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Minister of Agriculture Resolution Approving Pastures and Forests Law Implementing Regulations

Based on Article twenty of Pastures and Forests Law approved by the Council of Ministers' resolution No...

Appendix (6)_ Kinds of Violations and the Amount of Pecuniary Fines

Table of Kinds of Violations and the amount of pecuniary fines – water quality...

Appendix (5)_ National Contingency Plan for Combating Marine Pollution by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Emergency Cases

For the purpose of this plan the following definitions are given to the following terms...

Appendix (3)_ Directory for the Procedure of Qualification to Practice Work in Environmental Fields

The competent authority shall receive the letters, applications, or transactions pertaining to...

Appendix (2)_ Bases & Procedures of Evaluating the Environmental Impacts of Industrial & Developmental Projects

The licensing authority shall classify the applied for licensing project according to the industrial and...

Appendix (1)_ Environmental Protection Standards

Based on the Royal Decree No 7/M/8903 on 21/4/1401H which entrusted the mission of ...

The Implementing Regulations of the General Law of Environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The expressions and words hereunder shall have, in the application of this Regulation...

Royal Decree No. (129) on 21/9/1441 H approving a memorandum of scientific and educational cooperation between the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic

under translation

The Implementing regulations for controlling violations and imposing penalties for the environmental law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 165) dated 19/11/1441 H

The Implementing regulations for controlling violations and imposing penalties for the environmental law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 165) dated 19/11/1441 H

The Implementing regulations for logging into the environmental law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 165) dated 19/11/1441 H

The Implementing regulations for logging into the environmental law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 165) dated 19/11/1441 H