhance the Reliability of the Electrical Network in both Medina and Tabuk

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Minister of Energy Decision No. (3486 / 430201) dated 6 /7/1443 H to Expropriate two Parts of the Plot Owned under Title Deed No. (640115008615) dated 26/2/1439 H located in Medina in Order to Enhance the Reliability of the Electrical Network in Medina

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Council of Ministers Resolution No. (725) dated 3 / 12 / 1442 H regarding arrangements for the implementation of the (Jaranah) project for strategic storage in the Makkah region

The Supervisory Committee for the Allocation of the Environment, Water and Agriculture Sector may contract with a Saudi company (or companies) established by, co-founding or owns shares therein - any natural or legal person who does not possess Saudi nationality to implement the Ja 'arana strategic storage project in the Makkah region, and authorize whoever it deems to do so.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (658) dated 24 / 10 / 1441 H establishing the Real Estate Developers Services Center (Etmam Centre)

Establishing the Real Estate Developers Services Center (Etmam Centre)

General Specifications for Civil Works in Public Utilities Extension Projects

Based on the role of the Ministry in updating and developing the general specifications for civil works in public utilities extension projects (electricity, water, telephone, sanitary drainage, floods . . . etc.), and within framework of the efforts exerted by the Ministry to enhance the performance and implement and complete the roads works properly with modern scientific methods after extending the public utilities

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-6009-1440) dated 17 / 9 / 1440 H expropriating part of the agricultural land located in the omhat khebta area in the governorate of Mudhailif owned by the instrument No. (111-1) dated 06 / 03 / 1424 H

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Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-6006-1440) dated 17 / 9 / 1440 H expropriating part of the plot of land located in alfarsha area in Sabya owned by the instrument No. (572203001261) dated 01 / 07 / 1439 H

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Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-6010-1440) dated 17 / 9 / 1440 H expropriating part of the agricultural plot located in Thurban, Al Majardah governorate owned by the instrument No. (2 / 1 / H) dated 20 / 01 / 1429 H

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Decree according to the latest amendment Royal Decree No. (M / 43) dated 26 / 04 / 1438 H

The law herein shall come into force one year from publication of such in the Official Gazette, and it shall repeal all provisions that contradict such.

Royal Decree No.: M / 51 dated: 13/8/1433 H Regarding the Law on Supervision of Finance Companies.

after reviewing of the two Decrees issued by the Shura Council Nos. (49/34) dated 27/6/1429 H, and (13/16) dated 4/23/1432 H. After reviewing the Decree No. (259) dated 12/8/1433 H issued by Council of Ministers

Royal Decree No.: M / 50 dated: 13/8/1433 H

Words and phrases shall have- wherever they appear in this Law - the meanings set out in front of each of them, unless the context requires otherwise

Royal Decree No.: M / 48 dated: 13/8/1433 H Approving the Leasing Finance Law

Tenant: the entity that owns the benefit of the leased asset by virtue of the contract.

Council of Ministers' Decree No. (257), dated 12/8/1433 H- Approving the Registered Real Estate Mortgage Law

After reviewing the treatment received from the Royal Court No. 740 dated 3/1/1433 H, a letter incorporated therein issued from the Minister of Finance Chairman of the Board of Directors of Public Investment Fund

Decree No. (258) dated: 12/8/1433 H- Approving the Real Estate Finance Law

Companies subject to the Real Estate Finance Law and the Law on Supervision of Finance Companies Law must be in compliance with Article (3) of the Real Estate Mortgage Law and Article (3) of Supervision of Finance Companies Law,

Decree No. (124) dated on Jumaada Awal 29, 1403 H. obliging non Saudi contractors to resort completely to Saudi contractors not less than 30% of tasks included in contracts thereof.

After reviewing the decree attached hereto presented by letter of His Excellency Minister of Finance No. (4376/400) on Ramadan 7, 1400 H. including record taken from Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs,

Implementing Regulations of Financing Companies Monitoring System

The following words and phrases shall wherever mentioned in such Regulations have the meanings specified before each unless the text indicates otherwise: System: Financing Companies Monitoring System

Implementing Regulations of Mortgage Financing System

The following words and phrases shall wherever mentioned in such regulations have the meanings specified before each unless the text indicates otherwise: System: Mortgage Financing System

Royal Decree No. M/49 dated on August 13, 1433 A.H On approving Registered SystemMortgage

Registration of mortgage that property real registration system shall not apply thereon shall be done through approving register hereof at court or competent notary

The text of the Law of the Registered Mortgage

The creditor shall earn with the real property mortgage a right in kind on a certain real property which is required to...

Ministerial Committee Minute of Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Government Lease and Evacuation of a Real Property

With reference to council of ministers resolution No. (234) dated 16/9/1427 H. that decided approving (the government lease and...

Contract of Lease Real Property by the Government

on .......dated on...../...../14..... A.D. Corresponding to...../...../200...A.D. at ...................., an agreement has been concluded between...

The Implementing Regulations of the Government Lease and Evacuation of Real Property Law

In consideration of what provided in article (1) of this law, the governmental body may lease what needs of real properties in...

Council of Ministers' Resolution Approving the Regulation of the General Authority for Housing

After reviewing the formality sent by Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers No. (2746) dated...

The text of the Regulation of the General Authority for Housing

The following words and phrases wherever stated in the present regulation – shall have the meanings stated in...

Resolution of Council of Ministers Approving the Law of Expropriation of Real Estate for the Public Benefit and the Provisional Seizure of Property

After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 7/953/R dated on...

Royal Decree No. M / 15 of 11/3/1424 H approving the system of expropriation of real estate for public benefit and the provisional seizure of the property.

Based on Article (70) of the Fundamental Law of the Rule, issued by the Royal Order No. (90) dated on 27/08/1412 H, and...

The text of the Law of Expropriation of Real Estate for the Public Benefit and the Provisional Seizure of Property

May ministries and government departments and other agencies with personal moral Assembly expropriate property for public use...

Resolution of Council of Ministers Approving the Law of General Survey Authority

After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 25285/B dated on...

The text of the Law of General Survey Authority (GSA)

Based on this law an authority shall be established called "General Survey Authority (GSA) affiliated the Minister of Defense and...

Generalization Approving the Law of Expropriation of Real Estate for the Public Benefit and the Provisional Seizure of Property

approving the law of expropriation of property for public use and the provisional seizure of the property as stated in the...

Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Government Lease and Evacuation of Real Property Law

After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 29659/b dated on...

Royal Decree Approving the Government Lease and Evacuation of Real Property Law

In accordance with Article (70) of the Fundamental Law of the Rule, issued by the Royal Order No. (90) dated on 27/08/1412 H, and...

The text of the Government Lease and Evacuation of Real Property Law

The governmental bodies shall not be allowed to rent the real estates unless if they are in a dire need for it. The rent shall be...

Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Law of Time Sharing in Tourist Real Estate Units

After reviewing the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 9943/b dated on...

Royal Decree Approving the Law of Time Sharing in Tourist Real Estate Units

In accordance with Article (70) of the Fundamental Law of the Rule, issued by the Royal Order No. (90) dated on...

The text of the Law of Time Sharing in Tourist Real Estate Units

The following words and phrases, whenever mentioned in this law, refer to the meanings indicated beside them unless otherwise...

Decision of Minister of Justice approving the Implementing Regulations of Real state Registration law

And with reference to the issuance of the real estate registration law by the virtue of the Royal Decree No...

The Implementing Regulations of the Realty in kind Registration Law

The terms and expressions mentioned below shall indicate the meanings set beside each...

The Implementing Regulations for the System of Ownership of Estates Units and Their Sorting

The building should be divided into estates units in accordance with its licensing, plans and endorsement by...

Decision of the Council of Ministers on Returning to the Rule of Freedom of Contracting between Leasers and Leasers once the Housing Crisis is over

After reviewing the previous resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers concerning the Regulation of...

The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Real Estate Development Fund

The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Real Estate Development Fund

Ministerial Decision Amending the Provision Concerning the Requirement of Good Conduct and Behavior of the Conditions of Opening Land Surveying Offices

After reviewing the Law of the Ministry of Commerce Jurisdictions issued by the Council of the Ministers’ Resolution No...

The text of the Land Surveying Offices Organization Regulation

Licensing for opening land survey offices shall be pursuant to the terms hereunder...

The Text of the Law of the State General Consensuses

This law is called the law of State General Consensuses...

The Text of the Population Consensus Law

The Population Consensus Committee announces to all the people of the...

The Text of the General Population Consensus Law

The general population Consensus is conducted throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia...

The Text of the Real Estate Appropriation by Citizens of Arab Gulf States Co-operative Council and the Executive Rules

The Execution of program (2) of Article (8) of the integrated economic agreement pertaining to the...

The Related Instructions on the Law of Misappropriation of Real Estate for Public Interest

under translation

The Regulations of Safety Conditions for Demolition and Removal of Collapsing Buildings and Road Excavations

The terms included in this regulation shall have the meaning hereunder...

Royal Decree in Approval of Amendment of Organization of Transferring Real Estate Proprietorship to Citizens of Countries of Cooperative Council of Arab Gulf

Based on Article (70) the basic Law of governance (Kingdom Constitution) issued by...

Royal Decree on Treating Citizens of Countries of Cooperative Council of Arab Gulf in the Same Manner of Treating Saudis with Respect to Fee of Real Estate Sale

Based on Article (70) of the basic Law of governance (Kingdom Constitution) issued by...

The Text of the Law of Real Estate Development Fund

A fund called the Real- estate Development Fund” shall be formed, designated for giving loans to...

The Text of the Statute of the Corporation of Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz for Parents for Developmental Housing

A welfare organization shall be established in the name of Prince Abdallah bin Abdelaziz for Parents for...

The Text of the Real Estate Dealers' Offices Regulation

Firstly, Regular class offices...

The Text of the Realty in kind Registration Law

The following terms and expressions shall have the meanings assigned opposite each...

The Text of the System Ownership Units Estates Sorting

The words and meaning in this system means...

The Text of the Law of Misappropriation of Real Estate for Public Interest

The Ministries and Governmental departments and other organs of public Juridical personality may have the right to...

The Text of the Law Of Non- Saudis Proprietorship And Investment of Real Estate

Non Saudi investor of natural or corporate capacity licensed to practice any economic vocational or professional activity...

Council of Ministers Decision on Licensing Sale of State Lands which have Become Unsuitable for the Purpose they have been Allocated for

After reviewing the letter received from the Cabinet of Ministers bureau No...

The Text of the Law of Disposal of Municipal Real Estates

Public properties of the municipalities shall not be disposable, nevertheless, it may be permitted, within the...

Council of Ministers Decision about Execution of Real Estate Development Fund Project

Due to the urgent need to execute the Real Estate Fund projects, and...

Related Instructions to the Law of Roads and Buildings

The honorable Council of Ministers resolution No. (56), dated 22/1/1392 H. relayed from of Council of Ministers...

The Text of the Law of Roads and Buildings

This Law shall be called "Law of Roads and Buildings"...

Decision of civil defense council No. 12/2/ and 12/DF dated 8/8/1422H regarding the approval of issuing the executive by-law for evacuation and housing operation.

Decision of civil defense council No. 12/2/ and 12/DF dated 8/8/1422H regarding the approval of issuing the executive by-law for evacuation and housing operation.

Circular No. R/47430 dated 22-11-1431H regarding the cancellation of the land ownership condition upon applying for loan from the Real Estate Development Fund.

Circular No. R/47430 dated 22-11-1431H regarding the cancellation of the land ownership condition upon applying for loan from the Real Estate Development Fund.

Decision of the council of minister No. 640 regarding the approval of the request of H. E. Minister of agriculture and water to extend the period that was granted to those who benefit from bare land distribution regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No. 640 regarding the approval of the request of H. E. Minister of agriculture and water to extend the period that was granted to those who benefit from bare land distribution regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No. 589 regarding the lands that were taken by the Crown prince before issuing this regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No. 589 regarding the lands that were taken by the Crown prince before issuing this regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No. 1235 regarding the approval of the request of the Minister of agriculture and water to exceed the higher limit of the area stated.

Decision of the council of minister No. 1235 regarding the approval of the request of the Minister of agriculture and water to exceed the higher limit of the area stated.

Decision of the council of minister No. 1083 allow the Minister of agriculture to distribute in less than the minimum limit stated in the second article of bare land distribution regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No. 1083 allow the Minister of agriculture to distribute in less than the minimum limit stated in the second article of bare land distribution regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No. 1005 regarding the approval of the project of bare land distribution regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No.1005 regarding the approval of the project of bare land distribution regulation.

Decision of the council of minister No. 215 regarding the approval of the temporary principles to develop bare government lands

Decision of the council of minister No. 215 regarding the approval of the temporary principles to develop bare government lands

Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. 1/372 dated 4-5-1433H for the confiscation of the ownership of the plots of land located in Alras District for the benefit of Saudi Electricity Company.

Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. 1/372 dated 4-5-1433H for the confiscation of the ownership of the plots of land located in Alras District for the benefit of Saudi Electricity Company.

Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. 1/227 dated 21-3-1433H regarding the confiscation of the ownership of three plots of lands between them there are two roads and are located in Jeddah in front of Alfaisalyah grave yard for the benefit of Saudi Electricity Company

Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. 1/227 dated 21-3-1433H regarding the confiscation of the ownership of three plots of lands between them there are two roads and are located in Jeddah in front of Alfaisalyah grave yard for the benefit of Saudi Electricity Company

Decision of the council of minister No. 37 amending the tenth article of the bare land distribution regulation

Decision of the council of minister No. 37 amending the tenth article of the bare land distribution regulation

Royal Decree No. M/10 amending the tenth article of bare land distribution regulation

Royal Decree No. M/10 amending the tenth article of bare land distribution regulation

Royal Decree regarding the approval of the temporary principles to develop bare government land.

Royal Decree regarding the approval of the temporary principles to develop bare government land.

Decision of minister of social affairs for registration of Charity society to facilitate marriage and family care in Ha'el region "Wefaq" No. 613 in the Charity establishment society register in the directorate of national establishment and societies.

Decision of minister of social affairs for registration of Charity society to facilitate marriage and family care in Ha'el region "Wefaq" No. 613 in the Charity establishment society register in the directorate of national establishment and societies.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4313 dated 20-7-1432H regarding adding a new article to the regulation of ownership of real estate by non Saudi.

Circular of H. E. Minister of justice No. 13/T/4313 dated 20-7-1432H regarding adding a new article to the regulation of ownership of real estate by non Saudi.

Decision of Prince of Makkah region regarding the approval of starting the procedures to confiscate the ownership of real states locate in the valleys of breman- Deghaige- Umhablain- Gheya-Ghelail for the benefit of public benefit

Decision of Prince of Makkah region regarding the approval of starting the procedures to confiscate the ownership of real states locate in the valleys of breman- Deghaige- Umhablain- Gheya-Ghelail for the benefit of public benefit

Decision of the minister of water and electricity No. 1/175 dated 24-2-1433H confiscating the ownership of the land located between Jazan central station and Alsalama branch station for the benefit of STC.

Decision of the minister of water and electricity No. 1/175 dated 24-2-1433H confiscating the ownership of the land located between Jazan central station and Alsalama branch station for the benefit of STC.

Decision of the Minister of water and electricity No. 1/375 dated 4/5/1433H confiscating real estate ownership located between the station No. (9030) and station No. 8905 located in Ha'el region.

Decision of the Minister of water and electricity No. 1/375 dated 4/5/1433H confiscating real estate ownership located between the station No. (9030) and station No. 8905 located in Ha'el region.

Decision of the ministry of justice No. (4497) dated 14/6/1425H regarding the approval of the executive by-law of real estate registration in kind.

Decision of the ministry of justice No. (4497) dated 14/6/1425H regarding the approval of the executive by-law of real estate registration in kind.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. (42) dated 9/2/1423H, regarding the approval of the registration of real estate regulation in kind.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. (42) dated 9/2/1423H, regarding the approval of the registration of real estate regulation in kind.

Decision of the Minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 9002 dated 28/4/1432H amending the executive by-law for contractors classification regulation.

Decision of the Minister of municipality and rural affairs No. 9002 dated 28/4/1432H amending the executive by-law for contractors classification regulation.

Decision of the Minister of electricity and water No. 1/272 dated 4-4-1433H confiscating real state ownership located between Hotat sedair station at Jalajil exist in ALmojama province and the station located in Alzolfe province in Riyadh area

Decision of the Minister of electricity and water No. 1/272 dated 4-4-1433H confiscating real state ownership located between Hotat sedair station at Jalajil exist in ALmojama province and the station located in Alzolfe province in Riyadh area

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/40, dated 11/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the plot and located in Algashla quarter in Mekkah for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/40, dated 11/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the plot and located in Algashla quarter in Mekkah for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1-106, dated 4/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the land located in central Aseeri station and the branch station of east of Abha for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1-106, dated 4/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the land located in central Aseeri station and the branch station of east of Abha for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/80, dated 18/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the land plots located in plan No. (2008) in Twage quarter in Riyadh city for the benefit of STCDecision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/80, dated 18/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the land plots located in plan No. (2008) in Twage quarter in Riyadh city for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/80, dated 18/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the land plots located in plan No. (2008) in Twage quarter in Riyadh city for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/80, dated 18/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the land plots located in plan No. (2008) in Twage quarter in Riyadh city for the benefit of STCDecision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/80, dated 18/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the land plots located in plan No. (2008) in Twage quarter in Riyadh city for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/80, dated 18/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the land plots located in plan No. (2008) in Twage quarter in Riyadh city for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/77, dated 4/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the lands located between Alsowyba power station and transformation station north of Jeddah for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/77, dated 4/1/1433H confiscating the ownership of the lands located between Alsowyba power station and transformation station north of Jeddah for the benefit of STC

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1058 / 1 dated 19/12/1432H confiscating ownership of plots of land located in the plan No. 2050 in Sultana quarter in Riyadh city for the benefit of STC.

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1058 / 1 dated 19/12/1432H confiscating ownership of plots of land located in the plan No. 2050 in Sultana quarter in Riyadh city for the benefit of STC.

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. (1/116) dated 1/2/1433H for confiscation and ownership of land plots located in Alsharae'e plan(1) in Makkah for the benefit of STC.

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. (1/116) dated 1/2/1433H for confiscation and ownership of land plots located in Alsharae'e plan(1) in Makkah for the benefit of STC.

Decision of the Minister of electricity and water No. (1/973) dated 13/11/1432H confiscating ownership of the two lands No. (107) and No. (108) lock No. (10) of plan N.2303 located in Almansoorah quarter south of Riyadh for the benefit of STC

Decision of the Minister of electricity and water No. (1/973) dated 13/11/1432H confiscating ownership of the two lands No. (107) and No. (108) lock No. (10) of plan N.2303 located in Almansoorah quarter south of Riyadh for the benefit of STC

Decision of health affairs in Jeddah province No. 11/629036 dated 23/10/1432H confiscating ownership of land that id dedicated to health affairs directorate in Jeddah province of 13600m2approximately.

Decision of health affairs in Jeddah province No. 11/629036 dated 23/10/1432H confiscating ownership of land that id dedicated to health affairs directorate in Jeddah province of 13600m2approximately.

Decision of the minister of transportation No. (165/1) dated 21/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate's that block the root of Aldahnaa/ Shahda project road in Jezan area.

Decision of the minister of transportation No. (165/1) dated 21/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate's that block the root of Aldahnaa/ Shahda project road in Jezan area.

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/1014 dated 24/11/1432H confiscating ownership of land located on administration institute road in officers quarter in Riyadh town.

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/1014 dated 24/11/1432H confiscating ownership of land located on administration institute road in officers quarter in Riyadh town.

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/1015 dated 26/11/1432H confiscating ownership of land and roads surrounding it and located in Al- Rus Province in Qaseem region

Decision of the minister of electricity and water No. 1/1015 dated 26/11/1432H confiscating ownership of land and roads surrounding it and located in Al- Rus Province in Qaseem region

Decision of the minister of transportation No. 169/1 dated 26/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate that block executing Jabal Al- Abadil project road in Jazan region

Decision of the minister of transportation No. 169/1 dated 26/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate that block executing Jabal Al- Abadil project road in Jazan region

Decision of the minister of transportation No. 166/1 dated 22/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate that block the execution of Waslat Almohammadia road project

Decision of the minister of transportation No. 166/1 dated 22/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate that block the execution of Waslat Almohammadia road projectDecision of the minister of transportation No. 166/1 dated 22/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate that block the execution of Waslat Almohammadia road project

Decision of the minister of transportation No. 161/1 dated 14/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate that block the rout to complete Hor Alshara'e / Wadi Sitara with the intersection of Horat Alshar'e / Almadina AlmonawaraDecision of the minister of transportation No. 161/1 dated 14/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate that block the rout to complete Hor Alshara'e / Wadi Sitara with the intersection of Horat Alshar'e / Almadina Almonawara

Decision of the minister of transportation No. 161/1 dated 14/11/1432H confiscating ownership of real estate that block the rout to complete Hor Alshara'e / Wadi Sitara with the intersection of Horat Alshar'e / Almadina Almonawara

Decision of the Minister of electricity and water No. 1/967 dated 13/11/1432H confiscating ownership of land number 418 then the plan No. 720 located in Alrabwa quarter in Riyadh of the benefit of STC

Decision of the Minister of electricity and water No. 1/967 dated 13/11/1432H confiscating ownership of land number 418 then the plan No. 720 located in Alrabwa quarter in Riyadh of the benefit of STC

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 1/942 dated 4/11/1432H. regarding expropriation the property No. 630 and piece No. 695 of the scheme No. 2347 in Al-Aqeeq quarter in Jeddah .

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 1/942 dated 4/11/1432H. regarding expropriation the property No. 630 and piece No. 695 of the scheme No. 2347 in Al-Aqeeq quarter in Jeddah .

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 1/926 dated 3/11/1433H. regarding expropriation of the property located in Al- Atawla in Baha region.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 1/926 dated 3/11/1433H. regarding expropriation of the property located in Al- Atawla in Baha region.

Circular of Justice high council No. 71/KH dated 20/3/1430H regarding the mechanism of real state subscription committee work mechanism.

Circular of Justice high council No. 71/KH dated 20/3/1430H regarding the mechanism of real state subscription committee work mechanism.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 823/1 dated 24/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of the property located between Wadi Jaleel station to high voltage station at Makkah (HVM) for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 823/1 dated 24/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of the property located between Wadi Jaleel station to high voltage station at Makkah (HVM) for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 822/1 dated 24/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of the lands located in the zone of the overhead electrical line which connects between the Rabigh station (2) with length of (176.5) km and with width of the zone of (70) meters for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 822/1 dated 24/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of the lands located in the zone of the overhead electrical line which connects between the Rabigh station (2) with length of (176.5) km and with width of the zone of (70) meters for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 1/902 dated 21/10/1432H. regarding the expropriation of the land located at Al-Shati quarter north of Jeddah for the benefit of the Saudi electricity company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 1/902 dated 21/10/1432H. regarding the expropriation of the land located at Al-Shati quarter north of Jeddah for the benefit of the Saudi electricity company.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/134 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Al-Hasamah / Al-Mahazra in Jazan Region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/134 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Al-Hasamah / Al-Mahazra in Jazan Region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/131 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road ofAl-Sabkha / Umm al-Urush in Jazan region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/131 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road ofAl-Sabkha / Umm al-Urush in Jazan region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/136 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of the dual road of Madina Al-Munawarah/Hail with length of (68) km in Madina region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/136 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of the dual road of Madina Al-Munawarah/Hail with length of (68) km in Madina region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/135 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Jabal Al-Qahar in Jazan region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/135 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Jabal Al-Qahar in Jazan region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/133 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Jadeen in Jazan region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/133 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Jadeen in Jazan region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/132 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Al Jadha in Jazan region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/132 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Al Jadha in Jazan region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/128 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Taif/Al-Baha/Abha in Makkah Al-Mukaramah region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/128 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Taif/Al-Baha/Abha in Makkah Al-Mukaramah region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/125 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of the eastern transformer in Yanbu in the Madina region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/125 dated 8/9/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of the eastern transformer in Yanbu in the Madina region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/123 dated 26/8/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of completion of repair of Agaba Dhalah with length of (32) km in Asir region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/123 dated 26/8/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of completion of repair of Agaba Dhalah with length of (32) km in Asir region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/124 dated 26/8/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Hajar Basan in Najran region.

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. 01/124 dated 26/8/1432H. regarding the approval of on the commencement of the expropriation of the property which obstruct the path of the project of road of Hajar Basan in Najran region.

The Decision of the minister of water and electricity No. 1/626 dated 12/7/1432H. regarding expropriation of the land located south of Jeddah city in the western region to construct south Jeddah steam power generation station for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The Decision of the minister of water and electricity No. 1/626 dated 12/7/1432H. regarding expropriation of the land located south of Jeddah city in the western region to construct south Jeddah steam power generation station for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. (1/624) dated 12/7/1432H. regarding expropriation of land near the existing power generation station at Al-Shoaibah from its southern side to construct the project of expansion of Al-Shoaibah power generatin station for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. (1/624) dated 12/7/1432 H. regarding expropriation of land near the existing power generation station at Al-Shoaibah from its southern side to construct the project of expansion of Al-Shoaibah power generatin station for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No.1/ 695 dated 11/8/1432H. regarding expropriation of the land located at south Al-khobar quarter in the governorate of Al-Khobar to construct main transformer station for the benefit of Saudi electricity company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No.1/ 695 dated 11/8/1432H. regarding expropriation of the land located at south Al-khobar quarter in the governorate of Al-Khobar to construct main transformer station for the benefit of Saudi electricity company.

Form of contract of engineering consulting services (supervision)

Form of contract of engineering consulting services (supervision)

Form of contract of engineering consulting services (design)

Form of contract of engineering consulting services (design)

Decision of expropriation of property No. (1/141) dated 10/9/1432 H. regarding expropriation of property that obstruct the path of the project of road of Al-Sawarmah / Al-Tahra / Al-Murabi in Jazan Region.

Decision of expropriation of property No. (1/141) dated 10/9/1432 H. regarding expropriation of property that obstruct the path of the project of road of Al-Sawarmah / Al-Tahra / Al-Murabi in Jazan Region.

Decision of expropriation of property No. 1/141 dated 10/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of property that obstruct the path of the project of road of Dhoha/Bin Mujhil in Jazan region.

Decision of expropriation of property No. 1/141 dated 10/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of property that obstruct the path of the project of road of Dhoha/Bin Mujhil in Jazan region.

Decision of expropriation of property No. 1/120 dated 10/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of property that obstruct the path of the project of road ofAqeelah / Ghati / Ain Alhus in Al-Jouf area.

Decision of expropriation of property No. 1/120 dated 10/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of property that obstruct the path of the project of road ofAqeelah / Ghati / Ain Alhus in Al-Jouf area.

Decision of expropriation of property No. 1/119 dated 10/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of property that obstruct the path of the project of road ofSouth Al-Sawama / Umm Al-Persus in Al-Jouf region

Decision of expropriation of property No. 1/119 dated 10/9/1432H. regarding expropriation of property that obstruct the path of the project of road ofSouth Al-Sawama / Umm Al-Persus in Al-Jouf region

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 1/625 dated 12/7/1432H. regarding expropriation of lands located between the station No. (8600) located in the governorate of Dawadmi and the station No. (8603) located in the Afif Governorate, Riyadh Region for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 1/625 dated 12/7/1432H. regarding expropriation of lands located between the station No. (8600) located in the governorate of Dawadmi and the station No. (8603) located in the Afif Governorate, Riyadh Region for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The ministerial Decision No. (1/679) dated 4/8/1432 H. regarding expropriation of the land located in AbouSakina sea at the governorate of MahailAsir for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company and that the Saudi electricity company shall inform the owners of the properties that have been decided to expropriate them with estimated compensation to be paid for them

The ministerial Decision No. (1/679) dated 4/8/1432 H. regarding expropriation of the land located in AbouSakina sea at the governorate of MahailAsir for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company and that the Saudi electricity company shall inform the owners of the properties that have been decided to expropriate them with estimated compensation to be paid for them

Decision of expropriation No. (116/01) dated 27/7/1432H. regarding the expropriation of the property that obstruct the path of the project of road of (Harad/Matarfah/Al-Qafif) in Makkah Al-Mukaramah region.

Decision of expropriation No. (116/01) dated 27/7/1432 H. regarding the expropriation of the property that obstruct the path of the project of road of (Harad/Matarfah/Al-Qafif) in Makkah Al-Mukaramah region.

Decision of expropriation No. 114/01 dated 27/7/1432H. Regarding expropriation of the real estates that obstruct the path of the project of road of (Um Al-Qadab/Al-Huroof) in Jazan region.

Decision of expropriation No. 114/01 dated 27/7/1432H. Regarding expropriation of the real estates that obstruct the path of the project of road of (Um Al-Qadab/Al-Huroof) in Jazan region.

Telegraph No. 21962/B dated 15/05/1428H. regarding the approval of the rules of determining the urban zone until the year (1450H).

Telegraph No. 21962/B dated 15/05/1428H. regarding the approval of the rules of determining the urban zone until the year (1450H).

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 157 dated 11/5/1428H. regarding the approval of on the rules of determining the urban zone until the year (1450H).

The Council of Ministers ‟ Decision No. 157 dated 11/5/1428H. regarding the approval of on the rules of determining the urban zone until the year (1450H).

Minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 719/1 dated 22/8/1432H. regarding expropriation of part of land of the station No. (9029) located in Buraidah in Qassim region for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company

Minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 719/1 dated 22/8/1432H. regarding expropriation of part of land of the station No. (9029) located in Buraidah in Qassim region for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 718/1 dated 22/8/1432H. regarding expropriation of lands Nos. (188-120-121-123) at the governorate of Darmaa in Riyadh region to construction ground tanks and water pump station to the eleventh generation station south of governorate of Darmaa for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

The minister of water and electricity‟s Decision No. 718/1 dated 22/8/1432H. regarding expropriation of lands Nos. (188-120-121-123) at the governorate of Darmaa in Riyadh region to construction ground tanks and water pump station to the eleventh generation station south of governorate of Darmaa for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. (13) dated 9/1/1406 H regarding demarcating the limits of residential envelope for the coming twenty years

Decision of Council of Ministers No. (13) dated 9/1/1406H regarding demarcating the limits of residential envelope for the coming twenty years

Decision of Council of Ministers No 37 dated 11/2/1402H regarding the approval of the Higher Authority to Develop Riyadh city the coordination and supervision of the infrastructure of basic services projects in Riyadh city

Decision of Council of Ministers No 37 dated 11/2/1402H regarding the approval of the Higher Authority to Develop Riyadh city the coordination and supervision of the infrastructure of basic services projects in Riyadh city

Decision of Council of Ministers No 12 dated 10/1/1399H regarding assigning the Bin-Ladin Foundation the execution of opening the tunnel No. 4 in Mina

Decision of Council of Ministers No 12 dated 10/1/1399H regarding assigning the Bin-Ladin Foundation the execution of opening the tunnel No. 4 in Mina

Decision of Council of Ministers No 130 dated 17/1/1398H regarding the approval of to execute Tarba road and commitment to the cost

Decision of Council of Ministers No 130 dated 17/1/1398H regarding the approval of to execute Tarba road and commitment to the cost

Decision of Council of Ministers No 119 dated 17/1/98 regarding setting the time frame for the Ministerial Committee assigned to study factors responsible for escalating prices and wages

Decision of Council of Ministers No 119 dated 17/1/98 regarding setting the time frame for the Ministerial Committee assigned to study factors responsible for escalating prices and wages

Decision of Council of Ministers No 1170 dated 25/8/1397H regarding the approval of to specify the scope of construction in towns for the coming twenty years as shown in the general layout provided that the ime for construction development period be devided to stages that conform to the Five years Plans of the State

Decision of Council of Ministers No 1170 dated 25/8/1397H regarding the approval of to specify the scope of construction in towns for the coming twenty years as shown in the general layout provided that the ime for construction development period be devided to stages that conform to the Five years Plans of the State

Decision of Council of Ministers No 6 dated 7/1/1397H regarding the approval of to increase the capital of the Housing Development Fund 50%

Decision of Council of Ministers No 6 dated 7/1/1397H regarding the approval of to increase the capital of the Housing Development Fund 50%

Decision of Council of Ministers No 1542 dated 8/11/1395 regarding invitation to bidding for 100000 residential units that are included in the Second Five Years Plan

Decision of Council of Ministers No 1542 dated 8/11/1395 regarding invitation to bidding for 100000 residential units that are included in the Second Five Years Plan

Decision of Council of Ministers No. (1028) dated 19/8/95 H regarding the improvement of cities and villages conditions and its organization on the scientific bases in accordance to what was incorporated in the Five Years Plan

Decision of Council of Ministers No. (1028) dated 19/8/95 H regarding the improvement of cities and villages conditions and its organization on the scientific bases in accordance to what was incorporated in the Five Years Plan

Circular no 17501 dated 13/6/1394H inclusive of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No 793 dated 6/6/1394H regarding the approval of the Regulations of the Housing development Fund

Circular no 17501 dated 13/6/1394H inclusive of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No 793 dated 6/6/1394H regarding the approval of the Regulations of the Housing development Fund

Circular No F/23249/3 dated 27/9/1393H inclusive of Decision of Council of Ministers No 1104 dated 18-19/9/1393H regarding incrementing the contribution of the Kingdom in the development Program of the United Nations and the World Bank to cater for the costs of the second part of the comprehensive study of transport in the Kingdom

Circular No F/23249/3 dated 27/9/1393H inclusive of Decision of Council of Ministers No 1104 dated 18-19/9/1393H regarding incrementing the contribution of the Kingdom in the development Program of the United Nations and the World Bank to cater for the costs of the second part of the comprehensive study of transport in the Kingdom

Decision No. (430) dated 11/12/9/84 H to initiate a central agency for planning to be called The Central Agency for Planning

Decision No. (430) dated 11/12/9/84 H to initiate a central agency for planning to be called The Central Agency for Planning

Circular No. (10201) dated 22/4/1383 H inclusive of the Decision of Council of Ministers No. (281) dated 21/4/83 stipulating action to strengthen the Technical Function of the Higher Council for Planning

Circular No. (10201) dated 22/4/1383 H inclusive of the Decision of Council of Ministers No. (281) dated 21/4/83 stipulating action to strengthen the Technical Function of the Higher Council for Planning

Royal Decree No 23/M dated 11/6/1394H regarding the approval of the the Regulations of the Real estate development Fund

Royal Decree No 23/M dated 11/6/1394H regarding the approval of the the Regulations of the Real estate development Fund

Royal Decree No 19 dated 17/9/1384 to initiate a central agency for planning to be called The Central Agency for Planning

Royal Decree No 19 dated 17/9/1384 to initiate a central agency for planning to be called The Central Agency for Planning

Royal Decree No 50 dated 17/7/1380 on establishing the Higher Council for Planning

Royal Decree No 50 dated 17/7/1380 on establishing the Higher Council for Planning

Circular No 2431/F/3 dated 4/2/99 regarding assigning Bin Ladin Foundation the execution of opening of Tunnel No 4 in Mina

Circular No 2431/F/3 dated 4/2/99 regarding assigning Bin Ladin Foundation the execution of opening of Tunnel No 4 in Mina

Circular No 1736 dated 11/1/98 regarding the execution of Tarba road and commitment to its cost

Circular No 1736 dated 11/1/98 regarding the execution of Tarba road and commitment to its cost

Circular No 21692/S/3 dated 8/9/97 regarding the approval of the results arrived at by the Ministerial Committee on solutions to the problems arising from the multitude of services in the main cities

Circular No 21692/S/3 dated 8/9/97 regarding the approval of the results arrived at by the Ministerial Committee on solutions to the problems arising from the multitude of services in the main cities

Circular No 22121 dated 18/9/1384 on formation of the Central Authority for Planning

Circular No 22121 dated 18/9/1384 on formation of the Central Authority for Planning

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/ 530) dated on 15/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between Central Station No. (2) in Qassim and Station No. 9011 located at Jalajel Junction in Al Majmaa Governorate for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/ 530) dated on 15/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between Central Station No. (2) in Qassim and Station No. 9011 located at Jalajel Junction in Al Majmaa Governorate for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 97) dated on 13/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate to the implementation of road project in Al - Jouf area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 97) dated on 13/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate to the implementation of road project in Al - Jouf area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 96) dated on 13/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of completing the Al-Fakhriya and Al-Amriya links in Al-Dawaad Mei district in Riyadh region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 96) dated on 13/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of completing the Al-Fakhriya and Al-Amriya links in Al-Dawaad Mei district in Riyadh region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 95) dated on 11/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of completing the Muqadh and complete the road of Mount Sala Road Mount Sala Road Al-Atif / Ka'ab in Jazan

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 95) dated on 11/ 06/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of completing the Muqadh and complete the road of Mount Sala Road Mount Sala Road Al-Atif / Ka'ab in Jazan

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 89) dated on 26/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of the implementation of the project of meeting the eastern side of the eastern ring road with the second extension of the southern side of Riyadh road ring east

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 89) dated on 26/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of the implementation of the project of meeting the eastern side of the eastern ring road with the second extension of the southern side of Riyadh road ring east

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 87) dated on 20/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of road (Bar / field) within the agricultural roads in Jazan area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 87) dated on 20/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of road (Bar / field) within the agricultural roads in Jazan area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 86) dated on 20/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of road (Al- Sada / Salmeen) in Jazan area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 86) dated on 20/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of road (Al- Sada / Salmeen) in Jazan area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 85) dated on 20/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of Al-gheraa road in Jazan area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 85) dated on 20/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of Al-gheraa road in Jazan area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 84) dated on 20/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of implementation of the Riffa Village Road Project under the umbrella of the implementation of agricultural roads in Najran

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 84) dated on 20/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the completion of the project of implementation of the Riffa Village Road Project under the umbrella of the implementation of agricultural roads in Najran

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 82) dated on 16/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the of the project of road link project (Samta / Tawal) in Jazan region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 82) dated on 16/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to the of the project of road link project (Samta / Tawal) in Jazan region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 81) dated on 16/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to path of a road project (Tawal / Till) in Jazan area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 81) dated on 16/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to path of a road project (Tawal / Till) in Jazan area

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 80) dated on 12/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to path of a road project the double road of Nesah in the province of Sarmaa in Riyadh

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 80) dated on 12/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to path of a road project the double road of Nesah in the province of Sarmaa in Riyadh

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 79) dated on 12/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to path of a road project link (one of Rafidah / Habla) Asir region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 79) dated on 12/ 05/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to path of a road project link (one of Rafidah / Habla) Asir region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 76) dated on 26/ 04/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to path of a road project Al Sawarmah Road in Jazan Region

The Decision of the expropriation of property No. (01/ 76) dated on 26/ 04/ 1432 H. with regard to the approval of the expropriation of real estate which is opposed to path of a road project Al Sawarmah Road in Jazan Region

Decentralization Decision No. (112/ 01) dated on 18/ 07/ 1432 H. Decision of expropriation of real estate that obstructs the path of a road project (Al- Faqara) in Jazan region

Decentralization Decision No. (112/ 01) dated on 18/ 07/ 1432 H. Decision of expropriation of real estate that obstructs the path of a road project (Al- Faqara) in Jazan region

Decision of expropriation of real estate (110/ 01) dated on 18/ 07/ 1432 H. Decision of expropriation of real estate that obstructs the road project ( Al-qaa'/ qusai valley in Jazan region

Decision of expropriation of real estate (110/ 01) dated on 18/ 07/ 1432 H. Decision of expropriation of real estate that obstructs the road project Al-qaa'/ qusai valley in Jazan region

Decision of expropriation of real estate (109/ 01) dated on 18/ 07/ 1432 H. Decision of expropriation of real estate that obstructs the completion of project ( Al-Moia / Al- Badiyah/ Al- Bahrah in Mecca

Decision of expropriation of real estate (109/ 01) dated on 18/ 07/ 1432 H. Decision of expropriation of real estate that obstructs the completion of project ( Al-Moia / Al- Badiyah/ Al- Bahrah in Mecca

Ministerial Decision No. (194) dated 27/06/1432 H by accepting to add new article to the ownership and investment property system of non Saudis

Ministerial Decision No. (194) dated 27/06/1432 H by accepting to add new article to the ownership and investment property system of non Saudis

Royal Decree No. M/43, and on: 28/06/1432 Hijri by accepting to add new article to the ownership and investment property system of non Saudis

Royal Decree No. M/43, and on: 28/06/1432 Hijri by accepting to add new article to the ownership and investment property system of non Saudis

Ministerial Decision No. (89), and on: 08/04/1421 Hijri, by accepting the ownership and investment property system of non Saudis

Ministerial Decision No. (89), and on: 08/04/1421 Hijri, by accepting the ownership and investment property system of non Saudis

Decision of expropriation of real estate No. 111/ 01 with regard to the approval of the commencement of the expropriation of properties that oppose the project of double-road linking the Zulfi- Riyadh / Qassim road from the western region of Riyadh

Decision of expropriation of real estate No. 111/ 01 with regard to the approval of the commencement of the expropriation of properties that oppose the project of double-road linking the Zulfi- Riyadh / Qassim road from the western region of Riyadh

Decision of expropriation of real estate No. 107/ 01 with regard to the approval of the commencement of the expropriation of properties that oppose the project Road (Group E) in Jazan

Decision of expropriation of real estate No. 107/ 01 with regard to the approval of the commencement of the expropriation of properties that oppose the project Road (Group E) in Jazan

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/619) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the WadiJalil station and Al-Maisem station for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/619) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the WadiJalil station and Al-Maisem station for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/618) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the Al-Maisem station and Arafat station for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/618) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the Al-Maisem station and Arafat station for the benefit of the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/617) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the WadiJalil station and Jabal Al Noor station for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/617) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the WadiJalil station and Jabal Al Noor station for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/616) dated 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the WadiJalil station and Mina station for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/616) dated 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the WadiJalil station and Mina station for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/615) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the high voltage station in Mecca (H V M) and the Arafat station between the WadiJalil station and tower No. 21 towards the Shu'aybah power plant in favor of the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/615) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands between the high voltage station in Mecca (H V M) and the Arafat station between the WadiJalil station and tower No. 21 towards the Shu'aybah power plant in favor of the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/614) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands that is located between the Mujarda Substation and the North Mahayel Substation in favor of the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/614) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands that is located between the Mujarda Substation and the North Mahayel Substation in favor of the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/613) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands that is located between the central Tohama Station and the Duca Substation for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/613) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands that is located between the central Tohama Station and the Duca Substation for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/612) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands that is located between JalilWadi L station for the Saudi Electricity Company

The Decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. (1/612) dated on 12/ 07/ 1432 H. with regard to the expropriation of lands that is located between JalilWadi L station for the Saudi Electricity Company

Ministerial Decision No. 194), and on: 27/06/1432 Hijri, by accepting to add new article to the ownership and investment property system of non Saudis

Ministerial Decision No. 194), and on: 27/06/1432 Hijri, by accepting to add new article to the ownership and investment property system of non Saudis

Minister of water and electricity's Decision No. (580/1), and on: 02/07/1432 Hijri, by disposing the land ownership located within the campus of aerial campus, voltage 380 K.V, at the northern ring road around Al Riyadh city from ninth generating station till the listed network with voltage of 380 K.V, along (163.273)meters and width of campus of (50) meter.

Minister of water and electricity's Decision No. (580/1), and on: 02/07/1432 Hijri, by disposing the land ownership located within the campus of aerial campus, voltage 380 K.V, at the northern ring road around Al Riyadh city from ninth generating station till the listed network with voltage of 380 K.V, along (163.273)meters and width of campus of (50) meter.

Royal Decree No. (44) dated 29/11/1377 H on the payment of a fee of 10% on the sale of properties owned by foreigners

Royal Decree No. (44) dated 29/11/1377 H on the payment of a fee of 10% on the sale of properties owned by foreigners

Decision According to the Last Amendment Decision No. (717) dated 28/29/5/1394 H

Having perused request attached herein submitted by Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister under No. (11842) dated 13/5/1393 H including letter of his excellency Interior Minister No. (3324/3D) dated 5/5/1393 H implies that development of Arriyadh as a capital of the Kingdom from the human,

Royal Decree No. M / 43 of 26/4/1438 H on approving to apply the Saudi Building Coding Regulation

Royal Decree No. M / 43 of 26/4/1438 H on approving to apply the Saudi Building Coding Regulation

Royal Decree No. (M / 17) dated 21/1/1439H regarding the approval of the amendment of some articles of the timeshare regulation in the tourist real estate units issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 52) dated 20/8/1427 H

Royal Decree No. (M / 17) dated 21/1/1439H regarding the approval of the amendment of some articles of the timeshare regulation in the tourist real estate units issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 52) dated 20/8/1427 H

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (239) dated 25/4/1438 H regarding the approval of the institution of the General Authority for Real Estate

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (239) dated 25/4/1438 H regarding the approval of the institution of the General Authority for Real Estate

Cabinet Decision No. 447 dated 13-7-1438H on the approval of the amendments to the use of land allocated to public utilities in the special schemes

Cabinet Decision No. 447 dated 13-7-1438H on the approval of the amendments to the use of land allocated to public utilities in the special schemes

Cabinet Decision No. 467 dated 20-7-1438H concerning the registration of all State-owned real estate deeds as "State Property"

Cabinet Decision No. 467 dated 20-7-1438H concerning the registration of all State-owned real estate deeds as "State Property"

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 241 dated 25/4/1438 on approving the application of the Saudi System of Building Code

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 241 dated 25/4/1438 on approving the application of the Saudi System of Building Code

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (292) dated 16/5/1438 H

Second: Government agencies - whose provision of the service requires the existence of a lease contract - shall use the network (Ejar) to verify the contract.

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (361000091211) dated 30/6/1436 H on clarifying the provisions of Article 83 of the Implementing Regulations of the Finance Companies Control Law and Article 9 of the Consumer Finance Control Regulations

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (361000091211) dated 30/6/1436 H on clarifying the provisions of Article 83 of the Implementing Regulations of the Finance Companies Control Law and Article 9 of the Consumer Finance Control Regulations

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (361000064191) dated 30/4/1436 H on the date of commencement of adopting international accounting standards

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (361000064191) dated 30/4/1436 H on the date of commencement of adopting international accounting standards

Council Decision No. 139 dated 10-3-1439 regarding the amendment of paragraph 5 of the first item of the operation mechanism for the Committee of Real Estate Contributions issued by the Council of Ministers Decree No. 48 dated 14/2/1430

Council Decision No. 139 dated 10-3-1439 regarding the amendment of paragraph 5 of the first item of the operation mechanism for the Committee of Real Estate Contributions issued by the Council of Ministers Decree No. 48 dated 14/2/1430

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01-4247-1439) dated 18/6/1439 H about the repeal of the Minister of Water and Electricity Decree No. (432/1) dated 1/6/1437 H covering the expropriation of land, located within the premises of the two parallel aerial lines connecting "Al-Qarayqar" station with the airline that links “Asir” central station with "East Abha" station

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01-4247-1439) dated 18/6/1439 H about the repeal of the Minister of Water and Electricity Decree No. (432/1) dated 1/6/1437 H covering the expropriation of land, located within the premises of the two parallel aerial lines connecting "Al-Qarayqar" station with the airline that links “Asir” central station with "East Abha" station

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 58 dated 20-1-1439 regarding the approval of the amendment of some articles of "Time Sharing System in Tourist Real Estate Units" issued by Royal Decree No. M / 52 dated 20-8-1427

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 58 dated 20-1-1439 regarding the approval of the amendment of some articles of "Time Sharing System in Tourist Real Estate Units" issued by Royal Decree No. M / 52 dated 20-8-1427

Supreme Order by Cablegram No. (9206) dated 8/3/1434 H on the restriction of the application of the Royal Order No. (3324 / M / B) dated 18/4/1431 H from the suspension of the application of the timeshare system in the real estate units in Makkah and Medina on non-Saudis

Supreme Order by Cablegram No. (9206) dated 8/3/1434 H on the restriction of the application of the Royal Order No. (3324 / M / B) dated 18/4/1431 H from the suspension of the application of the timeshare system in the real estate units in Makkah and Medina on non-Saudis

Decision No. (31) of the Council of Ministers approving the system of expropriation of real estate for the public benefit, and the provisional seizure of the property

Decision No. (31) of the Council of Ministers approving the system of expropriation of real estate for the public benefit, and the provisional seizure of the property

Decision No. (54) Dated 11-2-1437 H Approving the Implementing regulations of the system of expropriation of real estate for the public benefit and placing the temporary adverse possession the property

Decision No. (54) Dated 11-2-1437 H Approving the Implementing regulations of the system of expropriation of real estate for the public benefit and placing the temporary adverse possession the property

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (259) dated 24/07/1434 H on the arrangements relating to the contracts of utilisation, concluded with non-Saudis, in the cities of Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Madinah, and the timeshare contracts in the tourism real estate units

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (259) dated 24/07/1434 H on the arrangements relating to the contracts of utilisation, concluded with non-Saudis, in the cities of Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Madinah, and the timeshare contracts in the tourism real estate units

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. 22148 dated 10/10/1431 about the Implementing regulations of the classification scheme concerning contractors

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. 22148 dated 10/10/1431 about the Implementing regulations of the classification scheme concerning contractors

Work Rules of the Inspection Companies Issued by the Off-plan Sales and Rent of Real Estate Units Committee Resolution No. 1-220 dated 9-3-1439 corresponding to 27-11-2017

The following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to each of them

Work Rules Regulating the Escrow Account Issued by the Off-plan Sales and Rent Committee of Real Estate Units Resolution No. 1-220 dated 9-3-1439 corresponding to 27-11-2017

The following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to each of them

Rules for the Project Register Issued by the Off-plan Sales and Rent of Real Estate Units Committee Resolution No. 1-220 dated 9-3-1439 corresponding to 27-11-2017

In order to keep up with the developments and rapid changes regarding the committee's regulations and rules, the committee would like to point out that it is necessary to always rely on copies of the regulations and rules published on the committee's website:

Rules for the Rights of Beneficiaries and Developers' Obligations Issued by the Off-plan Sales and Rent of Real Estate Units Committee Resolution No. 1-220 dated 9-3-1439 corresponding to 27-11-2017

The following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to each of them

Licensing Rules Issued by the Off-plan Sales and Rent of Real Estate Units Committee Resolution No. 1-220 dated 9-3-1439 corresponding to 27-11-2017

The following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to each of them

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1193-1439 dated 17-2-1439 regarding the expropriation of land, which passes through the project of the construction of roads for the entrances of trucks and cars, regarding the distribution station of petroleum products - north of Jeddah

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1193-1439 dated 17-2-1439 regarding the expropriation of land, which passes through the project of the construction of roads for the entrances of trucks and cars, regarding the distribution station of petroleum products - north of Jeddah

Ministry of Trade and Investment Decree No. 17729 dated 2-4-1439 regarding the non-registration of family names as a trade name or trademark

Ministry of Trade and Investment Decree No. 17729 dated 2-4-1439 regarding the non-registration of family names as a trade name or trademark

The Ministry of Housing Decision No. 3170 dated 19-3-1439 regarding the imposition of fees on the undeveloped white lands of ten thousand square meters and more located within the specific geographical area of the city of Makkah

The Ministry of Housing Decision No. 3170 dated 19-3-1439 regarding the imposition of fees on the undeveloped white lands of ten thousand square meters and more located within the specific geographical area of the city of Makkah

Ministry of Housing Decision No. 2132 dated 20-2-1439 concerning the Implementing regulations of the system of white land fees within the specified geographical area

Ministry of Housing Decision No. 2132 dated 20-2-1439 concerning the Implementing regulations of the system of white land fees within the specified geographical area

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 1416/257/3501000 dated 27/11/1437 on the preparation of a training program about the expropriation of property for the public benefit and compensation

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 1416/257/3501000 dated 27/11/1437 on the preparation of a training program about the expropriation of property for the public benefit and compensation

The Council of Saudi Chambers Letter No. / 3258 dated 25/11/1437 concerning the preparation of a training program about the expropriation of property for the public benefit and compensation

The Council of Saudi Chambers Letter No. / 3258 dated 25/11/1437 concerning the preparation of a training program about the expropriation of property for the public benefit and compensation

Committee for the sale or lease of real estate units on the map Decision No. 1-220 dated 9-3-1439 corresponding to 27-11-2017 on the division of the regulation of the sale of real estate units on the map to independent work rules

Committee for the sale or lease of real estate units on the map Decision No. 1-220 dated 9-3-1439 corresponding to 27-11-2017 on the division of the regulation of the sale of real estate units on the map to independent work rules

Minister of Justice Decision No. 383952618 and dated 18-11-1438 regarding the implementation of the "Registration System in-kind for the real estate" for the first and second areas in Jeddah

Minister of Justice Decision No. 383952618 and dated 18-11-1438 regarding the implementation of the "Registration System in-kind for the real estate" for the first and second areas in Jeddah

Minister of Housing Decision No. 9818 dated 20/8/1438 on the imposition of fees, payable on the undeveloped white lands of 10,000 square meters and more, located within the specific geographic area of Dammam and its vicinity

Minister of Housing Decision No. 9818 dated 20/8/1438 on the imposition of fees, payable on the undeveloped white lands of 10,000 square meters and more, located within the specific geographic area of Dammam and its vicinity

Ministry of Justice Decree No. 4953 dated 28-6-1438H on the system of "real estate registration" in the first and second real estate areas - Makkah Al Mukarramah - Ministry of Justice decision No. 4954 dated 28-6-1438H on the system of "real estate registration" in the real estate areas - The first and second - in Medina

Ministry of Justice Decree No. 4953 dated 28-6-1438H on the system of "real estate registration" in the first and second real estate areas - Makkah Al Mukarramah - Ministry of Justice decision No. 4954 dated 28-6-1438H on the system of "real estate registration" in the real estate areas - The first and second - in Medina

Ministry of Housing Decree No. 7594 dated 29-6-1438 on the imposition of fees on the undeveloped white lands of ten thousand square meters and more located within the specific geographical area of the city of Riyadh

Ministry of Housing Decree No. 7594 dated 29-6-1438 on the imposition of fees on the undeveloped white lands of ten thousand square meters and more located within the specific geographical area of the city of Riyadh

The Ministry of Housing Decision No. 8620 dated 22/7/1438 on the imposition of fees on the undeveloped white lands of ten thousand square meters and more located within the specific geographical area of Jeddah governorate and the adjacent area thereto

The Ministry of Housing Decision No. 8620 dated 22/7/1438 on the imposition of fees on the undeveloped white lands of ten thousand square meters and more located within the specific geographical area of Jeddah governorate and the adjacent area thereto

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 1-621-1438 dated 14-11-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 55 dated 21 - 10 - 1413 located in the province of Oyoun Al -Jawwaa - Qassim

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 1-621-1438 dated 14-11-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 55 dated 21 - 10 - 1413 located in the province of Oyoun Al -Jawwaa - Qassim

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-6620-1438 dated 14-11-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by instrument No. 141 dated 26-07-1418 located in the province of Khulais - Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-6620-1438 dated 14-11-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by instrument No. 141 dated 26-07-1418 located in the province of Khulais - Makkah Region

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-6405-1438 dated 02-11-1438 about the expropriation of part of the land, owned by the instrument No. 110 and the date 24-04-1402 located in the area "Atwa" in the province "Slail"

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-6405-1438 dated 02-11-1438 about the expropriation of part of the land, owned by the instrument No. 110 and the date 24-04-1402 located in the area "Atwa" in the province "Slail"

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-6345-1438 dated 29-10-1438H regarding the expropriation of land located within the premises of the electrical track connecting between station No. 9034 in "Arqa neighborhood" to station No. 8171 in "Al Khuzama neighborhood" Riyadh City

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-6345-1438 dated 29-10-1438H regarding the expropriation of land located within the premises of the electrical track connecting between station No. 9034 in "Arqa neighborhood" to station No. 8171 in "Al Khuzama neighborhood" Riyadh City

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-6334-1438 dated 28-10-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the plot of land, owned by the instrument No. 375801000754 and the date of 8-2-1438, "East Almnayther" - the province of Barq - Asir region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-6334-1438 dated 28-10-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the plot of land, owned by the instrument No. 375801000754 and the date of 8-2-1438, "East Almnayther" - the province of Barq - Asir region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5708-1438 dated 13-9-1438 on the expropriation of part of the land, owned by instrument No. 332 and dated 28-4-1404 located in the "Lower Village of Al-Jadah" - "Qalwa Governorate"

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5708-1438 dated 13-9-1438 on the expropriation of part of the land, owned by instrument No. 332 and dated 28-4-1404 located in the "Lower Village of Al-Jadah" - "Qalwa Governorate"

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01/4988/1438) dated 11/8/1438 H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01/4988/1438) dated 11/8/1438 H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4856-1438 dated 05- 08-1438 about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4856-1438 dated 05- 08-1438 about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2206-1438 dated 24-4-1438 regarding an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2206-1438 dated 24-4-1438 regarding an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2205-1438 dated 24 - 4 - 1438 regarding an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2205-1438 dated 24 - 4 - 1438 regarding an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5847-1438 dated 19-09-1438 about the repeal of Ministerial Decision No. 445-1 dated 05-05-1435 about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5847-1438 dated 19-09-1438 about the repeal of Ministerial Decision No. 445-1 dated 05-05-1435 about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5846-1438 dated 19-09-1438 about the repeal of Ministerial Decision No. 01-3374-1438 dated 10-06-1438H concerning an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5846-1438 dated 19-09-1438 about the repeal of Ministerial Decision No. 01-3374-1438 dated 10-06-1438H concerning an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5706-1438 dated 13-9-1438 on the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 20-2 and the date of 06-04-1420 located - north-west fwaileq - in the province of Bakiriya - Qassim

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5706-1438 dated 13-9-1438 on the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 20-2 and the date of 06-04-1420 located - north-west fwaileq - in the province of Bakiriya - Qassim

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5704-1438 dated 13-9-1438 on the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 17/1/1 and the date 03-05-1420 located in the fields of Suwamleh - in Ghamiqa - Allayeth governorate

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5704-1438 dated 13-9-1438 on the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 17/1/1 and the date 03-05-1420 located in the fields of Suwamleh - in Ghamiqa - Allayeth governorate

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5417-1438 dated 28-8-1438 regarding the expropriation of two parts of the land, owned by virtue of instrument No. 143 dated 08-09-1415 in the village of Wadi al-Alba - Qnouna - Harith

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5417-1438 dated 28-8-1438 regarding the expropriation of two parts of the land, owned by virtue of instrument No. 143 dated 08-09-1415 in the village of Wadi al-Alba - Qnouna - Harith

No. 13 dated 01-08-1416 located in "Tabarak 54 km west of Muzahmiya" - south of the Hijaz road - Riyadh

No. 13 dated 01-08-1416 located in "Tabarak 54 km west of Muzahmiya" - south of the Hijaz road - Riyadh

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5121-1438 dated 17-8-1438 on the expropriation of part of the land owned by instrument

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5121-1438 dated 17-8-1438 on the expropriation of part of the land owned by instrument

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4987-1438 dated 11-8-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4987-1438 dated 11-8-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4390-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the cancellation of the decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. 53-1 dated 16-01-1437 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by instrument number 69 and date 1-5 -1404

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4390-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the cancellation of the decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. 53-1 dated 16-01-1437 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by instrument number 69 and date 1-5 -1404

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4389-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by virtue of instrument No. 463-17 dated 22-05-1427 located in the province of Ramah - Riyadh

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4389-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by virtue of instrument No. 463-17 dated 22-05-1427 located in the province of Ramah - Riyadh

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4388-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land, owned by instrument No. 16-2 and dated 12-12-1421 located in the "Valley of Aziz" - Jazan region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4388-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land, owned by instrument No. 16-2 and dated 12-12-1421 located in the "Valley of Aziz" - Jazan region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4387-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land, owned by instrument no. 39 dated 14-10-1427, located in "Western Ashrain" - in the province of Douami

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4387-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land, owned by instrument no. 39 dated 14-10-1427, located in "Western Ashrain" - in the province of Douami

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4386-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land, owned by instrument No. 3 dated 10-07-1432 located in "South West Khaf" - in the province of Dawadmi

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4386-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land, owned by instrument No. 3 dated 10-07-1432 located in "South West Khaf" - in the province of Dawadmi

Resources Decision No. 01-4385-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 542 / A dated 04-08-1400 located in the city of Buraidah - Qassim

Resources Decision No. 01-4385-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 542 / A dated 04-08-1400 located in the city of Buraidah - Qassim

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4384-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 26-283 dated 29-02-1423 located in the "Qartha" area in Tihama - Asir

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4384-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument No. 26-283 dated 29-02-1423 located in the "Qartha" area in Tihama - Asir

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4383-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of two parts of the land, owned by the instrument No. 50-2 and dated 01-12-1425 in the province of Wadi Al-Dawaser Al-Nuwaimeh Center "in the Riyadh region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4383-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of two parts of the land, owned by the instrument No. 50-2 and dated 01-12-1425 in the province of Wadi Al-Dawaser Al-Nuwaimeh Center "in the Riyadh region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4382-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land, owned in the area of Saaban in the province of Baraq

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4382-1438 dated 15-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land, owned in the area of Saaban in the province of Baraq

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4381-1438 dated 14-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned under the instrument No. 306 dated 19-03-1424 located in "Salhiya" in Qassim

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4381-1438 dated 14-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned under the instrument No. 306 dated 19-03-1424 located in "Salhiya" in Qassim

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4184-1438 dated 8-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of two parts of the land, owned by instrument No. 817 and dated 07-07-1401 located in "Khubat Salihba" in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4184-1438 dated 8-7-1438 regarding the expropriation of two parts of the land, owned by instrument No. 817 and dated 07-07-1401 located in "Khubat Salihba" in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-3499-1438 dated 15-6-1438 regarding the expropriation of land located within the 132 kV aerial platform connecting station No. 9031 in Al-Gathamiya

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-3499-1438 dated 15-6-1438 regarding the expropriation of land located within the 132 kV aerial platform connecting station No. 9031 in Al-Gathamiya

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-3378-1438 dated 10-6-1438 regarding the "Land expropriation Order" for the land plots from 17 to 20 within Al Faisaliah Plan No. V / 27/5 located on King Khalid Road in Al Faisaliah District, In the city of Tabuk

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-3378-1438 dated 10-6-1438 regarding the "Land expropriation Order" for the land plots from 17 to 20 within Al Faisaliah Plan No. V / 27/5 located on King Khalid Road in Al Faisaliah District, In the city of Tabuk

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-3369-1438 dated 10-6-1438H regarding the expropriation of a land plot located within the two 380-kV aerial lines, the first of which connects the independent village station with the "Shud Qom 2 station"

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-3369-1438 dated 10-6-1438H regarding the expropriation of a land plot located within the two 380-kV aerial lines, the first of which connects the independent village station with the "Shud Qom 2 station"

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2392-1438 dated 1-5-1438 regarding the expropriation order of a land plot owned by the instrument No. 223-12 dated 05-02-1410

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2392-1438 dated 1-5-1438 regarding the expropriation order of a land plot owned by the instrument No. 223-12 dated 05-02-1410

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2203-1438 dated 24-4-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2203-1438 dated 24-4-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2199-1438 dated 24-4-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2199-1438 dated 24-4-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1968-1438 dated 12-04-1438H regarding the expropriation of land plots Numbers from 1 to 10 within the scheme number 1104 located in the district of the airport - Zubayr in Medina

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1968-1438 dated 12-04-1438H regarding the expropriation of land plots Numbers from 1 to 10 within the scheme number 1104 located in the district of the airport - Zubayr in Medina

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1767-1438 dated 04-04-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1767-1438 dated 04-04-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1763-1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the cancellation of the decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. 728-1 dated 04-06-1436

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1763-1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the cancellation of the decision of the Minister of Water and Electricity No. 728-1 dated 04-06-1436

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1762-1438 dated 04-04-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1762-1438 dated 04-04-1438H about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1759-1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation an agricultural land plot No. 1 owned by the instrument No. 773106000189 and the date 23-06-1436

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1759-1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation an agricultural land plot No. 1 owned by the instrument No. 773106000189 and the date 23-06-1436

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1751-1438 dated 04-04-1438 about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1751-1438 dated 04-04-1438 about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 3260- 1437 dated 18-9- 1437 regarding the expropriation of the land plot in Al-Baha city - this decision was cancelled under the provisions of the item "First" of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources. Decision No. 01- 1796-1438 dated 05- 04-1438

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 3260- 1437 dated 18-9- 1437 regarding the expropriation of the land plot in Al-Baha city - this decision was cancelled under the provisions of the item "First" of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources. Decision No. 01- 1796-1438 dated 05- 04-1438

Ministry of energy, industry and mineral resources resolution No. 01- 1967- 1438 dated 12-04-1438 concerning the expropriation of part of the land owned by instrument no. 563 dated 14-8-1399

Ministry of energy, industry and mineral resources resolution No. 01- 1967-1438 dated 12-04-1438 concerning the expropriation of part of the land owned by instrument no. 563 dated 14-8-1399

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1798- 1438 dated 05- 04-1438 about the expropriation of an agricultural land plot owned by the instrument 27-4 dated 18-11-1428 located in the "country of al mas-har" in the province of Mahayel

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1798- 1438 dated 05- 04-1438 about the expropriation of an agricultural land plot owned by the instrument 27-4 dated 18-11-1428 located in the "country of al mas-har" in the province of Mahayel

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1796- 1438 dated 05-04-1438 about the repeal of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decree No. 01-3260- 1437 dated 18- 9-1437 regarding the expropriation of the land plot located in Al-Baha

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1796- 1438 dated 05-04-1438 about the repeal of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decree No. 01-3260- 1437 dated 18- 9-1437 regarding the expropriation of the land plot located in Al-Baha

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5848-1438 dated 19-09-1438H on the cancellation of Ministerial Decision No. 271-1 dated 07-04-1437 about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-5848-1438 dated 19-09-1438H on the cancellation of Ministerial Decision No. 271-1 dated 07-04-1437 about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decree No. 01-2871-1439 dated 28-4-1439 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument number 411508002754 dated 18-9-1438 regarding the plots of land no. 44 and No. 45 in the "train station district" In Al-Kharj Governorate - Riyadh Region

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decree No. 01-2871-1439 dated 28-4-1439 regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned by the instrument number 411508002754 dated 18-9-1438 regarding the plots of land no. 44 and No. 45 in the "train station district" In Al-Kharj Governorate - Riyadh Region

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2708-1438 dated 13-5-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-2708-1438 dated 13-5-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1765-1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land located in "Athatyba Village in Ohud Almasarhah Governorate

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1765-1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of part of the land located in "Athatyba Village in Ohud Almasarhah Governorate

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1761-1438 dated 04-04-1438 about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-1761-1438 dated 04-04-1438 about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1797- 1438 dated 05- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1797- 1438 dated 05- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1795- 1438 dated 05- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1795- 1438 dated 05- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01- 1793- 1438) dated 05-04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01- 1793- 1438) dated 05-04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1791- 1438 dated 05- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1791- 1438 dated 05- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1768- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1768- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1760- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1760- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1758- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438H regarding an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1758- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438H regarding an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1757- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1757- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1754- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1754- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1750- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1750- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438H about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1749- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 about an expropriation order

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1749- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1794- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438 regarding the expropriation of lands located within the range of the two Aerial lines with 132 kV that link with Station No. 8851

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1794- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438 regarding the expropriation of lands located within the range of the two Aerial lines with 132 kV that link with Station No. 8851

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1769- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of a land plot owned by instrument no. 227 dated 10/8/1410 located in "Al-Tahahin - Al-Sawan Village" in "Mohail Governorate."

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1769- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of a land plot owned by instrument no. 227 dated 10/8/1410 located in "Al-Tahahin - Al-Sawan Village" in "Mohail Governorate."

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1756- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438 regarding the expropriation of the agricultural land plot No. 31 owned by the instrument No. 311505001203 and dated 9/4/1435 located in the palm resthouses area in Al-Kharj governorate

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1756- 1438 dated 04- 04-1438 regarding the expropriation of the agricultural land plot No. 31 owned by the instrument No. 311505001203 and dated 9/4/1435 located in the palm resthouses area in Al-Kharj governorate

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1753- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of plots of land from 12072 to 12074 - and plots of land from 12080 to 12082, within the plan No. 2745 / A located in "Arid" neighbourhood in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1753- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of plots of land from 12072 to 12074 - and plots of land from 12080 to 12082, within the plan No. 2745 / A located in "Arid" neighbourhood in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1752-1438 dated 04- 04-1438 regarding an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1752-1438 dated 04- 04-1438 regarding an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1748- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of a land plot owned by the instrument No. 460 / S / 30/12 dated 17-05-1433 located in the north of Umm al-Sahek bridge in al-Qatif in the eastern province

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01- 1748- 1438 dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of a land plot owned by the instrument No. 460 / S / 30/12 dated 17-05-1433 located in the north of Umm al-Sahek bridge in al-Qatif in the eastern province

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-3374 - 1438 dated 10-6-1438 about an expropriation order

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-3374 - 1438 dated 10-6-1438 about an expropriation order

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (33) dated 30/01/1406 H on the distribution of housing units, which the government is building in exchange for removing the properties of neighbourhoods, which are to be removed within the cities, and granting the residents of these neighbourhoods, of Saudi citizens who meet the conditions, the priority of moving to the new units

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (33) dated 30/01/1406 H on the distribution of housing units, which the government is building in exchange for removing the properties of neighbourhoods, which are to be removed within the cities, and granting the residents of these neighbourhoods, of Saudi citizens who meet the conditions, the priority of moving to the new units

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 279 dated 08/11/1425 H on the approval of the general frame of the Saudi Building Code

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 279 dated 08/11/1425 H on the approval of the general frame of the Saudi Building Code

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Cablegram No.55922/R dated 23-11-1425 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 279 dated 08/11/1425 H on the approval of the general frame of the Saudi Building Code

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Cablegram No.55922/R dated 23-11-1425 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 279 dated 08/11/1425 H on the approval of the general frame of the Saudi Building Code

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01- 1755- 1438) dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of plots of land from 4699 to 4704 within Plan No. 3020 / E in "Nimar neighborhood" in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01- 1755- 1438) dated 04-04-1438 regarding the expropriation of plots of land from 4699 to 4704 within Plan No. 3020 / E in "Nimar neighborhood" in Riyadh

Cable No. (25552) dated 2/6/1438 H on a copy of the Council of Ministers Decree No. (336) dated 30/5/1438 H about the amendment of the words "representative of the General Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection" contained in the Council of Ministers Decree No. (37) of 27/1/1437 H

Cable No. (25552) dated 2/6/1438 H on a copy of the Council of Ministers Decree No. (336) dated 30/5/1438 H about the amendment of the words "representative of the General Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection" contained in the Council of Ministers Decree No. (37) of 27/1/1437 H

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-997-1440) dated 16-2-1440 H regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned under instrument No. (165-1) dated 30-06-1417 H, located in the province of Zulfi in the Riyadh Region

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-997-1440) dated 16-2-1440 H regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned under instrument No. (165-1) dated 30-06-1417 H, located in the province of Zulfi in the Riyadh Region

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (1/994/1440) dated 16/02/1440 H regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned under the instrument No. (46) dated 15/05/1427 H located in Khabat AlFalq in the Governorate of DAMAD in the Jizan Region

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (1/994/1440) dated 16/02/1440 H regarding the expropriation of part of the land owned under the instrument No. (46) dated 15/05/1427 H located in Khabat AlFalq in the Governorate of DAMAD in the Jizan Region

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No.(01-1206-1440) dated 26-2-1440 H, on the expropriation of part of the land, owned under instrument No. (321002001821) dated 23-07-1438 H, located in ALHIANIYAH neighborhood of in the Governorate of Aljamom

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No.(01-1206-1440) dated 26-2-1440 H, on the expropriation of part of the land, owned under instrument No. (321002001821) dated 23-07-1438 H, located in ALHIANIYAH neighborhood of in the Governorate of Aljamom

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (46) dated 10/02/1399 H on restricting compensation for empty lands to persons who have legal instruments of ownership before the year of 1390 H, but as for land acquired after that date, no compensation shall be paid

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (46) dated 10/02/1399 H on restricting compensation for empty lands to persons who have legal instruments of ownership before the year of 1390 H, but as for land acquired after that date, no compensation shall be paid

Circular No. (381000089828) dated 26/8/1438 H on the registration of mortgages following the basis of the contract

Circular No. (381000089828) dated 26/8/1438 H on the registration of mortgages following the basis of the contract

Royal Court Cable Circular No. (37090) dated 12/6/1438 H on the Council of Ministers Decree No. (292) of 16/5/1438 H about not to consider the lease, which is not registered in the electronic network, a valid contract affecting its administrative and judicial impacts

Royal Court Cable Circular No. (37090) dated 12/6/1438 H on the Council of Ministers Decree No. (292) of 16/5/1438 H about not to consider the lease, which is not registered in the electronic network, a valid contract affecting its administrative and judicial impacts

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No.(01-1207-1440) dated 26-2-1440 H, on the expropriation of part of the land No. 1144 of Plan No. 1-7-120 owned under instrument No. (520126002227) dated 15-02-1438 H, located in the Crown Prince Neighbourhood No. 10 in The City of Mecca

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No.(01-1207-1440) dated 26-2-1440 H, on the expropriation of part of the land No. 1144 of Plan No. 1-7-120 owned under instrument No. (520126002227) dated 15-02-1438 H, located in the Crown Prince Neighbourhood No. 10 in The City of Mecca

Council of Ministers Decision No. 89 dated 28/3/1433 on the right of Saudi women to obtain a housing loan from the Real Estate Development Fund when they are responsible for their families

Council of Ministers Decision No. 89 dated 28/3/1433 on the right of Saudi women to obtain a housing loan from the Real Estate Development Fund when they are responsible for their families

the Capital Market Authority Circular No. 16/7757/6/1 dated 27/12/1437 on non-acceptance of contributions of non-Saudis, in a real estate fund, investing in real estate located within the boundaries of the cities of Mecca and Medina

the Capital Market Authority Circular No. 16/7757/6/1 dated 27/12/1437 on non-acceptance of contributions of non-Saudis, in a real estate fund, investing in real estate located within the boundaries of the cities of Mecca and Medina

Royal Court Circular by Cable No. 56830 dated 7/11/1439 on the Council of Ministers' Decree No. 565 of 4/11/1439

Royal Court Circular by Cable No. 56830 dated 7/11/1439 on the Council of Ministers' Decree No. 565 of 4/11/1439

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram Circular No. (9849/M.B) dated 13/12/1429 H regarding the emphasis on government agencies that the committees for the estimation of properties that were confiscated to be fair in their estimates and that they shall take into account the clearance of liabilities and the maintenance of the State's Assets.

The Court of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Telegram Circular No. (9849/M.B) dated 13/12/1429 H regarding the emphasis on government agencies that the committees for the estimation of properties that were confiscated to be fair in their estimates and that they shall take into account the clearance of liabilities and the maintenance of the State's Assets.

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 1869) dated 18/9/1422 H on the considerations that the legal accountant shall abide by when providing accounting advice in cases before the courts

The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13 / T / 1869) dated 18/9/1422 H on the considerations that the legal accountant shall abide by when providing accounting advice in cases before the courts

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/237/1324 dated 7/11/1437

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/237/1324 dated 7/11/1437

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/59/398 dated 20/5/1437 Concerning the infections of foot and mouth disease in the State of Kuwait

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/59/398 dated 20/5/1437 Concerning the infections of foot and mouth disease in the State of Kuwait

Royal Court Cable No. 3406 issued on 22/1/1439 about the Council of Ministers resolution No. 58 regarding the approval of the amendment of some articles of the "timeshare system in tourist real estate units

Royal Court Cable No. 3406 issued on 22/1/1439 about the Council of Ministers resolution No. 58 regarding the approval of the amendment of some articles of the "timeshare system in tourist real estate units

The Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers' Cable No. 38723 / B dated 20/8/1427 on Resolution No. 206 regarding the support of the "Time-Sharing System in Tourist Real Estate Units

The Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers' Cable No. 38723 / B dated 20/8/1427 on Resolution No. 206 regarding the support of the "Time-Sharing System in Tourist Real Estate Units

Circular No. 351000/511/453 dated 8/7/1439 H on the Board of Directors of the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Technical adopting the Regulation No. M161.17.07.02

Circular No. 351000/511/453 dated 8/7/1439 H on the Board of Directors of the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Technical adopting the Regulation No. M161.17.07.02

Royal Decree Cable No. (47368) dated 21/10/1432 H on the Council of Ministers Decree No. (297) dated 14/10/1432 H on the amendment of the Council of Ministers Decree No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Royal Decree Cable No. (47368) dated 21/10/1432 H on the Council of Ministers Decree No. (297) dated 14/10/1432 H on the amendment of the Council of Ministers Decree No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Council of Ministers Decision No. (297) dated 14/10/1432H on the amendment of the Council of Ministers Decision No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Council of Ministers Decision No. (297) dated 14/10/1432H on the amendment of the Council of Ministers Decision No. (388) of 30/12/1431H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Royal Decree Cable No. (5741) dated 29/1/1437 H on the Council of Ministers Decree No. (37) dated 27/1/1437 H to amend the Council of Ministers Decree No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Royal Decree Cable No. (5741) dated 29/1/1437 H on the Council of Ministers Decree No. (37) dated 27/1/1437 H to amend the Council of Ministers Decree No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Council of Ministers Decision No. (37) dated 27/1/1437 H to amend the Council of Ministers Decision No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Council of Ministers Decision No. (37) dated 27/1/1437 H to amend the Council of Ministers Decision No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Council of Ministers Decision No. (329) of 19/10/1434 H to amend the Council of Ministers Decision No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Council of Ministers Decision No. (329) of 19/10/1434 H to amend the Council of Ministers Decision No. (388) of 30/12/1431 H on the National Committee for Geographic Information Systems

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01/3001/1439) dated on 5/5/1439 H, about expropriating part of plot No.(77) within scheme No. (1/17/41), owned under instrument No. (320107004294)

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01/3001/1439) dated on 5/5/1439 H, about expropriating part of plot No. (77) within scheme No. (1/17/41), owned under instrument No. (320107004294)

The General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage decision to approve the commencement of the expropriation of the heritage building belonging to Hassan bin Abbas bin Mohammed Sharbatli, located in Medina area, in the factory district, Othman bin Affan Street, for the public benefit.

The General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage decision to approve the commencement of the expropriation of the heritage building belonging to Hassan bin Abbas bin Mohammed Sharbatli, located in Medina area, in the factory district, Othman bin Affan Street, for the public benefit.

The mechanism and requirements for registration of real estate ownership at the Ministry of Justice on 26/3/1439 H

The mechanism and requirements for registration of real estate ownership at the Ministry of Justice on 26/3/1439 H

Royal Decree Cable No. 49363 issued on 3/12/1435 H about the Council of Ministers Decree No. 443 regarding the approval of the amendment of some articles of the "Time-Sharing System in Tourist Real Estate Units

Royal Decree Cable No. 49363 issued on 3/12/1435 H about the Council of Ministers Decree No. 443 regarding the approval of the amendment of some articles of the "Time-Sharing System in Tourist Real Estate Units

Decree No. (245) of 9 / 5 / 1440 H of the approval of the income limit of the natural person who is entitled to housing support

The income limit of the natural Saudi person entitled to the subsidy, referred to in the definition of (entitled to support) in Article (1) of the Real Estate Finance Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 50) dated 13/8/1433 H

Circular No. (1850194/38) dated on 14/5/1438 H, about lease cases, petitions for eviction of real estate and the possibility of unifying the consideration of both types of suits at a one judicial circuit court

Circular No. (1850194/38( dated on 14/5/1438 H, about lease cases, petitions for eviction of real estate and the possibility of unifying the consideration of both types of suits at a one judicial circuit court

Circular of the Ministry of Education No. (361529887) dated 8/8/1436 H regarding the organization of educational organization

Circular of the Ministry of Education No. (361529887) dated 8/8/1436 H regarding the organization of educational organization

Circular of the office of the Prime Minister No. 43723 / R dated 28/9/1427 regarding the punishment of non-Saudi who violates the system of non-Saudi ownership of real estate and investment

Circular of the office of the Prime Minister No. 43723 / R dated 28/9/1427 regarding the punishment of non-Saudi who violates the system of non-Saudi ownership of real estate and investment

Decision of the Ministry of Housing to adopt the rules governing the sale or lease on the map of small and medium enterprises published on 8/7/1440 H in the issue 4770

Decision of the Ministry of Housing to adopt the rules governing the sale or lease on the map of small and medium enterprises published on 8/7/1440 H in the issue 4770

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-3845-1440) dated 19/6/1440 H, regarding the expropriation of part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (361509004406) and of 16-09-1439, located west of station No. (9059) (380) Kf) in the east of Anayza named Kaheef in the province of Ain

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-3845-1440) dated 19/6/1440 H, regarding the expropriation of part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (361509004406) and of 16-09-1439, located west of station No. (9059) (380) Kf) in the east of Anayza named Kaheef in the province of Ain

Decree of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-3847-1440) dated 19/6/1440 H, the expropriation of part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (371405001393) and the date of 02-07-1435h located in the southern side of of Al-Aqir in the village of Al-Husn highest honor in the city Abha

Decree of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-3847-1440) dated 19/6/1440 H, the expropriation of part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (371405001393) and the date of 02-07-1435h located in the southern side of of Al-Aqir in the village of Al-Husn highest honor in the city Abha

Circular of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. (103631) dated 19/3/1438 H regarding fragmentation of agriculture lands

Circular of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. (103631) dated 19/3/1438 H regarding fragmentation of agriculture lands

Decision of the council of ministers No. 155 dated 28/2 / 1438H to maintain the Central Unit of the Saudi Building Code in the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and to form a working team by the Saudi National Code of Building and cancel Articles (3) and (4) of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (459)

Decision of the council of ministers No. 155 dated 28/2 / 1438H to maintain the Central Unit of the Saudi Building Code in the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and to form a working team by the Saudi National Code of Building and cancel Articles (3) and (4) of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (459)

Council of Ministers Decision No. 312 dated 07-06-1440 H. to add a representative from the National Cybersecurity Authority to the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics

Council of Ministers Decision No. 312 dated 07-06-1440 H. to add a representative from the National Cybersecurity Authority to the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No.(01-3320-1440) dated 26/5/1440 H regarding the expropriation of two parts of the agricultural plot located in the Aqol district in Madinah, owned under Instrument No. (340119005072) dated 22-11-1438 H.

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No.(01-3320-1440) dated 26/5/1440 H regarding the expropriation of two parts of the agricultural plot located in the Aqol district in Madinah, owned under Instrument No. (340119005072) dated 22-11-1438 H.

The Royal Decree as per the latest amendment - Royal Decree No.(44) dated 29/11/1377 H on the fee to be collected on sales of Real Estate of Foreigners.

The Royal Decree as per the latest amendment - Royal Decree No.(44) dated 29/11/1377 H on the fee to be collected on sales of Real Estate of Foreigners.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 149 dated 25-11-1377 H on the fee to be collected on sales of Real Estate of Foreigners.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 149 dated 25-11-1377 H on the fee to be collected on sales of Real Estate of Foreigners.

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (262) dated 16- 5-1440 H on the amendment of Decree No. (433) dated 18-10-1436 H on the arrangements regarding the leasing of land and coasts and the prevention of the expropriation thereof, which provides an outlet in them for the public

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (262) dated 16- 5-1440 H on the amendment of Decree No. (433) dated 18-10-1436 H on the arrangements regarding the leasing of land and coasts and the prevention of the expropriation thereof, which provides an outlet in them for the public

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (262) dated 16/5/1440 H on amendments to the arrangements for the leasing of the beach and coastal lands and excluding fish investment projects through the use of modern closed systems

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (262) dated 16/5/1440 H on amendments to the arrangements for the leasing of the beach and coastal lands and excluding fish investment projects through the use of modern closed systems

The Council of Ministers Resolution No.(245) dated 9/5/1440 H about the determination of the income of the natural Saudi person due to aid that is provided for in the real estate finance system of 1433 H

The Council of Ministers Resolution No.(245) dated 9/5/1440 H about the determination of the income of the natural Saudi person due to aid that is provided for in the real estate finance system of 1433 H

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01/-2858/1440) dated 10/05/1440 H about the expropriation of part of the land No. 4, owned under instrument No. (920702002454) dated 20/10/1436 H, located in the industrial area, named “Qasa’an”, eastern on Taif Governorate

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01/-2858/1440) dated 10/05/1440 H about the expropriation of part of the land No. 4, owned under instrument No. (920702002454) dated 20/10/1436 H, located in the industrial area, named “Qasa’an”, eastern on Taif Governorate

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-2859-1440) dated 10-5-1440 H regarding the expropriation of land located within the designated route, part of the two lines, the first line linking the central Tabuk station with the Tabuk-4 station

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-2859-1440) dated 10-5-1440 H regarding the expropriation of land located within the designated route, part of the two lines, the first line linking the central Tabuk station with the Tabuk-4 station

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (1-2471-1440) dated 25/4/1440 H about the cancellation of the expropriation of lands located within the area dedicated to the route of the power line, which connects between Station ( 9034 ) in the ARQA neighbourhood to Station ( 8171 ) in Al Khuzama neighbourhood In Riyadh, issued under Resolution No. (01-6345-1438) dated 29-10-1438 H

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (1-2471-1440) dated 25/4/1440 H about the cancellation of the expropriation of lands located within the area dedicated to the route of the power line, which connects between Station ( 9034 ) in the ARQA neighbourhood to Station ( 8171 ) in Al Khuzama neighbourhood In Riyadh, issued under Resolution No. (01-6345-1438) dated 29-10-1438 H

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (1-2472-1440) dated 25/04/1440 H about the expropriation of the real estate, located within the area dedicated to the aerial power line, located between Station (9034) in ARQA neighbourhood to Tower / 9 / and the Area of Awad

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (1-2472-1440) dated 25/04/1440 H about the expropriation of the real estate, located within the area dedicated to the aerial power line, located between Station (9034) in ARQA neighbourhood to Tower / 9 / and the Area of Awad

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (59890/99) dated 25/4/1440 H on the controls regarding the acquirement by banks and mortgage companies for real estate located within the cities of Mecca and Medina

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (59890/99) dated 25/4/1440 H on the controls regarding the acquirement by banks and mortgage companies for real estate located within the cities of Mecca and Medina

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (1/-2284/1440) dated 16/02/1440 H about the expropriation of part of the land owned under instrument No. (7) dated 16/04/1427 H located in Al-Muntashir Salowh in the Governorate of Habounna in Najran Region

The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (1/-2284/1440) dated 16/02/1440 H about the expropriation of part of the land owned under instrument No. (7) dated 16/04/1427 H located in Al-Muntashir Salowh in the Governorate of Habounna in Najran Region

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (157/201803) dated on 27/6/1439 H corresponding to 15/3/2018 regarding insurance coverage of the actual user in vehicular rental and financial lease

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (157/201803) dated on 27/6/1439 H corresponding to 15/3/2018 regarding insurance coverage of the actual user in vehicular rental and financial lease

Circular No. 13 / T / 3321 dated 10/2 / 1429H on the confidential Supreme Order No. 788 / M B and dated 1/2 / 1429H

Circular No. 13 / T / 3321 dated 10/2 / 1429H on the confidential Supreme Order No. 788 / M B and dated 1/2 / 1429H

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (318) of 18/6/1439 H on approving the rules organising the works of the National Committee for Geographical Names

The Council of Ministers Decision No. (318) of 18/6/1439 H on approving the rules organising the works of the National Committee for Geographical Names

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01-4526-1439) dated 26/06/1439 H regarding the expropriation of a land-plot owned by instrument number 411502002233

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01-4526-1439) dated 26/06/1439 H regarding the expropriation of a land-plot owned by instrument number 411502002233

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01/4561/1439) dated 29/06/1439 H regarding the expropriation of a land plot located in Al-Faisaliah district, Khulais province, Makkah Region

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. (01/4561/1439) dated 29/06/1439 H regarding the expropriation of a land plot located in Al-Faisaliah district, Khulais province, Makkah Region

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4562-1439 dated 29/06/1439 H regarding the expropriation of two land plots, called " Almadra ", located in the village of " Al-Felt ", Abha city

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4562-1439 dated 29/06/1439 H regarding the expropriation of two land plots, called " Almadra ", located in the village of " Al-Felt ", Abha city

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4945-1439 dated 16/07/1439 H regarding the expropriation of a part of the land plot located in the valley of Lomeh, in Al-Mothailif

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Decision No. 01-4945-1439 dated 16/07/1439 H regarding the expropriation of a part of the land plot located in the valley of Lomeh, in Al-Mothailif

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (2133/378/3501000) dated 26/3/1438 H on the issuance of a number of technical regulations adopted by the Board of Directors of the Authority at the meeting No. 156

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. (2133/378/3501000) dated 26/3/1438 H on the issuance of a number of technical regulations adopted by the Board of Directors of the Authority at the meeting No. 156

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decree No. 20353 dated 1/9/1431 H on the approval of an ordinance regarding the municipal license for professions and crafts

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decree No. 20353 dated 1/9/1431 H on the approval of an ordinance regarding the municipal license for professions and crafts

Water and energy conservation requirements issued by the National Committee for the Saudi Building Code

Water and energy conservation requirements issued by the National Committee for the Saudi Building Code

Fire protection requirements issued by the national committee for the Saudi Building Code

Fire protection requirements issued by the national committee for the Saudi Building Code

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/328/1809 dated 7/2/1438 on the letter of the General Organization for Statistics No. 387/213/38 dated 1/2 / 1438H

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/328/1809 dated 7/2/1438 on the letter of the General Organization for Statistics No. 387/213/38 dated 1/2 / 1438H

Al Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/139/1739 dated 30/1 / 1438H on the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. 310 dated 26/10/1438 AH

Al Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/139/1739 dated 30/1 / 1438H on the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. 310 dated 26/10/1438 AH

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular no. (3501000/89/579) dated15/6/1437 H on the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (1640) dated 12/6/1437 H

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular no. (3501000/89/579) dated 15/6/1437 H on the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (1640) dated 12/6/1437 H

Al-Sharqia Chamber Circular No. (3501000/258/1414) dated 27/11/1437 H on the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (3261) dated 25/11/1437 H

Al-Sharqia Chamber Circular No. (3501000/258/1414) dated 27/11/1437 H on the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (3261) dated 25/11/1437 H

The Council of the Saudi Chambers Letter No. 3261 dated 25/11 / 1437H on a letter issued by the Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (SARB \ ECON \ BC \ 2016 dated 16 August 2016)

The Council of the Saudi Chambers Letter No. 3261 dated 25/11 / 1437H on a letter issued by the Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (SARB \ ECON \ BC \ 2016 dated 16 August 2016)

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/167/1016 dated 18/8/1437 AH on the construction of a new building for the offices of the General Consulate of the United States of America in Dhahran

Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 3501000/167/1016 dated 18/8/1437 AH on the construction of a new building for the offices of the General Consulate of the United States of America in Dhahran

Royal Decree No. M/61 dated 18/9/1427

Article 2: Except where the regulations provide for their housing, the housing of the residents shall not be considered as a need to lease. If the purpose of the rental is housing, the regulations require housing, it is not permissible to increase the amount paid by the governmental entity for the benefit of the rent or others on the monetary housing allowance of the beneficiary at the time of lease or renewal.

Royal decree (M / 4) dated on 12 / 2 / 1437 AH

the approval of the law of Vacant land fees, as accompanying.

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-4991-1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH, expropriating the land owned by the instrument No. (221701000385) dated 20-8-1439 AH, which is located in Shahwaniyah, Khulais, Makkah

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-4991-1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH, expropriating the land owned by the instrument No. (221701000385) dated 20-8-1439 AH, which is located in Shahwaniyah, Khulais, Makkah

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-4989-1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH, expropriating part of the plot of land located in Al-Mughmis in Makkah owned by the instrument No. (520119000578) dated 18-03-1434H, overlapping with the campus of the two airlines Two antennas (380 kV

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-4989-1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH, expropriating part of the plot of land located in Al-Mughmis in Makkah owned by the instrument No. (520119000578) dated 18-03-1434H, overlapping with the campus of the two airlines Two antennas (380 kV

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-4988-1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH, expropriating two parts of the land owned by the instrument No. (120-274-6) dated 30-02-1419 AH located in Al Jdaib south of the Inspection Center in the governorate Al - Leith in Makkah

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-4988-1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH, expropriating two parts of the land owned by the instrument No. (120-274-6) dated 30-02-1419 AH located in Al Jdaib south of the Inspection Center in the governorate Al - Leith in Makkah

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01 - 4986 - 1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH to expropriate the ownership of parcel No. (152) located south of the airport in Riyadh owned by the instrument No. (1150-3) and the date of 23-07-1401 AH, overlapping with Overhead Line Campus Voltage (380)

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01 - 4986 - 1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH to expropriate the ownership of parcel No. (152) located south of the airport in Riyadh owned by the instrument No. (1150-3) and the date of 23-07-1401 AH, overlapping with Overhead Line Campus Voltage (380)

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-4990-1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (130-274-6) dated 3-03-1419 H located in Al Jdaib south of the Inspection Center in Al - Laith Governorate in Makkah Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-4990-1440) dated 6/8/1440 AH expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (130-274-6) dated 3-03-1419 H located in Al Jdaib south of the Inspection Center in Al - Laith Governorate in Makkah Region

The Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 554 of 23/9/1440 AH Amending the Organization of Housing Support Issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (82) of 5/3/1435 AH

The Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 554 of 23/9/1440 AH Amending the Organization of Housing Support Issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (82) of 5/3/1435 AH

Telegram of the Royal Court No. 55155 dated 28/9/1440 AH on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 544 dated 23/9/1440 AH amending the Organization of Housing Support issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 82 dated 5/3/1435 AH

Telegram of the Royal Court No. 55155 dated 28/9/1440 AH on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 544 dated 23/9/1440 AH amending the Organization of Housing Support issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 82 dated 5/3/1435 AH

Letter of the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers No. 8481 dated 24/9/1440 AH on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 544 dated 23/9/1440 AH amending the regulation of housing support issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 82 dated 5/3/1435 AH

Letter of the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers No. 8481 dated 24/9/1440 AH on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 544 dated 23/9/1440 AH amending the regulation of housing support issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 82 dated 5/3/1435 AH

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/4694/1440) dated 21/7/1440 H to expropriate two parts of the residential plot owned by the instrument No. (32010600850) dated 29/5/1435 H, which is located in alsharayie at the right of who heading to Taif from Al Sail Road in Makkah

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/4694/1440) dated 21/7/1440 H to expropriate two parts of the residential plot owned by the instrument No. (32010600850) dated 29/5/1435 H, which is located in alsharayie at the right of who heading to Taif from Al Sail Road in Makkah

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/4702/1440) dated 24/7/1440 H, expropriating two parts of the land no. (69) of the Plan No. (201) owned by the instrument No. (37/8) dated 22/3/1426 H , Located in al-Waseel within the scope of the town of Uyaynah and Jubaylah, Riyadh Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/4702/1440) dated 24/7/1440 H, expropriating two parts of the land No. (69) of the Plan No. (201) owned by the instrument No. (37/8) dated 22/3/1426 H , Located in al-Waseel within the scope of the town of Uyaynah and Jubaylah, Riyadh Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01 / 4735 / 1440) dated 24/7/1440 H to Expropriation of two parts of the plot of land No. (70) of the planned number (201) owned under Instrument No. (8/39) dated 22/3/1426 H, located Balusil within the town eyelet Jubaila in Riyadh region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01 / 4735 / 1440) dated 24/7/1440 H to Expropriation of two parts of the plot of land No. (70) of the planned number (201) owned under Instrument No. (8/39) dated 22/3/1426 H, located Balusil within the town eyelet Jubaila in Riyadh region

Decision of Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/4695/1440) dated 21/7/1440 H, expropriating two parts of the plot no. (71) of the Plan No. (201) owned by the instrument No. (40/8) dated 22/3/ 1426 H, located in alwasil within the scope of the town of Uyaynah and Jubaylah, Riyadh Region

Decision of Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/4695/1440) dated 21/7/1440 H, expropriating two parts of the plot no. (71) of the Plan No. (201) owned by the instrument No. (40/8) dated 22/3/ 1426 H, located in alwasil within the scope of the town of Uyaynah and Jubaylah, Riyadh Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/4693/1440) dated 21/7/1440 H, expropriating two parts of the plot no. (73) Of Plan No. (201) owned by the instrument no. (8/13) dated 12-3-1421 H located at Al-wasil within the town eyelet Jubaila area - Riyadh Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/4693/1440) dated 21/7/1440 H, expropriating two parts of the plot no. (73) Of Plan No. (201) owned by the instrument no. (8/13) dated 12-3-1421 H located at Al-wasil within the town eyelet Jubaila area - Riyadh Region

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (2394958-37) dated 28/6/1437 H on the opening of the department competent to hear cases related to real estate contributions

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (2394958-37) dated 28/6/1437 H on the opening of the department competent to hear cases related to real estate contributions

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (445) of 4/8/1440 H approving the Addition of a Representative of the Ministry of Culture to the Membership of the National Committee for Geographical Names Issued in Decision No. (318) of 18/6/1439 H

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (445) of 4/8/1440 H approving the Addition of a Representative of the Ministry of Culture to the Membership of the National Committee for Geographical Names Issued in Decision No. (318) of 18/6/1439 H

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (5251) dated 3/3/1440 H, expropriating part of the property of the citizens / Ali and Zahir son of Mohammed bin Ali Al Mahdi Al-Ghamdi in favor of the road from King Khalid road leading to King Saud road

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (5251) dated 3/3/1440 H, expropriating part of the property of the citizens / Ali and Zahir son of Mohammed bin Ali Al Mahdi Al-Ghamdi in favor of the road from King Khalid road leading to King Saud road

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (8343) dated 4/4 / 1440H for expropriating part of the property of citizens / Saeed and Khalid Ibn Attia bin Abdullah Al Sadran Al-Ghamdi in favor of regulating the path of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Road in Al-Baha city

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (8343) dated 4/4 / 1440H for expropriating part of the property of citizens / Saeed and Khalid Ibn Attia bin Abdullah Al Sadran Al-Ghamdi in favor of regulating the path of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Road in Al-Baha city

Decision of the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (14216) dated 8/6 /1440 H for the Expropriation of Real Estate Parts Numbers (51-52-53-54-56-57) in favor of the road linking King Fahd Road and the Ring Road in Al Baha City

Decision of the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (14216) dated 8/6 /1440 H for the Expropriation of Real Estate Parts Numbers (51-52-53-54-56-57) in favor of the road linking King Fahd Road and the Ring Road in Al Baha City

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (459) of 2/11/1436 H Amending the General Plan of the National Committee of the Saudi Building Code Issued by Decree No. (174)of 15/6/1422 H

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (459) of 2/11/1436 H Amending the General Plan of the National Committee of the Saudi Building Code Issued by Decree No. (174) of 15/6/1422 H

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-5446-1440) dated 23-08-1440 H, expropriating part of the plot of land located in the east of a local village in Jazan region owned by the instrument No. (8) dated 27-01-1426 H, overlapping with the campus The )132 KV( overhead line between Tower (6) and Tower (7) which connects Jazan Central Station with South Jazan Station in Jazan

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-5446-1440) dated 23-08-1440 H, expropriating part of the plot of land located in the east of a local village in Jazan region owned by the instrument No. (8) dated 27-01-1426 H, overlapping with the campus The )132 KV( overhead line between Tower (6) and Tower (7) which connects Jazan Central Station with South Jazan Station in Jazan

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5443/1440) dated 23/08/1440 H, expropriating part of the agricultural plot located in Al-Mujaybah in Qena of Muhayil Aseer governorate owned by the instrument No. (95) dated 08/05/1424 H. And interlaced with the air line campus

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5443/1440) dated 23/08/1440 H, expropriating part of the agricultural plot located in Al-Mujaybah in Qena of Muhayil Aseer governorate owned by the instrument No. (95) dated 08/05/1424 H. And interlaced with the air line campus

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5445/1440) dated 23/08/1440 H to expropriate part of the plot of land located in the east of a local village in Jazan region owned by instrument No. (66) dated 12/08/1425 H, overlapping with the campus The (132 kV) overhead line between tower (6) and tower (8) which connects Jazan Central Station with South Jazan Station in Jazan

Decision of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5445/1440) dated 23/08/1440 H to expropriate part of the plot of land located in the east of a local village in Jazan region owned by instrument No. (66) dated 12/08/1425 H, overlapping with the campus The (132 kV) overhead line between tower (6) and tower (8) which connects Jazan Central Station with South Jazan Station in Jazan

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5447/1440) dated 23/08/1440 H, expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (38174780) dated 17/05/1438 H, located in Al Faisaliah district of Khulais

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5447/1440) dated 23/08/1440 H, expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (38174780) dated 17/05/1438 H, located in Al Faisaliah district of Khulais

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01 / 4046 / 1440) dated 27/6/1440 H, expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument no. (588/4) and the date 04/11/1401 H, located in Nfod Almeredsah west of the city of Buraydah in Qassim Area

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01 / 4046 / 1440) dated 27/6/1440 H, expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument no. (588/4) and the date 04/11/1401 H, located in Nfod Almeredsah west of the city of Buraydah in Qassim Area

Resolution No. (387) dated 5/7/1440 H Review the organizational status of the State Land Commission

The State Land Committee shall study the matters referred to it by the High Court, the Council of Ministers, the Council for Economic Affairs and Development or the General Committee of the Council of Ministers.

Ministerial Telegraphic Order No. 4625 dated 25/1/1438 regarding the request of the Ministry of Housing to allocate land in Riyadh

Ministerial Telegraphic Order No. 4625 dated 25/1/1438 regarding the request of the Ministry of Housing to allocate land in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-3724-1440) dated (14-6-1440 H) expropriating the land that the pipeline is going to construct from the petroleum products distribution station north of Jeddah to Yanbu refinery

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Resolution No. (01-3724-1440) dated (14-6-1440 H) expropriating the land that the pipeline is going to construct from the petroleum products distribution station north of Jeddah to Yanbu refinery

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (507) of 2/9/1440 H on the assumption by the General Authority of Real Estate of the powers prescribed by law in relation to the in-kind registration of the property

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (507) of 2/9/1440 H on the assumption by the General Authority of Real Estate of the powers prescribed by law in relation to the in-kind registration of the property

Decree of the Minister of Housing No. (550) dated 3/10/1440 H approving the rules of implementation of the regulation to stimulate the development of white lands

Decree of the Minister of Housing No. (550) dated 3/10/1440 H approving the rules of implementation of the regulation to stimulate the development of white lands

Royal Court telegram No. 35610 dated 19/7/1439 AH regarding the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 391 dated 17/7/1439 AH extending the work of the soft mortgage program for two years

Royal Court telegram No. 35610 dated 19/7/1439 AH regarding the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 391 dated 17/7/1439 AH extending the work of the soft mortgage program for two years

Circular of the Royal Telegraphic Court No. (16397) dated 6/4/1438 on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (209) dated 4/4/1438 H on the implementation by the General Statistics Authority of the General Census of Population and Housing

Circular of the Royal Telegraphic Court No. (16397) dated 6/4/1438 on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (209) dated 4/4/1438 H on the implementation by the General Statistics Authority of the General Census of Population and Housing

Decision of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5339/1440) dated 18/8/1440 H to expropriate part of the plot of land located in the east of a local village in Jazan region based on the instrument No. (9) dated 27/1/1426 H

Decision of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5339/1440) dated 18/8/1440 H to expropriate part of the plot of land located in the east of a local village in Jazan region based on the instrument No. (9) dated 27/1/1426 H

Decree of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-5338-1440) dated 18/8/1440 H to expropriate part of the so-called Hadiya and Tartiliya land located in Al-Raja'a in Khulais governorate owned by the instrument No. (47) dated 13-3-1383 H

Decree of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-5338-1440) dated 18/8/1440 H to expropriate part of the so-called Hadiya and Tartiliya land located in Al-Raja'a in Khulais governorate owned by the instrument No. (47) dated 13-3-1383 H

Decision of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-5327-1440) dated 18/8 / 1440 H for expropriating part of the plot of land located in the almaghmis in Makkah Al-Mukarramah owned by the instrument No. (182-584-13) dated 14-7-1431H And intermingled with the sanctuary of the two air parallel lines

Decision of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-5327-1440) dated 18/8/1440 H for expropriating part of the plot of land located in the almaghmis in Makkah Al-Mukarramah owned by the instrument No. (182/584/13) dated 14/7/1431 H And intermingled with the sanctuary of the two air parallel lines

Decision of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5165/1440) dated 12/8 /1440 H for expropriating part of the plot no. (4) of Plan No. (2135) owned by the instrument No. (16/1) dated 16/2 /1423 H, located northwest of the Qurayyat panel in Qurayyat

Decision of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5165/1440) dated 12/8 /1440 H for expropriating part of the plot no. (4) of Plan No. (2135) owned by the instrument No. (16/1) dated 16/2 /1423 H, located northwest of the Qurayyat panel in Qurayyat

Decision of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5164/1440) dated 12/8 / 1440 H for expropriating part of the agricultural land located in the Petra Center of Al-Nabhaniyah Governorate in Al-Qassim region owned by the instrument No. (764101000730) dated 22/1/1439 H

Decision of the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/5164/1440) dated 12/8 / 1440 H for expropriating part of the agricultural land located in the Petra Center of Al-Nabhaniyah Governorate in Al-Qassim region owned by the instrument No. (764101000730) dated 22/1/1439 H

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (594) of 17/9/1438 H Appointing His Excellency the Minister of Housing as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Mortgage Refinance Company for one period only

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (594) of 17/9/1438 H Appointing His Excellency the Minister of Housing as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Mortgage Refinance Company for one period only

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (391) dated 17/7/1439 H, extending the soft mortgage program for two years

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (391) dated 17/7/1439 H, extending the soft mortgage program for two years

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (238) of 25/4/1438 H to submit the semi-annual reports prepared by the Committee on Real Estate Contributions on its work to the Council of Economic Affairs and Development

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (238) of 25/4/1438 H to submit the semi-annual reports prepared by the Committee on Real Estate Contributions on its work to the Council of Economic Affairs and Development

Resolution No. (525) and the date of 9 / 9 / 1440 H Add paragraph (3) to clause (eighth) of the controls Related to the sale or rental of real estate units on a map

The Council of Ministers Decide Adding a paragraph number (3) to the clause (eighth) of the controls related to the sale or lease of real estate units on the map

Decree No. (M /85) of 2/7/1441 H approving the Law of ownership, subdivision and management of real estate units

Article 2: 1- Every landowner with an instrument that meets the legal and statuary requirements has the right to build a building on the land and subdividing it into subdivided units, and he may issue a title deed for each separated real estate unit, according to the approved legal procedures. 2- The numbered real estate units in jointly owned property shall be numbered sequentially, so that one number for two units subdivided is not repeated.

Cabinet Resolution No. (440) of 1/7/1441 H approving the Law of ownership, subdivision and management of real estate units

First: Approval of the law of real estate ownership, subdivision and management of real estate units, in the accompanying form.

Royal Court Circular No. (41028) dated 3/7/1441 H approving the Law of ownership, subdivision and management of real estate units

First: Approval of the law of real estate ownership, subdivision and management of real estate units, in the form accompanying the decision.

Ministry of Housing Decision No. 4326 dated 3-8-1435 H amending some articles of the Implementing regulations for organizing housing support issued by Resolution No. 82 of 3/5/1435 H

Article 1: A. The term "organization" wherever it is mentioned in this regulation means "housing support organization" issued by Cabinet Resolution No. 82 of 5/3/1435 H and the amendments that occur to it.

High Order No. 40152 dated 29/6/1441 regarding the regulation on the disposal of municipal real estate

High Order No. 40152 dated 29/6/1441 regarding the regulation on the disposal of municipal real estate

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-7359-1440) dated 25/11/1440 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (1-27) dated 13-03-1422 H, located in EL-KHALEEl, in Nafud, west of Az Zulfi in an area Riyadh

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01-7359-1440) dated 25/11/1440 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (1-27) dated 13-03-1422 H, located in EL-KHALEEl, in Nafud, west of Az Zulfi in an area Riyadh

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/7467/1440) dated 29/11/1440 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by instrument No. (81) dated 19/08/1427 H, located in Khabat al-Falaq, in Tahiriyah, Damad Governorate, Jazan region

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/7467/1440) dated 29/11/1440 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by instrument No. (81) dated 19/08/1427 H, located in Khabat al-Falaq, in Tahiriyah, Damad Governorate, Jazan region

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/7422/1440) dated 28/11/1440 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (285) dated 28/07/1404 H, called Wasia located in the country of Rabi'a al-Muqatrah in Bariq Governorate

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01/7422/1440) dated 28/11/1440 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (285) dated 28/07/1404 H, called Wasia located in the country of Rabi'a al-Muqatrah in Bariq Governorate

Cabinet Resolution No. (440) of 1/7/1441 H approving the law of ownership, sorting and management of real estate units

Cabinet Resolution No. (440) of 1/7/1441 H approving the law of ownership, sorting and management of real estate units

Royal Court Circular No. (41028) dated 3/7/1441 H approving the law of ownership, sorting and management of real estate units

Royal Court Circular No. (41028) dated 3/7/1441 H approving the law of ownership, sorting and management of real estate units

Royal Decree No. (34738) dated 4/6/1441 H to stop granting lands in the city of Riyadh, to stop building permits east of Riyadh, and to compensate owners and grantees therein

Royal Decree No. (34738) dated 4/6/1441 H to stop granting lands in the city of Riyadh, to stop building permits east of Riyadh, and to compensate owners and grantees therein

Ministry of Commerce and Investment Decision No. 38299 dated 5/6/1440 AH, implementing the General Requirements Regulations for the Appointment of Inspection Bodies and Inspectors for the Works of the Saudi Building Code Issued by Royal Decree No. M / 43 dated 26/4/1438 AH

Ministry of Commerce and Investment Decision No. 38299 dated 5/6/1440 AH, implementing the General Requirements Regulations for the Appointment of Inspection Bodies and Inspectors for the Works of the Saudi Building Code Issued by Royal Decree No. M / 43 dated 26/4/1438 AH

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6547) dated 16/2/1438 H on the resolve of infringements on government land

Circular of the Ministry of Justice No. (13 / T / 6547) dated 16/2/1438 H on the resolve of infringements on government land

Telegram of the Royal Court No. (5144) dated 28/1/1438 H regarding the infringement on government lands without right

Telegram of the Royal Court No. (5144) dated 28/1/1438 H regarding the infringement on government lands without right

Letter of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers No. (4642) dated 21/10/1437 H on the imposition of penalties on those who infringe on government land without right

Letter of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers No. (4642) dated 21/10/1437 H on the imposition of penalties on those who infringe on government land without right

Minutes of the meeting of the Expert Council of the Council of Ministers No. (904) dated 25/9/1437 H regarding the imposition of sanctions on those who infringe on government land without right

Minutes of the meeting of the Expert Council of the Council of Ministers No. (904) dated 25/9/1437 H regarding the imposition of sanctions on those who infringe on government land without right

Letter of the Secretary of the Holy Capital No. (390094318) dated 20/10/1440 H regarding the non-issuance of building permits for lands that are not within an approved scheme

Letter of the Secretary of the Holy Capital No. (390094318) dated 20/10/1440 H regarding the non-issuance of building permits for lands that are not within an approved scheme

Circular of the Engineering Offices Unit No. (400102037) dated 29/10/1440 H regarding the non-issuance of building permits for lands that are not within an approved scheme.

Circular of the Engineering Offices Unit No. (400102037) dated 29/10/1440 H regarding the non-issuance of building permits for lands that are not within an approved scheme.

Circular of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (45805) dated 1/9 /1440 H on addressing the difficulties facing the secretariats in implementing the Ministerial Circular No. (42529) of 6/9 /1439 H and the executive mechanism

Circular of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs No. (45805) dated 1/9 /1440 H on addressing the difficulties facing the secretariats in implementing the Ministerial Circular No. (42529) of 6/9 /1439 H and the executive mechanism

Circular of the Undersecretary of the Holy Capital for Reconstruction No. (4000102037) dated 28/10/1440 H regarding the non-issuance of building permits for lands that are not within an approved scheme

Circular of the Undersecretary of the Holy Capital for Reconstruction No. (4000102037) dated 28/10/1440 H regarding the non-issuance of building permits for lands that are not within an approved scheme

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (648) dated 13/11/1440 H regarding the emptying of the lands deeds of the first industrial cities in Riyadh and Dammam in the name of state properties for the benefit of the Saudi Commission for Industrial Estates and Technology Zones

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (648) dated 13/11/1440 H regarding the emptying of the lands deeds of the first industrial cities in Riyadh and Dammam in the name of state properties for the benefit of the Saudi Commission for Industrial Estates and Technology Zones

Council of ministers Resolution No. 476 dated 18/8/1440 AH approving the National Strategy for Statistical Development

Council of ministers Resolution No. 476 dated 18/8/1440 AH approving the National Strategy for Statistical Development

The Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (209) of 4/4/1438 H on the Implementation of the Population and Housing Census by the General Statistics Authority for 1441 H

The Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (209) of 4/4/1438 H on the Implementation of the Population and Housing Census by the General Statistics Authority for 1441 H

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (304) of 11/5/1441 H regarding organizational arrangements to compensate the beneficiaries of the (Nabd Qiran) real estate project north of Riyadh

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (304) of 11/5/1441 H regarding organizational arrangements to compensate the beneficiaries of the (Nabd Qiran) real estate project north of Riyadh

Decision of the General Real Estate Authority of the State No. (1/1/3/1) dated 5/11/1440 H approved by the Decision of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee No. (Q/2 / 2/2019) dated 8/4/1441 H to issue the administrative regulations of the General Authority of State Real Estate

Decision of the General Real Estate Authority of the State No. (1/1/3/1) dated 5/11/1440 H approved by the Decision of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee No. (Q/2/2/2019) dated 8/4/1441 H to issue the administrative regulations of the General Authority of State Real Estate

The Professional Conduct Regulations issued by the General Authority of State Real Estate Decision No. (1/1/3/1) dated 5/11/1440 H approved by the Decision of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee No. (Q2 / 2/2019) dated 8/4/1441 H

The Professional Conduct Regulations issued by the General Authority of State Real Estate Decision No. (1/1/3/1) dated 5/11/1440 H approved by the Decision of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee No. (Q2/2/2019) dated 8/4/1441 H

Resolution of the Minister of Energy No. (01-4106-1441) dated 24/5/1441 AH on expropriating part of the plot No. (32) of the scheme No. (3223) according to the instrument No. (910113015303) dated 10/4/1429 AH

Resolution of the Minister of Energy No. (01-4106-1441) dated 24/5/1441 AH on expropriating part of the plot No. (32) of the scheme No. (3223) according to the instrument No. (910113015303) dated 10/4/1429 AH

Cabinet Resolution No. (658) dated 24/10/1441 H to establish a real estate developer services center (completion center)

Cabinet Resolution No. (658) dated 24/10/1441 H to establish a real estate developer services center (completion center)

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 - 6725-1441) dated 19/10/1441 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by instrument No. (971405003690) and dated 06/26/1437 H called the Laurel Division located in the Sharaf neighborhood, the highest fort in the city of Abha and interfering with the campus Overhead line voltage (132 kV)

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 - 6725-1441) dated 19/10/1441 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by instrument No. (971405003690) and dated 06/26/1437 H called the Laurel Division located in the Sharaf neighborhood, the highest fort in the city of Abha and interfering with the campus Overhead line voltage (132 kV)

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 - 6726 - 1441) dated 10/19/1441 H expropriating ownership of the land overlapping with the campus of the antenna line (132 kV) linking station No. (9048) with station No. (8281) in the city of Riyadh

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 - 6726 - 1441) dated 10/19/1441 H expropriating ownership of the land overlapping with the campus of the antenna line (132 kV) linking station No. (9048) with station No. (8281) in the city of Riyadh

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (26890) of 29/11/1440 H amending the Implementing regulations for the classification law for contractors issued in Ministerial Resolution No. (22148) on 10/10/1431 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. (26890) of 29/11/1440 H amending the Implementing regulations for the classification law for contractors issued in Ministerial Resolution No. (22148) on 10/10/1431 H

Decision of the Off-plan Sales and Rent of Real Estate Units Committee No. (1-220) dated 9 / 3 / 1439 AH corresponding to 27 / 11 / 2017

Based on Article (2) paragraphs (2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) of the controls approved by the Decision of the Council of Ministers referred to above; The Committee Decided the following

Decision according to the latest amendment - Decision No. (536) dated 4-12-1437 AH approving the controls related to selling or renting off-plan real estate units

The competent committee at the Ministry of Housing shall coordinate with the real estate committees in the Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry to announce the controls and raise awareness about them in the various media.

Decision of the Board of Directors of the General Authority of State Real Estate No. (Q. 4/6/2020) on 20/9/1441 AH corresponding to 13/5/2020 regarding the approval of the regulations for disposing of state real estate

Decision of the Board of Directors of the General Authority of State Real Estate No. (Q. 4/6/2020) on 20/9/1441 AH corresponding to 13/5/2020 regarding the approval of the regulations for disposing of state real estate

Decision of off-plan sales or rent of real estate units committee No. (318/1) dated 4 / 11 / 1440 H to amend the licensing rules issued by Decision No. (1/220) dated 9 / 3 / 1439 H corresponding to 27 / 11 / 2017

Decision of off-plan sales or rent of real estate units committee No. (318/1) dated 4 / 11 / 1440 H to amend the licensing rules issued by Decision No. (1/220) dated 9 / 3 / 1439 H corresponding to 27 / 11 / 2017

Circular Royal Decree No. 56708 on 17/10/1441 AH regarding arrangements related to the rules, controls and mechanism for considering real estate ownership applications

Circular Royal Decree No. 56708 on 17/10/1441 AH regarding arrangements related to the rules, controls and mechanism for considering real estate ownership applications

Ministry of Interior Circular No. 59284 dated 16/3/1441 AH regarding the formation of a permanent team to consider issues related to the harm of stakeholders to stopping or canceling their land deeds

Ministry of Interior Circular No. 59284 dated 16/3/1441 AH regarding the formation of a permanent team to consider issues related to the harm of stakeholders to stopping or canceling their land deeds

Decision of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage No. (1 / R / 40) dated 12 / 2 / 1440 H Approving the Amended Implementing Regulation of the Time-Share Law for Tourism Real-Estate Units

The following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context requires otherwise

Cabinet Resolution No. 573 of 5/9/1441 AH regarding providing electricity and water services to beneficiaries without requiring obtaining a construction completion certificate

Cabinet Resolution No. 573 of 5/9/1441 AH regarding providing electricity and water services to beneficiaries without requiring obtaining a construction completion certificate

Telegram of the Royal Court No. (35818) dated 9/6/1441 AH regarding a request to direct the public courts not to consider ownership cases after the issuance of High Order No. 21679 on 9/11/1387 AH

Telegram of the Royal Court No. (35818) dated 9/6/1441 AH regarding a request to direct the public courts not to consider ownership cases after the issuance of High Order No. 21679 on 9/11/1387 AH

Cabinet Resolution No. 98 dated 2/2/1441 AH renewing the membership of Eng. Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Shadeed from the private sector on the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Survey

Cabinet Resolution No. 98 dated 2/2/1441 AH renewing the membership of Eng. Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Shadeed from the private sector on the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Survey

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01 - 6174-1440) dated 24 / 9 / 1440 AH expropriating part of the agricultural land owned under instrument No. (117) dated 30 / 12 / 1415 AH located in Yellow Khuff southwest of Khuff in Dawadmi region

Resolution of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources No. (01 - 6174-1440) dated 24 / 9 / 1440 AH expropriating part of the agricultural land owned under instrument No. (117) dated 30 / 12 / 1415 AH located in Yellow Khuff southwest of Khuff in Dawadmi region

Decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Real Estate General Authority No. (1/2020) on 15/11/1441 AH regarding the rules and working mechanism of the committees to consider applications for real estate ownership

Decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Real Estate General Authority No. (1/2020) on 15/11/1441 AH regarding the rules and working mechanism of the committees to consider applications for real estate ownership

Minister of Housing Decision No. (168) dated 22-10-1441 H approving the Implementing regulations

Article 2: 1- Common owned properties shall be distinguished by their national address approved by the competent authority.

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. 4100393097 dated 6/9/1441 AH regarding mandatory insurance against hidden defects that may appear in buildings and construction after their use

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Decision No. 4100393097 dated 6/9/1441 AH regarding mandatory insurance against hidden defects that may appear in buildings and construction after their use

Royal Decree No. M / 114 dated 29/8/1441 AH on approving a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of environmental protection and water resources management between the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom and the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources in the Republic of Singapore

Royal Decree No. M / 114 dated 29/8/1441 AH on approving a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of environmental protection and water resources management between the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom and the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources in the Republic of Singapore

Decision of the Minister of Energy No. (01-4846-1441) dated 24/6/1441 AH to expropriate the lands that the existing electric antenna passes through from the substation No. (9006) of the Saudi Electricity Company in (Khuff) to the pumping station No. (6) in Dawadmi, a subsidiary of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)

Decision of the Minister of Energy No. (01-4846-1441) dated 24/6/1441 AH to expropriate the lands that the existing electric antenna passes through from the substation No. (9006) of the Saudi Electricity Company in (Khuff) to the pumping station No. (6) in Dawadmi, a subsidiary of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/121/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (271506004693) dated 25/11/1439 AH, located in the Al-Arisa neighborhood in Najran city

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/121/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (271506004693) dated 25/11/1439 AH, located in the Al-Arisa neighborhood in Najran city

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/122/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (921201001700) dated 01/09/1439 H, located in the Al Quoz Center in Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/122/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (921201001700) dated 01/09/1439 H, located in the Al Quoz Center in Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/130/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate the land plots confined between Tower No. 105 to Tower No. 114 and overlapping with the campus of the (380 kV) antenna line connecting Ju'aymah station. (2) At the Aramco housing station

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/130/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate the land plots confined between Tower No. 105 to Tower No. 114 and overlapping with the campus of the (380 kV) antenna line connecting Ju'aymah station. (2) At the Aramco housing station

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/131/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (35330242) dated 27/07-1435 AH, located in the Governorate of Ahad al-Masarhah in the Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/131/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (35330242) dated 27/07-1435 AH, located in the Governorate of Ahad al-Masarhah in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/132/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (35301215) dated 02-07-1435 H located in the north of the village of Zarqa in the Damad governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/132/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (35301215) dated 02-07-1435 H located in the north of the village of Zarqa in the Damad governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/125/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under instrument No. (313103000126) dated 08/09/1440 AH, located in the center of Al-Ayyinah

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/125/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under instrument No. (313103000126) dated 08/09/1440 AH, located in the center of Al-Ayyinah

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/126/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by virtue of the instrument No. (3743972) dated 06/02/1437 H located in Sanumah, Rijal Al-Ma'a governorate, Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/126/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by virtue of the instrument No. (3743972) dated 06/02/1437 H located in Sanumah, Rijal Al-Ma'a governorate, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/133/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (2) from Plan No. (823) owned by virtue of Instrument No. (750103008136) dated 27/10/1439 AH, located in Tabuk region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/133/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (2) from Plan No. (823) owned by virtue of Instrument No. (750103008136) dated 27/10/1439 AH, located in Tabuk region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/135/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the agricultural land plot No. (1) from the Agricultural Plan No. (4522) owned under Instrument No. (44) dated 18-06-1425 AH, located at a distance of Forty kilometers west of Tayma in the governorate of Tayma

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/135/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the agricultural land plot No. (1) from the Agricultural Plan No. (4522) owned under Instrument No. (44) dated 18-06-1425 AH, located at a distance of Forty kilometers west of Tayma in the governorate of Tayma

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/123/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by virtue of Instrument No. (2) dated 18/3/1418 AH, located in the western part of Sebta at HEQO at the Jizan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/123/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by virtue of Instrument No. (2) dated 18/3/1418 AH, located in the western part of Sebta at HEQO at the Jizan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/124/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (320118009043) dated 22-11-1440 AH, located in the region of Makkah Al-Mukarramah

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/124/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (320118009043) dated 22-11-1440 AH, located in the region of Makkah Al-Mukarramah

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/134/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the two plots of land owned by virtue of instrument No. (366) dated 22-07-1406 AH and Instrument No. (520) dated 19-12-1403 AH, located in a factory Al-Musbah, in Mahayel Governorate, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/134/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the two plots of land owned by virtue of instrument No. (366) dated 22-07-1406 AH and Instrument No. (520) dated 19-12-1403 AH, located in a factory Al-Musbah, in Mahayel Governorate, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/136/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (671605001452) dated 21/1/1440 AH located in the village of Safwan in Ahad Rafidah Governorate, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/136/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (671605001452) dated 21/1/1440 AH located in the village of Safwan in Ahad Rafidah Governorate, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/147/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (54) from Plan No. (9/1413 AH / C / 22) owned under instrument No. (373103000838) dated 27/12/1440 AH It is located in the Dhahrat Al-Fara'a neighborhood in Rijal Al-Ma 'Governorate, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/147/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (54) from Plan No. (9/1413 AH / C / 22) owned under instrument No. (373103000838) dated 27/12/1440 AH It is located in the Dhahrat Al-Fara'a neighborhood in Rijal Al-Ma 'Governorate, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/153/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (61) from Plan No. (9/1413 / C / 22) owned under instrument No. (20) dated 08/07/1420 H located in the Dhahrat Al-Fara'a neighborhood in Rijal Al-Ma 'Governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/153/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (61) from Plan No. (9/1413 / C / 22) owned under instrument No. (20) dated 08/07/1420 H located in the Dhahrat Al-Fara'a neighborhood in Rijal Al-Ma 'Governorate

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/152/1442 of 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (4-83) dated 29/5/1410 AH located in Al Khader, south of Buraidah

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/152/1442 of 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (4-83) dated 29/5/1410 AH located in Al Khader, south of Buraidah

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/151/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (165) dated 20-05-1417 AH located in the quarry in the eastern Governorateof Amlaj in the Tabuk region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/151/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (165) dated 20-05-1417 AH located in the quarry in the eastern Governorateof Amlaj in the Tabuk region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/150/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (320123000859) dated 07-05-1437 H located in Wadi Wadyan in Makkah Al-Mukarramah region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/150/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (320123000859) dated 07-05-1437 H located in Wadi Wadyan in Makkah Al-Mukarramah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/148/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (19) dated 13/2/1417 AH located to the west of Khuff in the Governorate of Dawadmi

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/148/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (19) dated 13/2/1417 AH located to the west of Khuff in the Governorate of Dawadmi

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/149/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (49-55-2) dated 5-2-1406 AH located in Wadi Al Maghams in the Makkah Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/149/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (49-55-2) dated 5-2-1406 AH located in Wadi Al Maghams in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/142/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (8) from Plan No. (1099) owned by virtue of instrument No. (2-136-10) dated 06-01-1421 H located in the neighborhood Al-Nakheel Rest Houses in Al-Kharj Governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/142/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (8) from Plan No. (1099) owned by virtue of instrument No. (2-136-10) dated 06-01-1421 H located in the neighborhood Al-Nakheel Rest Houses in Al-Kharj Governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/144/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (472006002606) dated 22/3/1438 AH located in the region of Wadi Damad Shahr al-Shabani in Jazan

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/144/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (472006002606) dated 22/3/1438 AH located in the region of Wadi Damad Shahr al-Shabani in Jazan

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/145/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (420125003380) dated 1-3-1439 AH located in Wadi al-Maghams west of the road leading to Arafat in the Makkah region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/145/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (420125003380) dated 1-3-1439 AH located in Wadi al-Maghams west of the road leading to Arafat in the Makkah region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/146/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (234002000403) dated 15/6/1441 H located in the Governorate of Al-Olaya village in the Eastern Governorate

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/146/1442) dated 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (234002000403) dated 15/6/1441 H located in the Governorate of Al-Olaya village in the Eastern Governorate

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/137/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (56) from Plan No. (9/1413 AH / C / 22) owned by virtue of the instrument No. (373103000607) dated 27/2/1438 AH It is located in the Dhahrat Al-Fara'a neighborhood in Rijal Al-Ma 'Governorate, Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/137/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (56) from Plan No. (9/1413 AH / C / 22) owned by virtue of the instrument No. (373103000607) dated 27/2/1438 AH It is located in the Dhahrat Al-Fara'a neighborhood in Rijal Al-Ma 'Governorate, Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/138/1442 of 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land No. (1) from Plan No. (66) owned under the instrument No. (54-1) dated 11-07-1421 AH located in the Zulfi Governorate in the Riyadh region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/138/1442 of 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land No. (1) from Plan No. (66) owned under the instrument No. (54-1) dated 11-07-1421 AH located in the Zulfi Governorate in the Riyadh region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/139/1442) of 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the two plots of land owned under the instrument No. (771705002393) dated 12/6/1436 H, and the instrument No. (571705002392) and the date of 12/6/1436 H located in the governorate of Khamis Mushait, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/139/1442) of 4/1/1442 H to expropriate part of the two plots of land owned under the instrument No. (771705002393) dated 12/6/1436 H, and the instrument No. (571705002392) and the date of 12/6/1436 H located in the governorate of Khamis Mushait, Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/141/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land No. (76) in the scheme of orbits owned by virtue of the instrument No. (40) dated 23/3/1417 AH located in the northern Ardiya in the Al-Baha region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/141/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land No. (76) in the scheme of orbits owned by virtue of the instrument No. (40) dated 23/3/1417 AH located in the northern Ardiya in the Al-Baha region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/140/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (18) dated 17/3/1432 AH located in Al Khailan, Damad Governorate, Jizan Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/140/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (18) dated 17/3/1432 AH located in Al Khailan, Damad Governorate, Jizan Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/120/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38257822) dated 15/7/1438 AH, located in the village of Al-Kawamleh in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/120/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38257822) dated 15/7/1438 AH, located in the village of Al-Kawamleh in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/129/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37281272) dated 24/8/1437 AH located in Hajla, Sultan City, Aseer Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/129/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37281272) dated 24/8/1437 AH located in Hajla, Sultan City, Aseer Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/127/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by virtue of the instrument No. (4098311) dated 25/3/1440 AH located in Al-Munazir in Bariq Governorate, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. 01/127/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by virtue of the instrument No. (4098311) dated 25/3/1440 AH located in Al-Munazir in Bariq Governorate, Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/128/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (3981862) dated 20/2/1439 AH located in Al-Eidabi governorate in the Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. 01/128/1442 dated 4/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (3981862) dated 20/2/1439 AH located in Al-Eidabi governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7125-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under instrument No. (181) dated 21/5/1407 AH, located in Thurban, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7125-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under instrument No. (181) dated 21/5/1407 AH, located in Thurban, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7114-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (845) from Plan No. (1-29-12-2) owned under the instrument No. (320118000394) dated 23 -10-1433 AH, located in Al-Huda neighborhood in the city of Makkah Al-Mukarramah

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7114-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (845) from Plan No. (1-29-12-2) owned under the instrument No. (320118000394) dated 23 -10-1433 AH, located in Al-Huda neighborhood in the city of Makkah Al-Mukarramah

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7121-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (221) dated 04-11-1394 AH located in Khulais Governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7121-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (221) dated 04-11-1394 AH located in Khulais Governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7124-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate the property located in the governorate of Khamis Mushait to establish a distribution station south of the airport effort (33 / 13.8 kV)

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7124-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate the property located in the governorate of Khamis Mushait to establish a distribution station south of the airport effort (33 / 13.8 kV)

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7120-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to amend Decision No. (01-5443-1440) dated 23/8/1440 AH to expropriate part of the agricultural land plot located in the Mujbiya area in Qena of the Mahayil Asir governorate owned According to the instrument No. (95) dated 8/5/1424 AH,

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7120-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to amend Decision No. (01-5443-1440) dated 23/8/1440 AH to expropriate part of the agricultural land plot located in the Mujbiya area in Qena of the Mahayil Asir governorate owned According to the instrument No. (95) dated 8/5/1424 AH,

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7127-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to approve the start of expropriation procedures for lands located within the campus of the two airways

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7127-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to approve the start of expropriation procedures for lands located within the campus of the two airways

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-7116-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (421201001053) dated 19/5/1438 AH located in Ajlan neighborhood, Al Quoz district, Al-Qunfudhah province, in Makkah Al-Mukarramah region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-7116-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (421201001053) dated 19/5/1438 AH located in Ajlan neighborhood, Al Quoz district, Al-Qunfudhah province, in Makkah Al-Mukarramah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7122-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the agricultural land owned under the instrument No. (412801004162)

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7122-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the agricultural land owned under the instrument No. (412801004162)

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7119-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the lands located south of the Cooperation Council Road in Azizia in the Eastern Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7119-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the lands located south of the Cooperation Council Road in Azizia in the Eastern Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7115-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the agricultural plot No. (1) from Plan No. (800) owned under the instrument No. (850107005275) dated 25/7/1439 AH. 36 km west of Tabuk, Tabuk city

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-7115-1441) dated 10/11/1441 AH to expropriate part of the agricultural plot No. (1) from Plan No. (800) owned under the instrument No. (850107005275) dated 25/7/1439 AH. 36 km west of Tabuk, Tabuk city

Council of Ministers Decision No. 744 dated 23 / 11 / 1441 AH to cancel the National Population Committee and entrust its tasks to the Population Census Committee and amend its name to be the Population Policy Committee

Council of Ministers Decision No. 744 dated 23 / 11 / 1441 AH to cancel the National Population Committee and entrust its tasks to the Population Census Committee and amend its name to be the Population Policy Committee

Council of Ministers Decision No. 745 dated 23 / 11 / 1441 AH to amend the regulation of the General Authority for Statistics issued by the Council of Ministers Decision No. (11) dated 13/1/1437 AH

Council of Ministers Decision No. 745 dated 23 / 11 / 1441 AH to amend the regulation of the General Authority for Statistics issued by the Council of Ministers Decision No. (11) dated 13/1/1437 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 107 dated 12 / 2 / 1442 AH approving the commencement of the automated system for listing housing ownership

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 107 dated 12 / 2 / 1442 AH approving the commencement of the automated system for listing housing ownership

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (90) dated 5 / 2 / 1442 AH approving the regulation of the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (90) dated 5 / 2 / 1442 AH approving the regulation of the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information

Royal Decree No. 55 dated 1/1/1442 AH regarding the arrangements related to the rules, controls and mechanism for considering applications for real estate ownership

Royal Decree No. 55 dated 1/1/1442 AH regarding the arrangements related to the rules, controls and mechanism for considering applications for real estate ownership

Council of ministers Resolution No. 786 dated 28/12/1441 AH to amend Council of ministers Resolution No. 593 dated 18/11/1439 AH and Council of ministers Resolution No. (570) dated 4/11/1439 AH and Council of ministers Resolution No. (212) dated 15/3/1441 AH

Council of ministers Resolution No. 786 dated 28/12/1441 AH to amend Council of ministers Resolution No. 593 dated 18/11/1439 AH and Council of ministers Resolution No. (570) dated 4/11/1439 AH and Council of ministers Resolution No. (212) dated 15/3/1441 AH

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-552-1442) dated 20/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (972101002696) dated 27/5/1439 AH located in the eastern quadma in the city of Abu Arish

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-552-1442) dated 20/1/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (972101002696) dated 27/5/1439 AH located in the eastern quadma in the city of Abu Arish

The decision of the Committee for Sale or Lease of Real Estate Units on the Map No. (397-1) dated 18/3/1442 AH to amend the rules for the organization of the escrow account issued pursuant to the decision of the Committee for Sale or Lease of Real Estate Units on the Map No. (1-220) dated 9/3/1439 H Corresponding to 27-11-2017 regarding the division of the regulation for the sale of off-plan real estate units into independent business rules

The decision of the Committee for Sale or Lease of Real Estate Units on the Map No. (397-1) dated 18/3/1442 H to amend the rules for the organization of the escrow account issued pursuant to the decision of the Committee for Sale or Lease of Real Estate Units on the Map No. (1-220) dated 9/3/1439 H Corresponding to 27-11-2017 regarding the division of the regulation for the sale of off-plan real estate units into independent business rules

Council of ministers Decision No. (198) dated 24/3/1442 AH to amend the regulation of the General Authority for Statistics issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (11) dated 13/1/1437 AH

Council of ministers Decision No. (198) dated 24/3/1442 AH to amend the regulation of the General Authority for Statistics issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (11) dated 13/1/1437 AH

His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for State Real Estate No. (145) dated 12/3/1442 AH corresponding to 29/10/2020 to approve the rules and working mechanism of the committees to consider applications for real estate ownership

His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for State Real Estate No. (145) dated 12/3/1442 AH corresponding to 29/10/2020 to approve the rules and working mechanism of the committees to consider applications for real estate ownership

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-889-1442) dated 5/2/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the deed No. (972201002022) dated 17/08/1440 H located in the north of Hilat Al Ahous in the city of Sabya in the Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-889-1442) dated 5/2/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the deed No. (972201002022) dated 17/08/1440 H located in the north of Hilat Al Ahous in the city of Sabya in the Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-883-1442) dated 02/05/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (7-3) dated 06/04-1419 AH located in khabat alghalaq in Damad governorate in the Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-883-1442) dated 02/05/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (7-3) dated 06/04-1419 AH located in khabat alghalaq in Damad governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-882-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the two parcels of land No. (605) owned by virtue of Deed No. (341-2) dated 20-07-1417 AH and No. (611) owned under Instrument No. (51-1) and the date of 29/5/1432 AH located in Plan No. (20) in Tabuk region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-882-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the two parcels of land No. (605) owned by virtue of Deed No. (341-2) dated 20-07-1417 AH and No. (611) owned under Instrument No. (51-1) and the date of 29/5/1432 AH located in Plan No. (20) in Tabuk region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-881-1442) dated 5/2/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (372101001782) dated 19/05/1437 H located on the side of the Jazan Valley Dam in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-881-1442) dated 5/2/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (372101001782) dated 19/05/1437 H located on the side of the Jazan Valley Dam in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-880-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (421002001059) dated 9/4/1436 AH located in Lihiyaniya in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-880-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (421002001059) dated 9/4/1436 AH located in Lihiyaniya in the Makkah Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-842-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (972302001500) dated 28/7/1436 AH located in Al-Ma'shour Al-Hasbah in Al-Makhwah Governorate in Al-Baha region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-842-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (972302001500) dated 28/7/1436 AH located in Al-Ma'shour Al-Hasbah in Al-Makhwah Governorate in Al-Baha region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-888-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (340112006863) dated 14/7/1435 AH located in Umm Hakra, west of Wadi al-Khanq, in the Medina of Medina

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-888-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (340112006863) dated 14/7/1435 AH located in Umm Hakra, west of Wadi al-Khanq, in the Medina of Medina

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-887-1442) and the date 05-02-1442h expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument number (771 408 003 842) and the date 03-12-1440 AH located in the city of Abha in Asir

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-887-1442) and the date 05-02-1442h expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument number (771 408 003 842) and the date 03-12-1440 AH located in the city of Abha in Asir

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-884-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (22) from Crown Prince Plan No. (3) Owned under the Deed No. (52-642-9) dated 16/01/1431 AH located in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-884-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (22) from Crown Prince Plan No. (3) Owned under the Deed No. (52-642-9) dated 16/01/1431 AH located in the Makkah Region

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-885-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument number (972 002 005 414) and the date 17-01-1441 AH, located in the city of Jizan in Jazan

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-885-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument number (972 002 005 414) and the date 17-01-1441 AH, located in the city of Jizan in Jazan

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-886-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37252224) dated 02-08-1437 AH located in the village of Tahiriya and al-'Aus in Damad governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-886-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37252224) dated 02-08-1437 AH located in the village of Tahiriya and al-'Aus in Damad governorate in the Jazan region

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-895-1442) on 05-02-1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument number (672 202 002 110) and the date 04-11-1440 AH located in the village Alhbath boy in Jazan

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-895-1442) on 05-02-1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument number (672 202 002 110) and the date 04-11-1440 AH located in the village Alhbath boy in Jazan

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-841-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Sukuk No. (29) dated 21/10/1410 AH It is located east of Arwa, in the governorate of Dawadmi, in the Riyadh region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-841-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Sukuk No. (29) dated 21/10/1410 AH It is located east of Arwa, in the governorate of Dawadmi, in the Riyadh region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-897-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (977701000166) dated 12/11/1440 AH located in Al-Barak Governorate in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-897-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (977701000166) dated 12/11/1440 AH located in Al-Barak Governorate in the Asir region

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-879-1442) dated 5/2/1442 e expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument number (377 702 000 248) and the date 05-03-1440 AH located in the province of area of Asir

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-879-1442) dated 5/2/1442 e expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument number (377 702 000 248) and the date 05-03-1440 AH located in the province of area of Asir

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-890-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH expropriate part of a piece of agricultural land owned by the instrument number (925 003 006 934) and the date 16-06-1440 AH located in Al-Muzahmiyya in Riyadh

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-890-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH expropriate part of a piece of agricultural land owned by the instrument number (925 003 006 934) and the date 16-06-1440 AH located in Al-Muzahmiyya in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-891-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (193) from Plan No. (9 / m / s / s) owned under the instrument No. (772503000334) dated 24-02-1441 AH located in the orbits plan at the Northern Ardiya Center in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-891-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (193) from Plan No. (9 / m / s / s) owned under the instrument No. (772503000334) dated 24-02-1441 AH located in the orbits plan at the Northern Ardiya Center in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-892-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (574506000303) dated 21/03/1441 AH located in the province of Tarib in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-892-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (574506000303) dated 21/03/1441 AH located in the province of Tarib in the Asir region

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-893-1442) dated 5/2/1442 H expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (175) and the date 02-08-1403h located in khabat alfalaq in damd governorate area of Jazan

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-893-1442) dated 5/2/1442 H expropriate part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (175) and the date 02-08-1403 H located in khabat alfalaq in damd governorate area of Jazan

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-894-1442) dated 02-05-1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (44) dated 09-07-1428 AH, located in the east of the village of Al-Qaim in Damad governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-894-1442) dated 02-05-1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (44) dated 09-07-1428 AH, located in the east of the village of Al-Qaim in Damad governorate in the Jazan region

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-896-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH expropriate two parts of a piece of land owned by the instrument number (720 110 008 805) and the date of 14-2-1440h located in Mecca area

The decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-896-1442) dated 5/2/1442 AH expropriate two parts of a piece of land owned by the instrument number (720 110 008 805) and the date of 14-2-1440h located in Mecca area

Royal Court Telegram No. (35818) dated 9/6/1441 AH regarding the request to direct the public courts not to consider ownership claims after the issuance of the Royal Order No. 21679 on 9/11/1387 AH.

Royal Court Telegram No. (35818) dated 9/6/1441 AH regarding the request to direct the public courts not to consider ownership claims after the issuance of the Royal Order No. 21679 on 9/11/1387 AH.

The Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics Decision No. (4457/2293/40) dated 3/4/1440 AH regarding the approval of the program document for the activation of statistical units in government agencies

The Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistics Decision No. (4457/2293/40) dated 3/4/1440 AH regarding the approval of the program document for the activation of statistical units in government agencies

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4281-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (773201000885) dated 21/10/1439 AH located in Khabet Al-Oloulia in Ahad Al-Masarhah

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4281-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (773201000885) dated 21/10/1439 AH located in Khabet Al-Oloulia in Ahad Al-Masarhah

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4589-1442) dated 17/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (940119005722) dated 7/4/1439 AH located in Wadi al-Khadra in the region of Medina

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4589-1442) dated 17/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (940119005722) dated 7/4/1439 AH located in Wadi al-Khadra in the region of Medina

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4288-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate land plots located in Al-Wissam neighborhood in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4288-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate land plots located in Al-Wissam neighborhood in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4287-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate the land plots located in Al-Bayan neighborhood in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4287-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate the land plots located in Al-Bayan neighborhood in Riyadh

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (473) dated 15/8/1441 H regarding the Implementing regulations for organizing housing support issued by Resolution No. (82) dated 5/3/1435 H

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (473) dated 15/8/1441 H regarding the Implementing regulations for organizing housing support issued by Resolution No. (82) dated 5/3/1435 H

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-4278-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (672201001336) dated 11/8/1438 AH located in Nakhlan, Sabya city, Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-4278-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (672201001336) dated 11/8/1438 AH located in Nakhlan, Sabya city, Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 4296 -1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38156939) dated 2/5/1438 AH located in Khulais Governorate in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 4296 -1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38156939) dated 2/5/1438 AH located in Khulais Governorate in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 / 4279 / 1442) dated 6/7/1442 H to expropriate part of two plots of land located in the village of Al Felt in the city of Abha in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 / 4279 / 1442) dated 6/7/1442 H to expropriate part of two plots of land located in the village of Al Felt in the city of Abha in the Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-4293-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (39) dated 7/8/1415 AH located in Qurna in the governorate of Dawadmi in the Riyadh region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-4293-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (39) dated 7/8/1415 AH located in Qurna in the governorate of Dawadmi in the Riyadh region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4285-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (576301000421) dated 8/5/1440 AH located in Al-Rayyan village in the Jazan Valley Center in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4285-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (576301000421) dated 8/5/1440 AH located in Al-Rayyan village in the Jazan Valley Center in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/4286/1442) dated 6/7/1442 H to expropriate part of the land parcels overlapping with the overhead line voltage (132 kV) that connects the Jizan Central Station with the Al-Kadami station.

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/4286/1442) dated 6/7/1442 H to expropriate part of the land parcels overlapping with the overhead line voltage (132 kV) that connects the Jizan Central Station with the Al-Kadami station.

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-4316-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate the land parcels within the plans numbers (F / 13 w / 15-w / 16) located in Yanbu Governorate in the Madinah Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-4316-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate the land parcels within the plans numbers (F / 13 w / 15-w / 16) located in Yanbu Governorate in the Madinah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4290-1442) dated 6/7/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (80) dated 14/9/1423 H located in the village of Al-Jabriya in the Baqaa Governorate in the Hail region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4290-1442) dated 6/7/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (80) dated 14/9/1423 H located in the village of Al-Jabriya in the Baqaa Governorate in the Hail region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4297-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (572201002706) dated 27/3/1441 AH located in the city of Sabya in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4297-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (572201002706) dated 27/3/1441 AH located in the city of Sabya in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4302-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (477701000352) dated 17/5/1441 AH located in deletions in the northern province of Al-Barak in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4302-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (477701000352) dated 17/5/1441 AH located in deletions in the northern province of Al-Barak in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4301-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (572502000241) dated 12/4/1441 AH located in the village of Al Silan in the northern Ardiya city in the Makkah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4301-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (572502000241) dated 12/4/1441 AH located in the village of Al Silan in the northern Ardiya city in the Makkah region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-4284-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land called (Hadba al-Hajj) owned under the instrument No. (372902001251) dated 28/11/1440 AH located in Thurban in the Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-4284-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land called (Hadba al-Hajj) owned under the instrument No. (372902001251) dated 28/11/1440 AH located in Thurban in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4283-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (740116005008) dated 15/2/1438 AH located in Wadi Al-Naqmi in the north of Medina

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4283-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (740116005008) dated 15/2/1438 AH located in Wadi Al-Naqmi in the north of Medina

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4275-1442) dated 5/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the land parcels Nos (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-16-17 -20-67-68-69-70-71-72-73) located within Plan No. (201) in Al-Wasil, Ad-Diriyah Governorate, Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4275-1442) dated 5/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the land parcels Nos (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-16-17 -20-67-68-69-70-71-72-73) located within Plan No. (201) in Al-Wasil, Ad-Diriyah Governorate, Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4280-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (861502002035) dated 29/12/1435 AH located in Unaizah Governorate in the Qassim region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4280-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (861502002035) dated 29/12/1435 AH located in Unaizah Governorate in the Qassim region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4282-1442) dated 6/7 / 1442H to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (57) from Plan No. (9/1413 / C / 22) owned under Sukuk No. (30) dated 29/7 / 1420 AH located in Dhahrat Al-Fara'a, Rijal Al-Ma'a Governorate, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4282-1442) dated 6/7 / 1442H to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (57) from Plan No. (9/1413 / C / 22) owned under Sukuk No. (30) dated 29/7 / 1420 AH located in Dhahrat Al-Fara'a, Rijal Al-Ma'a Governorate, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4289-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Sukuk No. (771410001778) located in Wadi Atoud in the center of Marba in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4289-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Sukuk No. (771410001778) located in Wadi Atoud in the center of Marba in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4299-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (773703000266) dated 19/12/1440 AH located in the Khuraim plant in Al-Darb governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4299-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (773703000266) dated 19/12/1440 AH located in the Khuraim plant in Al-Darb governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4295-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (361155040) dated 18/5/1436 AH located in the Lower Al-Ahaba in Al-Eidabi in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4295-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (361155040) dated 18/5/1436 AH located in the Lower Al-Ahaba in Al-Eidabi in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4294-1442) dated 6/7/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot No. (1) from Plan No. (3957) owned under Sukuk No. (2/41) dated 27/12/1419 H located to the east of Afif, south of the Hejaz line, Afif governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4294-1442) dated 6/7/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot No. (1) from Plan No. (3957) owned under Sukuk No. (2/41) dated 27/12/1419 H located to the east of Afif, south of the Hejaz line, Afif governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4291-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (362514010548) dated 24/7/1439 AH located in Al-Khader neighborhood in Buraidah, Al-Qassim region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4291-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (362514010548) dated 24/7/1439 AH located in Al-Khader neighborhood in Buraidah, Al-Qassim region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4292-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (80) dated 25/7/1427 AH located in the Mahalla region known as Rajana in the Bish governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-4292-1442) dated 6/7/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (80) dated 25/7/1427 AH located in the Mahalla region known as Rajana in the Bish governorate in the Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-3238-1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (34366152) dated 23 / 11 / 1434 AH located in the village of Al-Abdaliya in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in Jazan region.

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-3238-1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (34366152) dated 23 / 11 / 1434 AH located in the village of Al-Abdaliya in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in Jazan region.

Royal Decree No. (M / 47) dated 23 / 5 / 1442 AH approving the law of the Real Estate Development Fund

Royal Decree No. (M / 47) dated 23 / 5 / 1442 AH approving the law of the Real Estate Development Fund

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (287) dated 21 / 5 / 1442 AH approving the law of the Real Estate Development Fund

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (287) dated 21 / 5 / 1442 AH approving the law of the Real Estate Development Fund

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-3226-1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot No. (2) of Plan No. (2732) owned by virtue of the instrument No. (920702002632) dated 4 / 12 / 1436 AH located in the neighborhood Sergeants in Taif Governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-3226-1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot No. (2) of Plan No. (2732) owned by virtue of the instrument No. (920702002632) dated 4 / 12 / 1436 AH located in the neighborhood Sergeants in Taif Governorate

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-3221-1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (772703001209) dated 7 / 5 / 1440 AH located in a selected village in Samtah Governorate, Jizan Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-3221-1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (772703001209) dated 7 / 5 / 1440 AH located in a selected village in Samtah Governorate, Jizan Region

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1) dated 16 / 5 / 1442 AH to implement the real estate registration law in the third real estate zone in Medina

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1) dated 16 / 5 / 1442 AH to implement the real estate registration law in the third real estate zone in Medina

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in the first real estate zone in the city of Dammam

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in the first real estate zone in the city of Dammam

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1) dated 16 / 5 / 1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in the first real estate zone in Al-Ayyina and Al-Jubaila Center

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (1) dated 16 / 5 / 1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in the first real estate zone in Al-Ayyina and Al-Jubaila Center

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3254 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (35294799) dated 27 / 6 / 1435 AH located in the village of Al-Sharjah in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in the Jazan region.

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3254 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (35294799) dated 27 / 6 / 1435 AH located in the village of Al-Sharjah in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in the Jazan region.

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 - 3244 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (372202002553) dated 6 / 4 / 1441 AH located in Umm Saad village in the city of Sabya in the Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 - 3244 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (372202002553) dated 6 / 4 / 1441 AH located in Umm Saad village in the city of Sabya in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01 - 3240 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (371206001563) dated 19 / 1 / 1442 AH located in the village of Al-Musrakh in the city of Al-Baha.

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01 - 3240 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (371206001563) dated 19 / 1 / 1442 AH located in the village of Al-Musrakh in the city of Al-Baha.

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 - 3236 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37370879) dated 4 / 12 / 1437 AH located in the village of Al-Hasma in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in the Jizan region.

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 - 3236 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37370879) dated 4 / 12 / 1437 AH located in the village of Al-Hasma in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in the Jizan region.

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3233 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (971505005113) dated 20 / 4 / 1441 AH located in Al-Mu`rid neighborhood in Al-Shorfa city of Najran

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3233 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (971505005113) dated 20 / 4 / 1441 AH located in Al-Mu`rid neighborhood in Al-Shorfa city of Najran

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3228 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (372302003828) dated 19 / 1 / 1441 AH located in Al-Sahwa in Wadi Al-Tha'ban in Al-Mukhwah Governorate in Al-Baha region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3228 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (372302003828) dated 19 / 1 / 1441 AH located in Al-Sahwa in Wadi Al-Tha'ban in Al-Mukhwah Governorate in Al-Baha region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3243 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (921201002259) dated 14 / 2 / 1441 AH located north of the town of Al-Quoz Al-Khabtiya in Makkah Al-Mukarramah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3243 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (921201002259) dated 14 / 2 / 1441 AH located north of the town of Al-Quoz Al-Khabtiya in Makkah Al-Mukarramah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3242 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate the plot of land No. (14) from Orbit Plan No. (9 / m / s / s) owned under the instrument No. (772503000436) dated 19 / 6 / 1441 AH located in the northern Ardiyah city in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3242 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate the plot of land No. (14) from Orbit Plan No. (9 / m / s / s) owned under the instrument No. (772503000436) dated 19 / 6 / 1441 AH located in the northern Ardiyah city in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3241 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land in Plan No. (135) owned under Deed No. (219 / 1) dated 21 / 5 / 1415 AH located in Khubet Salaba, City of Sabya, region Jazan

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3241 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land in Plan No. (135) owned under Deed No. (219 / 1) dated 21 / 5 / 1415 AH located in Khubet Salaba, City of Sabya, region Jazan

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3235 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (871401003429) dated 29 / 4 / 1441 AH located in the Abu Al-Arouj valley in Tihama Asir, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3235 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (871401003429) dated 29 / 4 / 1441 AH located in the Abu Al-Arouj valley in Tihama Asir, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3234 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (973202000141) dated 12 / 9 / 1435 AH located in the village of Al-Ghalya in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3234 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (973202000141) dated 12 / 9 / 1435 AH located in the village of Al-Ghalya in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3224 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate land plots numbers (104 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110) in Plan No. (290 / b) of Organizational Plan No. (1006 / M T) in the Rahmaniyah neighborhood in Jeddah governorate in the Makkah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3224 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate land plots numbers (104 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110) in Plan No. (290 / b) of Organizational Plan No. (1006 / M T) in the Rahmaniyah neighborhood in Jeddah governorate in the Makkah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3220 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land named (Ain Hamata) owned under the instrument No. (401003502) dated 7 / 1 / 1440 AH located in the village of Al Kamil in the center of Balahmar in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3220 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land named (Ain Hamata) owned under the instrument No. (401003502) dated 7 / 1 / 1440 AH located in the village of Al Kamil in the center of Balahmar in the Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 / 3225 / 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (94) dated 2 / 6 / 1414 H located in the village of Bani Sar in the Al-Baha region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 / 3225 / 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (94) dated 2 / 6 / 1414 H located in the village of Bani Sar in the Al-Baha region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3223 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (471408004692) dated 21 / 4 / 1441 AH located in Abu Hadq East to Asan in the city of Abha, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3223 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (471408004692) dated 21 / 4 / 1441 AH located in Abu Hadq East to Asan in the city of Abha, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3222 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (273202000954) dated 30 / 3 / 1441 AH located in Khubet Al-Tawahra in Ahad Al-Masarhah Governorate, Jizan Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3222 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (273202000954) dated 30 / 3 / 1441 AH located in Khubet Al-Tawahra in Ahad Al-Masarhah Governorate, Jizan Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 / 3232 / 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (421503001008) dated 20 / 5 / 1441 H located in the plows of Tina in the north of the Al-Layth governorate in the Makkah region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01 / 3232 / 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (421503001008) dated 20 / 5 / 1441 H located in the plows of Tina in the north of the Al-Layth governorate in the Makkah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3231 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (471406004298) dated 12 / 6 / 1439 AH located in the Shifa Tihama in the honor of the upper fortress of Bani Majeed in the city of Abha, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3231 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (471406004298) dated 12 / 6 / 1439 AH located in the Shifa Tihama in the honor of the upper fortress of Bani Majeed in the city of Abha, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3230 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (573201001226) dated 5 / 4 / 1441 AH located in the village of Abu Omran in Ahad Al-Masarhah Governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3230 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (573201001226) dated 5 / 4 / 1441 AH located in the village of Abu Omran in Ahad Al-Masarhah Governorate in the Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 / 3229 / 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (971410001626) dated 28 / 11 / 1440 H located in the village of Al-Adad Bani Malik Asir in the city of Abha, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 / 3229 / 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (971410001626) dated 28 / 11 / 1440 H located in the village of Al-Adad Bani Malik Asir in the city of Abha, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3227 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (320905002505) dated 5 / 5 / 1441 AH located in the Al-Muzailif Center in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01 - 3227 - 1442) dated 19 / 5 / 1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (320905002505) dated 5 / 5 / 1441 AH located in the Al-Muzailif Center in the Makkah Region

Decision of the Minister of Energy No. (01 - 4106 - 1441) dated 24 / 5 / 1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (32) from Plan No. (3223) under the instrument No. (910113015303) dated 10 / 4 / 1429

Decision of the Minister of Energy No. (01 - 4106 - 1441) dated 24 / 5 / 1441 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (32) from Plan No. (3223) under the instrument No. (910113015303) dated 10 / 4 / 1429

Controls for allocating, recovering and transferring real estate between government agencies approved by the Board of Directors of the General Authority for State Real Estate according to Decision No. (Q / 8/8/2020) dated 15/5/1442 AH corresponding to 30/12/2020

Controls for allocating, recovering and transferring real estate between government agencies approved by the Board of Directors of the General Authority for State Real Estate according to Decision No. (Q / 8/8/2020) dated 15/5/1442 AH corresponding to 30/12/2020

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (213) dated 22/3/1441 AH approving the technical controls for determining the additional period for developing or building the land and paying the fee

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (213) dated 22/3/1441 AH approving the technical controls for determining the additional period for developing or building the land and paying the fee

Council of ministers Resolution No. (252) dated 23/4/1442 AH approving the updated comprehensive strategy for the real estate sector and its executive summary

Council of ministers Resolution No. (252) dated 23/4/1442 AH approving the updated comprehensive strategy for the real estate sector and its executive summary

Royal Decree No. (M / 43) dated 16/5/1442 AH approving that the General Authority for State Real Estate shall have the authority to conclude financing contracts and agreements, including loan contracts, debt instruments, and the like until the state real estate law is issued

Royal Decree No. (M / 43) dated 16/5/1442 AH approving that the General Authority for State Real Estate shall have the authority to conclude financing contracts and agreements, including loan contracts, debt instruments, and the like until the state real estate law is issued

Council of ministers Decision No. (266) dated 14/5/1442 AH approving the organization of the General Authority for State Real Estate

Council of ministers Decision No. (266) dated 14/5/1442 AH approving the organization of the General Authority for State Real Estate

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (209) dated 25/4/1442 AH approving the target geographical area for the application of the white lands law in Medina

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (209) dated 25/4/1442 AH approving the target geographical area for the application of the white lands law in Medina

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (215) dated 29/4/1442 AH to approve the target geographical area for the application of the white lands law in Asir metropolis Ministry of Housing Decision No. (215) dated 29/4/1442 AH approving the target geographical area for the application of the white lands law in Asir metropolis

Ministry of Housing Decision No. (215) dated 29/4/1442 AH to approve the target geographical area for the application of the white lands law in Asir metropolis Ministry of Housing Decision No. (215) dated 29/4/1442 AH approving the target geographical area for the application of the white lands law in Asir metropolis

Council of Ministers Decision No. (353) dated 27/6/1442 AH amending the mechanism of work of the Real Estate Contribution Committee issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (48) dated 14/2/1430 AH and not hearing the lawsuits arising from claims of real estate contributions after a year has passed from the end date of receiving the specified claims

Council of Ministers Decision No. (353) dated 27/6/1442 AH amending the mechanism of work of the Real Estate Contribution Committee issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (48) dated 14/2/1430 AH and not hearing the lawsuits arising from claims of real estate contributions after a year has passed from the end date of receiving the specified claims

Council of ministers Resolution No. (789) dated 28/12/1441 AH regarding the instructions for implementing the initiative to strengthen partnership with the private sector to provide educational buildings

Council of ministers Resolution No. (789) dated 28/12/1441 AH regarding the instructions for implementing the initiative to strengthen partnership with the private sector to provide educational buildings

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (921) dated 26/3/1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in the first real estate zone in Dammam

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (921) dated 26/3/1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in the first real estate zone in Dammam

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (922) dated 26/3/1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in real estate areas in Riyadh

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (922) dated 26/3/1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in real estate areas in Riyadh

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (923) dated 26/3/1442 H to apply the real estate registration law in the first real estate area of Al-Ayyinah and Al-Jubaila Center in Riyadh

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (923) dated 26/3/1442 H to apply the real estate registration law in the first real estate area of Al-Ayyinah and Al-Jubaila Center in Riyadh

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (925) dated 26/3/1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in the third real estate zone in Madinah

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (925) dated 26/3/1442 AH to apply the real estate registration law in the third real estate zone in Madinah

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2920-1442) dated 5/5 / 1442H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument number (771408003717) dated 19/11/1440 AH located in the Ramlan Valley Tihama Asir in the Marbah district in the Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2920-1442) dated 5/5 / 1442H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument number (771408003717) dated 19/11/1440 AH located in the Ramlan Valley Tihama Asir in the Marbah district in the Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-2921-1442) dated 5/5/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38152065) dated 26/4/1438 AH located in the lower Jada in the Qalwah governorate in the Al-Baha region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-2921-1442) dated 5/5/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38152065) dated 26/4/1438 AH located in the lower Jada in the Qalwah governorate in the Al-Baha region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2922-1442) dated 5/5/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (42/2/1) dated 2/3/1400 AH located in the province of Al-Kharj in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2922-1442) dated 5/5/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (42/2/1) dated 2/3/1400 AH located in the province of Al-Kharj in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2924-1442) dated 5/5/1442 AH to expropriate the plot of land No. (7) in Plan No. (3/331 / a) located in Al-Bawadi neighborhood in Jeddah Governorate in the Makkah region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2924-1442) dated 5/5/1442 AH to expropriate the plot of land No. (7) in Plan No. (3/331 / a) located in Al-Bawadi neighborhood in Jeddah Governorate in the Makkah region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-2925-1442) dated 5/5/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37246994) dated 27/7/1437 AH located in the village of Azaiba in Ahad al-Masarha governorate in the Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-2925-1442) dated 5/5/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37246994) dated 27/7/1437 AH located in the village of Azaiba in Ahad al-Masarha governorate in the Jazan region

General Authority for Statistics Decision No. 39/2200/19810, dated 2/9/1439 AH, approving the regulatory document for the Academy of Statistics

General Authority for Statistics Decision No. 39/2200/19810, dated 2/9/1439 AH, approving the regulatory document for the Academy of Statistics

State Real Estate General Authority Circular No. (83044) dated 23/12/1441 AH regarding the implementation of the regulation on disposal of state real estate issued by Resolution No. (Q4 / 6/2020) dated 20/9/1441 AH

State Real Estate General Authority Circular No. (83044) dated 23/12/1441 AH regarding the implementation of the regulation on disposal of state real estate issued by Resolution No. (Q4 / 6/2020) dated 20/9/1441 AH

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/4797/1442) dated 27/7/1442 AH expropriating part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (372102003396) dated 4/4/1442 AH located in Bahra district, Abu Arish governorate, Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/4797/1442) dated 27/7/1442 AH expropriating part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (372102003396) dated 4/4/1442 AH located in Bahra district, Abu Arish governorate, Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01/4798/1442) dated 27/7/1442 AH expropriating part of the plot of land No. (62) Of Scheme No. (9/1413/C/22) owned by Deed No. (14) dated 1/7 / 1420 AH, located in Dhahrat Al-Fara'a, Rijal Alma' Governorate, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01/4798/1442) dated 27/7/1442 AH expropriating part of the plot of land No. (62) Of Scheme No. (9/1413/C/22) owned by Deed No. (14) dated 1/7 / 1420 AH, located in Dhahrat Al-Fara'a, Rijal Alma' Governorate, Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/4799/1442) dated 27/7/1442 AH expropriating two parts of the plot of land owned by deed No. (272603000946) dated 21/12/1441 AH located in the village of Mantofa in Damad Governorate in Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/4799/1442) dated 27/7/1442 AH expropriating two parts of the plot of land owned by deed No. (272603000946) dated 21/12/1441 AH located in the village of Mantofa in Damad Governorate in Jazan region

Ministry of Housing Decision (216) dated 1/5/1442 AH approving the violations and penalties related to real estate offices

Ministry of Housing Decision (216) dated 1/5/1442 AH approving the violations and penalties related to real estate offices

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (2272) dated 29/6/1442 AH regarding the application of the real estate registration law in the third real estate zone in Makkah Al-Mukarramah (the land of the Makkah Gate)

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (2272) dated 29/6/1442 AH regarding the application of the real estate registration law in the third real estate zone in Makkah Al-Mukarramah (the land of the Makkah Gate)

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (2273) dated 29/6/1442 AH regarding the application of the real estate registration law in four real estate areas in Medina

Ministry of Justice Decision No. (2273) dated 29/6/1442 AH regarding the application of the real estate registration law in four real estate areas in Medina

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2227-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (314303002880) dated 30/5/1440 AH located in Sajir Center in Dawadmi Governorate in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2227-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (314303002880) dated 30/5/1440 AH located in Sajir Center in Dawadmi Governorate in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2232-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (972901001438) dated 27/1/1441 AH located in the Majardah governorate in the Asir region.

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2232-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate two parts of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (972901001438) dated 27/1/1441 AH located in the Majardah governorate in the Asir region.

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2230-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate the plot of land located on Al-Kharj Road in the Riyadh region and overlapping with the campus of the gas receiving platform for the fourteenth generation station project

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2230-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate the plot of land located on Al-Kharj Road in the Riyadh region and overlapping with the campus of the gas receiving platform for the fourteenth generation station project

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2235-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38415190) dated 20/12/1438 AH located in the village of Al-Aloulia in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in Jazan region .

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2235-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38415190) dated 20/12/1438 AH located in the village of Al-Aloulia in Ahad Al-Masarha governorate in Jazan region .

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2236-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38420677) dated 23/12/1438 AH located west of the village of Al-Mashaf in Al-Eidabi Governorate in Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2236-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (38420677) dated 23/12/1438 AH located west of the village of Al-Mashaf in Al-Eidabi Governorate in Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-2241-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (62) of scheme No. (74102) owned under the instrument No. (3-78-91) dated 23/10/1416 AH In Al-Kharj Governorate, Riyadh Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-2241-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (62) of scheme No. (74102) owned under the instrument No. (3-78-91) dated 23/10/1416 AH In Al-Kharj Governorate, Riyadh Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2231-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate land plots numbers (5911-5912-5913-5914-5915-5916) in Plan No. (2745) located in the Arid neighborhood in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2231-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate land plots numbers (5911-5912-5913-5914-5915-5916) in Plan No. (2745) located in the Arid neighborhood in Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2233-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (780503000180) dated 25-7-1440 AH located in the village of Al-Shaer in the Balahmar district in Asir region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2233-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (780503000180) dated 25-7-1440 AH located in the village of Al-Shaer in the Balahmar district in Asir region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-2234-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (4) dated 11/2/1416 AH located in Al-Naza, west of the Great Market, Khulais Governorate, in the Makkah Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01-2234-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under Instrument No. (4) dated 11/2/1416 AH located in Al-Naza, west of the Great Market, Khulais Governorate, in the Makkah Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/2239/1442) dated 7/4/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (17/371/13) dated 18/12/1422 H located in Wadi Asari in Jeddah Governorate in the Makkah Region

Decision of the Ministry of Energy No. (01/2239/1442) dated 7/4/1442 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (17/371/13) dated 18/12/1422 H located in Wadi Asari in Jeddah Governorate in the Makkah Region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2240-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (710) owned under the instrument No. (290-252-1) dated 27/11/1427 AH located in Afja in the Kharj Governorate in the region Riyadh

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-2240-1442) dated 7/4/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land No. (710) owned under the instrument No. (290-252-1) dated 27/11/1427 AH located in Afja in the Kharj Governorate in the region Riyadh

Decision of the Committee for Sale or Lease of Real Estate Units on the Map No. (394-1) dated 25/3/1442 AH approving the rules for licensing small or medium enterprises on the map

Decision of the Committee for Sale or Lease of Real Estate Units on the Map No. (394-1) dated 25/3/1442 AH approving the rules for licensing small or medium enterprises on the map

Royal Decree No. (M / 52) dated 29/6/1442 AH regarding the failure to hear the lawsuits arising from claims of real estate contributions after the lapse of one year from the end date of receiving the claims specified in the announcement of the Real Estate Contribution Committee

Royal Decree No. (M / 52) dated 29/6/1442 AH regarding the failure to hear the lawsuits arising from claims of real estate contributions after the lapse of one year from the end date of receiving the claims specified in the announcement of the Real Estate Contribution Committee

Council of ministers Resolution No. (511) dated 1/9/1442 H amending the Implementing regulations of the space Land Fees law issued by Resolution No. (379) dated 8/9/1437 H

Council of ministers Resolution No. (511) dated 1/9/1442 H amending the Implementing regulations of the space Land Fees law issued by Resolution No. (379) dated 8/9/1437 H

Council of ministers Decision No. (445) dated 10/8/1442 AH to amend the regulation of the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (90) dated 5/2/1442 AH

Council of ministers Decision No. (445) dated 10/8/1442 AH to amend the regulation of the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. (90) dated 5/2/1442 AH

Council of ministers Resolution No. (487) dated 24/8/1442 AH approving the rules for controlling state real estate and removing infringements

Council of ministers Resolution No. (487) dated 24/8/1442 AH approving the rules for controlling state real estate and removing infringements

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/5408/1442) dated 23/8/1442 H to expropriate privately owned lands located in Al-Kharj Governorate in the Riyadh region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01/5408/1442) dated 23/8/1442 H to expropriate privately owned lands located in Al-Kharj Governorate in the Riyadh region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-5410-1442) dated 23/8/1442 AH expropriating part of the plots of land located west of Tabuk in the city of Tabuk

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-5410-1442) dated 23/8/1442 AH expropriating part of the plots of land located west of Tabuk in the city of Tabuk

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-5409-1442) dated 23/8/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (262513018969) dated 16/1/1441 AH, located in the Muradiyah neighborhood in Buraidah city, Qassim region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-5409-1442) dated 23/8/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (262513018969) dated 16/1/1441 AH, located in the Muradiyah neighborhood in Buraidah city, Qassim region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-5407-1442) dated 23/8/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (37162332) dated 16/5/1437 AH, located in the village of Tahiriya in Damad Governorate in Jazan region

Ministry of Energy Decision No. (01-5407-1442) dated 23/8/1442 AH to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (37162332) dated 16/5/1437 AH, located in the village of Tahiriya in Damad Governorate in Jazan region

Decision of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (340) dated 12/7/1442 AH to implement the first phase of the space land fees law within the geographical scope of the city of Tabuk

Decision of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (340) dated 12/7/1442 AH to implement the first phase of the space land fees law within the geographical scope of the city of Tabuk

Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority No. (3/14/m/21) dated 12/10/1442 AH

Fifth: It is prohibited to publish fake real estate ads; For the purpose of collecting data of recipients, the public or any other purpose.

Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority No. (4/14/m/21) dated 12/10/1442 AH

Seventh: The Authority may take the necessary measures to ensure that the electronic real estate platform complies with the provisions of these standards.

Council of ministers Resolution No. 19, dated 14/1/1394 AH regarding the Implementation of Council of ministers Resolution No. (1492) dated 29/12/1392 AH on specifying of lease of properties

Council of Ministers, in implementing Council of ministers Resolution No. (1492) dated 29/12/1392 AH, on specifying of lease of properties, shall follow the following instructions:-

Royal Decree Circular Telegram No. 44202 dated 25/9/1438 concerning the approval of the classification used by the General Authority for Statistics in classifying economic activities in the Kingdom as a single approved classification of economic activities

First: The ministries and government bodies related to economic activities approve the classification used by the General Authority for Statistics to classify economic activities in the Kingdom as a single approved classification for economic activities, and work to implement it before 1 / 1 / 2018.

Council of Ministers Decision No. (200) dated 20 / 5 / 1437 H appointing Mr. Taha bin Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Quweiz, Mr. Hamid bin Muhammad bin Hamid Fayez, and Mr. Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Othman, members of the specialists in the Board of Directors of the Development Fund Real estate for three years

Council of Ministers Decision No. (200) dated 20 / 5 / 1437 H appointing Mr. Taha bin Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Quweiz, Mr. Hamid bin Muhammad bin Hamid Fayez, and Mr. Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Othman, members of the specialists in the Board of Directors of the Development Fund Real estate for three years

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (13) dated 4 / 1 / 1441 AH appointing Mr. Ammar bin Abdul Wahid Al-Khudairi, Professor / Mazen bin Abdul Razzaq Al-Rumaih and Professor / Mamdouh bin Saud Al-Sharhan, as members of specialists in the Board of Directors of the Real Estate Development Fund

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (13) dated 4 / 1 / 1441 AH appointing Mr. Ammar bin Abdul Wahid Al-Khudairi, Professor / Mazen bin Abdul Razzaq Al-Rumaih and Professor / Mamdouh bin Saud Al-Sharhan, as members of specialists in the Board of Directors of the Real Estate Development Fund

Letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 9690 dated 19/5/1441 AH regarding the cessation of any procedure related to the sukuk instruments until the issuance of the directive on the second item of the Royal Order No. (A / 218) and the date of 25/3/1441 AH

Letter of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary No. 9690 dated 19/5/1441 AH regarding the cessation of any procedure related to the sukuk instruments until the issuance of the directive on the second item of the Royal Order No. (A / 218) and the date of 25/3/1441 AH

Circular Supreme Order No. (2 / 325) dated 5 / 6 / 1423 H regarding the preservation of government lands and not selling or ceding them to any other party except as required by the instructions

Circular Supreme Order No. (2 / 325) dated 5 / 6 / 1423 H regarding the preservation of government lands and not selling or ceding them to any other party except as required by the instructions

Circular of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1 / 4300952187) dated 2 / 1 / 1444 H on updating the construction licensing services procedures guide

Circular of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1 / 4300952187) dated 2 / 1 / 1444 H on updating the construction licensing services procedures guide

Royal Decree No. (M/130) dated 30/11/1443 H

First: Approving the Real Estate Brokerage Law, in the accompanying form.

Controls and Conditions for Granting the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information a Permit for Hydrographic Survey Work Issued pursuant to the Authority’s Board Decision No. (25) Dated 08/10/1442 AH

Controls and Conditions for Granting the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information a Permit for Hydrographic Survey Work Issued pursuant to the Authority’s Board Decision No. (25) Dated 08/10/1442 AH

Controls and Conditions for Granting the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information a Permit for Panoramic Photography and similar Technologies Issued pursuant to the Authority’s Board Decision No. (25) Dated 8/10/1442 AH

Controls and Conditions for Granting the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information a Permit for Panoramic Photography and similar Technologies Issued pursuant to the Authority’s Board Decision No. (25) Dated 8/10/1442 AH

Royal Decree No. (M / 91) dated 19/09/1443 AH approving Real Estate Registration Law

Royal Decree No. (M / 91) dated 19/09/1443 AH approving Real Estate Registration Law

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (537) dated 18/09/1443 AH approving Real Estate Registration Law

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (537) dated 18/09/1443 AH approving Real Estate Registration Law

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4058 / 430201) dated 28 / 8 / 1443 AH Expropriating Part of the Land Owned according to Title Deed No. (325703000542) dated 30/01/1441 AH located in the Haly in the Makkah Province in Order to Enhance the Reliability of Electricity Network in the Makkah Province

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4058 / 430201) dated 28 / 8 / 1443 AH Expropriating Part of the Land Owned according to Title Deed No. (325703000542) dated 30/01/1441 AH located in the Haly in the Makkah Province in Order to Enhance the Reliability of Electricity Network in the Makkah Province

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4056 / 430201) dated 28 / 8 / 1443 AH Expropriating Part of the two Lands Located in Sabya Governorate in Jazan Region Owned by virtue of two Title Deeds No. (472201002840) dated 21/05/1441 AH and No. (472201002841) dated 21/05/1441 AH In order to Enhance Network Reliability

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4056 / 430201) dated 28 / 8 / 1443 AH Expropriating Part of the two Lands Located in Sabya Governorate in Jazan Region Owned by virtue of two Title Deeds No. (472201002840) dated 21/05/1441 AH and No. (472201002841) dated 21/05/1441 AH In order to Enhance Network Reliability

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4057 / 430201) dated 28/08/1443 AH to Expropriate Part of the Land owned by Title Deed No. (320110006367) dated 08/03/1439 AH located in Makkah Province in order to Enhance the Reliability of Electricity Network in Makkah Province

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4057 / 430201) dated 28/08/1443 AH to Expropriate Part of the Land owned by Title Deed No. (320110006367) dated 08/03/1439 AH located in Makkah Province in order to Enhance the Reliability of Electricity Network in Makkah Province

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4059 / 430201) dated 28/08/ 1443 AH to Expropriate Plots and Parts of Land located in Bariq Governorate in Aseer Province in order to Enhance the Reliability of Electricity Network in Aseer Province

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4059 / 430201) dated 28/08/ 1443 AH to Expropriate Plots and Parts of Land located in Bariq Governorate in Aseer Province in order to Enhance the Reliability of Electricity Network in Aseer Province

Mandatory and Optional Saudi Standards approved at the meeting of the Board of Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization No. (184) held on 28/08/1443 AH corresponding to 31/03/2022 AD

Mandatory and Optional Saudi Standards approved at the meeting of the Board of Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization No. (184) held on 28/08/1443 AH corresponding to 31/03/2022 AD

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4222/ 430201) dated 14 /09/1443 AH to expropriate lands located in Hail Province in order to Enhance the Reliability of the Electrical Network in Hail Province

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4222/ 430201) dated 14 /09/1443 AH to expropriate lands located in Hail Province in order to Enhance the Reliability of the Electrical Network in Hail Province

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4223/430201) dated 14/09/1443 AH to expropriate part of the land owned by Title Deed No. (972001002563) dated 07/06/1440 AH located in Jazan Region in order to Enhance Reliability of the Electrical Network in Jazan Region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (4223/430201) dated 14/09/1443 AH to expropriate part of the land owned by Title Deed No. (972001002563) dated 07/06/1440 AH located in Jazan Region in order to Enhance Reliability of the Electrical Network in Jazan Region

Royal Decree No. (49304) dated 9/8/1443 AH Regarding the Amendment of the Rules and Controls for Considering Applications for Real Estate Ownership

Royal Decree No. (49304) dated 9/8/1443 AH Regarding the Amendment of the Rules and Controls for Considering Applications for Real Estate Ownership

Minister of Energy Decision No. (1521-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H expropriating part of the land No. (5B) of Scheme No. (156) owned by deed No. (742402001847) dated 17/5/1438 H, located at a distance of (140 km) east of Hail at the Al-Ajfar Junction in the Hail region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (1521-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H expropriating part of the land No. (5B) of Scheme No. (156) owned by deed No. (742402001847) dated 17/5/1438 H, located at a distance of (140 km) east of Hail at the Al-Ajfar Junction in the Hail region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1522-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (920107002296) dated 15/1/1435 H, located in the (Abu Maru) neighborhood to the right of the one going to Wadi Fatima in the city of Mecca

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1522-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (920107002296) dated 15/1/1435 H, located in the (Abu Maru) neighborhood to the right of the one going to Wadi Fatima in the city of Mecca

Minister of Energy Decision No. (1523-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by Deed No. (32) dated 19/8/1419 H, located in Al Jadah in Qilwah Governorate in Al Baha Region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (1523-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the plot of land owned by Deed No. (32) dated 19/8/1419 H, located in Al Jadah in Qilwah Governorate in Al Baha Region

Energy Minister Decision No. (1524-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H expropriating the plot of land No. (78) in Scheme No. (1/17/41) owned by Deed No. (620110002722) dated 23/8/1436 H located in the scheme Hamed Al-Sufyani No. (3) in Makkah Al-Mukarramah

Energy Minister Decision No. (1524-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H expropriating the plot of land No. (78) in Scheme No. (1/17/41) owned by Deed No. (620110002722) dated 23/8/1436 H located in the scheme Hamed Al-Sufyani No. (3) in Makkah Al-Mukarramah

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1525-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the privately owned plot located in the Sports Track Project on Prince Muhammad bin Salman Road in Riyadh

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1525-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the privately owned plot located in the Sports Track Project on Prince Muhammad bin Salman Road in Riyadh

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1527-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the plot of land called (Al-Hajar Makhshab) owned by deed No. (971404005896) dated 5/6/1440 H located in the village of Al-Akkas in the city of Abha in the Asir region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1527-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the plot of land called (Al-Hajar Makhshab) owned by deed No. (971404005896) dated 5/6/1440 H located in the village of Al-Akkas in the city of Abha in the Asir region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1528-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the two plots of land owned by virtue of the two deeds No. (44/2/9) dated 17/7/1423 H and No. (71/2/8) dated 22/10/1428 H located north of Buraidah, Al-Qassim region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1528-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H to expropriate part of the two plots of land owned by virtue of the two deeds No. (44/2/9) dated 17/7/1423 H and No. (71/2/8) dated 22/10/1428 H located north of Buraidah, Al-Qassim region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1529-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H expropriating part of the two plots of land located east of Onaizah Governorate in the Qassim region owned by virtue of the two deeds No. (361503002347) dated 9/5/1437 H and No. (361503002349) dated 12 / 5 / 1437 H

Minister of Energy Decision No. (01-1529-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H expropriating part of the two plots of land located east of Onaizah Governorate in the Qassim region owned by virtue of the two deeds No. (361503002347) dated 9/5/1437 H and No. (361503002349) dated 12 / 5 / 1437 H

Energy Minister Decision No. (01-1531-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H expropriating part of the plot of land No. (8) of Scheme No. (B/K/173/Amended) owned by deed No. (372302004472) dated 12 / 1 /1442 H located in the Sayal neighborhood in the Al-Makhwah governorate in the Al-Baha region

Energy Minister Decision No. (01-1531-1443) dated 1/3/1443 H expropriating part of the plot of land No. (8) of Scheme No. (B/K/173/Amended) owned by deed No. (372302004472) dated 12 / 1 /1442 H located in the Sayal neighborhood in the Al-Makhwah governorate in the Al-Baha region

Minister of Commerce Resolution No. (304) dated 08/07/1444 AH Approving the amendment of the Implementing Regulations of the Saudi Building Code Implementation Law

This regulation shall enter into force as of the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Controls of the State Acquisition of Properties Issued pursuant to the Authority’s Board of Directors Decision No. (S/3/16/2022) dated 04/06/1444 AH

These Controls shall be issued by a decision of the Board, shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall enter into force from the date of their publication.

Royal Decree No. (M / 9) dated 18/01/1443 AH

The law shall replace the Contractors Classification Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/18) dated 20/3/1427 AH, all provisions that contradict it shall be repealed.

Royal Decree

This law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and it shall come into force after the lapse of ninety days from the date of its publication.

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (66000) dated 20 / 12 / 1435 H approving the updated Implementing Regulation for the urban zone rules until 1450 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (66000) dated 20 / 12 / 1435 H approving the updated Implementing Regulation for the urban zone rules until 1450 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (03128) dated 6 / 1 / 1441 H amending the updated Implementing Regulation of the urban zone rules until 1450 H issued by Resolution No. (66000) dated 20 / 12 / 1435 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (03128) dated 6 / 1 / 1441 H amending the updated Implementing Regulation of the urban zone rules until 1450 H issued by Resolution No. (66000) dated 20 / 12 / 1435 H

Implementing Regulations of the Real Estate Development Fund Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/47) dated 23/5/1442 H

Implementing Regulations of the Real Estate Development Fund Law

Royal Decree No. (M/83) dated 17/9/1442 H amending the Law of Non-Saudi Ownership and Investment of Real Estate issued by Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 17/4/1421 H

the Law of Non-Saudi Ownership and Investment of Real Estate

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (552) dated 15/9/1442 H amending the Law of Non-Saudi Ownership and Investment of Real Estate issued by Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 17/4/1421 H

the Law of Non-Saudi Ownership and Investment of Real Estate

Rules and Regulations for renting real estate properties by government agencies outside the Kingdom Issued in accordance with the Decision No. (S / 28/ 2023) by the Board of Directors of the Authority on: 16/07//1444 AH, (the second version)

The regulations shall be approved by a decision of the Board of Directors of the Authority, and they shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force from the date of the publication of such

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1659-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating two parts of the agricultural land owned under the instrument No. (720120005030) dated 13/9/1436 H located on Makkah Jeddah Road in Al-Shumaisi in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1659-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1646-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (777701000201) dated 18/1/1441 H located in Al-Hasar, Al-Barak Governorate, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1646-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1647-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (576801000194) dated 6/4/1440 H located in the village of Sola Bouktarch, Bahr Abu Sakaina Center, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1647-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1651-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the agricultural land plot No. (8) from Plan No. (5135) owned under the instrument No. (41696) dated 22/10/1425 H located in the east of the city Tabuk

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1651-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1652-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating plots numbers (2930 - 2931 - 2932 -2933 - 2934 -2935) Plan No. (3020 / H) located in Namar district, Riyadh City

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1652-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1654-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (3729026) dated 23/1/1437 H located in the governorate of Khulais in Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1654-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1655-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating two parts of a plot of land owned by the instrument No. (371408001878) dated 14/10/1439 H located in Alsharaf Alhesn Alasfal in Abha City, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1655-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1656-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the agricultural land owned under the instrument No. (940104022257) dated 18/11/1438 H located in Al-Aqoul District in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah City

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1656-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1658-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (3852902) dated 9/2/1438 H located in the village of Shatifiya in Ahad Al Masarihah governorate in Jizan Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1658-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1661-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land No. (1299) from Plan No. (105) owned under the instrument No. (972204000175) dated 22/5/1434 H located in almahala aljadida neighborhood in Sabya city, in the Jazan Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1661-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1662-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (772201001740) dated 19/11/1439 H located in Sabya governorate in the Jazan Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1662-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1664-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (28-326-7) dated 18/8/1435 H located in Al-Shogna in Sultan City, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1664-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1663-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (281-16) dated 25/1/1418 H located in Baqa governorate in the Hail Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1663-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1638-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the two plots of land owned under the two instruments No. (35274562) dated 10/6/1435 H and No. (35274581) dated 10/6/1435 H located in the village of Ghalbina in Ahad Al Masarihah governorate in Jizan Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1638-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1639-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of residential land part (a) owned under the instrument No. (271402004194) dated 24/8/1436 H located in Razf in the city of Abha, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1639-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1640-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the agricultural land owned under the instrument No. (19) dated 16/2/1415 H located in Umm Al-Jaram Center, Khulais Governorate in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1640-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1645-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating two parts of the plot of land designated for commercial services located to the west of Plot No. (140) of Plan No. (37 / G / T) in Al-Raghama District / 1, Jeddah Governorate In the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1645-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1628-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (575801000429) dated 20/3/1437 H located north of the village Almnazer, Bariq Governorateof in Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1628-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1629-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating parts of the land owned under the instrument No. (38-41) dated 20/10/1421 H located in Wadi Fatimah in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1629-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1630-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (372302001498) dated 28/7/1436 H located in Almachor Balohsph area in Makhwah governorate in Al-Baha Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1630-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1631-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the agricultural land owned under the instrument No. (220205011432) dated 20/3/1435 H located in Dhahban Distric in Jeddah governorate

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1631-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1632-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the agricultural land plot No. (49) and the agricultural land plot No. (50) from Plan No. (1099) owned under the instrument No. (311516001113) dated 3/11/1438 H, located in the Esterahat Al-Nakheel District in Al-Kharj Governorate, in the Riyadh Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1632-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1634-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (873201001224) dated 5/4/1441 H located in the village of Abu Amran in Ahad Al Masarihah governorate in Jazan Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1634-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1636-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (340101001798) dated 25/7/1432 H located in Al-Jissah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1636-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1637-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by the instrument No. (361216806) dated 15/7/1436 H located in the village of Al-Kashira in Ahad Al Masarihah governorate in Jazan Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1637-1442) dated 6/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1648-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (375801001866) dated 10/1/1441 H located in the village of Al-Shaab in Bareq Governorate, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1648-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1649-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (37365020) dated 27/11/1437 H located in Bani Shadan Bani Malik Asir in Abha City, Asir Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1649-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1657-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot No. (2) from Plan No. (823) owned under the instrument No. (201-2) dated 15/3/1417 H located in the Tabuk Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1657-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1660-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned under the instrument No. (372104001087) dated 13/9/1438 H located in the village of Dahlia in the city of Abu Arish in the Jazan Region

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-1660-1442) dated 7/3/1442 H

Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority Decision No. (4/14/M/21) dated 12/10/1442 H regarding the issuance of standards for licensing and classifying electronic real estate platforms

Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority Decision No. (4/14/M/21) dated 12/10/1442 H regarding the issuance of standards for licensing and classifying electronic real estate platforms

Minister of Energy Decision No. (1-6827-1442) dated 19/10/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (773107000223) dated 5/9/1439 H located in the Haqou Qais district in Rijal Almaa Governorate in the Asir region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (1-6827-1442) dated 19/10/1442 H

Minister of Energy Decision No. (1-6826-1442) dated 19/10/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land named Al-Shuraimiya owned by deed No. (961703008012) dated 23/8/1440 H located in the Zulfi Governorate in the Riyadh region

Minister of Energy Decision No. (1-6826-1442) dated 19/10/1442 H

Minister of Commerce Decision No. (00591) dated 19/9/1442 H amending the general requirements list for the appointment of inspection bodies and inspectors for the work of the Saudi Building Code

Minister of Commerce Decision No. (00591) dated 19/9/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-6244-1442) dated 23/9/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land named (Al-Arid’s furniture plot) owned by deed No. (975801000721) dated 23/1/1438 H located in the north of the village of Al-Munizir in Bariq Governorate in the Assir Area

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-6244-1442) dated 23/9/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-5731-1442) dated 6/9/1442 H expropriating part of the two plots of land owned by virtue of the two deeds No. (476303000262) and No. (37630300204) located in the village of Al-Kawamleh in the Jazan Valley Center in Jazan Area

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-5731-1442) dated 6/9/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-6245-1442) dated 23/9/1442 H expropriating part of the two plots of land named (Al Sahm) owned by virtue of the two deeds No. (421502001129) and No. (321502001128) located in Wadi Al-Laith from the southern side of Al-Laith Governorate

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-6245-1442) dated 23/9/1442 H

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-6166-1442) dated 20/9/1442 H regarding the expropriation of part of the plots of land located in Scheme No. (B/K/173/Amended) in the Seyal neighborhood of Al Khawa Governorate

Ministry of Energy Resolution No. (01-6166-1442) dated 20/9/1442 H

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2273) dated 29/6/1442 H implementing the real estate registration system in four real estate areas in Medina

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2273) dated 29/6/1442 H

Minister of Commerce, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization Decision No. (00080) dated 6/3/1443 H approving the amendment of the regulation for classifying violations of the Saudi Building Code issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 26/4/1438 H

Minister of Commerce, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization Decision No. (00080) dated 6/3/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 120 dated 19/04/1433 AH approving the extension of work according to article (1) of the arrangements for handling the obstacles facing the construction sector

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 120 dated 19/04/1433 AH

Circular of His Excellency the Minister of Justice No. 13/T/3948 dated 23/03/1431 AH regarding the expediting discharge of everything purchased for education, health and technology purposes

Circular of His Excellency the Minister of Justice No. (13/T/3948) dated 23/03/1431 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (260), dated: 01/08/1434 AH, approving the arrangements for handling delay or failure of Governmental development and service projects

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (260), dated: 01/08/1434 AH

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (17594) dated 4/4/1440 H regarding the adoption of the Work Rules of the consideration committees and the procedures and reward of their members in violations of the application of the Saudi Building Code

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (17594) dated 4/4/1440 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (120) dated 19 / 4 / 1433 AH was issued approving the extension of applying Paragraph (1) of the arrangements for dealing with obstacles in the contracting sector for a period of three years, starting from the fiscal year 1433 / 1434 AH

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (120) dated 19 / 4 / 1433 AH

The council of ministers resolution no. (231) dated 26/12/1400H, regarding the return to the rule of contracting freedom between lessors and lessees

The council of ministers resolution no. (231) dated 26/12/1400H

Council of Ministers Resolution no. (19) dated 14/1/1394H Regarding the implementation of the Council of Ministers Resolution no. (1492) dated 29/12/1392H Issued concerning the determination of rent in the property

The provisions of the referred to council of ministers resolution, shall apply on whom the rented property’s ownership transfers, by any way of ownership transferring ways.

Royal Decree No. (M/9) dated 18/1/1443 H approving the Contractors Classification Law

Royal Decree No. (M/9) dated 18/1/1443

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (49) dated 16/1/1443 H approving the Contractors Classification Law

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (49) dated 16/1/1443 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (47783) dated 12/10/1439 H regarding the mechanism for implementing Council of Ministers Resolution No. (447) dated 13/7/1438 H regarding approval of controls for amending the use of lands allocated for public utilities in private schemes

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (47783) dated 12/10/1439 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (47783) dated 12/10/1439 H regarding the mechanism for implementing Council of Ministers Resolution No. (447) dated 13/7/1438 H regarding approval of controls for amending the use of lands allocated for public utilities in private schemes

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (47783) dated 12/10/1439 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (417) dated 25/7/1442 H approving the form (supporting a decision for the analysis and provision of housing units in cities and its governance) in the city of Riyadh, the governorate of Jeddah and the metropolis of Dammam

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (417) dated 25/7/1442 H

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (3114/430201) dated 25/5/1443 H expropriating part of the plots of land in order to enhance the reliability of the electrical network in the Qassim region

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (3114/430201) dated 25/5/1443 H

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (3116/430201) dated 25/5/1443 H expropriating part of the two plots of land located in Hillat Al-Ahwas in the Sabya Governorate in the Jazan region, owned by virtue of Instruments No. (372202001762) dated 2/8/1440 H and No. (472203001483) dated 17/8/1440 H

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (3116/430201) dated 25/5/1443 H

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (3115/430201) dated 25/5/1443 H expropriating the lands located in the Hail region in order to enhance the reliability of the electrical network in the region

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (3115/430201) dated 25/5/1443 H

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (86086) dated 22/8/1441 H approving the Regulation of equivalency of university degrees

Ministry of Education Resolution No. (86086) dated 22/8/1441 H approving the Regulation of equivalency of university degrees

Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority Resolution No. (1/15/M/21) dated 7/1/1443 H approving the Controls for analyzing real estate markets

Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority Resolution No. (1/15/M/21) dated 7/1/1443 H approving the Controls for analyzing real estate markets

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (15) dated 2/1/1443 H amending the working mechanism of the Real Estate Contributions Committee issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (48) dated 14/2/1430 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (15) dated 2/1/1443 H amending the working mechanism of the Real Estate Contributions Committee issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (48) dated 14/2/1430 H

Minister of Commerce Resolution No. (00004) dated 8/1/1443 H amending the Implementing Regulations of the Law on Implementation of the Saudi Building Code issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 26/4/1438 H

Minister of Commerce Resolution No. (00004) dated 8/1/1443 H

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2) dated 2/11/1442 H implementing the real estate registration system in the third real estate district in Makkah (Makkah Gate Land)

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2) dated 2/11/1442 H implementing the real estate registration system in the third real estate district in Makkah (Makkah Gate Land)

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2) dated 29/10/1442 H implementing the Real Estate Registration system in four real estate areas in Medina

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2) dated 29/10/1442 H implementing the Real Estate Registration system in four real estate areas in Medina

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (01-7915-1442) dated 5/12/1442 H expropriating parts of the plots of land overlapping with the area of the voltage (132 kV) overhead line, which connects the Al-Hasmah housing station to the Al-Khashel station in the governorate of Uhud Al-Masariha in the Jazan region

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (01-7915-1442) dated 5/12/1442 H

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (01-7914-1442) dated 5/12/1442 H expropriating part of the owned plot of land according to the deed issued by the General Court of tathleeth No. (361355088) dated 25/12/1436 H located to the west of the Al-Madina neighborhood in the Tathleeth Governorate in the Asir region

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (01-7914-1442) dated 5/12/1442 H

Rules regulating real estate brokers who are qualified to market small and medium-sized off-plan projects issued by the Committee for the sale or lease of real estate units off-plan

Rules regulating real estate brokers

Draft Rules regulating off-plan rental licenses issued by a committee for the sale or leasing of off-plan real estate units

Draft Rules regulating off-plan rental licenses

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (01-7913-1442) dated 5/12/1442 H expropriating part of the plot of land owned by deed No. (234002000403) dated 15/6/1441 H located in the Olaya Village Governorate in the Eastern Province

Minister of Energy Resolution No. (01-7913-1442) dated 5/12/1442 H

Royal Decree No. (M/96) dated 29/10/1442 H approving the exclusion of government agencies that rent buildings built on investment projects from the provision of Article (7) of the Law of State Leasing and Vacating of Property issued by Royal Decree No. (M/61) dated 18/9/1427 H

Royal Decree No. (M/96) dated 29/10/1442 H approving the exclusion of government agencies that rent buildings built on investment projects from the provision of Article (7) of the Law of State Leasing and Vacating of Property issued by Royal Decree No. (M/61) dated 18/9/1427 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (637) dated 27/10/1442 H approving the exclusion of government agencies that rent buildings built on investment projects from the provision of Article (7) of the Law of State Leasing and Vacating of Property issued by Royal Decree No. (M/61) dated 18/9/1427 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (637) dated 27/10/1442 H approving the exclusion of government agencies that rent buildings built on investment projects from the provision of Article (7) of the Law of State Leasing and Vacating of Property issued by Royal Decree No. (M/61) dated 18/9/1427 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (69) dated 23/1/1443 H amending the Statute of the General Real Estate Authority issued by Resolution No. (239) dated 25/4/1438 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (69) dated 23/1/1443 H

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. (881) dated 23/12/1444 H

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. (881) dated 23/12/1444 H

Royal Decree No. (M/203) dated 28/12/1444 H

First: Approval of the Law of Real Estate Shareholdings, in the attached format.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 447 dated 13-7-1438h on the approval of the amendments to the use of land allocated to public utilities in the special schemes

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 447 dated 13-7-1438h

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (4200889695/1) dated 3/1/1443 H amending the Implementing Regulations for Real Estate Offices issued by Resolution No. (1704) dated 16/5/1398 H

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (4200889695/1) dated 3/1/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (69) Dated 23/1/1443 H amending the Statute of the General Real Estate Authority issued by Resolution No. (239) dated 25/4/1438 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (69) Dated 23/1/1443 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (8793) dated 8/9/1427 H specifying the fields and degrees of classification for contractors and the maximum limit for each degree

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (8793) dated 8/9/1427 H

Roads and Buildings Law promulgated on 1/6/1360 H

Roads and Buildings Law promulgated on 1/6/1360 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (1586) dated 8/1/1437 H approving the adoption of building regulations and controls document for AlMedina AlMunawara

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (1586) dated 8/1/1437 H approving the adoption of building regulations and controls document for AlMedina AlMunawara

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority No. (132/Q) dated 24/06/1444 H Approval of the Implementing Regulations of the Real Estate Brokerage Syste

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority No. (132/Q) dated 24/06/1444 H Approval of the Implementing Regulations of the Real Estate Brokerage Syste

Royal Decree No. (M/52) dated 20/8/1427 H approving the Law of Time-Sharing in Tourist Real Estate Properties

Royal Decree No. (M/52) dated 20/8/1427 H approving the Law of Time-Sharing in Tourist Real Estate Properties

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (333) dated 12/11/1429 H approving the determination of the services provided by the Ministry of Tourism and the financial consideration for them

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (333) dated 12/11/1429 H approving the determination of the services provided by the Ministry of Tourism and the financial consideration for them

Letter from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1/4300147837) dated 26/2/1443 H regarding linking the violations recorded on contractors by the classification

Letter from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing No. (1/4300147837) dated 26/2/1443 H regarding linking the violations recorded on contractors by the classification

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Roads and Buildings Law issued on 1/6/1360 H

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Roads and Buildings Law issued on 1/6/1360 H

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 11/3/1424 H approving the Law of Eminent Domain and Temporary Taking of Property

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 11/3/1424 H approving the Law of Eminent Domain and Temporary Taking of Property

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1270) dated 12/11/1392 H regarding the rules followed to implement Articles (21) and (23) of the Roads and Buildings Law issued on 1/6/1360 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (1270) dated 12/11/1392 H regarding the rules followed to implement Articles (21) and (23) of the Roads and Buildings Law issued on 1/6/1360 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (113) dated 6/2/1445 H amending Resolution No. (1270) dated 12/11/1392 H regarding the rules followed to implement Articles (21) and (23) of the Roads and Buildings Law issued on 1/6/1360 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (113) dated 6/2/1445 H amending Resolution No. (1270) dated 12/11/1392 H regarding the rules followed to implement Articles (21) and (23) of the Roads and Buildings Law issued on 1/6/1360 H

Resolution of the Board of Directors of the General Real Estate Authority No. (1912) dated 19/05/1445 H Approval of the regulations for real estate consultation and analysis

Resolution of the Board of Directors of the General Real Estate Authority No. (1912) dated 19/05/1445 H Approval of the regulations for real estate consultation and analysis

Guidelines for the Conditions of Collective Housing for Individuals that Must Be Met in the Various Housing Units

1st Issue – October 2021 Vision 2030

Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (44728) dated 16/6/1445 H regarding the designation of the competent authority of the General Real Estate Authority, wherever it is mentioned in the Law on Selling and Leasing Off-Plan Real Estate Projects promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/44) dated 10/3/1445 H.

Telegraphic Circular Royal Order No. (44728) dated 16/6/1445 H regarding the designation of the competent authority of the General Real Estate Authority, wherever it is mentioned in the Law on Selling and Leasing Off-Plan Real Estate Projects promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/44) dated 10/3/1445 H.

Resolution No. (196) dated 4/3/1445 H regarding on Law on Selling and Leasing Off-Plan Real Estate Projects

Resolution No. (196) dated 4/3/1445 H regarding on Law on Selling and Leasing Off-Plan Real Estate Projects

Royal Decree No. (M/44) dated 10/3/1445 H Approving the Law on Selling and Leasing Off-Plan Real Estate Projects

Third: His excellency, the Prime Minister, ministers, and heads of independent relevant agencies, each under their respective jurisdiction, shall implement this Decree.

Royal Decree No. (M/23) dated 11/6/1394 H Approving the Real Estate Development Fund Law

Royal Decree No. (M/23) dated 11/6/1394 H

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (621) dated 24/12/1439 H approving the transfer of the State Properties Authority to a general authority under the name of the State Properties General Authority and approving the organizational arrangements thereof

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (621) dated 24/12/1439 H approving the transfer of the State Properties Authority to a general authority under the name of the State Properties General Authority and approving the organizational arrangements thereof

Regulation for the Management of State Properties Board of Directors Resolution No. (Q/1/18/2023) dated: 10/03/1445 H (Third Edition)

Except for allocation, the disposal of State properties shall be based on the best financial return achievable after conducting the necessary evaluations.

Implementing Regulation for the Real Estate Contributions Law Issued by Decision of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate General Authority No. (Q/M/A/H/2024/T) dated18/7/1445 H

The real estate development project subject to licensing – referred to in Article (1) of the Law – shall be if five or more people participate in it.

Resolution of the Board of Directors of the General Real Estate Authority No. (Q/M/E/H/4/2024/T) dated: 25/08/1445 H Approval of the controls governing the qualification and classification of practitioners of real estate contributions activity

Resolution of the Board of Directors of the General Real Estate Authority No. (Q/M/E/H/4/2024/T) dated: 25/08/1445 H Approval of the controls governing the qualification and classification of practitioners of real estate contributions activity

Royal Decree No. (M/142) Dated: 01/08/1445 H

Royal Decree No.(M/142) Dated: 01/08/1445 H

Council of ministers Resolution No. (123) dated 21/2/1443 H amending the approved resident’s law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 9/7/1433 H and the regulation of the Saudi Geological Survey issued by Resolution No. (115) dated 16/7 / 1420 H and the regulation of the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information issued by Resolution No. (90) dated 5/2/1442 H and Council of ministers Resolution No. (143) dated 10/3/1439 H

Resolution No. (90) dated 5/2/1442 H and Council of ministers Resolution No. (143) dated 10/3/1439 H to establish a committee in the name of the Permanent Committee for the Protection of the Environment of Coastal Areas

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (135) dated 28/2/1443 H Regarding the Extension of the Easy Mortgage Program for a Period of Three Years

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (135) dated 28/2/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (139) dated 28/2/1443 H Amending the Rules Governing the Work of the National Committee for Geographical Names Issued by Resolution No. (318) dated 18/6/1439 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (139) dated 28/2/1443 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (82) dated 05/03/1435 H approving Housing Subsidy Statute

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (82) dated 05/03/1435 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (74) dated 30/01/1438 H Amending the Housing Subsidy Statute issued by Council of Minister Resolution No. (82) date 5/3/1435 H

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (74) dated 30/01/1438 H

Ministry of Housing Resolution No. (1969) date 3/2/1438 H amending the implement regulations for regulating housing support issued by Resolution No. (4326) date 3/8/1435 H - The amended Regulation has been repealed

Ministry of Housing Resolution No. (1969) date 3/2/1438 H

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/ 4400821908) dated 23/11/1444 H Amending the Implement Regulations Governing Housing Subsidy Issued by Resolution No. (82) dated 5/3/1435 H

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (1/ 4400821908) dated 23/11/1444 H

Minister of Housing Resolution No. (168) dated 22/10/1441 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Law of Ownership, Subdivision, and Management of Real Estate Units Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/85) dated 2/7/1441 H

Minister of Housing Resolution No. (168) dated 22/10/1441 H

Decision No. (1/23/M/23) dated 01/12/1444 H Approving the Implementing Regulation for Real estate Auctions

Decision No. (1/23/M/23) dated 01/12/1444 H

Implementing Regulation of the Law of Off-Plan Sale and Lease Real Estate General Authority's Board of Directors Decision No. (Q / M / A / H / 8 / 2024 / H) dated 20/ 10/ 1445 H

It was previously published on the official website of Umm Al-Qura Gazette on 2/ 11/ 1445 H…therefore, it is noteworthy.

General Real Estate Authority Decision No. (1/20/T/22) dated 27/1/1444 H Regarding the Approval of the Implementing Regulations for the Real Estate Registration Law Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/91) dated 19/9/1443 H

General Real Estate Authority Decision No. (1/20/T/22) dated 27/1/1444 H

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (1586) dated 8/1/1437 H Approving the Adoption of the Building Regulations and Controls Document for Medina

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (1586) dated 8/1/1437 H

State Properties General Authority Decision No. (1/1/3/1) dated 5/11/1440 H Approved by Awards and Nominations Committee Decision No. (Q/2/2/2019) dated 8/4/1441 H Issuing the Administrative Regulations for the State Properties General Authority

State Properties General Authority Decision No. (1/1/3/1) dated 5/11/1440 H