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Council of Ministers' Resolution Approving the Law of Wildlife Protected Areas Amendment

After reviewing the transaction of the Council Presidency Chamber No...

Royal Decree Concerning the Approval of the Wildlife Protected Areas

Based on article (70) of the basic Law of governance (Kingdom Constitution), issued by...

The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Wildlife Protected Areas

Terms and expressions set forth in this regulation shall have the meanings stated...

Royal Decree Concerning Amendments to the Law of the Protected Areas of Wildlife

After reviewing the Royal Decree No 67 dated 4/4/l420H, and...

The Text of the Law of Wildlife Protected Areas

This law shall be titled "The Law of wildlife Protected Areas." And shall...

Royal Decree No. (M/6) dated 18/1/1433H Regarding the Approval of the Law of Marine areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Under translation

Council of Ministers No. (58) dated 7/3/1433 H Regarding amending the Formation of Saudi Authority Department for Wildlife menitned in article four of its Regulation


Telegram No. 15995 dated 12-3-1433H regarding amending some articles of the regulation of Saudi wildlife authority.

Telegram No. 15995 dated 12-3-1433H regarding amending some articles of the regulation of Saudi wildlife authority.

The minister of agriculture‟s Decision No. 11200 dated 24/2/1426H. Regarding the approval of on the Implementing regulations of the pasture and forest system

The minister of agriculture‟s Decision No. 11200 dated 24/2/1426H. Regarding the approval of on the Implementing regulations of the pasture and forest system

Decision No. 16/118 dated 23/3/1421H. regarding the approval of on the adoption of the Implementing regulations for the system of the protected area for wildlife.

Decision No. 16/118 dated 23/3/1421H. regarding the approval of on the adoption of the Implementing regulations for the system of the protected area for wildlife.

Royal Decree No. (M/8) dated 16/4/1420 H Regarding the Approval of the System of Hunting the Animals and Wild Birds

Under translation

Royal Order No. A / 197 dated 25/7 / 1438H regarding the appointment of Dr Khalil Bin Musleh Al-Thaqafi as the General Chairman of the General Authority for Meteorology and Environmental Protection under the excellent rank

Royal Order No. A / 197 dated 25/7 / 1438H regarding the appointment of Dr Khalil Bin Musleh Al-Thaqafi as the General Chairman of the General Authority for Meteorology and Environmental Protection under the excellent rank

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (77) dated 2/6/1417 H on the approval of the protected areas that are proposed by the Board of Directors of the National Commission for the Protection and Development of Wildlife

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (77) dated 2/6/1417 H on the approval of the protected areas that are proposed by the Board of Directors of the National Commission for the Protection and Development of Wildlife

Royal Court Telegraphic Circular No. (43224) dated 27/8/1439 H on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (454) dated 22/8/1439 H to approve the national strategy for the environment

under translation

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (143) dated 10/3/1439 H on the Transfer of the Committee, Formed under Royal Decree No. (M/982) dated 15/9/1419 H, to a Standing Committee Called the "Permanent Committee for the Protection of the Environment of Coastal Areas”


The law is in accordance with the latest amendment Royal Decree (M / 66) dated on 19/10/1436 H

Approve the protected area law of wildlife, as the accompanying formula.

Implementing Regulation for Environmental Permits for the Establishment and Operation of Activities for the Environmental Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/165) dated 19 / 11 / 1441 H

Implementing Regulation for Environmental Permits for the Establishment and Operation of Activities for the Environmental Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/165) dated 19 / 11 / 1441 H

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Decision No. (436146 / 1 / 1442) dated 9 / 8 / 1442 H approving the Implementing Regulation of the environmental rehabilitation of degraded sites and the treatment of polluted sites of the environmental system issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 165) dated 19 / 11 / 1441 H

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Decision No. (436146 / 1 / 1442) dated 9 / 8 / 1442 H approving the Implementing Regulation of the environmental rehabilitation of degraded sites and the treatment of polluted sites of the environmental system issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 165) dated 19 / 11 / 1441 H

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Decision No. (393691 / 1 / 1442) dated 13 / 7 / 1442 H approving the Implementing Regulation of environmental inspection and auditing of the environment system issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 165) dated 19 / 11 / 1441 H

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Decision No. (393691 / 1 / 1442) dated 13 / 7 / 1442 H approving the Implementing Regulation of environmental inspection and auditing of the environment system issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 165) dated 19 / 11 / 1441 H

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (25964/1/1443) dated 17/01/1443 H Adopting the Implementing Regulations of the Environment Law for sustainable management of the marine and coastal environment

Scope of Application The provisions of such regulation shall apply to the marine and coastal environment within the territory of the Kingdom, including the internal bodies of water, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone, and the continental shelf.

Implementing Regulations for Trading in Wildlife and Their Products and Derivatives for the Environmental Law issued by Resolution No. (356344/1/1442) dated 26/6/1442 H


Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Resolution No. (240048/1/1444) dated 8/9/1444 H Approving the Implementing Regulations for the Protection of Fungal Organisms and their Products and Derivatives for the Environmental Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/165) dated 19/11/1441 H

First: Adoption of the Executive Regulation for the Protection of Fungal Organisms, their Products, and Derivatives, of the Environment Lawin the attached format.