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Press Dossier    By Date   23/01/2023 UAE: Can I change the details on Golden Visa to reflect my profession?

Khaleej Times, Monday, Jan 23, 2023 | Rajab 1, 1444

‏UAE: Can I change the details on Golden Visa to reflect my profession?

Emirates: Question: I received a Golden Visa in 2022 under my husband's sponsorship. My occupation listed on the Emirates ID is 'housewife'. I recently got a job and a work permit. Should I update my details on the Golden Visa to reflect my profession? If yes, what's the procedure for the same?

Answer: It is assumed that you are employed by a mainland company and as you are a Golden Visa resident of UAE under the sponsorship of your husband, the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. 1 of 2022 on the Implementation of Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021 Regarding the Regulation of Employment Relations are applicable.

In the UAE, an employer who intends to recruit a golden residency visa holder may obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE).

In the UAE, if a wife is sponsored by her husband and she intends to take up employment, then she needs to provide a no objection certificate (NOC) from her husband to her prospective employer to apply for the work permit with MOHRE. This type of permit is used for residents who are sponsored by their families and employed to work in an establishment registered with the Ministry.

Since your residency status in the UAE is ‘housewife’, you may not be able to change the status of your occupation in the UAE Golden Card (resident ID) from ‘housewife’ to the current profession/designation with your prospective employer.

But if you wish to have a UAE golden card (resident ID) with your profession mentioned on it, then you may opt to cancel the existing golden residency visa sponsored by your husband. Thereafter, if your profession meets the requirements to apply for a golden residency visa based on your designation, experience and salary with the prospective employer you may apply for the same, so that the profession under which you obtain a golden residency visa may be mentioned as your occupation on your UAE golden card (resident ID).

For further clarifications on this matter, you may contact the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs – Dubai if you are a resident of the emirate of Dubai or the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security if you are a resident of any other emirate in the UAE.

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