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Council of Ministers Resolution Approving the National Strategy for the Protection of Probity and Combating Corruption

After reviewing the formality referred from Presidency of the Council of Ministers by Royal order No. 6487/MB dated on...

The text of the National Strategy for the Protection of Probity and Combating Corruption

Thanks should be given to God alone and may God put his peace on our Prophet and on all his companions...

Royal order No. A/181 dated 11-9-1432H regarding the approval of the two financial and functional by-laws for the national authority or corruption combat

Royal order No. A/181 dated 11-9-1432H regarding the approval of the two financial and functional by-laws for the national authority or corruption combat

Telegram No. 38113/B dated 13-9-1432H regarding the approval of the two financial and functional by-laws for the national authority or corruption combat

Telegram No. 38113/B dated 13-9-1432H regarding the approval of the two financial and functional by-laws for the national authority or corruption combat