The Text of the Human Rights Commission Law A commission shall be instated by virtue of this law, to be termed (the Human Rights Commission), |
Rules of Pleadings & Procedures Before the Grievance Board The Administrative Suit shall be instituted by an application made by the Claimant to the head or his representative of the Grievance Board |
The Text of the Law of Procedures Before the Shari’a Courts Courts shall apply to cases before them the provisions of Shari’a laws according to the denotation of the Quran and Sunnah and laws promulgated by the ruler which do not contradict the Quran and Sunnah, |
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Date of signature: 10/12/1984
Date of entry into force: 26/07/1987
Saudi Arabia Accepted the Convention on 23/09/1997 |
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Date of signature: 09/12/1948
Date of entry into force: 12/01/1951
Saudi Arabia Accepted the Convention on 13/07/1950 |
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Date of signature: 07/03/1966
Date of entry into force: 04/01/1969
Saudi Arabia Accepted the Convention on 23/09/1997 |
Convention on the Rights of the Child Date of signature: 20/11/1989
Date of entry into force: 02/09/1990
Saudi Arabia Accepted the Convention on 26/01/1996 |
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Date of signature: 18/12/1979
Date of entry into force: 03/09/1981
Saudi Arabia Signed and Ratified the Convention on 07/09/2000 |
Human Rights based on The Constitution of Saudi Arabia The state shall protect Islamic creed and implement Shari'a, enjoin commendable and forbid reprehensible and undertake the duty of Da'wa (call). |
Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the Human Rights Commission Law After reviewing the transaction No B/16554 dated 1/5/1426H, incoming from the Council Presidency Chamber, inclusive of the... |
The Text of the Human Rights Commission Law A commission shall be instated by virtue of this law, to be termed (the Human Rights Commission), which... |
Decision of the Council of Minister No. 140 dated 13/8/1409H regarding the approval of the by-law for investigation authority and general prosecution. Decision of the Council of Minister No. 140 dated 13/8/1409H regarding the approval of the by-law for investigation authority and general prosecution. |
First and Second Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report in accordance to The Convention to prohibit all sorts of segregation against women First and Second Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Report in accordance to The Convention to prohibit all sorts of segregation against women |
Ministry of Interior statement issued in 1411 H Regarding that Woman may not drive a car Under translation |
Letter No R/4362/5 dated 24/4/1416H regarding the approval of the participation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Convention of the Child Rights instigate by the General Assembly of the United Nations Letter No R/4362/5 dated 24/4/1416H regarding the approval of the participation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Convention of the Child Rights instigate by the General Assembly of the United Nations |
Royal Decree No 7/M dated 16/4/1416 regarding the approval of the participation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Convention of the Child Rights instigate by the General Assembly of the United Nations Royal Decree No 7/M dated 16/4/1416 regarding the approval of the participation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Convention of the Child Rights instigate by the General Assembly of the United Nations |
The First and Second report of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in accordance to Convention to abolish all sorts of discrimination against women The First and Second report of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in accordance to Convention to abolish all sorts of discrimination against women |
Royal Decree No 25 dated 28/8/1421H- 28/5/2000 regarding the approval of the Convention to abolish all sorts of discrimination against women Royal Decree No 25 dated 28/8/1421H- 28/5/2000 regarding the approval of the Convention to abolish all sorts of discrimination against women |
Circular No. (33322) dated 21/07/1438 H on the non-obligation of women to obtain parental consent when providing services to them or to achieve the procedures concerning them under translation |
Ministry of Education Circular No. (37/3/1/623) dated 11/10/1428 H on the Program Regarding the Reducing of Child Abuse Under translation |
Royal Decree No.(M / 55) dated 2/9/1437 H regarding the approval of the Statute of the Arab Court of Human Rights Royal Decree No.(M / 55) dated 2/9/1437 H regarding the approval of the Statute of the Arab Court of Human Rights |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (662) dated 24/10/1441 H approving the tasks related to human rights assigned to legal departments in government agencies under translation |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (493) dated 24/8/1442 H approving the national policy and the national action plan to prevent child labor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under translation |
Telegraphic Royal Court Circular No. (42509) dated 27/7/1442 H Regarding the Government Agencies Concerned with Implementing Council of Ministers Resolution No. (662) dated 24/10/1441 H Approving the Human Rights-Related Tasks Assigned to Legal Departments in Government Agencies -- |
Resolution No. (691) dated 17/08/1445 H Approving two Regulatory Regulations for the non-Governmental and Vocational Social Facilities and Programs for persons with disabilities First: Approving the Regulatory Regulation for the non-governmental social facilities for persons with disabilities and the regulatory regulation for the social and vocational programs for persons with disabilities, as per the attached form. |
Regulatory Regulation for Non-Governmental Social Facilities for Persons with Disabilities Issued by Resolution No. (691) dated 17/08/1445 H The Regulation shall be enforceable within (one hundred and eighty) days from the date of publishing such in the Official Gazette. |
Regulatory Regulation for Social and Vocational Programs for People with Disabilities Issued by Resolution No. (691) dated 17/08/1445 H Article 40:
The Regulation shall be implemented after (one hundred and eighty) days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. |
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development Resolution No. (216486) dated 8/12/1443 H Adopting the Guideline for the Methodology of Assessing Occupational Safety and Health Risks to Determine Suitable Professions for Children Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development Resolution No. (216486) dated 8/12/1443 H |
Implementing Regulation of the Child Protection Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/14) dated 3-2-1436 1- The Minister shall issue any special detailed rules, controls or operational mechanisms related to the implementation of this Regulation or any of its Articles.
2- The Competent Agency in the Ministry shall review and evaluate the implementation of the provisions hereof periodically or whenever necessary.
3- This regulation shall replace the Implementing Regulation of the Child Protection Law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (56386) dated 16/6/1436 H. |
Resolution According to the Latest Amendment – Council of Ministers Resolution No. (207) dated 8/8/1426 H Approving the Organization of Human Rights Authority -- |