Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Resolution No. (250) Dated 7/4/1444 H Amendment to Article 1 of the Practice of Engineering Professions Regulating Law Replacing the phrase “Ministry: Ministry of Commerce” with the phrase “Ministry: Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs & Housing |
Royal Decree No. (M / 66) Dated 15/7/1443 H On Approving the amendments to the Code of Legal Practice Consultations related to non-Saudi regulations that are provided through a lawyer licensed to provide legal advice related to them. |
Resolution No. (386) dated 14/07/1443 H Approving amendment of the Code of Legal Practice Rectifying their statuses with foreign law firms which have been linked into cooperation agreements or their equivalents, in accordance with the amendment of provisions to the Code of Legal Practice |
Regulations of the Legal Clinic issued by Saudi Bar Association on 30/5/1443 H Corresponding to 3/1/2022 under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (000308) dated 21/3/2021 regarding the adoption of updates to the International Standard for Related Services 4400 (Amended) Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (000308) dated 21/3/2021 regarding the adoption of updates to the International Standard for Related Services 4400 (Amended) |
Control and inspection rules for the engineering profession practice law issued by the Saudi Council of Engineers Board Decision No. 8/8/6/40 dated 11/3/2019 Control and inspection rules for the engineering profession practice law issued by the Saudi Council of Engineers Board Decision No. 8/8/6/40 dated 11/3/2019 |
Circular No. (20005/2018) dated 21/5/2018 on the Approval of the Adoption of the Requirements of the Rules, Ethics, and Conduct of the International profession issued by the Council of Standards of Ethics and Conduct of the trade for professional accountants." Under translation |
Circular No. (20455/2018) dated 18/4/2018 on the "Performance Quality Control Program and the Approved Periodic Examination Manual" under translation |
Royal Decree No. M / 43 dated 09/07/1433 approving the residents accredited UNDER TRANSLATION |
Ministry of Commerce Resolution No 346 dated 1/9/1397H Regularizing the Profession of Translation The Ministry of commerce shall prepare a logbook to register the translators..... |
Royal Decree Imposing Moa'gib License Issuance Fees Based on article (70) OF the Basic Law of Governance (Kingdom Constitution) issued by Royal Order No... |
The Text of the Organizational Regulation for Practicing the Profession of Expediting Transactions at Government Organs The words hereunder shall indicate – wherever they fall in this Regulation – the... |
Ministerial Decision No. (4649) Dated 8/6/1423H approving The Implementing Regulations of Code of Legal Practice issued by the Royal Decree No (M/38) dated 28/07/1422H Legal profession in this Law means representation of third parties before the courts, board of grievance and panels formed under Laws |
The Code of Law Practice Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/38) 28/7/1422 H A lawyer shall practice the profession in accordance with the Shari'ah and laws in force. He shall refrain from any act that compromises the dignity of the profession and shall comply with the relevant rules and instructions. |
Vocational health and safety guide. Vocational health and safety guide. |
Decision of Saudi Engineers authority board No. 26/1/6/2 dated 28/1/1426H regarding the approval of the rules and tickets of Engineering profession practice Decision of Saudi Engineers authority board No. 26/1/6/2 dated 28/1/1426H regarding the approval of the rules and tickets of Engineering profession practice |
Decision No. 11337 dated 4/12/1426H regarding the approval of rules of giving license to Engineering companies and offices Decision No. 11337 dated 4/12/1426H regarding the approval of rules of giving license to Engineering companies and offices |
Decision of Council of Ministers No. 7 dated 8/1/1430H regarding developing a mechanism to classify Engineering consultant offices. Decision of Council of Ministers No. 7 dated 8/1/1430H regarding developing a mechanism to classify Engineering consultant offices. |
Ministerial Decision No. 1 dated 5/9/1431H for the formation of Saudi Engineers authority board Ministerial Decision No. 1 dated 5/9/1431H for the formation of Saudi Engineers authority board |
Executive by-law for Saudi Engineers authority regulation issued by the royal Decree No. M/36 dated 26/9/1423H. Executive by-law for Saudi Engineers authority regulation issued by the royal Decree No. M/36 dated 26/9/1423H. |
Royal Decree No. M/60 dated 28/12/1425H regarding the approval of amending article 6 of Saudi Engineers authority regulation Royal Decree No. M/60 dated 28/12/1425H regarding the approval of amending article 6 of Saudi Engineers authority regulation |
Decision of Council of Ministers No. 226 dated 13/9/1423H regarding the approval of Saudi Engineers authority regulation. Decision of Council of Ministers No. 226 dated 13/9/1423H regarding the approval of Saudi Engineers authority regulation. |
Royal Decree No. M/36 dated 26/9/1423H regarding the approval of Saudi Engineers authority regulation Royal Decree No. M/36 dated 26/9/1423H regarding the approval of Saudi Engineers authority regulation |
Decision of the Saudi Engineers authority board No. 26/1 /6/2 dated 28/1/1426H regarding the approval of the rules and ethics of Engneering profession practice. Decision of the Saudi Engineers authority board No. 26/1 /6/2 dated 28/1/1426H regarding the approval of the rules and ethics of Engneering profession practice. |
Decision of the Saudi Engineers authority board No. (26/1 /6/2) dated 28/1/1426 H regarding the approval of the rules and ethics of Engneering profession practice. Decision of the Saudi Engineers authority board No. (26/1 /6/2) dated 28/1/1426 H regarding the approval of the rules and ethics of Engneering profession practice. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (199) Regarding the Approval of the Legal Profession Regulation -- |
Ministerial Decision No. (4649) regarding the approval of The Executive by law of Legal profession regulation Ministerial Decision No. (4649) regarding the approval of The Executive by law of Legal profession regulation |
Royal Decree No. (38/M) regarding the approval of the Legal profession Regulation Royal Decree No. (38/M) regarding the approval of the Legal profession Regulation |
Regulation Statement of Saudi consultant doctors off the official working hours Regulation Statement of Saudi consultant doctors off the official working hours |
Minister of Health Resolution No. (12/1/39644) dated 14/5/1427 H Regarding the Approval of the Executive Charter to Practicing Health Services Under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (276) Regarding the Approval of the Regulation to practicing Health Services -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (223) dated 18/4/1438 H Approving the Regulation for the Practice of Engineering Professions Approving the Regulation for the Practice of Engineering Professions. |
Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13-T -7274 dated 15/7/1439 H concerning the Ministry of Justice Decree No. 2511 dated 5/7/1439 H about the addition of an article to the Implementing regulations of the legal practice code, to be numbered 3/22 Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13-T- 7274 dated 15/7/1439 H concerning the Ministry of Justice Decree No. 2511 dated 5/7/1439 H about the addition of an article to the Implementing regulations of the legal practice code, to be numbered 3/22 |
Decision No. (2511) dated 5/7/1439 H This Decision shall be communicated to whoever is required to implement it and act accordingly. |
Regulations of the approved residents' system "Real Estate Evaluation Branch" issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment Decree No. 6039 dated 2/2/1439 regarding approval of the amendment of the Implementing regulations of the approved residents system "Real Estate Evaluation Branch - Evaluation of Economic Establishments" Regulations of the approved residents' system "Real Estate Evaluation Branch" issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment Decree No. 6039 dated 2/2/1439 regarding approval of the amendment of the Implementing regulations of the approved residents system "Real Estate Evaluation Branch - Evaluation of Economic Establishments" |
Operational rules for engineering groups Operational rules for engineering groups |
Decision No. (6622) dated 9/9/1438 H This Decision shall be communicated to the competent authorities and to whoever is required to approve the work according thereto as of its date. |
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (30477) dated 20/12/1438 H about the Confirmation of the Classification Mechanism of Companies and Engineering Consulting Offices Under translation |
President of the General Court of Riyadh - Internal Circular No. (554386/39) dated 9/2/1439 H on Addressing the Saudi Lawyers Association Directly without writing to the Expert Section Regarding the Estimation of Attorney's fees Under translation |
Circular No. (2017/17729) dated 3/5/1438 H on the Approval of the Consideration of the Diploma Holders in the Accounting of the Saudization Rates Determined by the Accounting Offices by no More than 30% of the Percentage Determined by the Accounting Office -- |
Circular No. (18815) dated 1/11/1438 H on the updating of the Accounting Standards Accreditation Document dated 1/11/1438 H about the Modernization of the Accounting Standards Adoption Document under translation |
Circular No. (18812) dated 29/10/1438 H on the Service of Verifying the Identity of Employees -- |
Circular No. (18813) dated 29/10/1438 H on the Proportion of Saudi Professional Staff in Accounting Offices -- |
Circular dated 3/11/1438 H on the necessity of filing the financial statements, audited in the electronic filing program "QAWAEM", without delay Circular dated 3/11/1438 H on the necessity of filing the financial statements, audited in the electronic filing program "QAWAEM", without delay |
Circular No. 18766 dated 23/10/1438 on vacant or training opportunities for national women cadres Circular No. 18766 dated 23/10/1438 on vacant or training opportunities for national women cadres |
Circular No. 18796/2017 dated 26/10/1438 on the submission of annual data for the fiscal year 2016 Circular No. 18796/2017 dated 26/10/1438 on the submission of annual data for the fiscal year 2016 |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. 18497/2017 dated 8/8/1438 on amending Rule No. 506 of the Code of Conduct and Ethics of the Profession Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. 18497/2017 dated 8/8/1438 on amending Rule No. 506 of the Code of Conduct and Ethics of the Profession |
Circular No. 3501000/229/1249 dated 14/11 / 1438H on the reiteration regarding all engineering consulting companies and offices to expedite the necessary progress to gain a classification Circular No. 3501000/229/1249 dated 14/11 / 1438H on the reiteration regarding all engineering consulting companies and offices to expedite the necessary progress to gain a classification |
The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/7210) of 2/6/1439 H on approving the mechanism for the use of a state-funded lawyer for a person accused of dire offences The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/7210) of 2/6/1439 H on approving the mechanism for the use of a state-funded lawyer for a person accused of dire offences |
The Ministry of Justice resolution No. (1529) of 6/5/1439 H on approving the mechanism for the use of a state-funded lawyer for a person accused of dire offences The Ministry of Justice resolution No. (1529) of 6/5/1439 H on approving the mechanism for the use of a state-funded lawyer for a person accused of dire offences |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 2189/159/35100 dated 21/9/1429 H on the decision of the Minister of Commerce and Industry No. (20064) dated 12/8/1429 H regarding the approval of the holder of a license to practice the profession of accounting and auditing issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular No. 2189/159/35100 dated 21/9/1429 H on the decision of the Minister of Commerce and Industry No. (20064) dated 12/8/1429 H regarding the approval of the holder of a license to practice the profession of accounting and auditing issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry |
Ministerial Decree No. 6039 dated 2/2/1439 on the amendment of the "Implementing Regulations of the Approved Residents System" - Real Estate Evaluation Branch - Evaluation of Economic Establishments Ministerial Decree No. 6039 dated 2/2/1439 on the amendment of the "Implementing Regulations of the Approved Residents System" - Real Estate Evaluation Branch - Evaluation of Economic Establishments |
Ministerial Resolution No. (28622) dated 14/12/1438 H on the Implementing Regulations for the Approved Residents System" - Vehicles Accident Damage Assessment Branch -- |
Circular No. 20011/2018 dated 21/5/1439 on the provision of the authority through the program of electronic filing of the program of quality control performance within a period of not more than 90 days Circular No. 20011/2018 dated 21/5/1439 on the provision of the authority through the program of electronic filing of the program of quality control performance within a period of not more than 90 days |
Circular No. 20345/2018 dated 4/7 / 1439H on the draft of "the accounting and auditing profession system" Circular No. 20345/2018 dated 4/7 / 1439H on the draft of "the accounting and auditing profession system" |
Minister of Health Decree No. 4080489 dated on 2-1-1439H about approving the Implementing regulations of the system of practising health-related professions Minister of Health Decree No. 4080489 dated on 2-1-1439H about approving the Implementing regulations of the system of practising health-related professions |
Legal Clinic Regulation First Edition 2018 Legal Clinic Regulation First Edition 2018 |
Decision No. (2040) dated 13/6/1439 H Minister of Justice Decree No. 2040 dated on 13/6/1439 AH about amending the executive ordinances of the legal practice. regulation |
The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/6711) dated 2/6/1438 H, on considering the Saudi Bar Association as an expert body that assesses the fees that the courts hear in disputes between lawyers and their clients The Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/T/6711) dated 2/6/1438 H, on considering the Saudi Bar Association as an expert body that assesses the fees that the courts hear in disputes between lawyers and their clients |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (6204/2014) dated 9/4/1436 H on Ministerial Resolution No. 179 dated 24/2/1436 H about the amendment of the Implementing Statute for the Regulation of The Chartered Accountants The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (6204/2014) dated 9/4/1436 H on Ministerial Resolution No. 179 dated 24/2/1436 H about the amendment of the Implementing Statute for the Regulation of The Chartered Accountants |
Circular No. 3501000/361/2041 dated 14/3 / 1438H on the "postponement of the requirement to classify companies and engineering consulting offices in order to enter the government competition until the formation of a sufficient segment of consultants to meet the needs of the market" Circular No. 3501000/361/2041 dated 14/3 / 1438H on the "postponement of the requirement to classify companies and engineering consulting offices in order to enter the government competition until the formation of a sufficient segment of consultants to meet the needs of the market" |
Minister of Trade and Investment Decree No. (38315) dated 12/7/1439 H Regarding the Issuance of the Ordinances about the Regulation for the Practice of Engineering Professions. Under translation |
Ministry of Labor and Social Development Resolution No. (99439) dated 15/5/1439 H Regarding Freelancers under translation |
Circular No. (18558/2017) dated 20/8/1438 H on stimulating offices to use automated audit programs under translation |
The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. 19539/2017 dated 18/3/1439 on the conformity of standards and opinions in line with international standards regarding small and medium enterprises The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. 19539/2017 dated 18/3/1439 on the conformity of standards and opinions in line with international standards regarding small and medium enterprises |
Circular No. (18497/2017) dated 8/8/1438 H on amending Rule 506 of the Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics Circular No. (18497/2017) dated 8/8/1438 H on amending Rule 506 of the Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics |
The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (18451/2017) dated 4/8/1438 H on the submission of annual financial statements of 2016 The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (18451/2017) dated 4/8/1438 H on the submission of annual financial statements of 2016 |
The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. 18557/2017 dated 26/8/1438 H regarding the auditor's review of the financial statements of the office owned by him The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. 18557/2017 dated 26/8/1438 H regarding the auditor's review of the financial statements of the office owned by him |
Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (19620/2017) dated 3/4/1439 H Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (19620/2017) dated 3/4/1439 H |
The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (19703/2017) dated 8/4/1439 H about the Value-Added Tax -- |
Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (19780/2018) dated 15/4/1439H on the Submission of Annual data Concerning the Fiscal year 2017 -- |
The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants circulating No. 19800/2018 on 20/4/1439 on the payment of the Authority's Subscriptions to affirm the voters' list The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants circulating No. 19800/2018 on 20/4/1439 on the payment of the Authority's Subscriptions to affirm the voters' list |
The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (19922/2018) dated 11/5/1439 H on the standards of Zakat and Tax -- |
The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (18441/2017) dated 1/8/1438 H on how to deal with changes in the age of assets or their utility methods under translation |
The Saudi Authority for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (18253/2017) dated 6/7/1438 H on "The project of the rehabilitation of accounting offices in the Kingdom to participate in the review and auditing of financial institutions such as banks and insurance agencies under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (18141/2017) dated 23/6/1438 H on the Mechanism to Deal with the Fixed Assets that were Consumed on the book -- |
Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular no. 3501000/131/968 dated 24/7/1436 about the no-right for the demand of the professional accreditation for engineers in the event of a final exit during the pilot period for the Engineer Al-Sharqiya Chamber Circular no. 3501000/131/968 dated 24/7/1436 about the no-right for the demand of the professional accreditation for engineers in the event of a final exit during the pilot period for the Engineer |
Decision of the Council of Ministers No. (84) dated on 25 / 3 / 1432 H Approved the organization of the Saudi Association of Internal Auditors Article4:
Membership of the Association is available to any person of a natural nature who applies. The rules of procedure shall specify the types of membership, the terms and conditions thereof, the duties and the rights of the member. |
Royal Decree No. (M / 38) Dated 28/7 /1422 H Article 9:
A lawyer who ceases to practice the profession for a period exceeding one year shall notify the Ministry of Justice in a form to be specified by the implementing regulations of this Code. |
Royal Decree No. (M / 12) dated on 13/5/1412 H Approved the system of certified accountants Approving the system of Chartered Accountants as attached. |
Ministerial decision no. 22718 dated 27/4/1439 concerning Implementing Regulations of the Accredited Evaluators law Machinery and equipment evaluation branch The executive regulations for the evaluation of machines and equipment shall be issued according to the accompanying formula |
Saudi Bar Association Decision Issuing the Rules Governing the Provision and Procedures of Authentication dated 2/2/1439 H under translation |
Circular of Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (22549) dated 16/6/1440 H regarding the submission of financial accounting offices data to the Authority Circular of Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (22549) dated 16/6/1440 H regarding the submission of financial accounting offices data to the Authority |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (473) dated 18/8/1440 H Approving the Continuation of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Organization for Accredited Residents for a Period of Three Years -- |
Circular of the Board of Grievances No. (1/118/X) and the date of 17/4/1427 H Concerning the Need to ask Agents who Plead before the Chambers Departments License to Practice Law and make Sure that it is Restricted to the List of Practicing Lawyers Under translation |
Resolution of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment No. (40393) dated 2/9/1440 H issuing the rules of licensing in the provision of zakat and tax services Resolution of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment No. (40393) dated 2/9/1440 H issuing the rules of licensing in the provision of zakat and tax services |
Royal Decree No. (M / 21) dated 1/3 / 1438 H concerning the continuation of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Commission for Residents accredited by its current members for a period of three years and the addition of a representative of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment to the membership of the Council. Royal Decree No. (M / 21) dated 1/3 / 1438 H concerning the continuation of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Commission for Residents accredited by its current members for a period of three years and the addition of a representative of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment to the membership of the Council. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (348) dated 21/6/1440 H Approving the Extension of the Exception in Paragraph (G) of Article (9) of the Organization of the Saudi Lawyers Organization Issued by Decision No. (317) dated 8/7/1436 H -- |
The list of the judicial aid issued by the decision of the Saudi Council of Lawyers on 8/8/1439 H corresponding to 24/8/2018 The list of the judicial aid issued by the decision of the Saudi Council of Lawyers on 8/8/1439 H corresponding to 24/8/2018 |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (156) dated 28/2/1438 H, continuing the Board of Directors of the Saudi Commission for Accredited evaluators with its current members for a period of three years as stipulated in the law of accredited evaluators issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 43) dated 9/7/1433 H and the addition of a representative to the membership of the Council Council of Ministers Resolution No. (156) dated 28/2/1438 H, continuing the Board of Directors of the Saudi Commission for Accredited evaluators with its current members for a period of three years as stipulated in the law of accredited evaluators issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 43) dated 9/7/1433 H and the addition of a representative to the membership of the Council |
List of the legal community committees issued by the decision of the Saudi Lawyers authority of dated 8/8 /1439 H List of the legal community committees issued by the decision of the Saudi Lawyers authority of dated 8/8/1439 H |
Legal training rules In the legal and legal consultancy sector Article (1)
The trainee
The trainee in this regulation means any person who holds a Bachelor's degree in Sharia's College or a Bachelor of Systems or Master in one of them and wishes to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience to practice the profession of law and legal advice. |
Resolution No. (348) dated 21/6/1440 H Approve the extension of the exemption from the provision of paragraph (g) of Article (9) of the regulation of the Saudi Bar Association Approving the extension of the exemption from the provisions of paragraph (g) of Article (9) of the regulation of the Saudi Bar Association, stipulated in Paragraph (4) of Item (Second) of Cabinet Resolution No. (317) and dated on 8/7/1436 H, and that for the second session of the Authority's Board of Directors. |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (24742/2020) dated 27/5/1441 H regarding a limited amendment to the International Standards on Financial Report No. 7 and No. 9 Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (24742/2020) dated 27/5/1441 H regarding a limited amendment to the International Standards on Financial Report No. 7 and No. 9 |
Circular of the Saudi Organization For chartered accountants No. (24944) dated 2/7/1441 H regarding the necessity of the commitment of accounting offices to submit annual data for 2019 Circular of the Saudi Organization For chartered accountants No. (24944) dated 2/7/1441 H regarding the necessity of the commitment of accounting offices to submit annual data for 2019 |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (24469) dated 13/4/1441 H regarding the first issue of a guide to accounting concepts and standards in the public sector Under Translation |
Ministry of Finance Telegram No. (3211) dated 24/3/1441 H Regarding the Request to Publish a Guide to Accounting Concepts and Standards in the Public Sector -- |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (24613/2020) dated 10/5/1441 H with Clarification from the Accounting Standards Committee on how to Measure the End of Service Gratuity when the Small or Medium Enterprise is Unable to use the Expected Unit of Addition Method without Undue Cost or Effort -- |
Circular of the Ministry of Education No. 31/100 on 18/11/1428 H, approving the controls of assigning educational occupants and mechanisms Circular of the Ministry of Education No. 31/100 on 18/11/1428 H, approving the controls of assigning educational occupants and mechanisms |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (24712/2020) dated 26/5/1441 H Regarding the Adoption of the Updated Financial Reporting Concepts Framework (2018) Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (24712/2020) dated 26/5/1441 H Regarding the Adoption of the Updated Financial Reporting Concepts Framework (2018) |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. 22429 dated 7/6 / 1440H regarding recruitment applications for employees and technicians submitted by the accounting offices to the Authority. Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. 22429 dated 7/6 / 1440H regarding recruitment applications for employees and technicians submitted by the accounting offices to the Authority. |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (22284) dated 21/5/1440 H on the extent of compulsory preparation of companies transforming from a regular to another statutory form of financial statements from the date of transformation Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (22284) dated 21/5/1440 H on the extent of compulsory preparation of companies transforming from a regular to another statutory form of financial statements from the date of transformation |
Ministry of Interior Resolution No. (5683) dated 12/10/1421 H Amending the Organization of the Manufacture, Repair and Reproduction of Keys and Trading in Special Equipment issued by Ministerial Decree No. (3082) dated 23/5/1419 H -- |
Regulations of the Advisory Committee issued by the Saudi Lawyers' Council on 8/8/1439 H corresponding to 24/4/2018 Regulations of the Advisory Committee issued by the Saudi Lawyers' Council on 8/8/1439 H corresponding to 24/4/2018 |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (2019/22339) dated 28/5/1440 H regarding services related to the audit process under translation |
Letter of the Saudi Organization for Certified Chartered Accountants No. 4579 dated 11/4/1435 regarding applying international accounting standards in one batch Letter of the Saudi Organization for Certified Chartered Accountants No. 4579 dated 11/4/1435 regarding applying international accounting standards in one batch |
Letter of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (16216/2016) dated 15/8/1437 H regarding clarification from the Accounting Standards Committee on the use of the option “DEEDED COST” when switching to international standards Letter of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (16216/2016) dated 15/8/1437 H regarding clarification from the Accounting Standards Committee on the use of the option “DEEDED COST” when switching to international standards |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (536) dated 21/8/1441 H to amend the system of accredited residents issued by Royal Decree No. (43) dated 9/7/1433 H under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M/109) dated 22/8/1441 H to amend the law of accredited residents issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 9/7/1433 H under translation |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants dated 24/8/1441 AH regarding authorization to use the electronic signature Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants dated 24/8/1441 AH regarding authorization to use the electronic signature |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants dated 24/8/1441 H regarding authorization to use the electronic signature Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants dated 24/8/1441 H regarding authorization to use the electronic signature |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants dated 27/8/1441 H regarding the application of non-profit establishments to the subjects of the full version of the international financial reporting standards Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants dated 27/8/1441 H regarding the application of non-profit establishments to the subjects of the full version of the international financial reporting standards |
Resolution of the General Administration for Administrative Development No. (4522) on 2/6/1423 H regarding the establishment of the General Administration of Law Resolution of the General Administration for Administrative Development No. (4522) on 2/6/1423 H regarding the establishment of the General Administration of Law |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (17943/2017) dated 30/5/1438 H regarding the implementation of small and medium enterprises for the full version of international standards under translation |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (22760/2019) dated 11/7/1440 H regarding the third circular to provide annual data for the fiscal year 2018 Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (22760/2019) dated 11/7/1440 H regarding the third circular to provide annual data for the fiscal year 2018 |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (7998/2016) dated 5/5/1437 H regarding the Secretary-General’s speech approving a set of international standards under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (17944/2017) dated 30/5/1438 H regarding the relationship between the definition of the Small Enterprise Authority and the application of the standard under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (6407/2015) dated 12/5/1436 H regarding the availability of electronic deduction tax returns through the Zakat and Income Authority portal under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (17961/2017) dated 30/5/1438 H regarding the exaggeration in the value of fees when providing judicial services under translation |
Resolution of the Ministry of Health No. 2278597 dated 3/12/1440 H approving the Implementing regulations of the law of the practice of health professions issued by Royal Decree No. M / 59 dated 4/11/1426 H Resolution of the Ministry of Health No. 2278597 dated 3/12/1440 H approving the Implementing regulations of the law of the practice of health professions issued by Royal Decree No. M / 59 dated 4/11/1426 H |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (22106) dated 3/5/1440 H Regarding the Submission of Annual Data of 2018 -- |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (21945/2018) dated 12/4/1440 H regarding the letter of the Ministry of Trade and Investment No. (15262) dated 6/4/1440 H regarding the guide issued by the network of financial crime enforcement laws for the offices of certified accountants who are licensed to work under translation |
Ministry of Trade and Investment letter No. (15262) dated 6/4/1440 H regarding the guidebook issued by the Financial Crime Enforcement Network for the offices of certified accountants authorized to operate in the Kingdom under translation |
Saudi Bar Association Resolution No. (2010186) dated 6/7/1441 H, forming the Supreme Committee for the Protection of the Legal Profession under translation |
Saudi Council of Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (24921) dated 30/6/1441 H regarding the tasks assigned by the Judges to the chartered accountants under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (22119) dated 7/5/1440 Regarding the Framework of the Appropriate Report for Government Agencies and Non-profit Establishments -- |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (2016/17450) dated 14/3/1438 H regarding the commitment of joint stock companies listed in the financial market when submitting their decisions to be submitted according to the actual percentages of ownership under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Accountants Circular No. (7997/2016) dated 5/5/1437 H regarding developments that have occurred in international standards since the adoption of the transformation plan under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (21115/2018) dated 2/12/1439 H regarding updating the document of accreditation of international accounting standards under translation |
Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (23193/2019) dated 17/9/1440 H regarding the adoption of a number of updates to international standards under translation |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (15574/2016) dated 27/5/1437 H regarding specifying the dates for the implementation of the various facilities for international standards issued by the Secretary-General's letter number 7528 on 16/1/1427 Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (15574/2016) dated 27/5/1437 H regarding specifying the dates for the implementation of the various facilities for international standards issued by the Secretary-General's letter number 7528 on 16/1/1427 |
Letter of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. 7528 on 16/1/1437 regarding setting dates for the implementation of the various facilities for international standards Letter of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. 7528 on 16/1/1437 regarding setting dates for the implementation of the various facilities for international standards |
Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (2980/2012) of 22/12/1434 H regarding the fact that the absent of accounting office employees in establishments whose accounts are audited is not considered a violation of the residence and work regulations Circular of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants No. (2980/2012) on 22/12/1434 H regarding the fact that the absent of accounting office employees in establishments whose accounts are audited is not considered a violation of the residence and work regulations |
Ministry of Interior Letter No. (63218) of 13/9/1418 H considering that the employees of the accounting offices in the establishments that they are auditing are not considered to violate the residence and work regulations if they have regular residency in the name of the accounting office and have an authorization from the accounting office to visit the facility Ministry of Interior Letter No. (63218) of 13/9/1418 H considering that the employees of the accounting offices in the establishments that they are auditing are not considered to violate the residence and work regulations if they have regular residency in the name of the accounting office and have an authorization from the accounting office to visit the facility |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (7996/2016) dated 5/5/1437 H regarding establishments obligated to apply international accounting standards in their full version under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (16093/2016) dated 1/8/1437 H regarding clarification of the Board’s resolution regarding the application of international auditing standards under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Accountants Circular No. (6407/2015) dated 12/5/1436 H regarding the availability of providing an electronic deduction tax returns through the Zakat and Income Authority portal under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (24923) dated 2/7/1441 H Regarding the Program of Controlling Quality of Performance and the Approved Field Examination Guide -- |
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Circular No. (34371) dated 3/7/1440 H regarding the abolition of the requirement of law firms to obtain a commercial registry to practice the activity within the conditions required to issue a municipal license for law firms under translation |
Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Resolution No. (4100489805) dated 30/11/1441 H regarding the approval of the modified engineering consultancy firms and offices classification mechanism under translation |
A list of sponsorship rules issued by the Saudi Bar Association on 26/2/1439 H, corresponding to 15/11/2017 under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (57) dated 20/1/1442 H to amend the Saudi Council of Engineers regulation issued of 1423 H and the Approved Residents Regulation of 1433 H and the Regulation of the Saudi Contractors Authority of 1436 H and the Regulation of the Saudi Society of Internal Auditors of 1432 H and the Regulation of the organization Council of Ministers Resolution No. (57) dated 20/1/1442 H to amend the Saudi Council of Engineers regulation issued of 1423 H and the Approved Residents Regulation of 1433 H and the Regulation of the Saudi Contractors Authority of 1436 H and the Regulation of the Saudi Society of Internal Auditors of 1432 H and the Regulation of the organization |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25294/2020) dated 26/12/1441 regarding extending the period for submitting annual data to accounting and auditing firms and companies of 2019, provided that the deadline for it is 14/3/1442 H corresponding to 31/10/2020 The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25294/2020) dated 26/12/1441 regarding extending the period for submitting annual data to accounting and auditing firms and companies of 2019, provided that the deadline for it is 14/3/1442 H corresponding to 31/10/2020 |
Royal Decree No. (59031) dated 3/11/1441 H regarding the request for approval to exclude chartered accountants and those licensed to provide zakat and tax services from Article (18) of the Lawyer Law regarding pleading before the committees for adjudicating zakat and tax disputes of all degrees under translation |
Letter of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers No. (8985) dated 27/10/1441 H regarding the request for approval to exclude chartered accountants and those licensed to provide zakat and tax services from Article (18) of the Lawyer law regarding pleading before the committees for adjudicating zakat and tax disputes in all degrees under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (743) dated 23/11/1441 H to amend the regulations for practicing the activities of female dressing issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (342) dated 18/8/1435 H under translation |
Executive rules for the controls of practicing female decorating activity 1442 H - 2020 under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25653 / 2020) dated 17 / 3 / 1442 H regarding the approval of consequential amendments to the standards of review, examination, confirmation and related services resulting from updating the international code of conduct and ethics for the profession under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular dated 20 / 2 / 1442 H regarding the approval of the amendments of the International Council on the International Financial Reporting Standard No. 3 under translation |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25648/2020) dated 16/3/1442 H regarding the completion of continuing professional education data of 2019 The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25648/2020) dated 16/3/1442 H regarding the completion of continuing professional education data of 2019 |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25649/2020) dated 16/3/1442 H regarding the extent to which accounting firms employees adhere to the requirements of the continuing professional education program of 2019 The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25649/2020) dated 16/3/1442 H regarding the extent to which accounting firms employees adhere to the requirements of the continuing professional education program of 2019 |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25654/2020) dated 17/3/1442 H regarding the approval of updates to the International Auditing Standard No. (315) under translation |
Regulation of the Saudi Bar Association regarding the membership of the Commission, second edition, 2020 Regulation of the Saudi Bar Association regarding the membership of the Commission, second edition, 2020 |
Sami Telegraph Order No. (17103) dated 26/3/1442 H regarding the appointment of the bodies supervising the Saudi Council of Engineers, the Saudi Authority for Contractors, the Saudi Authority for Accredited Residents and the Saudi Society of Internal Auditors under translation |
Ministry of Health Circular No. (576563) dated 23/3/1442 H regarding the activation of the electronic registration service for health practitioners under translation |
Ministry of Commerce Resolution No. (639) dated 3/12/1441 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Accredited Residents law -- |
Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Residents Resolution No. (1/M/20) dated 3/12/1441 H approving the membership Regulation of the Saudi Residents Authority under translation |
Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Residents Resolution No. (2 / M / 20) dated 3 / 12 / 1441 H approving the general rules for the Saudi Authority for Accredited Residents Fellowship Certificate under translation |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular dated 24/2/1442 H regarding the approval of amendments to the International Accounting Standard No. 16 under translation |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular dated 25/2/1442 H regarding the approval of amendments to International Accounting Standard No. 37 under translation |
Saudi Council of Engineers Circular No. (26643) dated 23/8/1440 H regarding compliance with standards of practice and licensing conditions for engineering offices and companies approved by the Commission under translation |
Saudi Council of Engineers Circular No. (26542) dated 20 / 7 / 1440 H regarding the circular not to renew any license except by providing a valid zakat and income certificate under translation |
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Circular No. (32777 / M A T / 618) dated 7 / 8 / 1428 H regarding the use of secure postal means in the receipt of bank cards (ATM and credit) Under translation |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants circular regarding the adoption of periodic improvements to international standards The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants circular regarding the adoption of periodic improvements to international standards |
Ministry of Commerce Resolution No. (00349) dated 11/4/1442 H approving the rules for organizing liberal professions under translation |
The statute of the Saudi Engineering Arbitration Center and its procedures The statute of the Saudi Engineering Arbitration Center and its procedures |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25863/2020) dated 17/5/1442 H regarding the approval of the amendments of the International Board of Accounting Standards for a number of standards as a result of adopting the issue entitled “Substitution of the reference interest rate, the second phase” under translation |
The Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (25856/2020) dated 16/5/1442 H regarding the approval of the amendment to the International Financial Reporting Standard No. 4 under translation |
Ministry of Commerce Resolution No. (00350) dated 16/4/1442 H to amend Resolution No. (66614) dated 19/11/1436 H regarding the amendment of the resolution to practice the activity of collecting debts on behalf of others issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (397) dated 28/4/1408 H under translation |
The Saudi Authority of Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000002) dated 24/8/1442 H regarding the rules of conduct and ethics for the international profession approved by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Authority No. (4/1) dated 28/5/1442 H under translation |
Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000444) dated 17/9/1442 H regarding the adoption of the bankruptcy and liquidation procedures standards under translation |
Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000443) dated 17/9/1442 H regarding the adoption of updates to International Accounting Standards No. (1) and No. (8) under translation |
Royal Decree No. (M/59) dated 27/7/1442 H approving the law for the accounting and auditing profession Second: His Highness the Deputy Prime Minister, the ministers and heads of relevant independent bodies - each within his jurisdiction - shall implement this decree of ours. |
Council of ministers Resolution No. (65) dated 19 / 3 / 1419 H regarding allowing Saudi consultant physicians working in government health institutions and similar faculty members to work outside official working hours and on official holidays under translation |
Minister of Justice Decision No. (3453) dated 24/12/1442 H Approving the Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers and the Amendment of the Implementing Regulations of the Code of Law Practice First: Approving the Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers in the version attached hereto.
Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Code of Law Practice |
Ministry of Finance Resolution No. (1753) dated 18 / 10 / 1443 H approving the mechanism for determining the remuneration of accredited residents participating in committees for appraising expropriated real estate in the public interest under translation |
Minister of Justice Decision No. (186) dated 25/1/1444 H Approving the Implementing Regulations for Regulating the Licensing of Foreign Law Firms First: Approving the Implementing Regulations for Regulating the Licensing of Foreign Law Firms), in the attached form. |
Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2403) dated 6/9/1443 H Approving the Rules of Control and Filing and Reviewing the Disciplinary Case -- |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (523) dated 11/09/1443 H approving the Regulations Allowing Public Healthcare Practitioners to Work in the Private Health Sector Outside Official Working Hours under translation |
Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants No. (000175) dated 15 / 3 / 1443 H regarding the Amendment of Paragraph (4) of the Total Amendments Clause in the Document Approving the Code of Conduct and Ethics for the International Profession Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants No. (000175) dated 15 / 3 / 1443 H regarding the Amendment of Paragraph (4) of the Total Amendments Clause in the Document Approving the Code of Conduct and Ethics for the International Profession |
Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants Circular No. (000516) dated 13 / 3 / 1443 H regarding the Approval of Amendments to the Updated Auditing Standard No. (220) “Quality Management for the Audit of Financial Statements” Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants Circular No. (000516) dated 13 / 3 / 1443 H regarding the Approval of Amendments to the Updated Auditing Standard No. (220) “Quality Management for the Audit of Financial Statements” |
Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants Circular No. (000172) dated 15 / 6 / 1443 H regarding the approval of the Amendment of the International Council on Financial Reporting Standard No. (17) under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (388) dated 14 / 7 / 1443 H to amend the Law of the Saudi Council of Engineers issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 26 / 9 / 1423 H under translation |
Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants (SOCPA) Circular No. (000573) dated 17/8/1443 H regarding the List of permissible services for the review client at the same time (updated) under translation |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (294) dated 1 / 6 / 1443 H approving the Extension of Exemption from the Provision of Paragraph (g) of Article (Ninth) of the Regulation of Saudi Bar Association issued by Resolution No. (317) dated 8 / 7 / 1436 H for the Third Session of Board of Directors under translation |
Regulations for the Membership in Saudi Bar Association issued by the Authority’s Decision on 30/5/1443 H Corresponding to 3 / 1 / 2022 under translation |
Ministerial Resolution No. (4200856978) dated 17 /12 / 1442 H First: Adopting the classification mechanism for companies and engineering consultancy offices, as amended in the attached wording. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (294) dated 21/8/1431 H Regarding the Classification of Engineering Consulting Companies and Offices The classification shall follow a mechanism established by a committee formed within the Ministry with the participation of representatives from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Saudi Council of Engineers. This mechanism shall be issued by a resolution of the Minister of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing within a period not exceeding two months from the date of the issuance of such resolution. |
Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/8870) dated 27/1/1444 H regarding Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (186) dated 25/1/1444 H Approving the Implementing Regulations for Regulating the Licensing of Foreign Law Firms Circular No. (13/C/8870) dated 27/1/1444 H |
Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000260) dated 10 / 11 / 1442 H regarding the professional performance quality control program for those licensed to provide zakat and tax services and the examination guide for those licensed to provide zakat and tax services Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000260) dated 10 / 11 / 1442 H regarding the professional performance quality control program for those licensed to provide zakat and tax services and the examination guide for those licensed to provide zakat and tax services |
Decision No. (1517) dated 5/5/1439 H This Decision shall be communicated to whoever is required to implement it and act accordingly. |
Ministerial Decision No. (58303) dated 29/12/1434 H This Decision shall be communicated to whoever is required to implement it. |
Ministry of Justice Administrative Circular No. (13/C/7274) dated 15/7/1439 H regarding the Ministry of Justice’s Decision No. (2511) dated 5/7/1439 H amending the Implementing Regulations for the Code of Law Practice issued by Royal Decree No. (M/38) dated 28/7/1422 H Ministry of Justice Administrative Circular |
Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/7247) dated 27/6/1439 H Regulating the Power of Attorney the Power of Attorney |
Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/5274) dated 11/4/1435 H regarding Ministerial Resolution No. (58303) dated 29/12/1434 H amending the Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (4649) dated 8/6/1423 H approving the Implementing Regulations of the Code of Law Practice issued by Royal Decree No. (M/38) dated 28/7/1422 H Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/5274) dated 11/4/1435 H |
The Regulations According to the Latest Amendment - Decision No. (4649) dated 8/6/1423 H First: Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Code of Law Practice attached hereto.
Second: These Regulations shall be notified to the competent authorities and to whoever is required to approve the work according thereto as of its date. |
Minister of Commerce Decision No. (00658) dated 14 / 11 / 1442 H approving the Implementing Regulations of the Accounting and Auditing Profession Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 59) dated 27 / 7 / 1442 H Minister of Commerce Decision No. (00658) dated 14 / 11 / 1442 H |
Rules of Expertise and Advice issued by the Board of Directors of the Saudi Lawyers Authority dated 24/8/1442 H corresponding to 6/4/2021 Rules of Expertise and Advice issued by the Board of Directors of the Saudi Lawyers Authority |
Regulations of Lawyers’ Committees issued by the Saudi Bar Association dated 12/1/1442 H corresponding to 31/8/2020 Regulations of Lawyers’ Committees issued by the Saudi Bar Association |
Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000454) dated 21/9/1442 H regarding the approval of the extension of the International Council for the exemption granted from the application of some requirements of IFRS 16 lease contracts in response to the effects of COVID-19 on tenants Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000454) dated 21/9/1442 H |
Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000442) dated 17/9/1442 H regarding the adoption of a limited amendment to the Accounting Standards Committee’s opinion on presenting the impact of zakat and tax on owners’ rights in the event of a decline among them in bearing zakat and tax expenses in mixed companies Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Circular No. (000442) dated 17/9/1442 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (681) dated 19/11/1442 H amending the Statute of the Saudi Bar Association issued by Resolution No. (317) dated 8/7/1436 H Council of Ministers Resolution No. (681) dated 19/11/1442 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (633) dated 27/10/1442 H repealing Resolution No. (384) dated 28/8/1436 H regarding the scope of the Ministry of Commerce’s supervision of the work of the Saudi Council of Engineers Council of Ministers Resolution No. (633) dated 27/10/1442 H repealing Resolution No. (384) dated 28/8/1436 H regarding the scope of the Ministry of Commerce’s supervision of the work of the Saudi Council of Engineers |
Minister of Justice Resolution No. (3453) dated 24/12/1442 H regarding the approval of the Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers and the amendment of the Implementing Regulations of the Code of Law Practice issued by Resolution No. (4649) dated 8/6/1423 H Minister of Justice Resolution No. (3453) dated 24/12/1442 H |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (223) dated 18/4/1438 H on the Approval of the Regulation for the Practice of Engineering Professions -- |
Membership controls of the Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants Membership controls of the Saudi Organization for Auditors and Accountants |
Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Certified Residents Resolution No. (6/40/M/23) dated 6/1/1445 H approving the professional performance quality monitoring program Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Certified Residents Resolution No. (6/40/M/23) dated 6/1/1445 H approving the professional performance quality monitoring program |
Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Valuation Profession issued by the Board's Decision No. (7/39/M/23) dated 11/9/1444H. Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Valuation Profession issued by the Board's Decision No. (7/39/M/23) dated 11/9/1444H. |
Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers’ Board Decision No. (5/40/M/23) dated 06/01/1445 H Approving the Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Valuation Profession. First: Approval of the Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Valuation Profession, according to the attached draft. |
Resolution of the Minister of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing No. 4/4400942200 dated 26/05/1445 H Issuing the Implementing Regulations for the Law of Practicing Engineering Professions First: Issuing the Implementing Regulations for the Law of Practicing Engineering Professions in the attached format. |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (292) dated 9/4/1445 H Amending Article (51) of the Code of Law Practice Council of Ministers Resolution No. (292) dated 9/4/1445 H |
Royal Decree No. (M/66) dated 15/7/1443 H Amending the Code of Law Practice issued by Royal Decree No. (M/38) dated 28/7/1422 H Royal Decree No. (M/66) dated 15/7/1443 H |
The Code According to the Latest Amendment - The Code of Law Practice Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/38) dated 28/7/1422 H A lawyer shall practice the profession in accordance with the Shari'ah and laws in force. He shall refrain from any act that compromises the dignity of the profession and shall comply with the relevant rules and instructions. |
Royal Decree No. (M/52) dated 14/4/1445 H Amending Article (51) of the Code of Law Practice |
Work of the Engineering Offices and Companies Committee Regulation, issued by the Board of Directors decision of the Saudi Council of Engineers No. (2/10/6/40) of 1440 H / 2019 Work of the Engineering Offices and Companies Committee Regulation, issued by the Board of Directors decision of the Saudi Council of Engineers No. (2/10/6/40) of 1440 H / 2019 |
Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers Decision No. (33) dated 26/2/1443 H Regarding the Rules of Continuing Professional Education Programs Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers Decision No. (33) dated 26/2/1443 H |
The Ministry of Health Resolution Dated 19/3/1440 H Obliging Health Practitioners to Obtain Basic Life Support Courses -- |
Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (21930/2018) Dated 11/4/1440 H Obliging the Principal Members of the Organization Unlicensed to practice the Profession and Anyone who have Passed the Examination of the Organization’s Fellowship and any Technical Employee in the Accounting Office or any other Category with the Requirements of the Continuing Vocational Education Program. Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants Circular No. (21930/2018) Dated 11/4/1440 H Obliging the Principal Members of the Organization Unlicensed to practice the Profession and Anyone who have Passed the Examination of the Organization’s Fellowship and any Technical Employee in the Accounting Office or any other Category with the Requirements of the Continuing Vocational Education Program. |
Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountant Circular Amending IFRS number (16) “Lease Contracts” in response to the effects of Covid-19 on lessees Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountant Circular Amending IFRS number (16) “Lease Contracts” in response to the effects of Covid-19 on lessees |
Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/4526) dated 21/3/1433 H On Assuring Everyone Not to Use the Ministry’s Documents and Publications Except for the Official Purposes Designated Thereto Ministry of Justice Circular No. (13/C/4526) dated 21/3/1433 H |
Administrative and Financial Regulations of the Saudi Bar Association, First Edition 2017 Administrative and Financial Regulations of the Saudi Bar Association, First Edition 2017 |
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (199) dated 14/7/1422 H -- |
Rules for Continuing Professional Education Programs Issued by Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers Resolution No. (33) dated 26/2/1443 H - Repealed by the Rules for Continuing Professional Education Programs Issued by Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers Resolution No. (4/40/M/23) dated 6/1/1445 H Pursuant to Article (8) Thereof Repealed by the Rules for Continuing Professional Education Programs Issued by Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers Resolution No. (4/40/M/23) dated 6/1/1445 H Pursuant to Article (8) Thereof |
Executive Rules for Engineering Divisions Issued by the Saudi Council of Engineers Executive rules for Engineering Divisions |
Decree According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (43) dated 9/7/1433 H Approving the Accredited Valuers Law under translation |
CEO of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers Decision No. (500) dated 4/11/1445 H Approving the Rules Governing the Vehicle Damage Evaluation Branch under translation |
Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers CEO Decision No. (522) dated 18/12/1445 H Approving the Rules Regulating Professional Certificates For the purposes of applying the Rules, the scope of the inspection work shall be limited to what is determined by the Professional Guide, according to each branch of the valuation, and the Authority may place additional restrictions – in the special instructions it issues – regarding the scope of the inspection work, in order to achieve the objectives of the Law, its Implementing Regulations and Rules. |
The Statute According to the Latest Amendment - Council of Ministers Resolution No. (510) dated 23/11/1436 H Approving the Statute of the Saudi Contractors Authority under translation |
Minister of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing Resolution No. (4/44009422004) dated 26/5/1445 H Issuing the Implementing Regulations of the Engineering Professions Practice Law Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 19/4/1438 H UNDER TRANSLATION |
Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 19/4/1438 H Approving the Engineering Professions Practice Law 1. An engineering profession may not be practiced without obtaining a professional certification from the Council, in accordance with this Law and its Regulations. |
Standards for the Practice of Engineering Professions and Licensing Requirements for Engineering Offices and Companies Issued by the General Assembly Decision No. (G 6/15/40) dated 24/7/1440 H and Amended Pursuant to the Board of Directors of the Saudi Council of Engineers Decision No. (6/5/7/43) dated 2/12/2021 under translation |
The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 19/4/1438 H Approving the Engineering Professions Practice Law 1. An engineering profession may not be practiced without obtaining a professional certification from the Council, in accordance with this Law and its Regulations. |
The Law According to the latest amendment - Royal Decree No. (M/14) dated 3/2/1436 H Approving the Child Protection Law under translation |
Bylaws of the of the Engineering Offices and Companies Committee issued by the Board of Directors of the Saudi Council of Engineers Decision No. (2/10/6/40) dated 1440 H / 2019 G under translation |
Implementing Regulation of the Saudi Council of Engineers Law issued by Royal decree No. (M/36) dated 26/9/1423 H By a decision of the Board of Directors based on the recommendation of the General Secretariat, coordination committees may be formed in regions, governorates or cities where no branches were opened for the Council, consisting of volunteers from the members of the Council, in order to facilitate the work of the Council and coordinate its activities in such cities and governorates. |
Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1417) dated 19/4/1444 H Approving the Rules for Mitigating Conflicts of Interest for Former Members of the Judiciary - and those in Equivalent Positions - When Practicing Law under translation |
Minister of Justice Resolution No. (676) dated 19/4/1446 H Approving the Implementing Regulations of the Code of Law Practice Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/38) dated 28/7/1422 H and Amending the Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers Issued by Resolution No. (3453) dated 24/12/1442 H The Lawyers Registration and Admission Committee shall have a secretary appointed by a decision of its Chairman that supervises the Secretariat of the Committee, prepares and records its minutes and decisions, in addition to preparing technically and administratively the works and meetings of the Committee and all works assigned thereto by the Chairman of the Committee within the limits of his jurisdiction. |