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Royal Decree concerning the subsidiary penalty

Based on Article (70) of the Fundamental Law of the Rule, issued by the Royal Order No. (90) dated on 27 /08/1412 H, and...

Resolution No. (210) concerning the subsidiary penalty

After reviewing of the formality sent by the Council of Ministers Presidency Court under No. 7/b/18141 dated on...

Royal Decree Concerning Non Abatement of the Consequential Punishment

Based on Article (70) of the Basic Law of Governance (Kingdom Constitution) issued by...

Ministerial Decision concerning Major Crimes that Require Arrest

Based on the powers granted to him by virtue of Article (112) of the Law of Criminal Procedures which...

The Text of the Law of Criminal Procedure

Courts shall apply the provisions of Sharia' Laws to the cases before them according to what is indicated by the Holy Koran...

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 476 dated 13/4/1393H regarding not to consider exception from blood money as a General rule but the general rule should be the responsibility of the criminal of his action.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 476 dated 13/4/1393H regarding not to consider exception from blood money as a General rule but the general rule should be the responsibility of the criminal of his action.

Annual report for financial investigation unit of 2007G

Annual report for financial investigation unit of 2007G

Resolution No. (488) dated 14/9/1439 H approving the Anti-harassment law

Approving the Anti-harassment Law, in the accompanying form. A draft royal decree has been prepared accordingly, in the accompanying form.

Resolution No. (12) dated 8/1/1435 H Approval of the law of criminal procedures

Approving the law of criminal procedures in the form accompanying this, taking into account that its provisions will apply to criminal cases That has not been decided upon and procedures that did not take place before its entry into force

Statement of the Ministry of Interior regarding the formation of a committee whose task it is to prepare a list of extremists religious or intellectual currents or groups and the like as terrorist organizations internally, regionally or internationally.

Statement of the Ministry of Interior regarding the formation of a committee whose task it is to prepare a list of extremists religious or intellectual currents or groups and the like as terrorist organizations internally, regionally or internationally.

Royal Decree No. 43 Date 29 Dhu al-Qi'dah in 1377 AH

Article 2 - Related judicial rulings Every employee who is proven to have committed one of the following crimes, as well as whoever participates or conspires to commit it, whether they are employees or not, shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years or a fine not exceeding twenty thousand riyals.

Linking the circular as relevant in PDF only to Council of ministers Resolution No. 727 dated 16/11/1441 H to amend the Implementing regulations of the Criminal Procedures Law issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. 142 dated 21/3/1436 H

Linking the circular as relevant in PDF only to Council of ministers Resolution No. 727 dated 16/11/1441 H to amend the Implementing regulations of the Criminal Procedures Law issued by Council of ministers Resolution No. 142 dated 21/3/1436 H

Law according to the latest amendment Royal Decree No. (M / 2) dated 1/22/1435 AH

Fourth: This text is in accordance with the latest amendment according to Decree No. (M / 12) dated 16 / 1 / 1440 AH