The National, July 7, 2013
Human trafficking report doesn't give true UAE
picture, says Dr Gargash
Ola Salem
Jul 6, 2013
DUBAI // The UAE has taken great strides towards protecting victims of human
trafficking, says Dr Anwar Gargash.
The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and
head of the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking said a ranking of the
country in a recent US report on the subject was "not a bad place" to be.
The Trafficking in Persons 2013 report said the
UAE was "making significant efforts" but added, "the UAE does not fully comply
with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking".
Dr Gargash said "cultural bias" played a
significant role in the report's findings.
I think there is a certain cultural bias in
terms of who gets the tier one, unfortunately, because the UAE has done a lot
and from my understanding, for many countries in this region it would be very
difficult for them to be in tier one," he said.
"But I don't think that is the reality to be
honest, because I think many of the government reports in many ways are not
current in their follow up."
He also said the report had not relied on
statistics and current facts and gave an example of the report stating the UAE
had no shelter for male victims of trafficking, despite recent announcements
that one would soon be built soon in the capital.
The report also failed to account for updates
passed by the Federal National Council to the 2006 human trafficking law that
provides unprecedented legal rights for victims.
"Our targets are not the US government's
reports," Dr Gargash said.
He said he was more concerned with how the UAE
was viewed by international organisations, which "are more expert in this
"Whether human rights councils or other more
specific organisations, they are very appreciative of the UAE's efforts," said
Dr Gargash.
"Of course they have some comments and I think
what you see with the opening of the male shelter is basically a response to
some of the comments."
Cases involving male victims of trafficking are
quite rare in the UAE, he said.
The US report noted the UAE worked to battle sex
trafficking but failed to recognise labour trafficking cases, which it believed
to be the "largest group of trafficking victims within the country".
"Instead, authorities recognised potential forced
labour cases as labour violations, particularly if potential victims were over
the age of 18 and had entered the country voluntarily," the report read.
Dr Gargash said the report did not take into
account that labour cases were rare and sexual exploitation cases were the most
The report conceded the most recent annual report
from the committee included data on labour cases reported by the Ministry of
Labour, but said they lacked detail.
It recommended that the UAE reform the
sponsorship system, stop employers from holding passports, and increase efforts
to investigate, prosecute and punish labour-trafficking offences, and convict
and punish offenders, including recruitment agents.
Similar recommendations were made in the UN
International Labour Organisation's report, Tricked and Trapped.
"We do not ignore comments, we learn from them,"
said Dr Gargash. "And I think we always have to keep an open mind.
"But I have to say in our national effort our aim
is not to score high points in this report or that report, but to make it clear
to everybody that the UAE will not tolerate this heinous crime, will be tough on
it, and will protect its society and protect its reputation in being an
attractive society for all."
Last year, the Government referred for
prosecution 47 cases involving 149 sex-trafficking suspects. Ninety-one were
convicted. Sentences ranged from a year to life imprisonment.
The US report praised the heavy penalties and the
Government's progress in providing protection to sex-trafficking victims.