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The Text of the Penalty Law of Undur Presumption of Identity of Man Public Authority

The public authority man in the implementation hereof is whoever conceded by law power of executing orders and instructions and seizure...

Royal Decree No. M/46 dated 8/9/1408 regarding the approval of the regulation of penalties for personation of an authority man.

Royal Decree No. M/46 dated 8/9/1408 regarding the approval of the regulation of penalties for personation of an authority man.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 160 dated 5/7/1408 regarding the approval of the regulation of penalties for personation of an authority man.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 160 dated 5/7/1408 regarding the approval of the regulation of penalties for personation of an authority man.

Royal Decree No. (M / 46) dated 8/9/1408 H approving the penal law for impersonating a man of public authority

A man of public authority in the application of the provisions of this law is everyone who the law empowers him with the authority to execute orders and instructions, and to control violations, which fall within his jurisdiction.

Cabinet Resolution No. (160) dated 5/7/1408 H Approving to the Penal Law for Impersonating a Public Authority Figure

First: Approving the Penal Law for Impersonating a Public Authority Figure in the form as attached to this